i! Oive your business to lleppner )eople and therefore assist to build up llepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Thb eleventh reunion of the national enonmpraent Suns nf Veterans convened in Helena, Mont. Ana. 8th. About 5000 members ot the order were in attend ance from the outside Btntea, and one hundred members of the ladies' aid soci ety. Tub New York Central railway, in its exhibit nt the World's xir, will strikingly illustrate the wonderful improvements that have been made in railway trans portation bv showing a majimuoent, onmplete vestibnled train and hIoiir side of it a reproduction of the first train of cars used in this country, the oars of which resemble old fashioned stage eoBches. Thk conclave of Knights Templars con vened in Denver, Colorado, Aug. 9th and will renmin in session nutil the 14th. The city is crowded with knights from ever part ot the Union. The first and second days were mostly taken tip in street and dress paradea and competitive drills. The grand officer's report ebowB a total membership of t)2,791, with oaeh resources ot $25,32o,97. Anybody, says an exchange, oan freeze their own ice cream in five minutes, and for an expenditure of a few cents. If the preparation to be frozen is placed in a tin bucket or other reoeptacle, it oan be readily oongealcd by putting it in a pail containing a weak solution ot sul phuric aoid water. Into thi throw a handlul of Glabur'a Baits, and the re sulting cold is so great that ioe oream or ices mil be frozen in a few minutes. The manager of the Carnegie company have been arrested on aehBrge that holds them responsible for the death of the men who felt before the Pinkerton bullets. These oases, added to those against work men arrested for killing Piukertous, will give the criminal courts a large amount of business in connection with the Home stead trouble. Although snob be the case, yet the conditions surrounding the case are such that it is doubtful whether a person on either side will beconviated. To him, who in the love of nature holds communion with her visible forms, it may seem strange that oue will inhabit the crowded thoroughfares of life during these warm and unpleasant days, when sea-cnitst and mountains are so charm ing to tiie overworked and weary; hut business is a bard and cruel master, anil admits of no appeal from her deorees. But the world jo's along as usual, and the cry for bread is not more urgent thau the demand for "oopy" to an editor. Times Mountaineer, Some of the "people's party" men in Oregon think the salarv of thegovener too high. Probably; it is $1500 a year. There ure only two flutes in the union that pay such a pittance to their governor; those are Vermont mid Miahigan, The gov ernor of Oklahoma receives $2600 a year, lihode Island pavs ,$1)000, Missouri nud I uil in n ii 85 000, New Jersey, New York and Pensylvania pays their governor 10.000 a year, and most of the remain der of the states from S3.000 to $8,000. Ho you see that Oregon almost leadH the other end of the string. Back in the doubtful states, New York and Indiana, the campaign has begun to warm up, but here nothing has yet oocured to disturb the equilibrium of the political seas, except au occasional at tempt of the demooratia press to prove that the oountry is fast going to ruin under republican protection polioy, that reciprocity is a humbug, that protection oppressed the common people, and that free trade elevates labor, and many other absurdities Unit have sonrcely enough of the element of plausibility in them to bring forth a passing comment from the opposition. Lminm Brnhon, who lectured to large audienoes in different parts of Oregon last winter, and by the way, one of the greatest temperance orators the world bus ever known, died reoently at his home in Indiana. Those who have heard Luther lecture, or have rend bin book enti tled "Fifteen Years in Hell," will remem ber him as a periodical drunkard, and one who has experienced the worst tor tures known to man . He describes him self when in delirium tremens, with hiH hair a writhing mass ot serpents, his children serpents, etc. During a lecture it was not an uncommon thing to see half his audience in tears. After his tour through the Northwest be returned home where he fell into his old habits anil linn My dieil to fill a drunkard's grave. Luther Benson was a brilliaut man and an interesting writer, having written several books on bis career, but was unable to resist the tempting influ ence of the flowing bowl. A PhyHlHiurs Hearty Kmlorsriiient. Dr. J. II. Foster is onenf the oldest mid best known physicians in Iowa. His name is a household word ill Hardin and I'rnuklin counties, where be has practiced for a third ot a century. Ue writes: 1 have frequently been asked what is your opinion regarding the treatment of nervous and chronic diseases by the Electro-Galvanic treatment? Will they derive any lasting beiielit from this mode or system ot treatment? My auswer is, Yes. The success that bus been achieved by a proper electric treatment iu cases of pnniljsis, rhemuatiftm and ell nervous dinenses has been so brilliant and reu ark ahle that it has takeu a prominent posi linn among modern remedies. The best rexiilts are obtained. by making t he uppli cation general so as to brirgthe whole sslein under a gentle, i'"iil in nous electric current. I have examined the Dr. O F. Wehh Electro (lalvanio Batteries and appliances, and I consider that they are luaiiufiictured on a thorough, praotioal, common sense principal and would be of tire it and lasiing hem lit to persons wanting electric treatment. Hespei tfuully, J. II. FOSTRK, M. D., Address B. B. Bliss, General Agent, Iowa Fulls, Iowa. pooit Fur 1 luniKlit. American Economist : There is not a democratic editor in the laud from Cape Cud to Han Francisco, from Lake Itasca to Key West, who is not today buying the very paper ou which lie prims his McKinley prices false hoods for less money than he paid before the McKinley bili was passed. We know of our own personal knowledge that it is true of the New York free-trade dailies one of them is saving $.(10,00(1 a year in the fall ot the price ot its paper below the price actually paid for it be fore the new tariff was enacted. The American protective tariff league will pay Sl.OuO to that democratic editor who will show that paper of the quality and kind used by him to publish bis Mo Kiuley prices falsehoods oaunot be pur chased in the onen market from 5 to 40 per cent, cheaper than it cost uuder the old tariff. l'fiinder's Oregon Blood Purifier is the great couqnerer of Hilliousness and Liv er ooniphiiiit. Relief certain iu every case. Hold ut One Dollar a bottle, Trv it. Died-On Eight Mile, Aug. 11th, of rom-tmiptioii, Marion 11. Warren, sou ot II. E. Warren, aged nearly 24 years. Uis obituary will appear iu subsequent issue MOIiltOW COUNTY BOY HEARD FHOM. Editor Gazette: I have strayed away up to Weston, Umatilla Co., Oregon, and to-day Albert, James, George and myself, (our brothers of us, are at our sister's borne, Mrs. Geo, Carmicbael, and are having rather a family reunion, a good dinner, lots of fun, etc Tbia country is not so dry as Morrow oounty. I am at work driving header wagon. 1 heard a faint voice from Morrow oounty singing a song this morning, and as be sang very slow, I wrote it down and send you a copy for the Gazette: BCNCHOIIASS LAND. (Tune Beulah Land ) We're In a land of drouth and heat, Where nothing grows for man to eat; The winds that blow with burning heat O'er all this land, are hard to beat. Chor. O, bunehgrass land. Poor biinchgratw land, Ah In itH burning soil we stand And look awny across the pla'lis, And wonder why it never ruins. But Gabriel calls, w ith trumpet sound, And says, "'the ruin has passed uruund." The farmers go into their com, And there they stand and look around ; They look und then they are so shocked To find ttie shoot has missed the stock. We have no wheat, we have no oats, We have no corn to feed our sboats; Our chickens are too poor to eat, And pigs go squealing through the street. Our horses are the broncho race, Starvation stares them in the face. We do not live, we only stay And are too poor to get away. Will F. Allyn. Weston, Or., Aug. 8, 1892. Baekteu's Araica Halve. The best Balve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, uloers salt rnenm, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded, l'rioe 25 cents per box. For sule by olooum-Johnston Drug Co. WOOL HKCK1PT8 AND HUIPMKNTH TO JULY 8UTH, BY TUB MOUKOH' COUNTY L. & T. COMPANY. RBCKIl'TH. .Sac.i. Lbi. From woolgrowerB direct MOM l,.Vji,G0u From lieppuer's warehouse, for grading and packing, buyers account 575 1II2,I12C Total receipts MH:ll,;m,a--'li SIIII'MENTR. Jn Sacks. Sacks. Lbs. To Albany Woolen Mill To7 ;)l,ii2J " Oregon City Mill )Mi K!,uao " Koshlaud Pros., Portland bill ffiii.'.O.' " Christy iSt ise, Situ Francisco :M 11i;, ioj " Allen iv. Lewis, " " XiK 111,7(17 ' B. Kcisliland A Co., " 1U1 W.cjsci " Sundry Consignees 175 bfvliy Total 1917 0:15,771 In Jtalcs. links. Llis. To II. C. Judil i liuot, IliiltkmC U77 .V.IH.llw " Christ v it Wise, Huston .... Mil ;ti;l,lli " H. Koshland J. Co., Huston. ... 311 Mi.lHili Total 1X27 1,117, TOTAL SHIPMENTS FROM II K I'I'N E RTO DATS. From the Woolgrowers Warehouse, l,77:t,:)(ll ttis From II. lieppuer's Warehouse 551,UUlJ " Total shipments. 2,:5,210 lbs Wool in storage, iu both warehouses, about 30,111111 lbs. The receipts for the season will bo about 2,6ou.lHH) pounds. Specimen Cases. 8. II. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia nud rheumatism, his stomach wus disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree ap petite fell away, and he was terribly re duced in health and strength. Throe bottles of Electric Bitters onred him. Edward Hhcpberd, Hnrrisburg, III., had a running sore ou bis leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes Buok len's Arnica Halve, und bis leg is sound and well .j, John Speaker, Cutnwha, ()., had five large fever sores on his leg. doctors said he wns incurable. Oue but tle of Electric Hitters and one box Bncklen's Arnica Salve onred him en tirely. Sold by Hlooum-Johnson Drug Co. LOCAL MARKET KKl'OHT. Wheat, 1m 60o Flour.bbl 4 50 Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. 1 75 " " three " 2 00(i?2 '-J5 Sheep, muttons, head 2 25fiil 00 " stock 2 25 Hogs, ou foot, owt $5 00 Hogs, dressed 7 00 Wool ' 12 0 14 Horses, Blow snlo. Butter, roll 40 Eggs, doz IBS Chickens, doz 2 CO (it 3 00 CALIFORNIA MA1IKET. Wheat, cwt $1 So foj 1 40 4 75 0 00 5 25 10 25 22 II 00 20 Flour, bbl Hooves, stall fed Muttons, cwt Hogs, owt Wool Eimtern Oregon Butter, lb Eggs, doz Chickens, doz Turkeys, lb 3 00 m 5 50 (a) 7 00 ft 3 fit) r$ V2i fti 15 cii Wti 5 50 ti 18 ui' I'OllTLAND MAKKfcT. Wheat, cwt !fl 20 (if Flour, hbl 2 75 8 1 25 4 00 2 "5 ti 00 3 50 8 00 5 50 8 no 16 Ueeves, ot 14 dressed Muttons, live sheared 1 75 inj 4 00 C 3 2'. (a) " dressed 7 00 t$ Hogs, on foot 5 UO ' dressed 7 1)0 oj Wool Eastern Oregon., Hotter io an 15 F.ggs, doz 20 Chickens, doz 5 00 (a- B IX) Turkeys lb. 10 tiuarautpou Care. We authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, ooughs eud colds, upon this condition. It you are alllicted with a cough, cold or any lung, throat or ohest trouble, mid will use this remedy as di rected, giving it a fair trial, and expert mm d no beiielit, you may return the bot tle and have your money refunded. We could not make this otl'cr did we uot know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at Hlooum-Joliuaton'e drug store. Large bottles 50c and f I. HTUAYKI). Two sorrel horses. Oneof thorn branded "8" on the right shoulder, likewise on the right etille. The other wns branded "8" on the right shoulder, also "11" The weight of each was about 1050 pounds. Anvone returning the same to my ranch at Eight Mile will receive a reward of $15. aw tt Bylvanvb Wright. FOIt SAI.K. A five-year-old registered Clydesdale talliou for sale, or will exchange for mares or cattle. For further particulars oall at my place on Willow creek, three miles from the mouth, or address me at Arlington, Ort'gou. 0 17 Jaiied Svji latM. READ Marvelous Cures Effected by its Use. wonderful medicine is the wonder of the nineteenth century, effecting a cure when all other O remedies fail. It is distilled from plants growing upon the banks of the Congo River, in South Africa. The first knowledge we possess of this wonderful oil is found in some of the writings of Covilham, a Portuguese navigator and African explorer, who was sent out by the King of Abyssinia about the year 1488. He speaks of a wonderful penetrating oil that was in use by the Zimbos, a remnant of a once powerful African nation, and in some recent cyphers found upon some ruins iu a very ancient city called Ziinboe (meaning a royal house,) more evidence has been produced of this wonderful oil, or rather of the plants from which it is distilled, thus proving conclusively that the secret was sacredly guarded by these ancient inhabitants of the Dark Continent. As the world has progressed more explorations have been made into Equatorial Africa, and suffering humanity hai been greatly benefitted, as well as medical science being advanced by th rediscovery of this wonderful Congo Oil. It was first brought into civilized Europe by a member of the expedition sent out from London iu 1800, under the command of Captain Speke, whose explorations reached far tip the Congo River, The secret of its production was jealously guarded until upon the death of the party in whose possession it was, when it was given to a party named Hattee, who formeiha company, known as its headquarters at Zanzibar, South Africa, with a branch in New the market this most wonderful of all remedies. By its use all recommended in Sciatica, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, &o. It is wonderfully penetrating, and to use it once is to become a friend to it always. By its use, thousands who are suffering can be relieved. It is the cheapest because it is the best, and one bottle of it will go further than a dozen of the mauy so-called cures for these ills. It is purely for external use. Full and explicit directions are printed on each bottle. If you are afflicted, try a bottle; .and before you have used it your aches and pains will disappear, and there will be no more use for crutches or canes. It is for salo by all druggists and dealers iu patent medicines, or can be supplied by the undersigned, who are the sole Pacific Coast Agents for this wonderful oil. Prepared by THE CONGO OIL CO., Zanzibar, South Africa, and New York. i w. I IDl New Diiessmaker. Miss Letha Par ker, juet from the E ist, has opened dress making parlors over Mrs. W. A. John ston's, where she. is prepared to do all kinds of dressmaking in latest styles and at reasonable rates. 4-tf ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Kuhl, the haker. Buy your bread and oakes aud save money. Try it. a. Why go hungry when the City hotel furnishes you a good meal at living rates. a John Jenkins advertises bis fine kiin of hriok. Kemember that Heppuer brick equal the best. a "Hardware" did you say? Why, yes, at P.O. Thompson & Co.'s stand, and the place for bargains. a For cash you oan get more at the East ern Clothing house, with Levi on deck, than any other place io Heppuer. a M. Lichtenthal & Co. have just re ceived a line lot of ladies' kid, button aud tie shoes. At bottom prices. u Don't overlook T. VV. Ayers, Jr., the leading druggist. Choicest perfumes, purest drugs and the finest toilet articles always on hand. a The Buchlor beer, 5 cents per glass, at the Columbia Beer Hall, Gainers & Hughes, ptops., next door to M. Lioh tenthiTl & Co.'s shoe store. a Collin & MuFarland have just received a car load of Mitchell Wagons, Hacks, etc , and have also a large supply of farm ing implements ot all kinds. a Since Shaw & McCarty purchased the meat market they have always endeavor ed to keep on hand the freshest and choicest meats, sausages and bolognas, a Henry Heppner's warehouse is one of the largest and most capacious in East ern Oregon. Henry is now prepared to do a general forwarding business. Kates reasonable. a Thompson A Binusown the bnss which goes to nnd from the City hotel, but will oall for parties desiring to go to train in any purt of the city. Leave orders at City hotel. a What will perseverance, pluok and en terprise avail in this wild west, if you cannot get big bargains? However, be fore giving up entirely, visit Miuor Bros.' emporum. a Don't overlook Kirk & Rasmus for bargains. They have purchased the bus iness ot J. W. Matlock & Co., but will soon remove to the Mallory oorner, oppo site the l'alaoe hotel, a xt. urnni auioaio, ine great oyspepsia oonqnerer, will positively oure dyspepsia and all its kindred ailments. Every bot tle sidd under a positive guarantee to effect a cure or money refunded, See ad. in this issue. a My dear, let's go around to the saloon this eve, nnd Lane Matlock's ioe I'l emu saloon, I mean, where von can get ice cream that will make your mouth water; also lind in stock the freshest fruits and finest confectioneries. a WM. rKNLANI), EI). R. BISHOP. President. Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. COLLECTIONS Miulo on FiiYorable Terras. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD. HKITNER. tf OKEOON. 'I NOTICE TO TAXPAYKKS. TyOTlOE l HKRKHY C.IVEM THAT TUK li Roan! of KqiiHlUntlon for Morrow i'onnty, Oregon, will meet In the ottice ot the Cotuitv Ovrlt, In lleppner, Oregon, Aug. lS'.f ami continue In at'snlon one week, or until the eiuttl lalUm of the HimesHment Is completed. Any taxpayer tHsMHliHtleil with their HSMesHinent are hereby reqmntel to appear before board and make their grievances known. If you have eoinplatnt to make, make It known to tlte board at the proper time and have the mutter adjusted. lon't wait till it s too late and then bin me the assessor or sheriff. J. J. MtiKK, Adsennor Morrow County Oregon. Hki-pnkr, nr., Auk 8, '92, 511-W-w NOTK'K OF INTENTION. Land Ofnep at The Oalles, Or., An. D, m. Nolle is hereby given that thefollowtujr-nam-ed settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinal proof In support of Ms claim, and that said proof w ill be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, Or., at ileppner, Or., OU Sept 17, liWJ, VU : JOHN I1.HR, (Hd. No. 4021) for the Nl, NK4, NE'i NW, and Lot I of See. It, Tp. as K 2ft K. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, aud cultivation ot, said laud, vis: Solomon May field, Cyrus Shinn, Stephen I--lande and J. P. Yount. all of Heppuer, Orexou. !; John V. Li wis, KegiiUr. AND PONDER! Pacific -Coast Agents. NOTICE TIMBER CULTURE. Land Offloe at The Dulles, Or., June 30, 18H2. Complaint having been entered at this ottice by John I). Hiekey, of Morrow County, Oregon, Hualnst Eil ward C. Lawless, for failure'to comply with law as to Timber Culture Entry No. '2774. datotl Nov. 17, 1SS7, upon the E'ij NWV and EU HW of Sec 7, TpliS, K'ili E.ln Morrow Co., or., with a view to the ctineelbition of said entry; contestant alleging Unit mod Edward C. Lawless has failed to break or cause to be broken live acres on said tract within one year alter his timber culture entry of said tract, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this oilice on the 27th day of Aug., 1h'.I2, at lu o'clock u. in., to re spond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, is authorized to talte testimony in this case, at his ottice in lleppner, at 10 a. m., Aug. 20, Pv.i2. John W. Lkwis, SOS-SIS HcBlster. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande. Or., June 1, 1802. Notice iB hereby given that the following named settler haB tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made beforo the county clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, at lleppner, Oregotron Sept 3, 18112, viz. : s MTK1UK Oil AID. Hd No. 480,, for Hie N of KK, Sec 21, and W' of N V4, Sec 22, Tp 3 S, K 27 E, VV M . lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of said land, viz: John N. Elder, A. J. MeKenzie, Kiehard Nev ille, 1. A. Ilerren, all of lleppner, Oregon. Allen Wallace and Pardon Williamson take notice. 511-21 A. CLEAVER, Register NOTICE OV INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., July as, 1802. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of Ills intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be madebeforo the County Clerk of Morrow County, Or., at lleppner, Or., on September H, 18il2, viz: CHARLES H. MYERS, Hd. No. MM, for the BWM Sec. 2:1, Tp. 2 S R 28 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: Joseph I.uckman. J. M. Waddell, B. Veerkamp and A, E, Smith, all of Lena, Oregon. A. Clfavek, 11-21. Register. Oregon STATE NORMAL MONMOl'TH, OltKOON. The leading Normal School of the Northwest. HOAHD OF RKI4ENT8. Benjamin Srh.ifiold, Pres., J. B. V. Butler, fiery. Kx-Officio.-His Excellency llovprnor Pennnypr. Hon. E. H. Mi-Klroy. Super'ntei:d'.iir of Pnbl c In trnction; Hon. . W. McBriile. Secretary of State; Hon. Jacob VoorheeH, H.,n, A. Noltuer, J. C White, Hon. W H, Holmee. Alfred Iicy, Hon. P. W. IU ley, Hon. J. J. Duly. THK STATE NORMAL i a Uvk School, rapidly growing and rapidly adding to its facilities for the fpecial (mining of teachers. Its graduates are io dent nd to fill good positions. A gain of 90 i ar cent, in attendance was made last year. An enrollm. nt of 50(1 is anticipated foB the next year. New members have been a ided to the faculty and adnitiomd npparatus supplied. A diploma eulitles one to teuch in any county iu the state without further examination. Normal Advanced, Special Adtantaoks is Vcxul and Instrumental Music. A Year in School for One Hundred and Fifty Dollars, TUITION HFIllTCKD to ffl.'.'H for Normal, and JS.0O for Sub Normal per term of ten weeks. Roard at Normal Dining Hal1. $1 .SO iter week. Furnished rooms $t.UI per week. Hoard and lodg ing with private families fr.bO per week. Beautiful aud healthful location. Iso saloons. First Term Opens September 20. 1892. For Catalogue address or J. M. POvVKLI. Vice I New Warehouse. Is ready to receive wool on storage for sale or shipment, and also to do a gen eral forwarding business. HATES REASONABLE. Ship care of tJT7XTOV, uni)DMi:D the Congo Oil Company, having York City, and thus placing upon pain disappears, but it is particularly 1501 t-i V I vIC. HAHNESS-Snop, stock and fixtures. Good business: established in the midst of a good funning and stock-raising country. Also for sale a good house and two lots with or without tiie business property. For further in formation address Gazette, lleppner. Or. 483 tf. , WANT1SD, '-pIIOSE who are interested io the Eight Mile country and Morrow county to know that we have a few extra copies left, which can be secured either at Geo. Thornton's news stand or at the Gazette oltice. 08-sw. c lOMK to the 1'alnce notul bur for Champagne iJoeKttuiB. L.nuiupnKiie on tup. m-gw A BIO lot of Gooneherry numbers of the Ga zette Unit oiipht to be sent away. Call in, t invest and help y o 1 1 re qui i t r y . awtf - - O K NtlVWhnt L. D. Royed ig Heppner'B leadiiifrcontmetor and builder. Estimates given on all kinds of work. OHice at resi dence, lleppner. Or. 71 -a w. AWatfonmaker. one the best locations In Morrow county. Must have a little capital. Cull ou or write Gazette ollice for particulars, sw GUAllDIAN'H SALE. N'OTICE IS HEHEHY GiVEX Tlf AT IN PUIt Biiance of an order of the County Court of the County of Clackamas and state of Oregon, duly mtnle and entered on the 11th day of July IWi, I will on Saturday, the 27th day of August, 18'.L. at the hour of one o'clock P. M. of said day, at the front door of the Court House, in Hepp uer, in Morrow County ami State of Oregon, of fer for sale to the highest bidder, subject to con firmation of the Court, the following described property, to-wft: The southeast one fourth of Sec. 20 of township i, south of range 27 east of the Willamette meridian, in Morrow County and ytate of Oregon. Terms of sule:. One half cash on day of Bale, and balance cither cash, or If purchaser prefer, mortgage for one veur on the premises, to draw Interest from its date at the rate of ten percent, pertuiuum, purchaser to pay for making deed and mortgage. Margaret Barratt, Guardian of John Henry Rarratt, a minor. Dated this 2,"th dav of July, 18D2. 10-17 The M. L. &T. Co , flinoe they have roofed all tiieir plHtforms, have an im metiRe otnrnge capacity. This company now deals iu grain, lumber and wood, a Business, Music and Art Dpts. T. U CAHPBKU,, A. R., Vm. 309-16 sw Monmouth, Oregon. Proprietor. km, Oregon. 2 ' CHAS. H. DODD&CO. IMPORTERS OT HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL AIIO FAP'V! ?.;achinery. riON?, HS'ST A O "INE STfi., -FORTLATn, OTt. BUCKEYE IVIOWZR AND REAPER. In ..u.il.cl l..r Si.:';!K-ltr. Hit !:.;: . Iliiil.v, Wmablllrv. Tlimip .Utirniiin, ii-i- loo ;!! Unnun Io m- iiil. 1 Uoiihuii.i- ;-,-m arr in mi, . ' uiiiv.T4.l ..-llfcfnrtion c'vi n I., lii.i irvi' I1..1H l ! v.ioKt opiil.-ir in 11. . i !.(. HODGES' HAINES HEADERS. YE STEEL FRAME BINDER. ! i.'.SuifUislioil lor .Nirmxlh I"rnli Ml) . V W I I Adriancs t-cQP-DisGhafge Binder t3n-t fr.euiiiriulc.il hlirt-r in u. llMt"rt ios ioe. it. use It. Lie Hn.n any othor, , ta. K0UI:;CSW0aTH & TAVIQ3 HAM A:1j r .tA..r........;";;vV SElf-OOiuP RAXES. .r-4 :?;4'(;-' 0ES KAY-LOADER AHO MUDGFTT !M- ' , v,v KAY-PRESSES. PORTER'S I.0RSE KA- 4,ws-&iM FORKS AND CARRIERS. SCMTTLEH AMD MIIBUHN FARM WACCN3 FISE CARNAGES, PHAET3US, TC? BUG GILS. CARTS, ETC. FOUR-SPRINC MOUNTAIN WAC3N3 AM BUCK-BOARDS. MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER. AUlTMAN'S STAR TRACTION ENGINE. The mo Effective and Succeslul combination lor -Xasaaj-Threshing and Cleaning Grain ever constructed. JiSKarf Send for 1893 -VJ at-. LEACH 4- A IU1 STRONG, LEXINGTON, OUKttON. Otis Patterson NOTARY PUBLIC T Eastern Clothing House Branch at Portland, haB opened a BigLine of Ladies' and Gents Furnishing Goods, Also Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises and Fancy Goods. You will find ovtr Cl"thin(? Department with an assortment, including Square Cut Saokn, Three and Four Button Frocks, made of the best, American Weavers, Scotch Woolen Wor steds, Cheviots, made up to sell in full units. $25.00 Suits reduced 20.00 " 17.50 " 15.00 " 12.50 " Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps at Factory Prices Examine the goods and yon will find all shades and colors, which will Kive satisfaction . Before purchasing, call and examine my stook IX A. IIKKREN'S BUILDING, May Street, Heppner, Oregon. The Lancashire Insurance Co. OH MANCHBSTBH, BNGl,AID i ff. PATTERSON, AGENT Qneofthe Beat .i tl.o Worm HIGHEST Flour Exchanged for Wheat HEPPNER FLOURING MILL COMPANY. T. W. AYERS. Sr., Manager. DAN OSMFRS. Columbia Beer Hall! fJEXT DOOR io M. Lichtenthal & Co.'s Shoe Store, Main Street. Kerf on hand a Fine Line of Liquors, Wines, Cigars, Etc. We have Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to S Cents Per Glass, On draught, fresh and cool. Lunch of all kinds. Hope to see all their old friends and many more. OSMEKS fc HUGHES. Props. Footwear Tharnly hunt anfl hnp ptfihlistimnt nf TTppT"prhftn movf-d from tho r-mt lnjn HmH, to thfir ppw ptnrc r"om. T-pxf ''nor tn H. H'Hrk.n n A 'n.'. There you will find the Best and Cheapest in Heppner. M. LICHTENTHAL & CO., Mlt- Htrept, Heppner O t-. FC- HHVK PlentV of em at the UliUHU nuniuvu, Gaze m!i Catalogue, Free fc-A.JiJfci 33Y MINOR BROS., HKPPNEK, OR. CONVEYANCER OPPICB II E to 20.00 15.00 12.50 10.00 7.50 CASH PMC 443 MAT HUGHES. Footwear ! Gazette Office. i