N01ICIS TO ADVKUTlSlilW. SE in-Hiring the Insertion of display ncls., 1 or etmiint; of .-anie, inuut et-t their copy In 1101 mier iiuiii .uonuay evening for Tuesday's eiiiiion.or llnimlay evening for Fridays eili- lion. 'i'HK 1'ATTKK.SON I'UHLlslIINU (JO. 1. The mim of Are cenu per line will be chnrrt-il for "ctmli of thanks." "reHolutioua of rtHi'i'i-t," ljstM of wedoliiK presents and donors, ami oliitnin y notii-eB, (otiier than those the edit or sl-nli liimsell (xive as a matter of news.) and nolu'i'Mil speeiii! inectiiiKS for whateverpnrpose. 2. .Noliees of ehnreli and society and allotlier entertainments from w Men revenue is to be de rived, shall lie elinrned for at the rate of five eenls a line. 'I hese rules will be strictly adher ed in in every lnstunee. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon Hpplii-aliou. G.'ve your business to Heppner peop'e, and therefote assist to build vp Hepp ner. l'atronize those who patronize yo'i. Here and There. T. W. Avers, Jr., for drnga. 68 bw Dr. ii. F. ViuiKuan, dentist. liijians Tabulcs cure headache. Hi-iil U'Uint will probarjly move to GolnVminle soon. John Spray was over from Wagner Tuesday of this week. (Jliiy Luce whs over from John Day tl)iB week for freight. D E Gilman, of Wagner, was seen ou our sheets lust Tuesday, When in Arlington, stop at the Ben nett Imuse, near the dejiot. 61-ft Ford, the painter, still "in it." For any kind of work see him. 81 -tf. J. D. Hamilton returned from his momituin ranch yesterday. Mr. aud Mrs. 0. E. Fell will visit Grant county in a few dBys. Mrs M. J. Mi-Atee departed for Spo kane Wednesday of this week. II' m, T, E. Fell left yesterday morn ing for Seattle, to be absent a few days. Geo. Bnird.of six Dollar, has been lnid up with a very bad hand for several days. Miss Letha Parker, dressmaker, will guarantee you a good fit. Give her a trial. 4-tf Dr. G. E. Eahelmnn.of the Dalles, come up Wednesday to attend Mra. J. N. Brown. II. E. Warren,.!. W. Craddick aud Lee Kilbouruo called Wednesday while in Heppner. Austin Ynonui, of the Lexington conn try, has 5U0 acres of summer fallow ready to seed tins fall. Mrs. Then. Danner returned from her visit heme, accompanied by ber mother, Wednesday evening. 1'ap tiimous & Son still shoe horses and do general blacksmithing at the old stand Matiock corner. 55. "The Parlor," W. F. Ruai k, prop., in the City hotel, west side of Main street. Neatest plaee in Heppner. sw 'Gene Mattesnn, Eenb. Gaunt and John MaFerrin killed two nioe deer up on Biowu prairie last week. 0. 0. Sargent has about consummated his di-al for water and will soon be able to ppriukle the streets again. Born To the wife of Perry Snyder, of Gooseberry, Saturday Aug. 13tb, a girl, weight leu and one-half pounds. G. M Staik left Wednesday for wood burn, having just reoieved news of the bent li of one of his daughters. The furniture for the BOhool bouse has arrived end will be placed into position as soon as the building is ready. Messrs Doe and Miller were brought before Recorder Koberts instead of Jus tice Hallock, as stated in our last issue. Newt Jones nnd wife, W;U Spenoer and Miss Annie Ayers departed Wednes day for Camp Oaplinger for a few days' stay. John I. Dunton, of Fossil, passed through Heppner this week enroute to Pendleton, where he will apply for a pension. Hivii ketohnm whiskers. Hatt & Mathews, at the city barber shop the place to get a tlrst-class shave, hair-out or shampoo. tf. Henry Heppner. who has been down looking after bis Arlington interests for the past few days, returned on last eve ning's train. Mrs. S. P. Garrignes andPeroy return ed from an extended visit with friends and relatives in the valley, on last eve ning's up traiu. Mrs. Mullie Crawford returned on this morning's train for her borne in Pendle ton, after an extended visit with her par enU in this county. Miss D ilia Persons and Mrs. Orin Pat terson arrived from Long Creek on Tues day evening's stage, and are now visiting the Gazette family. Miss H. B. MoCnwn, who hna been in the employ of the Beoord for some time pa-ir, left on yesterday morning's train tor her home in Oregon City. Mrs. C. L Andrews, who has been vis iting with her parents in this city fur some time past, left for her home in Se attle ou this morning's train, A. E. Powell was in from Gallowav last Wednesday. The Gazette learns that he expects to return to Montuna soon, though cannot vouch for it. The first water melons of the season were brought in from Wm. Ayers' ranch, ou Butter creek, Wednesday afternoon, and disponed of to Kirk & Rasmus. Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see his old friends there. Baths in connec tion. 1. N. Hughes, Jr., the postmaster and storekeeper of Wagner, Haystack's me tropolis, was in town Wednesday. While here I be shop fitted him out with Bon-e job work. 8. C. Smith has purohased the interest of S. O. Williamson in their fnrnitnre store, on May street. Mr. Williamson t;ilks of leaving for the East at an early date. Mrs. S. Z. Parven arrived on Wednes day evening's train and is now at the bed side of her daughter Mrs. J. N. Browo. who waa takeu much worse Monday afternoon. H. E. Warren, of Eiglit Mile, was seen on our streets iHSt Wednesday. Having had so much sickness in his family this seBS'in. Mr. Warren says he is very muoh behind with bis farm work. Anson Wright reports his sheep in good condition up in the Blues. Though p;wture has been somewhat close in this vicmitv than for some years, the moan taiu range is much better. A very nice monument will soon be erected at (lie grave of the late Henry Wei. h. The work will come from Hub erts' Matbie Works, of Walla Walla, and will be t he finest work of the kind in onr Cemetry. T. G. Arbnekle, a live yonng resident of the Lesiugton country, and a solid patron of the G .z-t. was np yetlerday. Ue pai s that the average yield of wheat in ihat section is about five bushels per ""ue snre and put a box of Ayer'j Pills in oitr satchel before traveling, either by iatid or sea. You will Bud them con venient, tflic-acions and Bufe. The btst remedy for costivenees, indigestion, and sick headache, aud adapted to any cli-niute. To mnnufielurers of the Royal Baking Powder Company, the public owe a large debt of gratitude tor (he increased purity of articles of food sold at the present day. The reports of the official Government investigations of baking powders show the R iyal to be stronger and purer than any other. It is quite evident that nei ther lugeuuity, science nor expense can in auv way improve upon the Royal Ba king Powder as now before tho public. By some inadvertanoy of our proof render, onr type were mde to sav iu last issue that Mrs. Geo. D. Fell wool i take charge of the business recently purchased from Mrs. A. M Slocum. An "s" uncon sciously added to "Mr." did the mischief. Mr. Fell will, upon taking charge, en large the store room aud put in many new lines, requiring his personal super vision and intention. E N Crocket returned from Portland and Clatsop Beach last Tuesday evening, leaving for Long Creek Wednesday morning. Mr. Croeket went down below on Ibe stock traiu lust Friday, and from all reports bis trip was not the most pleasant in the world, at least he doesn't care for any moie journeys with a stock train. While building fence np iu the moun tains, Fied Thomas got his baud bidly mashed iu attempting to put a very heavy pole on top of the fence, one end slipping from the fence and oatchiog his hand between it and the pile. Fred builds nu more fence, for a short time at auv rate, . Charles Miller, the fruit and vegetable man, came rear having a runaway near the South Methodist oliurch the first of the week. Charley bad left the wagon, when the team started to run, but by an extra effort he oaught the wagon and lenping iu seized ibe reins, stopping tbe team before any dutnaue was doge. E. L. Matlock, the auctioneer will offer for Bale at the Shobe stable, near the Gazette office, on Saturday, Aug. 20tb, the following property : Two horses, oue backboard, one cart, one set double har ness and oue set of single harness. Drop in and get a bargain. 416-16 Some of the Cocdon girls just now do not follow the injunction of the doggerel about "hang your clothes on a hiek'ry limb, but don't go near the water." They are just as fond of a dip in the Columbia as the members of the whisk ered sex. Cbrouiole. In conversation with R. W. Robinson, of Eight Mile, last Wednesday he informs onr reporter that wheat thresbiug has just begun over with them, and is averag ing all the way from two to teu bushels per acre, thongh tbe best wheat is yet to thresh. " Subscriptions for all newspapers, niBg nziues aud periodicals published iu the wor d takeu at the Gazette office. Sub scribe for your reading matter through us and we will inmre you against loss of money in transmission through the mails. tf. Geo. A. Beavis, representing a San Fraucisoo bouse, was iu the city the first of the week. Mr. Beavis is deputy grand chancellor of the KnigUts of Pythias, of Oregon, nnd always makes It a poiut to visit every lodge on his route, when pos sible. J. Robertp, tbe wool buyer, who has spent tbe entire season with us, being the first to come and the last to leave, departed the first of tbe week for The Dalles. Mr. Roberts will likely not re turn agaiu until next season. Walter Gentry oame up from Portland Tuesday evening to visit his father W. A. Gentry, who is employed in Hayes Bros, harness shop. Walter has been Woking iu the Portland oar shops and will return after a short visit here. Perry Suyder was in from Gooseberry last Wednesday to settle a little matter of a bet that was standing out between be and Billy Potter, wbioh be claimed be had won by big odds, though of oourse we wun't mention it. A. B. Niles and H. M. Hedrick, of Wal la Walla, stopped with us Wednesday on their wav home. Mr. Niles is a member of the marble firm of Niles & Viuson, while Mr. Hedriok holds au important position in the firm. There wlil be no servioes at the Ivf. E. obnroh on next Sabbath. Rev. Shnlse will spend the day in Arlington. How ever, there will be regular services on tbe following Sunday, nutioe of same will anpear later. If tbe ladies would abandon cosmetics and more generally keep tbeir blood pure and vigorous by tbe use of Ayer's Sar saparilla, naturally fair complexions would be the rule instead of the excep tion. The latest dentistry, crown and bridge work, most successfully accomplished by Dr. B. F. Vaughan. Gas administered when desired. Thompson building, Heppner, Or. 1-a-w- Rncklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve iu the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers salt rnenm, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, aud all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Bale by Slocum-Johnston Drug Co. D1KD. In Puyallup, Aug. 11, Dog Dash, aged 10 years, 4 months, 11 days. Faithful friend, bright brain, intelligent eye forever farewell. Puyallup Commerce. Many readers of tbe Gazette will re memler Dash, and what a smart dog he was; bow he would olimb a ladder, lead a horse, swim under water, dive for rocks, etc. They will bIso remember when Morrow co'inty was beginning to strug gle for life in '84, bow he carried tbe banner for Morrow and Cox, all through tbe Campaign. Tbey, perhaps, have not forgotten how he used to tree Mrs. Keithley's oats and run all the jaokrab bits off Col. Redingtou's homestead olaim. He was generally recognized as the Ga zette dog, and never seemed like himself in ibe Puyallup climate, aud for tbe past six months bad gradually wasted away. For tbe past month of his life he had to be cared for like a helpless obild, but his gratitude was the last thing to leave bim, and witb tbe last particle of strength be wagged his tail and smiled out of his beautiful brown eyes. Co R dington tried haul to get him on his feet anHiti as be did "Old .lack , but all to no purpose. He was but a dog, but a migbly intelligent oue, a gentle, trust worthy animal. Strength and Health. If you are not feeling strong and healthy, try Electrio Bitters. If la grippe bas left you weak and weary, use Elec tric bitters This remedy acts directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aiding those orgnna to perform their (unctions. If yon are afflicted with sick headache, you will find speedy and per manent relief by taking Electrio Bitters. Oue trial "ill couvince yon that this is tho remedy yon need. Large bottles only 5Uc at Slocnm-Jolmson Drag C'o's. M. Lichtenthal & (Jo. have just re ceived a fine lot of ladies' kid, button and tie shoes. At bottom prices. a OKEliON 8TATB FAIR The State Fair (or 1892 commences on tbe 12ih day of September, aud lasts one week. The State Board of Agricu!ture has made, and is now making many ohanges and improvements which add grently to the beauty of the grounds and to the comfort end convenience of exlii'v itors, patrons aud visitors. There urn two electric s'reet railway Hues running from Salem to the Fair Grounds, thus affording pleasant aud rapid transit to and from the grounds to the city. Tbe exhibits in all departments promise to be large, being stimulated by tbe offer of liberal premiums. The grounds and pa vilion will be lighted by eloctrioity, and tbe pavilion will he open four, nights during tbe week. Good music will be furnished for tbe pavilion Couoerls each evening, aud on the grounds during tbe day. Entries for p'eminms will close at 3 p. m. tbe first day of tbe Fair, and all those who can make their entries on Fri day and Saturday before will avoid She orowd. All exhibits must be in place by 10 p. in. of the first day of the Fair. Send to G. W. Watt, Ass't Secretary, ut Salem, for a premium list. The Fali, Races -The Heppuer Park Associatiou has decided to have their fall races on Oct. 19, 20, 21 and 22. The purses will amount to over S8U0, and should there be no race for horses that may come here, races will be made for them, should there be enough to enter and start. These raoes have been ar ranged so that there will be no aonfiictiou with other associations of E stern Oregon. A general invitation is extend ed to all horseman to be present, and mom than all the people and business men of Heppner, who patronized the as sociation very little last Spring. If you desire the meetings to continue our peo ple must atteud the races nnd i"ii them along. A Bad Hand. Last Tuesday evening, Dr. E. T. Gagen, assisted by Dr. E. R. Swinburne, removed from the hand ol Lee Kilbonrne, the larger part of a com mon sewing needle. Lee was looking after some sheep up iu tbe Blues, iu tbe onpaoity of enmptender. Tbe herdei had left a neeiile sticking into the table, aud in the work of olearing away the dishes after a repast, Lee accidentally struck the needle with bis hand, wbioh entered tbe tlesb eye first, breaking oil about two-thirds of it. All efforts to re move it were unavailing, till he fell into I ho, hands of the Heppner pbysioiant heretofore mentioned. Tbe needle, when removed had traveled au inch or more from the point of entranoe. Activk Operations Begin. H. V. Gates arrived from Hillsboro last eve ning' aocompanied by Isaac Iannis, au engineer from Hillsboro, and Bert Webb a drill man from Portland. Active ouei aiions will begin at once. They first propose to clean out the artesian well put in a six inoh pump aud .thoroughly test it. If the test is nut satisfactory j wells will be sunk in the vicinity; but in the event that the artesiau well is found to be adequate, the work of putting in the electrio lights will be be. gun at once. Back to Eastkbn Oregon. A train of emigrauts passed through town last Tuesday on their way to Heppner. They left Pendleton last May, expecting to find something better down in the Valley, but it proved to be the same old story to the Willamette Valley or bust Busted by-Jiminty. They spent a month or so in Douglas county, nud then started ou their homeward journey agaiu. Eastern Oregon excels every other country ou earth for a man witb means or in pover ty. Antelope Herald. Manufacturing Boards. Geo. Swag gnrt oame down from the mountains last Monday evening, where he says Johnny Elder and himself are manufacturing some of tbe finest boards ever seen iu tbe mountains. Some kind of elm boards, we think, though dou't remember the name. At auy rate, Johnny rnkes the boards and George acts as traveling salesman for him, though while here his principal occupation seemed to be playing poker on the strength of the job. Does it Pay to Hold Your Wheat? The North West Miller say8: "Tbe total Btook of last season's wheat at Minneap olis and Duluth in elevators unsold, is 9,158,650 bushels. The total in North western elevators in Dakota and Minne sota is 10,125,450 bushels. This is an ex ceedingly large surplus for this section to carry over. Farmers will give little weight to alliance circulars to"bold their wheat." They have lost over three mil lion dollars by so doing. Surprise Party A surprise party was given Misses Dolia Parsons and Leua Patterson last evening, nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Patterson, a number of Heppner's young folks gathering at the house during their absence. Those present passed tbe bourB away at differ ent amusements, after which, ice oream and cake were served. An E oqaent illethudmt Pastor Rev. E. U. Scott is pastor of the Metho dist Episcopal church iu Iowa Falls, wbioh be is now serving fur tbe fifth con secutive year. This eloquent and popn lar olergyman thus adds his endorsement to Dr. Webb's eleotrical appliances: "This is to certify that 1 have b-'en us ing Dr. G. F. Webb's Electric Belt and that I have received great benefit from the nee of it. Fnr several years I have had dyspeptio nnd nervous trouble, and ha,e sought relief from it iu mxny ways, but without Biiccess until I iiegan to use the Dr. Webb Electiic Belt, some four weeks ago. Siuce that time I bave con stantly boen improving from my trouble and now feel that I am entirely free from it. Of tbe virtue of this Belt I bave not the slightest doubt, and do not hesitate to recommend it as invaluable to any one who may be afflicted with dyspeptio or nervous trouble. It will bring you good digestion and sound sleeu O. E. Scott, Palur M. E. Church Sold by B B. Bliss, Lock Box 796, Iowa Falls, Iowa. Gifl'iD k MeFfirlnnd bave jmt received ' a our load of Milchell Wauons, H.icks, i etc , and have ulrni b large soplj' of farm- j log implement! of all kioda. j Ketch 'em PUU.U W. B. FOWLER, HW I Jill i0uT3ill IRP ' has just renoved from Milton aid located pi-nniiaent Mil B llSllLl tftpilVI I l.v in Hie l.li'hlenihiil Kjil'li'ig. opposite City ilolel To H. Blackman & Co., DEADEES IN General Merchandise ! WE AKE STILL SELLING OUT our stock of Gener ' al merchandise, but to nmke it more complete, we have .purchased a stock consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Furn ishing Apparel, Etc., . That will be sold at greatly reduced priors for cash only. Call and investigate and we will be pleased to wait on you. No trouble to show, goods. ' FistiBBr BricR Store - Plain Street, lippp. OXFORD GRADE BUCKS ! J. E, SMITH, See For I liavejLLst iinisl led burning- ;i kiln of brick wliicli aio equal to the host made. SEE SAMPLES AT Leave orders with J. W. Cowins. MD-F-tf. 4 FV $ GAB.T1CKSUL1CE THE WORLD R HI I ?'3 EI I Pn motion letter tin Curo ! DIP YOUR SHEEP EVERY EALL AND HAVE MORE WOOL AND BETTER WOOL y fiee Intloreementst Cooper Dip Is used nnd endorsed by thn following Oregon find Montana ulieontnen: W. H Donaldson, Dnyvllle; VV. s. Let-i Junction Uty; John IlurriHon, Matncy; (ieo. Oeli, Annuidn Kenneth Multu, Imyville; Joenhver, John liny; J. W, Byera, New UnIioji; I'. J. Mmk'. Hi-rcail Cook & Clark, I'hil'brook; KairHiild it McCm'iy, Unpuyer; V. ii. Wurren, I'tlm; IIuki Ii limn Ijcwlston; E. P. Clnuuiler, Maiden; J. IMrHchberg, Chotenu ; I). H. Huntings, 1'ijet. Jilinch Edit Dillon; W. Norton, Stewurt; A. Downie, Big Sandy. ssl and Best Dip Ash Your Merchant for KOHTiANP B'lOS. Part land, Orpann, Gen. AgtH. for Oregon, Vuhlilngtm and entL-ni OUR WONDERFUL REMEDIES! DR. GRANT'S Native The Great F-male Remedy, SucceftsMly used in the gt'ticral trt'.-umetitoi woman's disease!, Dr. Grant's Kidney and Liver Cure, For the cure of Briglit' Discus, Diiilji'fs, liiliousness, Sick-Hi'ailiiolie, and all Kidney Troubles. Prioo, fSl..C3. Prepared by THE 0. VI R. 315 Front St, Change of Ownership -y-E HAVE TAKKS CHARGE OF THE LIBERTY MEAT MAIiKET. IT wbicb we propose to conduct in tbe most satisfactory trimmer. Will kee on bondn at all time tbe clioicext Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. sha w & Mcca rty, 85-tt Proprietors. ere they Fade. examine Ills wori uiea..s an order. The undersigned has a choice !o! of Oxford Grade I kicks for sale at reasonable prices, at his ranch, 7 miles south of Pilot Rock. Xilot Rock, Ox. Yourself ! GAZETTE OFFICE. JOHN J larVIilXS, Proii, i ENOW Pi I E E3 5r - ever maile. Sold Everywhere lIW 'f n f n. Jt. V Coopers and Take no Other. Idaho. Props. Win. t'lllll'Eii 4 NMIEIYS. (lalvc.fiUm, T':rwi. Dr. Grant's CLOALO! PRICE, $1.00. MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Por'.land, Oreeon. For Trade at the Head of the Procession With the Right Swing and We Propose to f Catcli Tliat The Frisky Dollar. In all lines of Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Guns and Ammunition and Agricultural Implements, there are no dealers in Morrow County that can lloiii up Bargains I Like Yours Respectfully. We tire here for business from the gronud np and propose to let you know it. MINOR BROS., liEPrNEK, OREGON. Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAY STKKET, HEPPNER, OR. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Madk on Short Notick .nd at Poviu.ar Pricks. Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. Grain Standard Calcutta Sacks at all of our Warehouses, 8 1-4 cts. M. C. L. Although most of the HEPPNER DOGS have been killed, don't forget that P. C. Thompson Company Are still ulivt' and klckhit: tor tui'lt: with h complete llnu of ' ' ' V i TOBACCOS, WOOD and WIU.OW WARE. Guns and Vniinnnition, Sowing Machines, Farm Implements. AIho fjentH' FurnlKhliiir (iooils, and tho lni-Kext assortment of leas iu haturu Oregon. Special Inducements to Cash Customers. V- Our Motto: We Won't Be Undersold. tf. CoriuT Main and Willow J1TK QITY HOTEL, V. J. IKICVIlil, Prop, 'IllllS HOSTELRY him bwu JIkfittkii nml Ikfcni.siiku tlimu(li(ul, Bud now is ono of tlie niont invilin pluccs iu Hoiipner. Mr. Ijezer iuvitM you to slop with him, ((uliriK Hint lit is uMi' to tuili-rtuin you iu the bust of style. r l;nsr Class J Iousi:. 'JTIjlo Season For Fruit has Arrived and we are in the business to supply you is about r'ipe. We will let you know about that in tho nea.r future. W. L. Matlock & Co. -ARE- Rustlers ! Ma API Sacks & T. CO. Strwtri, Hfippner Or. Rkasonahlk Rates.