Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 02, 1892, Image 5

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ri-IIOSE di'sirhiff the timtM tiotl of display huh.,
I or rhHUXv ul t-uilie, nillot net their t'npy in
not Ii'-ilt ihuu Monday evening fur Tuewilay's
e'titiyn, tir liinrmlity evening tor KritUys i-'li-tintl.
'I'llK l'ATTEBMJN I'UilMiollNUI.'O.
1. 1 lie w'tin of Ave cents per line utU bo
rm'.r&i'U for "cohIb of thaiikH." "rettolntlniin of
ri'tt'tv't," Jistn ol u etidlnw preBeiits anil donors,
ami olatnary nnlli-wi, (otlier Ihan Um&e the etilt
or al'till hliiiKoll niv H8 a miitter of mtws.) ami
lnilli'ecol hi'eeliii meetings for whatevfrnurpoHu.
'J. Nulli-cK of rhtiri-ti mid society tiinl allotlicr
eiiHTtniiiiiit-iilH front v, liiclt revenue in to lie de
rived, Moill be ('hunted for at the rule of five
cents a line. '1 liese rules will be Btilelly adher
ed tit in every instance.
AdvertifhiK rales reasonable and made known
npon application.
Give your business to Heppner peop'e,
nud therefore (insist to build vp llepp
uei: 1'atronize those who patronize
Here and There.
Tot, dnu't it?
T. VV. Ayers, Jr., for drugs. OS bw
liipans Talmlcseure dyspepsia.
Heppner votes ou the bond question
Luther Hamilton was down from the
mill today.
Much correspondence came in loo late
jiis it-sue.
ui.se .Mny Matlock has returned from
the mountains.
Mr. nud Mrs, Pry Wilson are over
from Monument.
Chna. Vim Duyn is reported as being
nearly well again.
Mrs. Gid Boyer find children were in
Heppner over Sunday.
li ' hard to tell which is the "nicest"
hoy, Mike or Charley,
W lieu in Arlington, stop at the Ben
nett house, near the depot. 01 ft
Jessie Earl, of lower Willow creek, wns
in Ueppuer this morning.
Ford, the painter, still "in it." For
Buy kind of work see him. 81-tf.
Clerk Morrow reports matters very
quiet up around the court bouse.
Mrs. C. A. Itbea and children have re
turned from the mountain camp.
Mr. Vaughn, P. Cobn and others, say
that Ditch oreek is the place to fish.
Geo. Coneer and Newt. Jones went up
Hunday to see the folks in the Blues,
pen Hunsaker is over from Haystack,
frank KasmnB came borne Willi him.
Mr. H. V. Gates arrived from Hillsboro
las' evening and will remain a few days.
Miss Letba Parker, dressmaker, will
guarantee you a good fit. Give her a
trial. 4tf
W. C. Metier passed through town
yesterday on his way to the Blues for
w ood.
Harry Woods says that the lone iuoi
deut wus manufactured out of whole
C. M. Stark came up Saturday from
Portland, but returned to The Dalles this
They say the number onting in the
mountains is increasing rather than de
creasing. Miss Lena Patterson, sister of Otis and
Alvah, arrived from Long Creek on this
evening's stage.
Kd. K. Bishop and wife, accompanied
by Geo. Bishop, spent Sunday at the
camp in the Blues.
Danner, the photographer has taken
quite a number of the camp scenes up
iu the mountains.
Will Spencer, Anua Ayers.T. W. Avers,
Jr., and Lizzie Matl ick visited the mon
taiu OHmp Hunday. .
K. L. Robison leaves tomorrow morn
ing for Portland to look after his busi
ness interests there.
Tap iiimons & Son still shoe horses
and do general blacksmitlung at the old
stand Mattock corner. 65.
Wo are sorry to inform our readprs of
the illness of Mrs. J. G. Yonng, and hope
for her early recovery.
Press Thompson is hampered some
what with nn enormous carbuncle at the
corner of his right eye.
"The Parlor," W. F. Ruark, prop., in
the City hotel, west side of Main street.
Neatest place in lieppner. sw
Born To the wife of 0. C. Boon, of
Lexington, on July 20, 1!2, a girl.
Weight, eight and one-half pounds.
J. L. Ayers was over from Butler
creek Monday. He says that grasshop
pers are doing considerable damage.
Hiya ketchum whiskers. Matt &
Mathews, at Hie oily barber shop the
place to get a tirst-class shave, hair-ont
or shampoo.
W. K. Walton psssed through Heppner
early this week on his way to Portland,
He has recently disposed of his barber
business in John Day.
Asyoulikeit. Gray and faded whiskers
may be changed to their natural and
even color-brown or black by using
Buckingham's Dye. Try it.
AVill Mallory oame down from the mill
last evening, returning this morning. A.
M. Mallory also returned with him for a
short vacatioD in the mountains.
Al Roberts holds the title of being the
most useful man at Camp Caplinger
t, a tliMrn. At nresent he
'Utu in, mitu iivj --- i
i , !.. Innrn nt HmnttOP.
JS UUSy KHSeRBtUK tuo v. "r
Newer and neater quarters at the
Palace Intel's north business room.
Charley Jones, the bnber, wants to see
- his old friends there. Baths in connec
tion. Lee Matlock, Frank Gilliam, Harry
Warren and Mike RobertB, went up Sun
day above townaud killed alot of grouse,
but "lost" most of them on the return
How are jou fixed for letter-heads,
bill-heads, note-heads, statements, envel
h tho liL-e? Don't overlook the
Gnzcttein any deal of this nature, for
strictly fiist-class work.
As an after-dinner pill, to strengiuen
the Btomao.li, ftdBist digestion. nnri correct
any liilioim tendencies, Ayer's Pills are
considered the best. Bemg sugar-coaieii.
th;-y are as agreeable as any confection,
and may be taken by tbe most delicate.
L. T. Resiug and Mrs. Mattie Rndio,
both of Hamilton, Grant county, were
married yesterday afternoon at the par
lors of tbe City hotel, A. A. Roberts
WTiciatin;r. Tbe happy couple returned
-ft Long Creek last evening. Mrs. Kiulio
was for a long time postmistress of Ham
ilton, and Mr. R-sing for qnite a while
in business in that bare, but now Bstock
man of Grant county.
Ken Parker and W. F. Allen were down
from the mid last Saturday. Mr. Parker
dropped in to tell us that be was sorely
off rinded at an article which appeared iu
tbe Gazette of recent issue regarding the
mountain couple who came down to get
married and oreated so much amusement
on our streets and at the clerks olhce
where thev appeared to explain the eeu
eral condition of ntT.irs. He had no
donbt that the people of Heppner tbor
nnghly enjoved tbe scene, nor did be oo
iuihoitn loir what bart him was the
refl-ciion c'at by saying that they were j
from Parker's mill. "I can iaKei..u..-.o
h..,u- r think, but when it comes
to this it is to., much, una l loreiu'j v
jeci, aud fk that yon cast me off the
list at one, as my allegiance to the (x-
zette is u more." But after a great deal
i a) nHail to DIVA 11R
nuran-iaiiin nu I'lim mum i '
Bon Lelanle spent Sunday with Uard
mau trioti.lv. Says be had u very enj tj
ntile lime, liioogh lias one complaint lo
make, and th.it is the abietiue of sign
bo.irds Ht t!ie cross eei-tinus of the pub
lic tliorou-liirc-.-, winch hn thinks an
absolute necessity anil r-MJe-.'i.diy con
venient lo strangers. Although Bu
etui ted cut at tho break of day it was
past uooo when lie arrived in liro-ilman,
much to his disgust Ou &n::hiit'g up
the drive he found he bad tak.ru tit" long
est possible route, via Uooseberry.
Eight Mile and Parker's mill. But as he.
noted everything closely ou Ins return,
thinks his next trip, which he hopes to
make in the near future, will be a much
shorter one.
Mr. J a mes L. Howard and little son, of j
inilluway, oalleil at the Qi.zette uilioe
Saturday. Air. Howard informs us that
lie is now in the midst of his hay harvest,
has a splendid crop he thinks, and bus
quite a good deal of old liny ; in fact
most of the fanners iu that vieiniiy huve
a large amount of hHy left from last sea
soo, though ery few of them oaie lo dis
pose of it at present, us they look for a
very severe winter, iu which cuse their
last year's surplus will come iu good
Ada Joues completed her term of
school nt llartliuau some time siuoe, and
yesterday morning betan leaching at the
new district up at Parker's mill. This
school house was built by Messrs, Parker
& Glenson, and although located iu a
new dUdnoi where there had never been
a school, yet it opened up yesterday
moiuitig wilh twenty five pupils in at
tendance. Eugene Register: J. W. and Thomas
Matlock, of lieppner, nre visiting rela
tives uud friends iu this vicinity this
week. They are old-time residents of
this couutv. 'they report crops a failure
iu iMorrow county on accouut of the dry
weather. They state that some farmers
with a thousand acres oT graiu will not get
enough i ff to pay for harvesting.
The court house, under the puiut brush
of Messrs. Dasey & Faine, is rapidly
changing iu appearance generally. These
yeutlemeu are strictly lirst class work
meu and any one who entertaius any
doubts as to this, would do well to ex
amine the work ou the interior of T. W.
Ayers' new quarters.
"Oh If I had only taken this medicine
earlier iu life, what years or snlfe-ring it
would have saved me!" was the tuucuing
exclamation of one who hail been cured,
o( rheumatism by the use of Ayei's Sar
saparilla. Scores of suoh oases are ou
Conductor French, wife aud family,
aeoompanieJ by Mr. Burliugame and
Miss Auna Fraud-sees, left this morning
for the mountains for a few days recrea
tion. VV, S. Bnmiett, of The Dalles,
takes ''French V run. deling his abseuoe.
George Wells, Roy Gli sscock and Oe.
Wells left yesterday morning for Teel
springs for a few weeks outing. They
will also take a hunting trip out in the
mountains Had over ou Camas prairie,
before they return.
Rev. Shulzs, wife and younger mem
bers of the family, together with J. A.
Thompson and wife, aud D. W. Horner
aud wife left this morning for the coast.
They will very likely land at Clatsop
The folks who went bathing iu the
mill dam Friday eveniug will find their
missing clothes in the second stall on the
west end of the statue, Bt the raoe track.
Verily the josher is still with us.
Prof. Martin, the world renowned
wimrd and veutriloquist will give three
entertainments iu the opera home. Com
mencing Aug. 2. 1110 presents will be
giveu hwh nightly.
Arthur Royse haB departed for the
Jewell College, ot Liberty, Kansas, where
he will talceatnree year's course, prepar
atory to adopting the ministry as a pro
fession. Jo'CasRidy.who pulled out recently
with a new engine for JoeSteaeh's Round
Basin sawmill, broke down near Toll
Rook and had to come in Friday for
John Edwards started iu a few days
ago to rig up his thresher, and found it
all but the "tumbling shaft," which, evi
dently, some one l.ns appropriated.
An attachment was placet! on the Pal
ace hotel cigar store by the Fior do Mad
rid people, of Pottlaud, last Friday. The
amount wanted is about J55UU.
Billy Gordon, who has been laid up
for nearly a mouth with u yery lame
back, is able to be around again, though
not yet uble to labor.
Mr. Builingnme and Miss Anua Fran-
oisues. ot ine jjuiies, came up last rn
day eve to visit with the family of Oou
ductor French.
Wallace Smead and family left Sunday
evening for the mountains for a few
weeks stay. They intend going uver ou
Hale's prairie.
Prof. Martin will give away sets of fur
niture, stoves, gold watches, haus, sacks
of Hour, etc, etc., at opera house Tues
day, Aug. 2J.
W. E. Leaoh.Will ar.d Lee Padberg
Chaa. Valentine and Dave Porter, all of
Lexington, are sojourning np at Teel
springs .
Among the numerous G. A. R. visitors
Saturday, our reporter noticed the pres
ence of' Andrew Ashbangh, of Light
J. F. Howurtb, a printer of Tbe Dalles,
lost the tip end of the fore finger of his
left hand in a paper cutter the other
A. W. Shnltze, a furniture dealer of
Pentlletuu, died suddenly last Wednes
day. He as stricken with apoplexy.
Hatnrdnv the thermometer rushed tip
to 100 degrees in the shade, and has been
liugenug iu that vicinity ever since.
Dock Vaughan, F. J. Hullock and
Fruuk Rogers left Sunday for the moun
tain camp for a short stay.
Our reporter noticed bicyclcB at the
stage office for Mr.-Radio and Dr. Tack
man, ot Long Creek.
p. Cohn. Charles Sheldon and Mr.
Vnuirbn retumed from the
oamp r'riiiny night,
; fhos. . Driskell was in Monday, ood
reooils twit Iiih crop wua euureiy ue-
Btroyed tbis year.
A I Itoherts and C. S VauDuyn came in
from tbe mountain oampyei-leiday inorn-
V. Ji. lVv'Ulier, HI lintuoin", "r..,
business much better than he anticipated.
Sam and Milt Morgan were in Satur- j
day from their Sand Hollow ranches. I
Bd Iugral.,m, of Eight Mile, was in j
the city yesterday for a short stpy.
iwi tail .o see Martin the wizard:
Tuesday, Aujj -2. t opera uoine.
Bert Gay was in Saturday, nearly re
covered from bis recent injuries.
Horner MoFdrhmd leaves tomorrow
for Hood river tor a short stay.
Thomas Ketney. of Ltiinfton, was on
our streets yesterday moriiuitf.
ir BireeiB j cntci n --r-
,tv K ,0,1 was over from his Eiht
Mile possessions Saturday.
Martin's grand K"t carnival ai opera
! home. Tuesday, Anif.
Win. ii-ioher, ot IjCXinctou, uroppru
in Samrday.
Mifs Mamie Eilis is vUitiuic friends in
1U uar.iuiau.
: iUnia tue wizird at opera house Aug.
; 2 3 auj A,
j jn ffom o j es-
i '
CuiKr Canaio in Salem Chief Cau
apo, of the Columbia Indians at Yakima,
mid his interpreter, Churley Ike, of the
Warm Spring Indians, a bright young
fellow, who cau speak extraordinarily
good English, were iu Salem last week
to see the "head man" of the state, w bo
happen;, to be Governor Pen no Br, but
as lie was in Portland tin ' had u long
confer-ijCf- with Attorney Geaen.1 Ctiam
berhiiu about their grievances, which are
the result of what they claim is the un
just imprisonment of two young Indians
in the penitentiary for maliciously kill
ing sheep in Grant county. At the trial
three Indians were oonvioted aud sen
tenced frotn Grant county to serve terms
of six months each iu the state prmon.
About three months ago they were taken
to Salem aud turned over to Superintend
ent Downing., but later one of them was
released ou account of being almost at
death's door with consumption. The
two remaining, Albert Cheneck, and
Scotchit, are nephew and step son of
Chief Caimpi. The chief explained at
some length that "his two boys" were
couvic ted merely on circumstantial evi
dence. Tiie sheep were found dead and
near I hem were seen tracks aud from
that all o!' the ovidenoj was taken to fas
ten the crime upou them. How ever, this
story is quite different from the Grant
county side of the affair, yet no story is
of so little importance but that there are
two sides to it.
Tiie Difference. In reference to an
item which appeared in the G- zette a
short time ago, relative to the wool mar
kets, Baker City, The Dalles and Hepp
ner, the Timjs-Mountaineer says: "The
quotations at The Dalles were 12 to lb';,
cents, the latter being paid for a large
lot of wool, aud we would like to kuow
how and in what manner 'the Heppner
mnrk"t led.' This city has paid the
highest cash price for wool and what
tor several years past, and is so sitiiBtod
that it cm cominaud the niaiknt of East
ern Oregon." Most of the wools seeking
market here were freighted in nt a cost
of from lo to Va per pound. Tun dis
tance to Tiie Dalles market is more than
double that to lieppner, for" the larger
part of the Grant oounty wools. The
difference in cost of reaching the market
more than overbalances the dillereuce in
price, admitting that The Dalles did
have a IfiJgO market for the choicest
wools. However, buyers inform this pa
per that very little wool sold at The
Dalles for even 10 cents per pound.
Bao Runaway. J as. Leahey brings
down word that Unole Tom McCullough
was badly hurt in a runaway Tuesday of
last week. Falling off the hay rack, he
cut his forhead and nose pretty badly.
Then the team took fright, running
Bway, the wagon passing over bis left
arm and leg, bruising these extremities
pretty badly, as well as injuring his right
eye. In fact TIncle Tom looks more the
"worse for wear" than the proverbial
gentleman who consented to become a
referee at a dog fight and was so injudi
Clous as to give iu a wrong decision,
is improving, however.
"Heij" Pitts Ijisciiarokd. "lied" PittH
wbo was taken from Pendleton to Port
lend Oy Mnraliiil Carlysle.of Arlinglon.lnst
week to auflwer to the charge of stealiuu;
SlQuO from a Yamhill street Ramlding
houe, was taken into Justice Wood's
court for arraignment ; Saturday morning.
Tbe defendant entered a plea or not guilty,
and as the complaining witness had como
to the conclusion not to proseoute, the
ease was dismissed and Pitts was dis
charged. Pitts has lmen in jail three or
our d.iys.
Down in Jackson County. The Cra-Zr-tle
is iu receipt of a communication
from A. H. Hooker, slating that he has
arrived nt Medford, Jackson couniy
buying made the trip in twenty days ami
enjoyed it very much. Spent a short
timn in Klamath oounty, but was not
very well pleased with that country,
Wants the Gazette changed to his pres
ent address as he cannot do without it.
Winds up by saying, "Hurrah fui Har
rison," of course thinks he will be elected.
ORRGia Out Again Hon. W. It. El
lis came up town fot the lirst time Inst
Thursday. He maile another visit Sat
urday, though on both oociiBious he was
unable to walk, even with crutches, but
was brought up iu the 'bus. Even this
is a treat to a man who has been in doors
nearly sixty days. From the way he is
improving it will not be long till he can
use bis crutches, with no fears of re
breaking bis game leg.
Siicidiss. Wilson, the wretch who
murdered little Mnraie Walcu at Mil
waukee recently, liangnd biraHelf in the
Clackamas county jail, at 2 p. m. lust
Thursday. Taking the blindages from
his broken arm, he contrived to make a
most convenient hangman's nooae, chok
ing the life out of his worthless body be
fore being discovered. Wilson has saved
the.state a job, and it is well that he is
out of the way.
Homk Aoain. Uncle Jack Morrow, the
well-known father of our county, an olrl,
honored and respected resident, re
turned last evening from Portland, where
he has been under the eare of a physician
since lust fall. Uncle Jack comes borne
- j .
greatly improved in health, and can rest
awnre.! that one and all are glad to see
bim sgsin, and hope that an early date
he will have fully recovered.
Erouoht Hack. Soma girls of the f
demi monde persuasion tried to jump
tbe village yesterday without paying
np their room rent, and according to the
accusations of Eli Keeney, did felonious
ly take some Bbeets and oilier beddine.
They acre returned on lust evening's
ttHin. hv Marshul Carlisle, of Arlington,
i - - .
j and ou seltiiuK up were released.
DuESHMAKEK.-Miss Letba Par-
, ffom Um e it( 1Hfcop(,ned dress-
-.knur narlurs over Mrs. W. A. John
makiug parlors over
; wiicre Bbe is preparea to ao an
i kinds of dressmakinK iu latest styles
8ud at reasonable rates. 4-tf
j Joe Banister was in Saturday with our
; people.
Cuas. Frey was down from Hardman
' Sunday.
Coffin & M
EM MgreMis I F Implemsnts
Stockmkxs' and
A Car Load of Mitchell Wagons and Macks
just received. C. l-1 on them and inspect
die same before purchasing elsewhere.
AYERS, Jr., Druggist,
T. W
Will locate in Heppner's new brick, nest to City Hotel.
PHIL COHN will also bo asso-
eiuted with the business, and after that date the firm name will be
T. W. AY1CRS & CO.
The boys will be pleased to have
them at their new location.
to,. tu ......a ..,,(1 nnrWui.rl hv r 1 1 1 t.tl
KTSIm ffeswrawsi i lli il Hill
imiin letter Ian Cure!
Donaldson Iliivvllle; V. l.ee( Jnntillon Cllv; John IIurriKon, .Mntney; (jco. OcliH, Alnnnilit
Kenneth MeliaV, Davvllle; Joe Oliver, John Imv; J. VV. Ilyern, New Lisbon; I'. J. Motile. Herfnll
I'nnb .l- f'lnrk. ehilhrook: Ftili'ithllil V: McCrak'. Dnouver: II. Worrell, l'tlcti; !i'.eh Hhik.
Lewir-ton; K. V. Chantller, Maltlfii; .1. lllrft-hhtrt.', i;lio!eau; 11. H. Hastlnv'B, li lift : Jam
Dillon: W. .Norton, Stewnrt; A. Downie, Ulg r-tin.l.-.
Ash Your Merchant for Coopers and Take no Other.
KOHtjNt) RUO. Pnrtlillitl. Orr-jron,
(ion. Agts. lor Oregon, Vashlngton unci Wefteni
I II II llll llllll llllllll II
1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 il 1 1 1
H. A. ThompHon A, J!.
littlOM Coflln di McFurlmi'l'B, Main Hired.
Good Conveyance for Tiaveling Men,
Teams to bay per day, 7!) cts. liny roid Hrain per day. fjl.'i't. Meals 25 cts. at
at C. C. Sarxeaiit's, nut door to Feetl Stable, lliain and
lulled hoy nlu-nva on hand.
Change of Ownership
which we propose lo conduct in
on hands nt ail times the choicest
Meats, Sausege, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
85-t.l J'i'onrietot'P.
lOtis Patterson
Farmers' Suri'LIKS
their ninny ol
il frieiiilfl onll nn n
. . 0. F.
Inclorseiiietits i
low I toy Otwoli tttitl Montana Mtoi'li
(Vflcr-xtm, JV.rn.
II 1 1 li II llllll llllllllll 1 1 1 1 III 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' I n
HAVE FOR HAi.E thirty hend of Ilucke,
Hftt'cn tlioi-oui'hhrcd MerinoH nnd iiftt;cn
KitirUB. HHie licon with my nwe fnr tlirce
yen th.
Above for
3r Head,
ViiiHou, Of,
Feed am
the most satisfactory manner. ill keep
cai.1, ;
AT !
V!oIa Wo i a
C-- max rm
4l yJii- -ARB-
With the Right Swing and
We Propose to
I Catch That Maverick, 1
The Frisky Dollar.
Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Guns and Ammunition and Agricultural
Implements, there are no dealers in
Morrow County that can
liikf Yours Respectfully. We are here for business from the
ground np ami propose to let yon know it.
MT.N011 BKOS.,
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Made on rtnonT Norim anij at I'oi'ei.ui ruin.
Bread 32 Loaves for $1.00.
W. II.
, E. FELL, Secretary
Tie Morrow Couniv Land k nvist Comirauv
' lilt' iVIUi I uvv
Pl'VYV il'l'l1 CA FITA ,J Sr0CK' $100,000.00. PAID UP, $25,000.00.
W J ' ' '; Incorporated 1888.
U hmk and hmiw ipk
(ipt'vtithifl WarehoiWH af I'pmn Jonfi and Don(jlax n the
Ilrppner Branch of the V. I H. U
.1. A. ThoiHtwnTi.
NoIhoii Jdllt-H
M. It. liiHhop.
ImI. H. Ciix,
J. K. Frlt-k, (.
Kilwunl Duv.
'I'lnMon K. Full,
J. A. WnoliM'V,
T 'I' TS tlip nut nnsfi of the Klocklinlrici
f tliiH
tl Cinin
I iiiiitiitillv nflviintiiKt'miK to ail wtml tiiitl cinin
Iiivornhli; hoine jiinrkct wlilch it lmn CHtitliliwhcd. DiiiIiir ttu cmiiiii wool nt'timm we Bollcit
ihe biiHliiONH of nil wool growers mid r- i i-Ht ilu-m to wml tlittir t'lip lo tlti; "Wool drowuin
Iiavin (Milarffcil ttio Heppner Warclioiinc, and roofer! till nlnti'nrms, wo Imvn doiihlothp
utoriifit.1 (!Kpa. iiy of any otlicr wii rehouse lu Ln-tcr n Oregon, well Mlitcd ior the iliHplny ot m ool
"The Wool Growers' Warehouse."
First prize at the Worlds Exposition.
First in Material and Workmanship.
First in the. estimation of all practical fanners.
Never equalled for Duruliility, Kxeeutinn iitid LiKhtness 01' Kraft coniliini'd.
tf. Oornor Miiin find AVillow Sti'ocls, Hi'imcr Ov.
W. J. 11C1CV.I4I, I r.
HIS IIOHTELKY hus l'en IIei-'I'itho and Uhkiinisiikd throughout, BI,j nuw
with him, feeling that he is able to entertain you in the best of style.
Fiksi' Class IIousl
i I i
ustSers !
In all lines of
Vice Pirn.
and Manager.
1. A. Ilcrt'cn,
1', C. ThfmiiiMin.
Nitlhiinlrl Wolit,.
Jiiliii L Ayern,
.fllllH'H .IfJlM'H,
A. It- Clnil'iimn.
Wm. I'cnltiii'l,
W. K, Klliotl,
N. A. K.'lly,
AiiHtui VVi'ilit,
(MMiiimiiy to conduct iln hiiKliienn In n nuiniifi
prnthii iTH nf IIiIh Kcclinn, nml tf niHiiitiin tac
Rkasonaiu.k Rates.
For Fruit has Arrived and we
are in the business to supply you
Is ubout l'ixf. Vt' wilL let, yon
know about that in tin- ntnr l'utiti'e.
W. L. Matlock & Co.
t terday.
Another trial,