Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 12, 1892, Image 4

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.... nrnnn t.-.
rurlUPS lilU xljuuv. tjuirj vv. " . . -
J-fce Genuine IIAilBVUa TEA is pvl vy in I hLLQ if J uAPPSR.1
with Facsimile Signature of EUIL FRENE.
REDINOTOM & CO. AOEMT3. Sam frMttmrn.
Dr, 6. F. Webb's
tlcrtrlr Roily Holts ai:d
Appliances, Tj7,
Prolapsus, Chlorosis,
Piiiniul McubCB,
tSomlual Wt-iiknoM,
EITools of Onanism
Nervous Debility,
Pick Jluaducuo
lit !rnia,
lu inninifi,
Spinal Disease.
Kidney Cotnp'nlnM,
Uoncrnl D hiiiiy.
J,os9 of Memory.
Lev -'Iohr Ai.p.fn,
trjil'jpy, rt, (Mi-.
Inventor and Paientco, United
and Foreign Countries.
fT" Soud for Cutaloiruos and loutiuiomaU.
Save ifi to Wf cent mi every dollar you spend.
Wriie for our mnmn.oih CainliiiB, a too-page
o fact u re in' nrkes, with niriuidi.ctuie.' discount
of every ki net of good and supplies inanuficinred
and imported into the United 8iat.es. Groceries,
Household Goods, Furniture, Oiothinff, Lidle-'
and Lieu tV Cluiliiun nud Furnishing Goods, Dicta
Goods, While Goods, Dry Goods, IDilw, Cup-,
Hoots and Shoe", Glove, Notions, Glastwaie,
Stationery, W niches, Chx-kB, Jewelry. Silverware,
Buggies, Whipn, Agricultural implcm-iKS, etc,
ONLY FlllHT CLAVS GOODS. Lulft!"U'ti scut
on receipt of iU cunts for exprr-ssajro W tire "he
only concern which bpIIm at mamiti.cliireis' prices,
allowing the buyer Hie same discount t'.ai 'he
nmnufnetnrer fives to the wholesale buyer. We
BiiaiHiilee all poods as represented; if not found
an, money refunded. Goods nct by exoresn or
freight, with privileye ol cxiimiiutiinti before pay
1'22 Quiucy Street, Lhicao, 111.
A lary of $11 to MM per week tn ('Jt)OI) !mi
to reprefftiil u In every cmintv.anfi Hell ovir H'liieml
line d( lerchiuicllet niiuiiitntliiiei's' prices, iini.y
APi'LY. talalucue anil particulars nenl on recelpl
otacenUtorexpicane. KAHI'KN ft ('11.
122 Qttlncy Street, Ghi:nj,'o, 111.
Kansas City, St. Paul,
Leaves IIe)inir, 8 a', m. Arrived
0:5u p. m.
tilloifiii Hleeueri
Colonist r-i 1 a i o r .
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
HU'iimern I'orlliinil to Sim Frnuoitico
every (our days.
Tickets Kuropc.
l-'or ititi'H mid tt''"i'rul iiifonimllon cull on
Itupot Tk-kt't AKcnt,
J. C. I lVUT,
llepimer, tJrcgou.
W. II lll'HI.IIl'ltl', At. Uenl. rn. AKt.
J.rd Waslilniitoiiat.,
rmiTl.ANn, Okkiion.
4(tii Fmnolsoo
And all points In Cnlirnrnia, via tlie Mt. Hlineta
route or the
Southern Pacific Co.
The Krwtt hint) way OiroitKh. Culifornia to all
pointM KiiHt and South. Gmnd fck'onio Houto
of tho I'nisifto i'oHHti I'ullman Hiitlt
Hlccpcra. HccoiuI-cIuhm Hloopcra
PAttHcliPt. tocuprcHH trains, nfTunlinff mtporiur
HCliUHllHUlHIHllIrl I or HCl't HMl-0 lIltH pIlUNcnorrt.
Kur mica, tirkciH, hlcrpniK fur utforvatuina,
etc., ciui upon or iioarwa
K. KoKHl.KK, Manager, K. V. KOGKItrt, AbmI.
i.tMi. f . iv r. aki., l orttuiui. orcnou.
I, U JNL 15 E 11 !
m drcHiicii i.uiiiIht, Ibuuleaol llcppiier, at
what la known a. thu
I'Klt I .IXW FKKT, KOrilll, - - - flO 00
' Cl.EAK, - 17 10
i ,.i.uo pr i.oiio icei, adtuttoiial.
1. V. Ilfiiiilltoti. lniiur
II. lilai'kiuuu it y. Iiave Hit esolns've
Oenertil MerfltiatuliNO Htoro Ntoekmeti
oantiot do better tlmu tia' nmizo 11
Ulaokman & Co., of liepnner's 1'imieer
Ilriok. a.
The Deaf Made to Hear by Electricity !
Invented In April, 1601, Patented In Jnno,
yct'lliuusanUs l'rorlnlm Its Wonder
fill and Perfect llcsulti 1
Any one. old or young, whoso ear
drum In unbroken enn be mudo to hoar
nml converse In ordinary times, mid ho
cured liy Dr. G. F. Webb's Electrical
AvpnialnK lor Treating Deafness. An
Electro-Medical Hody Butloiy with ap
pliances Invented especially lor treat
ing Iit.'alncBS and the diseases which
produced it.
Send M cents for my Electro-Medical
Theory and Practice, describing treat.
sent. w pntrce. Address
B. B. BLISS, General Agt,
.JAPAN E 5313
sn ins a HSS
A new and Complete Treatment, conniHtinir of
SiippofdtorioH, Ointment In CiipisiileH, tilmiiu Box
and I'ills; ii positive ;nre for Kxtcriml, Inter
nal, Blind or Bleed inu, Iteliiiitf. Chronic, Recent
or Hereditary J'lleB.and itmuy other dineaBeH
and female vveakneHHCH; it in til ways a great ben
efit to the yeneriil health. 'I he liriit dUcnvery of
h medical cure rendering an opera t inn with the
knft'e u ii Decennary h realter. Tliia rcinedv hm
never hemi known to fail. $1 per box. 6 for -$.:
ent by nniil. W hy sutler from this terrible din-
cane wnen a written gimntnieu in given with fi
boxcB, to refund the inonev If not cured. Send
Htainp for free sample. Guarantee lnnned bv
woopAito, (;i,aiikb M t;o., u itoiesale it Ketall
DruggtHlH Hole AgcntH, I'ortland, Ur.
Scientific America
Ageany fur
For Information nrd fme TlaTidhfink wrltn to
MllNN A CO., ;ttil UltOAUWAT, Nhw youk.
Oldeett bureuu for Heirurinp patentu In America.
Fvery patent tnken out bv us tt brmtRht before
the public by u notice nivon tree of ctmrKO lu the
Scientific tuencaw
Larpnst r.imilatlon of any pciontlftc paper In the
world. HpletHttdly tlliiHtnued. No Intelllnei.t
man MtmiiM to wltliout It. Weekly, .'t.0 a
year; fl.iV) hit months. AddrnH MlINN & CO,
1'UBI.lsuLiW. atll Bfoadway. Wew York.
Cattle hrundetland earmarked n nhown above.
lorneH F on rinht HlintiUnr.
Mv cuttle range in Morrow and Umatilla coun
!ioH. I will pay SlOfT.OO for (ho iirrent ami con.
riction of any person stealing my stock.
It routes the Liver and Kidneys and Stomach,
Cures Ib adiuhe, Dvspeeshi, creates an Appe
tite, Pun tic 3 the Impure Blood, and
Mnkps Tho "W'onlc Strong.
llaed evei-ynliere. Jl abollluisiirorfS.
UtUKiUlH H.all IVlllllllll. lTrd'C
oik. wi'iK'it, mii.L t'urin.a l.o tlo
'cli'd hyu ntiilt rrt. Coiilhlnil ial
iTi'poiuli" ii'ilhu:inu's lnvit.
lI. l'rl. o ' .M ,kh dins piTh,'t, J5.
irV M...'1II , .... t Mt. I i. ..I
UliiliorU'W.llli. Onlltliii v work, loiui.... htni... 1 i
or U Id hu ll, p.lr, SI . ivorv. .1 Ml. f inest luntkcit
cnrtUmn,it'.fliK'..i,ii ?'.h in, i;. in in,,',, cut. tm:a,
Uico nuariuituud. K1.Y Ituoa, Uoi k, t LlraKo, 111.
Tlio I'nlnod 18 iIih leadini; lintel in the
city. Well funiiHlieil roinua with plenty
nf Unlit are provided for everyone. a
Herore Stun ins on a .loiu ney
A person usually desires to jinin some in
formation as to the most desirable route
to take, and will purchase tickets via the
one that will ullord him theiiiiii-kest ami
best Borneo, liefure slnrtiiu; on n trip to
ClnciiKii or any point Kast, you should
provide yourself with nmp and tinjt
tnhlo of the Wisconsin Central lines.
The trains run on this route are vesti
bule,! and equipped with l'ullmnu's lat
est drawing room sleepers, elriiant day
oonehes and dinim; ears of latest ilesicn,
built expressly for this service, mid are
extpiisiie in furnishings and eonvenienl
and comfortable in arrangement and so
complete in every detail that they have
no superior iu comfort and elegance.
The dining ear service is pronounced by
nil the most elegant ever ltiaiit;ornted.
and is operated iu the interest of itH pa
Fast trains via the Wisconsin Central
lines leave Minneapolis dnilv at 12:45 p
m and t) :'J,"i p. in., and St. Paul at 1:30
p. ni. and 7 :;I0 p. m., making fiivmable
connection with all trains from tho West
and Southwest.
For tickets, time tables, berth reserva
tions, etc., apply to (I. K. McNeill, C.
A T. A , Minneapolis, Minn., or to Jus.
C. l'oiid, general pusscnger and tiekel
agent Chlcu"u 111. 4Si)tf
Pulr ltiulKv'. Iv
A OontrlTsDO tn High Favor frith Skill
ful Flockinaaters.
The creep is a contrivanco by which
the lambs are allowed to run forward
find crop the choicest herbage before the
older sheep soil it Some creeps are ad
justable to the size of the lamb, others
are fixtures, and the upright bars through
which they pass are round and smooth
and revolve upon an axis of iron or on
an iron Bpike. The revolving rollers
leave the wool undisturbed. Lambs to
do well must have change, freedom and
a private lunchroom; all this can be ac
complished through the use of the creep.
The revolvers of the plan 1 send you are
stationary. The distance between the
revolvers must be made to suit the breed.
For instance, for Merinos, six inches be
tween the uprights will be sufficient, and
from eight to ten inches wide will meet
the demands of all other breeds. When
sufficiently large to fill the different
spaces the youngsters will be lit to wean;
meanwhile the ewes cannot force them
selves through the creep.
The frame can be marie of UkM iron or 2
by 3 scantling. The two pots (PI each
have a book top and bottom for hanging the
wire netting on, making It convenient for
moving. The netting should be thirty Inches
high. The posts are hooped with iron at the
top and cased at the bottom. The creeps (A)
are twenty-four inches high and are shown in
the engraving to be of disproportionate width
between the rollers, which should be set from
six to eight or ten Inches apart according to
tlie breed. The rollers (Kl turn on iron spikes,
or Inch gns pipe answers the purpose if prop
erly set so as to allow of revolution. Or these
uprights may be made stationary. The slide
through which the rollers or uprights pnss is
adjustable, so that It can be set to the height
of I he Inmhs and fixed there by Iron pins. The
ends of the slide should be thin plate iron
which can be easily moved up and down in the
slits In the posts.
When you want to bring out a lot of
early ram or wether lambs for the fall
or Christmas shows no time should be
lost. An inclosure of hnrdles with
troughs and feed inside and creep in the
center of the fold should at once be
erected in the field, so that the lambs
may go through at will to feed on crush
ed cake, peas or oats, and when satisfied
return outside and steal a drink of their
mother's milk, or the system I work on
myself is, I think, still preferable feed
ing the lambs three times a day, giving
them only what they will consume for
(be time being.
Lambs are very dainty in their eating;
the least offensive smell seems at once to
disgust them. In the first place they
should have feed troughs specially for
themselves. These should be about six
feet long, the bottom six inches wide
and the sides not more than two inches
in height; they should be raised about
four inches from the ground and a round
pole should run along the top of the
trough from one end to the other to pre
vent the Iambs from jumping from one
side of the feed box to the other, which
they continually keep doing, dropping
dirt from their feet in the trough and
wasting much feed. The pole must be
sufficiently high from the trough so as
not to interfere with the lamb reaching
the feed.
I prefer a flat bottomed feed box to a
V-shaped one. Lambs like their feed
in troughs so formed, I presume, because
they do not blow on the food when
spread on a flat surface nearly so much
as when placed deep in a narrow space.
Feed little at a time is the great secret.
Let the shepherd stand by while the
lambs are eating and as they clean their
dish add a handful more. By such
handling it is astonishing the quantity
of grub you can coax them to stuff into
their little Btomachs, and it is marvelous
how lambs develop under such treat
ment. The shepherd should when the lambs
are eating take particular notice of the
gross feeders the big constitutioned
sorts for these are the ones he has to
depend on for winning honors in the
show arena. Ho should also stamp on
his memory the ewes that have produced
the best lambs, so that ho may bestow
on them every care to reproduce to ad
vantage. 1 take care that lambs under my
charge wake tin every morning to a lib
eral feed of cake and oats, and at night
they receive the same before resting
their heads on the pillow. What con
tented children a hearty supper makes
thein! Not a whisper is heard till
breakfast hour the following day. In
the morning 1 no sooner enter tho
feeding fold than there is a geueral rush
as to which of the lambs will pass first
through the creep. What more bounti
ful sight can there be than a lot of fine
thrifty lambs crowding around the feed
boxes crunching enko and corn. What
music there is in that crunch! William
Watson in Breeder's Gazette.
The llest Sheen to ltulae.
If the butchers will pay as much per
pound for Shropshire mutton and lamb
as for Southdown we think Shropshires
will bo the more profitable sheep for a
fanner to raise. In the London market
Southdown mutton commands a higher
price than any other, except the small
Welsh mutton. But in the manufactur
ing districts there is not much differ
ence in the price, and the larger sheep,
like the Shropshire, are more popular
with the farmers. The real question for
us to consider U which breed will best
improve our common sheep. In other
words, are Southdown grades or Shrop
shire grades the most profitable for the
firmer to keep? Some of our experi
ment stations should take hold of this
question. Exchange.
The duration of gestation or time the
offspring of various animals is carried
varies widely. The average duration in
the mare is 835 days; cow, nine months;
sheep, five months; sow, four months;
bitch, two months; cat, fifty days. It is
the shortest in the rabbit, requiring only
twenty-eight days, and longest in the
elephant, covering a period of two years.
The male offspring is usually carried
longer than the female. The young fe
males go a longer time than older ones,
and well bred females longer than those
of coarse, lympliatio breeds. Field and
U s -a -a -n a- .
A , '
Fattening rood to Fill I'p I'ntll Corn Is
The more hopeful outlook for the fu
ture production of pork in this country
is occasioned by the recent removal of
restrictions in Europe, which heretofore
have prevented the exportation of Ameri
can pork products. This state of affairs
will tend to stimulate the growing and
fattening of hogs. Hence the produc
tion of grain foods needed for this pur
pose will be correspondingly increased.
While Indian corn is generally adnii.
ted to be the standard crop for this pur
pose, yet comparatively few fanners arc
in positiou to commence fattening uutii
the new corn crop is harvested, though
they are woll aware that it would be
wisdom to invest a few dollars for a
suitable grain ration at an earlier period.
They know full well that pork can be
produced cheaper in mild weather than
during the winter season.
One reason why the field pea is held
in such high estimate as a crop to feed
pigs is by reason of the fact that it is
ready to harvest nearly or quite a month
earlier than com. Again, tho ease and
simplicity of pea cultivation, its excel
lent fattening qualilies and its natural
adaptation to most conditions of soil all
make sufficent inducement to commend
it cultivation to those interested in cheap
pork production. In selecting a soil for
pea culture a light loam aud low tnucU
should be avoided.
Prepare the ground as early in the
spring as it will work light and friable.
The ground best adapted for growing the
pea is where corn, potatoes or other hoed
crops were grown the previous year.
The variety most largely grown for this
purpose is the "Small White Canada."
The pea weevil, so disastrous to this
grain in former years, has mysteriously
disappeared from this section. This adds
much to the profit and certainty of its
Sow with a drill at the rate of two
bushels per acre. After sowing, the
ground should be well rolled down, the
small stones being pressed into the soil
and the surface left smooth and uni
form. These methods will greatly fa
cilitate the work of harvesting, which
should be done with the old fashioned
wooden revolving rake instead of the
glow and tedious method of pulling the
vines with the scythe. With a good
steady horse commence to rake on the
side of the field where the harvester
can proceed exactly opposite the direc
tion in which the pea is always found to
be leaning or lodged. Returning, rake
over the same ground, removing each
gavel, or raking sufficient to pull the
undisturbed vines remaining under
them. A person following with a fork
is then able to roll the raking ono side,
giving room for another "bout." In this
manner six acres or more can easily be
harvested in a day.
After two or three days of favorable
weather the peas can be stacked in readi
ness for feeding. Of course they can be
drawn under cover, afterward thrashed
and the vines fed to horses and sheep
during the winter. No other crop ex
cels the pea in leaving the ground in a
favorable condition to be followed by a
crop of winter wheat. The state of the
soil is such as to warrant satisfactory
results. Why this is so few farmers can
explain scientifically. Tho facts they
are familiar with, and they seem willing
that the matter should be left to scien
tists or experiiuent stations to investigate
further. Irving D. Cook in American
Fer Sticking Cows.
From Mr. John Lewis, herd manager
for Mr. Adams Earl, Lafayette, Ind. , we
have received a description of a little
device used at Shadeland to prevent cows
from sucking themselves. Mr. Lewis
says: "We had a Jersey cow upon which
we tried everything we could think of
without effect, until we had a black-
smith make a piece of 'nose jewelry' like
that which we send you by mail today.
We put it in with a bull punch, putting
the tap in afterward. It accomplishes
its purpose effectually, and 1 can with
confidence recommend it. 1 would pre
fer it to any heavy stick or leather, as it
is not so unsightly."
It will be observed that the tap to
which Mr. Lewis refers is adjustable by
means of a screw thread, so that the de
vice is not oply simple in operation but
must necessarily be sufficient to prevent
the practice which it is intended to stop.
Breeder's Gazette,
Live Stock Points.
"Texas flockmasters can produce wool
for from six to nine cents a pound," says
H. L. Bentlev, of the Texas Live Stock
Journal. It is in Texas perhaps that the
American merino will find its best de
velopment. The Ohio experiment station provided
cement floors and a cistern for the liquid
manure from thity cows, and between
Christmas and May 1, or a little over
four months, the amount collected was
over 100 gallons per head, with a fertil
izing value of forty-seven dollars. This
would give an income of about $135 per
cow during the six months of winter.
Where the manure is thrown out into
the yard to be soaked by rains and dried
by the sun, most nf this is lost, and per
haps as much more from the value of
the solids.
There is another serious outbreak of
the foot and mouth disease in Kent,
England. The British minister of agri
culture should look at home when next
he howls about unhealthy American
live stock.
Admirers of Hereford beef cattle
claim for them that they mature earlier
than Shorthorns, and that at 2 years
old, on good feed, they will weigh more.
And as to looks, no handsomer cattle
were ever created than the Herefords.
I Do not forget to plant some pumpkins
this spring for a bite for the live stock
! next fall. They all like them, and vari
1 ety is thus added to their food without
1 much cost. Pumpkins and corn thrive
in the same ground and Uo not quarrel.
Rev. J. W. Arney, the trotting parson
of the Methodist church, has resigned
his pastoral charge and will hereafter
devote his attention to horse breeding.
He was twice disciplined by the church
for his love of fast horses and for at
tending speeding exhibitions. What
ever "the church has lost, the horse breed
ing interest has made a fine gain, and is
to be congratulated.
One pound of three strand wool twine
will tie the fleeces of thirty Bheep. One
pound of five strand wool twine will tie
op the fleeces of twenty sheep.
It has been found that rich milk yields
its cream more readily than thin milk.
Terrible Sllstahe.
Queensvraro Merchant What made
that lady go out of the store so hurried
ly? Clerk I don't know. I was showing
her a vase
"Was that what you call It?"
(With a groan) "We have lost her
custom forever. You should have
callo it a vawz. She's from Boston."
Chicago Tribune.
Or Something Llko Them.
Bridget (at tho grocer's) The mls
thress is afthcr wantin' a bottle av I
think it do bo thricks f ur the biled
mutton sauce.
Scales (tho grocer) Isn't it capers
you want?
Bridget rhat's the odds, capers or
thricks? Sure, their wan an' tho same.
Mcroly a Solicitor.
Sleek Stranger I am hunting for
work, sir. Ilavo you any scrubbing,
washing or cleaning of any kind you
wish done?
Mr. Morrison Essex You don't look
like a man for that kind of work.
Sleek Stranger 1 am not, sir. It is
for my wife I am hunting work.
A llcrfular Dilemma.
A. I am in a hideous pickle.
B. How so?
A. I have not got anything to eat,
and the only thing I've got to pawn is
my false teeth, and if I pawn them and
buy something to eat then I can't cat
it. I never was in such a hideous fix in
all my life. Texas Siftings.
A Femiuino Equivalent.
Jack Lever Then you didn't move on
the first of May?
Mr. Lotos No; my wife said that if
she took up all the carpets and took
down all tho curtains, and turned the
house upside-down, generally, she
thought wo could get along without
moving this year. Puck.
Its Art Education Neglected
Dinwiddie (sitting at his friend's
fireside) I don't call this on artistic
Shingiss (who is rather proud of some
exquisite tile work about the mantel)
You don't? What's wrong with it?
Dinwiddie It doesn't draw well.
Pittsburgh Chronicle.
ltase Ingratitude.
Widower Your bill is something
fearful. After you have doctored my
wife to death you expect mo to pay you
an enormous bill.
Doctor That's just what I expected
you to say. Such a thing as gratitude
no longer exists in this world. Texas
Agents Wanted.
Mr. Gowitt I am going tojoiuthe
Society for the Prevention of Crime.
Eeggy Riverside Great Ccesar! What
Mr. Gowitt So I can paint the town
and have my expenses paid. Puck.
A Happy Man.
"I'm like a woman in one respect,"
remarked the dealer who sells for cash
only. '
"Yes; my work is never dun." De
troit Free Press.
A Benedict.
Mrs. Spinks Is your friend Finks a
married man?
Mr. Spinks I guess so. ne fastens
his suspenders with a hairpin instead of
a nail. Judgei
So Itollo Thinks.
Aunt Phccbe Your brother Tom
grows much faster than you do, Rollo.
Eollo Well, he'll get old before I do,
then, auntie. Harper's Young People.
Two l'ianos.
Mrs. Spinks--Is that new neighbor's
piano an upright, like ours?
Wee Miss Spinks No'm, it's one of
zee low down kind. Good News,
JIurrt to Answer.
"I want to ask one more question,"
said little Frank as he was being put to
"Well?" acquiesced the tired mamma.
"When holes come in stocking's what
becomes of the piece of stocking that
was there before the hole came?" Judge.
Excusing Herself.
May Did I used to cry as much as
baby brother?
Mamma Yes, my dear.
May Well, he'll be awfully ashamed
of it when he gets bi. I would if I
were a boy. Harper's Young People.
Ills Hecommcndi.tions,
"You want a job in my store, hey?
Have you any recommendations from
your last employer, my boy?"
"Xuthin' in writin'. Hut he said he
was very glad to part with me." Chi
cago Tribune.
Worse Than a Negative.
When little Chawlcs, in accents weak,
Proposed to stout Miss Whopper,
bhc kissed the dear boy on tho cheek,
And said: "Go ask your rHiiirxr.1
Harper's Bazar.
Their Vegetables.
Gazzam I suppose that the favorite
vegetable of a duck is a mandrake.
Maildox And that of the hen is
chickweed, of course.
ilu.y-am It might be egg plant. De
troit Five Press.
FeAch Yellows and Peach Rosette.
The edition of the report on the com
municability of peach yellows and peach
rosette, which was issued by the United
States department of agriculture in De
; cember last was eoon exhausted. As
additional copies have recently been
printed, peach growers and those inter
j ested in the diseases of the peach may
I obtain this report (Bulletin Xo. 1 of the
Division of Vegetable Pathology) by ap
plying to the secretary of agriculture at
j Make your butter just as good and
i sweet as you know how to, then sell it
I as soon as you can.
U. 8. Land Office. 1 1, oailca, Or.. June 7, lSTO.
Complaint having U-eu entered at this ollice
by Theron E. Fell, acaiust heirs of Joshua R.
Fell, for failure to comply with law sa to Tim
ber Culture Hntry No. fil2, dated Nov. 17, lsh7,
upon the l, NW't4 and V( HN14 Sec. W, 'I'p '2,
S K '!.: K. in Mnrrou county,"! Ireeon, w 1th a view
to the cancellation of bhM eutrv; contestant
alleging that said Joshua H. Fell, and his heirs,
have failed to comply with the Umber Culture
law, that he failed 10 break or cause to 1,0 broken,
live acres of said tract within one vear alter en
try, or in fact has done nollilng to'coi, 1 U- tth
the requirements of the Timber t.'ult'.i'-e l.i.vi,
tile aalil parties are hereby summoned t1' ai-jiear
at thin ollice ou the Kith day of .-epteiiili. r, IMC,
at 10 o'clock a. m , to respond and furiiihii testi
mony conceruliigaiiid alleged failure. ( Uiu I'at
tcrsou, Notary Piilillc, la authorized to tr.ke tes
timony in this case, at hisolhce in lieppuer, or.,
at IU a. 111., August 7, lv.12.
511-121 John W. Lewis, Register.
Plenty of flour, bran, mill feed and
ohop always on hand at the Heppner
Flouring Mills. a
While yon koepyour nubcriptiin paid up yt n
can koftp your bran J in free of churge.
Albn. T. J.. lone, Or. Horwn Ott on lnft
fhuuUlpr; cattle -ntuf on left hip, under bit on
rij;lit our, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor
row county. !
Armwtrontr, J. t, Alpine, Or. T with bar un
der it on left Bimnidtjr of horeen; caltlo enuie
lofi hip.
Allifion, O. D., Eielit Mile. Or. Cattle bmnd.
O D on left hip and hureoa wirae hrand on right
shoulder. Kmitfe. Eiyiit Milo.
Adkins, 'I' C, Dnyville, Or- Straight mark acroBe
the ilutfl. ami two cropb and a bIii m the riKht ear;
horse. ,1, unhide down on the riirbt nhuuller.
iwinire in (irnnt counlv hd1 Hwir vhIIhv P ( l
addrotm hIho at llartluinn.
AdkniB, J. J., lieppuer. Or. Hones, JA con ,
im'IhiI on le t Hank: cattle, same on lefi hip.
Avers, Johnny. Lena. Or. Hoihhh brum!.
triuntfieou Jen hip; cuttle same un right hip;
aUo crop olT ritfiii far aud upper bit on same. '
Myth, Percy H Hoppi.er. (r. ilurses lioman
cross on right shoulder, liunye in Morrow
l!lakman. Geo., Hardman, Or. HorBes, a flaw
i le II, ahoulder: cattle mimo on right ahouldHr,
Lanriister. J. W. Hani man. Or. -Cattle brand.
ed li od lefi hip and tluwh; split in each ear.
lirenner. Peter, (mt soberry Oregon Hornea
hrandnd P H on left shoulder. Cattle same on
nt-'lit Hiue
Knrke. m St Iiong Creek, Or On cattle,
MAY connected on loft loo. cutn off loft ami-, mi.
der half crop off right. JiorseH, same brand on
letft siiouiiler. luuige iu Urant and Morrow
bowwman, A., Monnt Vernon and Barns, Or.
Cattle, A JJ on right hip, two crops iu each ear;
same on horses, ou right shoulder, ilauge in
blrnnt aud Harney counties.
Mronmaii, jerry. Lena, ur. iiorsoB branded 7
on right shouldfr; cattle li on the left side.
Left ear half crop and right ear upper slupe.
Hart on, VVui., tieppufr. Or. -Horses, J 1J on
right thiga, cattle, same on right hip; split in
cinch ear.
Hrown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses 111 on the
right st ifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor
row county.
Hrown, J .P., Heppner, Or. -Horses and cattle
branded 8 with ox-yoke above on left shoulder.
Hrown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, circle
0 with dot iu o ter on left hip; cattle, same.
U ii W T I ,.,. it.n,. ii in i
over it, un the left should g Cattle same on left
Buyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box
raiid or right hip cattle, same, with split in
ach ear.
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. HorBes, P B on left
hnuldor; cattle, same on left hip.
Browniee, V. J., l''ojt,Or ( 'attle, JB connected
n left side; crop on left ear and two splits and
uiddle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same
iraud on the left thigh; Kange in Fox valley,
-jrant county,
Cain.E., Caleb.Or. YD on horses on left stifle;
U with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder,
ind tm left stifle on all colts under 5 years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over 5 yours. All
ange in (J rant countv.
Clark, Win. H., Lena, Or. Horse WHO con
lected. on left shoulder; cattle seine on right
iip. lini ge Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cate, ('has. li Vinson or Lena, Or, Horses
ti C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
tiange Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cochran, Chas., lone. Or. Horses, HP con
nectcd on left shoulder; cattle, C on both left
hip and stifle. Itange in Morrow county.
Cannon, J'. B.,Long Creek, Or.--T on cattle on
ight Bide, crop oif right ear and slit in left. ear.
vJur horses same brand ou loft shoulder. Kange
n Grunt county.
Cecil, Win., Douglas. Or.; horses J(' on lef
-mouldur; ca'lle same on left hip, waddles on
'ach jaw and two bits in tho right ear.
Curl, T. li.. John Hay, Or. Double cross on
mch hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bil
.n right ear, Bplit in left ear. Hauge in Gram
jonnty. On sheep, inverted A and spear point
.i) shoulder. Ear inarko.i ewes, crop on left ear,
mnched uppor bit in right. Wethers, crop iu
ight and under half crop iu loft ear. All raiif
.u Grant countv.
Crosby, A. A., Heppner, Or. Cuttle brandedl-1-.nr
H L coi nectedj on the right shoulder.
Cook, A. J. ,Lentt,Or. Horses, WUon right shonl
ler. Cattle, same on r-ght hip: ear mark square
imp oil left aud split in right.
Ctirrin.lt. Y., Currinsville, Or, -Horses, CQ on
eft stifle.
Cochran, J II Monument, Or Horses branded
!' 1 tV A on loft shoulder. Cattle, same on right
tip, swallow fork in right ear and crop oil' I oft.
Cox & English, Hardman, (Jr. Cattle, C will
in center: horses. CE on left "iip.
Cupper, H. A., Monument, Or. Horses H C
on lift shoulder cattle H C on lbft side, swat
ow fork on right ear.
Cochran, K. E., Monument, Grant Co, Or.
lorses branded circle with hai beneath, on lefi
houlder; cattle same brand on both hips, mars
tn der slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded
" on right hip, i 'attle brumied t he same.
Cross, 8 L, Dayville, Or ( 'attle branded two
,:rops and a split in left ear; on horses a
reversed on left stifle. Also have the following
orands on rattle: 7U on left hip, 7 on right hip,
i2 on left shoulder, two parallel bars on lrffi
-houlder. Ear marks, two crops,
Doonan. Win., Hfppner, Or. IIorRes branded
UO with bar over thein, on left shoulder; cut
lie same on left hip.
Douglass, W. M , Galloway, Or. Cattle, It D on
'ight side, ttwu: low-fork iu each ear; horses, 11 JJ
m left hip.
Douglas, O. T., Douglas, Or Horees TD on
the light stifle; cattle same on right hip.
Duncan. W. P., John Day, Or. Quarter circh
A ou right shoulder, both ou horses and cattle,
dange Grunt county.
Dnskell, W. E., Heppner, Or. Horses branded
K. inside of O on left shoulder. Cuttle same on
teft Bide of neck.
Ely, J. B. A Hons, Douglas, Or. Horses brand
-d EL on left shoulder, cattle same on lefi
:iip. hole, in right ear.
Elliot), Wash., Heppner, Or. Diamond ou
right shoulder.
Jisk, KuJph, Prairie City, Or Horses, R F on
right shoulder; cattle, on right hip. Kange in
Grant county.
Men k, J ackson, Heppner, Or. Horses. 7F
connected oi, right shoulder: cattle, same on
ight hip. Earmark, hole in right and orop
ill left.
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on
ight hip; horses F with bar under on right
Florence, 8. P. Heppner, Or Horses, F on
t ight shoi .ldei; cattle, J? on right hip or thigh.
Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. GA on left
Goble, Frank, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7 F on
ieft stitle; cattlf, same on right hip.
Oilman-French, Land and Livestock Co., Fos
til. Or. Horses, anchor 8 on If ft shoulder: vunt..
-tame on left stifle. Cuttle, same on both hips;
ttange iu Gilliam, Grant, Crook aud Morrow
Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. Horses branded H.
3. with a quarter circle over it, on lfft stifle
liange iu Morrow and Umatillacounties.
Giltwnter, J . C, Prairie City, Or, On horses,
0 O on left shouldfr and stifle; cattle, on right
dide. Kange in Grant county.
Hams, James, Hardman Or. Horses Bhaded
1 on lef shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Kange
in and about Hardman,
Hayes. Geo., Lena, Or, Brand JH connected,
with quarter circl" ovr it, on leit shoulder.
Hiait A. H., Kidge, Or. Cattle, round-top
with quarter circle under it on the right hip.
HanKu in Morrow and Umatillacounties.
Hinton ,1c Jenks, Hamilton. Or Cattle, two bare
on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left.
Horses, J on right thigh. Kaugein Grant county.
Hughes, 8ainuel, Wagner, Or T FLon right
shoulder on horses; ou cuttle, ou right hip and on
left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left.
Kange in Haystack district, Morvw county.
Hall. Ed win, John I'ay.Or. Cattle H on right
hip; horses same on right shoulder. Jr ange in
Grant county.
Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses, shaded
heart ou the left shoulder, liange Morrow Co.
Hunsaker, H i , Wagner. Or. -Horses, V on left
shouldfr: ca tie, 9 on If ft hit .
Hardisty, Albert, Nye, Oregon -Horses, AH
connected, on left shoulder; Cattle on the left
tap, cmp off left ear.
Huraphrevs, j 4l. Hardman, Or. Horses, H on
ten tlank
Hiatt, Wm. E., Ridire, Or. Horses branded
bar cross ol left shoulder: cattle same on lefi
Hayes, J. M., Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglass
on left Mhouldei cattle, same on right hip.
Ivy, Alfred, Long Creek, Or Cattle 1 Don
right hip, crop off left ear and bit in right. Hornrw
same bnmd on left shoulder, Kange n Grnt
Huton. Luther, Eight Mile, Or. Horse H on
the left shoulder and heart on the left stifle Cat
tle same on left hip. Kange in Morrow county.
Jenkins. D. W..MU Vernon. Or. J on horses on
left shoulder; on cattle. J on left hip and two
smooth crops on both ears. Kange in Fox and
Hear vnlL-js
Junkin. 8. M., Heppner. Or. Horses, horse
shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the sum 3.
Kange on Eihi Mile.
Johnson. Felix Lena. Or. Horges. circteT on
left ftine; cattle, same on right hip, under half
orop in ruht and solit in left ear
henoy, Mike. Heppner, Or. Horses bmnd.xi
KNV ou left hip cattle same and crop off left
ftr: nnihr -loiorith rh.'ht
Kirk J. T , Heppner, Or. Horses 9 on left
htiutr: cattle, on lfll hip.
Keller, Hi chard, Hlanton, Grant connty. Or.
E K in square, cattle on left hip; horses s&ine
on left shoulder. Kange Bear vallev.
Kirk. S C, Heppner. Or. Horses. 17 un either
flunk; cat tit 1" on right side.
Kirk. Jesse, Hi'piner. Or; hrse U on left
shouider; cattle same on light side, undurbit on
light eir.
Knmberland, W. fi., Monnt Vernon, Or. I L on
catt le ou rifht and ieft sid. swp.ilow fork in l ft
ear and under ciop in right err. Hi.rscs amo
brand ou left shoulder, lia-.ge in Grant countv
Keeney, Eh, Htppner, Or.- Hordes J L aud
ace of clnbs on ieftstitie. Kange in I'matiJls
and ft orrmv counties
Lesley. M C, Monument, Or A triangle iMwith
all liuP8 exteudmg pa t body of figure on Eilbor
at?s on lefi rilmulder, ou cattle diamond ou tfft
Khouhler, split in righ a umbi . it iu left ear
Kange m Grant county and to rartsof John Day
U'nhoy.J W. Heppner Or. Horses branded L
N on leli Bhouldor; euti le hiime on left hip- wat
tle ver right ey tinea slits in right ear.
Loflen, 8tepnen, Lux. Or.-8 L on left hip
on catue. crop and split on right ear. Horws
same brand on left shouider. Kango Grunt
Uenallen John W , h Or.-Horses
branded half-oncle JL connected on left shoid
inuton BHim ou iefl hip- liange. near Lex-
Lord, George, Heppner. Or.-Horses branded
double 11 eoi.necu Sometimes called a
swing H. mi left shoulder. a
Aluxweil, M. 8 . Gooseberry. Or. Horses brand
ed long link on left shoulder; cattle, huu on
lef hip. Ear mark, under bit in left ear.
Minor, (hear, Heppner, Or.-CatUe, M D on
right hip; bore M un left shoulder.
Morgan 8 . N., Heppner. Or.-Horses, M)
on i let! xhonlri") cattle same on left hip.
McCumber. Jas A, Echo, Or.-Horses. M with
bar over on right shoulder.
fliaUL. H. ti.. L,eiia. ()r.--H1iau
X.ui.'fer'. UW'' SO""g "Wck' Bma" un
MorKHn, Tho. llepimer, Or.-Iiorse.. rfrdg
richlloKh '' ''d 'eft caltle' L O"
MitL-lieil.'ocar. liine, Or.-Horses, 77 on risht
hie; catue. 77nn riRht siiie.
Met iaren. It (,., Brownsville., Or.-Horaes.
MeKern.W.J. Verliou. Or-Xl u cattle
on rmlit lup, crop iu r,K,t PHr. l,8lf cro , M
c?"inty.r 8t"U l0fU,i' - K"K in Ura"t
JlcUuKy, David 11., Echo, Or. Hon-es branded
Su-U.rr, trunk. Fox Valley, Or.-Mule ,l,oe
witu toe-cork on cattle on riba and under in
ear i ear; Iioibbb sumo brand ou left etiUe.
i.i li'!,1'-' V" aa'i't'Ui.Or.-Oii Homes, 8
with hall circle under on left shoulder; on Catt le .
four bars connected on top ou the rixht side
Uuiitfe in tirant County.
Neul. Andrew. Loue Itock.Or.-Horses A N oon
uoeted on left shoulder: cuttle same on both hiue.
Newman, , W. li., epPer, Or.-ltorsos it
with half circle over u ou left shoulder,
i ..".r. 'u6' N'lverlwi. Or.-Horses. oirole 7 on
left tniKh: caitle.eauieon left liiD.
Oliver, Joseph, Cuijjon City, Or.-A Son cattle
on left hip: ou horses, same ou left thigh, ltanne
in tirant county.
Oiler, Perry, Lexington. Or.-P O on left
(Up, Herman, Piairie City, Or.-On cattle, O
1,1 connected on luft hip; horses on left elitle
anil warile on nose, haiifte in Urunt county.
Pearson, Oluve, Kisht Wile. Or.-Horses, Quar
ter circle shield ou left shoulder end 24 on left
hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, risht cropped. U4
on left hip. lt,iKH flight juilB-
Parker Gleasou. H ard in an,Or, HorBes IP on
1' ft shoulder.
Piper, J. H Lexintrton. Or. -Horses, JE con.
necied oi left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip.
under hn m each ear.
I'attierR, Henry Lexington, Or.-Horses brand
ed wilha ilomai cross on left shoulder; cuttle
branded with Itouiuu croBS, bar at bottom, on
left hip.
Petlys, A. ("., lone, Or.; horses diamond P on
- shoulder; cattle, J ri J connected, on ttie
left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in the
Potter, Dan, Lexington HorBes branded MP
connected on left ehoulder; cattle Bume on riaht
Powell, j win T., Dnyville. Or-Horses, ,1 P con.
nee ed on left shoulder. Cattle OK connected on
letl hip, two under half croliB, one on each ear,
wattle unuerthruai. Hansom liraiitcouuty.
Itu kurd, ti. D., Canyon City, Or. t U on loft
inoukler, on horees only. Ititnge Canyon oreek
and lioar valley, tirnut county.
Hood. Anilrew, Hardman, Or. Horses, square
oroe. with quarter-circle over it on left stilie.
ltemnger, CliriB, Heppner, Or.-Horses, V H on
left shouiitei .
Itice. Dan, Hardmnn, Or.; horses, three panel
worm fence on lolt shoulder; cn:tle, DAN on
right Bhouldor. ltant-e near Hardman.
Kudlo, Wm. Long t reek, Or.-ltrands horses
U oi right shoulder. Kange. Uraut aud Murroo
Itoj se, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V oa
eft shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed on
right hip and crop off right ear. liange in Mor
low county.
Hush Hros., Heppner, Or.-Horses branded X
on the right shoulder; cattle, IX oa the left tup.
crop oil left ear and dewlap on neck, liange In
.Vlorrow and adjoining counties.
liuet, William, Pendleton, Or.-Horses K ox
lefi shoulder; cattle, li on left hip, orop otl
right ear, umlerbit on left ear. Bheep. It on
weathers, round crup off righ ear. Kange Uma
tilla and Morrow c mutios.
Iteaney, Andrew. Lexington, Or. Horse,
branded A li on right shoulder, vent quartel
circle over brand; cuttle same ou right hip.
flange )lorrow county.
Koyse, Win. H, Duiryville, Or HK connected
with quarter circle over top on cnttloon right hip
anil crop oft right ear and split iu left. Horses
same brand on lef t shoulder. Kaugein Uurrow,
tirant and Gilliam counties.
Kilter, J P, Kilter, Or Three parallel ban
Willi bar over on horses on left hip; on cattle, tell
aldo. two smooth cropB, two splits in each eat,
liange m Middle Pork of John Day.
Hector. J. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, JC ol
left shoulder. Caitle, u on right hip.
Spickuall. J. W., Gooseberry, Or.- Horses
branded il on loft shoulder; imige in Morrow
tquuy, J. F., Heppner, Or.-Horses brnndeo. hr
coiinecieil ui right shoulder; cuttle same ou both
Bulling, C C Heppner, Or Horses branded 8 A
un left shoulder; cattle same on left hip.
Swaggari, li. P., Lexington. Or.-Horses 2
Willi dash under it on left stitle. cattle H with
oasli uuoer it ou right hip, crop off right eur and
waudled on right hind leg. Kange iu Slorruw,
Gilliam and ijmutilla counties.
fiwiiggurt, A. L., Ella. Or. Horses brandeJ 2
on lett shoulder; cettle same on left hip. Crop
on ear, wattle ou left hind leg.
Straight W. K, Heppuor, Or.-Horses shaded
J b ou lot, stifle; cattle J a on left hip, swallow
fork in righi ear, underbit in left.
Swaggarl, L, Alpine, Or. Horses, 8 8 on right
hupp. Thus., Heppner, Or.-Horses, 8 A P on
lelt hip; csttlr same on left hip.
Shirtz. James, Long Creek, Or.-Horses. S on
left stilie aud over 2 on left shonlder.
bhrier.John, Fox, Or. NC connected on
horses on right hip; cauie, same on right hip,
crop ,,H right ear aud uuder bit in left ear. Kange
lu Grant county.
Kiuith Bros., Susnnville, Or. Horses, branded
H. Z. on shoulder; caitie, -erne on left shoulder.
Bquires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded
Jbouleft shoulder; catlle the same, also nose
waodle. Kange in Morrow and Gilliam co nties.
btephens. V. A., HardiUMU, Or-; horses 83 on
right sliiie; cattle horizontal L on the light side
blevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, 8
on right an ; swallow-fork in left ear.
bwaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Humes, 44 on
left snouide. ; cattle, 44 ou left hip.
btewart, Geo., Hardman, Or, Horses oirole
oi left shoulder.
btone. Ira. liivkleton, Wash,
on left shoulder.
-Horses, keystone
Buiun, k. E. Lone Rock, Or. Horses branded
a crossed seven on lefi shoulder; cattle same on
left side. Kange, Gilliam county.
Hperry. L. G.. Heppner, Or. -Cattle W C on
left hip, crop off right and underbit in left year,
dewlup; horses W C on left shoulder.
lhouipBou, J. A., Heppner, Or.-Horses, s on
left shoulu, r; cattle. H on left shoulder.
1 ippets. 8. X., Lena, Or. Horses, 0 on left
Turner R.W., Heppner, Or. -Small capital T
lolt shouldei, horses; cattle same on left hip
with split in both ears.
ihiruton, 11. 11.. lone, Or.-Horses branded
a I connected ou left stitle; sheep same brand.
Vanderpool, H. T.. Lena, Or; Horses H V con
nected on right shoolder;cattle, same on right
Walbridge, Wra., Heppner, Or. Horses C L
on the left slioinder; cattle same on light hip.
crop off left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, John y 8alem or Heppner, Or
Horses brauded Jq on the lett shoulder, linage
Morrow county.
Warren, w B. Caleb, Or-Cattie, W with quarter
circle over it, oa left side, split in right ear
Hore same braad on left shoulder. lUugoiu
Grain couuty,
vvoou, l! L, Dayville, Or Heart on horses on
Ieftstitie; on cattle, 'Jon left side and under bit
in lefi ear. Kange in Grant county.
Wright, 8ilas A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
8 V ou the right hip. square crop oU right ear
and split in lelt,
Wallace, Francis, Mount Vernon.Or Square on
cattle on the left hip. upper slope in he left
ear and under slope in right ear. Same brand
on horses ou right shonlder. liange ia Harney
and Grant countv.
ttebsier, J. 1, Heppner. Or.-Horses branded
wnh bar over J on right shoulder; cattle same
on right hip, crop off left ear and split in each
Kange, Morrow county.
W ade, Henry, Heppner. Or. Horees bianded
ace of spaile on lelt shoulder and left hiD
Cattle brauded same on left side and left hip
Wells, A. 8., Heppner, Or.-Horses, on left
shoulder: call e same,
V olhuger, John, John Day City. Or On horse
three parallel oars ou left shoulder; 7 on sneep
bit in bulk ears. Kange in Grant and Malhner
Wyland, J H, Hardman, Or. Circle C on let
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses CP
connected on left shoulder. '
Watkins. Lishe. Heooner. Or-RnnuhHi 1
I UK comtecteo on left stitle.
Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or. Cattle, W on
; right thigh, hoi. in left ear; homes, W on right
. ehouhter, sonv sameon left shoulder,
j W hittier Bros., Drewsy. Harney younty. Or. - '
Horses branded W B. roiuipcteil on lefi shoulder,
Williams. Vasco, Hamilton. Or. Quarter cir-
! cle over three liars on left hip, both cattle and "
: horses. Kange tirant county,
j W illiams. J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, qnar
i ter circle over tliree bars on teft hip: cattle same
j and lit in wh ear liange in Gran! connty.
W'ten. A. A., eppner. Or.-Horses running A A
on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip.
loung. J. 8., Gooseberry, Or. Horse, branded
i T 8 on the right shoulder.
f t