Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 05, 1892, Image 2

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    ner. l'atronize mose itnw jnirumo
The Gates proposition, contrary
to Ibe expectations of nearly every
resident of Heppoer. wai carried by a
vote of 69 to 84. This was a close shave
od a two-thirds majurity, which is re
quired by onr charter, where bonding
the town is desired. Just one vote token
from the viotors would have defeated
them. It is an evident fact that many
voted for the proposition who were not
counted that way, but this shows one of
the virtues of the Australian ballot si stem
a man is free to do as be pleases with
out outside diotation.
Everyone knows how the Gazette
shop stood on the Gates proposition.
Under the present management it
has always been on the side of water,
and it looked upon the Gates plan
as the best ever offered, considering the
town's lack of money, by which it might
have constructed and operated a plaut
without anyone's help. But this was
impossible, and there was nothing left but
to tiike tbenext best thing. There were
cheaper propositions talked of, but as
they had never been presented to the
council, that body had nothing left bnt
to proceed with what was before them.
It has carried, and it shall be the dis
appointment of this paper's existence, if it
not successful in every particular. We
firmly believe that it will proveeven mure
beneficial than the most sanguine of its
adherents have olaimed. In the main
the town baB voted independently in this
matter, and we sincerely hope that
friends and neighbors who differed
on this question, will be friends still.
Now that it is over there should be no
animosities; the Gazette feels none, that
is one thing sure. And while it has beeu
vindicated in its course, has forgotten
that it has been accused of everything
in the line of crooked dealing in con
nection with this water movement. It
a thing of the past. The Gazette be
lieves it is in the right; unselfishly so, if
at all. So here we rest, believing that if
the votes were oast again there would be
but few dissenting ones.
Give vour business to Heppner people Tbb way to prevent violations of the
and therefore assist to build up Hejp- htarn law is to epaot a seDoible law.
The Morning Enquirer, the farmers' al
liance paper at Baker City, has ceased
publication oing to lack of patronage.
It is reported that the corps of topo
graphical engineers looking for the most
feasible route for an extension of the Or
egon and Washington railroad from Pen
dleton to a junction with the Oregon
Pacific road have reached Steeu moun
tains and have been very successful in
finding easy grades.
Senatob VooitHEEa declared in the
senate of the United States that lie wiBbn
that Carnegie bad been at the bead of
the Piukertons who were shot down at
Homestead, and a Russian nihilist
put Ih it sentiment into execution by
assassinating Carnegie's mnnager. Mr.
Voorheea onght to feel gratified over his
influence with the lawless elements,
and old Hoosier herself Bhould be proud
of such a representative man.
The gold brick swindlers have found
another victim in the person of Mioojun
Cross, a wealthy farmer living near Day
ton, Washington. He paid 85000 for two
"gold bricks" which proved afterwards
chunks of copper covered with a coating
of gold. Look upon the viotim of the
gold brick swindler, and you see the man
who has his house covered with lightning
rods, signs a contract, which after
wards proves to be a promisory note, aud
last but not least never haB time to read
the newspaper.
In connection with the examination
of Wilson, the murderer's braiu, it is in
teresting to note that it ranks, in weight,
among the brains of the distinguished
men of the world. The French natural
ist, Cuvier's brain weighed 64 5 uss., Wil
son's, 61 oz , kdward Henry Knight's, 64
oz ; Abercromhie's, 63 oz,; Schiller's, G3
oz ; Daniel Webster's, 53 5 oz ; Lord
Campbell's, 53 5 oz ; Aggasiz's, 53.4 oz ;
Napoleon's, 03 oz ; De Morgan's, 02.7 oz.
80 it will be seen that there is but one
superior and one equal in weight, and
many of note thut are much less in weight
than Wilson's.
moke r.KUAitniNu Tiia d. o. v:.
Ed. Gnzette:
I regret that ynu failed to follow enpy
verbatim of my article eutilled ' D ni't
Like the D O r.V," jet I must confess
that you far exceeded my expectation.
I certainly btve inucli hope that ere
many moons have oome and gone yon
well embrace the evungelical gospel of
political Christianity, sod that you w i'l
no loDger follow the dictates of that
clique of corruption of which yon so ri
peatedly have beeu warned. That clique
of corruption which an for the last past
thirty years made onr temple of Liherty
a den of thieves, and robbed the poor to
enrich the rich It says money is hint
aud "the publio be damned." It has
caused the Goddess of Liberty to weep
over the ruins of a once glorious repub
lic But, Brother Patterson, brave men
and women with hearts of steel are 00m
ing to the rescue, the yoioe of God is
beard, its echoes are beard from ocean to
ocean, the epirit of liberty is being fun
ned into a flume. The fires of the revo.
lution are being rekindled. The people
are uniting, hope is in every eye, aud
look! The Goddess of Liberty smiles.
Man is free, God is avenged.
Yours truly,
D. W. Bbvant.
The recent action of congress chang
iog the date fur the national public school
celebration from October 12th toOctober
21at is a step in the direction of scholar
ly acanracy, and it is remarkable that it
should have been so long overlooked.
If there is to be a national observance
of the 400th anuiversary of the discovery
of America it should take place on the
date which marks the true century point
It is obviously stupid to await the re
currence of a date which by reason of
arbitrary obanges in the methods of reck.
oning time has lost its significance and
does not indicate the true cycle of yeuis.
Every Americau knows that Columbus
discovered this hemisphere on Ootober
12, 1492, and at first thought October 12,
1892, would seem to mark the 4u0 auui
versuiy of that event. But it will be re
membered that time was then calculated
upon a different basis than is now in
Fur many centuries the Julian calen
dar was the ucoepled authority for all
ca'ctilatious, although its inaccuracy was
not unknown. In 15s2 a reformation
took place. The Gregorian calendar was
then introduced in Europe, and this oal
eudar is now used by all civilized na
tions, wilh the exception of Kussia. which
still adheres to the Julian method of
computing time. When this reforma
tion occurred it was found uecessary to
drop ten days from the calendar, and
October 4, 1582, became Ootober 15,1582
These dropped days were the accumula
tions of many centuries of erroneous
reukouiug. The J uliun calendar nan lim
ed thut a year contained '3tii days, aud
as this was 11 minutes and 14 seconds ton
long the error amounted to 3 days every
4!H) years. The Gregorian calendar cor
rected this defect by making every cen
turial year a oominon yeur unless divisi
ble by 400, whereas by the Julian calen
dar every ear (centurial year included)
divisible by 1 was a leap year. Thus by
the new style of compulation the years
lolW, aud 17U0 and 1800 were not leap
Ah previously stated the reformation
took place iu 1582, and ten diija were
Biipprissed. But us the discovery of
America was previous to the year 1500,
which by the Gregorian calendar was
common, there are but I) days to omit
Consequently on October 21, 1802, the
suu w ill occupy the same relative posi
tion to the enith as on the 12th of Ooto
ber, 1192, when for the first time Colum
bus beheld these shores.
Fur these reasons, together with the
tact that every precedent is in favor of
adopting the "new style" of reckoning,
we favor the change.
The Gregorian calendar was not intro
duced into Great Britain until 175, ig
norance aud prejudice defeating the
change up to that time. Consequently it
has beeu necessary to oone.it the dates
of our American anniversaries which
0 immemorate events previous to 1751.
Washington wan born Feb. 11th, but by
the "new style" his birthday bills ou the
2Jud, aud that is the day we celebrate.
The auuiversary ol Forefather's Day
and ot the founding of the city ot Bos
ton are both obseived ou the corrected
date. It is unfortunate that the act ol
congress of April 25, 1890, naming Oct.
12th, 1H92, as the date for the dedication
of the World's Fair grouuda has Lot beeu
amende I by a change ot date to October
21st. The fair will practically be a year
late, Bnd the dedicatory eieroisos shonl 1
take plsoe on thetme anniversary, which
is Ooiober 21. Congress has alreadv
shown its good sense by niacins; the pop
ular aud general celebration of winch
the publio schools are to be the centers
on the correct date. It only remains for
congress to extricate the ustioufioni the
comioal predu'ameut of a two-headed
oelehration of Discovery Day by chang
ing the Obioago date to oorresiain 1 with
t'ie corrected date it has already set for
the popular publio school oehjbratiops.
A. Andrews, the genial postmaster
Alpine, was iu the city yesterday.
Doctors are Coming !
Colds and Coughs
sore throat,
bronchitis, asthma,
and hoarseness
cured by
the safest
and most effective
emergency medicine.
It should be In every -
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co
Lowell, Mass. '
MnJo on Favorable Terms.
J. F. Smith, Veterinary Surgeon,
Ridging Horse Caitration and Caitle
Spaying a specially. Instructions given
at reasonable terms. After eighteen years
of active practice and teaching mynieth
orlp, I liBve concluded to withdraw from
the road and will teach any man to cas
trate the ridg'iug or heruied horse, cpay
cows, and all nirsvlaropejat ions, together
with mnny reoipea, for $50, only one
fourth the usual prioe. I guarantee to
make you an opurator, which is worth
thousands, as there is uot agood operator
now traveling in this part. Write me for
referenoe or ask that traveling Thorn
Llovd whom I started in part only.
5)6 sw J. F. Smith.
Union, Or., July 9, '12.
"0 I jLIs
A new mut Complete Treatment, consisting of
suppositories, tnnnnym in inpumfB, msum da
.mil h iiositive Cure for Kxtenml, Inter
nal, BUuil or KlcediiiK, Itehiiiff. Chronic, Kecent
or Hereditary Piles, unci many other diseases
ai.ri funiMi wenkiii-HNi'fc: it isiilvvnvBH great ben
efit to the general health. 'Ihe lirst discovery of
a medical cure rendering nn operation with the
knife unnecessary 1) reaiter. This remedy has
never been known to I'm il. fl per box, i for .';
sent hv mail. Why miller from thiB terrible dis
ease when a written guarantee ih given with
boxes, to refund the nnmev if not cured. Hend
stamp for free tmiuple. Guarantee issuied by
Wihihaiii', Clahkk it Co., liolesale i Ketuil
Druggists Sole Agents, Portland, Or.
I ...... uill lor Si:n?.llelU. ' ' i'lMMiiii: f iliem Bin- In
,,rv well I ' , I I iHr-l t. Bt v-ii 1..V .
"U" Ve " ""' "'"'"' ' f" ,"", k,',
11 ,,,..,,...1 ,r Si.-,.Bll. .." l..r..l.Hl.y.
ni, ftear-Disehapae Binder
i., f. " " ,,stI1";Tii".;.
.. nn - n mum
.... mnminro nuAtTn"C TI1D RMH-
bt mmm
The mint KHrtllve arm
Tiirehing auu ifa'if'K vj'" -
K. ,i.l lor IS'li Cntnlniriio. Fr
That portion of the Stiirr block occu
pied by WLittier, Fuller & Co., on Front
and PiDe etreeta, Portland, was partially
deHtroyed by Are last Monday uiirbt. The
loss will probably reach 8300,000. The
cunse of the Qre ia ehrotided in mystery.
There was no one in the building nt the
time, and spontaneous oombustion is the
only tenable theory as to its origin. It
is not believed that the fire was started
by inoeudiaries, from tho fact that ll
broke out on the third Moor. There wis
an explosion almost immediately after
Ihe first blaze was seen, and several
more explosions ooenrred soon after.
This block was owned by Messrs. D. P.
Thompson, J. N. Dolph and 0. A. Dolph,
and from what could be learned, wan
but lightly insured, though the two 0rms
who were the heaviest losers were fully
The dUtinRiiUhed and Eminent HpecmliHtP,
Thirteen yenrs experience in the Hospit
als of Vienna aud Paris.
The Greatest of Living
Physiei;ns and
VV L. Forwond Hnd danahter, of Port
land, are visiting friends nnd relatives io
this city.
A wnoi.K lot of us aroinolined to grum
ble nt Agent Hart tor carelessness here j
and there, and thouah he is the agent ol
the company, ho cannot help matters be
yond his reach. All acknowledge that
Mr. Hart ia a very neenmmodating ngeut,
and no better ponld be gotten lit Hepp
ner station But the Lord knows thai
the telegraph service into Heppner could
be helped materially. It is slow and en
tirely inadiq-inlo for the demands of
Heppner. It is only at certain times
that a message can be pent down through
the Willows, and of Bundnys there is
praotically no opportunity at nil to reach
the outside world. In fact Ihe old Hepp
ner Castle Hock line whs, six years ago,
a belter line than the one running into
Heppuer now. The corporation having
charge of Ibe servioe should attend lo
thiB. The earning power of Ibe line here
can never be increased so long ns iu con
tinues us it is.
Know more about yourself. Every
day the readers of our new spnpers an
regaled with oases where, by Ibe leasl
knowledge of uuntomy, physiology and
hygiene, lives would he saved. For in
stance, n few days ago a Crook conun
sheepheider severed an artery iu hie uot,
and had he kuetted a bnndkerebit't, and
with a short stick or even the haudlo ol
a pocket knife, brought the kuot tiglitb
down ou the llesh of ihe extremity be
tween Ihe heart aud Hie wound, his life
would have been saved. Instead he was
iguoi ant of the simplest idea of the cir
culation, or the mode of stopping the
flow of blood from a severed artery, ami
he paid the penalty. Have your chil
dren know more of the human house.
Clod's grandest specimen of handiwork'
aud they will in after years, bless youi
name for it. Every common school Imp
a short course of auutomy, physiology
aud hygicue, and Ihe studeut should not
pass it over.
ir. Gemcv. Williams,
Formerly Queen's Hospital, London,
will visit
Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
August 5, 6, and 7,
rItiee Hotel,
and can he consulted
Those illuu rious phynieians rim imme your
dispones without asking n qu stion. Go
Bud commit them thin tiny; it will cost
you nothing, nnd inny save you years
t f Bufttringand porhapwyour life,
$1,000 IN GOLD
(livon for any cane llicy tuko and cannot euro
IV ANV) ANOTIIKK 1 MX1 for nny msw von
evt'r heHni of tlmt llify uiulertuok find fttili-il to
AKNKHS-SIIOP. .rock flnl fixtures. Good
business: estullfslied in the niidst of a
pood tnrniii!L- Hnd stock-riiislne country.
Also for wide h frootl bonne mid iwo lots with or
vvittiout tfie liustiieHS I'loperty. For further In
lornnuion address Oaette, Heppner, Or. 4Hrt tf.
Mr. Otis Patterson:
I the issue of the 2fith you speak of
my having political views of my own,
just ns if I had to have a separate cor
raltooamp them in. Now Fat, if you
will give space iu Ihe (iazette, I will let
you have some of them, and you will
find that seveu out of ten ot the men ol
this county will agree to them. I will
advance the planks I believe in, and any
one is weloome to convert me from the
error of mv ways. Aud I would like
your readers to stand up and be oounted,
nnd il they decide I am in the wrong, to
spit it out. We fellows over this w ay are
nothing but some of J. IVs farmers and
laborers, aud if we are in error, some of
your politician lawyers, doctors, or other
professional men, ought to be able to
tie able to convince us and bring us back
in the folds of the g. n. p.'s. This is the
first bone for you to pick:
That the state should furnish all text
hooks at cost, utilizing couviot labor for
that purpose. Theu take the meat olio!
We demand that all ofllccrs shall be
eleoted by a direct vote of the people.
Let every mau sign his name to his
article. Human Caldwell.
EliiHl Mile, Or., Aug. 1,2.
Younr, Middle
'Aged, Old Men,
Who may e mifTorinn from YOUTH Wh Vol,.
ion. or liiR xct't-wH nf matured liuv hhouMrmi-
hi ll at once, ht'tortt it if ti ate. thtm vi'lt-no
nrai'titiomTH. who have ro equal Hi the Unitt'O
Stains tin they Pan nnd will ri t-ture tti yon miti!i
health wtion all othorn have failed.
an rejir enated and manly vigor rcBtored hy llmir
t w ami wtnn emu un'inons 01 iicauiKMii.
injuriouH drugs u-wl Worn out bunneM imn
fall fur mlvit-e, uanodally if you ar KittYoriiiK
ur fai!in power, of any disormn of tho Myo, Kar,
Hnd, Throat, Liiikh, Heart. Stomaeh. Skin,
Kidneys or Uladder,
Cuml in Khortost time by veuotahlo remedies.
Ponitively eurwi hy their new (lornuin methotl.
from NervotiR Prostration, Sleeplessness, De
sxiu)bi cy. Iiidiiretition, t'instinuuni, Lnssitiide,
Pains in the haek or fides, and ditensis weidmr
to thtir wx, cotihiilt tht-so i-liysieiKiui in the ut
most cniitidertce.
Remember ihe
August (i ami 7.
Rnlil, the baker. Buy your bread aud
cakes and save money, try it. n.
Why go hungry when the City hotel
furnishes yon a good meal at living
ratt-H.. . a
John Jenkins advertises his tine kiin
of brick. Reintuiberlhat Heppner brick
equal the best. a
' Hardware" did you say? Why. yes,
at P. C. Thompson & Co.'s stand, and the
place for bargains.
For cash yon can get more at the East
ern Clothitig honae, with Levi on deok,
limn any other plaoe in Heppoer. n
M. Liohtenlhal & Co. have just re
ceived a fine lot of ladies' kid, button
aud tie shoes. At bottom prices. a
The l'alaoe is the leading hotel in the
city. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided for everyone. a
Don't overlook T. W. Avers, Jr., the
leading druggist. Choicest perfumes,
purest drug's and the fiueHt toilet articles
always on band. a
The Buchler beer, 5 oents per glass, at
the Columbia Beer Hall, Osmers
Hughes, niops., next door to M. Lich
teutbnl & Co.'s shoe store. a
Ooflin & McFarland have just received
a oar load of Mitohell Wagons, Hacks,
etc , and have also a large supply of farm
ing implements of all kinds, a
The M. L. &T. Co.siuoe they have
roofed all their platforms, have an iin
meuse storage capacity. This company
uow deals iu grain, lumber and wood, h
Since Shaw & McCarty purchased the
meat market they have al ays endeavor
ed to keep on baud the freshest and
choicest meat, sausages uud bolognns. a
Henry Heppuer's warehouse is one of
the largest and most capacious in East
ern Oregon, tlenry is ow prepared to
do a general forwarding business. Kates
reasonable. a
Thompson it Binnsown the buss which
goes to aud from the City horel, but will
cull for parlies desiring to go to traiu in
iiny part of the city. Leave orders at
City hotel. a
What will perseverance, plnok and en
'erpris avail in this wild west, if you
cauuot get big baru'ainS? However, be
fore giving up entirely, visit Minor Bros.'
emporium. a
Don't overlook Kirk & Knsmus for
bargHitiN. They have pnrchosed I he bus
mess of J. W. iVIatlock & Co.. but will
soon remove lo Ihe Mullory corner, oppu
tile Ibe Palace hotel. a
Dr. Grant's Cloalo, the great dyspepsia
aonquerer, will positively cure dyspepsia
nnd all its kindred ailments. Every bot
tle sold under a positive guarantee to
ITect a cure or money refunded. See ad
in this iHsue. a
My dear, let's go around to the saloon
'his eve, and Lane Matlock's ice
ream saloon, I mean, where von can gei
ice cream that will make your month
water; also Uud in slock the freshes'
rruils and finesr. coufectionnries. a
-pHO!E who arc Interested hi tlie Kifrht Mile
1 country utot Morrow comity to know that
wehiivea few extra copies left, whleh can
be secured cither at Geo. Thornton's news stand
or at the Gazette ollicu. lis-BW.
t' TOXIE to the Palace otel bar for cTIttrripnfoie
J (,'oektatls. Cbuinpnirne on tup. G'.i-hw
B1U lot of Oooseberrv nnmbers of the Ga
zette that onght to be sent away. Call In.
invest ami help .vourconntry. swtl
'i-0 KNOW that' L. D. Tloyed 1b Heppuer's
I leiuHiiKcontrai'tnr nnd bulkier. Kstinmtes
given on all kinds of work, otllee at resi
dence. Henpner. Or. 71-sw.
AWairoinnaker. one the best locations in
Morrow eonntv. .Most have a little capital
Call on or write tlHzetteollice for particulars, sw
LandOllh-e at The Dalles, Or., June :ifl, 1892.
Complaint having been entered at this oltiee
bv John I). Ilickey. of Morrow county. Oregon,
against Edward C. l-nwlesB, lor failure to comply
with law as to Timber Culture Entry No. "2774
dated Nov. 17, 1SS7, upon the El4 N and Ef-2
SW'n of See 7, Tp :l S, K -V E. In Morrow Co., or ,
with a view to the cancellation of said entry;
contestant alleging that said Edward C. Lawless
hrt bit led to break or cause to be br.iken five acres
on said tract w ilhin one year alter his timber
culture entry of said tract, the said parties are
hereby sninmoned to appear at this ollice on the
z7th day of Aug., ut In o'clock a. m., to re
spond and furnish testimony concerning said
alleged failure. J. H . Morrow, County Clerk, is
authorized to take testimony in this case, ut his
otlice in Heppner, at 10 a. in., Aug. '20, lfW2.
John W. Lkwis,
."fl'v'df) Heuister.
LKXlMiTW, UKI'.Ulin.
llKI'l'NElt, Oil.
Otis Patterson
uriTADV DIIQI IO cali.
Land Ollice at Ln (; ramie, Or., June M, 1892
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, nnd
that Btud proot u ui he mane Deiore tne uounty
Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon,
on August Jsii-2. viz:
MM A 11 U .-. If V l i ,
D. 9. No. 1003). for the NES. Hcu W, Tp i S, R 20
K, W M.
He names the followine witnessea to prove hie
contiinums residence upon ami cultivation ol
said laud, viz:
Homer tirny.H I). Taylor, V. Sprowles, Char
ley Lontr, all of llei)pner, Oregon.
Land Ollice at I,n Crande, Or., .Inly 1, 1892.
Notice is hereby given that the lollowiug-nam-ed
settler bus tiled notice of his intention to
make commuted final proof in Btipportof his
claim, ami that said proof will be made before
the county clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Hepp
uer, Or., tin August l.'i, isu'2, viz.:
Hd No. .r)2S:! for tbeN"a. NE4, Sec -!2 nnd U,
SIC',, Sec !.', 'I p 'J. ri, K 2 li, M.
lie names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, aud cultivation of.
said land, viz:
Henry Jones, Arthur Smith, Isaac Phinv8
ttohert Johnson, all of Heppner, Oregon. vWl
liaiu W. bim, take notice.
A. Ciavrh,
TiOI-'jH Kegister.
Eastern Clothing House
Branch at Porllnntl, hns opened n
BigLine of Jadies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Also Boots and Shoes, Trunks,
Valises and Fancy Goods.
You will fiuil rmr Clothing Department with
nn nRRortment. incliidiutr Kqnitre Cut Sacks,
Three and Four Button Frocks, mnde of the
host Amentum Weavem, Scotch Woolen Wor
steds, Cheviots, made up to sell iu full finitft,
Land Office at The Dulles, Or., June 28, 1H92.
Notice Is hereby jiiven that the following
named settler Iihh tiled notice of her intention to
make final proof In support of her claim, aud
thatnaid proof will be made before J. W. Mor
row, county clerk of Morrow county, Or., at
Heppner, ur., on August (i lSl'2 viz:
lid. No. Ih77, for the Nk NV4 and N VV!4 X&A
Sec. 4, Tp. 1, d K. Jl K. ft'. M.
Hhe names the following witnesscR to prove her
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
M. M. Beitfhlev. Edward Cluff, C. B. Cochran
aud J. W. liedtoid, all of Heppner, Oregon.
John W. Lkwis,
$25.00 Suits reduced to
20.00 "
17.50 "
15.00 "
12.50 "
New Duessmakrb. Miss Lttlia Par
her, just from the E nt. linb opener dresfi
milking pnrlurs ovi r Mrs. W. A Jnbn
MtouV, where she is prepared t' do all
kinds of drpsBiiinkiim in lutest styles
and nt lensnuiible rates. 4-tf
jj IN
Trmted wilh unfftiliilff 8iicot'H tltrmicti oorr-o-pouilenct.
,IIih1k"ih'piU In, from i.hrttt VHtion
to any pnrt f tl I'nimlry. Wr'ttt for nynH'tmn
b unk to hll mil. mul b lotlor fully iilHiuinif
your itirtfaMt' i inn wlvi.'oi. tl,' will IhTiilnrn
wt freo. AtlilnswHll 1,'tlrn i luinl) lo
11K.U. W. WIl.l.UMH. M n..
UK1 Ooary St. su Fi-Hm'isro. Cal.
The leading Normal
School of the
ROXKl) (IF Rl'DKNTS. Ronjnmin Schofiplrl, Pre., J. n. V Bntlpr. Sery. Ex-Officio.-nii
Exrellenrv Uovornor Pennypr. Hon. E. H. MoKlmr. Super ntei'd;iit of I'libl c In irnrlioi.; Iloj.
. V. MrHri.lr.S.wtarynf nte: Hon. Jacob Votirliem. H.rtl. A. Noltner. J. t. Yhite. Hon. W.
II. Holuiea. Alfrwi Lacy, Hon. P. W. H" ley. Hon. J. J. Duly.
THK STATE NOItMAL i a I.ivr SonooL. rapidly Rrowlnc and rapidly nddinR to its fncilitiee
ror theppecial irnininnof teaoliora. It uraduatea are i" d-m ml to till Rood posilions A gain ol
so :.er cent, in attendance wal made last year. An enrollnrnt of NU is annoipati-it to- the neit
year. New menilwn have bina Med to the faculty nnd adililionnl iippuraliu siippliiil. A diploma
entitles one to teach iu any county in the Hint without further examination.
Normal, Normal Advanced, Business, ira and Art Dpts.
A Year in School for One Hundred and Fifty Dollars.
TUITION RFDUCFn to U: S for Normal. nd 5.l for Suh Normal per term of ten jtcekj.
B.n I at Norma I I , ini HaM Ml P' week- Kuniiaheil r....m l v per week. Hoard and lods
Sjwuh Private familiea J W per w'Sk. BeaMitul and hd.hlul locat.on No ealo.,,,..
First Term Opens September :20. ly.
r. I.. I :.ni'ltr i.Ij. n. tv. rrM.
hOO-lti fw Monmouth. tlreEon.
Vor Cntalocue adtlreaa
nr J. M. PDWKId.. Vice Prw.
JSfiloin, Oregon
The con rite most complete nml tin highest
nrruie of any TiniMv pclnml In the Northwest.
lt..t Mint iiii'iwt ni.'itinitu nf tivii-htiiff Knlrtrii-
wl frti tlHie mitt new pUn tor tutruetlon of
tH'k'innerit (r the enmltitr mhtl yeur. in
iiloiium irmnteil on eomiMeiiou oi vourse. Next
term tu'niini Sept. Mh, lS'.'J.
tH'iut forcAtalogue. Z. M. I'AR IN.
oU JO w. Muicl Director.
T nhioh we Di-onnne to conduct in the most satisfactory mnnner. 'Will keep
on hnnds nt all times the choicest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
shaw & Mccarty,
- 12.50
- 7.50
Men's and Boys' Kats and Caps at Factory Prices
Exnniine Hie goods nnd you will find all
Aluules nnd cnlnrp, wliicli will eive mdisfaction
Before inucbnsitig, call nudf xiimiiie my stock
13. A. IIEltREN'rS BUILDING, May Street,
Heppner. Oregon.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
k. W. PATTEHSIIN, nGKXT pj?oqtt-e "est wx-ii
mim mi price
Flour Exchanged for Wheat.
T. V. A YE liS, Sr., Manager.
Columbia Beer Hall!
DOOR lo 21. Licldmihnl & Co.'s Shoe Store, Main
-L Street. Keep on hand a Fine Line of Liquors,
Wines, Cigars, Etc. We, hare
Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to
Cents Per Glass,
On draught, frpsli nnd cool. Lunch of nil kinds. Hope
to see all their old friends aud many more.
Footwear !
f) Tli-lvh,,nnr.,l .In. o.HhliaMn.nt of Wnnnrw h.
Zr$) !!L'vrtfr..mth l.,Ht...l,. M,i.,s,r,.-, ,0,,p,r nc
There you wi find the Best and Cheapest
in Heppner.
rillv 1 I I Itr 'ry
(S of them at the
iUVO. Gatte Office