Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 12, 1892, Image 2

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    Give your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Taxpayers, be hoDest with yourselves
and neighbors, Bnd read the water and
light proposition. It won't do to fall in
with this one or that oue, beoanse tbey
are for or against tbe measure. Bead,
tbiok, be men of your own minds, and
vote) where your best interests are.
The Ubzette thinks yon will certainly
fall in with tbe plan ; or at least, if Dot,
show tbe people that yon bare a better,
more feasible one. It you don't do it,
and if by laok of acquaintance wit'i the
full text of tbe measure, you vote down
this proposition, you wrong your neigh
bors. Yon may be the cause of great loss
of property, by the simple casting of a
vote. If tbe town of Heppner oan find
anything better tban what is offered,
then there is euffiuient exouse to vote
down the Gates proposition. But if there
is a simple rejection, with nothing better
in sight, we are branded in tbe minds of
the progressive as tbe mossiest of the
mossbacks. Such an action will lose
Heppner the prestige that it has always
enjoyed, and Dluoe it in tbe list of sleepy,
e.( satisfied, undesirable bamlets. No,
the Gazette dou't think that anyone will
oondemn tbe plan without (0ering some
thing better, without rea dag tbe ordi
nances passed by the council. Heppner
is undoubtedly tilled with progressive,
thinking people.
Carnigie's locked out workmen are do
ing good work according to the dispatch
es in tu-dnj's Ktiview. They are shoot
iug the I'liikwrtoua duwn like tbe dogs
they are. Before they stop tbey should
burn every one of (jHruigie's mills to the
ground. Bostburg Ktwiew.
While the Gazette does not believe in
a private army usurping the power of
civil authorities, it must condemn the
above as decidedly out of place. Such
sentiment expressed in the press of our
oouutry is but the fororunnor of social
ism and auaroby. Anyone Gt to run a
newspaper will deplore the Homestead
Blfdir, but must acknowledge that then
are to sides to it, both wrong, but mur
der and incendiarism will not right the
wrong. There must be other modes of
settlement, and tbey should be Bought in
this emergency.
But the Review ;s one of those rabid,
fire-eating partizau papers that never
could see any good in tbe present admin
istration, and, of course, it must be to
blame. It's a grand good thing that tbe
majority of Americans are not made up
of such narrow, unreasonable opinions.
Give tbe devil his dues. There are as
many demouratio as republican manu
facturers. We have never seen a true
American yet but what was on the alert
for the dollar of our daddies.
PoiiTiiANi), Sunday night, was visited
by a 905,000 Are, tbe worst experienced
there for ten years.
Texas has added another people's
party man to oougress. He is Mr. Bar
bar and goes as Mr. Mills suooessor.
Alliance Hiruld.
Jddob a town by the uppearauce of its
newspapers, and you will not miss it far.
Look in the advertising columns and you
will find the busmen men represented
evory time.
What this country wants is a biohlo
ride of squareness squirted into the veins
of halt the population that will make
them pay their debts like men instead of
sneaking around corners to avoid meet,
iug their oreditors. Ex.
Don't decide to vote against water till
you have read the issue of the Gazette
in whu h the orilinunrcs are printed
Don't take "Bill or John's" word for any
thing, but rend for yourself. Our people
talk too much but don't road enough.
Tub American Israelite says that "tbe
prayer ol the orthodox Hebrew to be re
stored to Jerusalem has long sines be
come perfunctory, for be baa not the wish
to bo restored to Jerusalem, nor would
be go thereby the combined inducements
of a scalper and a vestibule traiu."
Ktatt sman.
Tint Cascade locks will now be com
pleted by contract, and the people of
KastiTD Oregou are bappy. With the
obstructions removed from the dalles of
the Columbia, our section will be com
paratively free from tbe dictations of a
I? reedy corporation, with a larger balance
to tho credit of the producer.
Tint city of I'ortland bad a cable OBr
accident Sunday night at I'ortland
Heights. Old story; griptnau couldn't
oatcb tho cable, brakes wouldn't work,
and down went the oar. It strikes ye
editor that cable oars are very success
ful us death traps. There was no one
killed outright, but some ar fatally in
jured. Of am, the unfair, rank, partisan pa
pers in Oregon, the Portland Dispatch
takes the lead. Such a sheet is disgust
ing, even to a bedrock tletnoCBt. A
man, a uewsaper or even a would-be god
who cau't see good iu anything but what
be originates himself, or iu bis owu po
litical (irreligious ideas, is to be pitied.
He is small, narrow and Bullish, and
thinks all that is not up to his line of
thinking Is tbe same. It is iu himself,
and he convinces no one. The Dinpatoh
is so tumll and puerile that it bus no
weight, even with rank partisans. A
man can be a good, sound, consistent
party man without being a fool.
Fur the Smithsonian Institute.
A skeleton of a sea cow, a speoies of
animal long ago extinct, was Becured on
Conser island on tbe Russian coast, a
hurt time heo by special treasury ageuts
Williams, Nettlctou Bud Barnes, who
were making a tour of Hebring sea, in
the government ticb commission ship,
Albatros. The specimen is thirty feet
long and was obtained from the natives
for $WU, and lias Oeen lorwarueu 10 me
8mitbsi-uian Iustitutn- The last living
specimen was seen iu those waters iu
1730, aud tbeouly other skeleton in ex
istence is owned by tbe czar of Bussla.
Wednesday, July Cth.
Burt Missnldine and 20 others, aft",
squirrel bounty, acoepted and issue of
sorip confirmed. Also Burt Misseldine
and 60 others, aff. ooyote bounty, accept
ed and issue of scrip confirmed.
Bills of judges and clerks of eleotion
"Now on this day tbe bonds of George
Noble for sheriff, J. W. Morrow for clerk,
W. J. Leezer for treasurer, Robert L.
Shaw for assessor, Isa Brown for survey
or and T W. Ayers for oorouer, came
before tbe court for its approval, and
after due consideration by tbe court, it
is ordered that tbe same be accepted."
J. W. Matlook paid $83.33, salary.
Bills allowed to canvassers election
returns: G. W. Kea, $3; C. E. Jones,
$6 40; J. W. Morrow, $3.
John Byland and others, isBue of scrip
confirmed, bouuty coyote scalps. "
Nate McBee, salary, $ 100.
Circuit court fees paid: J. R. Nuna-
maker, 86, Preston Loouey, $8.20 ; G. S
Gray, ?4.
J. W. Morrow ordered paid clerk's fees,
Thursday, July 7th.
State of Oregon vs. T. Moran, justice
court, paid Justice Kea, jury and wit
nesses, $35.30. Also State vs. John Gro
ver, 830 65. same court; State vs. W. P
Dutton, 8930, ditto; State vs. Robert
Dexter, $26, ditto; State vs. Nick Leath
ers, $45.15, ditto; State vs. Chas. Maokey,
84.60, ditto.
Roa l No. 108, ordered opened, and Isa
Brown paid $5; applicant to pay all oth
er costs.
Road app. 113, aooepted; H. C. Gay,
O. J. Anderson and E. B. S'auton, view
ers, to meet Aug. 23, '92; Isa Brown
W. L. Baling paid superintendent sal
ary, $119. Chas. RoyBe, assistant exam
iner, paid 89.
Road app. 114, aooepted; T. J. Allyn
H. D. Whitman and M. A. Olden, view
ers, ordered to meet Aug. s, Ji, -isa
Brown, surveyor.
Costs in the matter of insanity of Ar
tbur Smith, $20, paid.
Rebate on tax list in the bands of Geo
Noble, sheriff, allowed to the amount of
$288 44.
Isa Brown, supervisor Dist. No. 6, 85,
Road No. Ill, ordered opened, and
paid expenses $29.20.
Road app. 109, aooepted report of view-
ers and surveyor, nnd bills paid in full
to the amount of $20.40. J. T. McAlister
put in bill for damages of 8150; James
Leaoh, Wm. Duran and J. D. Kirk ap
pointed to assess damagea and report
next term of oourt.
Friday, July 8th.
8. P. Garrigues allowed rebate of 845
on taxes.
Road No. 110, ordered opened, and bills
paid $21 .
Road app. 107, dismissed.
Delinquent tax 1884, '85, '86 and '87
strioken from list. Delinquent tax of '88,
'89, "JO and '91 ordered oolleoted.
Bridge ordered built across Rhea creek,
on Heppner-Monument road.
Geo. Noble, sheriff Morrow county, or
dered paid fees $370.06.
Saturday, July 9th.
Road No. 112, opened for publio use,
anil billB, $25.90 ordered paid.
Bills paid: J. M. Baker, $20; Peter
Brenner, $21.00; Julius Keithly, salary,
Books J. W. Morrow examined and
found correct.
Mondny, July 11th.
O. C. Boon paid pauper acoount, $24.
Redeemed county warrants were exam
ined; also bonks of Sheriff Noble, which
were found in proper oondition.
Of Expenditures of Morrow Connty Names of
Claimants, Services Rendered, Etc.
A. Abrahamsli'k, pauper ac't, continued. 28 GO
Mrs. I. N. Itnsey, " 12 00
tilasa & rrudhoimite, election ac't 75 00
Wm. lllalr. pauper 3 60
C. Thompson & Co., cxpciiBe 1 50
C. I.. Iteed, pauper nc't 40 00
Hubert Ilexter " 7 00
tieo. I). Iliirnard oi Co., election account,
continued 105 00
J. M. Wilkinson, pauper ac't, disallowed 52 00
P. ('. Thompson 1:0., mail and bridge ac't 5 00
Davis A Co., road and bridge nc't 416 00
L. I), lloyed " "
425 00
4 40
158 25
100 00
J. F. Koyse, rebate on tax
H. 1. (iarrlguea, election ac't
U. Allen, appropriation on road
Heppner Record, election ac't, TllB.80, or
dered paid
Heppner llazetto, election ac't, r2.25, or
CO 80
dered paid 56 25
J. II. C-amnicM, pauper ac't 10 30
(illliain Btsbcc, road and bridge ac't. . . 19 07
Slocum, Johnston Drug Co., election 10 35
C. C. Boon, pauper ac't 24 00
i as.
I. J. W. Morrow. Clerk of Morrow
County, hereby certify that the foregoing
list of expenditures of the county witn
uanies of respective claimants, the arti
cles of servioea for which payment is
made, together with those continued, re
jected, or in part paid, is true Bnd oor
reot as shown by tbe reoords of said
Witness my hand and seal or tne
said county curt, this lltb
day of July, A. 1)., 18112.
J. W. MobboW, Clerk,
By Q. W. Wklm, Deputy.
Now Try This.
It will oost yon notliu.p, and will
surely do you good, if you have a ootigb,
oold, or any trouble with throat, obeat
or luiiKH. Vr. King's New Diswverv for
ConsutnptioD, C-ouxha and Colds ' ia
guaranteed to give relief or money will
lie pitid back. SutTerers from la grippe
found it juat the tiling and under its uae
hud a speedy and perfect recovery.
Try a sample bottle at our expense ud
leui'D for yourself just bow good a tiling
it is. Trial bottles free at Slocnni-Johnson
Driiif Co.'s. Ijurge size AOo. and
Kuhl, the baker. Buy your bread and
cakes and save money. Try it. a.
A tine lot of imported Hliot Guns at
Thompson & Co's at baigain prices, do
jobbers protits. a
M. Liclitentlial A Co. have just re
ceived a tine lot of ladieB' kid, button
and tie shoes. At bottom prices. a
H. Hliiektuau A Co. have an eiolusive
Oeneral Merchandise store. Stockmen
.i.. !..... ;. u
I'ttlllllX, liu ui'kiv-t i nu I'll, mi, tttv .
I ...kman A C.. of Hemiuer'. Pioneer
What Will He Do?
Grant County News: Tbe free silver
coinage bill bas passed tbe senate, and
now goes to the bouse. If passed suc
cessfully will President Harrison veto it?
We wait with some patience to see. Sen
ator Mitchell voted in favor of the bill,
while Dolph opposed it.
Not an Obnenre Hao.
Spokane Review: The republicans
have tbe only vice presidential oandidate
with a reputation outside of bis imme
diate bailiwick. Tbe democrats took an
obsourity from Illinois, tbe prohibition
ists went to Texas for theirs, and tbe peo
ple's party captured their man in tbe
wilds of Virginia. On tbe other band,
Wbitelaw Reid has a reputation as a
journalist and a diplomat that engirdles
tbe globe.
Yon Bet, They Do.
Spokane Review: Every man 50 years
old has a personal remembrance of the
"wildcat" currency once issued by the
stute banks. In value tbeBe notes ranged
all tbe way from par down to nothing,
and only an expert was safe against
them. When their place was taken by a
uniform national ourrenoy there was gen
eral rejoicing, particularly by tbe farm
ers and workingmen of tbe land. Yet
with this vivid recolleotion the demo
cratic party has deolared in favor of a
return to the use of these state bank is
sues. Tbe plank in tbe Chicago plat
form declaring in favor of wildoat issues
has aroused wide-spread alarm, it is
diflionlt to see bow it could be supported
by any person who believes that every
dollar ought to be wortb exactly 100
cents in every state in the oouutry. Un
Jer the democratic polioy this would be
as impossible as it would be to make
every railroad stook in tbe country
worth par and no more.
The Plans.
Times-Mountnineer: The democratic
party is trying to play double on tbe
silver bill, and not to stand pledged to
either side of the question. Tbe leading
papers are advocating the passage of the
measure, now before tbe bouse, and
which bas passed the senate, for the rea
son that tbe ticket is beaded by a mnno
metalist, and the action would have no ef
feet on New York and Massachusetts.
Democrats oan say to the people of these
states that tbe candidate is for sound
currency, and congress oan do no mis
cbiet in this regard while there is a firm
man in tbe executive cbair; and turning
around in their steps they can point to
the lower branch of the national legisla
turestrongly demooratio and tell the
west free-ooinage is certain with that
party in power. Thus, it will be seen,
that tbe old party bas not forgotten tbe
political tricks taught it iu infancy by
Tammany. But, although this dual pol
ioy may appear to be the proper thing,
at first blush, to oatcb votes; yet on de
liberation, it will be seen not to be one
of those rules which will work both
ways. Without congress has a sufficient
majority to pass a silver bill over a presi
dent's veto, its inclination towards free
ooinage will accomplish nothing, and if
it bas tbe necessary two-thirds vote then
those who favor mono metalism should
have nothing to do with the democratic
party. It is far safer for tbe people to
trust the administration of national af
fairs into the bands of tbe republican
party, which bas for the past thirty years
bad a destructive fiuancial system, than
to one that never bad a well defined pol
icy on any national question.
Plunder'! Oregon Blood Purifier ie tbe
great couquerer of Billioufluese and Liv
er oompluiut. Relict oertniu iu every
ouse. Hold at Oue Dollar a bottle. Try it.
Hill Disgusted.
Salem Statesman.
Whatever may be said of Senator Hill,
of New York, be is no free trader, fiuj
be has a perfect contempt for the free
trude plauk in the demoarutic platfornv
Iu Washington recently he made this
declaration: "The free trade plauk of
the platform adopted at Chicago has
made every workshop and factory in tbe
United States a republican head
quarters." John T. Turley is tending sheep camp
this summer for Jim llujes. He finds
feed abuudaut.
J. V. Brown, of Sard Hollow, is suffer
ing from acute iullaniniatiou of his right
eye, supenuduoed by an attaok of ery
sipelas some time ago.
A. Abrahamstck received a letter a
few days ago from his mother who re.
sides iu Berlin, and who bus reached tbe
advauoed age of au years.
E. Campbell was over from his Vinson
rauob Saturday lust. He is now iu tbe
midst of a very large bay harvest and
had hardly time to talk. Mr. Campbell
also line some very Hue bucks for sale.
See ad. iu this issue.
Poetry and Boarding.
From the Detroit Free Press.
"Poetry, thou sylph divine," he rapb
sodied iu bis seveu-by nine hall bed
room, when there came a low but distinct
rap at his door.
"O, dearest, may I oall thee ruiue," he
couoluded bis rbymiug measure as he
opened the door aud fell iuto the arms
of his landlady, who was a widow.
"Then this board bill is oanceled," she
said as she tore it up and flung ber 230
pounds of too, too solid flesh iuto his
arms, which were aghast at receiving
her. That may not be the right word
but it sounds better than agape.
"No mare board bills," he murmured
blissfully, as be took in the situation,
likewise tbe widow."
"And no morn Impecunious boarders
in the ball bedroom," she said in a tone
that made him wince; "this room shall
bring in a weekly income of seven trade
"It shall," be said, "and we will collect
iu advance, for you can never tell when
a boarder will skip out."
Aud late that night he acted on bis
own suggestion, and tbe landlady is mi
nus a boarder, a board bill and a pro-
i .. . . ,
1 P-'V husband.
The poetical youth
I bad nlopej with hit muse.
MRF.l) OUT."
Let no one r- frain from using tbe
graphic expression "fired out" for fear of
being acoused of descending to slang.
Much so-called Blang has infinitely bet
ter blood iu its veins than tbe unlettered
think. Where, for example, do you im
agine "fired out" comes from? Shake
peare, to be sure; not Shakspeare drunk,
bat Shakespeare sober; not Shakspeare,
tbe dramatist, but Shakspeare, tbe poet,
the sonneteer. Turn to sonnet cxliv and
Twu loves I hove of omfort and despair,
VV hich like twu spirit do cutest me still;
. he better iii(tjl is u man r Kl't fair,
The woreer spirit a wumau color'd ill.
To win me soon to h-11. my female evil
Temptelh my belter anuel frum my side;
ADd would corrupt my saint to be a devil,
Wooiuk his p .nty with her foul pride.
And whether that my angel be taro'd finnd
Bu-pect I may, yel not directiy tell,
But being both irom me, both uj each friend,
1 Kueee oue angel in another's hell.
Vet this shall I ne'er .know, but live in doubt,
'lill my bud angel fire my good one out.
Seeing is believing. Kate Field's
Racklen's Arnica Salve.
Tbe best salve in tbe world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers salt rneum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hauds, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively oures piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Pnoe 25 cents per
box. toe Bale by Slocurn-Johnston
Drug Co.
Clem Hogue'e baby is very sick.
Wm. Denu.s has been on tbe sick list.
Joe Wolery was in Hardmau the 8th
Tbe grain will be pretty short this year
but it might be worse.
I see by your lust issue that Mr. Rudio
ordered some oranges by stage, and tbe
box sweat or leaked. I saw the box on
tbe stage as it oame through Hardman,
and there wasn't any orange seed in the
driver's teeth, so I guess that the box
must have sweat before it started.
Ex-Stage Dbivbr.
Hardman, Or., July 9, '92.
Tile Gomphobus.
From the Grant County News.
In North Fork fossil beds, besides re
mains of three-toed horses, is found an
extiuot species of cat tbe gomphodus
which once roamed over Oregon, and
which amused itself and fed itself by
chewing up the mighty reptiles of mil
lions of years ago. It 'Mis as big as tbe
biggest panther, and bad two teeth in
its upper jaw, resembling daggers, eaob
five inches in length. As weapons for
penetrating flesh, tbey are unrivaled
among carnivorous animals, recent or ex
tinct. They are rather like tbe teeth of
some huge flesh -eating dinosaurs, tbe
"terrible reptiles" of the mesozoic epoch,
wbiob bad cutting teeth that nothing
could resist. Doubtless this creature
was inoouceivBbly blood thirsty.
Before Starting on a Journey
A person usually desires to gain some in
formation as to the most desirable route
to take, and will purchase tickets via tbe
one that will aflord him the quickest and
best servloe. Before starting on a trip to
Chicago or any point East, yon should
provide yourself with a map Bud time
table of tbe Wisconsin Central lines.
The trains run on this route are vesti
buled and equipped with Pullman's lat
est drawing room sleepers, elegant day
coaobes and dining oars of latest design,
built expressly for this service, and are
exquisite in furnishings and convenient
and comfortable in arrangemeut and so
complete in every detail that they have
no superior in comfort and elegance.
The dining car service ie pronounced by
nil the most elegaut ever inaugurated,
and is operated in the interest of its pa
trons. Fust trains via tbe Wisconsin Central
lines leave Minneapolis daily at 12:45 p.
m. and 6:25 p. m., and St. Paul at 1:30
p. m. and 7:30 p. m., making favorable
connection with all trains from the West
and southwest.
For tickets, time tables, berth reserva
tions, etc., apply to G. F. MoNeill, C. P.
& T. A., Minneapolis, Minu., or to Jas.
C. Pond, general passenger and tioket
agent Chicago 111. 4H!Hf
Will Represent.
From the Grant County Ncwh.
Major Magoue placed his heels against
the oourt house door at an early hour on
the morning of July 4tb and immediately
hit the road for Cbioago, intending to
walk every step of the way over 2000
miles at the rate of 20 to 30 miles per
day. He reached the warm Bprings, 26
miles, the first day. Major is past 70
yeais of age, but is hearty and wiry yet,
and will reach Chicago with flying col
ors long before the auniversory of Amer
ica's discovery October 12. A subscrip
tion was circulated to raise funds for his
legitimate expenses while on tbe road.
His presenoe at the world's fair will ad
vertise the "wooly west."
Specimen Cases.
8 H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was
troubled with neuralgia aud rhenmatism,
his stomach was disordered, his liver
was affected to an alarming degree ap
petite fll away, and he was terribly re
duced in health aud strength. Three
bottles of Eleotric Bitters oured him.
Edward Shepherd, Hnrrisburg, 111.,
bad a ruuuiug sore ou his leg of eight
years' standing. Used three bottles of
Electric Bitters and seven boxes Buck
leu's Arnica Salve, and his leg is Bound
and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O ,
had live large fever sores on his leg,
dootors said be was incurable. One bot
tle of Electric Bitters and oue. box
Bucklen's Aruica Salve cured him en
tirely. Sold by Slooum-Johneon Drug
The Only 0. F. March Ever Published.
"OJd Fellows' Grand March," "Air
Ship Waltz," "Oklahoma Waltz" aud
"Jesus Lover of My soul"Q irtette(with
soprano, touor and alto solos) are beau
tiful compositions of Isaac Doles. Reg
ular pnoe 40 cents eaob. By way of in
troduction Mr. Poles will mail them to
any address for IU oents eacb, Ibe 4 for
36 oents on receipt of tbis notioe and
BtampB. Address
Isaac Doles, Publisher,
Indianapolis. Ind . U. 8. A.
Corner 2AI and Illiuois tits.
An Old Sons.
"Down by a little runnin brook,
I fir t inel Matotie May,"
For Mag-ait uwnod a dairy, and
but mad. iht bounw pay.
New Duessmaker. Mies Letba Par
ker, jast from the E .St. has opened dress
making parlors over Mrs. W. A -Johnston's,
where she is prepared to do all
kinds of dressmaking in latest styles
and at reasonable rates. 4-tf
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., June :. 182.
Complaint having been entered at this olhce
by John D. Hk-key. of Morrow County, Oregon, ,
attalnst Edward C. Lawless, for failure to comply
with law as to limner culture niiuju..-'.;
dated Nov. 17, 1HN7, upon the E j tiKH and r-'l ,
SW14 of Hoc 7, Tp:8, K'J6 K. in Morrow Co., nr., I
with a view to the cancellation of said entry;
contestant allecltii; that said Edward C. lawless
h.in fui t hr..lr nn-Hiisp to be broken llveaores 1
on said tract within one year after his timber
culture entrv of said traet. the said parties are
hereby summoned to appear at thisotltce on the
27th day of Auk.. 1. at 10 o'clock a. ni., to re
spond and furnish testimony concerning said
alleged failure. J. W. Morrow. County Clerk, Is
authorized to take testimony in this caBe, at bis
olllce iu Heppner, at 10 a. m., Aug. an, lMri.
John W. I.kwib,
505-515 Register.
Notice of special town election for the purpose
of voting upon ordinance No. 51, of said
town of Heppner, Oregon. w ,
is hereby given that a special election will be
held in the Ujwn of Heppner, at the council
chamber, on He 4th day of August, 1WJ2, between
the hours of 8 o'clock a. m. and ci o'clock p. m.,
of said day, for the purpose of authorizing the
town council to borrow the sum 01 $15.110 CO and
to issue bonds of the town therefor, for the pur
pose of applying the town with water, and also
to empower the council to levy a tax to create a
sinking fund for the redemption of said bonds
in twenty years from August 1st, 1KH2, and to
pay the interest thereon until redeemed, and to
approve ordinance No. 51.
The following officers of election have been
appointed Judges 01 election.
(E. G. Sloan,
Eu. Matlock,
OV. A. KlitK,
Judges of Election
Clerka of Election
Lane Matlock,
J, 1. Williams.
A. A. Roberts, Recorder.
Dated Heppner. Oregon, July 2, 1892. 503-tf
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., June 2S. 1892.
Notice iB hereby given that the following
named settler litis tiled notice of her intention to
make final proof in support of her claim, and
that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor
row, county clerk of Morrow county, Or., at
Heppner, Or., on August (1 1H!2 viz:
Hd. No. 1S77, for the Nk NWJ and NWJ4 NE
Sen. 4. Td. 1. 8 K. 21 E. W. M.
She names the following witneBBes to prove her
continuous residence upon, ana cultivation or,
said land, viz:
M. M. Beighley, Edward Cluff, C. B. Cochran
and J. W. Kedford, all of Heppner, Oregon.
JOIIN W. Lbwis,
503-514 KegiBter,
Land Office at La (irandc, Or., June 30, 1892
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of hiB intention
to make tinal proof in Btipport of his claim, and
that Baid proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon,
on August 13, 1H92, viz :
D. 8. No. 10020, for the NE!4, Sec 19, Tp 4 S, R 29
E, W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivatiou of
said land, viz:
Homer Gray, S D. Taylor, F. Sprowlefl, Char
ley lxiug, all of Heppner, Oregon.
(301-tiui A. Cleavkb, Register.
Land Office at La Orande, Or., Julyl, 1892.
Notice is hereby given that the lollowing-nain-edBettler
has Hied notice of his intention to
make commuted final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the county clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Hepp
ner, Or., on August 15, 192, viz.:
Hd No. 6283 for the N'i. NE'4, Sec 22 and EH,
BEV.. Sec 15. Td 2 S. R 28 E. W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous rcsiuence upon, ana cultivation oi,
said land, viz:
Henrv Jones. Arthur Smith. Isaac Phipps,
Robert Johnson, all of Heppner, Oregon. Wil
liam w. sun, laae nonce.
A. Clkavkr,
B04-514 Register.
ARNES3-SHOP, stock and fixtures. Good
business: established in the midst of
eood farmiiiir and stock-raisiue country.
Also for sale a good house and two lots with or
without the DiiBiuess property, for runner in
formation address Gazette, Heppner, Or. 483 tf ,
THOSE who are interested in the Kight Mile
country and Morrow county to know that
we have a few extra cnpieB left, which can
be secured either at Geo. Thornton's news stand
or at the Gazette otiice tiS-sw.
(S 01 Eio the"Talaee Hotel bar for Champagne
J Cocktails. Champagne ou tap. 6i-sw
BIG lot ofGooseberry ITumbenTof ttieia
zette that ought to be sent away. Call iu,
invest and help your country. Bwtf
TO KNOW that L. D. Boyed is Heppner's
leailiugcontractor and builder. Estimates
given on all kinds of work. Otlice at resi
dence, Heppner, Or. 71-sw.
AWagonmaker. one the best locations in
Morrow county, Must have a little capital.
Call on or write Gazette otlice for particulars, sw
A new Hiid Complete Treatment, consisting of
Suppositories, ointment in CapBUles, alsoin Box
and Tills; a positive Cure for External, Inter
nal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching, Chronic, Recent
or Hereditary Piles, and many other diseases
and female weaknesses; it is always a great ben
etlt to the general health, 'I he first discovery of
a medical cure rendering an operation with the
knii'o unnecessary h reafter. This remedy has
never been known to fail. 1 per box, 0 for fr;
Bent by mail. Why sutler from this terrible dis
ease when a written guarantee is given with 6
boxes, to refund the money if not cured. Send
stamp for free sample. Guarantee issued by
Woodward, Clakkb & Co., Wholesale iV .Retail
Druggista Sole Agents, Portland, Or.
I T O I-
Cleveland vs. Harrison
THIS IS THE TIME t7idtarrtSt
speeches, red lire and enthusiasm. The whole
country is aroused. Recognizing the immense
demand for political literature, we have indued a
magnificent Republican campaign boon,
The Lives of
Harrison and Reid
with beautiful portraits and tnll information
about the greatest issues of i he dty. Protection,
lieciprority. The Silver Question, etc., by tc
Kiuley, Rus , Senator HuJe, Secretary Noble,
Murat Ualetead, etc. Also in a separate volume :
The Lives of
with authentic portraits and oi-'graphical sketch
w also a apt undid dn-cm-Bion of the Democratic
principles by powerful Democratic statesmen,
proving the soundness of Democratic principles.
THOUSANDS of agents wi.l coin money with
thetto splendid bKtks. They will Bell whure
nothing eltte would. Dou't wait to write but
send 'i.i cents for one m 50 cents for both outnu,
showing the beautiful engravings.
Secure the official editions with the great Re-
?ubliran a 'd DemtKrratio leaders' views on the
ariff aud Silver questions.
Everybody Wants
These Books!
Merohans, Farmers. Mechanics and all clawes
.Htferly buy them, lhey will sell like wild
The greatest chance tor money making
ever offered.
trvd. Address u,utrK
Market St., History Building, Saa Francisco
Indorsements t
Cooper Pip is used and
nnnul.lunn Il.iwlllc: V. ti.
.t w. Hvera. New Lisbon: Y. S
Dupuver; F. K. Warren, I'tioa
Chote'au; II. S. Hastings, I'bet
t and Kest Dip
i lit i l'
Ash Your Merchant for Coopers and Take no Other.
KOSHLAND BHOS. Portland, Oreenn,
Gen. Agts. for Oregon, Washington and W estern
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
Eastern Clothing House
Branch at Portland, bus opened a
Big Line oi Ladies Mucins r urnisiniig uooqs,
mm (i
Also Boots and Shoes, Trunks,
Valises and Fancy Goods.
You will find our Clntb'iDR Department witb
an assortment, including Pquure Cut Sacks,
Tbree and Four Button Frocks, made of tbe
best American Weavers, Scotcb Woolen Wor
steds, Ubeviots, made up to sell in (till suits.
Suits reduced
Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps at Factory Prices
Examine tbe goods and you will find all
shades and colors, wbiob wiil uive satisfaction
Before puicbasing, call nnd examine my stock
Heppner, Oregon.
Flour Exchanged for Wheat
T. W. AYERS, Sr., Manager.
Columbia Beer Hall!
NF' DPB io M- Licldenihal & Co.'s Shoe Store, Main
A,P on hand a Fine Line of Liquors,
Tl ines, Cigars, Etc. We have
Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to
SCents PerGlass,
On draught, fresh and cool. Luuch of all kiudS. Hope
to see all their old friends and many more.
J Wl?
Our Spring Footwear is the Best and
the Cheapest.
As the shoemaker, a nice new shoe
The puat, (he cult, ami the kangaroo
Joined by the RlUeatnr, too.
All dropped In to Bnd out whether
i as an) oi uieir lous that (u'nishd the lea the
Maln Street,
ion better than Cure !
endorsed bv the following Oregon and Montana sheepmen: W. B. '
lee Junction City; John Harrison, Matncy: (ieo. (Ichs, Amanda; i
J Simile Ben-all; Cook ,t Clark, I'hilbrook; Kairchild & McCralg,
liusi'h Bros., Illusion; n. i. u "' yisioocrg,
James Edie, Dillon; w. Korton Stewart; A. Dow nle, Big bandy.
- 12.50
- 7.50
TfteaiiHitelol He Cilg
W mil
JJ e wish that evervbodv knew
hat eleeant stock we put In eaeh shoe
And keep on hand to benefit vou.
All prndea. styles and shapes together,
... luuincur iu au Kit (is oi leatner.
in j ' n ' ' n 1
1 I 1 r . , , ,.
Mis MarBfet Vonwdow. Mai