A I And Followed Approved DYNAMITE BOMBS USED. I'he Express Car Was Blown to Pieces. Messenger Thrown Against the Root and Supposed to Be Dangerously Wounded. Frksno, Cul., Aug. 4 Last night at 12 o'clock the south bound train, due at Fresno at 12:10, waa held up. It was a most daring and successful robbery by three highwaymen. Others may have been interested, but were not in eight. The train left lioea ten minutea behind time, and it waa the intention of the engineor simply to slow down ut Collia a sufficient time to allow the conductor to report at the telegraph ollice. A longer Btop waa made than originally in tended. Two men came from behind a pile of croaH ties, and, in a etooping position, ran to the train and mounted it near the engine. The train waa barely under headway. A passenger mentioned the circumstance to a brakoniau, who made the remark: "Guess they were tramps, and would ride no further than Fresno." "When the train reached the switch between here ami Collia, about six miles out from that place and eight miles distant from Fresno, it came to a sudden halt. This was just after the brakeinun announced, "The noxt stop will be F'rosno,' and the passengers who were awako at once suspected some thing was wrong. If there was any doubt about the matlur in a fow seconds it had vanished lor the explosion of bombs, the discharge of firearms and the ringing whistle of rille bullets aroused everyone to reali.j that a train robbery waa being onacted. Upon mounting the tender, the rob bers informed Knginoor Phillips that they would run the train for a few min utes and covering him and the lireman with arms compelled the unexpected stop. When the train stopped thoy proceeded in a vory deliberate manner to Bocure tho booty. The engineer and fireman wero previously searched ami no danger apprehended from them and when Phillips jumped from the cab and ran into tho darkness no attention was paid to him. The robbers simply placed a stick of dynamite on the pis. on rod of the locomotivo and exploded it. Taking tho lireman, who is nothing more than a boy, in front of thorn, they began marching back toward the ex press car, firing guns along the train to intimidate the passengers. When the express cur waa reached, u stick of giant powdor was placed oil the hUI oi each door and oxploded wrecking the car gen erally, breaking t .roo doors, blowing a hole in the roof, scattering the contents ill every direction and badly stunning tho niossengei', (ieorge II. Uob'its, whose right shoulder was dislocated by the force with which it threw him against the side of the car. As soon us Huberts could recover his faculties ho stuck his head through the open door to announce that he gave U when ho was greeted with the command : "Come out of there." Tho robbera then went into the car made him open the safe, and took three sacks of coin. Kuch carried one, while the fireman waa made to carry the other buck towards Collis for about a quarter of a mile. It is thought the sum taken will range from $10,001) to Jf 1:5,001). One safo on Ihe express car was not touched and therefore the loss is not as large as it might have noon. It took the engineer ipiite a while to put the locomotive in running order and the stop at Collia altogether waa of about M minutes' duration. The rob bers, howovor, wero not engaged in their work for more than 15 minutea. Throe robbera were seen, although more may have been engaged in tho work. Tho rubbers masked and completely disgtiisod, boarded tho express car and covering l.ouia Huberts, the messenger, with double barreled shotguns, ordered him to open Wells, Furgo A Company's safe. Koborts set about doing this, u"t iie was so excited and nervous that ho forgot the combination and so informed his cuptors, who thereupon struck him a hoavy blow on tho head with u gun, and threatened to kill him if he did not immediately open tho safe. With trembling hands he did so and they took out tho sacks of coin. When the desperadoes oxploded tho first cartridge on tho engine, the passengers popped thoir heads out of the windows to seo what was doing, but they drew them back again when thoy heard pistol bullets and buckshot whis tling past their oars. A panic ensued, biiu mo pussengers maue a waa scram ou uouer tne eais o Keep out ot range o flying missiles. 1 ho express car was shattered into atoms by the concussion. A Hilt I 111) ll l.rh it .1 ....... I... 1 ..... I . .ma mmio ; .uvi. voioj'v ,iiu liiu uainuuas, mo ell ginoer sent a short dispatch to the depot in this city announcing that the train hud boon held up und proceeded slowly ou his way, tho train arriving hero at 1 :30 a. m. A large crowd waa awaiting tho arrival of the train at tho depot. Although only two men appeared to do tho principal part of the work, it is believed there wore several confederates for sovoral buckshot were found im bedded in the rear passenger coach. The express messenger sustained u ROBBED severe scalp wound, and possibly a frac ture of one of his ribs, when the door was blown open. He waa burled against the roof of the car by the force of the explosion. Fresno., Cal, Aug. 4 The train was the southbound night expresa leaving San Francisco at 5:30 p. m. The exaot sum contained in the messenger's eafe has not been ascertained but it is thought to have been between thirty and fifty thousand dollars. The Dalton boys are supposed to be in Idaho and it a conundrum to railroad officials who were the parties concerned in the rob bery. Whoever they may be they were bold in their operations. Several deputy sheriffs from southern counties of the State are stated to have been on board the train, but no resistance waa offered to the robbers. General Freight Agent Kmurr, of the Southern Pacific, waa in a special car with a party of gentlemen bound East. Messenger George Rob erts, who was wounded by tho explosion of a dynamite bomb, was pronounced by physicians to be seriously injured. He resides in Lob Angelea. Fkkbxo, Cal., Aug. 4 There ia no clue yet this morning as to tho perpe trators of the robbery of the Southern I'acitic Express near Collis, which oc curred a few minutes before midnight last night. The robbers were four in number, and after wounding the mes senger and blowing out the sidea of the express car with dynamite they made their escape on horseback. The amount obtained is said to be between $10,000 and $15,000. The robbers bombarded the express car with dynamite bombs. The car was held by Messenger (ieorge 1). RobertB, who at the explosion of the ninth dyna mite bomb, which tore the side of the car to pieces, was so severely injured that he could oiler no further resistance. George D. Roberta, the Wells-Fargo mesaeuger, bas been in the service ot the company 14 yeara. He was former ly messenger on the Arizona division. He was sitting at his desk making out way bills when the cars stopped, lie heard a gunshot and immediately put out his lights. He then took his rifle and lay flat on the bottom of the car. In an instant after this a bomb exploded at his right door, tl rowing the messen ger up against the opposite wall, tear ing his alioes oil' and generally disrobing him. The shock knocked him senseless for a few minuteB. Among the passengers was S. W. Ilol- lis, representing C. H. Perkins ot Com pany, of Newark, N. Y. lie made the following statement : "We left Collis on time and after we had gone about seven miles the brakeman came through the train and announced tho next sta tion as Fresno. I stopped out on the platform and heard a bomb explode. I did not pay particular attention to it at tho time as I thought it was a railroad signal torpedo and the belief was con firmed when the train slowed down and came to a halt. I went back to my seat and heard the reports of guns or pistols, apparently lired at the coaches, and it created a panic among the passengers. Th -y got dwn on the floor and under the seats and between the seats, but the robbers did not come into the coaches. There wore eight or nine bombs fired in all and half dozen or more gun shots." William Lewis, the lireman, said: "We wero about six miles east of Collis when Enginoor Al Phillips and I saw two men crawling toward us over the wutor tank. Thoy were heavily armed, each had a revolver in his belt and a shotgun hanging from a strap around his shoulder. 'Hold up your engino,' d id one of thoni with an oath, and the other man ordered us to hold up our hands. Both were pointing revolvers at us, and wo did as wo were told. After we were stopped we wero ordered to got oil' the cab und wore told that we would not be harmed if we did as they ordered us. The robbers then gave each of us a cigar and told us to smoke." "Hid you smoke?" "You bet wo did," answered tho fire man. The engineer was then ordered to put out the headlight and to go ahead about a quarter of a mile and wait. He did so. They made mo get under the gangplank and then lired sovoral volleys in order, 1 suppose, to keep anybody in the cars from venturing out. The rob bers then left tho engine and went to the express car. I did not hear them ask the messenger to open the door, so far as I know; thoy began throwing bombs at the car as soon as they got there, losing no time in parley. 1 saw only two robbers though aouie say there was a third. "Opening the sale and taking tho treasure they canio down to the engine with it. 'Come out,' said one of them to mo, and I camo out. They ordered mo to help thoni carry tho money some distance down the truck and hit me on tho shoulder with tho butt end of their guns to emphasize it. 1 had to obey and carried one of tho bugs. There were three or four in all. I don't j distinctly remember how many. After walking several hundred yards thoy slopped, took the money from mo and made oil'. 1 can't give a description of tho robbera tta thoir faces wore entirely hidden from view bv masks made from some light cloth. They wore dark clothes and one had a wide-brimmed hat and the other a narrow-brimmed one. They wore determined and talked us if they mount business and would Btund no fooling, so we did as we were told." Engineer Al l'hillipa, on being inter viewed, said: "Iliad just slowod down into Collis, for it ia our custom, if noth ing ia wanted, to keep going, thereby tttlvliitr 114 iniii-h tmi.t 11.1 ,..-,.1 1 1 , it.. Boins in however, 1 noticed a trunk on tlu) platform, and then 1 mado up niv milul that 1 had to stop. 1 did so, and ... ltin. wait,1(! tu usual time for the sig- nai to pun out l uoguu growing impatient. Having looked back several times 1 was lu the act of turning my head again when I saw tho tail of a mau's coat floating in the brceie on the tender. I told William Lewis that a tramp hud crawled ou the tender and was just turning to tell him to put the tramp off when the first I knew a medium-sized man with a red calico mask shoved a shotgun under my nose and ordered tia to throw up our hands. I immediately knew w hat was up and obeyed, for no one on the engine had a weapon of any kind. "You get out of herequick " were the first words of the robber. In the mean time, however, the second robber had got inside the cab and was standing close by heavily armed. He also had a red mask. I did as commanded and had just started the train when the spokesman told me to stop at the first switch out of Collis, adding that I knew well where it was. I told him that I would and then a short time afterwards the robbers cooily drew cigars from their pockets, lighted them and began to smoke. On slowing down for the switch at Rolinda the men told me that I and the fireman inuat accompany them to the express messenger's car, as that was what they were after and that neither of us would be harmed. I waa not afraid of them but of the expresa mesaeng r whom I knew was well prepared for re sistance, and that surely some of us would be killed. We will fix him, he said, and then told me I might remain but that he would take the fireman along. By this time the train waa nearly stopped and as the men stepped out I shot out through the front gate window and was soon lost to view in the darkness. I bad hardly made my exit when three shots were fired, followed a few seconds later by the explosion of bombs. What took place then I could not well discern, for I thought myself lucky to escape the numerous shots. A Pullman porter who was hid in a safe placo on top of a car got a good view of the ground outs.de an angle of the car. He Baw the robbers after they had secured the express treasure go to where a num ber of horaes were standing, he could not tell how many horses there were, it being too dark. One man had a lamp. They did not mount immedi ately but walked some distance, after which the light disappeared and noth ing more could be seen of them. As soon as news reached Fresno Sher iff Hensley and a posse started in pur suit but the robbers have a start of two hours and a half and it is thought they are well out of the way. Wells F'argo's mesaeuger claims the amount of money taken will not exceed $1,000. Engineer Phillips states that be knows the Dalton boys and that neither of those he aaw belong to that family of doperadoes. Heavy Death Kate lu free null mis KU4l I Ttiken. Sr. Pktkrsiiuro, July 27 According to an official bulletin there have been 2055 cases of cholera and 1172 deaths oc curred in the infested districts of Russia on the 22nd and 23rd. It is feared chol era will soon appear here if the warm weather continues. The death rate along the Volgo is greater than sup posed. Saratofl Listock, reports 262 deaths in SaratolF ou the 14th. Trade along the Volga is at a standstill. Vienna, July 27 The preventative measures ordered entorced in Western Russia have not been executed owing to the prevailing panic, although the cuoiera uas appeared atEkaterine, Stav, Odessa and other places. The arrange ments for tho great military manoeuvres near Charokolf have been cancelled. Large quantities of disinfectants have arrived at Constantinople for the Caucuses, but cannot proceed, owing to the fact that no ship can be chartered in Kuasiau ports. All ports on the Si a of Azof are affected with cholera. It is expected the disease will soon appear in the Western Crimea. Washington, 1). C, July 27 As a precautionary measure againat the in troduction of cholera, Secretary Tracy has directed collectors of customs along the eeaboard to prohibit the lauding of emigrants from France. Kalu aud Hail lsuib Great Ujiuare Killed by Lightning. St. 1'aul, July 27 The rainatorm which began laat evening lasted until morning. It demoralized Btreet traffic and it his not all been restored yet. Cellars were flooded, sidewalks washed away, streets torn up. i'or the 24 hours ending at 4 a. m. the aggregate rain full is nearly eight inches in Minneapolis and nearly five inches here. Hudson, Wis., July 27 A most de structive wind and rain storm visited this aection laat night laeting 12 hours. It was almost a cloudburst, cellars were Hooded with much damage to goods, crops were almost totally destroyed in the surrounding country and much stock waa killed by lightning. Advices from other points are to the same efloct. John Warren, a frrmer living near New Uichmond, waa killed by lightning. All trains aro delayed bv the waahnuta Madrid, July 27 The city of Oviedo was visited by an unprecedented hail storm. Hailstones covered streets to a depth of several inches. The roofs of a number of houses were broken in. Goods on exhibition at the fair wore carried away by tho overflow of the river. The people are panic stricken. Great dam age was done in the surrounding coun try. IJktkoit, July 27 The intonse heat in this auction waa broken at noon by a terrific thunder storm over the south eastern portion of the State. The ther mometer stood at !U degrees and fell 22 degrees. Chicago, July 27 The si;ual service predicts a fall of t5 degrees in the next 24 hours. The weather today is four degrees cooler than yesterday, with a brisk breeze blowing.' Up to 1 o'clock there had been Id deaths from sun- stroke, partly the result of yesterday's heat and 23 prostrations. General Wheaton May Come Here. Santa Fk, X. M., July 28 General McCook of department of Arizona, and Ueueral F:. Cur, recently promoted, are now in Washington in conference with the secretary of war and reports are cur rent at Fort Marchy that important transfers soon occur. It is said General McCook will bo assigned to the depart ment of Texas, General Wheaton going lo the dopartuientoi Columbia, and that General Carr w ill bo given command of the department of Arizona and author ized to remove department headquar ters from Loa Angeles to Santa Fe. Price of Coal Advanced. Piiiladkli-iiia, Aug. I Beginning to- ' day the price of coal is advanced 15 i cents at the mines by the Reading and Pennsylvania railroadB, making the rates ! as follows: Egg, $2.65; stove, $2.75:1 chestnut, $2.65. This makes an increase ' ui auuui ou cents since tne urst of the year. As the circular prices were ex- .v.io.toir vui. uuui vue meaning com bination formed, tho retail dealers who uuve not cuangeu tneir onees to enarnm. era for some time are expected to add about ftO cents to present quotations. Frightful Work of a Volcino lu Hie South Hens. Victoria, July 30 The Canadian Pacific steamship Empress of Japan brings details of the terrible volcanic eruption of the Gunong Aroo volcano on Sangir, which lies on a chain of islands connecting the northern arm of Celebes with Minando, in the Phillipines. The western coast of Sangir is washed by the Celebes aea, the Molucca passage being on the east. The crater of Gunong Aroo is situated in latitude 3 dog. '.'' min. north, longitude 125 deg. 29 min. east, distant from Ternat210 miles, from Men ado 14 miles and from Gorontalo 240 miles. At 6:10 p.m., June 7, Gunong Aroo withoutthe slightest warning broke out with several loud reports, and from this time until 9 p. in. fierce volumes of flame and smoke and showers of large stones were belched forth, followed by a heavy rain of dust and ashes. This con tinued all night and the whole of the next day, there being, hou'ever, no earthquake. On the ninht of the 9th heavy rumblings were heard in the mountain, and a heavy eruption of mud , and ashes took place, followed again by I terrific rains. The town of Torroena, situated on the south aide of the moun-' tain, protected by a rige of hills some 1,800 leet high, was covered witn asnea, many housea having been crushed by the accumulative weight of ashes and dust. The whole of the enormous plantations of cocoanuts, covering the hills on each side of Torroena bay, were entirely destroyed, but not very many lives, so tar as is known, were lost in torroena itaeif. To the westward of Torroena, after passing the foot of tho ridge, a scene of desolation presents itself. The whole country ia under a thick layer of mud and ashea. All vegetation ia either burnt from volcanic tirea or destroyed by enormous showers of dust and ashes, while the country and much of Gunong Aroo are smoking and steaming with numerous small volcanic jets, which are etiil throwing up showers oi mud and stones that form into hot mud streams some feet in depth,", rendering traveling unsafe. The north aide of the ialand is utterly destroyed, the nutmeg and cocoa nut plantations, and, in 'some cases, whole villages having been buried by mud, aahes and stones. The lava streams are confined to the northern slopes of the mountains, and at Tobea ked these have destroyed nearly the whole village. The loss of life cannot yet be estima ted, but one captain, who was there with his ship, says it cannot be less than 10,000. Many bodies have been picked up on the shore and the outskirts of towns not quite destroyed. Captain Gray, of the British steam ship Normandy, which was sent from Menado with a cargo of rice for the sufferers, says the island from the west ward presents a moat deaolate appear ance, no signs of life being visible, and volumes of smoke are still rising from the crater with small jets of steam, smoke and stones from the sides of the mountain, flooded the lower valleya and lands. The value of the property des troyed cannot be estimated, but it must be enormous, for the whole wealth pro ducing property ia destroyed. One cap tain, writing ot the disaster, saya the people niuat either starve or leave the island, for it will take years for the laud to become productive again, if ever it does recover. Canadian OHtolals WJstt to Arurt the Presidential Proclamation. Ottawa, Ont., Aug. 1 A cabinet council was held Saturday to consider the consequences of President Harri son's exercising the power placed in his liuiulB to retaliate on Canada lor dis crimination at the Wetland canal. So urgent does the government consider the possibility ot the President enforcing heavy discrimination tolla at the Soo canal that a conference ot Sir John Thompson and two of his colleagues was held laat evening in the room of the minister of militia at the Russell house. It is said that the cabinet ia divided on the queation, one section being in favor of revising the Canadian policy on the spot, and the other of appealing to England ior sanction to make reprisals against the United States. Mr. Chap leau, the new minister of customs, is strongly in favor of abandoning the policy of discrimination at the Wetland canal. No decision has yet been reached. Sir John Thompson leaves town tomor row, and it is rumored that tie is to make an unannounced Hying visit to Washing ton and endeavor to avert for a while the ii-.ueof the President's proclamation which ia relieved to be impending, in order to give Canada an opportunity of hearing from England. L'ncle 'terry flan Declared Undying Uuml y to It. Chicago, July 28 Secretary Rusk is in city in connection with an experiment he is preparing to try on a large scale in the treatment of the desease known as lumpv jaw. It has recently been treated by the ad-ninistration internally of iodide of potassium, tine of tho in spectors of the bureau of animal indus try recently made a successful experi ment, and the secretary expects to have the treatment tested on two hundred head of cattle affected with lumpy jaw. to settle the question as to the value of the remedy. It is given in doses of one to three drachms dissolved in a pint of water. It is best administered before feeding, and the dose should vary ac cording to the size aud weight of the cattle. The treatment can be applied without danger by any farmer. The secretary is also interested in ex tending the microscopic inspection of pork as the demand for inspected pork continually increases, and it brings about half a cent a pound more in the American ami British markets than un inspected. The packing season begins in October and the secretary deairea to have his force in condition to inspect a much larger number of circasses than la8t season. The marketa of Denmark, Germany, Austria, F'rance, Spain and Italy have been open to inspected pork during the past year and it requires a large quantity to supply them. It is es timated that the farmera of the country will receive a cent a pound more for hoga marketed this year than if there were no inspection. The secretary is greatly encouraged by the marked suc cess which hos attended inspection. Victoria ami Usiiuluialt To lie Mule ltivulnernb e. Ottawa, July 30 It ia reported that a million dollars will be spent on fortifica tions in British Columbia. Mackenzie liowell, minister of militia, and General Herbert no shortly to look over the ground. If indications are to be relied on it will not be long before work will be begun throwing up a line oi defence, which will make Victoria a fortified city and naval station at Fisquimalt invul nerable in eveut of war. Mew Shingle Mill. Mi. Vkknon, Julv 30 W. II. West, of Tttivima mH W Vi IU. VI.. , . cliell. Am t.vliiv i.lrbaini; nn ia ,i.n ments for putting in a shingle milt with 60,000 capacity per day. The site ia in Ledger's addition just north of the city. UM INSANE. He Cauies Trouble All Arnund and It Killed. Los Angeles, Aug. 1 Arthur Strobel, an insane German from New York, was shot and killed yesterday by Constable E. P. Hardie, of Garvanza, while resist ing arrest. Strobel applied at the resi dence of Mra. Ranaom for lodging and being refuaed put the family to flight. From here he proceeded to the railroad crossiug and made an assault with a revolver on Thomas Wilson, the one armed flagmRn. A bystander interfered and Strobel chased him down the street with a revolver at his head. Hardie was notified and found Strobel at the Ransom residence, whither he had re turned and was demolishing the furni ture. The officer called on hiin to sur render but Strobel fled from the house, at the same time drawing his revolver on the officer, who nred, tne ouuei taking effect in an artery in the right leg. Strobel bled to death in ten min utes. Hardie surrendered himself. a Father C'uulluei Hie Mairivd Wayward Daughter. Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 1 Mra. Nellie Whitman is held prisoner in the house of her lather, John Garrett, by eight feet ol trace chain and a nve pounu hitching weight, to keep her from prowl ing around the streets at unearthly hours. Mrs. Whitman is only 17 years old, but ahe has stirred up lots of trou ble. She takes the ball and chain im prisonment inflicted by her father as a big Jose. Two years ago, betore sue was mar ried, she was so wayward and strayed away from the comfortable Garrett home so much that her father sent her to the Home of the Good Shepherd. Within a month B. e promised on bended knees, with many tears, to be a good girl and her father took her away. A little while after that she was sent to school out in Kansas, and there she meet Gibb C. Whitman, a widower, 44 years old, with four children, and they were married. Seven daya later Mrs. Whitman left her husband. Then he began proceed ings for a divorce and she brought a cross suit. After a hearing the court de cided that neither was entitled to a de cree. Alter this Mrs. Whitman grew more wild and made life very sad for her father and mother, with whom she lived and the ball and chain remedy was adopted. Neighbors reported the case as in human. Officer Morran went out to investigate. He found Mrs. Whitman sitting on a sofa, singing, but she was wearing the chain and weight. She did not mind it, she said; indeed she thought her father had a perfect right to hobble her if he chose. Altogether Mrs. Whitman was very merry over her trace chain and hitching weight. Officer Morran consulted President Scannon, of the Humane Society, and it was decided that there was no need for interfering. The Bociety would have nothing whatever to do with the matter, for the girl was not suflering any ill treatment. The Jui-y Itecotuineud That She He ltuttraluod as Dangerous. Memphis, July 30 The verdict in the case of Alice Mitchell, on trial for the murder of her sweetheart, Freda Ward, finds the defendant insane and recom mends that she be restrained of liberty as dangerous to the community. The question of the sanity oi the pris oner was the only one involved in the trial. She waa perfectly calm during the reading of the judge's charge. The jury was out only 10 minutes. When the verdict was read she smiled. She was then taken to jail gaily chatting. She will be sent to one of the State in sane asylums. Alice Mitchell killed Freda Ward be cause the latter threatened to marry a young man and would not elope with Alice. The case has aroused great in terest. She is a sexual pervert, showing almost a dislike for the society of the male sex, aud a sentimental affection for members of her own sex. She secreted her father's razor and with it took Freda's life. On the stand she testified that she had intend ed to kill her twice before but had beeti prevented once by the publicity of the place in which they met and once be cause the razor caught in her pocket and Bhe could not get it out. During the trial a number of letters couched in extremely affectionate terms and ad dressed to young men whom she had never met were introduced in evidence. Dr. F. L. Sim, an experton diseases of the brain and nervous system testified that after examination he waa satisfied that Alice Mitchell was inBane and that her form of mania was rarely recovered from. He found no evidence of sexual depravity, but Platonic or brain love. The insanity he said was hereditary and the separation from Freda created in her insane jealousy, and the illusion that ahe must remove the object of her love. The examination waa mental not phys ical. Eccentric Weather Is Cau.luif Trouulu all Arouml. San Antonio, Texas, July 28 The people of Browneville in tlie drought districts have joined in a petition to Governor Hogg for aaaiatance. The pe tition states that many deaths from starvation will be inevitable unless the people of Texas and the country come to their relief. Minneapolis, July 28 A killing frost visited .Montana last night. A cold wave is coming this way. It is general over British Columbia. At Fort Asain aboine it went to 30 degreea. Chicago, July 28 There were seven teen deaths from sunstroke up to 1 p. ni., and 28 prostrations from heat. The temperature has considerably moder ated, the highest so far being 84. Kansas City, July 28 It has been ruining here since eany this morning. Good raina have fallen all over the State and part of Miasouri, assuring a big corn crop. A Deputy Shi'ritt" Meets With Fatal Ke. islauce. Somerset, Ky., July 29 A desperate fight occurred at Flat Rock, in this county, yesterday aiteinoon between Deputy Sheriff Grant Sellers and John Coffey, in which both were killed. Cof fey had been arrested and tried the day before aud ti ned $30 for adultery. Yes terday, when Sellers went to Coffey and served the capias, Cod'ey shot him through the breast. Sellers then drew his revolver and shot Coffey four timea. Then both men fell and died in a verv few minutes. Both men were married, of middle age. Sellera was appointed deputy sheriff only two weeks ago. Want Them All There. London, July 27 The Conseavative whip is urging upon members of the party the necessity of a full attendance at the opening of parliament August 4th. The circulars usually iaaued by Salisbury to the Lords and Balfour to the Commons, prior to the opening of a i Bession have been dispensed with. Large Quantities of Turpentine Con sumed and Lives Threatened. Ludlow, Ky.. Aug. 1 The fire which started Tuesday night in Gariich & Co.'s sheds and turpentine warehouse ib still raging, the losa to date aggregating over $100,000. The blaze ia now issuing from three large tanks, alao at the manhole near the bottom of the tank on the north aide, the lead gaaketa that encircled the hole having melted away and causing an opening all around the manhole two leet in diameter. A large amount of oil is allowed to flow from the tanks. The oil that is not being consumed ia sweeping into the ravine, which is now saturated but on tire. Residents in the ravine are warned, lost the manhole, which is made of cast iron, give way and empty the contents of the big tank, which con tains nearly 60,000 gallons of oil, upon them. This, Mr. Gariich says, may happen at any time. Should it occur, it will cause serious damage and prob ably loss of life. Their Tiiujuei C'u Out Presumably for Berenice. Sr. Johns, N. F., July 30 Some wretch went to a field last night where there were two horses belonging to O'Brien, in whose Btable the great fire started, and cut the animals' tongues out. This cruel act ia auppoaed to have been prompted by a spirit of revenge of the loaers by the conflagration. The utmost indignation prevails and a liberal reward has been ottered for the scound rels' arrest. The haggling of the insurance con panics, which are presumably substr.tial English concerns with fabulous resour ces, is in marked contrast with the few American companies doing business here, which have given far more satis faction. A large meeting ol mechanics was held here last night. Nearly all lost thoir tools and are therefore unable to take work which is offering in abund ance. They ask the relief committee to supply them with necessary imple ments, thus enabling them to resume their trades. They will ask leave to draw from the relief funds. lti4innro!t lu Cioriniy and William In Kuirland. Berlin, Aug. 1 Prince Bismarck ar rived at Schoenhallsen yesterday even ing. Cowes, Aug. 1 The German emperor arrived this morning and was received with great pomp and ceremony by the British squadron. At 9 o'clock the admiralty yacht Fire Queen, having on board the Earl of Larwalliam, commander of Portsmouth station, and all the admirals and cap tains stationed there, steamed out of the harbor to meet the Gorman imperial yacht the "Kaiser Adler," on which Emperor William sailed from Wilhelm sh.iven, When off Sandown, the "Kai ser Adler" and her escort, the German ironclad Beowulf were sighted and the usual salutes were hred. The emperor waa seen on the bridge of the "Kaiaer Adler." The flotilla arrived here at noon. When off Spithead they were given a royal salute -by the warships stationed tuero. ihe emperor was re ceived at the landing stage by Count Vonttatzfeld, Cerman embassador to England, and his suite. Money aud Viilubles 11 tve Disappeared Nobody Knows Where. Panama, via Galveston, Aug. 1 The steamship San Jose of the Pacific Mail steamship line arrived here last night, having left San Fancisco on July 15 lor Panama by way of Acapulco. The vessel was at Acapulco on the 22nd. The passengers were not allowed to land and there was consider able excitement on the steamship when it was learned that the restriction was owing to a reported large theft of money and jewelry. One of the paBaengers, it appears, intrusted several bags con taming money and gems to the amount altogether of twelve thousand five hun dred dollars to the purser, who has been 32 yeara in the service of the Pacific Mail Steamship company, and whose Integrity is regarded above suspi cion. The money and valuables were stolen on the voyage, but by whom ia a mystery, ihe police came on board and made a search among both passengers and crew but without satisfactory re sults as lar as known. WIIOLK HUStll. Spaniards Wluare Very Aluch Wauled Are Captured. Hoi.lister, Cal., July 30 Sheriff Hol- brook has captured the Spaniards bus pected of stealing Doenelly, Dunne & Co.'s saddle horses near Han ford, this morning. They are wanted at Salinas for rob bery aud beating Chinese in Merced county, for robbing two sheep camps, and iu this county for stealing horses and also two fine saddles from the Malarin ranch. All the stolen property is now in the possession of the sheriff. He will arrive here with his men tomorrow night. Arbitration Not Retaliation. Kingston, Ont., July 30 A statement irom a nign autnonty in tne cabinet atatrtH r.hnr. Panailn uril nnl ial.,liofa nor change the present orders oi council reguruuig reoutes on grain ior Europe, nut will reier tne matter In thA Itritiah Dni'ui.niiinl nh.n.. - 6,...".v u..,6- inoi tlm lTnitoil Rrntua wir.h irinlutimv ....- ..w ...v.. . .U.U.lllg . ... Tl.:. ...:it I. i. a Lieuiy. xuih win result in uroiirauon witu damages against whichever eov- ernment was wrong. Town Burning. Wilmington, Del., July 30 A dispatch was receiveu tuis aiteruoon trom the mayor of Cambridge, Md., saying that a big fire was there and the whole town was in danger. A train started with engines at 1 :30. Cambridge has a popu lation of 4,200. The contiagration started in a livery stable and spread to the Fox and Mary land pAnt.ru. hntttl '1 ho w . '"ii'ii 1JV UlUVCD Ul LUC Chronicle and Mens are in the midst of names, jne nre is spreading rapidly. The whole business portion of 'he town seems doomed. A Fight Wanted. San Fkancisco. Julv 30 ft. In oai.t the Melbourne Athletic club is anxious to arrange a match between Alex Grotr-'aina an! Iioniol Creeden, middleweight chamoion nf Australia. A pursa oi $2,500 has been offered with $j00 for Greggains' traveling expenses. Tho club wishes the match for November, when the race for the Melbourne cup is run. Will be Observed. Washington, D. C, Julv 30 The president bas issued a proclamation commanding all persons in Wyoming to keep the peace and cease opposition to the law. Chinese in Bond. Halifax, X. S., Aug. 1 Xineteen Chinese arrived here yesterday in bond, having come from China via the Pacific and across the continent. They are booked for Havana, and will work en the plantationa. SMALLPOX IN SEATTLE. Seattle, July 30 Two cases of small pox have been discovered in this city. Both victims have been re moved to the pest bouse, the premises fumigated and quarantined and every precaution taken to prevent the spread of the disease. The name of the first victim discovered is James P. Maican, proprietor of the Alaska hotel. He was taken down this morn ing. The Becond victim is a guest of the St. Elms hotel, who arrived from Victoria over the Northern Pacific railroad this morning. It is not known how the proprietor of the hotel contrac ed the disease, but it is believed that he came in contact with Borne traveler from the north who had the germs of the disease about his person. It is rumored that cases have been discovered in two other hotels, and the health officer, Dr. Giiffiths, is now mak ing a searching investigation. There is no alarm felt in the health department, which is using every precaution to prevent the spread of the disease, though considerable un easiness is expressed by those who have learned that the dreaded disease has appeared in this city. Ihe Contract Will l'r bihly lie Let lo a San I raucisco lllddur. San Francisco, July 30 The prospect that s San Francisco contractor will ob tain the contract from the United States government for the construction of the large dry docK at I'ort Orchard, near Seattle, on Puget Sound, is becoming brighter every day, Bays a local paper. The two local bidders on the work are J. P. M. l'hillipa and the San F'rancisco Bridge Company. It is understood that the department of yards and docks at Washington hasconsidered Phillips' bid favorably, although two Eastern bidders have submitted lower bids. Mr. Phillips' bid is $1)20,000 for the entire work. It is expected that the contract will be awarded within ten days. The lowest bid was that of a Seattle firm. A SODA LAKK An English Syndicate Will UituulUh Works 'lliere. Los Anuklks, July 30 It is reported that Owens lake, Inyo county, has been sold to an linslish syndicate for $3,000, 000. The lake is estimated to contain soda worth $200,000,000, and the object of the purchase is to establish great soda works there. It is Baid fur ther that the syndicate will build a railroad from the end of the lake to Mojave, a distance of 100 miles. The Carson and Colorado, which now has its terminus at Keeler, at the northern end of the lake, wilt soon extend its line to the southern end of the lake, whore it has acquired terminal facilities. This will form a line of 030 miles to Los Angeles, through the fertile Owens river valley and rich mineral section. TUItNKO WHI11S .1 Neiiro Struck by Lightning nd Others Killed aud Injured. Pittsburg, July 30 A severe etorm passed over the city last night. A num ber of houses were struck by lightning. Two negroes were killed and several others severely, probably fatally, hurt. One of the negroes had a photograph of the leaves of the trees under which he took shelter photographed on his breast, but it faded after a time. His legs were turned permanently white. A Skillful Crook Arris eil After Swind ling Many Alurchatits. Louisville, Ky., Aug. 3 William C. Buchanan, 23 years old, was arrested here today. He is wanted at Memphis for forgery. Buchanan is apparently a skillful crook and has swindled the Memphis bank and brokers out of large sums. Ilia scheme for obtaining signa tures is a novel one. When Buchanan reaches a city, he writes to leading busi ness men telling them he has a letter of introduction and aska a reply, making an appointment and most fall into the trap and thus Buchana.i obtains 'the signatures, which he aiterwards forges on checks. The Memphis detectives telegraphed here to Buchanan, brokers and bankers here were warned. This morning Mr. R. E. G. Green received a note from W. M. Scott, asking an appointment. Mr. Green immediately telegraphed the de tectives and as a result, Buchanan was caught and placed in jail. Buchanan confesses his scheme and told the authorities his aliases. Ho used Scott and FCmory as names. Among the firms swindled are J. C. Dodd and O. Marrin. Authorities of Memphis etl'ectod tho capture. Fighting Cholera. St. Petersburg, Aug. 3 In conse quence of the prevalence of cholera in Russia the schools are all closed until September. The medical students have been s nl to the infected districts to help fight the disease. Flour Mill Burned. London, July 30 The Ralls flour and cotton warehouse at Bootle waa burned, cauaiug a losa oi over $150,000. Ten fire men were seriously injured by the fall of a wall. Politics in Japan. Yokohama, July 30 An unsuccessful attempt was made today to assassinate Count Okoko, leader of the Progressist party, and Viscount Tokana, minister of justice. Coals Fram Newcastle San F'rancisco, Aug. I A dispatch to the Merchants Exchange from London this uihriiinir savs th.qt. tha tiufnnn Louise from Newcastle, England, for mis city, nas put into Kio de Janerio with her cargo of coal on tire. Lucrative Employment. London, July 30 A gang of swindlers who have realized many thousands of pounds by offering to secure lucrative positions at the World's Fair have hn convicted and imprisoned. Not Enough Evidence. OAirrvn Pol Tnl mi rr -.i- . v lu uiover and frank Thorpe, accused of complicity .u i.iid luuucir ui cecreiary unson 01 the Judson Iron Works of $16,000, have been dismissed from custody on the ground that the evii ence wrs not sufficient to hold them to answer. Goes to Wisconsin. Ithaca. Julv 30 Py.PIu.i.11 .i of Cornell University has accepted the yiesiutjucy ui me university oi Wisconsin,