Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 02, 1892, Image 2

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    Give yonrouainess to Heppner people
and therefore assint to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those tcho patronize
A vote for tbe water proposition is n
vote for tbe best interests of Heppner.
Consider well before yon cast yonr
vote on tbe water proposition. Tbe Ga
zette tbinks then yon will vote for it.
Numerous complaints come to lis from
Gooseberry that they are noable to get
tbeir mail, even in tbe allotted time giv
eo it by Uncle 8am. This should not
contiune, bnt where the blame rests we
cannot say. All papers from this office
leave on time and we are very sure tbat
they are not delayed at Heppner, bat
wbere tbe fault lies we know not. But
this Bbonld be remedied.
Waitsbubo, Washington, votes soon
on a waterworks and electric light prop
osition very much tbe same as tbe one
we vote on Thursday. From all reports
it will be be carried almost unanimously,
as there is practioally no opposition up
there at a'l, every one looking upon it ae
by far the best proposition ever present
ed to them. Citizens of Heppner, yon
yet have a few days left in which to care
fully oousider this matter. Be careful
how you deposit your ballot, remember
ing that "yes" electa and 'uo" rejects
one of tbe best propositions for water
sod electric lights that has ever been
made to the city of Heppner.
The Gates proposition is the best aDd
cheapest ever presented for Heppner's
consideration. We oannot afford to go
in debt in an amount sufficient to build,
equip, operate, nud at all times be ready
to reach all consumers. These exten
sions soon equal an expense as great as
the oost of tbeir original plant. The
people of Heppner, if they spend their
money, should demand in return plenty
of water for all purposes. Otherwise
wo are taxed without being benefitted in
return. One taxpayer is entitled to as
much protection as another, and the
Gates proposition is the only one made
to the town so fur that insures this.
Accompanied by his Family, tic Rear-hen
Home Friday KvouiilK-
Our Gazette reporter though somewhut,
of tbe "black republican" stripe, always
oounted himself as one of Senator Black
mao's warmest friends, who is a well
koown democrat, and was pleased to
learn of bis return, accompanied by bis
f.imily, last Friday evening.
"I have seen a great deal of 'yankee
dom,' I can tell you," said tho senator iu
rosponse to a qnestiou regarding the ex
tent of bis trip. "Leaving Heppner June
13th, my trip eastward was a pleasant
one, stoppiug twice, nt Boise and Kan
sas City, arriving at Chicago on tbe 1'Jtb.
Tbe convention convened on the 21st,
with the usual ooterie from each state
and territory. They wore a flue body of
men, and I must say that my experiouoe
there was one that I shall never forget.
Grand! Well, one should have seen for
themselves to have fully appreciated it.
But yon have read tbe dosoriptions giv
en in the prest, and I cannot add to it.
"While East I visited all tbe priuoi
p:il cities, notably, BalTilo, 8priug(leld
New York, Boston, Baltimore and Wash
ington. I also took in Homestead and
snw tho effects of the rocent battle.
While at tbe capital I met Huns. Mitchell
and Dolpli, nud Congressman Hermann,
and will say that I was shown every
possible oourtesy. While there 1 iuoi
dentally suggosted to Mr. Hermnua tbat
the 5 per coot fuad which is paid our
stute, to be used in tbe mutter of inter
nal improvements, whs entitled to an ad
dition of soiuj $liJ,O0J from the goneral
government, and that fuud, augmented
that amouut, would he increased to the
reap ictable sum of $127,003. Mr. Her.
uiiin Baid he would look after the mat
ter. "The presidential outlook? Well, tbat
is a problem. Yet I think that Cleve
land has two obuuees to Harrison's one.
Ho it is that? Cleveland has au equal
show on the straight canvass between tbe
two great politioal parties, and if the
eleetion is thrown iuto tbe House, be
will surely be tbe cboioe. However, the
party is depending principally on the
states of Iudiaua and New York, as
heretofore, with a fighting olmuie in
Michigan, Wisconsin and Illinois. Iu
Michigan we are sure to oarry four of
the electors nnd probably eight.
"As a niembor of the notification oom
initleo, I oonversed with mauy promi
nent democrats, and they all feel that
Cleveland will aurely he the next man.
Of ciiur.ie, it is natural that democrats
will look upon this matter from that
standpoint, but all things considered,
the outlook is iudeed favorulilo.
"I was introduced to Mr. Cleveland by
his present law partucr, Mr. Stetson, and
found him to be a very agreeable gontle
inau. We were most hospitably treated
by the "Committee of Oue Hundred," on
the occamon of the Madison Square re
ception. "My health steadily improved while
Ka it, though I am glad to be home again,
as there is no plaoe like Oregon."
The World Knricned.
The facilities of tbe presnutdav for tbe
production of everything tbat will con
duce to tbe material welfure and com
fort of mankind are almost unlimited,
and when Syrup of Figs was first pro
duced the world was eunched with tbe
only perfect laxative known, as it is the
only remedy which is truly pleasi. g and
refreshing to the taste aud prompt and
ed'eotual to cleanse the system gently in
the spring time or, in fact, at any time
aud the better it is known the more pop.
nlar it becomes.
IV Aug. 1, bM
Bnvalrd, John
Fouler, hobert
HeO.tlenon, ITof K W
Junes, U W
Jm-kHoil, Alio
l.Hwereuee, c W
bliHnkllii, Ia-ht
lialrd. Oeo K
lientry, Louis
Johnson, John K
Jackson, IaivihI K
Keer. A E-i
Raines, John
Mullh. Mrs Ida
lillaun, It U
Marnim'k, Mrs Jennie
Wheller, chas.
Please say "Advertised" whencaUlngfor these
letters. A. Mallohy, F. M.
Written tor Heppner Gazette.
As there are several Heppnerites rus
ticating in this locality during the sum
mer month', I will assume that a few
items would not be amiss.
With tbe foregninir preface, or apology,
I will any that health is good, as of course
it should be, under such favorable cir
oumstanres as those with whiob we are
surrounded; pure Kilter, invigorating at
mosphere, &c.
We have plenty of good range, fat
stock, hnppy herders and Iftzy camp
tenders, and a few cranky ranohers, oc
casionally, for variety.
Not looir ago I met "Skoag," Nelse
Jones' oamp tender, and in reply to mv
question, he said: "My ewe and lamb
band look as veil as anybody's, and my
vearliu's and vedders is yoont de attest
sheeps in de mountains." Mr. Jones also
hits two other bands on Indiun creek, in
charge of Austin Gentry.
Haxes Bros, have four bands at pres
ent located at Camp and hick creeks.
Messrs. Sterling Keitbly and John Tor
ley are camp-tenders. "Uncle PreRS"
Thompson also has five bandH in tbe
lame locality.
Henry Vanderponl is uHr the source
ofJuhnDay river, looking after campM
and rustling range for Griffith Bros.'
sheep, uuiiiliering near 7000, about one
ihird id which are in charge of ye cor
respondent. Harvv. Phipps is also here with Wash
Elliott's two bunds.
Tbe venerable Ilickey and Jim Hart
are lower down the river with lid Day's
sheep. There are bIro several Condon
outfits in this vicinity.
Some time ago one of Elliott's camps
wos robbed of provisions, blankets, herd
ers' old clothes, stripped of everything,
except an old quilt and a few oouking
nig utensils, lhat was bad, very bad,
though tbe oirenmstance bus its humor
ous aspect. When they were moving in,
t,d. Jouee, the herder, boasted to the
ranohers along tbe river, and everyone
else that be met, "That if his camp was
robbed, be would follow tbe thiet's track
to b 1 or get a shot at him. However.
we have not heaid or anyone being shot,
ard lately "Jones, of Boasterville," has
been meek aB Moses.
The miners of Granite and Kobison
ville bBve organised a "Silver Club," but
we are unable to learn the names of the
oilioeis, or the object of the institution.
We learu that Haskell & Sloan have
suspended operations in tbeir Elk oreek
mine, near Snsanville, for the present,
the ledge being too far under tbe hill to
be successfully worked by tbeir machin
ery. However, they are going to move
tanner up the canyon, where it is thought
that tbe vein is not so deep undorgrouud.
What little farming tbat is being car
ried on here, does not buow up very fist-
teriutr prospeots just now. Home of the
tields look as barren as If they bad jusi
recently been plowed. Tbe seasons are
too short and nighla too oold for vegeta
tion to grow profitably, except such veg
etation as is provided by mil ore.
There is n notable scaroity of game
since 1 was in this delightful region
before. Deer are not nearly so plentiful,
and the magnificent elk, tbe "antlered
monaroli of the forest," is decidedly
"ennspiouous by bis absence." There is.
I believe, n game law in tho state of
Oregon, whioU if strictly enforced, would
preseive these noble auimals from total
destruction ; and unless it is observer,
by oolored men as well as white, the
deer and elk, the latter especially, will
soon be like the bull -do, or as Hop Sing
would say, "Alle samey woodbiue." Tbe
lov seems to be pretty generally observ
ed by the white man, but with our gov
ernment pet, tbe noble ( t) red man, it ie
different. We are told by the settlers,
that tbe Indians, mostly Uuiutillas, come
in here iu tbe early apring, when tbe
snow is just going oil, and at a time too,
when the animals are iu a weak anil
emaciated condition from tne ravages of
a Revere winter, and therefore unlit for
any use, exoept for moccasins and cheap
gloves, without whioli, of oourse, the U.
.S. would he iu a precarious condition (?),
and tbat the ingenious rascals surround
au urea five or six miles iu extent, by
building tires at intervals, and scattering
out picket fashion, ami by gradually
closing iu like the coils of a mammotii
python, the animals are imally rounded
up iu a deep snow drift n some north
hillside, where they are just foully mur
dered, some beiug so helpless as to be
slain with clubs. Will our people toler
ate snob fiendish wink ns this? Is there
no mentis of keeping these copper-colored
devil on the reservations set apart for
them? "Mixir."
Austin, Or. July 20, 1802.
Kd. Gazette: Having the excuse of an
invitation some time Bgo from you to
drop a Hue, I want to tell the hoys up
there how they haul wheat hero. Iu the
first place, for fear some one will say
that's another," be it remembered this
is not much of a "one horse" country.
Especially in tbe mutter of wheat rais
ing, tney do busiuess with a bigger gim
A few days siuce thero arose a little
friendly rivalry among the wheat haulers
as to the merits of their respective teams,
aud each being willing, a duv or two
later they began testing the matter. No.
1 oiimo in six miles, wit'i 10 mnl. fi
wagons and 250 saoks of wheat at 141) lbs.
to tbe sack. No. 2 brought in 200 sucks
with 8 horses, twelve miles. Then
as a clincher, No. i). a few days later,
came in 9 miles with 10 nuiles, six wag
ons and ilL'li sucks, or a little over 700
bushels of wheat at one load. This is
not u fish story, but the true busines as
I saw it.
Weather linn, general health good and
people happy. Yours truly,
O. M. Mam,oky.
linEiiLBY, Cai.ik., July 27, 1M',I2.
Pfnuder's Oregon Blood Purifier is the
great conqueror of ltilliousness aud Liv
er Complaint. Relief oertatu iu every
oiibc. Hold at Oue Dollar n bottle. Trv it.
IOO lie mini IOO.
The readers of this paper will be pleas
ed to learn that there is at least oue
dreaded disease that Roieuce has been
utile to cure in all us stages, and thai is
oatarrh. Hull's Catarrh One ia theonly
positive cure knowu to medical fraterni
ty. Oa'arrb beiug a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood ami mil
cons surf, ices of the system, thereby de
stroying the fouuduth'u of the disease,
and giving the patient strength by build
ing up tbe constitution and assisting na
ture in doing its work. Tbe proprietors
have so miieii faith iu its curative pow
ers, they oil' r Oue Hundred Dollars for
unv ease that it fails to cure. Send for
list of testimonials.
Addres, F. J. Chunky & Co., To
ledo. O.
tT'Sold by Druggists, 7.V.
Jus. Iluyea as over from Rhea oreek
Jus. Royse visited Heppner early this
Verdict of the Coroner's J ary William Dcrg
felut the Aci'Qfted.
From The Dalles Chronicle.
The sudden and somewhat mysterious
death of Matilda O. Rogers, June 30th,
at tbe Rogers farm on Mill creek, led to
an investigation by a coronei's jury,
about which our readers are familiar.
That the jury found evidences suffl.-ient
rto warrant the arrest of William horg-
feldt, son-io-law of deceased, is shown
by the verdiot, from which we quote as
We tbe jury empaneled bs the coroner
of WaBOo county, (Jr., to inquire iuto the
cauoe of the death of the lute Matilda C.
Rogers, find lhat her death wus caused
by poison administered by some person;
that we have, from the testimony taken
and preseuted to us, good reason to be
lieve that Wm. Bergfeldt is tbe person
who is guilty, and who was instrumental
in proouriug tbe means of producing ber
said death by poison.
Signed; 8. B. Adams, Charles F. Mitch
ell. H. H. Smith, Uiub Gourlay, Charles
W. Harter, tleo. A Liebe.
Dated Dalles City, July 2i)tb, '92.
Soon after tbe signiug of tbe verdiot
tbe accused was placed under arrest, and
at 2 p. ui. was arraigned before Justice
Schutz fur examination on the charge of
murder, attended by Judge A. S. Ben
nett as counsel, Hon. W. H. Wilson, dis
trict attorney, appearing for the state.
Attorneys presented the case, and
pending the question of bjnds under the
statutes, which was taken under advise
ment by tbe court, tbe matter was post
poned until 5 p. m. today.
The defendant was remnuded to the
custody of the sheriff.
if. A. It. 1)1)1 NO.
About twenty-seven of the old soldier
boys come iu Saturday to attend the
meeting of Rawlius Post nt Heppner.
Tbe use of tbe Odd Fellows bull was
tendered them without charge.
At this meeting was considered u pro
position to have, at au early date, a
general camplire aud reunion, The fol
lowing joint committee of citizens aud
members of post were appointed to per
fect arrangements: Comrades, Fiauk
Kellogg, N. S. Whetstone, J.C.Ball and
Andrew Rood; oitizens, Heury Bluckman,
Ed. R. Bishop, W. R. Ellis, A. M. Gunu,
Geo. Conser, A. J. Hicks nud Otis Pat
terson, It is expected that comrades
will be here from all parts of Oregon,
and that the poKts of this section will be
represented by more than a majority of
their meinbsrs.
The following resolutions were adopt
ed: Jtemlcerf, That this post vote their
thanks to the order of the Odd Felhnvs,
of Heppner, Oregon, for the use of their
bull, so generously tendered to the (LA.
R., aud be it.
jHtwolreil, That Rawlins Post tendpr
their sympathies toComrndeJ. G Young
and his family, in tbeir ullliction. And
that this post tender their thanks to the
people of Heppner for their kindness,
extended to the old veterans of Morrow
'f he following additions were mulje to
the post this meeting; N. S Whetstoua, A.
J. Stevenson, Foster Adams and Joseph
L Swift. Ran ling Post now number fifty
mi rubers, and is in every prosperous con
dition, but there are many more old
soldiers in the country who should lie
Delmonico. B. F. I'erkius bus lately
opened up the restaurant iu the i.iclilen-
thal building, which he bus named tbe
Uelmouieo. None but while cooks are
employed, and the public cm therefore
k-et a good, old-fashioned meal, cooked
in the best or style. I'noe, l'- cents;
Deds, zd cents. oOil t-lf
Ruhl, the bilker. Buy your bread and
dikes and save money. Try it. a.
Why go hungry when the City hotel
furnishes you a good meal at living
rates. h
Plenty of flour, brim, mill feed and
olmp always on baud lit the Heppner
Flouring .Mills, a
John Jenkins advertises his fine kiin
of brick. Remember that Heppuer brick
equal the heet. a
"Hardwire" did you sny? Why, yes,
nt P.O. Thompson ti Co.'sstHud, and the
place for bargaiiis. a
For cash you can got more nt the East
ern Clothing house, with Levi on deck,
limn any other place in Heppuer. u
M. Lichtentbnl & Co. hnvo iust re
ceived a line lot of Indies' kid, button
and tie shoes. At bottom prices. a
The I'aluce is the lending hotel in the
city. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided for everyone. a
Don't overlook T. W. Avers. Jr.. tbe
leading druggist. Choicest perfumes,
purest drugs and the finest toilet urtielei-
always on baud. a
The Buchler beer, 5 cents per glass, nt
the Columbia Beer Hull, Gamers &
Hughes, piops., next door to M. Lioh
tentlial & Co.'s shoe store. a
Collin & MoFiirbind have just received
a our load of Mitchell Wagons, Hacks,
etc , and have also a large supply of furui
mg implements of all kinds. a
The M. L. 4 T. Co, since they have
roofed all their platforms, have mi im
mense storage capacity. This company
now deals iu grain, lumber and wood, a
Since Slmw ,fc MeCarty purchased the
meat market they have nln ays endeavor
ed to keep on bund the freshest and
choicest menu, sausages and bologuas. a
Henry Heppner's warehouse is one of
the largest and most capacious iu East
ern Oregon. Henry is now prepared to
do a general forwarding business. Rates
Thompson it Bin us own (he buss which
goes to aud from the Citv boiel, but will
cull for parties desiring to go to train iu
any part of the city. liive orders at
City hotel.
What will perseverance, pluck and en
terpris avail in this wild west, if you
eunuotget big bargains? However,' be
fore giving up eutirely, visit .Minor Bros.'
emporium. B
Don't overlook Kirk A Rasmus for
bargains. They have purchased lue bus
iness of J. W. Matlock & Co.. hut will
soon remove to tbe Mai lory corner, oppo
site the Palace hotel. h
Dr. Grunt's Clonic, the great dvsperaia
I oouqiierer, will positively cure dyspepsia
i and all ita kindred ailments. Every hot
j tie sidd under a positive guarantee to
; effect a onre or money refunded. See ad.
in I his issue. a
My dear, let's go around to the saloon
I this eve, and Lane MutluckV ice
cream saloon, I mean, where voiicuu gei
lice cream that will make your ui.oith
water; also find in stock the freshest
fruits and finest coufeotiouaries. a
The Australian's View.
Melbourne Argus : As regards free trade
he democrats are inclined to alter their
tactics, and instead of demanding whole
sale tariff changes to ask for the redress
of grievances in detail. The battle will
rage as brfore(in 1838) aooat Australian
wool. The manufacturers are decluring
that they want Australian wool, and they
put iu the plea of light taxes on raw ma
terials. The democrats are glad of this
assistance, as Ibey argue that if tbe wool
en manufacturers will help them this
campaign, die sheep farmers will be on
their side in reducing charges (tariff on
woolen goods) a little later on (at next
electiou for members of cougress.) We
are quite able to understand the value to
Australia of a democratic victory.
Hard on the Faithful.
Portland Dispatch: The Oregonian
says that "the sheep voted iu Oregon last
month." That is true. They voted the
Republican ticket. Any man that votes
for protection iu Oregon has hardly as
much sense as a shep.
Colds and Coughs
sore throat,
bronchitis, asthma,
and hoarseness
cured by
Ayers Cherry Pectoral
the safest
and most effective
emergency medicine.
it should be in every
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co
Lowell, Mass.
J. F. Smith, Vetoriuary Surgeon.
Hidging Horse Castration and Cattle
Spaying a specialty. Instructions given
at reasonable terms. After eighteen years
of active practice and teaching my meth
ods, I have concluded to withdraw from
the ro-id and will teuoh any man to cas
trate the ridgling or hernied horse, spay
cows, and ail similar opeJutions, together
with many reoipes, for $50, only one
fonrth tho usual prioe. I guarantee to
make yon an operator, which is worth
thousands, as there is not a good operator
how traveling in tins pnrt. Write me for
reference or ask that traveling Thorn.
Llovd whom I started in cart only.
O06-8W J. P. Hurra.
Union, Or., July 9, '12.
Cured at ilnnie hi Ten Days liy Adminis
tering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific.
It can bo given in a glass of beer, a cup
of ooffee or tea, or in food, without the
knowledge of the patient. It is absolute
ly harmless, and will ell'eot a permanent
and speedy cure, whether the patient is
a moderate dnfiker or an alcoholic wreck.
It has been given in thousnuds of cases,
nnd in every instance a perfect cure hue
followed. It never fails. Tho system
once impregnated with the specihc. it
becomes au utter impossibility for the
liquor onpetite to exist. Cures guaran
teed. -18 page book of particulars free.
Adilress the Golden Specific Co., lRj
Race Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Two sorrel horses. Oneof them branded
"K" on the riojit shoulder, likewise on tbe
right stille.
lbe other was branded "8" on the
right shoulder, also "R." Tbe weight of
each wus tibout KloO pounds
Anyone returning I tie same to my
ranch ut Eight Mile will receive a reward
of Jlo. sw tf Sylvanus WaioriT,
W heut, bn (t0o
Flonr.bbl i 60
Beeves, eov.s & two-year-olds, cwt. X 75
" " tliree ' 2
Sheep, muttons, head 2 2503 00
" stock 2 25
Hogs, on foot, cwt 5 00
Hogs, dressed fi 00
Wool 12 ft U
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 40
Eggs, doss ie.;
Chickens, doz 2 50 c? 3 00
Wbent, cwt 1 35 fi
1 40
4 75
flour, bill.
3 00 K
5 50 (ic
7 50
8 50 f(
12? ("
15 he
Beeves, stall fed
Muttons, oh t
Hogs, cwt
Wool Eastern Oregon..
Butter, lb
0 Oil
5 25
liggs, doz.
18 ft)
Chickens, doz 5 50 t SIX)
l'nrkova, lt.
18 (it
Wheat, owt !fl
Kloiir. bbl 3
Beeves, owt 1
" tlresfieil 4
MuttoDfi, live sheareii ... 3
' dressed 7
Hogs, on foot 5
" dressed 7
Wool KiiPtern Oregon...
KtfKfl, doz.
Ohukeiift, doz 5
Turkeys, lb
20 5 1 25
(X) ft 4 50
75 ui 2 75
50 ui ti 00
25 3 50
00 8 00
00 5 50
00 U 8 00
10 if 10
15 25
18 aii 20
00 fi 6 00
Kef ore Starting on a Jouruoy
A person usually desires to pain some iu
loniuitioii ns to the most desirable route
to take, and will p a nh up e tickets via tbe
(tne tbat will atlon! bim tbequk'kest and
bent service, liefore startim;on atrip to
Uhicntfo or any point East, you ebould
provide yonrseir with ft map ami time
table of tbe Wisconsin Central lines.
Pile trains run on this route are vesti
btiled and equipped w ith Pullman's Int
ent drawing room sleepers, elrgant day
eoaobea and dining ours of latest design,
built expressly for this service, and Hre
exquisite in furnishinjis and convenient
and comfortable m arrangement aud eo
complete in every detail tbat tbev have
no superior in comfort nnd elegance.
1 be dining oar service ie prououuoed by
'01 the most flant ever inaugurated,
and is operated iu the interest of its pa
trons. Fast trains via the Wisconsin Central
lines lenve Minneapolis dailv at 12:45 p.
m and 6:25 p. ru., and St. Paul at 1:30
p. m. and 7:30 p. m., making favorable
connection with all trains from the West
and Southwest.
for tickets, time tnbles, berth reserva
'wns, etc.. apply to G. F. McNeill. V P.
& T. Minneapolis, Minn., or to Jas.
C. Pond, general passenger and ticket
agent Chicaco IU, 481tf j
' President. Cashier.
uiade on Favorable Terms.
A new nnd Omnplete Tri'ntiiieiit, ronsifiting oi'
Suppositories. ( Ji'iiniLMit in Cti'nules, nlsoiu ilo.
and i'iUn; positive Cure fur Kxtcnml, Inter
nal, Ulind or Itlfcdinn, Itcliiiitf. Chronic, Uecent
or Hereditary Piles, ami ninny other disease
and female weakiu-sst-h; it iPtiltvayen (treat ben
efit to the general health. 'I lie first discovery of
a medical cure rendering an operation with the
knife nniieceKKary h reaiter. This remedy hat
never been known to fail, fl per box, (i for .V.
sent by mail. Why sinter from this terrible
ease w hen a written tfiiurnntee is Kiven with i
boxes, to refund the money if not cured. Send
Ntanip for free cample. Guarantee ifiMied b
WouiMK'i, Ci.aijkk .; i:o.. Wholesale & lie tail
Drufifdsts Srole Agents, Portland, (jr.
'-pllOK who are interested in the Kisht SHU-
country and Morrow eounty to know thai
w c have a few extra eopies'left, w hich can
be seen red either at tieo. Thornton's news stand
or at the Gazette otliee. 6S-sw.
CSO.ME to the Palace oteJ bar for Champagne
J Cocktails. Champagne on tup. H'j-hw
ABKj lot of Gooseberry numbers of the Ga
zette that ought to be sent away, Call in,
v invest and lielp yt)iic(nmtry. swtf
pO KN(JV "that" LT aTloyed is HeppueFp
Ipadiugenntractor and builder, KstimateK
given on all kinds of work, Oillee at rest
deuce, Heppuer. Or. 71-aw.
AWagonmaker. one the best locationn in
Morrow county. Must have a little capital
Call on or write Gazette olhce for particulars, sw
Land Otlice (it The Dalles, Or., June 30, 1892.
Complaint having been entered at this otlice
by John I). Hit-key, of .Morrow County, Oregon,
against Edward C. Lawless, for fallure'to comply
with law as to Timber Culture Entry No. 2774
dated Nov. 17, 17, upon the NW4 nnd E1
SW of ee 7, Tp 5i tf, H E, in Morrow Co., Or .
with a view to the cancellation of paid entry;
contestant alleging that said Edward C. Lau leW
has failed to break or cause to be broken five acre
on ttaid tract within one year after his timber
culture entry of said tract, the snid parties are
hereby summoned to appear at this ollicc on the
27th day of Aug.. l.syj, at lu o'clock a. m,, to re
spond and furnish testimony concerning said
alleged failure. J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, Is
authorized to tatce testimony iu this case, at his
otlice iu Heppuer, at 10 a. m., Aug. -Jti,
"r0"Kir Register.
Land Ollice at La Grande, Or., June :i0, lWi
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, ami
that sidd proof will be made before the. County
Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppuer, Oregon,
on August l:J, lM'J, viz:
D. fl. No. 1002U, for the NEVA, Sec ID, Tp 1 S. H 20
E, W M.
lie names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation oi
said laud, viz:
Homer Gray, S D. Taylor, F. Sprowles, Char
ley Long, all of Heppner, Oregon.
.")0Kn A. ClkaVkr, Register.
Land Ofliee at I,a fi ramie, Or., Julv 1, lSlt'J.
Notice U herehy friven that tho tolloCvinp-nam-ed
Ret tier has tiled notice of his intention to
make commuted iinal proof in eunport of his
claim, and that Baid proof will he made before
the county clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Hepp
ner, Or., on August 1 viz. :
fid No. 52S3 for the N',i, NK, Sec 22 and El-J,
SE'4, Sec 15, Tp 2 a, It US E, W M.
He names the following witueHsea to prove his
continuous resilience upon, and cultivation of,
said laud, viz:
Henry Jones, Arthur Smith, Isaac Phipps,
Hobert Johnson, all of -Heppner, Oregon. Wil
liam W. him, take notice.
A. Cleaver,
Land Olhce nt The Italics, Or., June US, iso?.
Notice is hereby kIvlmi that the following
named settler has filed notice of her intention to
make final proof iu support of her claim, and
that said proof will lie made before J. V. Mor
row, county clerk ot Morrow county, Or., at
nr'jiu-i , hi., on (viiiim ii jivi.; iz :
Hd. No. i77, for the N', NW'i and NWV N K1 i
Sec. A, Tp. 1. S li. 21 E. ft'. M.
She names the following w itnessesto prove hvr
i-oiumtiotiH resmence upon, and cultivation of,
aaid hind, viz:
M. M. lieitfhley, Edward ClutV, C. B. Cochran
a ; hi j . . tU'iitoni, all ot Heppner, Oregon.
John V. Lkwis,
rn:r.jM luster,
Land Ollicc at T.n Omude, Or., Julv 2.), 1S92.
Notice is hereby triven that the 't'olinwhw
named settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof In support of his claim, aud
that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk ol . Morrow County, Or., at ilcppncr, Or.;
fid. No. Mil, for tne Sv Sec. 2;i, Tn. 2 S fi 28
E W M.
He mimes the following witnesses to prove his
i-uuuiHiuud icMutmce up.m uuu cultivation Ot
said land, viz:
Joseph Luekmnn, J. M. Wnddcll.B. Veerkamp
and A. E. Sniiih. all of Lena, Oregon.
A. Cl.F.WKR,
11-21. Register.
Land office at La Grande. Or., June 1, lsfrj,
NoOce is hereby given Unit the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that Baid proof will be made before the
county clerk of Morrow countv, Oregon, at
Heppner, Oregon, on Sept i, "viz.:
Hd No. 4807, for the N'a of NE, See 21, and W','
Of N , Sec 22, Tp 3 S, li 27 E, W M. '
He names the fnilowine winusse tn nmvn nia
continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of
said laud, viz:
John N. hid or. A. J. Mek'enzfo IHehnrrt w.
Hie. 1'. A. Hen-en, all of Heppuer, Oregon.
Allen Wallace aud Pardon Williamson take
"'11-21 A. CLEAVER, Iterator
U. S. I. nnd Otlice, The i (alien. Or., June 7, lSX.
Complaint having been entered at this otlice
by '1 heron E. Fell. Hgafnst heirs of .IdsIhih li
Fell, for failure to comiilv will. m t,i 'i t.M.
ber Culture Entry No. UTiiu, dated Nov. 17,17
upon the H Ntti, and V2 su'j see. 29 Tp
S K U;t E. in Morrow county. Oregon, ith a view
to the cancellation of aid entry; contestant
alleging that said .Ionium K. Fell, and his heirs
have failed to comply wiih the Timber Culture
law, that he failed to break or cause to be broken,
me ni ie ut Mini unci w uniu one vear utter en
iry, or iu fact bus done nothing to'eotnplv with
the reuuirements of the 'liinn.T Cnit.ir i..,i a
the said parties are hereby summoned to appear
at this oitiee on the huh dv of enteinh.'r iwi-
at Hi o'clock a. m , to respond and furnish testi
mony conceridngsaid alleged failure. Otis t'at
tersou. Notary Public, is authorized to tnk. tes
timony in this case, at his otiice iu Heppner, Or,,
at in a, m., August j7, 1m2.
11-121 John W. Lewis, Register.
ui Aiumva MLB.
ll suauce of au ortlei ot the County Court of
the County of Claekanms ami Mare of Oregon,
duly made and entered on the 11th day of July
IM'J. 1 ill on Saturday, the U7th dav of Atigunt,
lw2. at the hour of one o'clock 1'. M. of said day,
at the front door of the Co:irt Mouse, iu Hepp
ner. in Morrow County and Mate of Oregon, of
fer for sale to the highest hi. flier, subject to con
tinuation of the Court, the following described
property, to-u it: I he southeast one fourth of
Sec. 'j of township I. south of range 27 east of
the illameite meridian, in Morrow Countv nnd
State of Oregon.
Terms ot sale: One half cash on dav of sale,
and balance either cash, or ii purchaser prefer,
mortgage for one voar on the premises, to draw
interest from its dae at the rate ot ten percent,
per annum, purchaser to pav for making deed
and mortgage.
Gnanlian of John Henry Barratt, a minor.
Pated this U."th dav of Julv, v). 10-17
1 the purpose of ea'iiii.iu those w ho may
otter themselves as candidate- for countv eertitl
cates state diplomas or sta'e liiedrplomas. there
w ill be he id a public examination at the court
house tu Heppner. beginning Aug. 10, lsi at 1
o'clock p. in. Anjoue ihiug a state eeriiru ate
M ill please apply at that time.
. , ft". L. Salixg, Sunt,
tinted July 29, 5?.t2 51144
:'--!i.;:i:i; w
JSOUtD OP lU-nKNTS.-IWiinmin Scli.ifi.'lil. I'res.. J- . V. UnlW, Recy- Kx-(ffic!n.-HI
Ex" "c vj!.vel, IVm'o or. Hun. K. H. McKlr..,. '"'.'l1 f V ? v Z 1 Tln W
VV McBri.l,.. 8.vnlirj Kmlo; linn. Xoorhc'fl. H..H. A, ftoltnei, J. L. Wluto. lion. W.
H. Hnlmeo. Alfrwl Lucy. linn. 1. W. H-ley. Ilira. J. .1. V ''i-
.......... . . ......
il' er re t n Btl". n lnncB wh niinl.' ln-. y-'ir. An Mimllm-.n of W w aniicipalwl fo- lh. nfxt
Jir! New memUrti ,re 1JWI, dl loihe fncnliy nn.l lulmtionHl npiwrntns (upulled. A diplonm
entitlps otiO tn leach iu any I'.mnly in the btato without farther ciamiuation.
ormal, Normal Advanced, Business, Music and Art Dpls.
.1 Year in School for One Hundred and Fifty Dollars.
TUITION RFDrt'ED to fi. s for Normal. n.i ?S( for Suh Normal per term of ten weeks.
Rn.M.t NorVnol Ir, Hl'.'l.rl w w.k. Fnuiislied rooms Jl .(HI per week. Hoard and lodR-
mg with private lumili-e .J.i.SU per week. Ileantiful and healthful location. INo salooim.
First Term Opens
or J. M. I'UWELL, Vice Pies
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
O n o
m3LO&uliM:3rtMHXiMa J
Eastern Clothing House
Urn:,, h nt I'iirtlnr.il, Iibb opened
j i
l tlACt
Also Boots and Shoes, Trunks,
Valises and Fancy Goods.
Yon will fiud onr Clotliitig Ucpartmpnt with
fin assortment, inciudiue t-qi,,ire Sitoku,
Three and Fimr Button Frocks, niaile of the
bpRt American Weavers, Scotch Woolen Wor
steds, Cheviots, made up to sell in full suits.
$25.00 Suits reduced
20.00 ' "
17.50 "
15.00 "
Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps at Factory Prices
Examine the Bonds and you will find all
shades and eolrn-p, which will give satisfaction
Before pnichnsing, call Ht:d examine my stock
Heppner. Oregon.
Flour Exchanged for Wheat.
T. W. AYERS, Sr., Manager. . 418
Columbia Beer Hall!
Nw2' D.00Jiio M- LicJdcnlhal & Co.'s Shoe Store, Main
tr- K:P !and Fin( Line of Liquors,
H mes, Cigars, Etc. Wc have
Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to
S Cents Per Glass,
On draught, fresh and conl. Luuch of all kinds. Hope
to see all tbeir old friends and many more
Th-rnly h,m nrH -tinp psr
.' .- n""'"ri fr',n'
There you will find the Best and Cheapest
in Heppner.
A five-year-old retistered Clydesdale
stalliou for sale, or will exchange for
mares rr cattle. For further nartfr-oW
miles fr.'m the mmith, or address me at
rirnogiou, uregon
9 17
James Sqvuibs.
The loading TSTormnl
School of llie
.Trow no. ntin rniiin v nncimi! to us iflciiuiMt
September 20
Monmouth, tlreteon.
nwuii sw
nt fVy el Jo st In tlie World
- J Jj
nrniv nmn1 tAaik!
Ill II liAII I ilW I I 1 1 1 It I rt
- 12.50
- 7.50
Us mail Hotel si in cm
Footwear !
- ,, j ah mon t of lTinnnr lm
""in srr.,.'. to their PPW
H. liliu-kin n & Co
.....I IT. i I
mnm m taaow.
IVk'? plenlyoTlhnrnhe
jluVUt d7fHo nff;
WW I, w I i I VVl ,
Odb bay mare, about 15 hnnda hioh
lr. ,orh"d. black mane and tail,
1 ;h ':?bi.'?- B"".')pd U("Pen
Ioh the hoof of left froDi foot. I will
pay 81(1 reWHrd for her retnri) to me at
(..,,l,ounfr I T
I Moncukst, Or., July 23. "92. 10-17t