Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 09, 1892, Image 5

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ililSF. liirlni tbv Insertion of ilnlnv aU.,
r Hihiiki! of Hume, rouat eet their nn,v in
not later Ihim .Monday uvenlug for Tunsdiiy'8
iplltluti, or Uliunday evening for Fridays
1. The sum of five rents per line will be
i'hart!t lor "I'mcls of thanks." "resolution, of
resiici't," lists of wi'ildliiK presents and donors
and oliltnary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news.) and
hotkesoispei'la! Meeting, for whatever purpose
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue Is to be de
rived, uliiili be charged for at the rate of live
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to In every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
Give your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Here and There.
T. W. Ayers, Jr., for drags. 68 sw
liipans Tabulos cure nausea.
It. J. Hill, of Loxingtou, win the city
Heury Blackmail went below last Fri
ilny uiorniDg.
Ed. Hood, o( Eight Mile, was in the
pity Saturday.
When in Arlington, atop at the Ben
nett house, near the.depot. bl-ft
J. H. Allyn waa up from his ranch
on Willow oreek Saturday.
Ford, the painter, still "in it." For
any kiud of work see him. 81-tf.
John Madden of Lone Rook was regis
tered at the City hotel Saturday.
Kline Jones has returned from Salem
where she has been visiting relatives.
Miss J.etha Parker, dressmaker, will
guarantee yon a good fit. Give her a
trial. 4-tf
.Toe Hayee, mother, and family, and
Jeff Hayes left yesterday for the moun
tains. Amos Younger starts today for Mis
souri. May he have a safe and pleasant
Eli Keeney and Al Roberts pulled out
Friday afternoon for the mountaing, Eli
returning yesterday.
'np tiimons & Son still shoe horses
and do general blacksmitbing at the old
stand Matlock corner. 65.
J. F. Willis was up last Saturday to at
tend the regular meeting of the A. F. &
A. M. Saturday evening.
"The Parlor," W. F. Rnark, prop., in
the (Sty hotel, west side of Main street.
Neatest place in Heppner. sw
Leslie Matlock returned from MoDuf
tie springs lust Friday afternoon. Leslie
reports a pleasant time while there.
Hiyu ketohum whiskers. Hatt &
Mathews, at the city barber shop the
place to get a first-class shaye, hair-out
or shampoo. tf.
Mr. & Mrs. Ed.R. Bishop left yesterday
morning for Portland. They will prob
ably go to the coast for a short vacation
ere they return.
Dan Osmers returned from bis moun
tain camp Saturday afternoon, reports a
very pleasant time. His family will re
main sometime yet.
C. C. Saling was in Heppner Saturday.
Clyde informs our reporter that thresh
ing is in progress in the Sand Hollow
and Black Horse sections.
E. A. Freed has disposed of another
fine new Earhuff organ, Andrew Reaney,
of Lexington, being the purchaser. Mr.
Freed is still canvassing in this county.
Hall's HBir Renewer ie free from alco
hol and dyes that injure the skin. It is
scientifically prepared, and will restore
gray hair to its original oolor and vigor.
A specimen of the wheat raised by
Andy Stephenson was sent to this offioe
last week. This grain was well headed
and filled and will doubtless make a good
Newer and neater quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room.
Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see
his old friends there. Baths in connec
tion. Mrs. J. W. Rasmus and family aocom
paiued by Mrs. Geo. Aiken left this
morning for the mountains, where they
will joiu those who are now sojourning
J. J. McGee came in Sunday evening
to look after matters appertaining to the
assessor's office. As will be seen in this
issue, he has something to say to the
How are jou fixed for letter-heads,
billbends, note-beads, statements, envel
opes and the like? Don't overlook the
Gnzette in any deal of this nature, for
striotly fitst-olass work.
Sheriff Geo. Noble returned Fi iday eve
ning from Eugene where be had been at
tending the Sheriff's Convention. Miss
Jennie also returned with Mr. Noble, from
her extended visit in the valley.
I. R. Esteb, the Gooseberry postmaster
Bnd agent of the Gazette, was in Hepp
ner Friday. He oomplains much of the
bad postal facilities in this county, and
particularly the Gooseberry service.
A. L. Spray came over Saturday from
his Waguer ranch for supplies, returning
yesterday morning. Abe is very much
pleased to get back on bis ranch, but his
wife, though very well satisfied, would
much prefer living in Heppner.
D. W. Tedrowe received fifteen tons of
ice from Ellensburgh, Washington, on
last Friday evening's train. This ice is
very pure, and as the Heppner ioe crop
hod given out several days ago, this will
be doubly appreciated.
Married Iu Clarks Canyon, on Sun
day, the 7th inst., at the residenoe of the
bride's parents, Mr. Ed. Hunt and Miss
Majjgie Shick, Rev. Frank Friend offi
ciating. This offioe acknowledges, with
thanks, the receipt of some of the wea
dine cake.
Have we any truly great men at the
present day? Some doubt it, and ask to
ho almoin the modern Washington,
Franklin, or Webster. However this
may be, of one thing we are sure, there
uever was a greater blood pnriner tuau
Aver s Sarsauanlla.
Iu the last issue the Oazette failed to
mention the return of Dr. E. R. Swin
burne from the Souud, on Tuesday eve
Dnck will remain a few
weens wib us and during the absenoe of
Mr. Bishop will assist in we amies bi
the National Bank.
The following from the Wasco Bun
will doubtless be a surprise to many
Heppnerites. " Heppner has a brass band
oomoosed of ladies. They are instructed
by Prof. White on praoticetwioeaweek.
If such an organization exists in this
city it is surley in the minds of the peo
ple only. ,
H. M. Thornton was up from lone Sat
urday. In conversation with him be in
forms onr reporter that he had just re
turned recently from bis sheep camp, in
the Greenhorns, over in Grant county.
"Much cooler over there than here, in
fact 1 fonnd considerable snow,' be said,
-though range is good and sheep doing
well." '
The Long Creek race oourse will give
a Beries of five days racing about the
liistot October. Purses to the amount
of nearly $1000 will be hung, nd a live
ly time is ei peeled. Prairie Citv races
occur in September. Long Creek e the
Hist of Ootober, so Heppner should ana
doublet will arrange for their Fall lares
later in October, as in this way the dates
would not oonfliet.
An emigrant wagon stopped overnight
at Willis Stewart's stable last Friday
night. Bud next morning found that one
of their horses was dead. It was at first
thought that its death was caused by the
same means as were ihednH which died
during that night, but from the owner it
waa learned that the borfn had been
eiok several days.
Sain Morgan aod sou, an. I J. H. Kd
wards were in town Matnrda.v. They
say that active threshing tiiierationa hnvu
commenced iu Sand Hollow, and that
the uverage is better than expected.
Edward's hurley yielded 25 bushels per
acre, while Mr. MoCarty's rye crop turn
ed out 15 bushels per aore.
As a hair dressing and for the preven
tion of baldness, Ayer's Hair Vigor baa
no eqnal in merit and efficiency. It
eradicates dandruff, keeps the scalp moist,
clean, and healthy, and gives vitality and
color to weak, faded and gray hair. The
most popular of toilet articles.
Dave Hamilton's bid on the lumber
bill for the bridge across Willow creek,
near Allen Rudio's place, was $14. Will
Mallory, of Kook oreek, tied him, and a
coin was "flipped" to settle the matter,
Dave winning. This is the prioe deliv
ered on the ground.
Word has reached here from MoDuffie
springs that the moyor of Sodaville, Geo.
B. Tedrowe, is about to emerge from the
bulrushes of baohelordom to the more
aesthetic condition of Benedictism. In
short, they say that he will soon wed a
pretty widow.
Stacy Roberts was in today from Eight
Mile. Stacy says threshing will begin
in that section to-morrow; thinks the
grain will not be shriveled as muoh as
many thought, consequently the general
average will exceed many's expectations.
Nelse Jones offers, gratis, ground fur
reservoir purposes, and right-of-way for
mains, etc. This is just like Nels
generous to a fault. Although be oppos
ed the water proposition as presented he
was the first to come "to the oenter."
The dust on Main street and elsewhere
in the town reminds ye inhabitant that
we are lucky in having so good a pros
pect at hand of a oomnlete Bystem of
waterworks. The Bprinkler wagon has
not been running for several days.
Contractor Boyed is pushing mutters
on the sobool bouse at a lively rate. The
bell, weighing 500 pounds, arrived last
Saturday, and as soon as the belfry is fin
ished, will be placed in position.
Sheriff Noble reports a big time re
cently at Pendleton, among the Royal
Arch Masons. Several degrees were con
ferred, visitors being present from La
Grande and Walla Walla.
They say "every dog has bia day," and
during the past week a score or more
have had theirs in Heppner. It was
their last. Wonder who is scattering
the poison?
Mr. C. P. Bailey, formerly pastor of the
Baptist church here, and editor of the
Baptist Sentinel, published at Dayton,
Wash., attended the convention here last
Mr. E. L. Freeland and Miss Inez Vornz
accompanied Miss Mattie Vornz np to
her school Sunday morning, spending
the day in the mountains.
O. E. Farnsworth got in from the ranch
Friday in time to attend the special meet
ing of the council. He reports Mrs.
Farnsworth ill.
Mrs. M. E. McAfee and granddaughter,
little Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Dave McAtee, arrived Friday evening
from Spokane.
S. 0. Smith has pnrobased one of thooe
famous Farrnnd & Votey organs of E. A.
Freed, who is canvassing this county.
J as. W. Matlock and family, Mrs.
Johnny Keeney and Miss Maggie Rea,
sojourned in the mountains Sunday.
Dr. Fox has moved his offioe to ele
gant quarters in the rear of the drug
store of T. W. Ayers, Jr., & Co.
Daye Herren end family, and the fain
iles of D. R. Jayue and W. V. Smead
are outing at Gump Martin.
Henry Scherzinger left yesterday to
visit bis parents in the valley a few weeks,
and to tuke in the coast.
At the close of the servioes Sunday eve
at the Baptist church, a collection of
$15.30 was taken up.
John Carmiobael, of Lexington, attend
ed the meeting of the A. F. & A. M.'s
Saturday eve.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Crobtree were vis
itors at the Gazette office one day last
Rev. Bramblet is conducting a series
of meetings in the Baptist church.
K B. Stanton, one of Eight Mile's res
idents, was over Saturday.
N. L. Robison returned from Portland
last evening.
Bob Shaw left late last evening for
TDTT'S PILLS invigorate body and
Dkt.monico.-B. F. Perkins has lately
opened up the restaurant in the Liobten
thai building, which he has named the
Delmonico. None but white cooks are
employed, and the public can therefore
ret a eooa. oia-iasuionea meat, ooo&eu
in the best of style. Prioe, 25 cents;
beds, 25 cents. 50a t-tf
From the E. O.
Pho-Ua rinnninohnm ntfera for sale
this year 1500 thoroughbred and 2500
grade bucks on easy terms ana at reason
able prices. Mr. Cunningham is Umatil
la county's most sucoessrul sheep raiser
and bis band of thoroughbreds is the
largest of any grower in the Inland Em
pire. Yearly he reoeives orders from all
parts of the northwest where sheep rais
Recently he sold a
lUg IO ri "
oarload of thoroughbred bucks to George
Champlin, Senator Stanford's partner in
California, who was greatly pleased with
them. Idaho steep-raisers are especial
ly good pBtrons of Mr. Cunningham, his
annual sales to them being large ana on
the increase. Mr. Cunningham by bis
thorough understanding of hi business
and energy is the cause of a large amount
of money being dispersed in this county
from the outside, which would not other
wise come here. So can others add to
our prosperity if they will be but equally
aotive and enterprising.
' Old Dr. Drammoiiil,
After years of patient study and experi
ment has given to the world a prepara
tion which is an absolute and perma
nent oure for every kind of Rheumatism.
Ask your druggist for it. The price is
$5, but it U a large bottle and will relieve
the worst case from the first dose. H
you are offered something else, write di
rect and we will send you a bottle by
express prepaid. Drnmmond Medicine
Co., 48 50 Maiden Lane, New iork.
Agents wanted
Scbpbisk Pabtt.-A pleasant aarprise
party was tendered the Misses Bbnlse, at
their borne at the Methodist parsonage,
on last Friday evening. A number of
Heppner's young folks were in attend
anoe and all thoroughly enjoyed them
selves at different amusements, inter-
'spersedwitb music, after which lunch
was Berved. In all a very pleasant event.
School Directors Meeting. At a
regular meeting r,t the directors of Dis
trict No. 1, last Thursday evening, the
bids for the bonds of district, in the sum
of $8000, were opened, and upon exami
nation awarded to F. W. Trounce, of Se
attl", Wash. Tbi'ge hor,dn will bi'Br six
per cent, interest, muring nft.e."j yearn,
hut Mr. Trnm iv oliu.-i: $iVnl cuuttui
inn l'i.r pUniiiij the bonds, .dr. 11. K.
Noble, of Poiilaud, made the same offer,
but wauled $400 commission. The wood
contract, 25 cords, went to Tims. Reaney,
of Lexington, at $4 87 per cord. The
selection of teachers was then made.
The applications were numerous, and
many of those applying w?re known to
be first olass teachers. The following
compose the cirpe ot teachers for the
Heppner school the coming year: Prin
cipal, Prof. A. W. Winrj assistant prin
cipal, Mis3 Eva Wier; second grammar,
Miss May Bailey; first grammar, Miss
Janet lugrabam; second primary, Miss
Inez Voruz: first primary, Mrs. A. W-
Wier. The principal will he paid $125
per month, same as lust year; the assist
ant principal and seoond grammar, each
ifliO, and the remaining teachers eaob $50
per mouth.
Kilmnu Hkppner's Caninkr, Last
Friday night some enemy of the oanine
tribe, evidently seeking revenge, distrib
uted or plaoed poison in such a manner
that ere morning several unsuspecting
dogs bad swall iwed p large amount of it,
and by Saturday night quite a number
had passed in their cbeoks. However,
it did not cease with that day's harvest)
but has continued until at present the
boys claim that more than 30 have been
reoorded on the bone yard canyon reo
oids, and some of them valuable dogs,
among which mtght be mentioned Mike
Fitzgerald's and Mat Hughes'; though
many of the others wbileof nogreat com
mercial value, were valued by their own
ers. A reward of $100 has been offered
by some of the owners of the various
dogs that have been killed, for informa
tion that will lead to the location of the
perpetrator of this act, and we venture
to suggest to the one who did it, that it
would he beat for him to keep "mum" or
he may hav to pay dearly for the deed.
Outing Gossip. Norman Kelly says
that the Ditch oreek oomitry was full of
people when be departed for Heppner
last Saturday. W. A. Kirk and family
came in that day and Johnny Ayers and
family and Albtrt Ayers and wife, as well
as countless other folks, were there, in
all about seventy persons. Down at Elk
Flat, Dick Howard, George Wells and
some other boys, were waiting patiently
till the deer and elk should pay that vi
cinity a visit. That section of country
is almost as popular as Camp Caplinger.
Norman saw F. J. Ballock and Oscar
Minor hunting up on the Maitin place
Saturday, but don't know with what suo
cess. Conoxave of Knights Templaks For
the Knights Templar pilgrimnge to Den
ver, the Union Pnoifio will offer tickets
at greatly reduced rates, good for 30 dBys.
Tickets are now on sale at the ticket
office. The conclave at Denver from
Aug. 9th to the 14th, should be of great
interest to all knights. For further in
formation call on J. O. Hart, agent at
Heppner, or address W. H. Hurlbnrt,
assistant general passenger ageut, '2'ti
Washington street, corner Third, Port
land, Oregon. 510-15.
Lady Notaky Pobijo. Mrs. KatePnr
sell, of Alpine, has been appointed notar
publio for Oregon for the third term, the
first lady of the state to be thus honored,
and with one exception, the only one in
Oregon at present. Hhe is prepared
to uttend to all biiHiness in her
line, at her residence near Alpine and
sohoits patronage from thosedesiringno
tarial work.
Convknho.n Ended. The Heppner
Couveution ot Baptists ended last Sun
day evening, after a harmonious and
profitable session. The objects of the
oonvention were attained iu every par
ticular, and they are most truly thankful
for the courtesies extended during their
stay here. Tbey were most hospitably
entertained and it is truly appreciated.
Change of Ministebs. Rev. E. Wal
ler has given op his work in the Baptist
field at Heppner, and will hereafter look
after the good people in the neighbor
hood of Fossil. He departed from Hepp
ner yesterday morning, accompanied by
Rev. Jas. A. Howerton. Rev. M. Bremb
let, reoently of Elgin, will take charge of
the work here for the present.
Pretty Serious. V. G. Sweetser had
a narrow escape Saturday down at
Thompson & Binn's feedyard. His horses
were tied to the hack and becoming
frightened turned it over on Mr. Sweet
ser, who was trying to quiet the animala,
badly wrecking the rig.bnt fortunately
breaking no bones for Mr. Sweetser.
However, he was pretty badly bruised.
Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak
er and repairer of many years' experi
ence, has just looated in the Abraham
siok building, on May street, where he
is prepared to do eveiy thing in his line.
Mr. Birbeck IB strictly a nrst-oiass worn
man and warrants all work. Give him a
oall. H-tf
rAsTi R.VGE. Bob Shaw has a fine lot
of paaturo, alfalfa and wild grass, out on
Butter Creek which he will rent reason
able for either horses or. cattle. See Mr.
Shaw, at Heppner, or C. P. Bowman,
Butter creek. 513-tf
John Sbaw and Will Barker returned
Saturday evening from Jamestown, Da
kota, where they had shipped three car
load of horses recently, disposing of them
at private sale, at a low figure, averaging,
about $50 per bead.
i Board ol Equalization lor Morrow County,
Orenon.will meet 1 "Hice of "e County
Clerk In Heppner. OreKOl), Aujr. i, and
continue In .eMiou one week, or until the equal
ization ol the aiKHiiient 1. completed. Any
talpayerdl.aatltned with their UKMinent are
hereby requeued to appear before aaid board
and make their grievance, known. If yuu have
coiiinlalnt to make, make it known to the board
t ifee proper time and have the inatwr adju.ted.
boq't wait till It's too late and then blame the
aaieaaor or .herltf. J. J. Hi.ijr.fi,
Assessor Morrow County Oregon.
Htrrmt.Or., Aug 8, ai-m-w
Ketch 'em ere they Fade.
offin & fVfcFarlanc!
Stockmkns' and
A Car Load of Mitchell Wagons and Macks
just received. Call on them and inspect
the same before purchasing elsewhere.
wfii ion
letter t
Soe Inlorseixient s
Cooper Dip Ir used and endorsed liv thp following Oregon and Montuna slieeimien: W. H.
Donaldson, Dtiyvillc; V. S. Leu, Junetiuii Clrv; John lliirrleon, Matney; (ieo. Oelis, Amanda;
Kenneth McKae, Davville; Joe Oliver, John liav; J. W. Eyers, New Lisbon; P. J. Motile, hereail;
Cook & Clark, l'hllljrook; Kairchlld MeCralR, Dupuver; F. U. Warren, Utlea; Uuseli Uros.,
Lewlston; K. V. Chandler, Maiden; J. HirsehherR, Chot'ean; D. 8. Hastings, Ulwt; Jaluen Kdie,
Dillon; V. Norton, Stewart; A. Downie, ltig Sandy.
uiicdM dim jouij
Ask Your Merchant for
KOSHLAM) BHOS. Portland, Oregon,
Gen. Agts. for Oregon, Washington imd Wettroi n
I Unve ff ojf Sale
Four Thousand Bucks.
Fifteen hundred are Thoroughbred, and 2500 Grade Bucks from Wru.
Ross band. For terms and prices address
Charles Curiiiintiliaiii,
For T. W. AYE1IS, Jr., & Co.
pi i ii ii 1 1 1 n i i t 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i i i ii i i 1
5 !
! j
i i
It it" ypt.
3!rs?! ?J?v'?
p r--
's.-V-V fly
H . A. Thompson
He Heppner Livery,
Below Coffin M.
Good Conveyance for Ttaveling Men,
Tfm to buy per liiy, 75 otn. Hay xrid grain per day. $1.25. Meulu 25 ct.. nt
at C. C. Sariteaut's, rifit door to teed Ktuble. Grain and
Imled bay always on hand.
has Just removed from MJIJon and located permanent
ly In the Liohtfiirhal Building, opposite City Hotel
lo examine hid work means au ordor.
Farmers' Supplies
.lTATimnflrt aM LVnumrliniin
em mauc-oum mcmi m
lOrlSl Si II 13 mt--tf v. t
Coopers and Take no Other.
Props. Win, COOPER k NKPltKWS.
GalvC8tont Texas.
Till NO NEW.
1 1 iii i i ii in in iii iiijiiiiii 1 1 1 in 1 1
! i
2 I
I HAVE FOR SA1.K thirty head ol Ilntlis.
fifteen thoroughbred Merinos and fifteen
KrH',',,t- 1,ave Sx wUh m' '"f '"' ",r,'c'
Will' Sell Above for
$.oo per Head.
Vinson, Or.
& lUNNS,
Feed and Sale Stable.
Karland'., Main Street.
-Ck' HHMtWRfiM
'. " ( i. ' nt 4 .. -
" , vO
For Trade at the Head of the Procession
With the Right Swing and
We Propose to
i mi
r!i I Kill
The Frisky Dollar.
Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Guns and Ammunition and Agricultural
Implements, there are no dealers in
Morrow County that can
tail up
Eikf Tours HesnectEnlly. We are here for busiueaw from the
ground up mill propose to let you know it,
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Made on riimiiT Notk.k anjj at Poi-ui.ar Pkickm.
tfT Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00.
O. K FARSSn'tiKTH. Pvrn. E. O. fipRKKY, Vice Prcs, K. K, MSJIOP. Trent tircr.
T. E. FELL, Secretary and Manager.
lie Morrow County Land I Trust (kipi?
CA PITA L STOCK, $100,000.00. PAID UP, $25,000.00.
Incorporated 188S.
hwk and Forwarding Agents.
Opi'vulivii Warelumse nt llrppner, love, and Dough, on
Heppner Branch of the U. '. H. R. '
u. K. FrtrtiUHorKti, J. A. Tlinmpwon, U. A. Hern'n,
NcIhoii JuricH Kdv.ard Inv, Win. I'cnlantl,
Kti. K. Jtlhhop, Tlii'ioii K. 1-V'U, W. E. Elliott,
K.I. H. Cox, .). A. Woulcry, N. A. KUv,
J. K. Ki-ick, O. T. DoiikIhh, K. O, Sn.rrv, Aimm Wi-IrIU,
IT IS the i)ii'kihc of the. Htocltholdcrs of this eomptuiy to romluet ItH biiflliU'tiH Id a iinuiuw
inotually iidvuiitimcouH lo nil wool and min producers ol thin motion, and to inaliituln the
favninlitc hoiiic tniti'ki't which it Iuih OHtttbliHtifd. lHirhiK the coiiiIhk wool hi'Uhoi. h p Holiclt
tlie buMtncHh of till wool Krowtrn imd n-rnu-HL tlmm to m-utl thotr ulip to the "Wool (irowora'
JlavloK ftnlarffod the HeppniT Vnn?liontH, and roofed all plntfornm, we have louhlHlhe
storage capacity of any other wari;hoii8e in Lantern Orcnoii. well liKhtud for the dinplay of wool
"The Wool Growers' Warehouse."
First prize at the Worlds Exposition.
First in Material and Workmanship.
First in the estimation of all practical farmers.
Ncvur iqiiiillcil fur Durability, Execution aud LitflitneMi of Draft ooiiibino'l.
tf. Comer Main and Willow Htrneto, Heppner Or.
v". j. i.i:iKi;k. ii-ji.
TMIIIH ll()"'l'l'.ljliy lif.H liffii ItKurrni and HnKrNisiiki) tliroimlmut, and iiuw
i olio f the mit lnviti :) plnRCR in IImer. Mr. I.efzer iuviten jnn to .top
with lilrn, f ! i ii K Unit liu in iible to entertain you in tbe litwt nf Htyle,
r :
r iks r Class IIousk.
lue Season
For Fruit has Arrived and we
are in the business to supply you
Kc CSircs .0.33a.
Is about ripe. W will let you
know about t!i:U in t lx near future.
W, L Matlock & Co,
Rustlers !
In all lines of
1. C. TlKtrupMin,
Natlmnlel Webb,
.(ohn L Ayern,
jKIilt'B .lollt'H,
A. B. CtiHl'trtiin
Rkasonahlk Rates.