Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build vp Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. ASK SOME MORE. The world bas little patience with b tool and less with a liar. Io yesterday's issue of the Reoord, "A Taxpayer" asks ''A Few Pertinent Qaes tinus." Moat of tbem are insinuations, ancb as nooe but a man who crawls be hind a nom deplume will ask. We will make but brief reference to them, but sufficient to ease the mind of our enquir ing friend. Ans. to Question 1. Mr. Gates made our citizens a defiuite proposition some time ago. The matter was referred to a lawyer who failed to draw the ordinance to oonform with the same. Mr. Gates did not desire the passage of the firBt or dinance at all. Ana. to Question 2. The matter was then referred to another attorney who also failed to conform to Mr. Gates' prop osition. This provided for a "lawful money" payment for bonds, and was, of course, defective on that account. Be sides as it did not entertain any part of Mr. Qates' plan, it is presumed that he thought it high time to leave. At least he did so, and as the ordinance was de fective, was not put to a vote. Besides the town desired to know what was to be done with their money before voting bonds. The "editor" then had nothing to work for. Ans. to Question 3. Bonds are sold in the markets for what they are worth, BDd no amount of legislation on the part of the town council could say what they should bring. Tuey are to be sold to the highest bidder, and the counoil will use all possible diligonae in getting the full market price for tbem, if voted, whicli they think will he par or more. As to the interest, if the present resouroes o' the town'are not sullioiciit to meet it, it oan be provided for. Ans. to Question 4. All that Mr. (lutes asks is that he be allowed to use the 815,000 for 15 years, or till the town purobuseg the waterworks. He has no interest in the sale of the bonds and has nothing to do with paying the interest, fierefore be has no reason or exouse not t ) comply with his contract. In faot the very moment that he ceases to operate the works, they become the property ol the town. This paper does not under stand the reference to "their." Ans to Question 5. A thief at heart is the first one to suspect that some one elso is guilty of theft, and accounts for the insinuations of "Taxpayer." If anv lawyer, or even a god, is preventing any one from expressing their opinions on this question of walerwoiks, we haye failed to see it. The assertion means, in a few words, that the town council is guilty of combining for their own inter ests, and theirs only; in other words, "hoodling." The writer insinuates a liare-fuced falsehood in this. Lot the ' lawyer" look into the matter; the coun cil courts the investigation of eveiy citi zen of Heppner, "Taxpayer" besides, and if it cannot prove that "Taxpayer is talk ing through his hat," will resign their places and stand trial in the court on a charge of boodliug. The counoilmen do ii"t put up the claim or plea of being the "hdiiestest men iu the town," but as town iilliciala they dare "Taxpayer," or any other living man, to say that they are doing anything but what they think is right. Ans. to Question 0. From the coun cil's past experience with attorneys, it came to the ooualnsion that it had better save the money of the town, and let the ordinances go through as they came iu. As Mr. Gates made the proposition, it was for the counoil to aooept or reject, and leave the matter to the citizens of Heppner. Anh. to Qukhtion 7. Those who buy bonds, not knowing what may happen in the course of a few years, linancial ohanes being constantly Bfitnted, re quire that priucipal and interest bo pay ahle in gold coin, which is the U. 8. standuid. As far as present needs are concerned, "lawful money" is as good for Mr. Gates to use as any other kiud of money. It makes no difference to Mr. tiates, as he is nut the bond buyer. He ciw buy just as much material with notes of our natioual banks here as with the g ild oiiiu. It is hoped that the writer, "A Tax payer," will sign his name next time. The members of the council are auxious to know who it is that insinuates that the council is a party to a combination to wrung the town. Htcp forth, dear brother, and let your light Hhino. illl.l.SIIOKO'S ELECTRIC LIGHT AMI WATER WORKS. i'axtor Spangler, in his address of wel come to the Epwortli League convention which convened iu Hillsboro Inst week, bus the fullon iug to say of that city's impiotcmeut during the last few mouths, especially their elegant system of elec trio lights ami water works: "We have niadesomevery tine improve ments iu the last few mouths. Among them are the new Court house, so neatly finished, uiakiug it very large and roomy throughout; our water tank which tow ers far above the earth, and directly un der tins huge tower is a well furnishing cold and refreshing water from a depth o( '1M feet . This well of cold water led to the different places iu the city oan be highly appreciated by the people of the place, and more especially on these hot and scorching summer duys. Next is our very tine aud elegant electric lights, of which at this moment yon bBVe a fair sample iu this church. Their power of light cannot be beaten and we have ren ou to fed proud along this line, and now as wo have just Duished our church with new clean plaster along the interior, uiak iug it safe and more attractive iu every way, auu wnu me uruuauey ui ius ciou trie lighU within, I welcome you iu he half of our people to our homes for euter tainment. The church is thrown open to the children aud it is our very pleas- ant dntv to make yoa feel at boms in this convention." The above system of waterworks and electric lights so highly eulogized by Pastor Spangler were put in and are now operated by H. V. Gates on the same proposition that he has made to the cit izens of Heppner. Tax payers of Hepp ner, you here have Hillsboro's testimo nial. Why can't the good people of our progressive city enjoy the Bame great blessing? Look before you leap. HOW IS THIS? Willing to Make the Town ot Heppner Hafe Failure to Operate Light find Water Works Makes the Town Bole Owner. Mr. H. V. Gates writes the town ooun-1 oil relative to the question of guarantee for operation of works. As it is the prin cipal club used by the enemies of the plan presented, the Gazette publishes the letter in full, to show that there is no intention on the part of Mr. Gates to plaoe the town in a position where they will uot get full security for every dollar invested: To the Town Council of Heppner, Hepp ner, Oregon. Deab Kiks: Replying to yours of 10th, I think the question raised as to guaran tee for operation of works is well made, and deserves some uttention. A bond reaching along through a term of years might by reason of financial failures be aome valueless, therefore why not attaoh the following sections to ordinance No. 50? "Section. 23. Upon completion of said water works and the eleotric light plant according to conditions of ordinanoe No. 49 and before the final payment of $10,- 000 is made said grantee, said grantee aball by receipted vouchers prove the plants have cost not less than $20,000, and that they are free from liens and that labor and material used in their construc tion has been paid for. "Seotiou 24. If Baid grantee shall fail to Quorate said waterworks acoording to the terms and conditions ot this ordi nance, then the town of Heppner is here by empowered to take possession of said works, and the eleotric works to he con structed under conditions of ordinanoe No. 49, and operate same for benefit of the town of Heppner, and by virtue of suoh failure to operate said water works, the town of Heppner is to beoome sole owner of said water Bnd light works for ever, tiuid grantee forfeiting all right, title and interest in said works or their franchises." Make any change in the working of these sections to meet publio approval. The oost of construction of these plants at time of final test will be $22,000 to $25,000. Extensions the first year there after will not be less than $5,000, aud eaoh year after ttiat from $2,000 to $3,000 I think anyone oan see the town is safe in its investments and that to myself will come all the risks, difficulties and cost of work, consequent to construction and complete inauguration of the Bystems. 1 know more objections may be raised. I hope so until the ordinanoe protects all parties interested. As to those raised by disinterested parties, who never have or intend to invest in your oity, and only hope co make a few dollars from your people nnd leave tbem, I have nothing to say. If the people of Heppner after hav ing carefully and honestly weighed my propositions, refuse to indorse tbem, I shall still hope they may suooeed as well if not better io some other way and with out being misled by Borne speculator. Yours very truly, H. V. Gates. If (TjLxboko, July 12, '92. THRVIN KSTATK VS. MUCH. Land Contest Doeldeil at La Grandti la Favor nl the l'laintln Claimant. From the E. O. Decision has been received by H. J. Bean, attorney for the real estate, in the laud contest case of Loins Hicth, admin istrator of the B. J. Tervin estate, vs. Azrn B. Niles. It will be remembered that Mr. Niles and Ins partner, Mr. Yin son, filed homesteads upon two quarter sections of land formerly in the posses sion of of the late B. J. Tervin, the form er making a quick trip to La Grande on a looomotive, with H. M. St. Cyr as en gineer, to beat the mails and secure a prior filing. The estate olaimed the right of purchase under the forfeiture act and a contest was instituted. The Niles oase has now been deoided at the La Grande office In fuvor of the estate, no decision having yet been received iu the Vinson case. The case will in all probability b appealed. Ilniklea's Arnica Halve. The best salve in the world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers salt riieiim, fever sores, tetter, chapped bauds, chilblains, corns, aud all skiu eruptions, and posi tively oures piles, or no pBy required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. or money refunded. Price 25 ceutB per Box. for sale Uy Blooum-,lohuston Drug Co. STANDS AT THK HEAD. Dr. Geo. A. Bethune, State Chemist of the State of WaHhiugton, has examined the various baking powders of the mar ket, and speaks emphaticaljy as to which he oonsidcrB the best. He says: "A series of carefully made tests of the baking powders sold in this market shows that the lioynl yields the largest percent age of leavening gas. This powder is also fouud free from any harmful or even objeotionatilo ingredient ; its constituents are of exceptional purity, so oombined that tbe powder produces the purest and most wholesome food. There is, therefore, uo question but the Koyal is the strongest, purest aud most w holesouie baking powder iu the mar ket." Gko. A. Bethunb, State Chemist and Assayer. nt a (loud Man Anyhow. The following is from the Italiau band of Fred Vilmarth,of the Prineville News: "The Heppner Gazette in speakiug of the defeat of Mr. Hughes for member of the state board of equalization truthfully eulogizes ttiat gentleman and expresses a hope that his successor will prove equally as worthy an otlloer. Bro. Pat terson, you may rest assured that iu Mr. Luckey's election the people of the dis trict have done no rash act, and while our long acquaintance lends us to sym pathize with Bill iu his defeat, we are pleased to say that the gentleman who defeated him is such a one that be need feel uo chagrin from the result." Pfuuder'a Oregon Blood Purifier is the great conqnerer of Uilhousness and Liv er complaint. Belief certaiu in every oase. Sold at One Dollar a bottle. Try it. All those who are owing the old firm of Meears. Kirk fc Haves, either by notj, which is now due. or account, will please settle same at once. Remember these gentlemen must have money to settle bills. m 007 HOME RAG LETS. From the Long Creek Paper. Heppner's council is figuring again on the eleclrio light aud water works. The White Swan mine of Baker coun ty makes another neat clean-up of $2366. Miss Ella Mael, who has been residing in Heppner, spent the 4th with home folks in this vicinity. Joe Eoos and Smith Bros, have eaoh sold their wool in the Heppner market for the top figure, only 15 cents. Walter Brown and Ed. C. Allen were up in the lower Greenhorn last week looking after some of their mining prop erty on Macy ridge. Chss. Jones and son passed through Long Creek Saturday ea route for their home in Heppner. He had been over at the McDurTee hot springs seeking relief from rheumatism. W. L. Burnnm, Dick Murphy and A. P. Allen came over from the Fox mines to spend the 4th in Long Creek. They have been oocupying their time in tun neling on a olaim on East creek, and are expecting at any time to disclose the ledge. The heated season of the year is now near at hand. Our water facilities for tire protection are well known toeacb end every one of our residents, and every precaution should be taken to prevent a blaze. At the present time for a fire to get beyond our oontrol means the total destruction of our town. Percy Dennison and Wm. Rambo came down from their Maoy ridge olaoer dig gings last week, bringing with tbem $250 in dust, which they had just oleaned np The boys have about two weeks work in completing the clean-up and anticipate making quite an increase in their present figures when the matter is completed. Ed. C. Allen and family met with an accident Monday wliila descending the mountain Bouth of town, and was only a very narrow escape for his wife and chil dren. On coming home from the Fox picnic after the rain storm his vehicle slipped from the grade and was npBet. Having geutle roadsters, all was righted again with little or no damage done. Peter Gleason, of Morrow oounty, well known to many in Northern Grant, who baa been a constant sufferer for years from a skiu disease, has found relief at last at a health resort iu California, after having visited nearly all mineral springs on the Paoific coast. It is understood that be will shape up his affairs at the Parker & Gleason sawmill, in which he is interested, and will spend the remain der of bis days in the locality of the fa mous health resorts in the California cli mate. KJectrlo Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need co spe oial mention. All who have used elec trie bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is olaimed. Electric bitters will cure all diseases ot the liver and kidneys, will remove pim pimplee, boils, salt rheum and other af fections caused by impure blood. Will drfte malaria from the system and pre vent as well as cure all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation and indigestion try Eleotric Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money re funded. Price 50 cents and $1 per bot tle nt Slooum-Johnston Drug Co.'s. AltLlNUTON NOTKH. Theron Fell was in town Tuesday en route westward. S. G. Hawson made a flying trip west ward Sunday last. Mrs. A. C. Hawson and baby boy are visiting Grandpa Jessee at Walla Walla, Wash. Some miscreant poisoned "Curley" Ebis' badger. It's a pity nobody's pets are safe. J. A. Thomas, who took a bnnoh of horses to Sunset, Texas, last month, re turned Tuesday. Jess Sweeter's mother and brother are visiting here, from Wenatohee, Wash. They may decide to locate here. Frank Tobias, who has held down the position ot niirht operator, resigned last week. J. A, Von liorn succeeds bim at the ticker. Quite b number of our citizens have left town for a short vacation, among others Mrs. A. B. Vaughn and son, Mrs. I). S. Sprinkle Bnd daughter, and Miss Dolly Lyons. The mail route between Bickleton and Arlington has been increased from 3 to 6 trips weekly. Millard Hackhy obtain ed the contract, aud so far hns given every satisfaction. The proprietors of the ferry-boat Alka li have greatly improved the landing on the Oregon side, having built a plauk platform where the riprappiug has been washed away by the high water Al. Vaughn spent Sunday with bis wife and child in the vicinity of Hood river. He brought some maguificent specimens of wheat and barley, the sight of which brought tears to the eyes of a Schuttler Flatter. B. E. Smith aud C. W. Shurte are roughing it in the Simooe mountains. When they return they will have some pretty big fish stories to relate, as they agreed, prior to starting out, to corobor ate whatever statement the other made. From the report of one of our citizens the outlook for nt least the north half of Gilliam county is very gloomv indeed, all oereals having suffered by the hot wiuds. However, there will be plenty for seed and feed from last year's boun tiful orop. Ibex. Aki.inoton, Or , July 12, '92. It Should he in Frery Honse. J. B. Wilsou.371 Clay St., Sharpslmrg, Pa., savs he will not be without Dr. King's new discovery for consumption, coughs and colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with pneumonia af ter au attack of la grippe, when various other remedies aud several pnysicians had done her no good. Robert Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. King's new discovery has doue him more good than anything he ever used for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free trial bot tles at Slocum-Johnston Drug Co.'s store. Large bottles, 50o and $1. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Ruhl, the baker. Buy your bread aud oakea aud save money. Try it. a. M. Lichtenthal & Co. have just re ceived a tiue lot of ladies' kid, button and tie shoes. At bottom prices. a H. Blackman A Co. have an exclusive General Merchandise store. Stockmen cannot do better than patronize H. Blackman A Co., of Heppner's Pioneer Brick. a. OrAijt Cl'T and Poi.ishkd. Messrs. Col well A Caldwell, lapidists, make a specialty ot polishiug all kinds of opals, aud cutting tbem into settings for watcb charms, rings, etc. Charges reasonable, and satisfaction guaranteed. Office 245' Morrison street, Portlaud, Or. 500-tit T.uLOKiNn Establishment : Fred Miller bas opened up a tailoring estab lishment on lower Main street, opposite the City hotel. Fred is a first olass work man, and you will make no mistake bv placing your orders for summer and fail olothing with him. 501-8 Quite a smallpox scare exists over in British Columbia, at Victoria and Van oonver. J. S. McEwen, editor of the Coquille Herald, is elected a member of the legis lature from Coos county, by the people's party. Democratic economy is like Artemns Ward's patriotism in wishing to sacrifice all bis wife's relations in the service of his country. No democrat is advocating retrenchment that affects bis own dis trict. Ex. From the picture of Wilson which was published in the Salem Statesman Tues day, be must surely be a very bad man ; although the picture may not be a good portrait ot the criminal, yet it is an ex cellent portrayal of bis character. Wilson, the murderer, has a great mania for biting bimself. From his ac tions one would judge that he is either insane, or desires to oonvince every one that he is. Whether be is or not, he should and will receive the proper treat ment for bis oase of insanity. Whitelaw Eeid will be the ninth vice president elected from the state ot New York, the other eight being, in order, Aaron Burr, George Clinton, Daniel D, Tompkins, Martin Van Buren, Millard Fillmore, William A. Wheeler, Chester A. Arthur and Levi P. Morton. A great manv farmers say that the squirrels did more damage than the dry weather, -though they tried bard to get rid of the pests. Farmers should com bine and commence early. One killed early in the spring means a hundred or more later on. One farmer alone cannot accomplish much either for himself or neighbors. Get in early for the sake of jour crops and not the bounty. Another labor fight is on at the Coeur d' Alene mines. As is generally the oase it is between the union and non-union laborers, it resulted in the destruction ot much valuable property and the loss of life. Such scenes are deplorable, and it is to be regretted tbat suoh differences cannot be mutually settled between the employers and employees, for it must eventually be settled in this way, and why not before the destruction of so much life and property. Is it strange to find the Gazette on the side of water? Is that suffi cient for a supposed taxpayer of Heppner to impute the editor of this pa per, as a town councilman, to he guilty of mercenary motives? Let us whisper into your ear, voters. Is it poasible that the town council are unconsciously over turning someone's plan for making afew thousand on the side? A man that's on the "gouge" is always the first one to disoover a mare's nest. Captain Geo. H. Moikett, editor of the Portland Telegram, has been indict ed by the grand jury for criminal libel. He is aooosed of publishing a false state ment reflecting on W. L. Lighter and Ira F. Powers, oandidates on the repub lican oity ticket of Portland. The ac cused was taken before Justice of the Peace Woody and was bound over to ap pear before the grand jury, with bail fixed at $1000, which was given. Captain Moffett is now in Washington, having been delegated to go there with a oom mittee in the interest of the free bridge question. However, he will return soon. UPPEH KHEA CEREK. Verily this is a great Summer resort. B. F. Hevland bas jumped this part of the country. Though very dry, yet the weather is very pleasant up here. Mr. Smith Birch, who was reported siok id our last letter, is slowly improv ing. Quite a congregation of Heppnerites are now camped in our neighborhood. The oompany is composed of Mr. and Mrs. E. Minor, Mrs. Wm. Rush and daughter, Mrs. Arthur Minor, and many others whose names ye soribe did not learn. Zip. July 14, '92. For Boils, Pimples carbuncles, scrofulous sores, eczerna, and all other blood diseases, take Ayer's Sarsaparilla It will relieve and cure dyspepsia, nervous debility, and that tired feeling. Has Cured Others will cure you. LOCAL MARKET REPORT. Wheat, bu 60o Flour.bbl 4 50 Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt 1 75 " " three " 2 25 Sheep, muttons, bead 2 253 00 " stock 2 25 Hogs, ou foot, cwt $5 00 Hogs, dressed 8 50 Wool 12 14 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 35 Eggs, doz 15 Chickens, doz 2 50 3 00 CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cw t $1 40 1 45 Hour, bbl 8 00 5 GO Beeves, stall fed...;.... 7 00 of 7 25 Muttons, cwt 8 00 (a 10 00 Hogs, cwt 3 50 5 25 Wool Eastern Oregon.. 10 id 17 Butter, lb 15 (S 19 Eggs, doc 18 20 Chickens, doz 5 60 12U0 Turkeys, tb 15 19 20 l'ORTl.A!D MARKET. Wheat, cwt 1 30 1 35 Flour, bbl 3 00 4 50 Beeves, cwt 2 00 3 00 " dressed 4 60 (.3 6 00 Muttons, live sheared ... 3 50 3 75 dressed 8 60 it 9 00 Hogs, on foot 5 00 0660 " dressed 7 00 8 00 Wool Eastern Oregon... 9 i 14 Butter 15 25 Eggs, doi 18 o 20 Chickens, doc 6 00 6 00 Turkeys, lb 17 NOTICE OF INTENTION. Unrt Office at The Dnllea, Or., June 2f. 1KB. Notice i hereby given that the following named settler lias fluxl notice ut her Intention to make final proof in aupport of her cla m, and that HHicl proof will be made before J. H . Mor row, coulitv clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Heppner. Or., on AURint 6 1M2 iz: MauUIK LOO.NEV. NEE M AUtilE fONI.F.E Hd. No. 1ST7. for the N'4 SW'i and SW!4 'NE' See. 4, Tp. 1, S K. 21 E. W. M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon, aud cultlvaUon of, Bald land, viz: M. M. Beighley, Edward ClufT, C. B. Cochran and J. W. Kedford, all of Heppner, Oregon. John W. Lkwis, 603-514 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La (irande, Or., June 30, 18W Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, at Ileupuer, Oregon, on August 13, ISM!, vis: EDWARD 3. DURAN, D. 8. No. 10020, for the NEK, Sec 19. Tp 4 8, R 29 E, W 11. TTn iama. tlie fnUnwtnr wltllPRHes to TJTOVe tllH continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Homer Gray, 8 D. Taylor, F. Sprowles, Char ley Long, all of Heppner, Oregon. 5ot-tio4 A. Clkavkr. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at LaOrande, Or., July 1, 1892. Notice ii hereby given that the tollowing-nam-ed settler has tiled notice of his intention to make commuted dual proof in support of hi claim, and that sai.l proof will be made before the county clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Hepp ner, Or., on August 15, 1W2, viz.: WILLIAM DIXON LORD. Hd No. 5283 for the N NK, Sec 22 and Eli, Sec 15, Tp 2 8, R 28 E, W M. He names the following w itnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said laud, viz: Henry Jones, Arthur Smith, Isaac Phlpps, Robert Johnson, all of Heppner, Oregon. Wil liam VY. Him, take notice. .... A. Clraver, 501-514 Kegiflter. fAPANESB CURE A new and Complete Treatment, conslstinK of Suppositories, Ointment in Capsules, also in Box and Pills; a positive Cure for External, Inter nal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching, Chronic, Recent or Hereditary Piles, and many other diseases and female weaknesses; it is always a great ben efit to the general health. Hie first discovery of a medical cure rendering an operation with the knife unnecessary h realtor. This remedy has never been known to fail. ?1 per box, 6 for V; sent by mail. Why sutler from this terrible dis ease when a written guarantee is given with 6 boxes, to refund the money If not cured. Bend stamp for free sample. Guarantee issued by Woodward, Clarke &Co., Wholesale & Ketafl Druggists Sole Agents, Portland, Or. World's Fair! READ THIS! Book 1. Book 2. Book 3. Book 4. "Eevibw of Our Countuy," by Hon. Juices O. Blaine. "New Life op Columbus," by J. W. Bad. "Complete History of Amer. oa,,' from the Landing of Co lumbus to the Present time, by Prof. John Clark Kidpath. "PIOTORIAI, HISTORY OF THE Columbian Exposition," by Hon. Benj. Batterwortb. The above four great works by four, great anthors, every line of which is only just written, have been bound np into one massive volume of nearly 900 PAGES AND 500 ILLUSTRATIONS Under the Title of 77 The greatest subscription book ever pub- nsuect in tins country, and of whiab A MILLION COPIES Will be sold during the next six months. tents wanted all over this State. Better terms than ever. We cruarnntoe to thn riffh! nnrHpH SOU a week profit from now to Christmas, and a FIRST-CLASS ROUND-TRIP TICKET to the WORLD'S FAIR and one week's admission to the Exposition absolutely frre. Also, other valuable premiums. We have plenty of capital at our oomniBnil, and ran and will do ex actly what we say. Send at onoe for speoial circulars and further particulars to the DOMINION PUBLISHING CO., 506-8 Seattle, Washington. t r o I-- Book Agents Cleveland vs. Harrison THIS IS TI1F TIME fwjowliht processions, lino ij iiil ii.uu W1jd cheering, sonns. speeches, red tire and enthusiasm. The whole coon try is aroused. Recognizing the immense demand for political literature, we have issued a maKDinceni nepuDiicHn campaign ooos, The Lives of Harrison and Reid with beantifnl portraits and fnll infnmntion about the ftreateat issues of the day. Protection, tUH'iprociTy. irie uvr question, etc., by Wc Kinley, Hus, Senator Hale, Secretary Noble, M urnt Halstead, etc. Also in a separate volume : The Lives of CLEVELAND AND STEVENSON with ant hen tic portraits and biographical sketch es: also a suleudid dincuhsion of the DemtxTafip I principles by powerful IVmooratie statesmen, proving me Bouiiuness oi ijeinocrauc principles. THOUSANDS of agents wid coin money with these splendid books. They will sell where nothing else would. Don't wait to write but send IS cents for one or Jm.) cents for both outfits, showing the beautiful engravings. BEWARE OF CHEAP JOHN BOOKS. Secure the official editions with the great Re publican a-d Democratic leaders' views on the Tariff aud Silver questions. Everybody Wants These Books! Merchants, Farmers, Mechanics and all claMea will agerly buy them. They will sell like wild tire, the greatest chance for nttmey making ever offered. Address qaitfc THE BISTORT COM PANT, ll'l Market St., History Building, Sun Francises CHAS. H. DODD & CO. IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL FARM MACHINERY. FRONT, FIRST AND VINE STS., PORTLAND, OR. BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. HODGES' HAINES HEADERS. BUCKEYE STEEL FRAME BINDER. ItiHlliifcuiNlK')) for Hlr-ns' Mini IhirHliHiry. Adraanee ear-Discharge Binder Mont Economical Binder In ne. Reji"'- K' . r, nw I.hh twine Until any other. L M SCHUTTLER AND MILBURH FARM WACONS FINF CARRIAGES. PHAETONS. 91 C CIES, CARTS, ETC. FnilR-SPRINC MOUNTAIN WAGONS hND BUCK-BOARDS. MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER. AULTMAN'S STAR TRACTION ENGINE. The most Effective and Sueeesful combination for Threshing and Cleaning Grain ever constructed. Send for 1S92 t'ntiiloirne, Free. FOn SALE 33 TT LEACH A RMSTRONG, MINOR BROS., LEXINGTON, OliEGON. HEPPNEB, OR. T Eastern Clothing House Branch nt Portland, has opened a 1 IJ111V Ul XJVVUlVrJ UUU Also Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises and Fancy Goods, You will find onr Clothing Department with bu assortment, including b'qnure Cut Sacks, Three and Four Button Frocks, made of the best American Weavers, Scotch Woolen Wor steds, Cheviots, made np to sell in full suits. $25.00 Suits reduced 20.00 " 17.50 " 15.00 . " 12.50 " Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps at Factory Prices Examine the goods and you will find all shades and oolors, which will give satisfaction Before purchasing, call and examine my stock IV. Iv. ROBISON T3. A. IIERflEN'S BUILDING, May Street, Heppner, Oregon. HIGHEST Flour Exchanged for Wheat, HEPPNER FLOURING MILL COMPANY. T. W. AYERS, Sr., Manager. DANOSMERS. Columbia Beer Hall! EXTDOOR io M. Licldadhal & Co.'s Shoe Store, Main 6tct- K?eP on hand a Fine Line of Liauors W mes, Cigars, Etc. We have J "ors' Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to On draught, fresh and cool. Lunch of all kinds. Hope to see all their old friends and many more Q5MEHS & HUGHES. Props. CAN SUPPLY YOUR SPRING SHOES ? Our Spring Footwear is the Best and the Cheapest. A the ihoemRker, a nice new hoe. The ftoat, the calf, and the kangaroo Joined bT the alligator, too. All dropped in to tinri out u haih.. iwaaaujoi meinour, that funUh'd the leather. M-r t y-t -Mm- , - ' " ainus oi leather. . LICHTENTHAL & CO., HOLLINCSWORTH & TAYLOR HAND AMD SELF-DUMP RAKES. DEERE HAY-LOADER AND MUDGETT IM PROVED TEDDER. uav.ddccocc onnTCB'8 unRCF uv- fJAUHI TIILUULU, I UHILII V HWIIUL IIHI FORKS AND CARRIERS. H E VIVUIU X UI UlVJlllI to $20.00 15.00 - 12.50 10.00 - 7.50 PiirnisiiiKrUs PIUMTE1 Trie Leaomg Koiel of ins Ciiy WELL FURNISHED ROOMS Mrs Margaret VonCadow, Man CASH PRICE 448 MA T HUGHES. 5 1 .18,h th" ev(rvbody knew h"' el,Sn' "lock we put in each ihoe And keep on hand to benefit vou. All gradeg. styles and nhapei together, Flnefootw, Mal street, Hepp nor Or,