Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 29, 1892, Image 4

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    ' .... .... nrnnn rw..
80T.! BV AH frIUlOCIST AXI nwC,,.
"QU EN HAIRINE" 1ft restore and promote the Hair has no cipial. It ii u pi.ma.o(vaselino
f'trm). Knur applications Kill stop Llio hair falling and prevent Hand mil'. Jt cures scalp disease, and
Kill positively grow a luxuriant growth of hair unless hereditarily Imld, Ttaldnes is not an indication
that tli- room are dead. Nature old not provide thai we should wear a covering fur the head. When
the, epidermic (kiu) is alive, so are the roots, and "Queen Hairiuo" applied to the surface opens the
foliiri.n, and gives nourishment and vitality to iho roots. One bottle will convince the most skeptical
of ii fncriK. Try it. Frice, $1.00 per IJottlo.
' C:UEEN ANTI-ODOR" (powdered form) applied to the parts allays excessive perspiration,
and p'TiiKin- nllv cures offensive feet, armpitM, - A loost delightful and harmless remedy. Price 50e.
'H ' ON DO LINE" (liquid, pure and harmlemi, when applied to the skin restores and beautifies
t'.r 'oinoh-xinii; removes and prevents Tan, bunburn, freckles, Pimples and lUackhemls, This re
uoimed preparation cannot be ei celled. A. single applicatinn has a marvelous e licet, and each
l .liii.nal one improves the complexion. Try it; if not delighted with it, return the bottle, and we
wp) n-'urid vonr money. One KoUle will restore the complexion. Price, $1.00
Q -JSEN Toilet Co.: Your preparation formulas after a careful analysis), I am free to sar, are
harmliiJ-s, and certainly effectual if uwd according to directions. J. V. Hesse, fil. D.. 4M Kreemau Ave.
Heuilt by I'. O. Order, Hegurtered letter, or Draft to hume office, and mention this paper.
QUrtEH TOILET CO.. 174 RACE ST., CINCINNATI, O. (Local Agents hr.i-V
9 i ltLl, Sampler 01 our (Jootlk and Uow to be Beautiful " lent for two stamps.
Or. 6. F. Webb's
Elertrlc Body Brtls and
Appliances, tIz.
Ku oi mint lam,
Prolapsus, Chlorosis,
Painful Menses,
Sorninal Weakness,
EUVcts of Onanism,
Nnrvous Dobillty,
Sic It If Alulae inj,
I lorn i a,
Bpinul DiSOaBO.
( onstipatlon.
Kidney Complaints,
General Dubilily,
Loss of Memory,
IjOfio-Motor Ataxia,
j'pilopsy, etc., etc
Inventor and Patented, United
and Foreign Countries.
fy8end for Catalogues and Testimonials.
San Frnnolsco
Aid all points in California, via the Mt. Hlmstn
ruuie oi iiih
Southern Pacific Co.
The (rreat hitrhway throuuh California to all
point East and South. G rand Been lo Itouto
Of the Pacific Coast. Pullman UufTet
Sleepers. Socond-cIuBS Hlenpera
Attached to express trains, affording fioporior
aocouimodfitioiiH rr atHion(i-cutn pRHrtniiKTM.
Fur rates, tickets, sleeping ear roeorvutione,
to,, call upon or address
K. KOKIILICll, Manngcr, K. P. ROGERS, Asst,
Uon. F. it P. At., Portland, OreKou.
Cuttle hrandednnrl earmarked as shown above.
HnrneH V on riht shnitldor,
Mv onttle range in Morrow and Umatilla coun
ties. 1 will pay fltifl.W) for the arrest and con
vielionof any person stealing my stock.
On Sale
Kansas City, St. Paul,
sst. rotiiw,
IjoiiveB llcppnor, 8 H. in.
0:50 p. ui.
I'lilltiinii Hlot'pi'ra,
Colon I Mt wloepor),
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
rurtliioil to 8au
every four day.
Ktir iBtei and geueral infonnatlort cull on
Hi-pot Ticket Agent,
,1. C. TLA.HT,
Hejipncr, Oregon.
W II lirRI.Ul'KT. A.t. Oflll. I'm.
2.V1 Wa.hington St.,
H. UlBokmiin A Co. have an piolusive
MerohauJiae atom Stockmen
nrninol do better tliau patronize U
Blafkman 4 Do., of Ueppuer'i l'ioneer
Perhaps You Don't Know. Us,
We extend an invltntlnn lo call and see free tosts at our Clinic
" A rcado Chamber." Hours 1 to ;i p. m. Lady Attendants, '
We till mail orders same Hay received (neeim-iy staled, Wat paid).
If iit hs represented we will rctiniil our ruoitfv,
' QUEEN ANTt-HAIRINE" remove Beard or Superfluous
TTair lrom the race, im k umi Anus, or Moles ami Hirthmark.
Madcin.o a pasta, only a lew minute application Is required. It
is powerful, yet mild in its efTeet. It dissolves and destroys the
follicles of the hair without the sliMe-a pain, injiirr or discolora
tion tollie mostdeltcctenkin. Trv it. One Price. 81 "(H) uer Ib.itla
Tho Deaf Made lo Hear by Electricity !
luventcJ In April. 1801, Pntimted In June,
yot'llluuKiiiiilN Prorlnim its Houdtir.
fill anil l'orfprt lU'sults I
Anv ono. i or ynnnff, wliown oar
(lrinii in iinlirokoii cfin l' niiulo lo licar
anil l onvi'i -mi in onlinnry Ume nnd lie
cured tiy lir. i- V. Wdl.h'n Hluctrlcal
AiipiimliiH inr'J'roiitinir llnitnriw. An
r.lcc-lrn-Mp'lii'iil Hly lliitmry Willi np
TiliuncnB HivuntO'l i-ipwinlly inr tri'at
IllB 1 iL'iU'lli'as and lllll disrusi'S Wllich
prndnccii it.
Hi'lid In eentR for my Klcftro-uedloal
Thi'ory ilinl I'rili.'ti descliliinlf treat.
rr.fnt. 1- patj(;8. Addross
E. B. BLISS, General Arjt.
L U M B E 11 !
tV dreHBPd Lumber, hi nillun of. llisppncr, at
wliat is known tin tiio
PER 1,0(10 FEET, ItOUQIl,
" " "' CLEAR,
110 01
17 00
1 WKI per 1,000 lent, addltionni.
H ri m tltoti. Ma t i ' ir
Seientiiio Amerlcaa
Agency for
For informntlon nnd frofi nimilhnoh write to
MliNN A CO., :llil lluoADWAV, Nicw YonK.
Oldimt tniriiau for iici iii inir pnt'MiU, In AniorlcA.
Kvory piili'nt takcii out. bv lis in brouiilit betore
tliu pilbiio by a niitiiic itlven truo of uliiirto lo toe
S' ft e tiffin' "mertritw
tjiirk'Oftt clrenlntlon of nny ndlflntlflc pnpnr In tha
)rm, iHonnuiiy iniisiriiiiMi. ixo iintniiKiifc
in nliniiUt Hh nftbout It. Wnckly. W.OO a
y.'nr; ll..o kit ninnlhs. AJdresH M II N W A CO.
PUULiMiKltt., iliil llroadway. Nvw Vork.
IjiiuI Ollk'e at l.n ( i rnnilf, dr., Juno :io, W.I2
NntliHi In hinvliv iriven tlnlt tho iollowinir
niuncd Hottlor Iiiih lili'd notiroof liiH iiiti'iition
to make lhiiil proot In Hiipport of li 1m rliiini, imo
that mild proof will be made before the Count!
Clerk of Morrow eouiity, at lleppner, Oreyon,
on AuRust l:(, 1MIJ, vl.:
I). S. No. WfUO, tor the NE!, Sec 111, Tp I S, R "I
r., ti m.
lie million ttie follow ne w tnewioB to orove 111,
I'lmtliHioim reNiduneo upon nnd eultiviitlon ol
aulil land, viz:
lloiner Uriiy, S D. lavlor. F. Sorowle. Char
ley l.onK, ill) o( lleppner, Oregon.
Hll-.'ll A. Cl.KAVKR, KKU1NTKR.
LixiHl Olllee at l.n Orimde, Or., Julv 1, 1S1VJ.
N"ttrein hereby Klven tiint thy tollowluK limn
iMfttler luiH llled nnlleeof his Intenli.m 1.
iiuike eonunuted ttiml proof in Hiinnortul hi
lalnl, mill tliat Kilid proof .i 111 lie made belnr.
tlieenuiity elerkot Morrow county, Or., Ht llepp
uer, Or., on Aiiiiimi l.". I't.1, il. :
Hd No. rvJSII lor llie.Mi, N !:,. See nnd YM,
SHi,, See l. 'I p -i ,s, It AS E. W M.
llMituiies the followliiK w ituesseR to prove IiIh
coutlnuoiis renideuee upnn, and eultiviitlou ot,
.aid land, vi:
Henry Jonea, Arthur Smith, lnae rhippR,
Uoliert Joliukon, all of lleppner, OreKou. Wll
liaiu W. Sim, take notice.
A. Ci.favku.
Slll.-.ll KfKlatcr.
Uind Olllee nt Tho Dallen, Or., June :10, lS'.ii.
Comphilut hnvlii); been entered at this olllee
by John 11. Ill, key. of Morrow Coimtv. Oreiroll.
iinliiHt Edward C. ljiwlent,, lor fiillure'toeoiuply
Willi law H8 to I turner Culture Kntrv No. J77I.
dined Nov. w, 1.17, upon tin- K1., N wv. and El5
SW K, ol Sec 7, Tp : s. ii '.v. K, In Morrow Co., Or.,
Willi a view to Hie eancellntlon of mild eutrv;
eonlcMtiuu alleuiui: that huI.I Edward C. IwIonn
lum fal led to break or cause to he broken live acres
on said tract w lllilu one year inter his timber
culture entry of said tract, the said parties are
hereby sum mimed to appear at thisolliee on Hie
'27tli day of Auk., lyii, at lOo'ohwkH. in., to re
spond and furnish testimony eonceriihiR said
aliened lallure. J. . Morrow, County clerk, Is
authorized to take testimony In this case, at his
ollice in lleppner, ut lo a. m., Ainr. Jn, Iv.i:'.
John W. I.kwis,
Wi'd't KcKlater.
i 1
f an order of the Counlv Court ot
the County ot Clackamas and state of Oreium,
duly made and entered on the Uth dav oi Jul v
IM'A 1 vi ill on Saturday, the -.'7th day of Aujiust,
IS'.1-', at the hour ol one o'clock V. M. ot said dav,
at tlie trout door of the Court House, In Hepp
uer. In Morrow County and Shite of Orcaoll, of
fer for sale to the htnliest bidder, subject to con
tinuation ot the Conn, the following- described
property, lo-w It: '1 he southeast one iourth of
See. '.SI of tow tiship I. south of ranite J7 east of
the W lllamette tiieridinu, 111 Morrow County and
Slate ol Oregon.
Terms of sale: One half cash on dav of sale,
and balance either cash, or If purchaser prefer,
iiiortnaKe for one vear on the premises, to draw
Interest from lis dale at the rate ot ten percent,
pcrnuuuiu. purchaser to laiy tor uiakiiik; deed
and mortgage.
Makuaukt Bahbatt,
lltuirdtan of John Henry Rarratt, a minor.
Dated Ihls J.uh day of July. IS'iJ. 10 17
mixed feedin:
Bow to Mix Various Food, to the Rest
Wheat bran ia one of the few mate
rials that can be purchased and fed out
to the stock on the farm. It is one of
the few materials that can be fed to
stock and yet return nearly its full
value in the manure. It will help to
make bone and muscle in your growing
stock, and hence can be fed to an ad
vantage to them. With all the classes
of stock sheep, cattle, horses and hogs
it can be used to a good advantage in
making np a good variety.
Combined with sheaf oats it makes a
good ration for sheep, horses or cattle.
With oil or cornmeal, or either hay or
good corn fodder, it makes one of the
best rations for milk cows during the
winter. With corn and oil meal it
makes a good feed for the brood sows
and the growing pigs. Combined with
oil meal it makes a good feed with hay,
wheat or oat straw or corn fodder, less
ening very materially the amount of
grain necessary to keep in a good, thrifty
condition, with tho advantage that in
feeding tho quality of tho manure will
be improved.
With the rough foods, such as corn,
fodder, straw and hay, the best results
can be Becured if these are first run
through a feed cutter. They can bo
more thoroughly mixed together than if
the roughness is fed whole, while there
will be less waste in feeding the rough
ness. It can be purchased in considera
ble quantities and if stored in a dry
place will keep without damage. It is
very important, however, to keep it dry,
or it will mold and spoil. Where there
is considerable roughness and but little
grain, bran can be used to an advantage
in feeding and often this class of foods
can be used when of others more or less
would be wasted, while a better variety
can be supplied to the stock, and this
will help to keep in a good condition,
especially in the winter. Farmer's
Home Journal.
AuHtrlan Morso Breeding.
The stud at Mozohegyes has been es
tablished for more than 100 years, and
breeding is carefully restricted. Pedi
grees are kept for generations and the
breeds are established, and there are as
numerous divisions as in the trotting
families of America. At Mezohegyes
the stallions are divided into four classes,
those in tho first division, some nineteen
in number, being used for Btud purposes
at the parent farm. Of this lot nine are
English thoroughbreds and ten half
bred that is, the progeny of English or
French thoroughbred stallions and the
native Hungarian mares. The thor
oughbred stallions were selected be
cause of their breeding, racing perform
ances, soundness and individuality, and
none but sound mares are ever mated
with them, it being the policy of the
govornmont to breed horses without a
blemish of any kind. All these stallions
are exercised daily for two hours.
The stallions in the second division are
let out to private breeders, who pay
from 300 to 800 florins a season for them.
In tho third division aro to be found
those that are kept at the military sta
tions scattered all over the country, and
are let at fees varying from two to five
rlovins. Those in the fourth division are
the stallions that are sold to the com
munes or divisions into which Austria
and Franco aro split up. Of the second
class some 2,700 Mezohegyes stallions
are standing at the low fees named, and
oftener two florins is paid than the
larger sum. Tho Austrian horses have
wonderfully kind dispositions, 100 stal
lions frequently Btanding side by side at
Mezohegyes with nothing but swinging
poles botween them.
The horses sold to tne communes are
disposed of at much below their real
value, the prices being set by the minis
ter of agriculture, it being the ono ob
ject to encourage the Austrians to im
prove the breed of the horse. Repre
sentatives from the communes inspect
the horses, make their choice, and pay
down one-quarter of the price, which is
nover altered, before taking the horse
away, and the balance is paid in three
annual installments. This privilege is
very much valued by the communes,
who invariably buy up all the horses.
Several horses aro purchased by one
commune, and as one district near
Mezohegyes consists of 40.000 inhabi
tants, who own some 27,000 horses, the
necessity of such extensive buying is
The mares are generally kept in
groups, or what is termed a haras, of
about 100 mares each, guarded by
mounted soldier chicos when turned out
on the plains. Tho mares are in three
divisions, the first being the Gidrans, so
called from the founder of their race, a
pure bred Arab, his progeny again being
crossed with English thoroughbreds.
They are usually about 15.3 hands high
and handsomely turned, aro easily
matched, and aro generally a dark chest
nut in color. They have great bone and
substance, and to an English or Ameri
can eve should be useful in tho hnnt-
ir held. Thev are said to produce ex-.
celleut chargers, with tho best of tem
pers. Tho second division of brood mares
contains Anglo-Norman mares descend
ed from a stallion named Nonius, im
ported from France in IBIS, his progeny
being crossed with English stallions.
These mares are from sixteen to seven
teen hands high, chiefly browus and
bays, and they produce superb carriage
horses to the cover of thoroughbred
stallions. Another division contained
smaller mares descended from Nouius,
and the bust is fomposed of the descend
ants of a Hungarian horse called Furio
si!, his progeny being crossed with half
bred and thoroughbred English stal
lions. It is perfectly safe for a stranger to
go among the horses in the held, and
thev submit to having their feet ban
dleij. showing no signs of viciousness.
Nineteenth Centurv.
l ire Stock l'oluU.
A dispatch to a New York newspaper
avers in the most solemu manner that
Mr. E. E. Eshleman, "a well known and
rfcputable miller" near Lancaster, Pa.,
is tho owner of a bisexual rooster. This
miraculous bird has been penned up and
carefully watched and found to lay reg
ularly two eggs a day. Ho did not
cackle over them, however, in which
respect he showed his sense. External
ly he boars every mark of a cock, crows
loudly in the barnyard and scratches
gravel for his hens like any other male
fowl. Yes! This beats the old speckled
hen of the rhyme, the one that. used to
lay two eggs a day and Sundays she
biiii th-rea.
Contuls AVhlcli Will Make Iheni Intrr
estiiiir to the Crowd.
Suppose the stake offered equal to that
offered fur the trotting race, with simi
lar rules as to entry fees, forfeitures,
etc., and a draft contest arranged in
place of a speed contest and advertised
upon the big posters with bold faced
type, would it not be competed for and
would not entry fees nnd increased gate
receipts reimburse the society fur its
venture? The idea may be best present
ed for consideration and criticism by
giving in detail the classes to which it
would be applicable.
Take a state fair for consideration and
for smaller fairs scale down the prices
according to their resources. If it offer
a prize of $'.'00 for the different races,
offer a like sum as a prize in the sweep
stakes and aged stallion classes for draft
horses, and specify that other things be
insr enual the stallion drawing tho
heaviest load Bhall be awarded first
premium, the second, third and fourth
falling in like manner to those entitled
to them. Offer a like prize for draft
teams walking a mile with a load of two
tons and for teams trotting a utile with
a load of one-balf ton, the test in each
case to determine the award, other
things being equal. These contests to
be judged, timed and recorded on much
the same plan as the trotting races.
This plan will doubtless be met with
many objections. It will not be approved
by owners of dude stallions that they
consider too fine to ever wear a collar or
strain a muscle in proof of the claim
that they are draft horses. The man
claiming to have a trotting stallion has
to prove it by making him trot. Why
not prove you have a superior draft stal
lion by making him pull? Tho te:;t will
not harm either one and it is as impossi
ble to tell by mere appearance whether
a horse has great strength as it is to tell
whether one has great speed. Others
will ridicule the idea of trotting races
for draft horses as something absurdly
foreign to their line of usefulness, and
scout the notion of cultivating speed
where strength is the essential point.
Yes, power and endurance to handle
the heavy loads seera to be the desider
atum. But in the questibn of economic
draft time is always a factor, and tho
team that can move the greatest amount
of freight between two points in a given
time, as a week or a month, is the best,
bo the draft team, par excellence, must
not only have strength and endurance,
but speed the fast walk for the heavy
load, and the lively trot for the light
loads and empty return trip.
Breeding for heavy draft alono will
give us slow, heavy, sluggish animals,
while if we try to counteract this ten
dency by cultivating activity, sprightli
ness and nerve, not only will the heavy
ones be more economical draft horses,
but the lighter ones, of which tliero will
always be a good many, will beiter till
tho bill for handy, agreeable business
The greatest danger to the draft horse
is not that he will not be big euough,
but that he will not bo good enough.
So the assertion seems warranted that
races, and tests involving activity as
well as strength, are for the best inter
ests of the heavy horses and their breed
ers. A. W. Haydon in Breeder'sUazette.
Spring Chfelceuit.
Now is the time when the poultry
keepers need to "be on the alert. April
or the early part of May is nono to early
to get chickens out, whether intended
for the Thanksgiving or Christmas mar
ket, for exhibiting at fall fairs or winter
poultry shows, or intended to be kept to
furnish eggs next winter while the high
prices prevail. But more important than
early hatching is the keeping up a con
stant growth through the summer and
fall. They need food abundant and
varied in kinds to make this growth,
and they need it regularly. A liearty
feed "now and then" is not enough. See
that they have enough three times a
day, one of those times being as early in
tho morning as they are stirring, and
the other just before they house up toi
tho night, with the third about midday
between the two. While they are small,
and before they begin to roam about in
search of insects and green food, give
five feeds a day, or food once in two
hours. Do not give food of a fattening
character, but vary it. Do not allow
them to crowd one another in the pen
nights, and see that there is pure water
and clean gravel for them to have free
access to. Take especial pains to keep
all vermin away from them. Lice kill
more chickens every week than do
hawks, owls, skunks and weasels com
bined. American Cultivator.
l.lvo Stock Points.
June is the month in which to breed
for fall pigs.
Fall pigs do best when farrowed in
If the lambs are not doing well wean
them early and let them have good pas
ture along with oats, oil cake and bran.
If, however, they are thriving, they may
run witli the ewe as long as it is profita
ble without weakening her down too
Use only soft twine for tying wool.
Binding twine cuts wool.
Tho weaning time fur lambs is from
early in May till the middle of August,
according to the age and condition of
the lamb.
Potatoes fed to a cow will increase her
flow of milk.
Why is not a draft horse race pre
pared as one of the attractions for fairs
this fall; There would be quite as
much fuu in it as in a race between
Hogs running on clover pasture
should have besides a grain ration.
Peas in the northwest mako an ex
cellent food for hogs. The best time to
turu the hugs upon the green pasture ia
when the peas are in mils.
Give Glauber salts to pigs which are
constipated. Mix it in milk. The dose
is one-fonrth to a half pound fur a grown
hog, and less according to size.
Sulphur fumes are perhaps the best
disinfectant and destroyer of chicken
lice known. One way to rid a low built
honhouse of lice is to cover it with a
canvas and burn sulphur in it for two
hours. Sulphur fumes will destroy any
living gorm.
Grade or mixed blood stock when
crossed with inferior animals will not
transmit tho qualities of tho superior
breed in all cases. Tho older a breed is
the greater is the certainty that it will
transmit fixed qualities.
The wool clip from Queensland, Aus
tralia, is much cleaner this season than
it was last year.
Why Butter from Gathered Creuro Is
Not Always a Succoss.
All the articles that are now written
for the dairy papers are about separators
and testing the milk, as if there were no
other methods used. There are still
some creameries where the system in
yogne is the old fashioned method of
gathering cream, and good butter can
be made by that process if the patrons
will only take proper care of the milk
and cream. But there is where the sep
arator system is better than the gath
ered cream system, as the cream is un
der the control of one person from tho
time it is separated until it is churned,
whereas on the other plan the cream is
kept by many different persons, and
each one has a different method of keep
ing it some with shallow pans in the
kitchen, some in a cellar with decaying
vegetables and others who do not even
wash out the cream crock every time it
is emptied. But the majority of the
patrons keep the cream in good order.
One poor lot, however, will taint the
whole lot.
When tho cream is only gathered
twice and some of it only once a week,
a is the case in the winter season. Borne
of it is sweet, some sour and some of it
frozen solid, according to tho conditions
under which it is kept. The butter
maker has to understand his business to
make anything like good butter out of
such cream. The butter hicks flavor
and keeping qualities nnd will get
strong and rancid in a short time. 1
have made a practice of salting the
cream in the vat this last year, with
good results. I use two pounds of salt
to the 100 pounds of cream. Put in the
salt as soon as the first load c-f cream is
One can usually tell about how much
cream you will have. A little more or
less salt will not do any harm. The
cream must be thoroughly stirred to
mix it all alike, and the more stirring
the better. The salt all runs off with
the buttermilk, so you have to salt the
butter as though you had not salted the
cream. The buttermilk is just as good
for the hogs. They drink it just as well
as without salt. The salt takes the bit
ter taste out of the cream and improves
the flavor of the butter. G. B. Lawson
in Creamery Journal.
Which Pays Best?
A short time ago, in answer to a ques
tion, The Rural stated that there was
very little if any profit in milk at
cents a quart. How does it compare
with butter at 20 cents? Some of my
neighbors tell me they prefer to sell the
milk than to undertake the work of
making butter at these figures. W. D. C.
Selling milk at 2 cents per quart
pays better, for the time being, than
making butter to be sold at 20 cents pei
pound. But that is a very incomplete
statement of tho case. If you go into
the business of selling milk to the city
market you must so arrange your dairy
as to produce almost as much milk in
the winter as you do in the summer, and
to do this yon must feed heavily for
nearly six months in the year.
If yon sell your milk to a butter or
cheese factory you cannot get an aver
age of 2 cents per quart. If it were
simply a question of selling all your
milk at 24 cents per quart, and produc
ing as much or as little as you pleased
and producing it when you pleased, it
would be fairly profitable. But you can
not do that. In favor of butter making
it is to be said that it takes nothing
practically from the soil, while selling
milk depletes it as rapidly as does al
most any crop. A good butter maker in
these days ought to get more than 20
cents on an average for his butter.
There are hundreds of them, yes, thou
sands, who average at least 25 cents pel
pound for their entire production.
Rural New Yorker.
Hot Weather Advice.
As this is the time of year when we
get a good deal of sour, thick and bitter
cream, we hope the following sugges
tions will not be considered as out of
place. The creamery desn-es and would
like to receive only thin and sweet
cream. It is probably impossible to
keep it all sweet at this season of the
year without ice, but it can be kept thin
and in proper condition for churning by
observing the following rules:
Keep the cans in tanks well filled with
water, changed at least twice a day.
Three times morning, noon and night
would be better. The tank should be
kept clean and scrubbed out once a week
at least.
Cream should not be allowed to re
main on the milk more than twenty-four
hours at the very longest. A better way,
however, and one followed by some of
our intelligent farmers, is to skim at
twelve hours; that is, skim the morn'
ing's milk in the evening and the even
ing's milk in the morning, and if you
are not satisfied that the cream is an out,
let the cans remain another welve hours
and skim again.
Kepp the cream in a water tank, or, if
possible, in a still cooler place, but al
ways in cold water. By observing the
above rules the cream can be kept thin
and most of it sweet. Our drivers are
instructed not to receive any cream that
is lumpy or bitter or tainted or other
wise unfit for use. Woodville Cream
ery Company.
The ripe Line M'ou't Do.
The latest story is that milk is to be
delivered in New York city by pipe line.
Yes! Any kind of receptacle in which
milk is kept or through which it is
passed should be boiled up daily in soda
water to make it clean and healthful.
Imagine a hundred miles of underground
pipe being thus cleansed every day. It
won't do. Tell ns something easy. Milk
pumps have never been a decided suc
cess on account of the difficulty of
cleansing them, how then can milk
pipes be?
It is a curious sight to witness one of
the new fanglcd accumulators making
bntter. You put the milk in, then set
the thing going. In a short time you
will see something flowing from the
three tnbes attached to the machine.
First from one conies cream and from
another skimmilk, then from the third
butter granules. It is said that a hand
power butter accumulator will shortly
be perfected for .use in farm dairies.
The present type is only for creameries
and hire dairies.
Feed the cows while you nulk them.
They relax their muscles and let the
milk flow freely while they peacefully
chew away on their food.
Jotlee of special town election for tlie purpose.
town of lleppner, Oreirou.
Is herebv driven that a special election will be
held in "the town of lleppner, at the council
chamber, on thelth day ol August. 1M'-', between
the hours of s o'clock a. m. and ti o'clock p. m.,
of said dav, for the purpose of authoriinir the
town council to borrow the sum of l."..00O uOand
to Issue bonds ot the town llierelor, lor me pur-
pose of supplyiuK the town with w ater, and also !
to iiiiwiu-cr the rnnii' to low a tux to ereuie
siukinjt fund for the redemption ot sukl bonds
In twenty years from August 1st, iwy, and to
pav the interest thereon until redeemed, and to
approve ordimmee No. 31,
The foliowluK officers of election have beeu
appointed judges of election.
Judges of Election .Ko. Matlock.
(v.". A. Kikk,
Clerks of Election
I L a n is Matlock,
)J. i Williams,
. A. RoBKttTfi, Recorder,
Dated Heppner, Oregon, July 2, 1HM. OOS-tf
A line lot of imported Shot Gnus at
Thompson & Go's ut baiguiu prices, do
jobbers profits. n
While you keep your subscription paid up yoc
can keep your brand in free of charge.
Allyn. T. J.. lone, Or. IIornee (i(J on left
shoulder; cattle Hme on left hip, under bil on
ritfht ohx, and upper bit on tho left; nuige, Mor
row (Tiinntv.
Armstrong, J. l, Alpine, Or. T with bar un
der it on left shoulder of horsed; cattle same
on left hip.
Allison, O. Ut KiRht Mile, ur. t attio pnmrt,
O Don left hip and horttps same brand on right
shoulder. Kane. Einht Milo.
Adkins, rC. Dayville, Or- HtrRiKhi murk ncropp
the thigh and two crops and a alii in tw riht ear;
horHOn, x upnide down on the riht Hhoulder.
hunire in Grant county and Boar vnllov. PO
addrosB also at Hfirdnirtn.
AdkniB, J. J. i neppnor, Ur. lorfies, JA con
nscted on left, tiank: cattle, same on left hip.
Ayers, Johnny, Lena, Or. Jiornos branded
trinnffieou len hip; ciittlo same on riht hip;
also crop off riirht ear and upper bit on same.
Blyth, Percy H., Heppr.er.Or.--HorseB. Homan
cross on right shoulder, llange in Morrow
Hieakman. Geo., Hardman, Or. HoreeB, r flan
on left shoulder: cattle same on riaht shoulder.
bannister, J. W., Hardman. Or. Cattle brand
ed ti on left hip and thigh: split in eaeh ear.
Brenner. Peter, Itoi seherry Uri'ifon Horses
branded PH on left shoulder. Cattle flame on
right siue
Burke, M St C, Long Creek, Or-Ori cattle,
MAY connected on left hip. ciop off left ear, un
der half crop off rit;ht. liorss, same brand on
letft Bhouldsr. Kango in Grunt and .Morrow
Howaman, A Mount Vernon and TturiiB, Or.
Cattle, A B on right hip, two crops in each oar;
same on horsus. on right shoulder, itango in
(jrunt and Harney cotiutieH.
Brosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle B on the lift side.
Left ear half crop and right ear upper slopo.
Barton, Wm., Heppner, Or. -HorseB, J B on
right Ihiga, cattle, same on right hip; split in
each ear.
Brown, Ifla, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor
row county.
Brown, J .P., Hoppner. Or. -HorKeB and cattle
branded B with ox-yoke aboveon left shoulder.
Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Morses, circlt
0 with Oof in on ter on h'ft hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W.J. , Lena, Oregon. Horses W bar
over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle name on left
Boyer, W. G,, Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand on right hip caUle, same, with split in
each ear.
Burg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Norses, P B on loft
shoulder; cattle, same on left bin.
Bmwnlee, W. J., Fox,Or( 'altle, JB connected
on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and
middle piece cut out on right, ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Kange in h'ox valley,
Grant county,
'ain.K. Caleb.Or. Y Y on horses on left Btifle;
U with onartor circle over it, on left shoulder,
and on left stifle on all colts under 5 years; oi,
left shoulder only on all horses over li years. AH
range in Orant county.
Chirk, Wm. II., Lena, Or. Horse. WHO con
nee ted, on left shoulder: cattle same on right
hip. Itni'ge Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cale, (.'has. It., Vinson or Lena, Or. HotBot
H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
itange Morrow and Umatilla counties.
t'ochran, Chan., lone. Or. Horses, HP con
nected on left shoulder; cattle, i) on both left
hip and stiiie. Range in Morrow county.
Cannon, T. B.,Long Creek, Or.--Xou cattle on
right side, crop off right ear and slit in left ear.
Our horses same brand on left shoulder. Kange
in if rant county.
Cecil, Wm., Douglas, Or.; horses JP on lef
shoulder; ca'tle same on left hip, waddles on
each jaw anu two bits in ttie right ear.
Curl, T. It,, John Day, Or. Double cross on I
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bii
in right ear, split in lef t ear, Bangn in Gram
county. On Bheep, inverted A al'd spear point
on shoulder. Kar marko.i ewes, crop uu left ear. 1
punched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
right and under half crop in left ear. All ratigt
in Grant coniitv.
Croshy, A. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle branded -!-(or
H L connected) on the right shoulder.
Cook, A. J. .Lena.Or. Horses, ttlon right shotil
.ler. CaUle. same on right hiu: ear mark eanart
3rop off left and split in right.
Curriii.lt. Y., Currinsvilie, Or. - Horses, on
left stifle.
Cochran, J IT Monument, Or Horses branded
r I & A on left shoulder. Cattle, sume on right
hip. swallow fork in right ear and crop otf I eft.
Cox & English, Hardman, (Jr. Ca'.tte, C will
in center: liorseB. CJfi on left Mp.
Cupper, II. A., Monument, Or. Horses H C
on Itft shoulder, cattle H C on left side, swal
low fork on right ear.
Cochran, K. K., Monument, Grant Co, Or.
Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left
shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mart
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, H., Hardman, Or.Horfies brandoa
on right hip. Cattle brauded the Bame.
Cross, H L, Dayville, Or Cattle branded -f- two
crops and a split in left ear; on horses a
reversed Z on loft stifle. Also have the following
brands on cattle: 72 on left hip, 7 on right hip.
VI on left shoulder, two parallel bars on left
shoulder. Ear marks, two crops.
Doonan, Wm., lleppner, Or. Horses branded
OO with bar over them, on left shoulder; cat
tle same on left hip.
Douglass, W. M , Galloway, Or. Cattle, It 1 on
right side, swadow-fork in each ear; horuos, It 1)
on left hip.
Douglas, O. T., Douglas, Or Horees TD on
the right stifle; cattle same on right hip.
Duncan, W. P., John Day.Or. Quarter circle
W on right, shoulder, both on horses and cattle.
Kange Grant county.
Driskell, W. E., Heppner, Or. Horses branded
K inside of U on left shoulder. Cattle same on
left side of neck.
Ely, J. B. & Sons. Douglas, Or. Horses brand
ed ELY on left shoulder, cattlo same on left
hip. hole iv right ear.
Ellioti , Wash., Heppnor, Or. Diamond on
right shoulder.
Eisk. lialph. Prairie City, Or Horses, It F on
right shoulder; cattle, on right hip. liange in
Grant county.
Eloek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7F
Counected on right shoulder; cattle, same on
right hip. Earmark, hole in right and crop
ott left.
Florence, L. A,, Heppner, Or. Cattle, LP on
right hip; horses F with bar under on right
Florence, 8. P. Heppner, Or Horses. F on
riifht shoi.idet : cattle, E on riuht hip or thigh.
Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. UAJ on left
Goble, Frank, Heppner, Or. HorseB, 7 F on
left stifle; cattle, same on right hip.
Oilman-French, Land and Livestock Co., Fos
sil, Or. Horses, anchor tj on left shoulder; vent,
same on left stifle. Cattle, same on both hips:
ear marks, crop otf right ear and nnderbit in Inft.
Kange in tiiiiiani, urant, trooit ana aiorrow
Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. Horses bnmdt'd H.
S. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle
Uangein Morrow and UmatillacountieB.
Giltwater, J . C, Prairie City, Or, On horses,
0 O on left shoulder and stine; cattle, on right
aide. Kange in Grant county.
Hams, James, Hurdman Or. Horses Bhaded
2 on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Kange
iu and about Hurdman.
Hajes. Geo., Lena, Or, Brand JET connected,
with quarter circl over it, on left shoulder.
Hiatt A. B., Kidge, Or. Cattle, round-top A
with quarter circle under it on the right hip.
Kange in Morrow and Umatilla counties.
liinton Si Jenks, Hamilton. Or Cattle, two bars
on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left.
HorBes, J on right thigh. Kange in Grant county.
Hughes, 8aniuel, Wagner, Or T E L on right
shoulder on horses; on cattle, on right hip and on
left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left.
Kange in Haystack district, Monvw county.
Hall. Edwin, John Day.Or. Cattie E ki on righi
hip; horses same on right shoulder, range in
Grant county.
Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses, shaded
heart on the left shoulder. Itange Morrow Co.
Hunsaker, B . Vagt:er. Or. -Horses, H on left
shoulder; ca tie, 9 on ieft hii .
liardisty, Albert, Nye. Oregon Horses, AH
connected, on left shoulder; Cattle on the left
hip, crop off left ear,
Humphrevs, J 11. Hardman, Or. Horees. H on
let) tiank
Hiatt, Wm. E., Ridge, Or. Horses branded
bar cross on left shoulder: cattle same on left
flayea, J. M., Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglass
on left shmihiei cattle, same on right hip.
Ivy, Alfred. Long Cret-k. Or Cattle 1 D on
right hip, crop off left ar and bit in right. Horses
same bnmd on left shoulder, Kange n Grunt
Hnston, Luther, Eight Mile. Or. Horse H on
the ieft shoulderand heart on the left slide Cat
tle same on left hip- Kange in Morrow county.
Jenkins, D. V..Mt. Yenion.Or. J on horses un
left shoulder; on cattle, J on left hip and two
smooth crops ou both ears. Itange in Fox and
Bear vall.oa
Jankin. o. 31., Heppner, ur. Horses, horse-
shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the sum a,
Kange on Eight Mile.
Johnson. Felix Lena, Or. Horses, circle r on
left stine; cattle, same on right hip, UHder half
cmp in riBht and si.lit in left ear
Kftimv. Mike. Heooner. Or.-Horses brands
! KNY on ieft hip cattle same and crop otf left)
Mr: nndor olooe on the right ,
! Kir. J. 1$ 00
Rellor. hichard, Blanton. flrftiit county, (r.-
E K in tapiare, cattle on I ft iiip; hor.ee Mime '
on left Blioulner. Hantfe H.Pf vnllov.
Kirk. J C, lleppner. Or. Uuiwt. 17 on either
flnu k : cat 1 1. 17 tin nuhl aide.
Kirk. Jesse, lleppner. Clr.: horse 11 on left
shoulder; catlle t-uuie on light side, nnderbit on
rlsrlit ear.
Knniberland,W. CL, Mount Vernon, Or. 1 L on
cattle on risclit and left eiiiea, swallow fork in If ft
ear and unler eiop in rik-lit ear. Hnr-ert aame
brand on left shoe liler. Kanae in Ur.iLt cour.tv.
Keener. Eli. lleppner. Or.-Horses J L, and
;rw, "UU"- m
LeHiey.M C, Mounmem, Or A triangleftwith
all Uuhh extending pa t body of figure on s hor
ses on left shoulder, ou cattle diamond on left
Bhoulih'r, split in righ.aua u6i tit m left ear
Ka"ge iu Grant couut and to parts of John Day
Lea hey, J W. Heppner Or. Horses branded L
N on left shoulder; catlle same on left hip; wat -tie
over right ey three slits in right ear.
Loften, Btepnen, I-ox, Or. M L on ieft hip
on catlle. crop and split on right ear. Horses
Bailee brand on left shoulder. Kongo Grunt
Liouallen, John W., L-f Or. Horses
branded half-circle JL connected on left shoul
der. CaiUe. same on left hip. Itange, near Lex
ington. Lord, George, Heppner. Or. Horses branded
double H connect Sometimes culled a
swing H, on left shoulder.
Maxweil, M . 8 , Gooseberry. Or. Horses brand
ed long link on left Bhoulder; cattle, sume on
lef j hip. Ear mark, under bit in ieft ear.
Minor, Oscar, lleppner. Or. Cattle, M Don
right hip; horse. Mon left shoulder.
iiorgnn, . JN., rleppner. Or. Horses, M )
on left shouldet cattle same on left hip.
McCumber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses. M with
bar over on right shoulder.
iViann, B. B., Lena, Or. Horses old mareB ZZ
on right hip; young Btuck, small zz on left
Morgan, Thos., Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
T on left shonJdor and left thigh; cattle, Z on
riKtii. ungti.
Mitchell. Oscar, lono. Or. Horses. 77 on rirht
hip; cattle. 77 on right side.
met laren, v. ii., Brownsville, Or, Horses,
Figure ft on each shoulder; cattle. M2on hio
McKerll.W.J. Mount Vruill llr-VInn nattU
ou right hip, crop in right ear. half crop in left
same brand ou horses o left hip. Kange in Graut
JHeCarty, Uavid H., Echo, Or. Horses branded
DM Connected, on the left ttlinulrinr? mitrlo tnnia
on hip and side.
mouirr, trank, t ax Valley, Or. Mule show
with toe-Cork OU Cattle on rihs nnd nmlar in
each ear; hoiBes aame brand on left Btitle.
fllcHaley, G. V., Hamilton. Or. On Homes, 8
with half circle under on left fihouider;on Cattle,
four bars connected on top on the right side
Itange in Grant County.
Neal. Andrew. Lone Kock, Or. Horses A N con
necul on left shoulder; cattle same on both hipp.
Newman, W. K., Heppner, Or. Horses N
with half circle over it on left shoulder.
Nordyke, E., Hilverton. Or. Horses, circle 7 on
left thigh: cai tie, same on left hip.
Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A 9 on cattle
on left hipion horsea, same on lef t thigh, Kange
in Grant county.
Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on loft
a ho u, dm.
Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cattle, O
LP connected on left hip; heroes on left stifle
and wanle on nose. Kange in Grant comity.
Pearson, Olave, Eight Mile. Or. Horses, quar
ter circle shield on left shoulder and 24 on left
hip. Cattle, fork in loft ear, right cropped. 24
on left hip. Kange on Eight Mile.
Parker & Gleasou, Hardman, Or, Horsea IP on
l'ft hiiouider.
Piper, J. H, LexingtoD, Or.HorseB, JE con
nected oi left shoutder; cattle, same on loft hip.
under hii in each ear.
Patherg, Henry Lexington. Or. HorseB brand
ed with a Koinai, cross on ieft Bhomder; cattle
branded with Komau cross, bar at bottom, ou
left hip.
Pettys, A. C, lone, Or,; horses diamond P on
shoulder; cuttle, J Jl J connected, on thu
left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in the
Potter, Dan, Lexington Horees branded MP
connected on left shoulder; cattle, same on right
Powell, Jonn l'., Dayville, Or HorBes, J P con
uec ed o left shoulder. Cattle OK couuected on
left hip, two under half crops, oue on each ear,
wattle under throat. Kugc iu Grant county.
Kickard, G. D., Canyon City, Or.E C on left
-dioulder, on horses only. Kange Canyon creek
and Bear valley, G rant county.
Hood. Andrew, Hardman, Or, Horses, square
cntsi- with quarter-circle over it on left stifle.
Keninger, Chris, Heppner, Or. HorBes, C H on
left uhouldei .
Kice, Dan, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel
worm fence on left shoulder; caUle, DAN on
right shoulder. Kange near Hardman.
Kudio, Wm, Long Creek, Or. Brands homos
It oi right shoulder. Kange. Grant and Morrow
Koyso, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on
ieft shoulder; catlle, same brand reversed on
right hip and crop oil right ear. Kange in Mor
row county,
Kttwh Bros., Heppner, Or. HorseB branded X
on the right. Bhoulder; oattle, IX on the left nip,
crop otl left ear and dewlap on neck. Kange ic
.uorrow anu adjoining counties.
Kust, William, Pendleton, Or. Horses K on
lef t shoulder; cattle, K on left hip, crop otf
right ear, underwit on left ear. Hheep, It on
weather, round crop off righ ear. Kange Uma
tilla and Morrow c ninties.
Keaney, Andrew. Lexington, Or. IlorBM
bmuded A K ou right shoulder, vent quartet
circle over brand; cattle Baine on right hip.
Kiingo Morrow county.
Koyse, Wm. H, Dairyville, Or Hit connected
with quarter circle over top on cattle on right hip
and crop off right ear and split in left. Horses
aame brund on loft shoulder. Itange in Morrowi
Grunt and Gilliam counties.
Kilter, J F, Kitter, Or Three parallel bars
with bar overou horseB on left hip; on cuttle, lefl
dido, two smooth crops, two splits in each ear,
tiange in Middle Fork of John Day.
Ueetor. J. W'., Heppner, Or. Horses, JG ok
left shoulder. Cai tie, 0n right hip.
Spicknall. J. W-, GooBeberry, Or. Horses
branded 31 on left shoulder; lange in Morrow
Cipray, J. F., Heppner, Or.-HorBes branded fr8
connected oi. right shoulder; cattle same on both
Sailing, C C Hoppner, Or Horses branded 8 A
on left Bhoulder; cattle same on left hip.
hwaggart, B. F., Lexington, Or, Horses 2
with daub under it on ieft Btitle, cattle H with
uash under it on right hip, crop off right ear and
waddled on right hind leg. KangB in Morrow,
Gilhainund Umatilla counties.
fcJwnggart, A. L., Ella. Or. Horses branded 2
on lei t shoulder; cettle same on left hip. Crop
on ear. wattle on left hind ieg.
Straight W. E., Heppner, Or. Horses shaded
J S on let Btitle; cattle J Son left hip, swallow
fork in righi ear, underbit in left.
Hwaggart, L, Alpine, Or.-Horsos, 8 8 on right
bapp. Thos., neppner, Or. Horses, 8 A P on
left lap; cat tit same on left hip.
Nhirtz, James, Long Creek, Or. Horses. 3 on
leit stille and over 2 on left shoulder,
Hhner.John, Fox, Or. NO connected on
horses on right hip; cattie, same on right hip,
crop off right ear and under bit in left ear. Kange
ui Grant county.
Smith Bros., John Day, Or H Z on cattle ou
le t .shoulder.
HtephtMis, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses 8 Son
right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the light side
Stevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. t attle, H
on right hit ; swallow-fork in ieft ear.
Hwaggart, G. W Heppnor, Or. Horses, U on
left siiouidei ; cattle, 44 on ieft hip.
Stewart, Geo., Hardman, Or. Horses circle
oi left shoulder.
Htone. Ira, Bikleton, Wash, Horses, keystone
on left shoulder.
Smith, E. E. Lone Rock, Or. Horses branded
a crossed seven on iefi shoulder; cattle same ou
left side, Kange, Gilliam county.
Hperry, E. G.. Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on
led hip, crop off right and underbit in left year,
dewlap; horses vV C on left shoulder.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, Z on
left shoulu, r; cattle, 2 ou left shoulder.
Tippets, s. T.t Lena, Or.-Horses, O- on left
Turner R. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T
lelt shouidei, horses; cattle same on left hip
with split in both ears.
lln rnton, 11. M lone, Or Horses branded
H i connected on ieft stifle; sheep Baine brand.
Yanderpool, H. T.. Lena, Or;-Horses HV cor
necLed on right shoulder ;cat tie, same on right
Walbridge, Wm., Heppner. Or. Horses TJ L
on the left shouidor; cattle same on right hio!
crop oft left eur and right ear lopped.
WilBon.John Q Salem or Heppner, Or
Horses branded J y on tho left shoulder. Rau'ee
Morrow county.
W nrrtu, W B. Caleb, Or Cattle. W with quarter
circle over it, on left side, split in right ear.
horses same brand on left shoulder. Katun in
Wood. F L, Dayville, Or Heart on horses on
lef stifle; on cattle,; on left Bide and under bit
in li-ft ear. Kange in Grant county.
right Silas A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
S V on the right hip. square crop oil right ear
and fpht in left.
Wallace. Francis, Mount Vernon.Or-Squareon
cattle on the left hip, upper slope in ihe left
ear and under slope in right ear. Same brand
ou horses on right shoulder. Range in Uarnev
and Grant county. '
Webster, J. 1,, Heppner. Or.-Horses branded
w-th har over J on right shoulder; cattle sama
on right hip, crop off left ear and split in ch
itange. Morrow county.
Wade, Henry, Heppner. Or.-Horses branded
ace of spades on leit Bhoulder and left hiu
tattle branded same on left side and left hip.
Wells, A. S., Heppnor, Or.-Horses, 0vo on left
shoulder: can e same.
W olhnger, John, John Day City. Or On horses
three parallel oars on left shoolder; 7 on sheep
bit in both ears. Kange in Grant and Malhuer
Wylai.d, J H, Hardman, Or. CircU c on left
tin ti n,
Woodward, John. Heppner, Or. Horses CP
connected on left shoulder.
WnikinB, Lishe. H eppner, Or.-Horses branded
L E connecteo on left etifls.
Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or. Cattle Won
right thigh, hoi in left ear; horses, W on right
shonlaer, Bom same on left shoulder.
Whittier Bros., Drewsy, Harney eounty. Or
Horses branded W B. connected on ieft shoulder
"imams. asco. Hamilton, Or. Quarter cir-
1 ""w""" nip, ooui cattle and
i ""'rTf. wrmii. wuuiy. .
i . dUams. J U Long Creelc, Or Horses, qtiar
ter circle over three bars q left hip; catGe sains
an'1 ht !n Bange in Gnuit n.nntr.
lTa' , : A., Heppner, Or. Horses running A A
on shoulder; attle. same on right bip.