NOTICtt TO ADVKUTIUKK8. nn iSK ileniriii the insertion of display ads., 1 in- cluiiifje 01 Mime, iinim Kut their copy in not later than Monday evenimr fur Tut'Ktnf'B million, or Ihurnday evening fur Frit lit vs edi tion. I HIC I'ATl'KHsuN PL'BU.iHlNU Co. NO MCE. 1. The mim of five cent per line will be charged fur "cards of thanks." "reaolutiotm of ri-tij'oct," listH of w edtlniK preHeiits and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or ahull hinmeli ku matter of news.) and notices o! hpeciu! meetiiiKH for u lmtever purpose. 2. Notices ot church und society and allotlier entertainment!) from w hich revenue is to he de rived, shall he chiu'Kcd fr nt the rate of five cents a line. 'I hese rulea will be stiiclly adher ed !o in every inpiaiiee. AdvertihiiiK rates reasonable and madeknown upon application. Give your business to Heppner peop'e and therefore assist to build vp Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. Mrs. ChiiH. Cm-lirnn, the entiuiable wife I BiiE.KlNa the Gamk Law. We see or KH,iblevHat1.bBiiv.1H,d(nmlUedllHwbe,,,b,oken- is it thns? Is HNlum. Mrs. Coclinm left IImr inoruiiitf for iSiilcm, lu charae of her hns bum1. It is mid juilerd, nnd nil eynipH thize with ihe family iu their hllliatiou. T. K Knl.erta mid J. B Munuitii re turned from their inner country trip Inst Wrdut'sdny. DuriiiK the r iihs'enre they liHve tiiUen in conciclernble of Umutillii, Urmit, Oook, riliermuti, (iilhuoi Bud Morrow counticH, nn I e ly tlmt they note the wheal crop is not nil entire failure ia tlmt poriiou uf E intern Oregon. Mepurs. Thompson & Binup, our nisllini; liverymen, linve jnit milled direct from Ihelnud of p p. nnd permuiUionp,Elkhnrt lu nimi, two iiiiKcieR nud u curt, with InirneBS complete. Uein new, neiit Hnd nobby, Ibey lire desimble riirH for hint fliis firm bnve their order iu for a vehicle lor toiiriMe, commercial, eto. 1". ...B- T n Lowu bi iu. uiunieniUHi ic uo.'s may oe seen some counter woik which ranks with the best. Hie mine In urn beunti fully Krnined, while Hie pillars, nre ninnt ed to so nearly resi-ruhle crauite that the eye m neceivHO. It m all touched up iu ifold, and reflects credit ou the nrtint, 1 A. r ord . 613 It V. I?. Fowler nnd Edwnid Birbeck, the two Kentlemen from Milton ohor-mriM here some time Rim e seeking a location, returned on lust eveniny'a train wilb ineiretteetH with the intention of remaiu inu witb ns. Mr. Fowler is a photogra pher nud Mr. Biibeok a shoemaker. 'Oh If I bud only taken this meliein earlier iu life, what yeHra of Buffering It would nave saved niel" was the tonoliiiiK rsciniuauon oi oue wuo nad neeu cured ot rUeiimuliam by the use ot Ayer's Har- lapanlla. beores of such oases are on recoru. John Molally s ys Hint Mr Clark, who we reporieii recently ns bsving a horse oiioiy cm in a Diirb Mire fence, did not escape injury. His foot nod leo lel,. the kuee was badly lacerated by the barb wire. .1 J. Adkins has purchased property in tJenpurr, Ayers' niiditioe, and ill build and uecoine one nf ns. Now that watei is nssnred, ws will have, many nddilions iri m I lie country around ns. L. May, of Trout dale, shipped hnlnw W'edi eiiny, n car loud of hogs. Tom Kliea and bam Kinsman bought them of I. W, Allstot lor Mr. May. Miss EJna and M isler Sidney Harman. children of Mrs Florence Harman, of mis unice, arrived last eveumg from Daylou. Oapt. T. J Lngun, of low i, nnd D C. Ely, of Doiighiss, were in town yester day. The captain will locate in Morrow iiounty. Mrs II dines Hayrann came in yester day with Chas. Jones, from Mr. and Mrs. J. F. C.irlis' camp iu the Blues. JaB. Haghes of Wagner, says his hay crop was excellent, though bis grain was oot up to the average. J. M. Hoy, nf Montana, passed through town this week with horses, en route to the upper country. Dave Hamilton was m town yesterday. He says bis sawmill is making quite a run this year. Peter Brenner, county commissioner, was over Wednesday from Eight Mile. J. A. Patters got in from the moun tains yesterday. Billy Straight's baby is quite ill. SIX JIHN OF HIN'DOSTAN. T. W. Ayers, Jr., for drugs. C8 sw Kipans Tab tiles cure dyspepsia. J. H. Ingrah. ni was in Tuesday from Eight Mile. T. J Matlock returned from the val ley last evening. When in Arlington, stop at the Ben nett house, near the depot, (jl-ft Ford, the painter, still "in it." For any kind of work see him. 81-tf. R. Durnn hns bis oattle in the moan tO'ns where they are doing wel1. F. M. Courier, of Eight Mile, was Hi ppner, Tuesday, on business. The Italian bag pipe nnd flute concert company was with us Wedntsday. J. W. Allstott nnd A. D. Courter came in lue8day with a nice bunch ot bogs. Miss Letba Parker, dressmaker, will guarantee yon a good lit. (iive her a trial. 4 tf l!r. Taokmnn came in from Long Creek Wednesday evening, going below yester day morning. James augues, ot naystnek, was in Wednesday lor supplies, returning Thurs day Illuming. Then. Dnnner end family, and George Miller nnd firndy urrived Tuesduy afar- woon irom me pines. I up Simons & Son still sbne horses and do general blacksmithing at the old sianu luniiocu corner. 50. Urntidma Webb nnd Mnster Robbie Slott left Tuesday morning for a briel sojourn nt the seaside. Kills & Jiasmns are moving to their new location, whioh has been the dru smre ror so many years. "The Parlor," W. F. Ruark, prop., ii the City hotel, west side of Main street Neatest place iu Heppner. sw Ivev. I J. Simmons is up from Cali fornia attending the convention. He is ncoonipnnied by his family. Mrs. Andy Stephenson has purchaser! n hue Jiarbuff organ from E. A. Freed, wno is canvassing this oouuty. A surprise dance was given out at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Jnmea Hayes. iveanesuay eveuing ot tins week. Dan Osmers and family and Mat Licb trenthnPs family went out to the moun tains Thursday, to remain a few dayB. Air. and Mrs. J. F. Crawfor of Pen dleton, are visiting Mrs. Crawforifs par ents, ivr. and Mrs. Andy atephenBun. Mrs. Andy Stephenson, ber daughter, Mrs Crawford.nud two of the littleh.lks called at the Gazette oflioe jeeterdiu A. Abrabnmsick left this morning for the inner oouutry, wnere he will try to dispose ol ready-made clothing for a few weeks. Found Near French's canyon, a Bhawl Owner can have same by proving prop erty at this office and paying for this insertion. Hiyu ketchum whiskers. Halt & Mathews, at the oity barber shop the place tn get a hrst-class shave, hair-out or shampoo. tf. E. A. Freed hns disposed of nuotber one of his line Lyon & Henly organs, Mr. F. D Cox, of Hiutoa Creek, being the .pin chaser. J W. Matlock, who hnd been visiting Trie n da and relatives in the valley for the Toast two weeks, returned home Wedues lny evening. O. D. Allison says that though his crop is a failure, his neighbors, Hobison. Bi'dtett, Will Allison, and others, will have considerable crop. As y nu 1 i he it. Gray and faded whiskerc mny be changed to their natural nnd even oolor brown or black by using Buckingham's Dye. Try it. It is reported here that Stine& Stone intend building a handsome four story brick in Wnlla Wnllaouthe site of thi old Siiue House, lecently destroyed by tire. Newer nnd neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see hie old friends there. Baths id connec tion. ''Well, if that ain't mean," exclaimed the prisoner. "Every durued one o' ihe stories in this here naper they've gimme to rend is coutinued, and mo to be huug uext wees!" How are jou Axed for letter-beads, bill heads, note beads, statements, envel opes and the like? Don't overlook the Gazette in any deal of this nature, for strictly fiist-olass work. Dr. Farrow, consulting pbysioian of Dr. Williams' Medical and Surgical in stitute, ot San Frauoisoo, is at the I'al nce hotel, nud will remain until Monday. See ad. in another column. Master Bert Jenkins is canvassing thin couuty for "Men and Issues of '92," a most excellent book. He is the sou of a widow, is only fourteen years of age, and di-Berves to be encouraged. Frank Natter, Jack Matlook and Billy Cowins returned from the Teel springs yesterday afternoon. They say there is nearly 300 people Ht the springs at pres nt, und every oue having a grand time. Postmaster White, ot Douglas, looking bappy, healthy and hearty, was in town Wt-dusday. The P. M. informs us that H.J. Huntington, the school teaober, has g ine to North Yakima where be will lo cate. Those enterprising young men,T. W. Ayrs and Phill Cohn." forming the firm of T. W. Ayers, Jr., & Co., have moved tn their new staud, next door to the City hotel. May they succeed beyond their most satiguiue expectations. As an after-diuner pill, to strengthen the stomach, assist digestion. and correct auy bilious tendencies, Ayer's Pills are couaidered the best. Being sugar coated, thi-y are as agreeable as any confection, and mny be taken by the most delicate. The Royal Baking Powder maintains its vigoious bold on the public and its ac tive and apgiessive course agaiLft the impure nnd injurnus baking powder palmed off on the peo le. In tbi-t task it is performing a good work for tojest Bed unadulterated pioducts. Taj lor T ompson and wife got back from Missouri Wednesday, where they i have been for some weeks. They went back there to live, but it was too warm- i five-year-old registered Clydesdale too slow a country for East Konians. , wi1 exehllnlie tor andcotietcnent y they nre brck bettersai . iBibjuuu , .,j.i-. isti,d ibauVer, Mr. rtiompson sold his mares rr cattle. For urther partic Inrs car load of horses ,. a very good ad j call a my p ace on illow creek, three vantage. He saw the Gnistte back there ! miles from the mouth, or address me at occasionally nod said it wa better than ! Ariingtou, uregou From the SprinRfield (O.) llf-publlc-Tlnieii. There were six men of Hlmlostan (li sages' tales are true) Who rather plumed themselves upon How very much they knew, And Intimated they could giro Old Solomon, did he but llvo A friendly tip or two. Oue day these men of Ilindostan Went out to take a run, And carried big umbrellas for Protection from the sun; But up there came a jiaimycnne WHh forty diiierent kinds of ruin, lleiore Uletr walk whs done. And then these men of llindostan 'these men of wisdom vain, Shut all their big umbrellas up, TO KKIil' THEM SKOM THK IIAIN; And though the torrents roared and poured, These men proclaimed, "We can't all'ord To put 'em up again !" O, foolish men of Ilindostan! As foolish as a pup What wonder Jeers till all the land, While sorrow tills your cup? And'j'et there nre wine business men in U. 3. A. who have not learned that iu advertisiug-- like handling an umbrella in a storm, to be suc cessful, You have to keep it up. it Because our people delight in doing so in order to show our people that they I do not oare for our laws, or is it because of the inconsistency of the same? The! following is the portion iu question : j "Jivery person who shall within the state1 of Oregon between thd 15:b duy of March i ana the 1st day of September of each year, take, kill, injure or destroy or have pueaeasiou, sell or offer for sale any wild swan, mallard duok, wood duck, widgeon, teal, spoonbill, gray, black, sprig-tail or canvas back duok, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Also every person who shall between Nov. loth and Sept 1st of the following year take, kill, injure or destroy, or h.nve possession, sell or offer for sale any grouse, pheasant, Mongolian pheasant, quail or partridge except for breeding purposes, shall be guilty of misdemeanor." Do you not think if the limit of tune was changed, especially the time for Itillin gro:ise, pheasants, etc., say from Sept. 1st to Aug 15, or Aug. 1. that th;re would be a great deal less of this law-breaking? By that time grouse nre grown, nnd were this the case the law would doubtless be moro generally observed. The law may be all right for the valley, but it is not for Eastern Ore gon, and should be altered at the next session. The Election. the election on Ordi nance No. 51, for bonding the town, on the Gates proposition for water, passed off quietly yesterday. As two-thirds VDte is required here bonding the town is the issue, it was oonceded by many of those favoring it that the measure would be lefeated, though to the surprise of the majority of the citizeus of Heppner, was carried by just oue vote, 69 being cast for and 34 against the proposition. Ffnuder's Oregon Blood Purifier is the great conqnerer of Billiousness and Liv er complaint. Relief oertaiu iu every case. Sold at Oue Dollar a bottle. Try it. Delmonioo. B. F. Perkins has lately opened up the restnurant in the iJchten- thal building, which lie lias named the Uelmonico. None but white cooks are employed, and the public can therefore ret a good, old -tashloueii meai, cooaeo in the best of style. Pnoe, 2o oents; beds, 25 cent 509 t-tf NOTICE. Gilliam County liaise Fair In Lost Valley, Oregon, on Sept. litli. 16tli and 17th. Horse racing, foot racing, and all oth er amusements that will be interesting. Free for all h-irse race, purse 815; en trance fees to he added to purse. A match race is now entered at IK20 on side. Dancing iu the Lost Valley hall at nights, which will afford th best of mn sic. Meals DO cents. Everybody come and have s good time 813 It Chas. SLATE!!. BTHAVKI). Two sorrel horses. Oneof them branded "8" on the right shoulder, likewise on the right stifle. The other was branded "9" on the right shoulder, also "R" The weight of each was about lu50 pounds Auvone returning the same to my ranch at Eight Mile will receive a reward of $15. sw tf Sylvancs Wrioht, Foil SALE. Misconsthi'Ction Under the beading of "Takes Exception," in this issue, it will be seen that the writer objects to fie oomplunent that was paid him in n reoent issue of the G .zette, by the senior editor, who, as an old acquaintance of his, meulioued him as "a jolly old fellow, but one w ho had political opinions of his o vn. Now if you will think of this, no higher compliment could be paid than to nay that one had firm nud fixed opinions, politically or socially, and so much so that they could not be moved or changed by every factional lender with whom such a person would surely come in contaot. Such firmness is essential to personal ex cellence. It gives strengthjand dignity to oliaraoter. The world admires a man of Uxed opinions nnd inflexible purposes, while it pities or scorns one of vacillat ing mind and wavering iuteutions. For as will be seen in everyday life, the man without determined purposes is unstable in all his ways, at the mercy of every body's opinions, as are the waves of the sea to winds; while one with fixed opin ions and resolute purposes commands tbe admiration of the heart and inspires one with the desire and resolve to emu late this virtue. Sucb being the onse, our Eight Mile friend should not think ns condemning him in this instance, but rather look at it as a compliment. James Sqiibes. Bio Baptist Doings. The town is choke full of good natured, stout, heallhy Baptist preachers. The Gazette was brought up under the orthodox ideas of religion, and though uot Btrictly religious, feels at home among these good people, and hopes their stay will be one of benefit and pUasure. It is the occasion of au Eastern Oregon convention of Baptists, to confer with the main organization iu the East tn procure assistance for the Baptist churches of this section, many of them not having members of means to keep them up. Some of them are a little "slack" too, and the brothers hope to bring them into line again. This sounds better than doing so much for the heath en, "Chanty begins at home, or should. A Monsteb Rattlesnake Wedues1 lay afternoon the Gazette, was tbe recip ient of a live rattlesnake, which had been caught and imprisoned iu a half gallon fruit jar by Henry Gay and a laborer on the farm. Of the species, many say it is tbe largest thev have ever seen, measur ing about Ihree feet in length aud larger than one's wrist, in size. Il is thought to be about twenty years old, though rnnuy of the rattles were Droken off in the capture. After being viewed by many spectators ou the street, the mon ster was killed by the use of chloroform aud put in alcohol for preservation, in which state it may now be seen at this office. Thanks to Mr. Gay for ihe present. H. Blackman & Co., DEADF.RS IN General Merchandise ! WE ARE STILL bELLLXG OUT our block of Gene'r. ' nl merclinmlise, but to make it more coicpletP, we have purchased a sfoek consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Furn ishing Apparel, Etc., Tlmt will be sold al greatly reduced prior s for ensh only. Cull and investigate and we will be pleased to wait ou you. No trouble to show goods. Rustlers ! PiOQBeiBaMsre 81. OUR WONDERFUL REMEDIES! DR. GRANT'S P!3pi3 MIY8 Discovery! Dr. Grant's CLOALO! The Great Female Bamody. A Painful Bemindeh. Allen C Mason has a peculiar pair of cuff buttons, whiob are sure to attract Ihe attention of any one conversing witb him. They are of unusual size, and the material ot whioh they are made are solid gold of a rich, dead color. Iu raised letters and figures is the following design: "SI" over "3"299.50" Being asked its meaning Mr. Mason smiled andHaid: "Well, sir, those bu'toua were made from all the gold whioh I invested, $5,299.50. I had tbem made as a gentle reminder." Here ha heaved an expressive sigh and forced a splendid cigar upon the reporter. Yakima Bo public. Conclave op Knights Tfmplars For the Kuighls Templar pilgrimage to Den ver, the Union Pacific will offer tickets at greatly reduced rates, good for 30 days. Tickets are now on sale at the ticket office. The conclave at Denver from Aug. 9th to the H:h, should be of great interest to all knights. For further in formation call on J. C. Hart, agent et Heppner, or address W. H. linrlbtirt, assistant general passenger agent, 2.'4 Washington Ptreet, corner Third, Port land, Oregon. 510-lli. A Dklicate Operation.- Yesterday Dr. Gagen, aosisted by Dr. S iuburn, removed from Ihe throat of S. P. Florenoe, an nn. natural growth, resembling much the heart of a small bird. It was attached to tbe uvuln, the fl-jshy, conical body, w hich is suspeuded from the middle ot the soft palate. When Mr. Florence would take in a full inhalation of air, the uvula being extended, caused a tickling sensation in the thicat, and consequently a cor.fih. It is a peculiar cr.i, one not seen every day. Pasti rage. Bob fehaw has a fine lo of pasture, alfalfa and wild grass, out on Butter Creek which he will rent reason able for either borses or oattle. See Mr. Shaw, at Heppner, or C. P. Bowman, Butter creek. 513-tf Successfully ued tn the general trealmentot woman's uisea&ea. PRICE, $1.00. llpl If t9'mi un(ler PRICE, $1.00 Dr. Grant's Kidney and Liver Cure, ror tbe cure of Bright Dispose, Diabetes, Biliousness, Sick-Headache, and all juoney J roubles, ri'ioo, Bl.OO. Prepared by THE 0. W. R. MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 315 Front St, Portland, Oregon. WM, - m$P"- r1TH us i p- lllMiweTgMBrilirriir1 wnr,rTinrmmrirrrflri-irTr THE WORLD rv i iii ft iki JLbtS-Viri tiuL 'u3L.i iiftj DIP YOUR SHEET HAVE MORE WOOL EVERY FALL AND BETTER AND WOOL For Trade at the Head of the Procession With the Right Swing and We Propose to Catch Tlat Maverick The Frisky Dollar. In all lines of Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Guns and Ammunition and Aoricultural Implements, there are no dealers in Morrow County that can kind mi Itai Like Yours Respectfully. We are here for business from tho ground up nnd propone to let you know it. MINOR BROS., HEPPNEK. OREGON. Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Made on short Notice and at Popular PRifRH. B Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. O. E. FAKSSWOUril. JVc. E. 0. PPEKKV, I7m Pm. E R. HlfllOr. Treasurer T. E. FELL, Secretary and Manager. R C TV f'w J?'Sv I HA ill AViriAllT I Aiititir I nvir It 'Iviimi- 'nmn.n,. i - inn l imn! m mm l I LI II I I II' CAPITAL STOCK, $100,000.00. PAID UP, $25,000.00. ;11UII V 111 V I Incorporated 18S8. Nee Indorsements i C'ooper Iip is HHtM find endorsed by the following Orr'trou mid Montnna slit'ennioii; V. H. DmuildHon, Duyville; W. S. hwl Jiinctitin City; John Jfarrlwtn, Miitnt'v; iiw. Oi-Iih, Aiiiiindu; Kenneth McKac, Dttyvillo; Joe Oliver, John Iny; J. W. Hyern, New l.iwbnn; I', .f. Moult', IUti-hII; Cook & Chirk, I'hillirook; Fitirehild A MeCrnitr, Unimver: K. li. Warren, l'tfcn; liiiKeh UroH., Lewiston; K. I. Ciiundler, .Mtiiden; J. HirMtlterx, riiot'euu ; 1). S. IJnntiiij'8. I bel ; Jtmu's Kdie, Dillon; W. Norton, Stewart; A. Downie, liitr Sumly. ijjwi uiiu ijniini tin iiiaui, iwn ui Ash Your Merchant for Coopers and Talie no Other. KOIII.AM) It'lOS. Portland. nrvBon, Gon. Agts. for Oregon, W'HHliiiiKlou Hint U'ontoi n Iiliilio. I'mps. Win. COOPER k M'l'iP'S. Gotrwton, Texan. mHiiniaDraanHMVHMMBaMaNi See For Yourself ! I have just lliiiwhed Ijiirjiiiiu: a Iciln of brick which arc ccpial to the host made. SEE SAMPLES AT GAZKTTE OFFICE. Leave orders with J. SOU-F-tf. W. Cowins. At the Mallory Corner. Buy your Groceries and ... . .- '. Read their now ad. soon. New Warehouse. U taia and hmtiw tmi DEALERS IN GRAIN, LUMBER, WOOD. Operating WnrvJiuuHt'H at Heppner, Tone and Dott(htf, on the Heppner Bruit oh of the U. P. it. ft. (. K. Fanirwoi'rli, XcIhoh JotH'M Kd. li. JllHhop, K. Frtrk, STOOKHOIjDKIIW i J. A. Thompson, 1), A. Herrcn. Kdwurrl Win. I'etiliinil, Theron K. Kelt W. K. Klliott, j. i. foolery, . a. Kelly, O. T. DongliiB, K. G. hpiM-iy, AiiKon U'ritiht, 1'. C. TliotnjiKon. Nnthnniel WehU John L Ayerw, JnineR Jones, A. li. Chal'tnan. IT IS the mirpoRe of the stoekholdern of thin company to pomluct its IhihIiiphh In n nmnner mutually tidvantHReoim to nil wool and u'niln prodtieerRof Hhk m-etlun, nnd to nmlntain th fiLvnmhle homo market which li lms enltiltllKhed. DnriiiR the coining wool si-mhoo we aollclt the hiiBint-RK of al; wntil growers and requewt them lo send their clip to the "Wool drow eru WarehotiHe." llaviiiK ftilartjed the Heppner Warchoime, and roofed all plntfonnn, we have douhh'tho HtornKe. eapacliy of any other wnrehotiHe tn KtiHtern Oret?ou. well liKli'ed lor the il!vplny of wool "The Wool Growers' Warehouse." First prize at the World s Exposition. First in Material and Workmanship. First in the estimation of all practical farmers. WALTER A. WOODS MOWERS, RAKES, REAPERS AND SELF-BINDERS. Never eqnnllrrl for Durability, Execution anrl LiuIitntwH of Draft roiiiliin&l. P. C. THOMPSON COM PAN A G FTNTS. tf. Comer Mnin unci Willow Htroots, Hi'piiiicr Or. Is ready to receive wool on storage for sale or shipment, and also to do a gen eral forwarding business. RATES REASONABLE. "fllK QITY MOT EE, w. j. iici:-.i;i, I'mp, " " - - ; m f IIIIS HOSTKLRX luii tnen llErarni nml Kkkpniniiku throughout, bihI now - is one of the monf iiivitiDU ilnei id Ilnppiier. Air. (.reiser invites jou to mop with him, fueling that ht: in adle to eutortiiin you in the In et of style. ' r n First Clas IIousk. Rkasonaiu.k Rates. Ship care of HENRY HEPPNER, . Proprietor For Fruit has Arrived mid we are in the business tosuppiv you loo Gream I rtbout rip. We will let you know about. Hint in the uenr future. W. L. Matlock & Co. ny letter, J9 17