Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 29, 1892, Image 3

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    noii'.:k to advkhtislrs.
ryll SE (lctirini; the insertion oi display fld.,
1 or elmuKeoi isame, miiHt set their copy In
lint hiler than Monday cveiiiuir for TueHdtiy's
edition, or i liuixduy t'vt'uiiiK for Fridtiys edi
tion, j Jlli 1'ATrKKSoN I'UilUMllNli Co.
I. The sum of live cents per lino will be
churned for "eitrdu of tluuikK," "resolntloiiii of
re-Sheet," lists of wedding presents and donors,
ana obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
nnl ices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
'2. Notices of church and society and ullolher
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shull be charged for at the rate of live
cents a line. There rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and madeknown
upon application.
Give your businessto Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Here and There.
T. W. Ayers, Jr., for drags. 08 sw
Rinans Taljules : best liver tonic.
Cass Matlock is over from Pendleton.
James Pierce whs iu the oity yesterday
wit li a load of grain.
T. It. Howard and family have joined
the campers in the Blues.
Ford, the painter, still "in it." For
any kind of work see him. 81-tf.
Johnny Beeler was down from his
mountain ranch yesterday.
When in Arlington, stop at the Ben
nett house, near the depot. 61-ft
Geo. Miller and family, of lone, joined
tht; crowd out in the Blues, Wednesday.
Cy Fuqua, E. B. Stanton and J. H.
Allen were over from Eight Mile Tues
'lay. Miss Letha Parker, dressmaker, will
guarantee yon a good tit. Give her a
trial. 4 tf
The Stine hunee toss at Walla Walla
will be all of SW.OOO, with ifin.OUO insur
ance, (Sen. Noble will take in the sheriffs'
convention, at Eugeue the tirst of the
Miss Elln Crabtree is spending a few
das in Heppner with her relatives and
Mrs. Sam Kinsman and family return
ed from their mountain camp Tuesday
Geo. Lord was up from Ella Tuesday.
He says stook are fat, people well, and
crops slim.
llnole ThoB. Scott, of Galloway, the
honored postmaster of that place, was in
Heppner yesterday.
l ap iiimons & Son still shoe horses
aud do general blacksmithing at the old
.stand Matiock corner. 55.
P. (John, Waldron Khea and Will
Spencer went up to the camp Thursday.
Will returned yesterday.
Geo, Thornton pulled out yesterday
for the mountains with a lot of fresh
grub for the campers.
Albert Ayers and family, of Butter
creek, and lleub S perry, of lone, were in
town the first of the week.
"The Parlor," W. F. Ruark, prop., in
the City hotel, west side of Main street.
Neatest place in Heppner. sw
Geo. Parman, Geo. Noble, Jr., and
others of the Heppner country, are har
vesting near Walla Walla.
A. Barnes, representing Blumaner,
Frank & (Jo, wholesale druggists of Port
land, was in Heppner yesterday.
Hiyu ketcbum whiskers. Hatt &
Mathews, at the oity barber shop the
place to get a first-class shave, hair-out
or shampoo. tf-
Rev. Shulse and family, and J. A.
Thompson and family will leave soon for
the coaBt. They will very likely go to
Clatsop Beach.
Mrs. F. 0 Bucknum left yesterday for
her Portland home. She was accompa
nied as far as Arlington by her mother,
Mrs. J. N. Elder.
Mrs. Emit Voruz returned from her
ontiDg vacation Monday. Heports a very
pleasant time while there and wishes she
o.ould have remained longer.
Improve the nutritive functions of the
soslp by using Hall's Vegetable Sicilian
Hair Renewer, and thus keep the hair
from faHing and becoming gray.
Newer and neater quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room.
Charley Jones, the baher, wants to see
his old friends there. Baths in connec
tion. A. G. Bartholomew, who is represent
ing the big fruit orchards of Henry
Thompson, over on Butter oreek, made
the oilice happy with achoicelotof fruit,
Newt. Robertson and John Tiller, two
stockmen from near Monument, Giant
county, arrived in neppuer inuutounj,
with wool, returning yesterday loaded
with supplies.
How are you fixed for letter-heads,
bill-beads, note-heads, statements, envel
opes and the like? Don't overlook the
Guzette in any deal ot this nature, for
strictly fiist-class work.
Victor Standecker, traveling salesman
for Mooney, Valentine & Goldsmith, was
' in Heppner Wednesday. Victor informs
us that this is his last trip up here, as he
has been transferred to the Sound conn
try, with headquarters at Seattle.
A lady, whose hair came out wih
every combing, was mduoed to give
Ayer's Hair Vigor a faithful trail. She
did so, and not only was the loss of bair
checked, but a new and vigorous growth
soon succeeded that which had gone.
Homer McFarland is slightly incapaci
tated for business just at present, owing
to the fact that he happened to an acci
dent yesterday, by which his big toe be
came badly broised, though we venture
to say he hasn't missed a meal vet.
Claries Boyse left Wednesday morn
ing for Pendleton, where he will spend a
few days. Charley also expects to be
present at the meeting of the Pendleton
Ser NT 23 RovaT Arch Masons,
lliapier no. j
which meets in renaietou muii
J Langford and Olis Savage, two young
gentlemen from The Dalles, on an out
fug expedition, arrived in Heppner yes
terday, having made the trip on horse,
back They are now visitiug Charles
Wagner, of this city, though expect to
take a hunting tour out in the monn
tains ere they return.
L. Samuels, formerly editor of the la
mented West Shore, of Portland, has
been appointed assooiate manager of the
Equitable Assnranoe Company, of New
York oity. No better selection could
have been made by the oompany, as Mr.
Samuels is a thorough business man, and
well known all over uregon
. . rr
"S .l""' .nS'ch.'rUv S"iDiai
. j t0.i onrirwa vesterUiiy
They report quite a pleasant time w'"ite
there, and say mere
people outing at the spring, moatly f om ,
i. i, i.n..,.l. eaveral from Allia. i
reDaieion, iuu""
Camas prairie and Heppner.
Our credit can only be kept go .d by
our keeping onr debts paid. Ihe aan,
rule relate to you, w --
nnr credit
od by be piog u ""k
Boo J. "a uon '"',: ,'; -ithont
sonU;mpau oanu 11 uu " . ....le.
money, anu "'-' ,A ',...,
ment of all over doe notes
.jrjtbont further delay.
I'he Scientific) American says that the
"G F. Webb Body Battery and Appli
ances," are "the moat practical electro
medical devices yet developed." It is
remarkable what a wide rangeof diseases
are amenable to electrical treatment,
even wheu all other remedies fail. Tbou
sandn of testimonials prove the etlijaey
of the "G. F. Webb Body Buttery and
Appliances" Those afflicted with dis
ease should write to B. B. liliet, Uener.il
Agent, Iowa Falls, Iowa.
J. F. Miller, of Monument, is in Hepp
ner, having just finished getting in his
spring's wool dip. Mr. .Miller desires
muoh that his section of the oouotry
should be added to Morrow county, this
beiug their trading point. It is likely
that this question, and that of division,
will torm the principal topics till tue
next session of the legislature.
Recently Father A. Lemny, Heury
Couture and Jas. Wussou struck what
appeared to be pretty good diggiags on
Baoktmt gulch, Grant oounty, taking out
in one prospect hole, and far above bed
rock, the sum of $H. They took claims,
but recent prospecting failed to reyeal
anything there. It is probable that the
ground was "salted."
Oscar Minor is the proud possessor of
ten young Chinese pheasants. He has a
pair of old ones, and the heu has laid
quite a number of eggs this season, lie
tried some under a oommon hen, but it
was not a success. Mother plieasaut
olnrks much like a domestio hen, only
in softer accents,
Mrs. A. Mathoit and littlo daughter
arrived from Walla Walla last evening
to visit their relatives in this vicinity.
Mrs, Mathoit is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Florenoe, who live above Heppner.
While in Heppner, Mrs. Mathoit and
daughter w ere the guests of Mr. aud Mrs.
Otis Patterson.
Don't he discouraged about theeczsma
till you have given Ayer's Saraspanlla a
persistent trial . Six bottles of this med
icine oured the complaint for George S.
Thomas, of Ada, Ohio, when all other
remedies failed to afford any relief.
Word came down from the mouutains
Inst evening that Charley Van Duvn was
down sick. Mr. Van Duyu left at onoe
for the outing camp, though he thought
Charlie had nothing more than chills or
a slight attack of mnuutain fever.
Postmaster Mallory will leave in a few
days for a visit with his son Will, up in
the mountains, lluttie Jenkins, who is
now learning the work iu the ollioe, will
assist in the duties during his absence.
Jim Fristoe, who has been looking
after Geo. Swaggurt's cattle up towards
the mountains, says that the grass is
better there than for seven or eight years.
Our correspondent who wrote down
from the mountains a few days ago,
didn't get half the people up there. No
slight intended, however.
A. S. Baty, representing Zan Bros.,
Fieldmann & Coie, of Portland, Btruck
out Weduesday fur the interior, to be
absent some time.
Now is the time to remember that P.
0. Thompson Company carry the best
line of harvest gloves in Heppner. Every
pair guaranteed. 9-1
The A. O TJ. W. temple of Portland
will cost, when fluished, $100,001). It is
the first on the coast, if not iu the United
Nels and Billy Jones have 22 head of
horses over here, which they will ship to
Iowa shortly, Jus. Jones accompanying
Geo. Couser, C. S. Van Duyn aud son,
Walter, came iu from camp Tuesday,
Walter returning with the horses Wedues
day. Hank Putnam got iu last night to buy
cattle for tin American Dressed Meat
company, of Troutdale.
John Marshal settled Tuesday the
trespass suit brought against him, pay
ing seventy odd dollars.
Nels and Billy Jones have sold several
hundred head of their Malheur horses to
a man from Missouri.
Darey & Fain have received the con
tract to paper and paint t lie ooiirt house,
their bid being SJi-bf.
Job work on short notice at the Ga
zette idlice. Best appoiuted job ollioe
in Eastern Oregon.
. Charley Sheldou writes iu from the
mountains for arnica. The ride was too
much for Charley.
C. Leyde has wrought some wonderful
changes iu our court house during the
past few days.
At sheriff's sale Wednesday, the Eli
Keeney piano sold for $125, E. G. Sperry
buying it.
Billy Douglas says the Codlin moth is
doing some damage on Little Butter
S. C. Smith and family got in from the
mountains Wednesday.
Sol Mayfield is hauling logs for Hamil
ton Bros, this season.
Geo. Swaggart's family are iu the
George Phippa was iu Heppner yester
day. The World Enriched.
The facilities of the present dav for the
production of evervthing that will oon
duce to the material welfare and oom
tort of mankind are almost unlimited,
and when Syrup of Figs was tirst pro
duced the world was enriched with the
only perfect laxative known, as it is the
only remedy which is truly pleusirg aud
refreshing to the taste and prompt and
effeotual to cleanse the system gently in
the spring time or, in faot, at any time
and the better it is koown the more pop
ular it beoomes.
Soi nus Better Away fhom Home. It
is always said that thefarther away from
the scene of action one gets the better
the fish story sounds. J. A. Patterson
evidently believes this, as the following
(rom the Waf.co County Sun would in
dicate: "Engineer Patterson and family
j are camping at the headwaters of Rhea
. , , ,, ,,,(,. r, Ir p0it
iuioch cutuV .
who is in delicate health. There are
about fifteen ot the wives of Heppner
citizens in camp at the same place, Mr.
Patterson acts as guide and protector for
the entire party, and looking after the
i comfort of so large a parly is telling od
! him. Mr. Patterson killed a wild oat
j and a bear last week. He keeps the
I camp supplied with game and the lBdies
catch what trout are needed." Verily
i the season of prevarication is upon us.
Dblmonkjo. B. F. Perkins has lutely
opened up the restauraDt in the IJchten-
I thai bnildma. which he hits named the
! Delmooira. Noo. bat white cook, are
1 amnlnvpd. ami the rmblic can therefore;
i cet a Rood, old-fashioned meal, oooked
i in the best of style. Price, 2o cents;
One bay mare, about 15 hands high,
star io forehead, black mane and tail,
right hind foot white. Branded l(o.pen
i , nn riuht shonldcr. Slight cr int
8boe the hoof of left front loot. I will
, cs, glu reward for her return to me at
; Mnument. Chas Joiinhox.
J Hoschent, Or., July 23, TO. 10-17t
Got tub Sack. On the morniug of
Sunday, July 17th, a saok of money con
taining $1000 was stolen from one of the
dealers in a Yamhill street gambling
house. The thief watched his cbanoe, j
grabbed the money, aud conoealed it nn- i
der his coal. The lost was not discov.-r-;
ei until the lullowiug morning when tboy
opened up. M. E. Pills, familiarly known
everywhere as "Bed" Pitts, was at onoe
suspicioucd, as he bad left the city. For
several days the telegraph wires were
kept hot with descriptions ot "Red" to
the polioe authorities in the principal
cities along the different Hues of railway.
Fiually he was located in Peudletou
Tuesday morning by City Marsha! 3.
Carlisle, of Arlington, wiio took him to
Portland. He was at ouce giveu in
charge of Couiituble Thomas, of Justice
Wood's ooiirt, a warrant for his arrest
having been issued by Justice Wood
some days ago, aud then ho was taken to
the couuly jail. The authorities have
been keeping the arrest of Pitta "'shady,"
as an ell'ort is being made to unlive him
to give up half of the plunder, if he has
it, on condition that the case against him
will be dismissed. Pitts, however, does
not look upon a compromise with much
favor nud is not disposed to give up the
$500 even if he has the plunder. He has
employed counsel aud proposes to fight
the cane. He says that he did not Hl:il
the money, and as no one saw him in the
act the eyidence against him is only oir-
cums'antial. Carlisle received the 8200
reward offered for the roturu of Pitts to
Portland. Although arrested and now
in jail, yet the many acquaintances of
"Red" here believe hiin iunocent of the
Bktuiinkd To OiieooS Cm . Charles
Wilson, the inhuman murderer of little
Mamie Walch, was returned to Clacka
mas county last Monday morning and
safely placed in the jail at Oregon City
by Sheriff Ganong. Snpeuntendent
Downing, of the stare penitentiary, got
tired of keeping Wilson, especially as his
oare became more troublesome from day
todav. The hist fow nights he was there
he had to he tied hand and foot. Mr.
Downing consulted with the governor
aud also with the Clackamas county offi
cials. The governor wanted to get nd
ot Wilson and the officials ot Clackamas
couutv didn't want to receive him. Fi
nally an order was obtained from Circuit
Judge McBride, of the Oregon City judi
cial district, and armed with this Mr.
Downing demanded tiiat the Clackamas
oounty sheriff come and get his man.
The sheriff oame and when he took Wil
son from prison the murderer was secure
ly bound, hand aud foot. Sheriff Ganong
reached Oregon City with him all right
and found everything there quiet, sod it
is unlikely that there will be any attempt
at mob violence. It is said the Milwau
kie people are content to let the law take
its course.
Blkd to Dkatii. Last Monday n week
ago, Coiouer Kizer, of Priueville, was
notified Unit a eheeplierder hud be?u
found dead at Ida ouinp on Wolf creek,
about 20 milee east of Priueville. Mr.
Kizer immediately left for the scene,
where he fonnd that Marine had bled to
death. The indications were that hehad
gone to a pine tree some distance from
his tent to cut some kindlings, nnd had
striiek his riht font with the nx, sever
ing an artery. From the tree he had re
turned to the tout, and had tried to check
the flow of blood with Hour. Not suc
ceeding in this, he l.ad gone to some wil
lows nearby and cut two stioke for crutch
es, with whioh he attempted to walk, but
probably becoming wealt from the loss of
biood, threw away his crutches aud
crawled to the tent, laid down on his bed
and died. He could be traoked from
place to plaoe by the blood, although
there had been oousiderable raiu Friday
night, the blood stains had Lot been ob
literated. Mr. Marine was a native of
Kausaa, though he had been iu Oregon
ten or twelve years, during whioh iime
he bad followed sheep herding.
Lai'Iiki.s Faiw.y Won. Brakemau II
C. Wood, of the Heppner run, showed
hie nerve lant Thursday at lone by plop -ping
a runaway. A horse attached to a
curt oeaupied by two ladies became
frightened at the train and started ncroeis
the track, just ahead of the train, but
the locomotive Bhut it out at the crossing.
It then ran alongside the train until the
forward end of the ooaoh was opposite
the horse, when Mr. Woods leaped from
the platform of the coaoh and seized the
baiter strap and the reins and brought
the horse to a sudden halt and received
the thanks of the much frightened ladies
and the passengers on the train. If the
women get the right lo vote Harry will
be sure of any office in Morrow county.
A Qokek Combination. What queer
combinations one seeB on the streets.
Today a six-footer, dressed in the rough
garb of a rancher, and evidently just from
the country, was seen walking briskly
down Seventh street. On his shoulder
he bore a large, but very plain-looking !
coffin, while with one hand he graspod!
the handle of a big demijohn, which,
from appearances, was well "loaded. '
The man attracted as much attention as i
a small monkey ehow. "That's a combi
nation hard to beat," said a droll wag to j
the crowd; "a ooflin and a jug of whisky. J
Talk about the eternal fill) ess of things,
will you?" Portland Telegram. j
Aktesian Well Water. Below is I
given a chemical analysis of the water j
from the Heppner artesian well, which
was sent to the agricultural college at i
Corvallis, Oregon, for analysis: Total 1
solid grains per gallon, 54 95; soluble)
after evaporation, per gallon, 33 54 Qnal-
j itative analysis of soluble residue hows
presenoe of lime, soda, chlorine, (nlphnr
ic acid, and traces of potash and magne
sia. Probable combination of greater
portion of sodium ohloride, lime sulphate
und magnesium sulphate.
New Dressmaker. Mies Letha Par
ker, jnst from the K st, has opened dress-
making parlors over Mrs. W
A J nun
i stou's, where she is prepared to do all
i kinds of dressmaking in latest styles
i and at reasonable rates.
fl. OIcHUIVlHclBl C bU.,
General Merchandise !
VrE ARE STILL !SELLIG OUT our stock o Geuer
al merchandise, but to make it more complete, we have
purchased n stock eonsistiug of
Dry Goods. Clothing, Hats, Furn
ishing Apparel, Etc.,
That will be sold at greatly reduced prices for cash only. Call
and investigate and we will be pleased to wait on yon. No
trouble to show goods.
PiORgBi Bride EiorB - Plain stroef, Meppner.
DR. GRANT'S 22 Dr. Grant's
I Great Female 1 1 , -J
tSflully upti in tho ".?v.a
iHTiil iVeMmeutol . ' ; V 9j
woman s tuseasen,
PRICE, $1. CO.
Dr. Grant's Kidney and Liver Cure,
For the cure of Blight's Disease, Dial) -les, I'.itiousness. Siek-Iloadaohe, uud all
( Kidney 'I ronbks.
Prepared by THE 0. W. R.
315 Front St,
See For
I have, just tinishod 'buimin a kiln
of brick which are equal
to (he best made.
Leave orders with J. V. Cowina.
t&& IiitlorsementM i
Cootier Dip 1m imetl tuiil cnilorHcd by the, fipllnwliitf Orcfrun and Montana Khi-(-liiM-M : . 11.
IioihiMhoii, Lmyville; W. S. lA'.vt Junction City; Jnlm lltirrlHon, Mtitin-v; (,ci. Orlit, AintuHlti;
Kenneth McKac. lmyville: Joe Oliver, Jolm liny; J. W. Ilycm, New I.IbImhi; I'. .1. M.iule, Uereiill;
Cook A Chirk, 1'hiltirook; Kiih'eliild A: MeCriiiif, !)iiiuyer; V. . Warren, t'llea; Biineh Hron.,
LewiHton; K. I. Chandler, Maiden; ,1, HIihcIiU'j'K, Chuteau ; l. S. llanlhurK, Chet; .lames Kdie,
Dillon; V. Ntirton, Stewart; A. bownie, HiK Sandy.
ieGlicapestaoJW Dip
Ash Your Merchant for
KOvHIjANI HHttM. I'ortlaiiil, Oreumi.
Gen. AfttH. tor Oregon, Washlnulou and Western
New Warehouse.
Is ready to receive wool on storage for
sale or shipment, and also to do a gen
eral forwarding business.
Ship care of
New Firm at
l.SijOf'i:urii to J. W. Matlwk to.)
HAVIN'I rrwntly pnr"lio"il the tiilliir- ot the nhin-n ini-lilloncil
llrm Mi'Meri. Kirk A Hiikiiihh uIFit vi-rylliiujt It tli kiohtv
line at the l.ovet Ciiuli I'rloo, Tiny uro now
at the old Hand hut
To the Mallory Corner, o.ltc the Palaee Hotel, when vnented ly preneiit oueiimnt.
The New Firm Solicit Your Patronage.
The Kinc
V Sold under a
PRICE, $1.00.
Portland, Oregon.
Yourself !
JOHN , KNK I rvr". Prop,
ever made. Sold Everj
Coopers and Tahe no Other.
h'dlis, Wm, COOl'EIt 4'NEI'OEWS.
Uttlvc.xtiHi, Trio.
J- W. itAHMUH.
the Old Stand.
For Trade at the Head of the Procession
With the Right Swing and
We Propose to
e Mi Tliat Mamie!, 9
The Frisky Dollar.
Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Guns and Ammunition and Agricultural
Implements, there are no dealers in
Morrow County that can
llllllllll 111)
Likf Yours Respectfully. We are here for business from tlie
ground up anil propose to let you know it.
2. S&'O'X&JLi,
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
of Bread 22' Loaves for $1.00.
a. fl. FANXVU-OKTir, I'm.
It. (1. al'KKlir, I'ice Pnt.
T. E. FELL, Sectetary and Manager.
it Morrow wuntv Land ffi 1 rust kmmw
OA PITA , STOCK, $loo,ooo.00. PAID UP, $25,000.00.
Incorpon ded JKHS.
U him d Ferwardmi Agents.
(iftrnttivg W'atrhousvH ut Hi'ftintfi; To tut and Vonifhts, mi the
IcpiHier lii'tmvhtij the U. 1. ti. It.
(. K. KtiniHWorhh, J. A, TIumhiihoii, l. A. Hi'i-n-n,
Nulsoii Jdin-M Kilwimt Ihiv, Win. Ten In ml,
Kd. It. HlHlin)), 'I'liuniu K. Fell, W. K. Elllutt,
Ki. H. i ttx, J. A. WoiiU-t)', N. A. Kelly,
J. K. Frii'k, O. ri'. liounliiM, I., li. SniTry, Atisuii Wiilit,
IT IH tin mirpnxft of the Hlockholdi'iH nf Hiln CDinjiany tn rundiift its bnnini'HH In it hihiuht
inutiuillv H'lvniiUit'oiiH to nil wdoI timl uitiin v'l'tMlHt'OiK o( thtH Ht'ftiun, and to mainttitn tht"
t'avttnihtt! home market whli'h If han ethiIlHhet. DnrliiK t tiu ooinhig wool Benmni w uhoUcii
tlie tniHiiiuRH o( all wool srnwnrH and ruqiit-Bt thom to Ktmd their clip to the "Wool (irnwtMw'
HiLvltiK milargnl the Ht'pptwr Wnn-hoiiHo, and roofed all pluUoniiH, wo have donltle the
Htoraije rapacity of any othitr wari'lioiiHe in KnMti-rn OreRtm, well linhted for the dUpluy nf wool
"The Wool Growers' Warehouse."
First prize at the Worlds Exposition.
First in Material and Workmanship.
First in the estimation of all practical farmers.
Never t"iiollrcl tor Durability, Excuution ami LioJiIiichh i Draft oinuliineil.
AG I0NrlS.
tf. Collier Main aud Willow Strocta, IJcjipnor ( )r.
XV. J. JICICZICW, l'rfi.
riHIH UOSTKLHY has been liKFrrrKi) und 1!i:fiinihiii;o tliroiiglioul, ami now
- 1h one of the most inviting places in Heppner. Mr. Let ainr invites yon to stop
with III id, feeling that he is able to eutnrtaiu you iu the best of tylt.
First Class Housk.
For Fruit has Arrived and we
are in the business to supply you
Ice Cream
Is about lipo. We will let you
know about tliat in th( noar future.
W. L. Matlock & Co.
Rustlers !
In all lines of
K. It. HlSIltl. r,rnurr.
I'. (', TlitniU'Huii.
NiitlmiiU?! Wt-bi,,
.Inliii I. A y (mm,
Jhiih'M Jdiii'H,
A. B. rhtif'ni.ui.
Rkasonahi.i: Rails.