OFFICIAL PAPEll. CIRCULATION MAKES Buy advertizing apace because rales are low generally the circulation is a sight lower. Circulation determines the value of advertising ; there is no other standard. The Gazette is willing to abide by it. ' The Paper. Without it advertisers get nothing for their money. The Gazette, with one exception, has the largest circula tion of any paper in Eastern Oregon. Therefore it ranks high as an advertising medium. l HEPRNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1892. NO. 514. TENTH YEAR JSonxo People v r s. SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. ALVAH W. PATTERSON Bus. Manager. OTIS PATTKU80N Editor- A' $3.00 per year, $l.S0for six months, $1.01 for tliroe mourns; in advance. . Aduertising Rates Made Known on " Application. The "EAOI.E," or Long Creek, Grant County. Oregon, in published by the same com pany every Friday morning. Subscription price, Jper year. For advertising rates, address Oiaiir Xj. FJTXElaiSOiT, Editor and Manager, Long Creok, Oregon or "Gazette, Heppner, Oregon. THIS PAPKKiskept on tile at E. C. flake e Advertising Agency, Ht and 05 Mercliants Exchange, fln Francisco. California, where con tracts for advertising can be made fur it. -tf C. PKNTLAND, SECRETARY OF THE Vj, Oregon Press Association, -ill Ash street, between Kirnt and Second, Portland, Oregon, u our only agent located in that place. Advertis ers should consult him for rates aud space in the Gazette. THE GAZETTE'S AG iNTS. Wnirner . a. xiunnime, ArlWton He"rVh,eTX LoiigC-reek fr'K'e Ling Creek, lectio, Canms Prairie, Matteson, Nye, Or Hal'dman, Or., auiilton, Grant Co., Or.,. lone, Prairie City, Or Canyon City, Or., Pilot Rock, liayville, Or - John Day, Or., Athena. Or Bob Shaw .. Oscar De Vaul ..Allen McKcrrln ... H. C. Wright J. a. Woolery . Mattie A. Uudio .. . T. J. Carl ..K. B. McHaley 9. L. Punish G. P. Skelton J. E. Snow ..K.I. McCallum ..John Ediugton Pendleton, or., Wm. G. McCroskcy Mount Vernon, C.rantCo.,Or Postmaster Shelby, Or., ! n fe.:V.Mr8:Andre h Upper lthea Creek, B. F. HeUand Gooseberry w- p- Snyder AS I AUKtiT WANTED IN KVBRY r-HBCINCT. i tj...,i, ri Union Pacific Railway-Local card. No. 10, mixed leaves Heppner 8:20 a. m. " :o. " ar. at Arlington 11-50 a.m. " 8, " leaves " 3:17 p. m. ' II " ar. at Heppner 71X1 p. m. daily except Bunday. Fast bound, main line ar. at Arlington 3:5(1 p. m. West " ' " leaves : P- in- Night trains are running on same time as before. HEPPNER-MONUMEN T STAGE. Stage leaves for Monument daily, ejoe t Sunday, at 6:30 A. M. Arnouo Huilv. mci-ent Monday, at 5 :00 p. M. ornoiAL DISEOTOXST. United States Officials. President Be1! Prlon Viee-Preeidont fePi!T, Won ia,v of Slate, ..John W. Fost r (Secretary of Treasury.... Secretary of Interior.... Secretary of Var Secretary of Navy... Post insster-Oeneral Attorney-General Secretary of Agriculture Charles Foster J. VV. Noble Btephen B. Elkins B. F. Tracy John Wanamaker W. H. II. Miller .' Jeremiah Rusk State of Oregon. Governor Secrtaryof State Treasurer . Supt. Public Instruction. , .8. Pennoyer ....(j. W. McBride Phil. MetBchan .. . E. B. Mctlroy (J. H. Mitchell Senators Congressmen Printer Supreme Judges.. l J. N.Dolpu t Binger Hermann W. R. Ellis Frank C. Baker ( F. A. Moore 4 W. r. ljrd (B.S.Bean Seventh Judicial District riit i,l W. L. Bradshaw Attorney W. U. Wil Morrow County Officials. Joint Senator representative tounty Judge...., ' Commissioners.. J. M. Baker. Clerk Sheriff ... Treasurer Assessor " Surveyor School Sup't... ' Coroner Henry HlacHman .J.N. Brown . ...Tubus Keithly . ... Peter Brenner .... J. W. Morrow Geo. Noble. W. J. L eser K. L. haw IsaBrown W. L.Saling ...T. W. Ayers, Jr nnvPNEH TOWH OFFICERS. ,, ..T.J. Matlock few.":v.::::r.:b. , ssS Lichtenthal. Otis Patterson S. P. Garngues, Thoe. slorgan and Frank Gilliam. Bobert V."'. .... .... E. G. Blocum itZSZT W. Basmns. PmelnetOflcerP . . . ... - V. J. Hallock , Justice or me reac j. J. Roberts United States Land Officers. THE DALLES, OR. J. W. Lewis . . Register ..Heceiv.r T. S. Lang LA GRANDE, OB. . Kegi"ter a ce-ieiiand::.v::::::.v u- SECRET SOCIETIES. j. i . Nn Wl K.of P. meet ev. ery Tuesday evening at 7.30 o'clock in their Castle Hall. National Bank build ing. Sojourning Dminere . u,u m, ii . vital to attend. . Emil Voruz, C. C, t a ittuiwv K.flln. ao M KAWL1NS POST, NO. 81. a A. R. Meets at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of each month. All veterans are inyiw " 1 ' U .;ont tf Commander. a TtnTlF.TlTS. Keal Estate, iBsur- A. Collections. Offioe in Cmmcil Chambers, Heppner. Or. swtf, nuTrn AXLE ULU GREASE BVfBfi IV THf! WORLD FOR SALE BY DTT.FR8 GErTERAIXY. 1V Where? At AbrHhftraeicVs. Iu addition to h added a Sne lino of underwear of all kinds, veghgee sbirta, hosiery, etc. Also bas on baud a. .ma a ul.uot nRTUTDB lUr BU,d. ok. May street, Heppner, Or. Abrahams A. Year's Subscription to a Pop ular Agricultural Paper GIVEN FREE TO OUR READERS By a special arrangement with the publishers we are prepared to furnish EEE to each of our readers a year's ubsoription to the popular monthly gricultural journal, the Amebic as Farmer, published at Springfield and Cleveland, Ohio. This offer is made to any of our sub scribers who will pay up all arrearages n subscription and one year in advance, and to any new subscribers who will pay one year in advance, xne ambbiuak Farmer enjoys a large national circula tion, nod ranks among ine leaning agricultural papers. By this arrange ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re oeive the American Farmer for one , It will be to your advantage to oail promptly. Sample copies can be en at our office. rom Terminal or Interior Points the BAI LROADl Is the line to take ro all Points Eastand South. It i. tho nlnlnitCar Konte. It runs Through Vestibuled Trains every day in the year to St. Paul and Chicago (No Change of Cars) icd of DINING CARS unsurpassed, PULLMAN DRAWING ROOM SLEEPERS Of Latest Equipment TouristSleepingCars nat fV.nt ...n ho ennstmcred aiid in which ao. coin modal ior.s are both free and fnrnishea lor holders of hrst or second-class tickets, ana Elegant Day Coachs, A Continuous Line ooDnecting with all Linea, affording Direct and Uninter rupted Service. Pullman Sleever Reservations canoe secured in aavance inrovgn any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS Tn fwtmnl noints in America. Englaid and Knron can be uurchased at any Ticket office I tins company. Full information concerning .rBtes, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHABLTON, Assistant Oenernl Passenger Agent. No. 121 First St., Cor. Washington, tf. PORTLAND OREGON XHo orlteix-aal Webster's Unabridged DICTIOPBY. n V SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT WITH THE JJ publishers, we are able to obtain a number th above book, ana propose w i iy to each of our subscribers, he dictionary is a necesBity in evei school and business house. It nils a vacancy ..a F,..i.ha WnnwlpHim which no one hun dred other volumes of the choicest books could supply. Young ana oia, eaucaieu auu ignorant, rich and poor, should have it within reach, and reier to hb conieius cei j obj i ,c j. a some have asked if this is reslly the One- iai vvahBr'H i:inbrid?ed Dictionary, we are able to state we have learned direct from the publishers the fact, that this Is the very work complete on which about forty of the best years tl,o author'! life WrBOWell emnlOVed ill writing. It contains the entire vocabulary of about 100,000 words, including the correct spell ing, derivation and aennition oi same, auu is the regular standard size, containing about :)0,000 square inches of printed surface, and Is bound in cloth half morocco and sLeeo. Until further notice we will furnish this valuable Dict onary First To any new subscriber. . Second To any renewal subscriber. Third To any subscriber now in arrears who pays up and one year in advance, at the following prices, viz: Fui Cloth bound, em siae ana oacs ctamns marbled edpes $i-oo. Halt Mo occo, Bound, gilt siae ana Dacs stamps, marbled edges. $1.50. rul! bheep Douna, learner lauei, maiuicu ritty cents aaaea in an tases iwi cpc- age to Heppner. t&-t the publishers limit the time and niniZer of books they will furnish at the low prices, we advise all wno aesire w vau selves of this great opportunity 10 auenu vo 11 at once. FBEETO TEE AFFLICTED. All who are aufferiDg from the effects of Youthful Errors, Loss of Manhood, Failing Puwers, Gonorrhoea. Gleet, Strioture, Syphilis and the many troubles which are the effects of these terrible disornVr will receive, Free op Charge, divert inna how to treat and cure thmfihejt at home by writing to the rvT,i,j,Ni Mhdtoal and Bi'BaicAL In itthuary. lu29U Market Street, Sao Francisco, Califoroia. 465-ly- Norilieni Pacific - v That YourHair may retain its youthful color, fullness, and beauty, dress it daily with Ayer's Hair Vigor It cleanses the scalp, cures humors, and stimulates a new growth of hair. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass. Th- lebrated French Sure, IVrrntd A PUfcfinlTI N F" or moner IS SOLD OK A POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cure any formofuervoui disease, or any disorder of the BtfORS geueratlve or- AFTER laus ol either sex whether arliiug from th xeuaivs ub of Stimulants, Tobacco or Oplnin, or through youthful Indiscretion, over iudulf tucc, &c, such as jqu of Bru Power, Wakeful. neti, Bearing down Patus tu the Back, Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn al Emission. , Leaoorrhoea, DiztiQess, Weak Mem. ory, Loss ot Power and Impotency, which If ne fleeted of ten lead to premature old age and Insan lty. Price 11.00 a box, 6 boxes for 15.00 Sent by nail on receipt of price. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE for every 18.00 order, to refund the money if a rerinauieut cure Is not effected. Thousands of testimonials. from old and young, of both sexea, permanently itviredbyArHRODiTiHi. Circular free. Addreat THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WKBTXRX AHCB BOX 27 PORTLAND, OR Sold In Heppner by Slocum-Johnston Drug Co. SHILOHS CONSUMPTION CURE. The snccess of this Great Cough Cure Is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorised to sell it on a pos itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can successfully stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous ex pense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron chitis, use it. for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough , use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURB, PriceI0cts.,50cts. and$1.00. Ifyour Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price .Sets. For sale by all Drug gists and Dealers, REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, AJTD PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR Inllfffftta. BIlloasncM, Hesdaeliet Oonitl patloa. Dyspepsia, Chi-ente Llrer Trenbles, Purines, Bat Conplexloa Dysentery! OffeaalT Breath, and all dJwrdcn ef tke tamaea, Liver m4 Bewels. Ripana Tatmlet oonUln nothinff InjTirttmi to the most delicate constitution. Pleasant to take, safe, effectual. Give immediate relief. Sold by drufrtriiits. A trial bottle sent by mail OS receipt of 15 oenta. address THE III PANS CHEMICAL CO. 10 SPRUCE STREET. NEW YORK CITY. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande. Or.f July 2A. JRW. Knto la hprphv triven that the following named settler has flled notice of his intention to make 6nal proof In support of hi claim, ami that Baid proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow County, Or., at Ueppuer, Or., ou September 3, 1 WW. viz: tt1Af.l;r.ri n. in iiviw, Hd. No. 5444, for the Sec. 23, Tp. 2 8 R 28 EWM, Ho nam mi the followinir wltneflses to nrove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Joseph J.ucKman, J. m. waaneu, a. veeraanip and A. E. Smith, all of Lena, Oregon. A. Clkavrr, 1 ! -21.' Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande. Or, June 1, 1892. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on t?ept 3, 1 SJ2, viz.: PATRICK QlJAIJj. Hd No. 4807, for the NJ4 of NKfc, 8ec 21, and Vi Of N Sec 22, Tp 3 H, H 27 E, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of said land, viz: . John N. Elder, A. J. McKenzie, Richard Nev ille, It. A. Herren, all of Heppner, Oregon. Allen Wallace and Pardon Williamson take notice. 511-21 A. CLEAVER, Register GUARDIAN' SALE. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN PUR suance of an order of the County Court of the County of Clackamas and Htate of Oregon, duly made and entered on the 11th day of July lWtt, I will on Saturday, the 27th day of August, WM, at the hour of one o'clock P. M. of said day, at the front door of the Court House, in Hepp ner, in Morrow County and State of Oregon, of fer for sale to the highest bidder, subject to con firmation of the Court, the following described nrrmprtv. to-wlt: The southeast one fourth of .Sec. 20 of township 1, south of range 27 east of the Willamette meridian, iu Morrow County and State of Oregon. Terms oi sale: une nan casn on uay oi saic, and balance either cash, or if purchaser prefer, mortgage for one vear on the premises, to draw .iitprAt from Its date at the rate of ten per cent. per annum, purchaser to pay for making deed and mortgage. niHUitlBI DAHHAI I, Guardian of John Henrv Barratt. a minor. Dated this 25th day of July, D92. 10-17 NO'nCE OF INTENTION. Offlceat Lalirande, Or., June 30, M92 Xntlce i. hereby eiven tnat the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention tn make final nroof in suooort of hiB claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on August 13. 1'J2. nr.: FDWlkDfl IM'RAN D. 8. No. 10020, for the NE!4, Sec 19. Tp 4 8, K 29 E'He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol said Una, viz: Homer Gray, 8 D. Taylor, F. Rprowles, Char ley Long, all 01 Heppner, uregon A. CLS.vsa, RtoiiTsa. ORDINANCE NO. 50- An ordinance providing for Oui supplying of the town of Heppner, Oregiin, and its inhabitants with water for public and private purpots, and granting 11. V. Gates an exclusive franchise and license to construct and operate a system of water works in the town of Heppner, Or egon, contracting with the said 11. V. Gates for the rental of fire hydrants for supplying the town of Heppner, Oregon, with water and giving the town of Hepp ner, Or., an option to purchase llxt said water works and providing fnr payment to said H. V Gates of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) as a first payment on said optionto purchase said water works and for rentals of hydrants for the town of Heppner, Or. The Town of Heppner does ordain as follows : Section 1. The exclusive privilege is hereby granted to H. V. Gates, of Hills boro, Oregon, tiis successors and assigns for and during the term of fifteen years (subject to right of purchase and the conditions and forfeitures hereinafter provided) to erect, construct, maintain and operate a system of water works in the town of Heppner, Oregon, for sup plying the said town and its inhabitants thereof with water for public and pri vate purposes. Wheresoever herein after the word "Grantee" is used it is intended to apply to and mean H. V. Gates, his successors and assigns. Sec. 2. The system of water works shall consist or be composed of what iB known as Direct and Reservoir pros sure. Sec. 3. The water so to he supplied and furnished said town and the inhabi tants thereof, shall be pure, clear, pota ble water for all purposes, which shall be taken from a well or system of wells, encased to keep out the surface drain age between surface of ground and first rock formation below surface of ground or deeper if necessary. Sec. 4. The grantee shall provide a substantial engine house of sufficient capacity to accommodate boilers, pumps and appliances of water works and sucb room as mav be required to accommo date the electric light plant, to be oper ated in conjunction with the said water works system, said engine uouse to De equipped with one50-horBe power boiler, to be built of steel, (said boiler to be tested to 150 lbs. hydrostatic pressure) one or more Knowles engines, or other manufacture equally as good, or if a deep well pumping engine u substi tuted to use one or more "Cook" Deep well pumps, the combined capacity of either the pump or pumps to be equal to 250,000 gallons each 24 hours, or such other laiger size pumping engines as the demands of the town may now or in the future require; also such other fit tings bucIi as gauges, valves, steam pipes etc., that may be required to con nect said pumps to mains and wells, and said boiler to pumps, so that the steam and water connections shall be first-class in Hvarv narticular. Sec. 5. The grantee shull provide one reservoir, capacity IU0,lMy, gallons, lor fire purposes, to be kept tilled at all limes, except when repairing, and held in reserve for any emergency. Also one reservoir of 80,000 gallons capacity for domestic and daily Bupply. llie domes tic reservoir to be walled with masonry and coated with cement or asphalt, to render the same water proof, to be roofed over and protected from effect of froBt, to be arranged witn supply anu waste pipes and so generally constructed as to be safe from any danger from any pressure within or drainage or defect without, and to be capable of keeping water as pure and free from contamina tion as it mines from the source of sup ply. Said reservoirs to be connected to mains in such manner that both can sup ulv the hydrants during fire and both be not less than ItiO feet above the grade of street at intersection of Main and May streets. Sue. 6. The urantee shall furnish and lay in the streets of said town at a ,leoth "of not less than thirty inches, for nrincinal mains. 4000 feet of six-inch pipe and 7000 feet of four-inch pipe, and as much more as mav De ueemeu neces sarvbvthem: (said pipe to be meas ured bv its outside diameter) is to fur nish 12 double hydrants, Ludlow, or aome other hvdrant equally as good, and connect tne same to the mains; is to furnish all necessary valves, special littines. valve boxes required to com plete the work. The mains and fittings lo be ample and capable of carrying out the provisions and intentions of this agreement and of affording the town where said pipe's are laid, first-class tire protection, and when mains and connec tions are so completed they shall be ca pable of sustaining a pressure of 150 lbs. to the Buuare inch; is to furnish all mains and laterals that may be from time to time required to supply the town or its inhabitants thereof with water, pro vided that for each 800 feet of principal mains ordered bv the town, there shall be one hydrant ordered and rental paid for uxeol same, ana mat ioraii laterals taiu, grantee shall not be obliged to lay in excess of 200 feet to reach each service hvdrant for domestic use. Fines are to he laid below frost line and the said town agrees to make good any expense to which grantee may be put if said town shall hereafter lower the grade of any streets where the grade is already es tablished and the town of Henpnei aerees to establish the grade on all streets where nines are to be laid prior to the laying of pipes. 1 lie said mains and hydrants are to be laid and located on such streets as will dcsi carry out tne nrovisions lor hre protection; said streets to be selected by the parties to this agreement. Sec. 7. Grantee is to keep fire hy drants in good repair : protect same from freezing and keep tliem ready at all times for instant service. The connections and mains leading from reservoirs to be kept free from obstructions of any kind whatsoever, so that except through some unforseen and practically unavoid able accident, there shall be steady pressure and full supply of water on the hydrants to the extreme limit of capac ity of system. Sec. 8 In consideration of the bene fits which will be derived by the town of Heppner and its inhabitants from the construction and operation of said water works, and in further consideration of the water supply hereby secured for the public use, as an inducement lor trie grantee to enter upon the construction of said water works, the privilege Here by granted to and vested in H. V. Gates, his successors and assigns, shull remain in full force and effect for ami during the period of fifteen years, hut subject to the right of purchase, as herein pro vided, ami for the same consideration and as the same inducement, the town of Heppner hereby rents of the grantee, for the use hereinafter mentioned, the 12 hydrants hereinbefore provided for, and luring tne term of fifteen years from the acceptance of said waterworks, but subject to the right of purchase as afore said ; and the said town agrees to use the hydrants on said pipe hue for the extinguishment of files, drill practice and flushing only, and make good to the grantee any injury which may happen to them when used by any officer of its fire department in the line of his duty. The flushing as aforesaid to be done by the tire marshal or other oihcer of the town, through a hose and fire nozzle, after reasonable notice to grantee, but there shall be no more than one fire hv drant used at any one time for such pur poses, and no one hydrant used to ex ceed thirty minutes per week. In afore said drill practice the fire department shall have the right to use anv ol the hydrants twice each month for drill practice, for a period not rxceeding thirty minutes at each drill. r?EC. 9. The grantee mav charge and collect during the continuance of the privilege lujrein granted, the following tariff of rates to consumers of water or other rates that may be established by the grantee anil approved bv the coun cil : MONTHLY WATKK KATES. Bakeries. .... $2.50 Barber shops, hirst chair 1.B0 Kach additional chair Bath tubs. In boarding houses, hotels and barber shops 1.50 In private families 50 Breweries, (unless governed by meter rates) 10.00 BtllLDINO CONSTRUCTION, Wetting 1000 brick .15 " one bbl lime 15 " " " cement 15 " for stone work, per cu bic yard 20 Butcher shops 2.00 Family rates, One hydrant 1 50 " closet 50 " bath tub .50 Feed yards 5.00 Hotels, restaurants, boarding AND LODGING HOUSES, I.UIlleSS governed by special rates) Having five bedrooms or less.. . 4.00 Each additional room 10 Irrigation, Each half lot or less (lots 50x100) 1.25 Each additional half lot 1.00 In no case will allowance be made for space occupied by buildines. LaundrieB, public, each 0.00 .VlKTKK RATES, 1000 to 50,000 gallons 25 50,000 and over 20 Offices, each 1.00 Photograph galleries, each d.00 Printing olhces, in audition to boilers J.LK! Public halls and theaters 1.00 Private halls or halls of secret or ganizations 150 Saloons 2.50 Sidewalk sprinkling, Each 25 feet front or less with washing windows 50 Each 60 feet front or less, with washing windows F.ach additional 25 feet 25 Stables, each horse and cow in cluding washing carriages 1.00 Stables, livery, each stable includ ing washing carraiges 7.0U Steam engines. Five horse power or less 2.00 Each additional horse power. . . .50 Boilers for steam heating 1.50 Stores. Drug stores 2.5u Groceries, dry goods and Hard ware 100 Soda Water manufactories ... 8.0Q Urinals, In Btores or blocks each In hotels, boarding houses and saloons 50 Water closets, In hotels, boarding houses or sa loons, one closet 2.00 In stores or public buildings, one closet 1-60 Each additional closet 1.00 Private closets each 50 Water motors, Less than one horse power, by meter. One to five horse power, by meter. Five to ten horse power, by meter. Sec. 10. As a consideration for the use of the 12 hydrants as aforesaid, for a term of fifteen yearB, the town of Heppner agrees to pay to the said H. V. Gates, hiB successors and assigns, fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) lawful money of the United States, payments to bo made as follows: five thousand dollars ($5000) on arrival of pipes, boiler and pump and machines; ten thousand dol lars ($10,000) on completion of water as- provided herein, for two reservoirs, well-pump, capacity 250,000 gallons, mains 11,000 feet, engine house, and when the same liiis stood the teBts as hereinbefore pro vided, and also provided that said II. V. Gates, his successors and assigns, shall satisfactorily show the town of Heppnei that said works are free from all liens and that laborand material used and fur nished for said works have been paid for. Sec 11. At the expiration of fifteen years from the completion of said works, and at the end of ach five years there after, the town of Heppner shall have the option to purchase and own said water works, together with its lands, ma chinery, pipes, outfits, rights, privileges and franchises, upon the lollowing condi tions and the grantee in accepting this ordinance expressly covenants to sell and convey to the town of Heppner the said water works and system as a whole on the said conditions, lhe said town of Heppner, by resolution of its mayor and council, shall determine to purchase and own said water works and shall serve a certified copy of such resolu tions on the grantee at least six months Delore the time wnen me sain town may exercise such option. The sum of money that said town shall pay lor said water works as a whole shall be an amount which at eight per cent interest would produce an annual income equal to the net income during the year pre vious to the serving of the notice of res olutions, as hereinbefore described, with the cost price added for any improve ments or extension made during the year previous to such notice, upon which no revenue has been derived, wnen such purchase is made by the said tow n the franchise granted to the said II. V. Gates shall terminate. If said town shall not determine to purchase said water wmka within fifteen years from date of its acceptance of said work it shall grant to the grantee an exclusive franchise upon the same terms and conditions as herein stated, reserving the option of purchase each five years as before stated. The niteen thousand dollars Jilr,i"JU paid for hydrants, rentals as heretofore pro vided. shall be the first payment upon the purchase price of Baid water works, and it is agreed that until such time as the town of Heppner shall purchase said water works as herein provided for, the town of Heppner shall own an absolute right and interest in the said watei works to the amount of said fifteen thou sand dollars, ($15,000) but it is further understood and agreed that until such time as the town of Heppner shall pur chase the interest of grantee in said works the grantee shall have the exclu sive use andcontrolof said works in every particular without paying to tiie town of Heppner any rents, profits or revenues therefor or therefrom in any manner whatever, except that grantee shall not have the power or authority to sell, mortgage and lease, or in anv way en cumber the interest of the town of Hepp ner in said works. Sko. 12. Tbe grantee shall make auob rules and regulations governing tbe ser vice of water to consumers as may be proper aud expedient in that behalf, and may eu force the observance of the same, after they have been approved by the city council, by cutting off water or otherwise, and the said town, by its coun cil, shall adopt ordinances protecting the grantee in the safe and unmolested en joyment of the privileges hereby granted, and against injury to its property. cJeo. 13. The town of Heppner shall convey to the grantee snob ground as may be neoessary for reservoirs and right of way across private unplatted land to the same, for tbe use of laying mains and nocess for delivering materials for construction and maintainnnee of same. 8kci. 14. The town of Heppner agrees to convey to grantee the lot and the artesian well now owned by them, for the use of grantee, during the life of this agreement; the some to be free from any cost, rent or expense whatsoever to grantee. The grautee is to have use of the well digging machinery on snid lot, while searching for and securing water. Sko. 15. All work and material furn iphed under the terms of this oontraot. shall be done and performed in a good, neat, and workmnnlikemiiuner, first chiss in every respect, and in tbe most ap proved form kuown to tbe trade. Sao. 16. In the event at any future time it is neoessary for the safety and welfare of the town ot Heppner or the inhabitants thereof, to increase the oapaoity of wells, reservoirs, pump aud maoniuery, it shall be done by the gruntee without any additional cost to the town, except in the purchase oi said works according to the conditions herein stated. Sko. 17. The grantee shall onmuieuce active operations on said water works within thirty days from the passage of this ordinance, and complete tbe same within the space of six months, unless from causes beyond the control of grantee, such as strikes, riots, failure uf manufacturers to produce material, and railroads to deliver the sume; in which event tbe time so lost shall be extended ; said grautee to use all possible diligence to complete said works within tbe six months. On completion of said works, in compliance with the requirements of this ordinance, the grantee shall sue oeaafnlly subject the entire pipe system of 11,000 feet, and the hydrants thereon, under the Biipei vision ot tbe town coun cil, to a pressure of 150 lbs. to the square inch, and shall also test the power and oaPHoity of reservoirs; in which they -ball throw water through fifty feet of hose, with a one incb nozzle, eighty feet high for a period ot three hours; in said test only two streams shall be taken from one line, and the hydrants used to be at oorner ot Main and May streets. Upon completion ot said works, and tbe said tests having been made as aforesaid to the satisfaction of the said oouncil, th," snid town, by its council, agrees to ac cept snob waterworks forthwith and from the date ot such acceptance the hydrant rentals heretofore provided for shull begin. 8ko. 18. The grantee be and is hereby granted the privilegiaand right of laying pipes through the streets, alleys, parks, and public ways of the town of Heppner for tbe purpose of oonduotiug water through the town. Aud the grautee shall keen the town of Heppner harmless from any liability for damages on account of negligenoeof tbe grantee in using streets and publio ways of said town in laying, Inking up, and repairing mains, hydrants, or other structures or devices for the service of water, and after using such streets and publio ways, shall restore them with due dilligeDce to as near as praotioal their former condition. 8ro. l!). This ordinance shall beoome binding upon tbe town of Heppner upon the event that grantee shall, within ten days from tbe passage and publication of this oidinanoe. Hie with the recorder of the town of Heppner, bis written ao ceptanoe of the terms and oonditions ol this ordinance. Snid acceptance shall constitute the oontract and shall be the measure of the right and liabilities of the town of Heppner and of H. V. Gutes, his successors and assigns. Do You Finest Bread and Cal It is conceded that the Royal Baking Powder is t!ic purest and strongest of all the baking powders. The purest baking powder makes the finest, sweetest, most delicious food. The strongest baking powder makes the lightest food. That baking powder which is both purest and strong est makes the most digestible and wholesome food. Why should not every housekeeper avail herrclf t f the baking powder which will give her the Le:,t L'od with the least trouble? Dr. Haines, of Rush Medical College, Consulting Chemist of the Chicago Board of Health, says: is not only the purest, but the strongest baking with which I am acquainted." Seo. 20. Tbe mayor aud recorder of rhalowu of Heppner are hereby author ised and iustruoted, upon tlie acceptance of this ordiuauoe, to seal duplicate copies therrof, with tbe seal of the town of Heppuer, aud to sigu suoh copies of such contract iu the name and behalf ot the town of Heppner, aud to deliver one ot said copies, 8'' sealed aud signed in behalf of the town ot Heppner to the grantee and to accept the other in behalf of the town, wben signed and scaled by the said grautee, and to cause such copies, together with suob acceptances to be properly authenticated in aooordano" with the laws governing contracts for the sale of real estate and to be reoorded in the offioe ol the county clerk of Mor row county. Sko. 21. In oase snid grantee shall fail to oomplete said works within tho time specified in t lis ordinance, then, aud in that oase the franchise shall be forfeited and this ordinance shall be null and void. Sbo. 22. All ordinances and parts of ordinances inoonsistant herewith nre hereby repealed, and thisordiuanceshnll be published iu the Heppuer Uuzutte and Heppner Heoord and shall take effect from and niter its passage and publica tion. Hro. 23 Upon completion of said water works and the eleotiio libt plant, according to conditions of Ordinance No. 40, and before the final payment of $10,000 is marie said grantee, said grautee shall by receipted vouchers prove the plants have cojt not less thin $20,000, and that they are free from liens aud that labor and material used iu tlieir oou- struotion have beeu paid for. Sec. 24 If said grantee shall fail to operate said water works according to the terms aud conditions of this ordi nance, then the towu ot Heppner is here by empowered to take possession of said water works, and the electric works to be constructed uuder conditions uf Ordi nance No. 49, and operate same for benefit of the town of Heppner, and by virtue of Biioh failure to operate said water works, the town of Heppuer is to become sole owner of said water and light works forever. Said grantee for feiting all right, title and interest in said works ur tbeir franchises. T, J. AIatlock, Attest: Mayor. Oris Patterson, Acting Keoorder. Dated this 5th day uf August, liaising Calves Without Milk. The young calf must have new milk for the first two weeks of its life; no other food will do. After attaining that age it may be reared ou artificial food. One successful substitute for milk is hay tea. The hay about three pounds is cut so as to get it into a kettle or boiler, with 2J gallons of water, aud boiled half an hour. The liquor is then strained and returned to the kettle, and about a teacupful each of flaxseed and wheat middlings added. This is boiled to a jelly and fed warm. After the calf is two months old, a small handful of corameal may be added with the llax seed and middlings. Exchange. Dairy and Creamery. Don't overwork the wooden butter ladle, and thus you will not run so much risk of overworking the butter mid breaking its delicate fat globules into grease. Milk begins to sour from the bottom and sides of a vessel; therefore set t ha milk pans in very cold water for the cream to rise. Once more allow ns to Bay that milk must never be allowed to clubber before the cream iB skimmed. If you let it do so you lose a heavy percentage of tho cream. it is specks of clabbered milk that cause the white specks to appear in butter. A syndicate of cheese factories in Canada employed tin instructor in cheese making for two years at their establish ment, and tho result was that they car ried off prize after prize lit the fairs unit their cheese got a good iiaino, which the Bible tells us is more to be desired than great riches, only iu this case it brought the riches too. A worshiper of Jersey cattle says that the Jersey breeders of America have bought and are using today more Bub cock and other milk testers than me employed by all the otlior breeders of dairy cattle combined. Is this true? Cows bred now will still come in in time to make the butter churn easily lute p.ext winter und early in the srn'iiitr In a single drop of cream son red or ripened till it is fit for churning then are millions of bacteria. These are nec essary to ripen the craim. In truth, science is beginning to discover that about everything, and we ourselves even, are mode of bacteria. There are good and bad bacteria, just as there are good and bad people. Wish the "i.ii;" 1 powder