Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 09, 1892, Image 3

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The Returning Strikers
la W .audi Hare ll.ale.l and He
Dir. eta Buatnea Trapped Up In Bed
Mure Non-Union Man Arrivlug
Tue Klot Wa a Fake
Pittmuiiig, Pa., July 29 A bulletin
issued by Surgeon Litcnfield at 9 o'clock
this morning says :
Frick passed a comfortable night and
resting easily but he is doing more than
that. He is now almost well. His
wounds have healed and there is no
trace of inflammation nor has suppura
tion been noticed. He eats heartily,
rends much and sits propped up in bed.
Daily, the head of departments, reports
to him and practically the wounded
chairman directs the conduct of the
enormous Carnegie business.
At the Mills.
The gas retorts in the Carnegie city
union mills started this mornine and
will be increased in pressure until the
mill is ready to start. There are about
150 machinists and laborers making re
pairs to both plants which are nearly
finished and when Superintendent Oil
Ion gives the word both mills wi 1 be
operated. Meanwhile the strikers stand
idly by and the company is prepared to
fill both mills with non-union men at
short notice. Enough more non-union
men were sent to Homestead last night
and this morning to increase the num
ber there to 900. This morning the tug
boat Tide took 75 men up the river to
the Homestead mills. There have been
no other departments started but the
entire plant with the exreption of a
couple of slat mills is doing business
with a single turn.
The AnarchistB.
Superintendent of Police Roger Omara
will make no further charges against the
anarchist Frederick Mollick, arrested at
Lo g Branch as an accomplice of the
assassin Bergman, lie snys one charge
is sufficient lor him. The superinten
dent ridicules the attempt to arrest him
for kidnaping Mollick made by what he
calls "two cheap lawyers." He has the
authority of the city of Pittsburg and
he savs Mollick came willingly. Besides
this the prisoner was not in hfs custody
until after they crossed the Pennsylva
nia line being in that oi a reporter. No
further arrests of anarchists were made
bore this morning but the police are
vigilant. A search in Henry Bauer's
room revealed a pocket hook conlainin
letters from Spies, Nina Van Zandt, John
Most and other information as to groups
and names which will be used as evi
dence. Bauer's possessions show him
to be a member oi the inner circle of
anarchists. The police have photo
graphs discovered in Bauer's rooms of
the man who was with Bergman just
before the tragedv occurred in i rick s
office. Bergman made no further ad
mission in jail. It is said he will be
defended by a fund to be raised among
Mew York Inends.
Warning the Backsliders.
Pittsburg, Pa., Julv 29 Of the total
number of Homestead strikers who re
turned to work in the mill, about 125, it
is said, every man has received terrible
warning of dire punishment if he does
not ouit work at once. Ihe men on go-
ing home have found sand bags tied to
their doors and everv morning tor
week past requests and warnings have
been hung on their front knobs, lhey
have received letters tlirough the mails
which c -ntain bloodthirsty threats of
punishment for deserting the ranks ot
the strikers. In addition to this, com
mittees of strikers have approached each
man and personally warned him of his
peril in remaining at work. These
threats have been reported to the Car
negie officials who havo promised pro
tection both inside and outside the
works. The strikers have driven Bix
foremen out of the best paying
department in the Homestead mills,
where the men earned If5 a day.
They were told to leave off work under
penalty of being severely dealt with.
Then when one of them was caught out
side the mills he was severely beaten,
and he and others told they would be
murdered if they did not leave. Six fore
men left on Monday and were given by
officials 10 days to return or their posi
tions would be forfeited. Two returned,
but they came back late and were not
Homestead, July 29 Several inci
dents have occurred recently going to
show the temper of the locked out steel
workers and to make plain the taut that
the condition of affairs is not improved
in this respect. The withdrawal of so
many troops has given some hot headed
men among the workmen the idea that
thev now have more liberty to forcibly
prevent the coming ol non-union men
to the works.
The society for the prevention of
cruelty to strikers is transacting busi
ness. Forlv-five non-union men were placed
in Hoiiienead works this morning.
The 23-inch mill started today. Tbe
men being familiarized with the work
ing of mills.
Pittsburg, July 29 The story of the
riot on the train irom Cincinnati yester
day bringing men to Himestead was an
invention of a tramp printer and wholly
untrue. The men on the train are all
now at work at Homeste d. The great
strike has been on a month. It is esti
mated the loss so far is over a million
The strike is seriously affecting busi-
tiPHfl in the town, as many merchants
have not capital to grant long credits.
One groceryman failed this morning.
At present there are 7,800 of Car
negie s men out, as lonuws;
Twenty-ninth street mill....
Thirty-third s reet mill
Beaver Falls mills
Charles Mansfield, a real estate dealer,
testified that the first shot was fired by
the Pinkertons from the boat. The men
on the boat Baid: "Men, we are Pink
ertons, and are going in that yard. We
will give you 15 minutes to get out of
that mill-yard." That disposes of the
idea that tbe locked out men attacked
the lnkertons.
Prick Hired Them.
During Prick's examination the fol
lowing questions were put and evaded :
"Did you have anything to do with
furnishing the arms?" asked Mr. Boat
ner. "I am not sure," replied the witness,
"I may have had, but I cannot say. 1
may have and likely did have with our
New York agent, Mr. Schoonmaker."
"But you should know. Did you or
did you not?"
"Well, I have answered that ques
tion." Mr. Boatner thought not, and, upon
eating to the chair Mr. Uates said
the witness could answer more spe
Mr. 1 rick then said he thought he
Mr. Boatner then tried to get the wit
ness to answer directly whether his
firm had advised Pinkerton that arms
would be needed; but all Mr. Fr.ck
wou d sav was he believed he had.
"In the employment of these men,
was it stipulated they were to be
"No, sir j I think not."
"Well, that is all," said Mr. Boatner.
He has evaded this question all
That disposes ol tue popular idea tnal
the Ciiruegie-Phipps side of ihe ques
tion will stand the searching light of
Men at $1 a Day.
William Koberts, an ex-president of
the Amalgamated Association testified:
"In January the firm asKed the men
to present a scale. We did so. Two
weeks later we were sent tor, we sup
posed, to discuss it. instead we were
presented with a scale by tne lirm wno
asked that we present their scale too.
We agreed to do so, providing tney
would give us some good reasons for ask
ing such reductions. They would not
discuss the subject, but finally Mr. Pot
ter said the heaters and men ime my
self were making too much money. 1
said this was strange, because there
were no reductions proposed in the
wages of tbe men whom they claimed
were making too much. The roduc.ions
affected some who for eight weeks had
not averased $1 ner day. Un one occa-
sion Mr. rotter saiu to me: vtaiiiiu
July comes; your little gold mine will
be closed up. the preparations lor
trouble, such as grating sewers, erecting
fences, etc., indicated preparations for a
This also disposes of the idea that the
locked-out meu were making if lb a day,
and also shows how long the Carnegie
people have been contemplating the
light on their men, and with what deep
laid deliberation the preparations for
bloodshed were made.
warrants for the arrest of H. C. Frick,
chairman; S. F. Lovejoy, secretary;
J. G. LeiBhman and Andrew
McCurry officials of the Car
negie company. J. A. Potter and G. A.
Gorry, superintendents at the mills.
Roliert A. and William Pinkerton and
half a dozen of their men who took part
in the fight at Homestead, charging ! him. It is not true that they were ac-
them with murder. It is probable in
formation will be made later against
them for conspiracy to depress the
wages of workmen and incite a riot by
bringing armed men into tioniesteau.
The suits were delayed on account of
the shooting of Frick and it is not the
intention to arrest him at present.
The attorneys for the Btrikors held a
long consultation alter the Informations
had been made with the result that it
was decided to serve the warrants only
on Lovejoy and Potter. It is under
stood Lovejoy will surrender, waive
hearing and usk the court to fix bail.
From investigations made into the
history of Alexander Berkman and his
associates, it seems more likely than
ever that the attempted assassination of
Mr. Frick was the result ot an organized
conspiracy by a band of anarchists hav
ing headquarters in JNew lorK.
an anarchist. About the time I came
here Berkman and Emma Goldman be
came intimate. They were both anar
chists of the same class. One night
they and a friend of Berkman met at an
anarchist meeting at 66 Orchard street.
They were then strangers. Berkman's
friend introduced Emina Goldman to
not less than $25,000 and may be $50,000.
. 3.S00
. . 1,500
. 1,500
. . 1,000
Total 7,800
What It Costs.
The trouble ia costing $70,000 a day.
The company loses $50,000 of this sum
and the militia companies are drawing
$20,000 a dav from the State treasury.
At this rate" it will not take long to
bankrupt both State and company.
Allowing an average of $3 per day per
man and the men are losing $23,400 por
day, a total of $93,400 that the trouble is
costing. The men are receiving contri
butions of large amounts from all parts
of the country.
Investigating Committee.
Some DODiilar fallacies are being dis
pelled bv the congressional inquiry into
iho Hnmeatpnil affair. According to
Prick's testimony he had employed the
Pinkerton men on June z- Deiore mere
was ever anv intimation of trouble.
This disposes 'of the idea that the men
were employed for protective and not
for aggressive purposes.
Among a host of other witnesses
PinsnuRO, Pa., Aug. 1 Frick passed
a coinlortable night and is out of bed
this morning. He ate a hearty break
fast ami no doubt will visit his office
later in the week. It is said no more
bulletins of his condition will be issued
bv the attending surgeon. The Thirty
third street union mill of the Carnegie
Steel company is in operation this morn
ing with non-union men headed by
Pittsburg policemen.
Two new men were taken into the
works under guard at 6 o'clock tbi
morning. The exact number of non
union workmen at the Thirty-third
street null is not yet known to Secretary
Superintendent of Police Omara and
District Attorney Barlow will today
arrange satisfactory bail among them
selves lor the release of Bauer and
Knoid, suspected accomnlices of Berg
man, and will ask Judge Magee to ac
cept it tomorrow morning because of the
absence from the city of Senior Council
Dickey. No suit in lams case will be
entered today. They are expected,
however, tomorrow. Mure non-union
men were taken to Homestead this
morning on the steamer. There were
at least one hundred in the party.
Homestead, Aug. 1 General Super
intendent Potter claims that there was a
bre.,k in the ranks ol the strikers in the
mechanical department last nighl and
that 25 of the best skilled workmen re
turned to work this morning. The com
mittee ot strikers at the gate when the
men went in assert that buteight of the
1,200 men in the mechanical department
have broken away. It is said that there
are now Beveral strikeis in the mill in
fluencing non-Unionists to quit. This
plan was adopted with great sue. ess in
1882, when a whole lurnoi strikers went
back to work and soon organiz d all the
non-Unionists, taking them out in an
other night.
It is announced that those who par
ticipated in the brutal attack on the
Pinkertons after the surrender July Gth
will be prosecuted ior aggravated assault
and battery, highway robbery, larceny,
pocket-picking and other crimes and
misdemeanors. It is stated that several
women were particularly active during
the time the men ran the gauntlet an 1
afier it, and taking their property and
hiding it. lhey are also to De prose
cuted. The Amalgamated Association
condemn this occurrence and is said to
be aiding in gathering evidence against
the offeiilors. The Pinkerton agency
will take part in the prosecution by iur
niehing evidence of the men who wer;
assaulted and robbed.
The hundred deputies on guard at the
mills now will be increased to 300
shortly. Superintendent Potter says
erms are now in the mill to arm
their watchmen if necessary. The
upper union mihs started up non-union
this inornitiir. no trouble occurred.
W. J. Brennan. attorney for the
Amalgamated Association, owing to the
wmrt not beina in session, win not pre
sent until tomorrow the petition under
the trade tribunal act of 1883, pioviding
for the settlement of wage disputes by
arbitration. Friedmann, the attorney
for anarchists, will tomorrow ask for
their release on bail.
Pittsburg, Aug. 1 Informations were
made this afternoon before Alderman
Keillv by ex-Private lams against Col
onel Hawkins, Lieutenant Colonel
Streator and Assistant surgeon tnim, oi
the Tenth regiment lor aggravated as
BBult for tying lams up by the
thumbs and assault and battery tor
shaving his head.
Pittsburg, Aug. 3 Secretary Lovejoy
of the Carnegie steel works, when seen
by a United Press reporter this morning,
made an official, emphatic denial of the
story published today to the effect that
Andrew Carnegie withholds his gift to
the city in tbe event of the City Council
taking official notice of the protests from
trades unions. He said there is not one
word ot truth in the story that Carnegie
is angry and wid take baclc nis gin.
"Such talk," he eaid, "is tiie veriest
nonsense. It has not been talked of
here, and I am confident tbe author of
story did not get the statement from
anyone connected with Carnegie."
On Monday of last week Karl Knold,
an alleged anarchist, living at Pittsburg,
was arrested as an accomplice oi uer it
man. Two days later Chief of Police
Layton, of Long Branch, arrested F.
Mollick, an alleged anarchist, who has
been sending money to Berkman since
be has been in Pittsburg. Later tne
police at Pittsburg arrested Henry
Bauer, the leader of a brttid of anarchists
at Pittsburg, na an accomplice oi Berkman.
The police authorities of Now York
and of Pittsburg are looking alter evi
dence uoon which to make more arrests.
From this evidence they expect to prove
that Berkman was not like Noreross, a
crazy crank, but a representative of an
organization of anp.rchists, chosen bv
them by lot to kill the leader of the
Carnegie Company.
The anarchists have taken a. deep
interest in the Homestead labor troubles
since the battle with the Pinkertons on
the morning of July (i, s ys the New
York World. On July 7, when the
locked-out men at Homestead were
ready at a moment's notice to repel
with Winchesters an invasion by the
Pinkertons, and the town was in a state
of continual excitement, three strangers
arrived on the evening train. They
brought with them bundles, and in less
than an hour from the time of their
arrival the streets of the town were
strewn with thousands of pink and
whito circulars addressed to the work
ingmen, calling them brothers and
urging them to rosort to dynamite, and
murder, if necessary, to protect their
The workmen at Homestead resented
the interference of the anarchists and
promptly arrested them. Two of them
were forced to leave town on the Lrst
train, while the third, evidently the
leader, was locked up until morning.
The circulars were torn into mts ny tue
workingmen. and an hour alter their
distribution there was not a single cir
cular left in Homestead.
When Henry Bauer was arrested at
Pittsburg he admitted that he was one
of the meu who distributed tne anarcn-
Bt circulars at Homestead, and that he
was acquainted with Bergman.
That the anarcnisiB um not give up
their attempts to settle the Homestead
labor difficulty is evident from subse
quent events. The history of Berkman
shows mat ne was an anarcuist oi a
most radical kind. He did not work
more than halt the time, and the wages
that he received could only have barely
supported him. He was a frequent at
tendant at iinarcnisi meetings, ana De
longed to a Bociety known as the auton
omists, the most radical of anarchist
Those who have heard him talk say
that he was an impressive speaker and
never hesitated in urging the people to
resort to violence. Miss nma Ciola
man. his associate, was nominally a
dressmaker, but she spent the greater
portion ol her tune in keeping house
lor her lover and in accompanying him
to anarchistic meetings. She took an
important part in these meetings, and
when she denounced the wealthy class
her fiery invectives created a deep im
The little money that liernman earned
could have barely supported him. Not
withstanding this fact he secured money
enough to go to Pittsburg, buy a new-
suit ot clothes and pay lor two weeks-
The money was undoubtedly furnished
to him by his friends in New York, who
knew his mission in Pittsburg or whom
he deceived, if he went to Pittsburg as
a representative of the anarchists, for
the purpose of killing Mr. Frick, then
the money was furnished by the anar
chists, raised undoubtedly by them
through small subscriptions.
The arrest of F. Mollick, who has been
identified as the man who sent at least
two express orders to Berkman while he
was in Pittsburg is important, as it will
undoubtedly show that he was being
lurnished money by friends who were
A Russian friend of Berkman has
given the following account of his life:
Berkman b lather was a wealthy mer
chant. Ten years ago, when Berkman
was about 14 years old, he sent him to a
private Hebrew school. Berkman cre
ated a lot of trouble for the teacher. He
declared openly in the class room that
he didn't believe there was a God. Xhe
boy was expelled from the school, and
his father sent him to the Gymnasium.
It wasn't long before he professed Nihil
istic principles. One day a Nihilist
newspaper was found in his room. He
was lorced to leave the Gymnasium.
His father spent much money bribing
the police to prevent his Bon'a arrest.
At that time Berkman was a daredevil.
He didn't seem to be afraid of anything.
He stole from the government printing
office type to euaole the Nihilists to
nrint their secret circulars. About five
years ago a fit. reiersonrg .-uiiiobi
named Ji-cobovich visited Kowno. He
was arrested. Berkman got afraid at
his arrest and came to this country.
"I came here from Russia three years
ago and met Berkman. I found that he
had changed from a nihilist to a rabid
anarchist. He told me that Joseph
niminted with each other in Russia
Aftor the meeting Emma Goldman said
to them: 'Brother anarchists, I hsve no
place to sleep. Can you get a bed for
me?' Thev told her they also had no
place to sleep. They walked about the
streets all night. The next day Berk
man got money somewhere. He hired
a room, and he and Emtna Goldman
began to live together.
"1 know Emma Goldman well. She
is a more rabid anarchist than even
Berkman. She also believes in free love
and very frequently she lived at the
same time with Berkman and some
other anarchist. A year or so ago she
delivered a speech one night at an an
archist meeting at loo liasi croauway in
which Blie said all anarcnists should
practise free love. Her sentiments
shocked mauy of the women present,
and they left the meeting.
"I have been told that Berkman was
despondent because he was without
monev. He was in bard luck, and 1
know he entertained the idea of taking
his own life. The anarchist principle is
that an anarchist who wants to commit
suicide must first do something against
the common enemy, capital."
Abraham Goldman, the father of
Emma Goldman, lives at 182 Chatham
street, Rochester, N. Y., and is an up
The Anarchist group to which Berk
man, Bauer, and Mollick belong differs
considerably from that larger order of
which llerr Most is tne leauer, dui me
difference is in degree only. The Auton
omists, as they are called, hold the same
general views as other Anarchists, but
they go farther. They do not admit
that any one has a right to live who
does not hold their own radical views,
and they do not hesitate to take human
life ior any eause which suits their pur-
Colombus. The first was the conquest of ! they appealed to the telegraph company
Grenada, in which Boabdill, the last I for relief. Just how much the gang
king of Grenada, was represented, j made is not known, but one of the per
il! e second was tbe departure ; sons on tbe inside says tne amount is
of Columbus, whose three vessels,.
Nina, Pinto and Santa Maria, were
reproduced exactly as they were
four hundred years ago, and were drawn
in cars. The lucid tableau was the third
tableau, was court of King Ferdinand
and Queen Isabella, and the fourth the
reproduction of Columbus on his return
from his first voyage of discovery. A
still more elaborate celebration will take
place in Madrid on the 12th of Septem
ber when a great exposition will be
opened, and will continue until the end
of the year.
tit Invested V41UO ou a Uogua German
Herbirt Stada Klopee With a
lllahop'a daughter.
Every Man Taken From
a Coal Ship.
Joseph Peukort, formerly of Vienna,
is the founder of this Beet, which in
cludes men of such a character that they
have been again and again repudiated
by the more discreet followers of Most.
Before Peukert found it necessary to
leave Vienna to save his neck he pro
mulgated the theory that it was per
fectly justifiable to kill any rich man if
his riches might thereby be appropri
ated to the cause of anarchy. A swarm
of assassins gathered abouthis standard.
This was the beginning ot the Autono
mist order, which has now spread all
over the world. It was a dozen years
ago, and Peukert then published a paper
called Die Autonomie.
Shortly after the formation of the or
der a Vienna banker was murdered and
his safes robbed. The crime was attrib
uted to Peukert and he fled. He went
to London and later came to America.
Here ho edits th'e sheet called Die Anar
chist. When he arrived two years ago,
alter being repudiated by the anarchists
of Germany and England, he was de
nounced by Most. He then formed a
group of radicals in New York. They
termed themselves "The Pioneers of
Liberty." They have never been recog
nized by Mosl's followers, who call them
cutthroats and murderers. It is to this
group that Berkman, Mollick and Em
ma Goldman belong.
Peukort has no known home, but
travels over the country. He has formed
groups of Autoinonists in several other
pit a F:trgur (jtivoi Uhm
-Meulaily Uubaluuoed.
strike leader, this' morning swore out ' Barondess had induced him to becoma
Philadelphia, Aug. 3 James Hunter,
who five vears ago startled the financial
world by a precipitate flight from this
citv after forging paper to the amount
of $100,200, was today held in $10,000
bail to answer, having returned unex
pectedly on Sunday. When the steam
ship Seguranca arrived in New York on
Sunday it had on board the fugitive,
broken in health, his mind shattered,
and bearing but a faint resemblance to
the once-honored business man who
was at the head of the extensive mill
firm of James and John Hunter.
John Hunter was receiver of taxes
and the firm was recognized in business
circles as one of the most reliable in the
State. The monev raised by John Hun
ter is sur-posed to have been lost in
Western land speculation. Physicians
examined James Hunter today and had
no hesitation in pronouncing him incur
ably affected mentally. Subsequently
all the facts were placed before District
Attorney Graham and he accepted bail.
Ihe return of Mr. Hunter was so
quietly conducted that some members ol
the family will only learn of it through
the newspapers this morning. There is
no doubt in the minds of those who
brought hiin back tlmt he will never be
in a condition to stand trial.
M.irn "Ciipllalii" ob.ittu i'oajeaaioti
of Taper by Kobbtry.
Si-okane, Aug. 3 Three masked men
entered tbe office of Dr. E. Olmstead at
noon yesterday and bound and gagged
Charles Parker, tbe negro office boy,
tying him to theradia'or. They then
forced onen a desk and abstracted there
from valuable papers; then left quietly.
Halt an hour later the doctor returned
and found the hoy unable to move. He
immediately gave the alarm, but too
late to catch the robbers.
There is a story behind the robbery.
Olmstead is interested in the Post Falls
Shingle Company and charged other
members with crookedness. Sending
an expert to Post Falls he had tha books
and papers brought to Spokane. The
books were locked in a safe at the Hotel
Spokane, but the papers were put in a
desK in the office. It was to secure
these that the robbery was committed.
The papers were stolen to prevent the
true manner of business of the coinnany
from becoming known. The books are
reported out of balance lor a consider
able sum. There is no clue to the per
petrators ol the deed.
This method of obtain in property
seems to be much in vogue in Spokane,
as Secretary of State Allen Weir, who
recently had the books of an insurance
company stolen from him in tbe same
way, can testify.
Kxerc let at liuelva Cuoimemorate Ilia
Madrid, Aug. 2 The ceremonies at
Hueiva commemorative of tbe sailing
of Columbus from that port just four
hundred years ago today, were conducted
under the most auspicious circum
stances, the weather being all that could
be wished for, and the representation
from foreign countries even larger than
bad been expected. Ihe day was
opened with a salute at sunrise from the
24 wnrahins lying in the harbor.
representing the navies of the United
States, England, Italy, France, Spain,
Holland, Portugal, Austria, Greece,
Mexico, Brazil and the Argentine Re
public. The naval evolutions were of
unusually brilliant order and occupied
the entire morning. Later in tbe day
there was a great historical procession,
illustrating four events oi the time of
Han Francisco, Aug. 2 Leopold do
Claude, an alleged count of Baden, Ger
many, was before United States Com
missioner Sawyer yesterday charged
with sending obscene letters through
the mails to Dr. J. B. Eigholz, of Ta
coma, who, it is reported, also accuses
the count of defrauding him out oi six
hundred dollars. According to the story
told, the count married a daughter of
Millionaire Nulty, of ,M Iwaukee, three
years ago, but subsequently separated
rom her in T,coma.
He represented to Eigholz, who had
known him in Baden, that if he had
money to get to Germany with his wife,
be could secure sufficient funds there to
pay hiB debts. Eigholz loaned him $000
and the Count proceeded alone to
Baden, but shortly after returned to this
citv and induced a number ot German
residents of California to subscribe
sums for the proposed establishment of
an eighty thousand-dollar brewery at
Sisson, California.
Eigholz learned of his operations in
this State and wrote him, domanding
the return of his money. In reply he
received a letter on which he based the
charges against Count. Commissioner
Sawyer sent the defendant to jail in de
fault of $3,000 bail.
la ConSleni Helluva the Fight
Vi 1 a Slior. U 10.
Canoe Place. L. I., Aug. 3 There
nrobablv never lived a man with more
confidence in his own ability than John
L. Sullivan. Tins was shown yesterday
when he was being measured for a pair
of fighting shoes. He said: "Make
the soles very light. The fight won't
last long." He is keeping up his hard
work with unremitting vigor and most
gratifying results. He covers 16 miles
a day, punching the bag for nearly an
hour and skips tue ropa irom o,uuu 10
100,000 times.
Now that the hardest work is over he
DroDoses to take things easier, and be
still has over a month in which to pro-
pare himself for tbe crowning event ot
his career. His walking consists of two
jaunts each day to and from the Shin
necock light house, a distance of lour
miles from his training quarters. Yes
terday he covered the eight miles in
one hour and a half. The cool weather
has had a marked effect upon him ior
the better. Sullivan has proved to be a
bonanza for the proprietor of the inn.
In consequence for the demand for ac
commodations the price has been raised
from $10 a week to $3 a day.
. houirli Aa Vut lio Una Not Written a
Vormtl l.etler.
New York, Aug. 2 A special from
Washington to the Press says: President
Harrison has not written a word accept
ing the nomination. He will not even
make the first draft ol his letter until
Congress has adjourned and he has gone
to join Mrs. Harrison at Loon Lake.
The President talked confidentially
with quite a number oi prominent peo
ple in the past m jnth, and Irom these
conversations and (rom careful reading
ol the Minneapolis platform his ideas
have taken quite definite form and it
will not be difficult for him to give them
expression when he once finds oppor
tunity to write the letter. The unusual
pressure of business which always ut
tends the closing weeks of a session of
Congress has made it impossible for the
President to write the letter here. He
hopea to have the letter ready between
August 10th and 15th.
Gritting Into Prrfeet Coixluiou Hi
Mail llally Increasing.
Canoe Place, L. I., Aug. 2 John L
Sullivan now has but seven pounds to
take off in order to put himself in per
fect condition. After his customary
spin on the road yesterday he weighed
217 pounds. The champion feels relief
trom the cool weather of the past two
days. He is sliuhlly annoyed by blisters
on his left arm which he expects to get
rid of in a few days. He has changed
his bati.ing hour from noon till evening
because of the heat.
As the time for the contest approaches
the champion'B mail daily increases.
Yesterday nearly 60 letters were re
ceived by him. They are nearly all con
gratulatory and an occasional request
for the use of his name in praise of
natent medicines. Sullivan is anxious
to know if Corbett means to bet any
thing in the ring.
Or Bonou Tlieatrea Will Not lie
Oraute-J Licences.
Boston, Mass., Aug. 2 The Tremont
theatre and the Boston theatre gave
their performances last night without a
license, it was all on account of the re
luctance of the proprietors and managers
of the two houses to come before the
board of aldermen as requested to talk
over a little matter which the board is
determined shall be stopped at once.
The periurmers in various theatres ol
late have caused tiieir audiences to
laugh over gags which have reflected on
the dignity and importance of the board
of aldermen. In consequence tho com
mittee on icenses called all t a propri
etors of theatres before them and made
the stipulation before granting the
licenses that all such ridicule shall be
eliminated from performances hereafter.
Proprietors or managers were all pres
ent except from the Tremont and Bos
ton theatres. The latter took no notice
of the request to be present, but Nat
Childs, of tho Tremont, wrote a note
saying that all the members of the firm
were out ol town and could not be pres-
ent- , w
"He might have come himseU,
though," a member of the committee
said when the letter was read. The
license will probab.y be granted when
the proprietors of theatres agree to the
aldermen's rules.
Salt Lake, Utah, Aug. 1 A prize
fighter, a heavy-weight rival of John L.
Sullivan, Iuib caused a tremendous sen
sation in the Mormon church. He stole
a bishop's daughter because he loved
her. His name is Herbert Slade, and
the sporting fraternity of this country
know him ell.
He is now hiding from one of the
maddest men in this vicinity. His name
is Bishop John Sneasely, and he ruled
over a email agricultural town known as
Mover, about 109 miles from Salt Lake.
He is wealthy. His only child, a girl
about 18 vears old, was a recognized
beauty. She had all the young mem
bers of the Mormon church within a
circuit of 500 milei at her feet, but it
was not until the giant fighter, Slade,
appeared in the town that she met the
man of her choice.
Bishop Sneasely learned of his
daughter's love making before the elope
ment, and bis anger know no bounds.
Tbe girl was locked in her chamber,
from which Slade stole her in.the most
approved and romantic style. They has
tened to a justice oi the peace, who lived
20 miles away over a dreary stretch of
desert, and were made one for the usual
The bishop and his clan pursued the
elopers, but they arrived at tbe house ot
the justice of the peace half an hour too
late. The father tried to have the
tighter arrested tor abduction, but when
he admitted that his daughter was of
age, found he could not.
.4 MpaulHli Ouuuoat UaM a Little Engage
Uuion Sailors Charged With Imprlaon-
lug a Non-Union Crew In a Honae In
the Forest Two ot the Leadera
Madrid. Julv 30 The Spanish gun
boat Pilar, while cruising along the
coast of Morrocco, was fired upon by a
party oi Moors on shore. The com
mander of the gunboat hoiBted the
Spanish ting, thinking the attack was
the result oi a mistake and expecting
that it would cease, but the
firing became more vigorous. There
upon the coii'mauder ordered the fire
returned and a brisk cannonade came up
between the vessel and the shore. Ihe
course of the gunboat was changed to
bring her nearer the sboro and render
her lire more effective. The Moors held
their ground until the vessel neared the
shore, when they fled preci pitately.
V. Njlid DespurHilu Killed
From the Hound,
tly a Hoy
Wenatchee, July 30 Patrick Conley,
alias "Black Pat," a well known gamb
ler and desperado, formerly located at
Sand Point, Idaho, was shot and in
stantly killed on the 25th inst. at one ol
the advance railway construction camps
on the Great Northern, sixty miles west
of bore, on Nason creek, near the sum
mit, in Kittitas county, by a young man
named Ed Wilson. The altercation
which led to the Bhooting was caused by
a dispute as to the ownership or posses
sion of a riding horse. Wilson walked
into town and surrendered himself to
Sheriff Arthur.
There were three witnesses to the
I shooting. Wils n is a boy only 20 years
old. lie came irom the coast to this
section, and his parents are now resid
ing somewhere on the sound. He is
very cool, and does not display the
slightest nervousness when conversing
oi the killing. His only fear seems to
be that his mother will hear of the
trouble. The other side of the story is
vet to be told.
.y 1IU Own
.le Kiu.ltn the
InO.d Oclmmo Vioikod by liarper
Buooeara ly.
New York, Aug. 2. One of the boldest
wire tapping scheme attempted in sev
eral years was successfully put through
by a gang of sharp young men on Satur
day in this ci'.v. One of the principal
race department circuits of the Western
Union company was tapped, the returns
were delayed until beta were made by
those in the scheme and then the results
were sent by operators who were at the
tap. Two pool rooms lost so heavily that
Oheuon Citv, Ore., July 28 Wilson,
the murderer of Mamie Walsh, hanged
himself about 2:30 p. in. today. He
took the bandages off his broken arm
and tied them around bis neck and to
the bars of his cell.
f Wilson was a laborer near Mamie
Walsh's home; he outraged the girl and
killed her. Suspicion did not attach to
him at first and when arrested he denied
any connection with the crime. Ho es
caped once but was caught.)
Criminal Lawyer In Trouble.
Fargo. K. D. July 30 The trouble be
tween Taylor Cruui. the most noted
criminal lawyer in North Dakota, and
the r'ariio association culminated yester
day when the association preferred
formal charges against Cruui. These
will be presonted to court with the view
of debarring Crum trom practicing,
They include prying, blackmail, alter
ing orders of court, falsifying and abus
ing jurors.
Choynskl and Smith to Fight.
New York, July 30 Richard K. Fox
sent the following cablegram yesterday:
London. Julv 29 Joe Choynski has
accepted the challenge of Jem Smith,
the KngliBh champion, and agrees to
fight Smith either in England or Amer
ica in any club that will offer the largest
purse, the fight to take place in Febru
ary. Pet'T Jackson, Charles Davies,
Watson Lewis and Choynski will return
to America at once after the Pritchard
and Hall fight to attend the Sullivan
and Corbett affair. Frank P. Slavin is
bookmaking. At the close of the racing
season he will fight Sullivan, Jackson
or any man in the world for 1,000 and
a large purse.
Bank titutement.
New Yokk, July 30 The weekly
statements of the associated banks
shows the following changes : Res -rye
increase, $1,107,475; loans in
crease, $4,555,100; specie increase,
1453,900; legal tenders increase,
$1,977,700. Deposits increase $5,050,
500. Circulation decrease $10,900. The
banks now hold $24,230,075 in exceBS of
the requirements of the 2o per cent,
The Swedish Crlaia Ended.
CiiRiHTiANiA, July 27 At a meeting of
the Storthing it was decided to present
an address to the members of the cab
inet who recently tendered their resig
nations owing to the refusal of the King
to sanction the establishment of sepa
rata Norwegian consulates, requesting
them to remain in office and postpone
indefinitely tbe settlement of the con
sulate question. As this solution of the
difficulty has been accepted by the King
the crisis is considered at an end.
Victoria, B. C, Aug. 1 The bark
Richard III. arrived at the mines about
ten days ago to load for San Francisco.
She carried a non-union crew, and
hardly had tbe anchor been dropped be
fore the captain became convinced that
he was going to have trouble. Every
union sailor he met insinuated that
terrible things would happen, and his
own men . ame to him almost hourly
and reported threats of violence offered
them. The captain communicated with
the police, but paid little attention to
the Signs of danger. The cargo was be
ing loaded, and it was thought the bark
would sail without molestation.
On the night of July 27 astrange thing
happened. The captain for some reason
did not sleep on board, and when he
hailed bis ship tor a boat in the morn
ing, she being at anchor in Departure
Bay, he could get no answer. Then he
routed up a waterman and investigated.
The bark was all but deserted, a pet cat
being the only living creature aboard.
Where the crew had gone to was a mys
tery, as not the slightest clue presented
The suggestion was accepted that they
had deserted in a body, no better theory
being offered, and preparations were
being made to ship fresh men, when one
of the sailors appeared at police head
quarters and said he had just escaped
trom the union men's lock-up. His
tale, which was not at first credited,
was as follows:
While all hands were sleeping about
midnight about twenty or thirty union
men, the majority armed with revolvers,
boarded the bark, and, with threats of
immediate death, hustled them into
boats alongside, in which they were
rowed ashore, being told to consider
themselves prisoners. They were or
dered to march, and about ten minutes'
walk through tbe darkness brought
them to an old house before which stood
two trees taller than the others and
standing out from the background of
the lorest. This was the only landmark
possible to be noted by the men, all of
whom were strangers to the place, in
the dim starlight.
All were hurried into the building and
up the rickety staircase into an un
furnished attic, where they were told to
make themselves comfortable, but not
to think for a moment that they could
get away Investigation showed that
this was true an hour or two later, as
two union men were lound on guard at
the door. When the guard was changed
n the morning one of the captives man
aged to slip out unseen and carried a
report to Cb.e: ot Police Stewart.
The chiet, with 1'rovincial uihccrs
McKiunon and Stevenson, at once went
to work, and belore the loss ot the
prisoner had been discovered by the
union men, located his prisoner. The
guards were completely surprised at the
appearance of the posse, but offered
leeble resistance, demanding a search
warrant at first, but making no attempt
to give battle against the superior num-
nei'B of the police.
The guards, two well-known lightB of
the 'Longshoremen's union, were ar
rested and marched to tbeNanaimo jail.
lhey refused to give the names ol their
associates in tho kidnaping, and the im
prisoned men could not lurnish an in
telligent description of any of tne party.
I'. Glyn, formerly oi San Francisco and
Seattle, resident agent oi the Seamen's
union, was searched fur high and low,
but he had disappeared.
Saturday the two captured guards
were arraigned for unlawlully hindering
and preventing the crow from engaging
in a lawful occupation. The charge oi
kidnaping was nut laid, as no one could
swear that either man was with the
party raiding the bark. Deputy Attorney-General
A. G. Smith prosecuted,
and Barristor II. A. Simpson, of Na
naimo, defended.
The latter made the best of a poor
case, but the two guards, A. Watson
and J. Franklin, were convicted and
sentenced to one and two months re
spectively. Identification failed in the
case of two others arrested ou suspicion.
The police are still working on the main
charge, Superintendent llussuy, head of
the police in British Columbia, having
some of bis best men engaged.
HfCrettry of the Navy Cltrgd
With Hwlndiing and Lylug.
O IN Kit i. ruv.
Washington, I). C, Aug. 1 Some
very sharp correspondence is promised
between the second controller of the
treasury and the secretary of the navy
as soon as the latter learns that the for
mer has exprossed himself in an official
letter, as doubting the word of the head
of the navy department.
it seems that Colonol McCowley,
lately deceased, was asked by the de
partment to vacate the quarters he was
occupying in this city while awaiting
retirement, and proceed to Philadel
phia. This was done, the secretary
says, to enable certain repairs to be
made to the house occupied by the
colonel at the heudquurters. The case
finally came before the controller, who
decided that Colonel McCow ley was not
entitled to be paid commutation for
Secretary Tracy wrote the controller
that McCowley had vacated the quar
ters for tbe convenience of tho govern
ment. The controller wrote to the navy
department saying that the oilier had
not vacated hiB quarters in Washington
for the benefit of the government or its
convenience but that the whole matter
was contracted with a view to bringing
the case within regulations entitling the
officer to commutation. In other words,
the secretary was guilty ot trying to
swindle tbe government and then lying
about it.
The controller's letter wont to tbe
commandant oi the murine coips in its
regular travels as a red tape document
and the secretary never saw it. The of
ficers at the marine corps had not the
courage to show the letter to the secre
tary and have allowed the matter to
drop. The chances are that when
knowledge of the letter reaches the sec
retary there will be some interesting re
marks of and to the controller.
Louisville, Ky., Aug. 1 Speed 8.
Fry, superintendent of tbe soldiers'
home, recently established here, is
dangerously ill and can hardly recover.
General Fry served in the Mexican war,
raised a regiment at the beginning of
the civil war, and fought in the battle
of Mill Springs wh n with bis own
band he slew the Confederate general,
Felix K. Zollicoffer.
Ha Olrea
Vlo a Lit. la
Pointer on
London, July 30 It is reported that
when the Q aeen sent for the Duke of
Devonshire and asked him what could
be done to avoid calling Gladstone to
form a new cabinet, he answered that
1 tbe only way was to abdicate the throne.