Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 02, 1892, Image 3

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O'Donnell And Others
Are Free.
Carnegie Will Nut Talk About the
Trouble Non-Unlou Men are Ool ig
in orli Krlcft IVlll N;t be Out fur
.Stveral Mouth.
Pittsbckq, July 25 Chairman Frick
did not come down to bis office this
morning, aa he jokingly assured his as
sociates lie would as he was carried to
the ambulance Saturday night, nor is it
probable that he will be seen at his
desk for many months. He passed a
restful night, despite the closeness of
the air. His extraordinary vitality
was strikingly demonstrated as yester
day, although it was the hottest day
experienced for ten years, his wounds
apparently gave little trouble, while
mentally he was bright and active. The
wound was examined and dressed this
morning but there was not the;faintest
trace of blood poisoning or of any
greater amount ol inflammation
than would be expected under the
circumstances, and the results of the ex
amination are decidedly encouraging
both to the surgeons and the patient.
After the examination Frick asked for
the morning papers and read with inter
est the accounts of the movements of
the would-be assassin during Sunday.
In interviews had with them as to the
future of the sufferer the surgeons
eay it will not be possible
lor him to leave his bed even to walk
about the room for a month or six weeks
at the earliest. The fact was developed
that Saturday Frick received in the
morning mail a letter ivhich informed
him that he would die before the next
day. He passed it to his associates witft
the joking remark: "iuave but 24 hours
to live." He said alterwards he
placed the missive in a pigeon-hole in
his desk. He referred to the matter
last night, and it is being investigated.
It is not thought to have any connec
tion with Bergman's act. The would-be
assassin was quietly taken last night
from the central station to the county
jail, where he will remain until the
trial in September, lie was Dooked lor
felonious assault. The maximum pen
ally for this is but seven years, but
other charges are to be ad lo I.
Chief of Police Omora, of Pittsburg,
culled at headquarters tins forenoon and
was closeted some time with Chief In
spector Steers in regard to the attempted
assassination of Frick. City detectives
are hard at work on the case.
I'lTTt-iiuuG, July 25 A man whose
name the police refuse to give was ar
rested this afternoon as an accomplice
of Bergman, the attempted assassin of
The situution here and at Homestead
is perfectly quiet this morning. All par
ties have settled down to the fact oi a
long siege and are preparing to wait it
out. Secretary Lovejoy announces that
the company is in no hurry to start tl.e
mills here, and will devote attention
first to Homestead.
Bergman, the would-be assassin, when
told this morning that Frick would re
cover, said : "Well, I'm sorry for that."
Bergman says he was born in St. Pe
tersburg, Russia, and educated in one
of the leading colleges there. When
told that the people considered his act
most cowardly and that he had no sym
pathizers, he replied : "1 know tne peo
ple be with me, and am sorry I made a
bad job of it. 1 am willing to stand the
consequences." Bergman declared that
he had no confederates. He asked lor
the newspapers, and said he wanted to
see what they said about him.
Robert Sterling, a starved, Bhabbily
dressed young fellow from Chicago, who
was arrested on Second avenue last
night while telling a small crowd that
he had walked all the way from that
city to kill Carnegie, will be sent to the
work house today.
PiTTsiiuuGii, July 25 The Westbound
fast mail on the Pennsylvania road
brought two hundred non-union men for
the Homestead mills from Philadelphia,
New York and Boston. They will be
taken to the mills this afternoon. They
are said to be skilled iron and Bteel
PiTTHHURn, July 25 Hugh O'Donnell,
the leader in the Homestead strike, was
released on bail t .is morning.
The action of Judge Magee in admit
ting O'Donnell to bail is just whut was
anticipated by those who heard the
evidence adduced by the prosecuting
attorney. The court reviewed the evi
dence at length, cited the law in the
question and announced as ins conclu
sion that no case of murder in the
first degree could be made out
against the prisoner. It was
apparent, he said, O'Donnell
was not an actual participant although
there are grounds for belief that he w.is
a sympathizer, but there is evidence
enough to justiiy an indictment for mur
der in the secoud degree. He hoped,
however, when the deiendant came to
trial, he could show he was in no wise
participating in the atfray that had re
sulted in the loss of so many iiveB. It
was the court's duty to admit the de
fendant to bail and that bail would be
fixed at $10,000. .
It was received with a buzz of satis
faction from the crowded court room.
It was fully a minute before they could
apt silence. It was then announced that
no evidence would be offered against
Boss, Foy and Allen and bail in the
same amount was fixed for each defend
ant. The bail was promptly given for
all four prisoners, and they were re
London, July 25 Andrew Carnegie is
at Bannock lodge 35 miles Irom tele
graph, and it has been impossible to get
any statement from him in regard to
Homestead affairs or the shooting
of Frick. He refuses to answer
telegrams or letters. There is
much feeling against him here. A. large
meeting of laoorers adopted resolutions
Btrongly condemning Carnegie's course
in regard to the Homestead troubles and
expressed the hope that the workmen
would contemptously refuse any lurther
philauth opic giftB from him,
the Striker. wliNot Allow the R.im
load Mill! to He Workid.
Homestead, July 27 It is evident
the Carnegie com pay is able to operate
the mills under the protection of the
militia but there are other means of
righting, according to a member of the
advisory committee, who said: "We will
not under any circumstances permit
those millB to run it here is any agency
which may be employed to prevent it.
We have already selected men who will
go into those millsasliast as they can se
cure employment, who are instructed
and sworn to carry out our
orders in consummating
policy which we have agreed
upon. hen we are sure there ia no
longer any hope for us, our representa
tives in me mill win place explosives
where they will do the most harm to
the machinery. We have definitely de
termined that the mills shall not bi op
erated by non-union men. and one of
the principal ways to prevent it is to
contract or wreck the property. 1
might say a great deal more, but under
the circumBtauces I have gone as far as
I dare."
Hugh O'Donnell says he did not
authorize correspondents to treat with
the Carnegie people with a view to end
ing the trouble by the surrender of the
men. The correspondents took a jok
ing remark of his in earnest and en
deavored to negotiate a settlement.
Pittsburg, Pa., July 27 The police
are keeping a strict lookout for an
archists, inspector McKelvey save
Bergman is only a tool of conspirators.
The anarchists were getting ready to '
carry out gigantic schemes, and an at
tempt would have been made on the
lives of several prominent citizens.
This afternoon two anarchists,
Charles Finater and August Tirnopk, of
Allegheny, called at the station to
see Bauer. They were arrested. It is
just learned an attempt was made to
blow up Carnegie's union mills in this
city. During the absence of the engi
neer some one tuined on the unlighted
gas in the furnaces. The discovery of
the lact was made in time to prevent an
explosion. One hundred and fifty men
were in the department at the time.
Many lives would have been lost. Bauer
Bays there are 500 anarchists in Pittsburg
and 1,000 in Western Pennsylvania.
Frick passed a most satisfactory night.
Pittsburg., Pa., July 27 The Carneg'e
company, alter consultation w ith the dis
trict attorney and chief of police and its
own criminal lawyer, has decided that
there is no evidence sufficient to warrant
any steps being taken against llerr Most
at the present time.
He Shot a Mao Year Ago and the Man
Geti a Pension.
Boise, Idaho, July 22 An incident
which has just come to light here will
probably lead to the investigation of
one George Hunter's right to receive
favors at the hands of the federal gov
ernment. During the Nez Perces Indian
war, which raged in Idaho during the
year 1877, Hunter was captain of a com
pany of volunteers and one of hia lieu
tenants was a bright young fellow
named Eugene Wilson.
Hunter, it is said, was a hard man to
serve and he and his lieutenants fre
quently indulged in bitter quarrels. It
is lurtlier stated that Hunter was a nre-
eater and that one day he savagely at
tacted Wilson, who had to shoot in order
to preserve his lile. lhe bullets from
his pistol entered one of Hunter's arms,
but he speedily recovered. Now, h w-
ever, as a reward lor a serious wound re
ceived upon the field of battle, Hunter
is an attache ot the pension othce in
Washington city, drawing a monthly
salary of $77. The lieutenant who shot
him is said to be lamiuarly Known as
"Gene" Wilson, and is now a candidate
for gubernatorial nomination in the
State of Washington.
iLDiit sh Subjects L.auf-uish lu a Mexican
City ok Mexico, July 26 Messrs.
Chihen, Wyniun and Sharlock, three
Englishmen who are languishing in Be
len priBon here on suspicion of having
caused the death of their friend, host
and countryman, Douglass Crosby, are
fated, it would seem, to Buffer all
the iniquities of the law's de
lay. The dead man stated,
in his ante - mortem declaration,
before the local authorities that he had
shot himself accidentally. This state
ment was corroborated by his three
friends who were the first to discover
him after his fatal accident. Since their
incarceration, no evidence has been
found to the contrary, yet the judge who
has charge of the investigation has re
fused to grant the prisoners their
liberty, which has been demanded
by their counsel on writ of
habeas corpus. The judge ruled that
the prisoners had failed to dispel the
suspicions entertained against them
from which it would seem that they
were expected to prove them
selves innocent instead of the prose
cution proving their guilt. The result
of the investigation conducted so far has
not been made public, and it is believed
that no discoveries have been
made pointing to the guilt
of the prisoners or the
nrosecution would have entered charges
against them. The English colony
manifests strong interest in the case,
and much sympathy is expressed
for the prisoners, who are looked
upon as victims of an arbitrary
and unprecedented abuse of judicial
authority. No one will credit the
abominable suspicionentertained against
them by the court, and Sir Lionel Car
den, the British charge d'aifa.res, will
make formal demand for their liberty
from the government in a few days.
He i lu .he Toils and Will Have
Trouhle K-.caplog; This fund.
Long Island City, L. I., July 27 Dr.
Henry C. McGouigle, of 257 West One
Hundred and Twenty-filth street, New
York, convicted of causing the death of
Annie Goodwin in Harlem by criminal
operation and who has been a fugitive
from justice for many months, was this
morning arrested charged with causing
the death of Mrs. Louisa Webb, of 400
Hamilton street, Ravenawood. .Mrs.
Webb died yesterday and the autopsy
showed from the effects of malpractice.
A midwife named Alice M. Hale and
the husband of the woman, Frank
Wood, were placed under arrest charged
with being implicated in the crime.
The trio will be arraingned this after-
no in. It is said mat jiicuomgie uaa ior
some time been traveling through New
York and Chicago under an assumed
name and disguised to cary on the old
business whenever the midwife, Hale,
had a job lor him. Webb, the husband
of the dead womau, recently figured in
the riots at Homestead aa a Pinkerton
Colorado Silverites.
Denver, July 26 The convention of
the State Silver League met tlua morn
ing, 500 delegates present, to nominate
the State ticnei anu presiueuuai cicv-i-ora.
Some are in favor of fusion with
the Peode's party: others demand a
straight ticket.
The President recommended the con
vention to nominate electors pledged to
cast their vote lor wnatever presiuenuai
caudidate will declare in lavor of free
coinage ol silver, iney uupe to
force either Harrison i r Cleveland in
the expectation of carrying Colorado.
Idaho, and three or four other Western
States. The convention met at 11 a. m.,
and chose C. I. Thompson temporary
chairman. Committees were appointed
and receaa taken until afternoon.
Good Crops.
Minneapolis, July 26 Reports to the
r,iKn (mm alt over the Northwestern
wheat belt show good prospects on the
whole, with an average crop certain and
above the average with good weather.
Denounced by the CI ilium and Clrry
of Pennsylvania.
Harrisburg, Pa., July 27 The pun
ish.nent of Private Lams, who was
shamefully treated by Colonel Streator
for proposing three cheers for Bergman,
the assailant oi Frick, is the subject of
much unfavorable comment here among
civilians and they denounce it in very
plain language. Governor Pattison re
fuses to be interviewed on the subject.
He has not as yet received the protest
of the newspaper correspondents calling
for investigation.
Bishop Thomas McGovern, the head
of the Harrisburg diocese of the Roman
Catholic church, has written a protest of
Lams' punishment to the Daily Patriot.
He bitterly denounces the act as a dis
grace to civilization and aa tending to
have a demoralizing effect upon the
esprit de corps of our military organ
ization. '
. L aded Excuisl.in Sleainar Cornea
Very Near Being W recked.
Norfolk, Conn., July 27 The big
Cygnus, of New York city, laat niht
narrowly escaped being dashed to pieces
on the rocks near Koton Point. The
Danbury Odd Fellows were aboard the
vessel, returning from an excursion
down the Sound, and when off this
shore, the pilot mistook the light on a
small steamer lor tne ngnt nouae. u
made his course west of Belle Island,
believing he waa in the channel.
When within a Bhort distance of Ro
ton Point rocks, Captain Avign, who
was out in a row boat, warned the pilot.
Warning was not a moment too soon
and the vessel, loaded to the rail with
passengers, reversed her engines just in
time to Drevent a wreck. The Bteam-
er's nose, on coming to a standstill was
within ten ieet of a lormidibfe ledge oi
Citizens In Pursuit of a Dangerous
Hand of Outlaws.
Uniontown, Pa., July 27 One of the
most daring and dangerous bands of out
laws, next to the Molly Maguires, that
ever persecuted the citizens of this
State, waa until last Friday led by Jack
Cooley. Cooley's band robbed travelers
and the farmers of the surrounding
country, fleeing to the coke regions
whenever a sheriff's posse would start
in pursuit. Once in ti e coke regions it
was impossible to make an arrest. A
trap was aet for Cooley, and last week
he waa captured and shot. His last
words were: "See that my death is
Today the facts in a horrible crime
came to light from the sheriff who ar
rested a man named Rankin, one of
Cooley's band, lor stealing a flock of
sheep". Since Cooley's death Rankin is
said to have been chief of the outlaws.
The sheriff' secured irom an eye witness
the story of the methoda pursued by the
band in avenging tne ueatn oi meir
leader. After the theft of the flock of
sheep, the outlaws drove on to this city
where they sold the flock to a butcher.
With the proceeds liquor was bought
and the men revelled in the foreat dur
ing Monday.
Last evening the band, numbering a
dozen men, proceeded to the house ol
Wesley olBier, near nayaentown. oieier
had helped to kill Cooley, it is said, and
he was seized by the outlaws and
pinioned. Hia only child, a young girl,
was then assaulted by members of the
band. The helpless father's cries for
help were stifled by blowe and a gag.
His Btrumzles for liberty were only
stopped by a blow from a muaket butt.
Alter accompusmng meir revenge toe
band departed. It ia not thought that
the gin will recover. A snerilt 's posse
started in pursuit of the band and
"Lynch them all" is the cry heard here
A Soaiely Uelle an I a Wealthy- Young
Ainu Cmio.llde to Gut Married.
Amehicus, Ga., July 27 An elope
ment which has stirred up all Georgia's
society is that of Miaa Douschk Hol
comb, one of the belles ol Georgia, and
J. Ponce de Leon Gill, a wealthy New
Yorker, who has a home at DeWitt, Ga.
Miaa Holcomb is not a beauty, though
quite young. She is a membei of one
oi the most prominent Georgia families,
and is a granddaughter of Mra. Governor
Perkins, ot Houtn Carolina, wnose
beau tv and brilliancy made her famous
at all courts of Europe when her hus
band was minister to Rus-ia.
Misa Holcomb and Mr. Gill came to
Americus this morning and were quietly
married. None of her relatives were
apprised of their intentions.
Conferring With Republican Leaders.
New York, July 27 The Herald this
morning aays: Hugh O'Donnel, the
leader of the HomeBtead Btrikers, will
be here today to continue the negotia
tions with Republican campaign cap
tains, which were broken oil' when he
left this city last Wednesday to give
himself up at Homestead, with Hugh
Ross, on a charge of murder.- O'Donnel
came to New York a week ago last Mon
day, or two days after Mr. Carter's se
lection lor the cnairinansnip. lie was
seen on the street with J. S. Clarkson
the next day and had an interview with
John L. Multolland who has been at
tending to labor matters for the Repub
licans. To manufacturers like the Royal Bak
ing Powder Company, the public iB
under a large debt of gratitude for the
increased purity of articles of food sold
at the present day. The reports of the
official government investigations of bak
ing powdera show the Koyai to le
stronger and purer than any other. It
is quite evident tnat neitner ingenuity,
science nor exDense can in any way im
prove upon the Royal liaising rowuer aa
now belore tne puDiic.
Will Be Buried in His Native Country.
VAi.rARAi.--o, July 27 Orders have
been Bent the captain of the cruiser
Pinto to bring the body of Senor Rosa
to thia country for burial. Senor Rosa
was one of the aignera of the declaration
of independence of Chili against Spain.
He died in Argentine and will be
brought to Conception for burial.
The Famous Dismal Swamp bold.
Norfolk, Va., July 7 The famous
Dismal awamp ot Virginia, which con
tains 60 square miles, was sold here to
day to Thomas R. liallantyne, the
millionaire farmer of Virginia, for
Rough on the bultan.
Tangier, July 27 It is reported that
insurgents are advancing on the city to
attack the sultan's troops. Great alarm
prevails. Europeans living along the
shore are flocking into the city.
Seattle's Valuation $49,288,050.
Seattle, July 27 The entire valuation
for the city of Seattle ia $40,288,050, of
which $43,652,180 is real estate and
$5,635,870 represents personal property.
New Orleans Settles a Big Suit.
New Orleans, July 27 As far as the
city of New Orleans is concerned the
Gaines' case is a thing of the past. On
Monday William Whitney, the adminis-
trator of the estate, received a check
$923,788 in full settlement of the city's
indebtedness. Yesterday he filed his
account in the civil district court, and
within a few days following the expira
tion of the judicial limit for filing oppo
sition claims the various creditors will,
with but few exceptions, receive the full
amounts of their claims.
A Famous Hwiudlor Koowu as Sir Kd
ward Cook Captured.
New Youk, July 27 William Wilson,
who for two years past has traveled over
the country under the name of Sir Ed
ward Cook, a cousin of Earl Dudley and
Lord Mandeville, is a prisoner at police
headquarters. He was captured by De
tectives Titus and Krauch.
Nonchalance is not the name to de
scribe the bogus Sir Edward's demeanor
when recognized at police headquarters.
He laughed when his victims identified
him. Indeed, he told Inspector Steirs
that he could give points to New York
ers on police work, as he had been head
of the New Zealand force and also an
officer in the Eighty-eighth regiment,
Connemarra rifles in Ireland.
Wilson, passing as an English noble
man, swindled extensively in the Weat,
coming to grief finally in Denver, where
he was imprisoned for Bix months.
Upon hia release he came to thia city
and made a specialty of swindling
jewelera. It is not known how many
firms were nipped, but compiaints
enough to insure the bogus nobleman a
long term in prison nave Deen iouuu.
A. eonUiliiis Willow Pun Her Trust in
a Fickle Swain.
St. Lotus, Mo., July 27 Mra. Barbara
Hoffmeister, a widow, called on Chief
Desmond today for asaiatance in her
search for Richard Stein. She met
Stein at his restaurant in Chicago about
a year ago. They lell in love with euch
other. Stein had about $2,700 and the
widow had $6,000. They agreed to
get married, both were anxious to come
to St. Louis and Stein sold out. He
came here a few weeks ago to establish
himself in business.
Mra. Hoffmeister followed him last
week and they selected a house prepara
tory to getting married and going to
housekeeping. Last Saturday they
rented a box at the Missouri sale De
posit company and Stein placed hia
bank book and a few trinkets in it.
Mrs. Hoffmeister says she put $5,400 of
her money in it, anil each took a key.
She saya she has not Been Stein since
Monday, and when she went to the safe
deposit this morning her money was
A Train Load of CallToruia Fruit on lis
Way Across the Atlantic.
New York, July 27 The White Star
steamer Majestic, which sailed thia
morning, carried 00 tons ol California
fruit, the first ever sent direct from the
Pacific coast to llngland. Five cars con
taining the fruit reached here yesterday,
bavins left Sacramento at 10 p. in., on
July 19th, making the run of 3,000
miles in the quickest time for a Iruit
train on record. Most of it is going to
Adams & Co., fruit dealers, ol Liver-
P0?1-.. . .... .. ' u.t
m tne consignment ia a large uox ui
splendid Bartlelt pears, specially se
lected and pacKeo ior yueen v ictoria.
A similar box for Senator Stanford, who
is in Paris, and a box for the editor of
DeB Bata of Paris. The cars reached
Jeraey City at midnight yesterday.
They were gaily decorateo) witn crmsn
and American bunting and attracted
great attention on the journey from
California. Should the fruit reach En
gland in good condition, it is expected I
to De a lorerunner oi a vaiuaoie uusi
ness. A Letter from President Oakes on the
HtesmAhlp Line.
Seattle, July 27 At the meeting of
the trustees of the Chamber of Com
merce yesterday afternoon the following
letter from President Thomas F. Oakes,
of the Northern Pacific railroad, waa
I am in receipt of yours of the 13th
instant in regard to having the ships of
the Northern Pacific Steamship com
pany, plying between Puget Sound and
China, stop at your port. Let me say at
the outBet that this steamship company
is "Northern Pacific" only in name.
Neither the railroad company nor any
officer connected with it has any interest
whatever in the steamship company.
The stock of the steamship company is
owned exclusively in Great Britain, and
its management is in the hands oi Mr.
W. B. Dodwell, to whom your letter will
be forwarded.
We have a good dock at Seattle,
which was purchased for the purpose of
connecting it with our business along
the water front, and thus place our com
pany in as good a position lor inter
change of commerce as we are at la
coma ; but our efforts to put in the
nennssarv tracks hr le been deleated in
one way and another, so we are no
better off in this respect today than we
were at the time the wharl waa pur
chased. I trust your people understand
that we cannot do business without
facilities, and bo far as it may be prac
ticable I hope they will co-operate with
our people in securing track connection
between the wharf and existing tracks
under our control.
A letter had been Bent a few days be
fore to Goodall, Perkins & Co., aaking
that the Alaska steamers Btop a little
longer at t-eattle, in order to give the
passengers a chance to view the city.
The answer of Goodall, Perkins & Co.
waa rather curt. They began by say
ing: "We beg to eay that the Alaska
steamers' trips are arranged with the
view of showing the tourists and pasaen
gers the beauties of Alaska; it being
assumed that there is plenty of time and
of opportunity for them to see euch
cities aa Seattle before starting or on
their return." The letter continued
that there was no law to prevent pasBen
gerB anxious to see Seattle from coming
here and spending six hours, or even
aixtv, before the steamer started. If
they wanted to look at Seattle they
could get off here on their way back and
take a boat to Tacoma.
Chaunoey Depew Qoes Abroad.
New York, July 27 Upon the pas
senger list oi the White Star steamship
Majestic, which Bailed this morning,
appears the name of Chauncey M. De
pew. He starta on a much-needed reat.
According to hia own testimony he says
that during the last year ne did more
railroad work and more literary and po
litical labor than ever before.
Etna is Lively Again.
Catania, July 27 There has been a
renewal in the violence in the eruption
of Mount Etna. There is is an incess
ant rumble accompanied by showers of
ashes. An earthquake was felt today at
Mino, 37 milea south.
The Sewer Exploded.
St. Lolis, July 27 The body of Carl
Fuchs, killed in the sewer explosion
yesterday afternoon, was recovered from
the debris of his saloon this morning.
It is believed others lost their lives and
dropped into the sewer, being carried
out into the river.
Pretty Badly off.
Sofia, July 27 MilaroH, PopoU,
ol Ghorghioff and Karaguloff, conspirators,
The Naval Kser?e Wants a Week's
Jaunt on the Charl - elou.
San Francisco, July 26 Lieutenant
Commander Goodall, of the naval bat
talion, has mule application to the sec
retary of the navy lor the uae ol the
cruiser Charleston for a week's cruise
for the battalion. It is confidently ex
pected by the officers and members of
the naval reserve that the permission
sought will be granted, as this branch
of the National Guard of California ia
entitled to a summer cruiae for the same
period that the infantry and artillery
enjoy the pleasure and instruction of a
week in camp. The Charleston is ex'
pected back in port early in August,
and with the sanction of Secretary
Tracy she will immediately prepare to
entertain the naval battalion for a
Though thepiospective cruise remains
as yet a matter ol unc rtainty, the pro
gram lor the week's doings lias Deen
mapped out with the anticipation that
the opportunity will be afforded to carry
it out. Four companies will go into
quarters ou the Pensacola and will enjoy
aUailv cruise on the Charleston either
to the Farallons or up and down the
coast where the opportunity may oe nad
for Dractice on the cruiser's big guna.
One day will be devoted to landing
drills on the beach near the Presidio
and others to all the various other drills
and marine manoeuvres which can be
crowded into a week, in case the
Charleston is secured for the week she
will be compelled to return the battalion
each evening to the schoolship on ac
count of lack of accommodations on the
cruiser for such a large lorce oi men and
officers which places the matter of a
long cruise out of the question.
uut He Is IihIuiii. lateiu.ly for his
Coming Match with Mullivau.
Asbury Park, N. J., July 25 Jim
Corbett had a big reception yesterday.
His out-of-town viattors were quite nu
merous. Among them were Jack Mc
Donnell, of New Orleans, and Mattie
Corbett, one of Jim's backers.
Tomorrow captain Williams, oi tne
Olympic club, is expected to arrive at
Lock Arbor. In regard to tne statement
that Sullivan made in this morning's
papers about whipping Corbett in two
rounds, the latter said he had nothing
more to say, more than that the 7th day
of September would tell. Corbett lur
ther said that he wanted to do nothing
to prejudice the popular mind against
him, or that would come back against
him if he was defeat d.
Jim, however, fully expecta to bent
Sullivan. A Bhort game of hand-ball
with Daly, a half hour's punching of the
bag and a bath in the surf, with the
never omitted rub down constitutes Cor
bett's training.
lie Will iukd Anybody lu Lieu of
i'rilcflard or O'Brien.
New Orleans, July 25 Bob Fitzaim
mons aeems very much put out by the
non-appearance of O'Brien, and ex
presses the opinion that some one is
trying to queer him with the club and
prevent him from tighting.
"It Beems very strange to me," he
said, "that both Pritchard and O'Brien
should back out when auch a liberal
purse is hung up, and when they have
such limited opportunities for making
any money in their own country. 1
don't see how any one could hope to
make any money trying to break up my
matches and cannot see how the things
could happen without some sort of de
sign." Bob expresses a willingness to meet
Costelio, who has been suggested aa his
opponent, or pretty much anybody else
the club may suggest.
Beady to Hack Up His Jeclsloa of a
Horse Kitoe W.tli His Fists.
Fort Dodoe, Iowa, J uly 25 The Rev.
Mr. Tyrrel, pastor oi a church at Clar
ion, occupied a seat in the judges' Btand
Saturday and officiated as time keeper
in a race between two local trotters. The
spectators questioned his decision,
whereupon he promptly pulled oil' his
coat and announced that he could whip
any man who called him a liar. Mutual
friends prevented the affair irom going
further, but it has naturally caused
mucn attention.
Mr. Tyrrel ia a well-known lover of
last horaea, but ao long as he took no
part in racing his congregation did not
object. Now many of his fiock are in
dulging in harsh criticism of his conduct
and the matter may be brought before
the next coni rence.
Many Iyiiij from Suuslroke Cases of
Chicago, July 25 Four deaths by
sunstroke and a number of prostrations
by heat are reported today.
Nkw York, July 25 Today is un
doubtedly the hottest of the year. The
thermometer was standing at 1)4 at 1 p.
m.. being only five degrees less than a
day in July in 187H, when at 11 p. m. it
regiatered 09 degrees. Indications at 2
p. m. point to a thunder atorm this
alternoon. Reports from the State
show average temperature of 95 and
great suffering.
Louisville, Ky., July 25 The tem
perature yesterday touched 111). Near
ly 100 prostrations, many will, it is
teared will terminats fatally.
Milan, Tenn., July 25 The tempera
ture reached 9 yesterday. There were
six cases of sunstroke in the county.
Many cattle are dying.
Cincinnati, July 25 Yesterday and
today have been intensely hot. The
thermometer registered U4 at 1 this
afternoon. Three deaths from heat are
Mlracu:ous Discovery Where Alexander
II Was Killed.
Sr. Phtk.r8iii.ho, July 26 Twelve
tbousantl men are laying the eastern
section of the t ans-Siberiau railway.
The work will be completed next
A sensation was caused among the
lower classes by the miraculous discov
ery of an image of the Virgin in the
foundation of a church being built on
the spot where Czar Alexander II waa
murdered. It ia said the Virgin revealed
the presence of the image to an old
woman in a dream. The imago was
conveyed to the palace of the grand
Duchess Catharine Michilonva, where
the court chaplain waa the first to ven
erate it. The authorities assert that the
story was concocted to quieken the zeal
ot the public in behalf oi the church.
The Charleston to be Transferred to
the Southern Paciilo Station.
New York, July 2H The Herald's
correspondent at Washington telegraphs
the following: The Southern Pacific
station which has been without a ship
since the late Chilian trouble is soon to
be represented by the United States
steamer Charleston, and soon it is
I thought a Southern Pacific station with
headquarters at Calloa, Peru, will be
permanently established. The imme
diate cauae of the orders which have
just been lFSued for the Charleston to
proceed to Peru is the unstable condi
tion of affairs between Chili and
Peru. She waa selected for this
service at the request of the State de
partment upon tne representation oi our
minister at Lima, who thinks it advisa
ble that there should be at least one
ship in southern waters at the present
time. The Charleston is now en route
from Puget Sound to Mare Island, where
the damages caused by hre will be re
paired and the vessel put in good condi
tion before her departure for Peru.
the ttugiish and Ueruiau crops Hare
San Francisco, July 28 William
Darby, hop buyer for Bass & Co., of
Burton-on-frent, England, probably the
largest brewers in the world sa.d yester
day : "1 don't know where we are to get
our hopa this year. For many years the
county ol Kent has been the point of
hop producing in England, but except
last year when the crop was very large
the yield lias become steadily smaller,
compelling us to use hops grown
in Germany and other coun
ts ies in Northern Europe. American
hops contain a larger percentage of ex
tract than the European variety, but
until quite recently they were care
lessly cured and badly packed and con
sequently sold for lar less than they
would had proper care been exercised.
This year the English and German hop
crops are a lailure owing to too mucli
heat early in the growth of the plant
and the wet weaiher just as
the blossomB came. The hop louse,
too, alter an absence oi a
year or two, reappeared, bo that
the crop this year is the smallest lor
some years. In the Eastern Bfaiea the
intensely hot weather that has prevailed
for weeks has done much damage while
in eastern Oregon where some of the best
hopa in the country are grown the cold
dry weather ior the last few weeka has
greatly retarded the growth and de
velopment ot the plant. I expect to
see higher prices for hopa than have
ruled lor aome years."
tlia Stand
in tier Owd
Memphis, Jnlv 27 In the trial of Alice
Mitchell for the murder of Freda Ward,
thedeiendant took the stand in her own
defense. She told the Btory of the kill
ing substantially as heretofore re
hearsed. She admitted her infatuation
for Freda and sai . she tried twico belore
to kill her but was prevented once by
the racr sticking in her pocket and
once by the publicity of the
place in which she found her.
She told of her intention of
marriage to Freda and how she pro
posed to raise a moustache by shaving.
She doclared that she used to like Miss
Joe Ward, Freda's sistor, until she went
on the stand and swore to a lot of lies
about her. Now it would not be safe
for Misa Joe to thrust herself in the
witness' power. Miss Mitchell occasion
ally gave evidence of a loss of somo of
her heretofore remarkable Belf-posses-aion.
and Wife Burled
Same Grave.
Pkinceton, Ky., July 25 John Wilson
and his wile, prominent people of Cald
well county, have both been lying very
low with consumption. On Friday Mrs.
Wilson tlied. When news waa carried
to Mr. Wilson he got out of bed, shaved
himself, ate a hearty dinner and said he
felt better, but that he would die before
noon the next day. He stopped the
sexton from digging his wife's grave,
telling him that a double grave would
be needed aa he would be buried wit
hia wife. The next day he tlied at the
hour predicted and was laid away with
his wife in the same grave.
Chinese and Japanese Driven Out.
Boise, Idaho, July 27 A large num
ber of Japanese who were on Sunday
run out of Nampa have sneaked into
this city. Aa they have smallpox
among them a great deal of uneasiness
haa been caused here and, acting under
instructions ol Mayor Pinny, the oflieers
are forcing all the Japanese to leave the
city. The people of Nampa took partic
ular care to so station armed guards
that the allticted exiies could not go
back to that place, but they let the cap
ital shift for itseli. Not only the Jap
anese but the Chinese have been com
pelled to leave Nampa. Even vegeta
ble gardeners must go, leaving their
crops behind. At INampa last
night several Chinese wore roughly
handled bv unknown persons. The
Union Pacilic railway company will
take a hand in the matter and will
prosecute the men who have driven
their Japanese section hands away.
Division Superintendent Calvin is here
consulting attorneys, liovernoi wiuey
and United States Attorney Wood de
plored the action ol the mobs at Nampa
and Caldwell, but they will take no
action unlesa appealed to. Tanaker,
the man who importa Japanese, has
wired the Japanese min,ater at Wash
ington and tomorrow the Chinese min
ister will be requested to protect his
corntrymen and their interests.
For Government Control of U. P.
Wasiiinuton, I). C, July 22 Senator
Morgan has introduced a bill forthe gov
ernment control of the Union and Cen
tral Pacific railroads, until the debt to
the United States is fully paid or se
cured. It waa referred to the select
committee on Pacilic roada. It provides
for five directors for each company
chosen by stockholders, and ten govern
ment directors for each company aelocted
by the government at 1(10,000 salary.
Don't Kecommend Him.
Washington. D. C, July 25 The
Senate judiciary committee this morn
ing with two Republicans and four
Democrats proaent, decided to report
the nomination oi Georgo hlurars to Do
associate justice of the United States
supremo court to the Senate without
recommendation. The fact that the
Democrats allowed the report to bo made
in thia shape encourages hia friends in
the belief that there will be no licticous
opposition in the Senate.
Miners as Prisoners.
Wallace, Idaho, July 25 United
States Marshal . inkham started with
the 25 principal prisoners confined here
for Boise today by special train on the
Union Pacilic. Company A, Idaho Na
tional Guards, went along as guard.
Aiuonir the prisoners are Thomas
O'Brien, president oi the Miners' Union,
and Secretary 1'oynton.
fioyoott Hoohester Clothing.
Denver, July 25 American Federa
tion of Lacor here, on recommendation
of President Gompers, declared a boy
cott on Rochester clothing.
Bowers Ke nominated.
Merced, Cal., July 25 Congressman
W. W. Bowers was re-noinmatad by ac
clamation by sixth congressional district
Republican convention this morning,
Fire at tjohenectady.
Schenectady, N. Y., July 25 Work
connected with the Edison General
Electric company were burned this
The Faribault System
Adopted in thi Town of Faribault and
at Stillwater, but Now It Has Been
Given Up at the Latter Place Arch
bishop Ireland Favored It.
St. Paul, Minn., July 28 The famous
Faribault plan to fight for which Arch
bishop Ireland went to Rome, has
proved a lailure at Stillwater, Minn. It
is announced that St. Michael's parish
of that city, which haa concluded the
past year under the new plan, will con
duct its schools aa parochicals this year.
The origin oi the schoo.a is aa lollows :
On the 22d day of October, 1891,
Father James Conry, priest ol the lead
ing Cathonc church ut F'aribault, sub
uiitied a verbal proposition to the board
oi education oi the city of Faribault ior
merging the parochial schools oi that
church into the public school system.
The board, which was composed of
three Proiestante and one Catholic, re
ceived the proposition with much sur
prise, and after fully weighing the mat
ter it waa decided by a unanimous vote
to accept fattier Conry'a proposition.
One month later, Father Corcoran, of
Stillwater, having obtained Archbishop
Ireland's permission, made a tender of
the parochial schools of St. Michael's
church to the public school board of
that city, and that tender one week later
was alBO accepted.
Then came the storm. The matter
would in all probability have caused but
little discussion il the Alinneapolia Min
isterial Association had not had its at
tention called to the matter, and at once
prepared a lengthy and fearful document
calling upon all people of Protestant
iaith to witness the bold attempt of the
Roman Catholics to inculcate the prin
ciples of their faith in the minds oi ail
young children, and thus seduce them
from the religion of their forefathers.
"It is but a bold plan of the pope's,"
they cried, "to gain a strong foothold in
the public schools of America, and if
permitted, a second Inquisition is not
lar away."
At the time of the transfer the state
ment waa made by the ministerial asso
ciation above mentioned that there was
a tacit understanding that the nuns
teaching in the schools should use their
time and the buildinga devoted to
school instruction at other than school
hours for teaching the doctrines of the
Roman Catholic church. This state
ment is true as concerning Stillwater,
but it ia not true about Faribault. On
the contrary no religious instruction
whatever is given, although it is well
known that Protestant schools over the
entire country give a short Bible and
religious iesBon every morning before
the regular exercises ot tne day are
The nuns do the teaching, and have
general charge, except over Bpecial
brunches where it is necessary to bring
about the best results to employ sp cial
teachers. The Stute prescribes the text
books, and pays the teachers, and super
intends the classes during school hours,
as is done in all other schools in this
Archbishop Ireland knew nothing
whatever about the mutter of the trans
fer when Father Conry submitted his
proposition to the Board of Education.
Father Conry probably knew what
Archbishop Ireland's views were in re
gnrd to such matters, as it is not likely
that ho would have taken the full re
sponsibility on himself.
Uund of MiuuKjfiei
Whisky Will
. roken
Up and
Ottawa, Ont., July 28 The assault
upon contraband whisky that haa been
in progress in the Gull of St. Lawrence
during the lust lew days, has come to a
succesuiul conclusion and Her Majesty's
iorces, two ollicsrs, sixty men and one
gun have returned Irum their expedition
with Houcliurd, the smuggler, under ar
rest. This contraband trade has been
allowed by all governments for years
and yearBto proceed unmolested. Every
body know tuat the importation of whis
ky by way ot the French islands of St.
Pierre ami Miquelon was regularly con
ducted. The "Free Trailers," as smug
glers are designated, wore backed by
men of capital and possibly ot repute at
provinc al headquarters. It was their
task to Miil to the French group off tho
coast of Newfoundland and there take
board the dregs from tho Boston
istilleries. This deadly stuff they
carried down tho gull dtslributing it
uiong the poor lislnng villages on either
bore. Such proportions as wore not
saleable below Queb c wore reserved lor
Quebec itself, but special opportunities
lor its carriage into town Ittid to be
secured. While awaiting a chance to
land it the liquor was usually concealed
at aquiot resort on the isle AusCoadreB.
a.linervo says : 1 no whole popula
tion nearly aro in sympathy witli the
mugglers, and in most cases are pre
pared to defend them with their arms
their bauds. Stories tiro told to
gloriiy the bold outlaws. In thevillagus
their exploits are recounted and re
garded iiB an honor to a parish to possess
any ol these unscrupulous Iree traders."
is Michlfttto Legislative Apportion
ment Ho IJuolfired.
Lanbinci. Mich.. July 28 Tho supreme
court has decided the bill paused by the
last Legislature, gerrymandering the
ceislaiivo districts is unconstitutional,
and ordered the secretary of Btate to
Shue notices of election in accordance
wii h the redisricting act of 1881.
This does not alluct the law providing
for tho election of presidential electors
by congressional districts, lhe latter
law has been declared to be constitu
tional.) Bt. Anne's Arm.
Qiikiikc, July 27 One thousand pil
grims boarded the trains for Labonne
Ste. Anne Do iSeaupro yesterday to wit
ness the ceremonies and pageantry at
tendant at the celebration o. the festival
of Ste. Anne, and the translation of St.
Anne a relic to the cathedral of lhauna
turgua. This relic waa recently exhib
ited in ew York and wonderlul cures
were ascribed to its veneration. People
have been flocking to sit. Anne's shrine
for three days, ami fully 25,000 are now
gathered in the quaint little pariBh down
by the .North shore ot the at. Lawrence.
Hundreds of lame and sick as a last re
sort are going to present themselves at
the great celebration of the national pat
ron stunt's festival.
MoKinley Will Debate.
Ciiicaoo, July 28 Governor McKin
ley arrived here today on his way to
Madison, Wis., where he is to take part
in a joint political debate tomorrow
I ie not known here.