Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 29, 1892, Image 1

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Buy advertising space because ruins are
lowgcncrully the circulation is a sight
lower. Circulation determines the value
of advertising ; there is no other standard.
The. Gazette is willing to abide by it.
The Paper. Without it advertisers yet
nothing for their money, the Gazette,
with one exception, lias the largest circula
tion of any paper in Partem Oregon.
Therefore it runts high as an advertising
NO. oil.
iSomo People
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATl'KItBON ....Editor
At f 3.(10 per year, $1.50 for six months,
for three mouuis; in advance.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Tto"EAaLE," of Long Creek, Grant
County. Oregon, is published by the same com
pany everv Friday morning. Subscription
price, 2 per year. For advertising rates, address
CKXlSr Ii. FATIEBS02T. Editor and
Manager, Lonir Creek, Oregon, or "Gazette,",
Heppner, Oregon.
THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. (1. Oako's
X Advertisinc Awncy, H4 and fl5 Merchants
KxchnnRH, Han Francisco. California, where con
tracts for advertising can be made for it.
J, Orct'on Press Association, 26 Asli Street,
between Firbt and Second, Portland, Orceoa, is
our only agent located in that place. Advertis
ers should consult hlra for rates and apace In
the Gazette.
Wagner .' B. A. Hunsiikcr
Arlington, ; Henry Heppner
Long Creek, The Eagle
Camas Prairie
Nvo, Or.,
Hardman, Or
Hamilton, Grant Co., Or
Prairie City, Or.,
Canyon City, Or
Pilot Rock,
Dnvvllle, Or ,
John Day, Or
Athena, Or
Pendleton, Or.,
Mnnnt Wrimii liriint Co.. Or.
Bob Shaw
Oscar le Vaul
Allen McFerrin
H.C. Wright
I. A. Woolery
...Mattie A. Rudio
T. .1. Carl
R. R. Mcllaley
8. L. I'tiri'lsti
G. P. Skcltou
J. E. snow
....F. I. McCnllura
.....John Edington
VVm. G. McCroskey
Shelliv, Or.', Miss Htella I'Tett
Fox, Grant Co., Or J- F. Allen
Eight Mile, Or., Mrs. Andrew Ashlwugh
rpperllhea Creek, B. F. Hcvlaud
Douglas, Or A White
Lone Kock, Or R. M. Johnson
oooseborrv W. P. Snyder
Conrlon, Oregon Herbert Halstead
Idxiugton W. H. WtAliBter
Union Pacific Railway-Local card.
10, mixed leaves Heppner 8:20 a. m.
!0, " ar. at Arlington 11-SOa.m. ,
9, " loaves " l: p. m.
' (t, " ar. at Heppner 1:00 p. ui.
except Munday.
East bnnnd, main line ar. at, Arlington Ji0 p. m.
West " '' " leaves " 4:'J0 p. in.
Night trains are miming on same time as before.
citaae leaves for - Mounmeut tfaily,
nxw'i t Sunday, nt6:30 A. M.
Arrives dully, except Monday, at
5 :(K) P. M.
United States OitlcialH.
President Benjamin Harrison
Levi P. Morton
HpceUoy of State.
John W. Fostr
Charles Foster
J. W. Noble
...Stephen B. Elkins
. . R. F. Tracy
Secretary or Treasury..
Secretary of Interior..
Secretary of War
Secretary of Navy
FoRtHmHtoT-Geueral. ..
John Wanarmiker
W. H. H. Miller
Secretary of Agriculture
Jeremiah Husk
State of Oregon.
f. .... H. Pennoyer
twetarv of " State tt. V . Mclirnle
Treasnrer Pi"1' 3'etHclian
Supt. Public Instruction E. B. MoKlroy
( J. H. Mitchell
Senators J. N.Dnluh
J Binger Hermann
Congressmen 7 W. R. Ellis
Printer Frank 0. Raker
"lnter IF. A. Moore
Hn limit) A Judaea W. P. Lord
-. .
l "
. S. Bean
Seventh Judicial District.
-ircuit Judge W. L. g)shaw
Prnsaencinir Attorney W. H. W llsull
Morrow Conuty Oflieials.
vloint Senator
' Commissioners...
J. M. Baker.
' Assessor
" Surveyor
" hchool Sup't....
( 'oroner
.Honry Blackman
J.N. mown
Julius Keithly
....Peter Brenner
J. W. Morrow
Geo. Noble.
W. J. L ezor
K. 1j. haw
Iaa Brown
W. L.Salini!
T. W.Ayers, Jr
,,v, T. J. Matlock
('ounciline'ii'.'.!'. O. E. Farnsworth, M
Stenthai, Otis Patterson 8. P. Uarripies,
Tlios. Jtorgan and Frank (iilliam.
R.,P1ipr ,.A. A. Hnnorts.
rearer K. 0. Wocu.n
SSl:::: v:..... j- w. nasmus.
Justice of the Peace F. J. Hajloek
Constable J-J- lODert
I nlted States land Officers.
J.W.Lewis KffJ
T.B.Lann linceiv.r
A. U. McClelland.,
"t ltoceiver
Doric Lodge No. 20 K. of P. meets ev
ery Tuesday evening at 7.30 o clock in
their Castle Hall, National Bank build
ing. Sojourning brothers eonliallv in
vited to attend. Emil Vobcz, L. (,.
1 C. ACBBEV. K. of K. & o. tl
G. A. B.
Meets at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of
hinnnth All veterans are gtrf tojota.
' Adiniant. tf Commander.
A. KOBERTa, Keal estate, lusnr
nnne AlUi UO leCUOUS. umuo
r- ,, ft K.n in
Connoil Chambers, Heppner, Or. swtf.
j. N. HKOWN.
Attorney at Law.
Brown & Hamilton
Practice in all courts of the slate. Insurance,
roatGHUto ouliactijn and loan twenW.
Prompt attention given to all bomnew entrust
ed to inert.
Ofpick, Mais Street. Hkppnkb. Oheoon.
At AlMb8miiek'B. In Bdilition to bis
tailoring business, be has added a fine
line of underwear of all kindo, nejtli?ee
shirts", hosiery, etc. Also has on hand
some elegant patterns for suits. A.
Abrabanwiok. May street, Heppner, Or.
A Year's Subscription to a Pop
ular Agricultural Paper
By a special arrangement with the
publishers we are prepared to furnish
FKE13 to each of onr readers a year's
subscription to the popular mouthly
agricultural journal, the American
Farmer, published, at,. Springfield and
Cleveland, Ohio.
This offor is made to. any of our snb-
seribers who will pay up fill arrearages
on subscription and one year in advanoe,
and to any uew subscribers who will pay
one year iu advance. The American
Farmer enjoys a large national circula
tion, and ranks among the leading
agricultural papers. '. .'By this arrange
ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re-
oeive the Ammuoan Farmer for one
vear, It will be to your advantage to
oail promptly. Sample copies can be
s?en at our office.
From Terminal or Interior Points the
Northern Pacific
HA I MJO A !)!
la the lino to take
Xa aD Points Eastand South.
' it in the Din hi afar Route. It runs Through
Vestibnted Trains every day in the year to
St. Paul and Chicago
(No Change t Oars) . ,
Composed of DINING CAKS unsnrpwrl,
Of Latest Equipment
RanHhtit pan nonHtmi'tpri iw.d ill which nc-
coin moduli". b ro both fres and fnrniHhpd for
holders of iiitit or tmuond-eliiKH tickets, trail
Elegant Day Coachs.
'a Continuous Lirio connecting with ill
Lines, affording Direct and Uninter
rupted Service.
Pullman Sleever Reservations can be
Secured in advance through
any agent of the road.
Tn,nH fmm nli nniiils ill America. Enln id
and Karon can bo purchased at any Ticket otlice
of this Company.
Full information concerning .rates, time
ot trains, routes and other details
furnished ou application to any
agent, or
Assistant Oeueral Passeneer Agent,
Nn. 121 First St.. Cor. Washington,
Tlie Orlg'na1
niihliaht'rd U'fi iLPI libit! to ObtilJU a Illllnber
of th above book, and propose to furnish a
copy ro eaen oi our nuusuhmi-ib.
1 tie QlCllonury in a iiu-innm """"c.
Hchool and huhiness houne. n hub a vacancy
..Tirf fiirniflh.iti Irnnwli'dtre which 110 OHO lllin
dred other volumes of the choicest hookR could
supply. Youngand old, educated and iKUorant,
rich aud poor, should have it within reuch, and
.frtr tt itu cotitciilK nvrtrv oilv In the veur.
'ar tvniin have asked if 'this is really the Orig
inal Weitster's UiMibridtrHi Dictionary, wo are
able to state we have ieurnen oireei irom me
nuhlitthers the ffu-t. that thin is the very work
complete ou which about forty of the bent years
ihQ onthnr'a lift' wore ho well euinloved in
writintr. It contains the entire vocabulary of
about 100,000 words, including the correct spoil
ing, derivation ami definition of same, and iB
the regular standard size, containing about
;lou,0Ou square inches of printed tuirhiec, aud is
bound in cloth half morocco and sl.eeo.
Until further notice we will furnish this
valuable Dict;onary
First To any new subscriber.
SecondTo any renewal subscriber.
Third To any subscriber now in arrears
who pays up and one year in advance, at
the following prices, viz:
FuM Cloth bound, gilt -side and back
stamps marbled edges $:-oo.
Half Mo occo, bound, gilt side and back
stamps, marbled edges. $1.50.
Full Sheep bound, ieather label, marbled
edges, $2.00
Fifty cents added in all cases for express-
age to Heppner.
rjyH the publishers limit the tlrno and
number of books they will furnish at the low
priceB we advise all who deKire to avail them
selves' of this great opportunity to attend to it
at once.
All who are suffering from the effects
of Youthful Errors, Loss of Manhood,
Failing Powers, Gonorrhoea, Gleet,
Stricture, Syphilis and the many troubles
which are the effecta of these terriMe
disorders will receive, Fhee of Charqb,
full directions how to treat and cure
themselves ut home by writing to the
Caupoiinia Medical akd Hi roioal In
fikmaet. h'WH Market Street, Sbh
Francisco, California. 4fiu-lr,
leister's Unabndged
and sciatica
can always be
successfully treated
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
A cure
is sure to follow
the persistent
use of this .
Has Cured Others
will cure you.
Wni. imw m Is Pain
From Bomii loDK-ttanding Aflment, or feel
that, vour oonstitritinn (nervous Bystem)
is failing, or that aome aHliction has
taken, or is taking, perniaiiHtit hold of
you, which you have boon, and .are still,
nnnulti to tlirow on or ooutroi, wnenier
in the first or Inst Btnye remember that
Dr. Gregg s
And Appliances.
KM it
and Hjptt'Ui of home treHfmo
will curt
yon. ,, , ,; ,, ; ..: ( .. ... j ,
ojHi at all romimro with tiiVm. 1IluHfindn ot
wnmiMi w no fiiiiiiT lur yvara wnii t'uuipiuuittt
pwuliiir to Bffx, fuive hecn nampkttoly and )cr
nmneiitiy resroretl to luftlth. fewer men
have also btyn.Run.'rt.
Klectrk- trt?ftfme?it I'orfHsfflpeB BiitroRted, pro
prly flpplicd, in perfect ami has nogotKl substi
tnte. ThedrPKK Elwtrlc Bi'lt and .ppliunot!B
ait? the only oiw in uxistem-e tliat supply a
porttict Mionp t a pp fixation.
The (Iri'rp KlirotrUr Fctot Wnnnor, price $1.00,
kcepn tlie iVet v arm and dry iu! is the only
genuine lilwtn iiiKole.
People who have puM their moiipy and been
nmt'd can tell ymi whut InirJ heen dune for them
in a wny that will convince you. Complete eat
aloue of testiiuoniulri, prteea, etc., (k. Circulur
'"'big inducements to good agents,
. .iidtfr&6-. ,
501 Inter Ocean Building, Chicaeo, III.
CM Write for our Mammoth
riOatniotfue, a (WO -page
hook, plainly illustrat
iV'd, Riving Man 11 fact ur
fjevs' lowest price with
manufacturers' discount
on nil roods manufnet-
.nrcdund imported into
the United .Mates.
ir, to .Ml cents on every
dollar vou snend. We
sell oulj" ii rut-class goods
Groceries, r u r 11 1 ture,
clothing. Dry Goods,
Hats, Caps, Boots and
sinies. Notions. Crock-
erv, Jewelry, Buggies
mid Iluruesfi, Agricul
tural Implements; in
'net anything you want.
1 uy uuying oi nn.
'!' cents to pay ex-
rcHMHire on catalogue, a
B Oliver s gume, u nn
lite onlv concern that
sells st lmtnuraetureis'
priccn, allowing the buyer the same discount
that the manufacturer gives to the wholesale
trade. We trutirardee all goods to be enualto
rfni-t-KnittiititniH or money refunded, floods sent
by express or freight, with privileneof e.;unlna
ti'on iK'fore paying.
V2 (iuineey ct., Chicagu,
It you tnkciilllait Is hirnmo yon hnvc ni'vcr
trii-il llw
S. B. B8affiQlli& Liver Dure
It ivories fio iiiiit'lv. cliiiiiniiiiti tin? Livyr mill
Kiilnoys; acts hs mild Jili.vHii' williout Homing
piitn or hi.-kncK", hiki iloi'H not hioii you iroin
eatiiiir hikI workini;.
To trij it is to become a friend to it.
For sale by SlocmivJolitmton Drug Co., Heppner
Miu, tiiuyUM.ij lui iiiiMncKii-, K'tu
L'tnin K"u-H,aH wtin.i UK- l'i rfi-i c
work, wt-itf' t, uikI ruiinot Ij-j di;
tee'rii Ijvo tuidiTs. (j.tufliU uti.tl
corfcs pontic' ''0 with utiux invi t
ttl. Price '-Siinf-Outs-' r t i-ol, 3.
Fair lind.i t-ye, Iviry (Miucut 1 pair, loaded,
hlirh or low, 15. Or'linry work, to rasp, bom-. 1 i
or Sift (rich. plr, $1. ivory. Fmerr,nii'tl:i il
Cftnlamade.fiOf.lll.eftft l k. 44 pur" -nt. tHKK,
hice tfuaraoUHKl. UL1 BEOS, Buz K, ltaicao, ill.
ft routes the Liver and Kidneys and Stomach,
Cures lli-adarhe, Dvspcrmia, crenlcs ao Appe
tite, Purines the Impure Blood, and
Makes The TVenk Strong.
DC 1 1 Kin C B'Cf
.ri y 11 li L n -)
llsed everywhere. 91 a bottle i nix fur 9.
exhiUKti-.i f. " '' . ' r-i Mm: AfUr.
A nnt writ. -i vi- n , ' MVylt Mi lb ltUtfcilt '
g I'inw ir."W l! ' .ii". '' "-ut.... ! In. 3? in. Ills,
tin' tran -1 '-nit.. In. rA m. 11 in.
it-w -'ins. l;'i and i-lr,i !i Hit 6' 1". h. Sin.
p.,y. Will rtifcrfullv l" ;-' t iri'iin ffth ilunp ittclwi.
Hirnlwt. So Muring. brr.i -it in turr.p) for vntTilrt I
tt o. i. r. imu, rviU('t mtArn.ctiicAM.
m m 0k wsb wa P)a3
IWI 1 1 isi r. I 11
m W ei h a
Ileal Merit
K Liberal. Cse of tlte Harrow AdviKetl ty
the Farmer's Ui'vlctv.
It is nfit enough to give land the cus
tomary single or even ilouhle tine of the
barrow as a preparation and comple
tion of tfie spring seeding? One can
scarcely haTow too much where the
labor is cbeaj and the boys have little
else to do. Especially is this the case in
spring seeding. Fast germination is de-
sirablo and intention of moisture too is
necessary, ana both are brought about
by reducing the soil to as small particles
as possible. In fall seeding to rye and
wheat, harrowing is not so necessary, as
it is found best to leave the land rather
lumpy; the lumps are supposed to give
the plants some shelter in winter and
furnish fresh sou tor their roots in spring
when "weathered" or rolled down.
r There are now at tho command of the
enterprising farmer several different
sorts of harrows all of which may be
used to good advantage. In addition to
the old forms of drags and Scotch har
rows, we now have those furnished with
levers, by means of which tho teeth may
be made to "take land" or merely tickle
the surface. These are a great advan
tage as they may be made to do both
heavy and fine harrowing. Among the
most recent inventions are the smooth
ing disk and spado harrow, which are
wonderfully ereeljve in their service.
By means of yiese implements the
soil may be got into the best possible
condition for spring seeding, and there
is jio longar any good excuse for sloven
ly work. But not only should the har
rows be used liberally in the fields
seeded to spring grain. They may be
employed with great profit upon the
pastures where horses and cattle per
haps ran all srAnmer and fall and pos
sibly on niauy days in winter. In such
fields the harrows hue down all lumps
of manure and othor matter and dis
tribute them thoroughly among the roots
of the grass plants. Besides this they
scarify the surface, vtliich is often found
beneficial to old meadows and pastures
which have acquired a hidebound con
dition. Winter rye and wheat are frequently
the better for a good harrowing in
spring. At this season of the year the
roller, too, can be used to great advan
tage on the new meadows, where it is
often found that the .oung grass plants
have been partiallvit'ju-tnvi. out by the
frosts of wiuter. , fi'.tiead.it i p good
plan on most soils to roM all mowing
lands in spring, as firming the soil
around the plants leads to better growth
and also provides a smooth surface upon
which the mower may be operated with
greater comfort.
In Great Britain there is an imple
ment in use by all fanners that would
prove equally useful hero. We refer to
the chain harrow, and we would be
pleased to learn that some of our enter
prising implement makers had put it
upon the market Instead of rectangu
lar frames fitted with teeth the imple
ment in qnestion consists of two webs
of chain mesh covering about the same
area as the usual tooth harrow. The
links are square and are made of fairly
thick rsd iron. For harrowing pastures
and meadows, for brushing compost or
old manure into grass land, and for
gathering trash on Und under prepara
tion for a root or orn crop, the chain
harrow can not be exelled.
Sweet Com.
The best plan is to have plenty of seed
and plant as early is the ground will
work mellow, and ;hen in about eight
days plant anotherpatch, bo if tho first
should fail you haw more coming on,
writes a correspondent in Southern Cul
tivator, who furthir says: "If 1 can get
corn up, a smart f ost will not hurt it,
it will only cut tht top down, the bud is
under the ground protected and will be
coming the same. I have not found this
corn much more lable to rot from early
planting than conmon field corn. This
corn requires richir soil than field corn;
in fact it is useles to plant the small
early varieties wihout very rich soil and
it well manured. The best soil for an
early crop is a ria sandy loam. It may
be planted in hils three feet each way,
or in drills six t) eight inches in the
drill, according 0 the variety grown or
strength of soil; lie taller the variety or
tho richer the sol tho greater should be
the distance betveen the rows.
"The finest crip of sugar corn I ever
grow 1 turned a rop of rye under while
in bloom and ilanted the ground in
melons. The trrd time the melons were
plowed a furrov was run in the middle
between the rws and early Egyptian
sugar corn dril;d in it six inches apart.
After the corn as up to see it across
the field the wble patch was thoroughly
plowed and lai by. This corn came in
at a time who sweet corn came into
fall market, iesides the ears it yielded
an abundancef stalk fodder. A11 things
considered, 1 nd it the most profitable to
plunt the laje kinds and depend on
early plantiij and manure for early
A rtyme of the Breeds.
We are the 'rdf from the hlh Llng-Clito,
Of feathereifltinks and snow white skin.
Of dark brrfD egKs anil lilood of blue
High cock-tforuui. cock-a-doodle-doo!
We are throw Is for flesh and eggs.
Of "blue bifc" bars ami yellow U-.ks,
What any -her chicken enn, we can do
High cock'rorum, cock-a-doodlo-doo!
Can we laeggsV Well, we should smile,
That's ouPU"inesn all the while.
We lay at cackle the acason through -High
cocki-rorum, cock-a-doodie-Uoo!
Like the itehts of old, wo live to fight.
And nevftbow the feather while,
Twae onf us for 1'eter crew
High coc-rorum, cock-a-duoille-doo!
We maye little, but we're not afraid
Of the bgest chicken ever made.
We crond cmckJejtut listen at me
Little c-a-roram, high-diddle-dec!
American Agriculturist Tells llow Coin
petition Affects It.
Since tho establishment of extensive
truck farms in the south, and the great
celery fields in Michigan and Ohio, tho
market gardens of the north have in
some respects been injuriously affected
by the competition. However, the
greater supply of fresh vegetables,
through a greater period of the year,
has materially increased consumption,
especially in tho smaller towns and
cities. The occasional oversupply and
consequent low price give even the very
poorest people an opportunity to pur
chase vegetables other than potatoes
and cabbage, and so in tho end tho local
market gardener's trade is increased,
although he must accept lower prices
than ho has received in former years.
His profits must como through a bet
ter knowledge of his business that will
enable him to produce larger and better
crops at less cost, yet, as the greatest
yield can only come from land heavily
enriched and thoroughly prepared, there
must bo a considerable investment at
tho outset. Gardeners within access of
a city water supply avail themselves of
this means for irrigation a a occasion
may require, while others use windmills
and tanks, but are seldom ablo to irri
gate as fully as required in a hot, dry
time when water is most needed. In
some of the larger gardens, where, ex
treme drought for two or three week.-i
might mean the loss of thousands of dol
lars, steam pumps and full irrigation
plants have been constructed at great
expense. Thus tho most complete crops
are assured and these gardens are turn
ing out products far beyond anything
ever thought of by our gardeners of
former generations.
Importance of the liny Crop.
The importance of tho hay crop to the
whole country at large and the individ
ual farmer as well can scarcely be over
estimated. For hay of the best quality
in all respects, that made from timothy
grass stands highest in the public esti
mation. Consequently this is the vari
ety to cultivate when the highest price
that can be obtained from critical buy
ers is the object aimed at. Other varie
ties ofteu do better on certain Boils, anil
clover makes excellent hay when suc
cessfully cured. Besides, clover has a
value other than for hay, as a renovator
of exhausted soils, that does not belong
in an equal degree to timothy or other
grasses that may be preferred for the
rack aud manger.
In these days of improved farm imple
ments it goes without saying that u
meadow should be smooth aud free from
sticks, stones and other obstacles of ev-
ej-i-. kiijtt that wuli interfere wit,h the
running ana operaiion ot a machine.
Tho seed sown should be free from those
of weeds or of other varieties, unless a
mixture of grasses is intended, as is
sometimes the case. For init purposes
the value of timothy hay is increased by
deferring the cutting until the seed is
ripe enough to grow. Curing without
exposure to rain is important with all
varieties if tho hay is to be of the best.
To secure this condition beyond any per
adventuro every farmer should have a
sufficient number of hay cap3 ready for
an emergency. Caps made from heavy
unoiled muslin, if smoothly drawn down
over well formed haycocks, will bo suf
ficiently protecting, and such are cheap
and easily handled.
Outs as Compared with Wheat.
The Itothamsted reports make it ap
pear that, contrary to tho popular belief,
an average crop of oats takes more fer
tility from tho land than an equivalent
yield of wheat. Farmers, as a rule, con
sider wheat the most exacting of all tho
grains on the soil and beliovo that oats
may be grown on much less fertile land
than wheat. The result, says Henry
Stewart in the New York Times, is that
one very rarely finds a really good crop
of oats, and the quantity as well as the
quality of this grain produced per acre is
rarely of any profit to tho grower. Aud
yet some growers do secure excellent
and most profitable crops of this grain by
the best method of culture, based on the
requirements of the plant. We read of
or sometimes see a yield of seventy-five,
or eighty bushels to the aero of grain
weighing nearly twice the average of tho
ordinary crops, and there are a good
many cases in which oats are really the
most paying crop grown on the farm.
The reason why this is uncommon is,
first, that its character as an exhaustive
crop is not generally known: second, that
manure is very rarely given to it, and
third, that the procuring of tho best
kinds of seed is commonly neglected.
lice lttiz.lng.
The editor of The American Bee Jour
nal says: "Generally an unfertile qnu'ii
will lay eggs if she has not been injured
in any way. All her eggs will produce
drones only. Worker bees are incapa
ble of being fertilized. Sexually they
are undeveloped. Any eggs they may
lay will produce only drones."
Ventilation in bee cellars was dis
cussed at tho Minuesota state conven
tion and the conclusion arrived at that
in most cellars ventilation is needed in
some way. Some ventilate through tho
doors or windows, and think it just as
good as regular ventilators uiudo for the
At a beekeepers' convention held at
Ashtabula, O., a talk ou hiving swarms I
made apparent tho fact that some use a
bushel basket. Mr. A. Webster uses a
common market basket with a cover.
Others use a regular hiving box. To all
of these poles are attached, of different
lengths, owing to the height of the
swarm to be taken.
The laying of bees, the German writer
Gerstnng contends, is not continuous,
but periodic, about seven periods of
j twenty-two days each in a season; sii
j teen or seventeen days of laying,, fol
1 lowed by live to seven days of rest, makes
I the period of twenty-two days. Dr. Mil-
ler says, in Gleanings in liee Culture:
j "1 should have said eggs can bo found
I any day in my hives; but if Gerstung is
I right, there ought to bo a day or two
i every three weeks when there is not an
! egg in the hive. Let's watch this sum
j uier."
A Judicious Mixture of Chicory Fre
quently improves the Flavor.
Coffee may be made with equal suc
cess either by infusion or by decoction,
under pressure, in vacuo or in the open
air. There is only one secret, that tho
coffee should be freshly ground and not
burned in the roasting, and it should be
a strong infusion or decoction and not
largely diluted with water.
A percolator is tho simplest and ni03t
ivl:-.!il of domestic coffeepots, because
wi: i ' the aroma of the coffee is not
lil.i',;. io lie dissipated by overboiling.
Six reaspoonfuls of ground coffee (heap
ed up) need to be used to make half a
pint of good strong coffee.
This can Vie used alone as cafe uoir or
diluted with hot milk for breakfast.
As a matter of experience it may be
added that most coffee drinkers here
and abroad like the flavor of their
breakfast coffee all the better if one
third of chicory ba mixed with coffee.
This may prove their bad taste, but it
may safely be affirmed that, consciously
or unconsciously, such is their prefer
ence. They will of course do better to
buy their coffee and their chicory sepa
rately, and to make the admixture for
themselves. Some of the powdered com
pounds sold as "French coffee" contain
from (10 to '80 or even 00 pev cent, of
I!im to Avoid Hiirinl Alive.
From time to time we are horrified by
learning that soino person has been
buried alive, after assurances have been
given of death. Doctor Martinot asserts
that an unfailing test may be made by
producing a blister on the hand or foot
of the body by holding the flame of a
caudle to the same for a few seconds,
or until the blister is formed, wliich will
always occur. If tho blister contains
any fluid it is evidence of life, and tho
blister only that produced by an ordi
nary burn; if, ou the contrary, the blis
ter contains only steam it may bo as
serted that life is extinct.
How to poster llenllli, Ilcautyaml Muscle.
Ride a bicycle before breakfast if you
are anxious to do that which lias re
ceived the latest medical sanction as the
best thing for health, beauty, muscle
and mind.
Uow to Cut ItecfHteak.
A very good and nutritious, as well as
cheap, beefsteak can bo had by cutting
one from the rump across the grain.
Cutting it with the grain makes it tough.
When yon wish n small piece of steak
for an invalid this part of the animal
will yield far more nourishment than a
piece of tenderloin, which never doe
any work Mid Hmee it toadomas and
lack of juice. Have your beef for beef
tea always cut from the rump, for it is
juicy and free from fat.
flow to Whiten Your Uumls.
Melt castilo soap and add a little
water. Perfume slightly and stir iu a
little common oatmeal. When washing
your hands rub on this preparation and
allow it to remain a few minutes. It
takes out the dirt and whitens the skin
in a most astonishing way.
How the Chameleon Can Change Its Color.
It can become at pleasure yellow,
green or black. In the skin there is a
network of minuteducts connecting with
pigment vesicles ou the under surface,
wliich contain the coloring liquid. Tho
tint of the animal depends on the amount
of this liquid injected into tho ducts.
The process seems somewhat analogous
to that of blushing in the human species.
Uow to Fasten Whalebone iu Ilresses.
When whalebone is put in a dress and
held only by the casing it is apt to wear
through and slip out of place, After
the casing is ready iu its place, take the
bone, cut in required lengths ami bore a
hole in both ends of each by piercing it
with ouoond of a hairpin heated red hot
over gas. Then insert the bones aud
fasten them to the casing through the
How to Need Itulsins (luickly.
Pour boiling water on them, let Htand
for a minute or two, and then pour off.
Then seed them as usual with a knife.
The seeds will come out very easily and
will ho clean aud not sticky.
How to Malte a Placket Hole Htrong.
The placket hole iu a dress or any gar
ment is apt to tear at the bottom. A
good way to render it strong is to stitch
it diagonally across tho placket instead
of straight across, as is usual. The
lower end of the diagonal si itching
must bo on the outside edge of the
How to Halt a Hook.
Be careful to put bait on the hook iu
such a manner that the point;, barb and
curve of the hook will be concealed;
otherwise the fish will fight shy of the
templing tidbit.
How to Carry a Ciun.
Carry a gun under either arm with
tho barrel pointing downward at an
angle of about 45 degs. Let tho
hammer always remain at half cock.
For a temporary relief tho gun may be
carried over the right shoulder, pointing
upward and backward at an angle of
45 degs. If those instructions are
followed it vr'H bo almost impossible
for any one. either a head or liehind, tobe
injured by Die accidental dit-charge of
the umi.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
The llest Ration for a Horse That Mk."-
Heavy Journeys.
A gentleman in Flag-itall. A. T., writes
to The Breeder's Gazette asking infor
mation ou the above subject, and Pro
fessor W. A. Henry, of the Wisconsin
agricultural experiment station, replies,
We give below both question and an
swer: "What kind of grain and amount per
day should bo given a driving horse
weighing 1,130 pounds and a good eater?
At times his load is somewhat heavy and
one of his frequent trips is a distance of
thirty miles, which he makes in about
seven hours. Can oilcako be used to
advantage, and in what proportion?"
As 1 recollect thero is very little
fanning in tho vicinity of Flagstaff,
and the grain at least, and probably
during much of the season hay also,
must be brought from long distances,
either tho Pacific coast or Kansas,
though no doubt points nearer furnish
alfalfa hay, which, however, is not a
very satisfactory feed for burses. (Jats
are at all times the best single grain for
horses, and eight to ten pounds a day
may ho fed. If they are expensive
and bran and corn not so dear, feed
three or four pounds of these in place
of the same weight of oats. If rolled
barley can bo obtained at reasonable
figures, eight to ten pounds of that may
be substituted for the oats with satisfac
tory results.
Borne oilmeal is an excellent food for
a horse, but too much should not be fed.
Two or three pounds a day may ba
given, at tho satou time withdrawing
that amount of grain from the ration.
If hard worked the horse will need a
little more grain than is hero staled.
Barley hay proves very sutixfactory for
roughage, or hay from east of tho Rock
ies may be used if nothing satisfactory
can bo obtained at home. The grasses
about Flagstaff must be very nutritious
and satisfactory if they can bo obtained
in the form of hay, but 1 doubt if any
quantity of hay is made there.
Merino F,w-e.
Whenever Bhecp are bred for wool
primarily thero will always be a good
word to be said for the American mo
rino. If we have not been able to do
some things in onr live stock develop
ment in America we certainly have
produced a typo of wool sheep of which
wo may bo proud. In spite of low
prices for wool, too, there will always
be thrifty breeders who will make a
wool sheep pay.
To wool sheep men wo commend the
ewe in this picture If yon want a good .
coat of wool, here it is. This ewe is a
western production, and would yieli .
over nino pounds of washed wool.
The wool of a good merino ewe is
three inches long and is white as well,
too much yolkiness not being a desir-
,n;itiNO kwk.
able quality. Our sheep breeders have
been now for a hundred years endeavor
ing to iniprovotho original Spanish mer
ino, and have succeeded so well that
the American morino is sent for front
Australia to better tho wool sheep there.
One of the best characteristics of our
merino is its hardiness. In selecting
merinos for breeding do not have too
many wrinkles. In shearing, wrinkles
are as hard to manago as they aro on an
old man's face in shaving. Too many
wrinkles are not good in anything. Tho
first merino rams imported into this
country werghod less limn 1 111 pounds,
tho washed fleece a little more than H
pounds, and they were thought to bo
line animals at that. Now a yearling
American merino rant weighs 180
pounds, sometimes mure, and his Hence,
unwashed, will tip tho benm at 80
hounds. -
Hog Cholera ami liioeiiliitiou.
A review of several attempts made in
recent years for the protection by inocu
lation of swine against, hug cholera is
given in Farmer's Bulletin f.o. H of the
United Slates di-pnrtiiii-nl of agriculture
prepared by Dr. 1). Ii. Salmon, chief of
the bureau of animal industry. Aturga
amount of evidence gathered from thot.u
who have tried it, giving the results of
their experience, as also a full report of
the inoculation experiments conducted
in La Hallo county, Ills., hist year under
under the supervision of a committee c(
farmers, is presented. lir. Salmon's
conclusion, based upon the evidence
wliich he presents in this bulletin upon
the results of the investiga lions made by
the bureau on the subject, is that inocu
lation as a preventive against hog cholera
is a failure from whatever point of view
it be regarded, and tho farmers am
warin-d against the use of that method,
wliich he shows to have been in many
cases more fatal than the disease it is in
tended to prevent. As an instance of
this he cites the fact that whereas tim
losses following inoculation in Nebraska
during tho past year were 10 per cent.,
the losses among uiiiimculiLled animals
was but 4 por cent. Copies of thw bul
letin may be had upon application to the
secretary of agriculture, Washington.