Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 19, 1892, Image 4

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... .... iinnn rn,
eiuocsnessTliveb complaints, sick he adache, coi ns,
a DISORDERED STOMACH. Vx.,n-ii-pippy8i
T Centn IIAMBVRO TEA is pul p in FiO H H RArPF.BS
Kith Facsimile Signature of EMIL FREtjh.
ncntwfiTnri A p.fi. Anf?NT9. &AN FRAKC'SCO
SOTO KV Alt lKVfiCISTH ASI :f,f)f rRS,
c tin ED DV
Dr. G,F, Webb's
t-lcctrlr r.o!y Rellsand
Atipliautes, ? U.
Froi;ifu Liiioroeis,
Paint nl Mc 11808,
Sominn.1 Wiralcnnsfl,
E(To:t?flf O.iuu.&m.
palpi t.itiun,
Ntvou3 Debility,
Slrlt ilcadiiclio.
In ioinniOt
Hiitiul Disease.
Kidney Conip'ntnta,
Gcnoifil O bilii;,
Lo'.a of Momorv,
Lo'wMot'ir Ataxia,
lipil jpsv, etc., etc.
Inventor and Patontco, United
and Foicljn Countries,
Cani for Catalocues and Teetimoniala.
ScicnMfiij Americaa
Agency for
For liiformftt.lon ard freo Handbook wrlto to
MIJNN 11U..1M ItlloAUWAY, NKW YolltC.
Oldest tiitreau for securing pat"titn In AmerlrA.
Kvery patent taken out by un is lironnlit before
tbe public by a notice given free of charge iu tlia
cf ncutific mct'irau
LnTjrost (Mre.ilfit.1on of nny nclontlflr pnper In the
world. 8plmnlUlly tllUHtrateii. No inlelhirniit
mau Bhoulil bo without It. Werkly. ;(.00
jouri $UH nix nionLbs. AdrtrosB MlINN & CO,
ruiiLmuEUS. 301 Itruiuiwttj. New York.
On Saie
Kansas City, St, Paul,
Stt IotilN,
Leaves Ileppner, S a. m.
UfiO p. m.
I'lillaiuii Nl t'eiicri.,
Coliinlnl Hleeperm,
Reclining Chair Ccars
and Diners.
1. .vl iiiiul to Hun
every (our iluys.
For rateH and noneral infonnation call on
Depot Ticket Aent,
J. C. I .I A.RT,
Ileppner, Oregon.
W. II . lIl'ia.RUKT. Ant. (ienl. 1'flsn. Agt.
rt Washington Kt.,
rilKTl.AND. OltlUJON.
San Pninelsoo
A 'id nil pointft in California, via llio Mt, Hliasta
route of tho
Southern Pacific Co.
The wreat hitfliway through California to all
ixiiidhirtt and South, liriuid tieeuio ltoutu
Of tin l'auilic t'oiist. rullnmn HutTot
Hleepera, 8eeoud-eluH yleepori
F Attached to pxprot-a traino. alTordinn miporior
Hct'(iniimlatH'HM fur Heeoinl-clahM paenKerr..
Kitr rutin, lickclH, ttleepuiK r iori'rutimB,
etc.. cull upon or addieHu
K. KoKlll.KU. Maiuitfcr, K. 1. ROUKIH, Asst.
tien. K. A 1'. A(,'t.. I'ortlaiul. Orcnou.
t'atlle braniletland ear rasrked sssliown sluite.
Horn. V on riuht shoulder.
Mv cattle rane in Morrow nd Umatilla conn.
ties. I will pay IdU.ut1 for the arrest and con-
vieiton of any pers in slisitiatt my stock.
Itar.l .ur" did vou sav? Why, vea,
ut P.O. I'lioinpaou He Co.'aataud,udthe
jilaee tor bargaim.
m i nr.
1 UlUi.lPIIANT !
The Deaf Made to Hear bj Electricity !
lnf ntcd In April, USUI, rslcntcil In June,
jet llluutiaiiilH 1'rorlnini its outlor.
ful and rorfect UcsuUi I
JUJsKS IH'i'iili WOULD 1
Any one. old or yotinir. whoso ear
drum is unbroken cnu be nuiilo to hear
und ronvenw in ordinnry tones, mid be
cured liy Dr. G. K. Webb's Elt'ctrlcul
Apliarutufi lor'rrontliiK Dculni'ss. An
Elcctro-Modli al liody Ilntieiy-willi ap.
Idltinces Invented especlitlly lor treat
lni Deafness and tile diseases WU1C0
liriiduciHl It. Jt ,
Scud M cents for my Electro-Medical
Theory and Practice, describing treats
meat, r.: piiiree. Auuress
B. B, BLISS, General Agt,
A new and Comnlete Trt'iitmont. coiiRlstinir of
BlIIrpOHllciI'ii'H, Oilitlllv'llt ill ('HJiHIlll'M, tllKoltl liux
ana i'imh; h poxttivu (;urc lor hxterunl, lutir
mil, Hlliid or BU-edhiK. Hfhlnu, (Jhronii-, lu-ceni
or Hereditary I'iieH, mid iniuiy other diseuset
and female venkner.H('; it Imiiwuysii L;r'at Ijen
etlt to the Kt'.U'ral henltii. 'I lit; first discovery ol
a medical cure render! hk iiii opertiliini u ltli the
knife uiineceHHary h reitfter. TMh rninedy liat
never Ih-imi known to full. $1 per box, ti for fV.
Bent by mail. Why suiter from thin terrible dis
earn. when a written Kimrnntee l given with t.
boxes, to refund the money if not cured. Send
stamp for free sample. Guarantee iKMied h
Woohakh, Clakkk & Co,, WholcsaltJ tii Ketuil
UrugKibts Bole AguntH, Portland, Ur.
VV dressed Liiniber, Hi miles of llciiiiuur, ai
what Is known as the
10 0i
17 oil
lo.iiti tier l,uou feet, nddltlonul.
, fV I iftmlitotii iviAituir
i A Family Affair
Health for the Baby,
j Pleasure for the Parents,
New Life for the Old Folks.
''is a family affttlr a rooulilttt
of tho lioma A 25 cent
parknge makes 5 gallom of
a delicious, strengtheulng.
efTervesceut beverage.
Ton't be dpcelved If n dffnlpr, for
tho Bukf of inririT lrollt. Lei Im vou
Bonic ot tier kin! In " just UiiKOmt "
'tinfulHP. No Imitfttlou bWKgogd
Twostirrel htirses. Onetif Hiciu brnnrled
"8" ou the right shoulder, likewise ou tht
right Blilh'.
The other wns bniuiled "8" ou tin
right shtmhler, hIho "It." The wei"ht ol
enoh wtiH u bunt lu'iO ponnilB
Auvone returning the siune to m
ranoli t Eight Mile will receive n rewnnl
of iflT). BW tf HVLVANt'S W'UIIIHT
Before Btal'litm en n Journey
A perfoii tiHiiully ilcsireu In onin Rome in
fonnation ii a to I lie most desirable roult
to take, Mini will uiri'linse tirketavia tin
one that will iillord him theiiniekest ami
lit'Ht aervioe Betorn Hltirtiuo on n trip ti
Chioago or any point Kast, you ahoiili!
provide yourself with n map noil tinit
table of the Wisionsin Central lines
Tun trains run on this route are vesti
baled and equipped w ith Pullman's lat
est drawing room sleepers., elegant da)
oonahee mid dining ears of latest design.
built expressly for this service, and are
exquisite in furniahiiigs and eouvenient
anil ootnfortable in arrangement and ao
complete in every detail that they havi
no superior iu comfort und elegance.
The dining cur service is pronounced In
all the must elegant ever inaugurated,
and ia operated iu tho Interest of its pa
Fast trains via the Wisconsin Central
lilies leave Minneapolis daily at 12:40 p.
tu. and G:'J") p. iu., ami St. Paul at 1:311
p. ni. ami 7 :30 p. m., making favorablt
eonnet'lion w ith all trams troin the Weal
and Southwest.
For tieketa, time tables, berth reserva
tions, etc., apply tod. K. McNeill, V. V.
& T. A-. Minneapolis, Minn., or to das.
0. Piinil, geiieral passenger and ticket
agent Chleuo-o 111. 4Kltt
A five yeaijolil registered Clydesdale
atallioti for sale, or will exchange for
n.ares t.r cattle. For further particulars
Call at mv nlwce on Willoor oroelr thrrtn
nniles frmu the mouth, or address me at
Arlingtou, Oregou.
'J 17 James Syi ikes.
New Dukssmak Kit. Miss Letha Par
ker, just from the K St. has opened dress
making parlors ever Mra. W. A John-
stou'a, where she ia prepared to do all
kimls of dreHNtmikiuif in .latent Mylea '
aud at renBonuble rates.
4 tf
Root geer
A Sensible Talk by a Farmer on ft Sub
ject of General Interest.
It used to be the practice to plow the
ground as soon as possible after harvest,
skimming the ground, that is, plowing
as shallow as possible, so the stubble and .
weeds were turned under. Later on, 01
Just before seeding, a second plowing
would be given deeper and more thor-
ough than the first, aud then sufficient
narrowingor dragging would be given
to fine tire soil, it being considered an j
item to have the soil Cno and mellow and
as deep as possible. Gradually a change
was made, aud only one plowing was
given early, but deeper, and then the .
surface, to the depth of three or four j
inches, put in an tine tilth as possible,
leaving the under soil firm, it being con
sidered better to do this than to have the
Boil loose and mellow as deep as plowed.
A Missouri farmer, in The Farm, Field
and Stockman, 6ays:
In my vicinity the practice usually
followed is to plow but once, aud that
late, pasturing the hold after the crop is
taken off, until ready to plow. Une rea
son for this is that many farmers con
sider it an iujury to the soil to plow and
let lie exposed to the hot sun of summer.
Because this is the plan largely followed
is not conclusive proof that it is the best.
One of the most profitable crops of wheat
I ever raised was on land that had been
in corn. The corn was cut off close to
the ground and hauled off and shocked
up in a lot. The cultivation had been
continued late and the soil was clean.
After the corn was takeu off a thorough
harrowing was given and the wheat
sown with the drill. This left the sur
face of the soil iu a good conditiou.
The condition and character of the
soil will make a difference. In a dry
season the soil must be worked to a suffi
cient depth to secure sufficient moisture
to induce a good germination of the seed,
while with the same soil in a favorable
season a shallower working of the soil
would give better results. The deeper
and more thoroughly the soil is worked
in the fall the more liable it is to freeze
deep in the winter, and while it is the
freezing up and thawing out that in
many seasons injures the wheat the most,
it is quite an item to avoid this as much
as possible. To make a rule best to fol
low under all conditions is impossible,
for with a large proportion of farm work
the season and the soil must be consid
ered, and what will be best at one time
will failatothorsi hence the farmer must
rely to a considerable extent upon his
judgment as to the best preparations to
be given uutler the conditions he is work
ing, rather than following sonio one else
working under entirely different circum
stances. Tho Plow iu the West.
It looks as if the plow would have to
fall to the rear as a farm implement,
says the Peoria Transcript. From all
parts of tho west cornea the advice,
Don't plow your ground for oats. Plow
ing is slow, hard on horses, and when
done is not as good as surface cultiva
tion with cultivator and disk harrow.
More than half the oats sown in this
part of Illinois ure covered with a pul
verizer or corn cultivator. This means
of putting in oats is much more rapid,
and the crops as a rule are better than
those from the slower way of plowing
tho land und then covering with a har
row. During tho past four seasons, says
tho authority quoted, our fanners have
been experimenting with the pulverizei
as a tool to prepare the seabed for a
corn crop. They first clear the land of
stalks, then put four horses on the pul
verizer, turn tho disks to an angle where
they will dig and throw, and dig np the
surface of twelve or fourteen acres a
day. By going over this twice or three
times tho surface is thoroughly pulver
ized to the deptli of threo or four inches,
and iu the best possible condition to put
on the planter. Those who have tried
this aro enthusiastic in praiso of this
plan, and say they have no further use
for tho old plow outside of doing a little
fall plowing. One of the great advan
tages of pulverizing instead of plowing
is found in not having to harrow, plank
or roll in order to reduce the clods that
60 often turn up in spring plowing.
Ue Notes.
A New York World correspondent
says: "If shadehoards are used on bee
hives during the summer 1 would prefer
to paint tho hive a dark color. Dark
colored hives absorb more heat from the
sun's rays than light colored ones, which
hastens early brood rearing in the spring.
If 1 wished ono color and did not use
shadehoards, it would be marine blue,
mixed with lead and oil. 1 prefer sev
eral colors, however, on account of less
loss of queens.
"After many years' experience and
study of both wild and domestic bees
and of many different styles of hives in
use, 1 prefer a single walled hive, with
two thicknesses of cloth on the frames,
covered with buckwheat chaff four
inches deep for outdoor wintering. A
super will answer to hold the chuff, but
a special frame is bettor if the cap is
larger than tho body of the hive. If the
cloths are cleau or nearly so they will
allow moisture to pass off better. One
thickness of cloth will do, but the bees
are apt to gnaw through before spring.
This is better thau the expense of mak
ing and housing old moldy cushions."
feeding Ties.
Professor Henry, of Wisconsin, says
that in a pig fed upon a mixed ration the
thigh bone will stand 200 pounds greater
pressure thau one fed upon corn, and tho
constitution will lie affected in the same
manner. If tho fanner wants more bone
feed oats. If he wauts muscle and good
constitution feed oats. If your brood
sows are getting too fat and you have
trouble at farrowing time feed oats. If
you want your pigs to grow and develc p
into nice, large, thrifty shoats let them
run to oats at pleasure.
How to Destroy Rugweed.
Everywhere along roadsides may bs
seen the coarse, dusty foliage aud dull
green spikes laden with pollen of the
unsightly ragweed plant To destroy
this undesirable plant run the mower
along the infested roadsides in August,
before the flowers are enough advanced
to perfect their seeds. Being annuals,
this method, if thorough, will destroy
tbe crop for another year. Sheep will
eradicate the weed if pastured on the in
fested ground. Prairie Farmer.
For General Purpose Fowla (winter
lavers) L an gtdiaus-Leg horns, Lang-
Bhans-Minorcas, Plymouth Rocks-Lang-
ihans, Plymouth Rocks-Wyandotte.
tho Kxncrlcnee of LUllcr
iive Widely Different Results.
Some cultivators Cud that growing com
..,,,1 ii L f ,n ,r n'rofitabla
farm crops. Those who are the ni03t
successful and who make the most money
10 mane Uie most muiity !
ified With ess than s;;:tV
by it are not satis;
shelled bushels to the acre, while uoro
frequently eevculy-live is the standard
quantity. Thirty bushels to the acre
Would give rather scant returns for mucli
profit. As manure is an essential for
suueess, the wide variation in the price
und quality would make a material dif-
f jrence in the cost of the crop. A well
drained, mellow soil would be more
cheaply worked than a hard anil stony
one, and the best labor saving iinple-
ments woul.Ljeduco the hard work done
by hand. A vast difference would occur I
between timely horse hueiiig and neg
lecting cultivation a few days, or lung
enough to give a dense growth of weeds.
increasing the work tenfold aud smoth
ering tho young plants. The greatest
contrast would occur between such neg
lected treatment and the timely use of
the smoothing harrow, which by passing
broadcast and rapidly over the whole
field every five days, would keep the land
continually clean and mellow, and ini
part great vigor to the young crop. Lsti
mates of the value and proiits of a good
crop will greatly vary, but tho followin
may be takon as a fair one, says Country
Gentleman, authority for the foregoing:
Ab manure Is all essential, 2.1 gon.l loads
would be necessary, costius, when deliv
ered and spread, fid cents each CIO
Plowing and harrowinie till well mellowed,
vuryinff with teams, tools, laborers 5
MarkiuK and planting, with one hut-ae I
Horse cultivation, at least three times.... 3
Cuttluu np, busking and delivering II
Kent of land, aay 2
60 bushels of shelled corn, p): f udder, 85. . 35
Profit 88
Nearly the same exponses would be
required for only thirty bushels, unless
in entirely omitting tho manure, in
which case the cost would bo only seven
teen dollars: aud the crop, worth fifteen
dollars, would leave a negative profit of
two dollars. Hence it will bo seen that
good or heavy crops are the only profit
able ones. But every farmer will make
an unlike estimate.
Buckwheat is a crop that more atten
tion might profitably be given to. In
many regions where it was once culti
vated to considerable extent a field of it
has now become quite a rarity, but there
are some decided advantages in its culti
vation, among which, says The Southern
Farm, is tho fact that it will make a pay
ing yield on rather poor land. It is also
a good crop for green manuring, and can
bo used as a starter for improving ex
hausted lands where it would be difficult
to procure a catch of clover. One or two
crops turned under would make a good
foundation for a stronger crop, such as
rye or clover. As it may be sown late
it may often be used as a second crop, or
to fill the gap where something else has
failed. Seed should be sown at the rate
of about three pecks an acre, and a fair
crop is in the neighborhood of forty
bushels; Besides being used for flour,
buckwheat makes one of tho very best
foods for fowls. It is a good cleaning
crop and is never attacked by insects.
An Eastern Dairyman's Way.
The record of tho best thirty cows
shows that they made 10,170 pounds of
butter in one year, an average of 8.;9
pounds. This is not a breeding herd of
pure bloods, but is kept exclusively for
making butter. The sales of pork wore
$745. 1 and beef 150, and to prodrco
tbe meat he fed, in addition to sliim
milk and forage, about $150 vorth of
purchased grain. For winter forage he
grows about forty acres of corn for
silago and several acres of tnrnips and
Hubbard squashes, besides hay; feeds
no grain in summer and is not a heavy
feeder of grain in winter; uses sawdust
for bedding and as an absorbent in his
stables, so he loses no clement of tho
manure voided by his stock, and in tho
absence of sawdust uses straw that has
been chaffed by the cutter "the boys
cut enough in half a day to last a week."
Cor. Breeder's Gazette.
The Hcech Tree.
Seedling beeches are tender and often
suffer by frost in the Bpring, writes on
English authority, but beyond that the
tree is as hardy as any in the forest, ex
cept on one point, namely, the bark.
The beech is essentially a thin and ten
der barked tree, and the bark never,
even in extreme old age, assumes that
rough, corky condition common in most
other trees, but on the contrary always
remains smooth, glossy and very tender.
The bark is very liable to contract a cer
tain disease, which begins at first in
minute dark snots, nresentinsr some-
times the appearance of having received I Jennie Hut, pa, why do you object
the contents of a fowling piece. The ' to .my receiving calls from Mr. Sleek
spota multiply and spread all over the nair?
surface, at times very slowly and at oth- I IIcr Father Because I can't afford to
era rapidly. Excesses of cold, wet ' havc lho Parlor papered every three
weather during the season of growth ap
pear to be most productive of the disease.-
Agricultural Brevities.
The Texas Farm and llanch says thai
under present conditions 200 pounds if
tho best average weight to market hogs.
Good shorts, with bran and a little
com, make a good milking ration for
bows that are suckling pigs.
The best ensilage corn can be grown
i -ii
only by planting in such manner as will 1
7 w .i i- i
permit inorougu cuiiivHLiuu mm .Souu
ilawulinmaiif nP aali dfu ilr
development of each stalk,
Queen bees may now be sent by mail
In America, Australia aud Europe.
The white pearl cucumber, it is
claimed, is entirely distinct in its habit
of growth, setting the cucumbers very
close around the stem and maturing
these early; then afterward the vines
continue to run and bear freely through
out the season.
It has beeu demonstrated that electric
ity, as a means of imbedding wires lute
comb foundation, is both practicable and
Her and There,
The Wyoming experiment station has
six experiment farms iu different sec
tions. France requires of primary teachers a
certificate of ability to teach agriculture.
Washington's new experiment station
has issued two bulletins especially de
voted to the interests of PAcitic coast
Dogs kill $1,000,000 worth of sheep tn
the Uuited States each year.
How to Cure Toothache.
Try oil of sassafras and apply it fre
quently, if necessary.
Meteorological Item.
It was ia the smoking room of an A
.-""- - -"V "
' was tallanrr aooui woamcr lurt'casu.
I "Look here." he 6ail.
I tell you vat
it is. You better don' a take no stocU in
dem vctter predictions.
Dcy can t toll
no rettcr as I can.'
"But, my dear sir," said a person near
foretold the storm which we
?' . y "-l''u ..
have lust encountered.'
v, .... i,,et oMoniinTrtrnii .
"Veil, dat ir.h so," said the Teuton,
"but I tell you vat it is, dat storm vould
haf come yust do came if it had not been
oredictod." Texas Sittings.
A rlcusant residence.
"I understand you rented another
houne ia Ilaricm," Baid a New York
rrcntlcman to an acquaintance. "Do you
like the loation?"
"Yes, the location ia all righ
"Many conveniences?"
"Yes, quite a number of conveniences.
There's a livery stable on ono side, s
las'cr beer saloon nc::t door, and a lard
factory across the Ktrcct. Everything
seems handy enough so far as I can
see." Texas Sittings.
Ilevlsed Motto.
"That's a neat motto," said Ilriny
Iiillins to a real estate mau who asks:
"Why pay rent when you can oivn your
own home?"
"'cs," was the reply, "but I have just
had a tenant who revised it in a way
. ma disiike it. lie says why
pay for a homo when you can owe the
rent money?" Washington Star.
Two O'clock Tragedy.
Wife (to husband just in from the
club) What, sir; are you going out
Husband Yesh. C'mit shuiclde. It
was bad 'nouTh (hie) when thoro was
nnn TTr.ll li.ir. Tinw 1 llOI-nq tlVfl of VOU I
..n' . i (ilr,l,n
wuu fa siiLiui it uiiji luiiy"1'
down, with Ins head in the worlc-basltot,
and slumbers.) Brooklyn Life.
No Thlr3ty rlshcs.
Bertie was visiting tho sea-shore for
the first time. Once, while watching
the fish that would occasionally swim
near the rocks on which she stood, she
said: "I don't b'licvo tho fishes will over
go thirsty. Uod is so good to mako a
whole ocean of water just for them to
drink." Harper's Young People
A !arge bill for river appropriations.
Life. A
Painful Keniliider.
"You have promised to love mo al
ways, Reginald," sho murmured, "but
can I trust j'ou, Reginald? Can 1 trust
What is the matter, dear?"
"Nothing, Gwendolen, nothing!" ho
replied, mastering1 himself with an ef
fort. ' 1 A momentary spasmnothing
more. It is pone!"
The question was tho same that hia
tailor had asked him in a loud, harsh,
sarcastic voice only an hour before.
Chicago Tribune.
A Chip of tho CI ' mock.
"How old are you, sonny?"
"Twelve years old, sir. '
"You nro very small for your age.
What is your name?"
"Johnny Smith. My father is a baker
on Manhattan avenue."
"So your father is a baker. I might
have guessed it by your size. You re
mind me of one of hia loaves." Texas
A Misapprehension. -
Mr. Uingo (feebly) I wish you would
look out on the corner, dear, and see if
the lamp-post is sUll there?
Mrs. liingo Yes, it is, dear.
Mr. Ilingo Thafs strange. I thought
I brought it up with me last night.
A Dark Mystery,
Good Little oy Does majority rule
in this country?
Father Indeed it does.
Good Little Boy Then how does it
happen that one bad little boy can get
all us good little boys into so much mis
chief? Good News.
110 rsctl air-on.
months. Brooklyn Lagle
I'unUhed Enough.
She What punishment arc they go
ing to give him?
lie What has he done?
She Married seven women.
lie Hasn't he had enough? Brook
lyn Life.
A Thoughtful Husband.
First Club Man What on earth have
you got in your pockets?
oecttiiu vau iuaii uu ou living l'uuub
. , , r -i
from the clocks at home. I was afraid
th d j wie awakCiX( y.
. "
The Hideous Doubt.
She You have been calling on Miss
Plankington quite often of late, haven't
you? lias she always been at home?
lie That's just what I have been
wondering. Life.
Young Lady I read your last poem,
Mr. Spaeerayt, but I couldn't make any
thing out of it.
Mr. S, Well, I enuld. I made ten
dollars out of it. Truth.
C n iihI at Home In Ten Day hy Adminis
tering L)r. Hainc' ti olden Specific.
It can b aiveu in a irluss or beer, a enp
of ciftVe or tea, or in food, without the
knowledge of the putint. It is aooolnte
1y harmless, and will effect a permanent
and speedy cure, whether the patient is
a moderate diiukeror Hnaleohoho wreck.
It has been tfivvn in th'tunauiis of crhs.
nd in very inetHnce n perfect cure has
followed. It never fails 'I lie syptra
mice impregnated with the upertnY, it
become an niter impossibility for the
liqnor appetite t exist Cures guaran
teed. 48 iMtff b.xtk of particular fr.
Adiirenn the Goldbn Hpkcipic Co., 135
Race Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.
V 8. l.anrl Office. Hie i..illc. Or.. June 7. 1H"V.
Complaint . iM.i'it! b. -en entered ut this otlioe !
bv llitTim K. K.'il, HKiiiiist heirs of JoBhtm it. j
C-..H t,. .-..n. i.. .. i.i. i..... ... ,.. 'ii.-.
biT Culture Kutry No '.'Tii'J, dated Nov. 17, l.v-7,
upon tne o .-su. anil u y4 tec. '-", t p :;, .
S K -M S. In M.irroiv count v. nrif.m, n 1th view
to the cniieellHtlon of said pul.'V; contestant1
Bllcalus tliat said JoshiiH K. Fell, and his heirs,
liae failed torninplv with the llinher Culture j
th.it lie hilled t o br..,. L- nn.uim.i,. n-1 .rnLpii
five acres 01 'niM tract iihln one year niter en- ,
Itrv.ori et has done uotldne tocoini.lv . i,h
the tcqiilreineiits of the 'I imher Culture Hws,
. . - . . ... . .. . ' -
the snid parties nrc hereby stiuiiiionid to nj jiear
at tills olliee ou the liilh .fny of ef-teiul" r, iiij,
at le o clock a. mto respond and fnriili.li testi
mony coiieeriiii.lfs.iid alleged failure, t.tis Pat
terson, Notary i'uhiie, is iiiithnrUed to hike tes
timony In this ease, at tiis olliee iu llciijmcr, Or.,
at tea. in., August '7, ls'.ij.
31 John W. Leivis, Register.
of fl
bran, mill fed and
Chop always nil
Flouring Mills.
hand at I he Heppner
While you keep joilr subscription paid no yet
an keep your bran J its freeof charge.
All.ii. T. .1,. lone. Or. Horses GO on letl
-boulder; cattle -tune on left l.ip, under bit on
right car, ai.il upper bit ou the left; range, Mor
row coui ty.
Armstrong, J. l. Alpine, Or. T with bar sti
ller . on left shoulder ol horses: cuttle same
on Icf. hip.
Allison, I). P., Ktghf Mile. Dr. Pallia bnind.
I l on left hit an. 1 horses same brand on right
-hiuii.ler. l.aege Kighl Mile.
Ad kills, 1 P. Hay ville. Or - StrHiglit mark across
the thigh ami two crops uud a slit n. t lie right ear;
horses. J, upside lii.wu ou the right shoulder,
hange iu Grant county and Hear vallev. i O
udiireas also at llardm.tii.
Ailkius, J. J., Heppner, Or. Hurfces, JA con
necie.1 .in le t Hank: cattle, same on left hip.
Aycrs. Jolmuy.. Lena, Or. Horses branded
triiingieon loll hip; cattle same on right hip;
also crop off right ear and opper hit ou suine.
BJyth. lercy H.. Hoppi.er.or. Hnrses Human
cross on rigid shouldur. llange iu Morrow
lileitkman. Geo.. Hardnian, Or.Horses, a ting
i left shoulder: cattlo -nine on rigid shoulder.
I minister, J. W., Hardiium. Or. Cattle brand
ed R ou left hip and Hugh: split it. each ear.
Hi'etiner, Peter, iio. selierry Oregon Horses
It inded f II ou lelt shoulder, t.allle a..iue ou
rilillt SIllO
Uurke, M St 0,
J-.onK t.'rpok, Or On cattle,
left lull. Clou off If ft Hiir. 1111.
MAY connected
cler iu f croc e
off ritfltt. llurtiPri, eaniB hritnd on
letft shoulder.
linage m UruDl uud Morrow
Bowi-man, A., Mount Vernon and Hurim, Or.
Cut tin, A it on ritfht hip, twocropH in met. ear;
suniu on lnirHfB, on litrlit tiliouldur. limine in
(irant huiJ Humei' count it,
Hronnuiii, Jt'iTj , 1-ena, Or-Horscis brmidwi 7
u rifil'i HliuuMt-r; cattle H on llitt left Hide.
1 left wtr Imlf crop and riht ear upper Hlup
Hari.oii, Win,, tieppuer. Or. -llornen, J 11 on
nKut tin.i cuttK . uatiio ou tight hip; bplit, in
each ear.
Hruwti. Isa, Lexington, Or. Howe IB on the
riKtitHtitie; cutilo Biiumun riditiut; rnnuo, Mor
row county,
Hrown.J .P., Heppner, Or. -HorBpi niul cattle
branded 8 witli ox-yoke ahoveon left shoulder.
llrown, J. C, lieppner. Or. llurKeB, circle
w Hint. it hi n fMr on left hip; ciinl. nume.
Brown, W, J., Lena. Oregon. Horn's W bar
over it, on the lelt shoulder. Cattle muiuc on left
tioj-Hr, W. G HeppiiRr, Or. Horsen, box
brand o r a lap cuule, ttame, with bplit in
each ear.
liorg, P. 0., Heppner, Or. Honses, P B ou lefl
Hhonlder; en 'tie. Biunt) on left hin.
Browuley, W. J., fr'ox.Or Httle, JB connected
on left Hide; iTop on left ear and two BplitHund
middle p. ecu cut out on right eor; on hornet name
brand on the left thigh; Kaiitfe in Fox vuilej',
(irant county,
Cain.li., ('aleb.Or. Y I) on hurecH on left stifle;
U with quarter circle over it, on loft shoulder,
and ou left el iff e on all colts under ft years; ou
lefl shoulder only on all horueeovbr 5youru. All
range in Urant countv.
Clark, Wm. U. . Lei a. Or. Horseh WHC con
nected, on left i-houloer: cattle Mime on riyht
hip. Ui (e Morrow and Umatilla comities.
i'ate, Chiis, lt Vinson or Lena, Or. Horse
H C on right shoulder; cattle aame on right hip.
Hange Morrow and Umatilla citunties.
('ochri'ii, ('linn., lone. Or. Horses, HP con
nected on left shoulder; cultle, (1 on both lefl
hip and etiflo. Hange in Morrow county.
Cannon, T. li.Xong Creek, Or. Ton cattle on
right Hide, cmp olf right ear and slit in left ear.
Our horses same brand on left shoulder, itange
in (irant county.
Cecil, VV m.. Douglas. Or: li'Tsea J(! on lef
shouldur; ca tie same on lefl hip, unddlett ou
each jaw and two b.ts in the right ear,
(,'urJ, T. ii John Oay, Or, Double cross on
each hip 4n cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, split in lef t ear. Itange iu (irant
tMiuuty. On sheep, ir verted Au"d spear point
u shoulder. Ear niarko.i ewes, crop on left ear,
punched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop u
right and under half crop iu left ear. All range
iu Grant coutv.
Crouhy, A.A., Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
(or 11 L coi nected) on the right shoulder.
Cook, A. J.,Leua,Or. ilorsug, UUun right shoul
tet Cattle, same on rifht hip: ear mark sguare
3iop ott left and split in right.
Curhii.lt. Currinsviiie, Or. -Horses, QQ on
left stine.
Cochran, J I! Monument, Or Horses branded
I' 1 & A on left shoulder. Cattle, same on right
hip. swallow fork in right ear and crop otll eft.
Cox & English. Harduian, Or. -Caitle, C will1
in center: horses. CE on left hip.
Cuppor, H. A., Monument. Or. HorBos H C
on It tl shoulder cattle H C ou left side, a wal
low lorn ou rignt ear.
Cochran, It. E., Monument, Grant Co, Or.
Horses biaiided circle with hat beneath, ou left
shoulder: cattle fume brand ou both hips, mark
tinder slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, U. f llardutan. Or. HorseB branded
on right hip. 'attlo brauded the same.
Crows, tib, Day ville, Or ( 'utile branded two
urops aim a spin in lert, ear; on norsos
verted on left eiille. Also have ihe following
orands on rattle: Vi. on iettlnn. 7 ou right t:
i'L on lefl Hiioiihlor, two parallel burs on ld
shoulder. Ear marks, two crops.
Ooonan. m., ileppner. Or. Horses branded
OU wilh bar over them, on left shoulder; cat
tle same on left hip.
Douglass, W. M , (iallowHy, Or. Cattle, It Lon
right side, swa low-fork in each ear; homes, it 1)
on left hiu.
Douglas, 0. T., Douglas, Or-HorFos TD on
the light stine; Cattle same on right hip.
Duncan, W. i, John Day.Or. yuartor circle
W on right shoulder, both on horses and cattle.
Itange (irant county.
Driskell, W, K, Heppner, Or.Horses branded
K. inside of U on left shoulder. Cuttle same on
left side ol neck.
Ely, J. H. Jt hons, Douglas, Or. Horses brand
ed f.Li on left shoulder, cattle name ou left
hip. hole ir right ear.
Elliot'. Wasn., Heppner, Or, Diamond oa
right shoulder.
insk, ltalnh, Prairie City, Or Hordes, H F on
right shouider; cattle, ou right hip, itange in
Oraut county.
b leek, Jackson, ileppner, Or. Horses. 7F
connected oi. right shoulder; cattle, same ou
rigtit hip. Ear mark, hole iu right aud crop
oH left.
Floronce, L. A., Ileppner, Or. ( attle, LF on
right hip; nurses F wiLn bar under on right
Horence, B. P. Heppner, Or Horses, K on
right shot ide. ; cattle, F on right hip or thigh,
(iay, Henry, Heppner, Or. OAK on left
(iohle, Frank, Heppner, Or Horses, 7 F on
left nU tie; cattl , same on right hip.
Oilman-French, Lund and Live Mock Co., Fos
sil, Or. Horses, anchor B on left shoulder; vent,
same on lefl stitie. Cattle, same ou both hips;
ear marks, crop off rigtit earanduuderbit in left,
itange iu G ill lain, Oraut, Crook and Morrow
Oentry, Elmer, Eclio, Or. Horses branded H.
y. with "a quarter circle over it, on left stifle
Itange iu Morrow and Umatillacounties.
Oiltwater, J . C, i'raine Cily, Or. On horses,
O -O on left shoulder and stitie; cattle, ou right
side. Itange in Oraut county.
Hams, James, Hantraaii Or. Horses shaded
2 on lef shoulder; caitle same on left hip. itange
in and about HhkIiuhm.
hajes, beo.. Lena, Or, Brand JH connected,
wilh quarter circh over it, on lett shoulder.
Hiatt A. B., itidge. Or. Cattle, round-top K
with quarter circle under it on the right hip.
Haute iu Morrow and Umatiila counties.
Hiuloii JtJeuks, Hamilton. Or Cattle.two bars
on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left.
Horses, J on right thigh. Kangein Orant county.
Hughes, Samuel, Wagner, Or T F Lou right
shoulder on horses; on cattle, on righ'. hip and on
left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left.
Kangein Haystack districi. Alorr, w county.
Hail. Edwin. John Day.Or. Cattle E H on right
hip; horses same ou right shoulder, k ang.i iu
Oram county.
Hughes, Mat, Heppner. Or.Horses, shaded
heart ou the left shoulder. Itange Morrow I 'o.
iluusaaer, li , aguer. Or. Horses, V on left
ehouhW, ca tie. 9 on left hii .
Hardisty, Albert, ye. Oregon Horses, AH
connected, on left shoulder; Cattle on the left
inp.crop off left ear.
Humphreva, 4 ii. Uardman, Or.Horses. H on
le'i Hank
Hiatt, Wm. E., Ridge, Or.Horses branded
bur cross ol left shoulder; cattle same ou lefl
iajes, J. M., Heppner. Or. Horse, wineglass
on left shouldei cattle, same on right hip.
ivy, sureu, lmg iwi ur mile i V on
rxehl hip. crop ..11 leftir M..I bit in nnht. norma
Ivy, Alfred, Long t reek, Or attle 1 Don
same bnmd on left shoulder, ltanite n Grant
Huston, bother. Eight Mile, Or, Horse H on
the left shoulder and heart on the left stitie Cat
tie same on left hip. itange in Morrow county,
Jeukins. D. W..Mt. Venion.Or. J on horseeon
left shoulder; o;i cattle. J on left hip and two
smooih crops on both ears. Itange in Fox and
Hear vail 8
Juiikin, S. M., Heppner, Or. ilorsee, horse
shoe J ou left shoulder. Caitle, Lite saws.
Hanirfl no Eitchl Mile.
Johnson, t'ehx Lena. Or.Horses, cinMeTon
left tn;e; catlle. same on riaht hip, under haif
cnu- in rittht and mdit in left ear
Kenny. Mike, Het-tmer, Or. Horne brand.'d
KNY ou left hip cattle seme and crop off left
ear: tinder -!( n I he riutit
J T.. Hetmner. Or.-Horses 9 on left
ahonlder; caitle. on lelt hin.
heller, KicharU. Itlanton. (irant e.nnty. Or.-
E k in square, cattle on left bip; hone same
o& Uft Xukier. Kangs Beu vaUef.
1 Kirk. J C, npnpnor. Or. Horw. 17 on oithor
1 fl!"k: ( -Hit If- 1 mi! rit-hl iflc.
kirk J.t- Hp,,.ut. Or : linn 11 on left
!""'i"'''': entile name ou nl,t aide, ULiierbit or.
"I1" "?T- , , ... rt
KurnliMrlaiid.W. n..Miiiiiii Vpriion. Or. I L on
cuttle on nitht unj Inlt Biiten.awailow fork in lift
V" " r7"-
"" left shoulilo.-. Iliiim-in (Jrti.t mint,,
'''"". Ml. II-ppner. Or.- Hniee J L and
"0" llub u" .It'll stifle, limit in ('mat ill
""J1 orriiw coiintic.
Lesley. M C, Hniiurtmnt OrA tntuicic ST'' with
all hues eztendiiiK pa t lodjof lixiircon t-llior.
? oil left sh.iuhler. ou cattle Uluino.,,1 oil left
ihoulder. cplit iu righ a- u-u-. -it i left ear
liaiiye in Grunt couu and U; arte of Job" Day
liiahey, J W. Heppner Or. Horses brai ded ii
N on left shoulder; cattle rame on left hip; wat
tle :ver r'ght ey thteesliisin right ear.
Loften, 8tepiien, lox, Or. ft Lou left hip
on cKtiie. crop and split on right ear. llorwea
same brand ou left ahuulder. Uauge (irant
l.ir-uHllen, John W., I, -; Or. Horses
brawled halt-on cle J I connected on letl who id
der. Canle. saiu. un hl top. Itange. near Lex
Lord, George. Heppner, (Jr. Horses branded
double 11 connect. Sometimes called a
swing it. on ietl shoulder.
Maxwell, M.b . Gooseberry. Or. Hops brand
ed lujig link on left sin, aider; cattle, same ou
lef hip. l-.ar mark, under hit in lelt ear.
Minor, (War, llepjuer nr. Cattle, Al Don
nL'hi hip; home.. M on left bliotilder.
Morgan, ti. N.. Heppner, Or. Horses, M )
on l. h fhoitht"- cattle wniift on lefl htp.
Mi-Cuinlier, Jab A, Echo, Or. Horses. M with
bar over on right, shoulder.
Snuii.. ti. H , L,ena, Or. Horses old mares ZZ
on right hip; young stuck, smull zz on left
Morgan, Thoe., Heppner, Or. Hores, circle
T on lefl shouider ai.U left tluuh; cattle. L ou
rih'ht thigh.
Mili'heii. 0cir. lone, Or. Horses. 77 on nghl
tin.; cMliie. 7Voii rigtit mUe.
Airl iaren, It. li., lirownsvilie. Or, HorseB,
Figure foit en,-!, iimini.-f; cattle, M'i on mo
McKeru.VV. J. MoulU Veriioii. Or XI ou cattle
ou nghi hip, crop iu right ear. half crop iu left
same biad ou huruLB ou left hi, . ltaoe lUliraut
Mc.Ciir.y, Oavid H Echo, Or. Horces branded
D m connected, ou the left shoulder; cattle came
on hip and side.
lueUirr, Frank. Vox Valley, Or. Mule shoe
with loe-cork on catlle on ribs and under in
each ear; horses same brand on left stitie.
McHaley, ii. V., huiiiiltou, Or. Ou HoreeB, S
with halt circle uuiler on left shoulder; on Catlie,
four bars connected on top ou the right side
Itange in (irant County,
iNeal.Andrew, Loue liouk.Or. Horwes A N cun
uecied ou left shoulder; cattle same on both hip,
Newman, VV. It., Heppner, Or.Horses N
Willi hall circle ovei u on lell shoulder.
Nordyke, E., Hilverion, Or. Horses, circle 7 ou
left ihiut ; ca. He. Kline on left tub.
Oliver, Joseph, ( anjon ( Hy, or. A 2 on cattle
on lefl hi p: ou hoi seb, same ou left thigh, Itange
in (irant county
Oiler, Perry. Lexington, Or. V O on left
Olp, Herman, Piairie City, Or. Ou. cattle, O"
LI' ciunecieu on left hip; horses on left stille
aud warile on nose, liange in (irant county.
Pearson, Oiuv, Eight .tide. Or. Hoi-sub, quar
ter circie rdiieio ou iv fl shoulder and 34 on iuft
hip. tattle, fork iu let: iar, right cropped. 'iA
on left lap. Hang, on Eight Mile.
Parker iV (iluuuon. 1 1 aril i Dim. Or. HiirRciuIPon
! fl Mhoulder.
1-iper, J. H.t Lexington. Or. - Horses, JE con
necied o, left shouJder; catlle, sauio on left hip.
under bit in each ear.
Patberg, Henry Lexington, Or.Horses brand
ed with a Uouiai eroaa on left shoulder; cattle
brawled with Komau cross, bar at bottom, ou
lelt hip.
Pettis, A. C, lone, Or,; horaoB diamond P on
siioulder, catlle, JuJ cftuuecieu, on the
left hip, upper slope iu left ear uud blip iu the
. igln.
Putter, Dan, Lexington Horses branded MP
connected ou left shoulder; cattle same on right
Powell, jotin T., Day ville, Or Horses, JP cotu
ueu ed ou ieU shoulder. Cattlo OK couimeted ou
left hip, two under half crops, one on each ear,
wattle uuaer throa . linage m Gram county.
Itickurd, U. U., Canyou City, Or.--E C on left
fhouiUer, ou horses only. Itaigo Canyon creek
and hear valley. Grant county.
liood. Ami rew, Hardiuau. Or. Horses, squure
eior. with quarter-circleiver it on left stitie.
lieniiiger, Chris, lieppuer, Or.Horses, C 11 on
left nliouiuci .
Mice. Dan, Hard man, Or.; horses, three panel
worm fence ou leH shoulder; ca tie, DAN ou
right shoulder, linage near Uardiuan.
Itadio, wui. Long Creek, Or. brands horses
It ui right ehoulder. itange Grant and Morro
liojrje, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on
.eft shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed od
right hip aud crop oil right ear, itange in Mor
row county.
Kunh bros., Heppner, Or. Hordes branded X
on the right ehoulder; cattle, IX on the left tup
crop ott left ear and dewlap ou neck. Itange it
Morrow und adjoining counties.
Itimt, William, Pendleton, Or.Horses K on
lefl shoulder; cattle, H on left hip, crop oft"
right ear, undocbit on left ear. Sheep. It on
weaihero, round cropoflrigh ear. itange Uma
tilla and Morrow o miities.
lieaney, Andrew, Lexington, Or. Horse
branded A H ou right shoulder, vent quurlei
circle over brand; cattle same ou right hip.
Itange Morrow county.
itoyse, Win, ii, Daiiyville, Or HK connected
with quarter circle over top on cattle ou right hip
aud crop oil right ear and split iu left. Horses
same brand on left shoulder. Itange in Morrow,
Grant and Gilliam counties.
Itittor, J fc'. Hitter, Or Three parallel ban
wiin bar overou horses on left hip; on catlle, itdt
side, two smooth crops, two splits iu each eai,
Itange iu Middle Fork of John Day.
hector. J. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, JO ok
lelt shoulder. Caitle, ou right hip.
Spicknall. J. W., Hooseborry, Or. HorseB
branded jl ou left sh.uider; lauge iu Morrow
ftpiay, J. F., Heppner, Or.-Horses branded hi
uonaecieu o right shoulder; cattle same ou both
Ruling, C V, Heppner, Or Horses branded 8 A
on ietl siioulder; cattle same on left hip.
Swaggar., H. F Lexiugtou, Or. Horses 2
wall dash under it ou left stille cattle H with
uasii under it on right hip, crop oft right ear and
I wuddied ou i rignt htnd leg. itange iu Morrow,
(jllliain and uniulilla cuuiuies,
bwi.ggart. A L., Ella. Or. Horses brande ' 1
on lelt shoulder; cei lie same ou left hip. Crop
on ear, wattie on left luad leg.
btraighi W. E Heppner, Or. Horses shaded
J b on lei stitie; cattle J 8 011 left tup, swallow
fork in ngti ear, underbit in left,
bwaggari, L, Alpine, Or.Horses, 8 S on right
isupp. Thos., Heppner, Or. Horses, 8 APon
lelt too; catu- came on left hip,
Mdrtz, James, Long t reek, Or. Horses. 3 on
lelt stitie ami over t on left shoulder.
Wirier.John, Fox, Or. NO connected on
horses on right hip; came, same ou right hip,
cron oil right ear aud under bit in left ear. Itange
in (irant county.
tiuuth Hiob., Bu6nville, Or, Hordes, branded
H. Z. o . siioulder; cait.e, ameouleft shoulder.
hquires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded
JHou itft Hitounter; cutile the same, also nose
wai.dle. itange in Morrow and Lnliiam 00 nties,
btephens, V. A., iiai'duiMU, Or-; norses HS on
right siille; cattle h mental L on 1 he light aida
blevenson, Aire A. J., liepput r. Or. Callle, J
ou right tu. ; swallow-fork in left ear,
bwaggart. G. W Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on
left snouiilr ; cattle, 44 011 left hip.
fcitewart, Geo., Hardiuau, Or. Horses circle
01 lett shouider.
btone. Ira. Hi-kk-ton, Wash, Horses, keystone
011 lett Bhoulder.
bmith, .E. Lone Uock, Or. Horses branded
a crossed seven on lefl shoulder; catlle same on
lelt side, itange, Chilian county.
bperry.E. G.. ileppner. Or. Cattle W C on
left tup, crop on right and underbit iu left year,
dewiap; horses t on lelt shoulder.
liiompBon, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, S on
lett slioulo; r; cattle, a on lefl ehoulder,
Tipueta. fcj. ,, Lena, Or. Uorees. O on left
Tumor K. W., Heppuer, Or. Small capital T
lelt shuuldei, horses; catlie same on left hip
with split iu both ears.
ihtrnton, H. M lone, Or.Horses branded
HI connected on leftsrltie; shetp same brand.
VanderptHjl, H. T.. Una, Or; Horses HV con
uecled ou right shoulder ;cal tie, Mime on right
Walbridte, Wm., Heppner. Or. Horses, U. L.
ou the leti ehou.der; oiutie same on light hip.
crop uft lefl ear aud right tar lopped,
Wilson, John y,, ttalem or Heppner, Or.
Horses branded Jy ou ihe left shoulder, ltauge
Murruw couiitj.
W urreu, W B. Caleb, Or Cattle, W with quarter
circle over it, ou left side, split iu right ear
Hordes same bra-id ou left shoulder. KaugeiO
Oraut couuty
Wish!, F L, Dayville, OrHeart on horses on
leftstitte;ou cattle. on left side and under bit
in iefi ear. itange in Grant county.
Wright, feilus A Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
b W on the right hip. square crop on right, ear
and spi t in lelt.
Wallace, Francis, Mount Vernon.Or-Squareon
caitle on the lett hip, upper slop, in he left
ear and under slope in right ear. Bmne brand '
on horj-ee on right shoulder, ltauge in Haruer
and Oraut countv.
W ebster. J. i, Heppner. Or.-Homee branded
w th bar over J on right shoulder; cattle same
on right hip. crop off left ear and split ui each. ;
Jiaiitfe, Morrow couuty.
Wade, Henry, He,puer. Or. Horees branded
ace of spaue on ie.t shoulder and left tun. ,
Cat tie branded same on left side and left hip
Wells. A. ti.. Heppner, Or.Horses, 8 on left
shoulder; can e same.
Wolhuger, John, John Oay City Or On horsea
,hr, I ii. T li, .k i I . u nor.
. K lu.i r'"' . ; 'j"!
bit m both ears, itange in Grant and Maihuer
Wjland. J H, Haniman, Or. Circle U on left !,
Westward. John, Heppner, Or.Horses UP
connected on left shoulder.
Watkins. Lishe. Heppner, Or. Horses branded
Lr. counectH4 on left stitie.
Wahace, Chaxiea. Portland. Or. Cattle, W on
nghl thigh, hui. in left ear; horses, W' on right
shouhler. som- same on left shoulder.
Htm hrandMd
"uer on., urewsy. Harney ountr. Or. -
W B. rorniHi;lMl nn left n.iulder
Williams. Vaoco. Hamilton Or -nn.rt
cle over thr- tars on left hio. both nAttAe, aii,i
: h'jref. Range Orant conuiy.
Williams. J O. Lome Cree. Or Horses, quar
j ter circle over three Iters on lefl hip: cattle same
1 " 1" " . " m; "nt eminty. . ,
! n ?r ' PPn. ur.-norsee rnnninf A A.
i t,0v8i"uiaTr;J nht hin.
Ti'ft . w VuTi,,,rnr' 0r'Hon'-bnmd
I T 8 on tiie rujht should.