.1 T7.t.T l 71 1 ft 1 Hi :.tt .1 I 'Hi 1 tu 1 1 rK . 1 .NT i: '4 PnrlflM th BLOOD. Corel CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS, LITER COMPLAINTS, KICK HEADACHE, COLDS, PIMPLES, all SKIN AFFECTIONS, and DISEASES AXUSINU rrom a DISORDERED STOMACH. The Genuine HAMBURO TEA it pul nj in YELLOW WRAPPERS irith Facrimile Signature of VSIIL FRESE. REOINQTCM ft CO. Agents. 8am FRA-JCiFOft SOT.O BY AVI. TtUVGGWt AM UKUCV. ... FIGUTIXa INcECTS. UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR ON THE SUBJECT. TALKS Ferbaps Yon Don't Km J BUT SURELY YOU KNOVOF CUH HCMEOICS. i Invitation to r-.II an-1 see free tc.t. nT our Clinic ;i..u. i to.i i-. M. La(, at -.., avaiiU, pC8lnii(I), 'iJ-.EN HAiRINH IM-ll IV, 1 3 our iu """"i" i,e.-irii or Mir-erf uoiih or Vole mill l;irlhiiiurk. plication is Yf-iiuiied. It Wo extend a: "Arc-udiiCluiinb-.-i V'i- till mail oniers same day rn. If n-'t pi represcmi 'I e trill rein i . ' QUEEN AN7I-HAIRINE' Hair Jioul the luce, Js'evit UI..I Arm iMiuleino a paste, ouiy ati vp minutes is on wen mi, yutniilil m its e", it. Jt disw.kca mid dei.tn.ve the Ji'liic.es ol tlio hair wilhoiit ii.us!iKhtestpain. injury ordisiolora. li.m til (lio Most delicate Ekn. TrU. Imp I'm, ii nn ii... t'lirstoro flint promote t lie Ilu.r has i o ennr I. Ii I. '..,. .'.,.. .. ' u !y mw a luxuriant growth of hair unless hereditarily bald. 'Taloneis is n,t a ilTudTcafl.m i s aindiad. Naluio ciil not provide tlml iro should wear arov..ri..i. tv... ti.a i....... t.-J. : &Tm (-kin) la nlire, so are the roots, and "Queen Hairier" applied to tho rurface onensth. ..m-lci and give, nourishment and vitality to iho roota. Oco boltlo will cuTioco tho most Elic!! O' 'ta iiiiTils. Try fr. J'noe. f I .no per liotlle. e. v .Bpncl UUr.tr APill-uuUn'; cpowuero. rorm) applied to the ynrtt allars f TcMiIre rr.niratlnn -tur ON 00 LINE" (liuid. pure and haroileM), when applied ,0 th,ikin restore, and braolSca ttit t."ii. ion: removea and nreventa lan. bunburo. Kreckles 1'lnn.w i i . . ii.-.ui.fi orrnnrai ion ononnt h evoellAd. A ain.lM annli.ii.. i...r- ! w ' ,d iiilonaUue improrca tlie cotnpleilon Try it; if not delighted with it, return the boi'tland". will r'-r.ui'l your moni y. One Jiotllo will restore the complexion. Price $1 00 " Q.igr.M Ton.rr Co.: Your preparation formula! latter a careful analysis), I am free to sar are harm Wi, and certainly fflcctuatlf used according to directions. J. Hesse H ri M l. i,,, lteiolt by r.O. urder, KenLslered Itter, or Draft to home office, and mention tbuj inner Ww-tn i ii-ci w, iittat,, 1. 1 ., vinciNNAT!, O KI-.I SamMlea ol onr Uoodi and iiow to be Beautiful (Local Agents Vai ' lent for two stampa. CHRONIC NEHVOUS DISEASES contD r Or. G. F. Wcbfj's Electric Holr DrHs nt Ijtpliiuces, liz. Catarrh, itlicmuntism, ficlallcu. Ainouoi-rhonii, Bpcrma.orrhtjQii, I'rolupPin, Chlorosis, Painful Mfiiikifl, jLoucoi'iIjix'.!, Sominal W(!iiknC3.T ElToutflof 0:iuiubiu, Inconiincnco, Pulpit itluii, rural ys is, NrrvouH Uobiltty, St'.Tility, Iinpoic'iiey, DialKjli;, Nuurivillmnln, Slclf Iloa'luclio. Varlfoook', II irnia. In in iiia. C'Histlpation, Kidiioy Coinpteirits, Ot'noiiil D.rbtlity, Loss of Moiwfti v, lipik'psy, t'tt., ot--. Ii7"Houd for Catalojfuoa and ToetimoxiialB. DH. G. F. WEBS, r.cntor and Palenteo, Uniiod S'ales ir.i Foreign Coimti WONDEHFULBUT TEUE ! ELECTRO-MEBOL SCIENCE STILL ll!IUMPIIAr.T ! Tho Doaf Made to Hoar by Electricity I lnrcntoil In April, XS01, Patented in Jnne, yet thousands 1'ioi lalui its lluiiili'r. ful mid 1'crfn l ltcsulb) I THE ONLY BUCHFSBFUL t'REAT. BliiNX IJJ XiUi WOKLBI Any oni. dM or yonntr, whoso rar (3i iini is uiibrnkcn fan lie uitulo to henr anil ( onvoino in oriltiiury tonos, nnd ho cutcil hy Dr. O. F. Wulih'e Ulectrlcill A jipitrutup mr 'J'rontititj Ih ul ni'SH. An KU'c'ti'ii-Iiledictil Hotly Ilntlery with np-rlimu-os Inventeil OHpLHilnlly fur treat, tiifr lirnf nofls und tlio liscmojs which linnltKM-d it. yeiid M (iciitfl for my Electro-Medical Theory und l'rnutire. ttoscribluir U'eat sicnt. IX piiKeB. Addrea B. B. BLISS, General Agt. IOWA FALLS. IOWA, On Sale TO OMAHA, Kansas City, St. Paul, AMI ALL I'OINTS EAST, HORTH ID SOUTH. Lenveii lleppner, 8 n. m. ti:5U p. m. Arrives LUMBER! VtTE 1IAVK FOR BALE ALL KINDS OF UN , . ,(ll:L'BKW1 Lillnher, 10 lullua of Ueuunur. ttl what la known aa the " 1 SCOTT SAWMIIilj. I'KR 1,000 FEliT, KOt'fiH, " " " CLEAR, - ?10 (Hi 17 to I r 11M.1VH.KK1) IN HEl'PNEK, WILL ADD r'.wjn.-i i,uuu ILH'T, lUlill llilluil. I. A. 1KI HAMILTON, Prop. ton, Man'iir a Soientifio Americas ISii.tn, M"iii.jr iui W J IT " ITa t"' Iltliai,aa Hleenera, Ccilunlat Hleepem, Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. Hlnnuiors l'nrUnnd to 8n FrmiciHiio every four days. Tickets Kurope. For rn it'll ami gciier.il lnformntion call on Dt'i.ot Ticket AKPiit, J. C. J LA. WW Hcppuer, Oregon. &?MT CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, Vf? COPYRIGHTS, eta. For lnformntion nril frno llandhook write to Ml' NN Aa.,:tii HuuAHWAY. Nkw Yokk. Dldoitt bureau for MiH iirinti pat"iitn In America. Kvory pHtent taken ouf bv s tn broi.ftit before the public by a nut ire given free of chaise iu the jeRientifif gmctiau Lnrcost iMreulntiiin of any selentttte paper In the world. Hpleii.llillv llliisfrateil. No liitelllnent nun) should he without it. Wneklv, .'1.00 a ear; at. fit! six nioiillis. Address MtlNH & CO, 'Uni.ltiUKU.s.Ail Itmadway. Mew York. Cloae Str.riy of the Enemy the Pirat Im portant Duty Biting and Sucking Speclea Must Be Trcuted Xlf1'erently. Dortlcultural Education aa VIowed by Emory E. Smith. At tho Stanford university at Palo Alto the faculty arranged a course of popular lectures on fruit and tree cae-lui.-s. The public were invited and many fruit growers from the stnte at tended the lectures. The opening lecture was by Professor Jonn ii. Lomstouk on the " Methods of Cguting insects. " . "The first principle to be kid down regarding the methods of fijditina in sects, " he said, is that eacli species of insect to be fought must be made the : Subject of special study. I "The most important feature in the structure of insects as faring on applied entomology is the structure of the month 1 parts. Roughly spenking, the different types of month parts may be classed un- der two heads the biting and the suck I ing. Biting insects can be destroyed by I means of poisons applied to the surface I or the plants, lhe sucking insects, when they attack a plant, push their beaks in to the tissue of the plant and suck its juices. It will be readily seen that any poison applied to the surface of the plant win not oe taken up with tho tood of the insect, but may remain upon the plant as harmless to the insect as mere dust. Another feature in the stucture of insects which is of interest in this con nection is the structure of the orgnnsfor breathing. Insects do not breathe through their mouths. If the body of tue caterpillar ba examined it will be found to consist of a series of rings or segments, and if the side of the insect be examined with a magnifying glass there will be seen upon each of these segments a minute opening. This is a breathing hole or spiracle. It is believed that the action of certain insecticides is to close up these spiracles. Thus it seems prob able that many of these washes which are so efficient in the destruction of in sects owe their efficiency to the (act that a, delicate film is formed by them over the body of the insect and thus (lie spir acles are closed and the insect suffocated. "A know.edge of the different stages in the life history of the insect is cf prime importance to one who would combat it. For it often happens tha s the insect is much more easily destroyed in one stage than in another. " Emory E. Smith lectured on "Horti cultural Education. " "Speaking broadly," he said, "horti culture is a science. We aro yet as but children plucking flowers by the way side, while great fields of possibilities Btretch out beyond. "In California certain branches of hor ticulture are assumingproportions which so far as can be seen, will in a few years make the leading industries of the state. " Horticultural education if begun early would do much to turn the thoughts of our youth toward rural rather than less ennobling pursuits, and away from the glamor of our modern cities that are so remorselessly burning out the life and energy of the nation. " The lecturer recommended that horti culture be given more attention in all grades of schools from the primary to the university. He said: "Could horti cultural education in its fullest sense be once popularized it would be one of the most powerful influences in correcting one of the most dangerous features pre senting itself in our national economy, by building up thickly settled rural dis tricts and checking the mad rush of our youth to the cities, thus solving, at least to a large extent, a problem upon which nearly every great mind has spent itself in vain. " caiino it raves money m cun.-.tructiuii with the faimer. I craure it favi lalnir, nominally. So I fear that 1 thai have but scant sympathy from thost most interested in "this. 1 tell you, gentlemen, if you were 1. investigate the matter you would traci many a complaint directly to the mill pump. Not impossible to keep it clean Well, no, nothing is impossible, but it i clearly impracticable, and let uie tel you I have been in creameries when everything, including the floor, was kepi as clean as a pin, but when 1 put m; nose to the milk pump, there was smel. enough to flavor tons and tons of butter I do not blame the manager. 1 knov. that neither 1 nor anybody else can kee it clean, and the only cure is to bury l deep in the hole where the buttermill. tank used to be. Surely it is haitl enough to keep the creamery sweet ami clean without adding the pump ami the greasy, sloppy rubber hose, wliicl is another aliomination, and should b made as short as -possible both as K. length and life. Every creamery should bo built on the side hill plan, and if the land is a. flat as a pancake anevated drive can be constructed so as fnoarsliver the milk high enough to let it Iiow into open con ductors; or if you object to the drive way, why not devise some quick 6ysteui of elevating the milk? 1 confess it makei me tired to see no improvement on tht old slow hoisting crane used today tht same as it was thirty years ago in the first co-operative cheese factories, and 1 can understand why boys obj set to hoist ing the milk that way an extra six oi eight feet. With small eight gallon cans 1 would r'eCouiend the following- nave me weigu can low enougu so tnai the cans can be dumped from the plat form on a level with the wagon and with the top of the weigh can. Then have t quick hoisting apparatus by which tht weigh can, after being weighed, is shol up and dumped into the receiving vat. ine time lost m hoisting will be gainer by the whole weigh can being dumped at once instead of running slowly on through a faucet. I got this idea from Mr. Roe when 1 asked him to devise some quick way of elevating the milk that would do away with that milk pump. With large cans, all that is necessary is to invent a quick and easy way of hoisting and dumping them, and 1 mosi sincerely hope that you will turn youi attention to this matter. Whenever the butter can bo sold within a week I grant yon that the keeping quality plays but a small role, but iu most cases you have to figure on from three to four weeks as the lifetime of the butter from the churn, and although our export is small only 0.000,000 pounds last year the keeping quality depends chiefly upon an extreme attention to cleanliness, from the cow to the tub, and although 60 much is written about the secrets of the Danish system, 1 can assuro you there is nothing iu it but perfect cleanliness and strict attention to every little detail. Address of J. H. Monrad. THE HORSE'S HOOF. XOTlCE-TIMBKIt CI' LIT I.E. C. 8. r.flnrt Ofliee. Th. fi.iK'n, fir., .Tune 7, l?. l'(!iiil,tl:it ha . Inir l)t en entered lit thin niliee by 'I heron E. I-VII. hlth! .it lii'lnt of .lohliiui K. I-ell, for iHlhire to comply ulili law m to 'Jim-I Kirk. J C, Ht'iipner. Or.- tt.-i.i.-t .htii.- i; i.n n..h mitt ajt-w-e, Hopixier. Or.: home 11 mt l:ft u tier; cult lu hhuie au j iM Bide, underbit on , 1ks7 THE IDEAL CREAMERYMAN. HUIILUUHT, Asst. lieul. 1'itss Ant. '.SI WinlilMstonSt., Portland, Okkuon. QUIOK TX2VEI3 I TO JStin Frnnolseo And all points Iu California, via tho ML Hliastu route of the Southern Pacific Co. The (treat hitihway thi-miRk California to all pointn Kiutt and South, (irmid Heonic Houto of tho Pacific l ottHt. Pullman HuHet blee pert, Beeoud-clitBH bleepcrta I Attnched to express triune, nfTordiiift superior tu'iouiuiodHtioim for Bevoiul-elnnn paftHenwrtt. Fur ratm, tukeiH, (deeping ear recurvation, etc.. call upon or addreto R. KOKU1.KK, Manager, K. P. KOtiKKH, (icn. K. & V, Agt., Portland, Oregon, A BHt. S. P. FLORENCE, STOCKRAISER ! HKPPNKIt. OlllidON. Catt'e branded and earmarked aa shown almye. fiuraet K ou right ahoulder. Mt cattle ranire in Morrow and Umatilla ooun tiee. 1 will pay $lO0.0U for tha arreet and eon Tiction ot any person steeling oiy atoek. a ' C Weak, NeiVGUS or iq Fail It rum some long slanilitm ailment, or feel (hut youi constitution (nervous system) ih failing, or that some afllietiou liu taken, or is taking, permanent hold ol yon, which you have been, anil are still, unable to throw off or control, whether iu the first or last ntnge remember thai Dp. Greg ELECTRIC BELTS And Appliances. iuuI syatcm of home treatment will enrp yon. No medical or other mode of electric treatment can at all compare with them. Thousand of women who (taller for yearn with complaints peculiar to sex. have been completely and per uiaueiitly restored to health. No fewer men have at to been cured. Kleetrle treatment for diseases bucr ted, pro perly applied, In peilect and hua no ood subnli tute. lhe ii reran Kleetrle Helt and Appliances are the only ouch in eicteiKO that supply perfectmodeolapplteatlou. 'Ihetireuu KU-etne Foot Warmer, price fl 00 keepN the leet warm and dry and U the only genuine Kleetrle Indole. I'eople ho have paid their money nnd been cured can tell you w hat hat been done for them In a w ay that w III convince van. Complete eat aloKuc of testiinonlalH, prices, etc., lie. Circular tree. UK! S TO GOOD AGENTS. Aihlrett THE (iKEOQ ELECTUIC CU K ' O. 501 Inter Oeenu liuiMiuK, Cliitaijo, 111. .'lev LI en 1 ni 1 H.-.u... la. n in. II tk, W, tit.. 40 in. f In. 11 to. .li.,lu,ll Him... illn. tn. 91b. af W !l iWrfiiltv t t tv li ii'oiii-i wtlh 4tmn itiill.' PATIENTS THEMEu 8Y MAIL. CONf I0ENTIAU ltrli, SuMtr.lnn. S.ui m iiftnn itr laruoulKri to DR. 0. W. F. SNYDER. H V(C8'S THlAtF.R. CHICaM. W tiaVMIt "Hit tn..,n. WftIM XlhaWl'.irj bv "!tlH . liin I .-rniUt Bl w.irl. 'P.r tl. lilnek mini A (Vi. itave an esolusfve Cleneral .Mernliantliae store Stockmen naniitit do lietter than patronito 11. Ulackmau A Co., of Utippuer's Pioneer Uriok. B, Grain for Poultry Feed. There are a great many plants pecul iar to other countries which, like this Coast, have warm, dry summers, which are most valuable for grain and forage. Such are some of the snrglmms. This family has long been specialized in the line of giving the most sugar from the juices of its stalks. Yet there are va rieties and species that give great crops ot nne seed, good tor poultry and ani mals. The stalks and leaves also make a great amount of fodder. Kaffir corn is a sorghum of this kind, largely grown with profit in our interior valleys. The "corn" lias many uses as unman food that we do not appreciate. Teosinte is nn allied plant, giving immense crops of choice fodder. It should mature ils seed in our interior valleys which it does not do East. Judge Samuel Miller of Mis souri thinks the Sajo bean will produce more food per acre for man and poultry than any other plant. The plant grows in bush form and is eictly cultivated and handled. The great food plants of the future for man and animal will, without, doubt be evolved from the bean or the field pea family. rtee. ami Fruit Culture. Every fruit grower who observes cor rectly and who has examined the sub ject confidently nsserls that the honey bee docs not and cannot puncturo the skins of lruits so as to partake of their juices. They have not the tools to cut through the skins. They simply have long tongues with which to lick or lap. Other insects nnd birds can and do puncture fruits and if the juices are quite sweet the bees follow in the wake ot such marauders and partake. Bees in late summer and autumn, in Califor nia; and many other insects, birds and animals are hard pushed for moisture and resort to juicy fruits and succulent vegetables for it, Then bees and yellow jackets swarm to the drying fruits and grapes for moisture and sweets. Instead Some of tho Renrets of Siuweaa Which lie Huh Learned. First the creamery operator has learn ed that to be successful and enlarge and build up his business he must make dairying profitable to the producer of milk. Herein lies all the law and the profits. lie has learned that the operator and the dairymen are joint partners in busi ness, between whom' there must always exist the most implicit confidence. They work together to adtl to the' common fund of knowledge, from which eacS continually draws without reducing the capital stock. lhe operator learns the patron's end of the business by breeding, feeding and milking cows himself. He preaches of the benefits of feeding corn ensilage. ami snows bis own silo as Ins text. lie seeds his own fields to clover, anil illustrates the value of a balanced ra tion and the truthfulness of the feeding tables with cuts and diagrams of his own bias cut com ensilage and early cut anil well cured clover. fie advocates the special pnrposedairy cow and proves his faith by his works lie buys, breeds and milks some one of the dairy breetls of cattle. He advocates the feeding of milk pro ducing foods, and furnishes his patrons with bran and oilcake meal in any quantity at the bare cost of carload lots. He practices godliness ami preaches cleanliness, daily illustrating his mean ing of tiie terms by keeping clean within and without his creamery. He gives to his patrons the benefit of all improved methods ami appliances by using in his creamery the latest im proved machinery for the handling of milk and malting of butter. That his patron may not despair of keeping tip his herd of gootl milkers of Ins own raising, he scalds the separated milk ami returns it to the patron in con dition that it remains sweet twenty-four hours iu the hottest weather. He watches the markets and sells in that which brings him continually the best prices, and by making butter ol uniform tine quality builds up a trade with customers who wait for the arrival of his product He encourages the breeding and feed ing of great butter producing cows by paying for milk according to its butter value, and by the one and same process takes away a great temptation hereto fore in the pathway of the dairyman and tloes equal anil exact justice to each patron. Ho studies bacteriology nnd the changes in milk produced by various bacteria and the endless complications resulting from their work in varying temperatures. 1 have described to you the ideal creamery oiierator. and 1 must confess that not ail come tip to this high stand ard of excellence. Many are striving to do so. In particular the BalKtak test is being very largely introduced and of being injurious to the orchardist nearly the whole family of liees proper gives universal satisfaction to the pat are of the greatest benefit in distributing i rons. and many creameries have heated pollen. No THAT MILK PUMP. Kent Corn! lleeanao It Cannot 11a Clean, S.j. an expert. That milk pumpl Do you know 1 feel inclined to class it as a worse curse to our creameries than that under ground, stinking buttermilk tank. Do you know 1 suspect that even in Den mark, where there is no lack of help to keep everything clean, the milk pump is at the bottom of the complaints that have been made lately about the keep ing quality of the butter. The milk pumpI regret to say, seems to be very their separator skimmilk to 1"0 dens. F . during the warm months, and this also gives great satisfaction to patrons and creameries. Address of C T. Den nison. - Dadrjr nd Creamery. In the spring when the calves come in Whr.t It la Composed of and low to lui prove It. The external part of the foot consists of three parts the wall, composed of fibrous material so closely laid together lhat in a healthy foot which has not been fpoiled by foolish horseshoeing or tho Implication of oil or hoof ointments they iresent a smooth and shining nnd ap parently solid appearance; the sole, which is composed of a scaly or leafy material, which falls off of its own ac cord when it becomes too thick, and the frog, composed of a fibrous substance like India rubber, which, like the scales of tha sole, falls o!f of its own accord when it has attained a certain distance from the secreting membrane. The wall of course bears a greater share of tho weight of the horse, especially toward the toe, whero it is the thickest, bnt the sole and frog are also designed by na ture to bear a portion, and in his wild state they- undoubtedly rest on the ground. The frog also is of great serv ice, as we have already seen, in dimin ishing concussion, assisting the power ful flexor tendon in Hexing the foot and in preventing slipping. The wall is firmly attached to the pedal bone by between COO and 700 horny leaves on its surface, which in terlock with a like number of lleshlike leaves, formed by the membrane cover ing the bone, being raised in a kind of plaits. Still further, to strengthen this attachment nnd to enable the wall to bear the great strain that is upon it, it at its posterior part bends sharply around under the wings of the pedal bone, where it is still provided with lamina? or leaves. It is thus that what are called the bars of tho hoof are formed. A theory is entertained by some that on account of this interlock ing of the bars and the pedal bone, what is called the expansion of the heel is impossible: but any one who has seen a shoe that lias been ou some time removed will have noticed that the heel has considerable lateral elasticity, as the shoe is glazed at that part, and some times even wrought into a groove. In regard to the material of the hoof, the opinion seems to be generally ac cepted that black or blue hoofs are composed of tougher horn than white ones, and as the fibers of the wall be come softer as they are deeper, it is supreme folly to allow the farrier to rasp and polish the outside of the hoof. All he has to do after the nails are driven is to turn down the points of the nails on the face of the walls. Soil and climate have a good deal to do with the size of the foot. A dry, sandy soil has a tendency to grow feet less circular in form and therefore more concave in the sole than softer clay hind, and it is of importance to keep the foot rather soft and flexible than hard and brittle. Where there is a tendency to the latter state it is a good plan to stuff the feet, and there is uo more effective material for this purpose than cow dung mixed with clay. A foot defective in substance or form rentiers the best looking horse of little value for work in the cities. Therefore use a stallion that, whatever his other defects, is right at the ground. If your mares are defective there, liy the use of such a horse you may escape that defect in the produce. If you are laying in new marcs, have them right at the ground, short in the leg, clean and flat in the bone, sound in joints, deep m rib, long below anil short above, and finally bretl from a kind of which you know Something that is good. in connection with this it may be stated that the Farrier's company of England give diplomas to working blacksmiths who have attained sufficient proficiency iu their business. But Mr. Lupton, of Richmond, England, con tends for an advance on this plan and savs that every shoeing smith should learn the anatomy of the horse's foot, and- that the knowledge so acquired would be of great value to the public and likely to bring a correspondingly greater return to the smith who owns it Live Stock Points. A correspondent of the New York Sun, who lives in Montana, anil has had much experience, declares that it is the root of the loco weed, and not the leaves, that poisons live stock. The root is slight and easily pulls out with the leaves which animals bite off. They chew it tip and swallow it, hence the fatal ef fects that follow. The writer. Mr. Sie- ber, says that every haystack in his neighborhood contains more or less of the leaves, but they are harmless. We have here an opinion that is worth heeding. Did you ever think of preparing ensi lage for tho liens' It is tho next thing to green feed itself for them in winter. Where yon have a silo for the cattle, throw a little of the ensilage to the chickens several times a week. Where yon have no large live stock to make a silo for, make a little silo for the chickens and fill it with green grass, oats or rye, and feed liberally to the hens in winter. One writer who has tried it declares that winter ensilage for the hens increases their egg laying powers fully 10 per cent. Even when the hogs are in pasture, keep ashes and charcoal where they can have access to them freely. To a hog there is no delicacy like charred corn cobs. Do not feed corn to hogs in tho dust The hoofs of a stallion colt must be looked after more carefully than those of other colts. He is early placed in confinement and kept there, so that his feet have no chance to grow naturally. This class of horses is therefore more apt to have unsound feet than others. One man who claims to be an expert says lumpy jaw in cattle can be cured by opening the lump with a knife and putting into the wound a "chemical compound," the nature of which he does not explain. It is probably some kind of a caustic, ho The Standard of Hnnte Fleah. Recent developments in the horse mar- ber Oilture hntry No 27ii-', ilnti-d Nov. 1 upon tlie u '4 . i. and li;Ml'. si-c. -1i. 'In S il 1M K In Mnrroiv i-iiii nlv lin-min h 111, u . ! tu the raneelliulon ot bh'IiI eiilrv: coiiti-sliiiit I Keeney. KM aih-KliiB tliut sulil .liMhiia H. Fell, anil his helm, I ac', ,"' "lnba on 1 have lulled to comply with the Tiinticr Culture I law, mat lie lallen in ureiik or caiim'to lie broken, i live acres ol wiitl tfiiet u itliin one vi-ur u;.. r en 1 try. or in Im-t hah ilone nothing tu Ymnph .i ltli j the leiinireiiieiitH ol the 'ItinU-r t'nlti.re lawn, the nahl parties are hereby suiiiiiiiineil tn appear ! at this ullii-e on the liilh ly of cpu-u:lier, IMU, f ut 10 o'elix'k a. tn , To respond and liirniBli testi j inony L-onreriiliiif snid alk-yeil iiiilnri'. mis rat- terson, Notary Public, is nnlhinUcil to take tes ' tiinony In this case, at his ottice In lleppner, or., m iu a. in., jvuKUBL zi, 1.1. iill-l'Jl John W. Lewis, Register. 1 eh. ! liitin l.iiir,i,erla:id.W. G.. Mount Vernon, Or I I. on came i.n , t ml riAl. M.,:,w , , . ft TLT 1"." w V"1'1 e"r- roianm .e.i. nuoi. laii'iirn III (iriit .-i.iintr ppner I r.- H'.rwi .. L i,Dd and A orrov, uounuLV Ui ' 1,Uhi LeHley.M C, IVlouuiiiein, Or A trianKlerVwith .eHMuleftsJmuhUr, ou l;a;:le diamond ou oft ul.1ei . cplit iu rih . u, . . It ,u lift ear Ltahey, J W. Ilei,t,nr (p h... tl. ,.v t r'Kl.t ey ibi ah. a in ril,t ear. l.fte.i, btepiien, lo-, Or.- Lou left hir on cut:!, cron ami Hr::ir ri,,.,, Plenty of fluiir. bran, mill ftvil ant, ol"p Hlwfiye on hand at the Hepptier Flooring Mi Up. n plentifully, make liquid rennet enough ket show several facts. One is that the to last you all the year, if yon are a standard of horse flesh of all kinds has cheesemaker. advanced so rapidly in this country that To purify the liquid rennet strain it what would have been a pood horse be through a cloth, which takes out all fore the war would be a scarecrow now. scrapings and fragments of animal tis- Secoud. tlie live farmer and breeder sue. Then til tor it through layers of must keep pace with this advancing straw, clean gravel and charcoal. Final- standard or he will be bankrupted, ly salt it enough to preserve it thorough- H'gh grade horses of all kinds sell readi ly, dram it oft in jugs or well covered ly at a good price, but inferior animals jars and put it in a cool place, to nse bring almost nothing. The taste is so STOt h RliANKS. While you keep your subscription paid up yrx can keep your brand iu free of ehiiiRe. Allvn, T. J . lone. Or. H-m-eH (Hi on lefl i-hnulder; crnllti itme ou left hip, uut.er bit on ritfht ear, iu.il upper bit on the ieU; range, Mor row county. AriDtftrunK, J. (, Alpine, Or. T with har un- iter it on left shoulder of horisos; cattle oaiae on ion nip, AUIhou, O. D., Eiu.it Mile. Or. Cattle, brand, 0 D on left hip hihI horses name brand on riht ahoulder. Hant). Eight .Mile. Adkina, T C, Dayville. Or - ytniilit mark arrow) the thigh ami two eropb and a rtht in the riht ear; horsea. X upside down on tha rijjht lioulder. hmif?R in (irant uouniy and Hear valluv. PU adrirBHB also at Hard mtn. Ad k 1KB, J. J., Huppuer, Or. IlWhoa, JA con neritMl on It t Hank: rattle. Bameun h'ft hip. Aycrs, Johnny, Lena, Or. Horses branded triaiiKieOn leu hip; cattle Bme on riftht hip; alwo crop off ritrhl ear and upper hit on name. lilyth, Perey H Heppr.er, Or. Horace Kmnaii crow ou right shoulder, liariae in Morrow county. iileukinan. Geo., Hardumn, Or. Horsf. a flit 01 b'fl ahoulder: caille hhiho on right Bimitldxr. Uinnister, J. W., ilanlinitn. Or. futile brand ed H on lft hip and thigh: split in piich ear. Hn'Tiner, Pwer, imi aeberry Oregon Hornes br.mded P li on lett shoulder. Cattle eaiuo ou right siue li'yke, M 8t C, Long Creek, Or Ou cattle, MAl connected un left hip, ciop oil left ear. un der half crop off right. Horses, muno brand on letft shoulder. Hi'-uge iu Unuit and Morrow county. liowhmnn, A Muunt Vernon and Burns, Or. t'aitJe, A H on right hip, two crops in each ear; BHino on horses, on right shoulder. Itauge in (irant and Harney coumies. Hrosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. JIuraeH hnmdfd 7 on right shoulder; cattle li on the left Bide. Left em half crop and right ear upper elop Barton, Win., Heppner, Or. -Homes, J li on r.ght tlngj, cattle, same, ou rifjlit hip; split in each ear. Brown. lea, Lexington, Or. Horse IB on the rignt slitie; ealllo eauieon rU;hlmp; riuiije. Mor row county. Brown, J .P., Heppner. Or, -Huron!) mid cnttle branded b wit.li ox-yoke above on left shoulder. Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. KnreeB, circle C with not in ti i tfr on lufr hip; cuttle, same. Brown, W. J., Lena. Oregon. I ionics W bar over it, ou the Jell shoulder. Cattle munc on left hip. boynr. W, G Heppnor, Or. Horn, box brand or r.b. hip cuttle, buuie, with split in euidt ear. liorg, P. 0 Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shouldor; eaitle. same on left bin. Hrownlee, W. J., Fox.Or-Cattle. JB conneoipd on left side; crop on left ear and two splits und middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same brand on the left Lhifch; Kange in Fox valley, (irant county, Caiii.ti., Oaleb.Or. YD on httmm on loft mine; V with Quarter circle over it, on left shoulder, and on left sliHe on all colts under 5 years; on left ahoulder only on ail horses over 5 years. All range in Grant eountv. Clark, Win. H., Lei a. Or. Horses WHO con nected, on left ohoulner: cattle mine on right, hip. lid go Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cute, Chas. li Vinson or Lena. Or. Horses H C on right Bhimlder; cattle same on right hip. Bange Morrow and Umatilla counties. Coehnm, Chan., lone. Or. Horses, HP con nected on left shoulder; caitle, ; on both lefl hip and stifle. Hange iu Morrow county. Cannon, T. B.. Long Creek, Ur,--T ou cattle on rignt side, crop olf right ear nnd slit in left ear. Our horses same brand on left shoulder. Uauge in (irant county. Cecil, Wm-OouglaB. Or: hrsoa J C on lef ahoulder: ca tie samo on lefl Inn unriditau . each jaw and two b.ta in the right, ear. Curl, T. B.. John Day, Or. Double cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Bange in tinmt county. On shep, inverted A and spear point iu ahoulder. Ear niarkoa ewes, crop on left ear, pu ached upper bit in right. Wethers, crop tu right and under half crop in left ear. All rang in Grant countv. Crosby, A .A., lleppner, Or. Cattle branded "J--(or H L coi netted) on the right shoulder. Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. lioirWH, Wjou right shoui tei. ( attic, same on rght hip: ear mart square )iop off left and split in right. Currin. it. Curnnavihe, Or. -Horsos, a on iert Btiilu. Cochran, J II Monument, Or-Horses branded I 1 tit A ou left shoulder. Cattle, samo ou right hip. swallow fork in right ear and crop ott'i eft. Cox tS English. Haidman, Or. Caitle, C will in center; hurseB. CE on left "uu. Cupper, H. A., Monument, Or, Horses H C on I- ft shoulder cattle 11 C ou luf L side, swat low fork ou right ear. Cochran, B. K Monument, Grant Co, Or. Horses biamled circlj with bai beneath, on lefl shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mai h ander slope both ears and dewlap. Chapin, H., itardman. Or. Horses branded ! "m right hip. ('utile bruuded the same. I Cross, 8 L, Dayville, Or l utile bramlud two I crops and a split in left v-ai; ou hurtes a reversed on Jett stifle. Also have tlio following orauds on cattle: 71 on leit hip, 7 ou right hip, .2 ou loft shoulder, two parallel bars on letl shoulder. Ear marks, two crops. Ooonan. Wm., Jeppner, Or. Horsee branded OU null bar over them, on left shoulder; cat tle same on loft hip. Douglass, W. JVJ , Galloway, Or. Cuttle, 11 L'on right side.swa low-fork, in each ear; horses, li Li on left hiu. Douglas, O. T., Douglas, Or Hones TD on the i ight stifle; cattle same on right hip. Duncan, Vi . P., John Day, Or. Quarter ci'cle Vt on right shoulder, both ou horses and cattle Kange Urant county. Driskell, W. E Heppner, Or.-HoracB branded K inside of U uu left shoulder. Cauie same on left eide of neck. Ely, J. B. &. Sous. Don alas. Or. Ilni-uoa ed ELi on left Hhoulder. cattle sama on b,fi hip. hole ir right oar. Elliot', Wash., Heppner, Or. Diamond on right shoulder. insk, Italph, Prairie City, Or HurseB, K F on right shoulder; caitle. ou rudit bin. loon-.. . liraut county. rieea, jacsson, rieppner, Or. Horses. 71'' yoiiutjcieo oii rignt shoulder; caitle same on riJ5'!tlut' Earmark, nolo iu right and crop ort left. Florence, L. A., lleppner, Or.-Cattle, LP on right hip; horses Jr' with bar under on right shoulder. Florence, 8. P. Hoppner, Or Horses. F on right shot Ide. ; cattle. 1 ou right hip or thigh, day, Heury, Heuoner. Or. (iAV .... iFi shoulder. (ioble, Frank, Heppner, Or. Homer, 7 F on left Htiile; catth , sHtne on rij;ht hip. Oilman-trench, Laud and Livi-Mock Co., Fob. sii, ji . riorses. Huc.ior o on leti shoulder: v.-nt same on left stifle. Cattle, mmhm .n l,..i.. i.i... ear marks, crop ott right ear and underbit in left' iMiUKt" in umiuiu, uruni, irook ai,u Morrow counties. (ientry, Elmer, Echo. Or. --Horses branded H 8. with a quarter circle over it, un left ttifie Kange in Morrow and Umatillacountiea. (iiltwater, J . C, Prairie City, Or.-On horses O -O on left shoulder and stjoe; cattle, on right side. Bange in (irant county. Hams, James. Hardman Or. Hnnum nliu.li 2oulef Bhoulder; caitle Bume on left hip. Hange ill and about Hinduian. Hayes, beo., Lena, Or, Brand J II connected with quarter circl over it, ou hut nhuuiner. ' Hiail A. B Bulge, Or. tattle, ruiiiid-top with quarter circle under it on the right hip ttanue in Morrow and Umatilla counties, ilmtoii A Jenks, Hamilton. Or ( at) le. two bare on either hip; crop iu right ear ai d split in left. Horses, J ou right thigh. Hange in (irant county. Hughes, Baumel, Wagner, Or T F L on right shoulder on horses; on cattle.on right htpr.nd on left side, swallow fork in riyht ear and slu in left Kange in Hayrack district, Morr, w county. Hall. Edwin, John bay, Or. Cuttle h 11 on righi hip; horses sume ou right shuuldur. langoiji (irant county. Hughes, Mat, Heppner. Or Homes, shaded heart on the left shoulder. Bange Moriow Co Hunsaker, B . Wagner. Or. -Horbes, V on lefl shoulder; ca tie. 0 on left hi;. liardisty, Albert, Nye. Oregon -Horses. AH connected, on lef t shoulder; Cattle un the left iip, crop otf left ear. Humphreys, j .a. Hardman, Or.-Hursea, H o" Vi hank Hiatt, Wm. E., Ridge, Or. Hon branded nar cross ou lell shoulder: cattle same ou lef: hip HayoB, J. M., Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglass on left shoiiUlei caitle, same on right hip. j y, Aiirvu. L.ong v reen. ur-1 (title 1 O cron mid r:it . conn,ybra'"' " 1"'t 8,""Udor' lla""' U"' ijieuailen, John W., 1,-1- Or .-., hr,in.l.;d half,, cle JL connected on T ieftehinU? inaiot, U" hil" """ "W IS ef hiu. hMT niurlr nV.7l.IIri.!. :?.m iMijioi, uscar. rieonriHr 1 1 in left ear Cattle, M Don righl lnp;horsa M on leflshouluer. on i len siioidcaShTSon'Selt1 ;r' " ' tnf'Tilin -"a' "'-""reea-olcl marea i ahonlffer. Pi ""l"IS "m,,U " loft Tt'SkT1',' ""PPner, Or.-Horeea. circle nXi& aT"U'1 left "'i"; cattle. on illiil.lBieii, 1). (,., Drownsville, Or-HorBea nlcKera.W. J . Mount VerUoti. t)r-Xl on cattle on K ,t I,,,,, cr,,p iu ri h, h crop itUeft MeCany, David H., Echo, Or. norees hrnnded ,m Inp ZTJk"a "'e le,t "''" "iri JieUirr, Fi-Kt'ik, Foi Valley, Or.-Muleahoe Z, ,T,;C",rk "" t,leuon rifiand node" to ear 1 1 ran hoi-sea same brand ou left atitie. Neal.Aiiilrnw. Lone Kock.Or.-HorsoB A N con. tiecteuon left s loalden cattle aan e on tathlo " .tT?,?' . W,- Heppner. Or.-Hc.raa. S with hall circle over it on left shoulder Nordyke, ii., Hilverton. Or.-Horeea, circle 7 on le thiKl;: caitle.eameou left hin. !f,T'u "8"'"' (:un '". Or.-A Son cattle nl (taiiVci'lunty'0''''''8' e"m" oulufttlliK" sliou.'Te, I'rrJ'' Lexi,,Blon- ''--l' O on left ;lp, Herman, Piairie City, Or.-On cattle, O a c.iuuectea on left hip; horses on left atille and warns on nose, itiuiue in c; ...... ..,.,.;.. Olnye, Eiuht Alile, Or.-iicirsee,inar- learBiiii, er Clicle eliielo on eft ahoulder nnd !H on left Inp. tiiltle, fork inlef: ear, rlKht croiiped. M on left l,ii. 1(11K KiK,t MllB I. Il'siroilder1'''0'1' li'"'ll"1"".0ri-lIor8eBlPon riper, J. ii Lexineton. Or. -Horses, JK con. necled oi left shoulder; cattle, same on left hio. under l)ic in each ear. L'at barer .Henry Lexington, Or.-norses brand- ed Willi a itoiuai cross on left shoulder; cattle udTlup Ionian cross, har at botuun. on 1". ttis, A. C lone, Or.; horses diamond P on - - slioulder; entile, J ri J connected, ou tlio jpfO"P. "oner Blopa iu left earauu Blip in the 1'oiter, Dan, LexinKton-Horses branded MP (omiecled ou left shoulder; cattle same on right Powell, Jonn X., Dayville, Or Ilnrsea, J P con. uec ed ou ielt shoulder. CulUe OK couueoteil ou lett tup, two uudor half crops, oue ou ouch ear wattle under lliroa . liauKii iu (iriitit county. Kicjkard, li. O., Canyon l ily, Or. Jf Ceo left sliiiinijur, on horses only. Hange Canyon oreek aiid hear valley, Urant county. Hood. Andrew, liarduiuu. Or. Horaoe, acmare er.. with quarter-circle over it ou loft etitio. Kenniger, Chris, Ueppuer, Or.-Horsea, C B on letl sliouldei , Kice, iMan, llardmnri. Or.; horses, three panel worm twice ou lett slioulder; ca:tle, D U ti on right slioulder. Kange near Itardman. Ituiltn, vvui. Long t,i-Bi,k, Or.-hrHudB horsaa I. oi right Bhoulder. Kange Urautaud llorrow counties. jtojse, Aaron, lleppner. Or Hcrses, piajn y on .eti eliouldur; cattle, Biime brand reversed on riKlit hip and crop oil right ear. Itauga in Mor row county. Itiieh lirns., Heppner, Or.-Horsea branded S ou the right shoulder; cuttle. IX on the left nin. crop off left ear and dewlap on neck. Kange in Morrow and adjoining counties. Itusti Wiiliuiii, Pendleton, Or. HorseB K oa ielt shoulder; cattle, K ou left hip, crop oil right ear, iiiulw oit on left our. Sheep. It on weathers , louuii crop off ngh ear. Kauge Uma tilla and Jlorrowc mutles. lieuuey, Andrew. Lexington, Or. Horse! branded A H on right shoulder, vent quartei circle over brand; cattle same on right bio. hange Morrow county. llojse, Wm. 11, Dairyvillo, Or BH connected wu i guarter circle over top on cuttle ou right liin and crop oil right I oar and split in left. Horsea same brand on left shoulder. Kauge in Morrow. Cj rant and Gilliniu counties. Hitter, J F, Hitu,r, Or-Tliree parallel ban Willi Uiroveron horses on lefl hip; on cnttle. left side, two smooth crops, two splits in each eat, Hange in Middle Fork of John ijuy ' Kocior.J. W Hcppuer, Ur.-Horsea. JC o left shoulder. Cai tie, o ou right hip. hni'i'd1?","' J't rW", u,"1"seb,rTi Or.-Horses coin'ity shoulder; lange in Jlorrow opray, J. F Heppner, Or.-llorsos brandea ri 'i'l'i's""'"""1 11 oliouldBr: euttle same on boih Kallicg, C O Heppner, Or Horses braadod 8 k on leit slioulder; cuttle same on left hip Swaggarc, 11. f., Lexington, Or.-Horses 2 with dach under it on lef0 stitle entile H wiiK oiihIi uimer it on right hio. cnn. ofl p...i.r .. t waudled ou right hind leu. an,.. ... m ,. U........UUU oiiitccuiu counties. fciwi.ggart, A. L., Ella. Or. Horses lirande- 2 oulelibhouldorjceltlesameon left hip. Cron on ear, wattle ou left hind leg. Straight W. K, Heppner, Or.-Horse. Bliaded I a ou le Btihe; cattle J S on left hip, awallow fork m ngh, ear, underbit in left houSHr'' L' AIP"'e' Ur--Jll-re3. S S on right siipp. Thus., Heppner, Or.-Horses, S APon left Inp; eaitl. same on loft hip i ?,'",".,' J"U U"'K Vri"k' Or.-Homea. S on Ielt slitle and over z on lett shoulder. Winer. John, Fox, Or.-M(I connected on horses ou right h.p; came, same on right hio mpn "!o,',u.r ""d b" m l0"ear' liui Snmn liios , riusanville, Or. Horsea, branded II. Z.o shoulder; cait.e, aula oa left ahoulder. fciiuires, James Arlington, Or.; horses branded tt",h It 8ll"ull.lBri oatile the same, also nosa hi li-. i VK1 ,n,ilorf"w "O U'ltiam co nties. bk-phe us, V A., Hardman, Or-; horsoe Boon right snlle; ca lie h. naoutal L cache light side oiovenson, Mrs A. J., lleppner, Or.-Cattle, M on right no; ewallow-fork in left ear. Bwaggart. G. W. Heppner, Or.-Horaoa, 44 on lett snouidi- ; cattle, 44 on left hip oiTsnUt'rV onl:,'r.,'ou-,de'rklet0n' Wsh'-Ha. keyston. Siiiiili, H. n. Lone Rock, Or. Horses hrnnded lef''"oalder; cau aTu . . u.i,inlu uoumy. hperry, t. Ij.. lleppner, Or. Cattle V O , lett nip. crop oil ' rig'nt and imderbu in left ve," Uewtap; horses W cj on li ft shoulder ' lhouipsou, J. A., Heppner, Or. Homes 7 on tell, si.oulo- r; cnttle. 2 on left shoulder lippeu. S. T Lena, Or.-Horsee. c- on left shoulder. eii. "l ui ui-r K. W Heppner. Or.-Small onpital T wi'r.'horre-ars""'8 - Jh.rutou, U. M. lone, Or.-Horeea branded 1 eonuected on left slitie; sheep same brand Var.derpool, II. T.. Lena. Or-Horsee H V con nccied on r.ght sl.ouidencaitie, JZ? ,"a Sht Walhridge, Wm., Heppner. Or. Horees II r, on the let, sl.ou.der; c.tle same Si iTght hip! crop ott left ear and right ear looped Hfh';''",'"1! V" tiHl ur "eppner; Or -Horca branded Jq ou the left shoulder. IWa Morrow county. Wl nange arrou, W 11. 'aleb, Or Cattle W with nn.rt circle over it on left rtda, split in' r,i?ntTar StZZSZ bmAd on lu" 8huu"w- in li-ti ear. Bange lu Grant county "right, bilas A. lleppner. Or l'itta k.j ail-prt'lnVel't" ear and under elope , nghi ear. I me braiVd' ou right hip. crop otf .eft ear and l.?' 1 iuuiue. Morrow couuU'. u. Wade. Henry, Heipner. Orrr. i. .... ace ot apade. on loit ahoulder and lrt a; l aitle braiule,) same on lfr . r. .?3 ,J."f hlD- ells. A. S., Heppuer, Or -11 onT "'V! loiilder: can e ame. "orsea, on left popular with the crt'tuuery ilcsiiners urn, Dumiers wcanse it eiuipliliee then frola time t0 time M vou Bl, it durilJ critical thlJt few horses come t pIan?l!L't!L.the creamery pynien, to-itheTer. I cut requirements of th8 market VV olhiiger, John, John Oay City, Or-On hr. right hip. crop nil left car and hit in right. Horses b in bolh ears iCi ' ' on sheep, same brand on left shoulder. Hange n Urnt counli. K 10 Unuit and uer ""uus'ion. I.nther. Eight Mile. !lr.-Hor H on ' thuh'"'"1' J H' Hardman' Or.-Circle C on left the left shouldnraod heart on the left slide Cat-1 I,,'j. ru n ISr.' on "ulij'K-xand LS0''? mi, Monies, u Bear vail ' Junkiu. . M Heppner, Or. Ho Cattle, the sanu boe J iiq lett should, Kan ire on hitfhi 51 lie. Johnson, fcein Wna. Or. Horf"s, eirr !eT on left em e; cattle, same tm right hip, under hnlf iTith in ritdit and unlit in left mr Kenuy, 4hke. Heppuer, Ot. Horw brand. tl KN ou left hip cattle same and crop otf leit -r: nmlwr ilnion ih riht Kirk J T., Beppner, Or.-Horses till on left shoulder; rait li, on luti ,ip. Keller, liichant, Blauton. .irant county, Or. E K in Bouare. cattle on IFr hit,- h,.r. on left Bhoulder. Hange Hew rallev. i i righiihigh.h ..-..r snouiuer. on right m- HHitiMiin I L....l.l H.Vrsi iTr.,7ii 'A-u w"r' ""onty. Or. - rn.rse. t.rai,ilp, V, H. nainiwlMt on lefl :-.,nldw ftllliams Vase. Hamilt,,,,, Or.-Qua..r cTJ i JZ"" lhrw;.l"'r- o- left hip, bolil cattle Mil h'-r-es- liai.ge (irant county. M" lllanis. J O. Long C reek nn ter cin-lc over three bare on left hip; cattle 'sW I T ' i I 'PPner. Or.-Horses rnnnin. A A on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hio. louiitf. J. H. U.w.i.M. ti. i. . . . T N on uc right ,h.K..''' "r no arw(M