iNOl'ICii TO ADVE1ITIHKRS. 'rHrSK lippfrinK the insertion of rilimlfty ails., X or clmiif;' t'l Mime, must net their copy in not liiler llinn Monday evening for TueHduy'8 edition, or ihiimliiy evening lor Friilava edi tion. TliK KlTTEKoON ruBUflllNuCo. noik:k. 1. The wlin of five cents per line will be charged for "cimlK of tliiiiiku," "resolutions of respei t." lints ol weddmt; presents and donors, and obituary no! ices, (other tinui thoHe the edit or shall himself Kive as a matter of news,) and nolieesol speeia! meetings for whatever purpose. 2. iNotices of ehnreh and society and allother entertainments from whielt revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five eenlHaline. 'Ihese rules will be stiictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. Give your business to Hi ppner people, ami therefore, assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those toho patronize you. Here and There. T. W. Ayere, Jr., for drngs. 08 bw Ripans Tubules : best liver tonic. J. Colin returned from below last eve ning. Jiih. Royse, of Idea, was in Heppner Tuesday. Geo. Miller, of lone, was in to see us Tuesday. S. P. Garrignes returned from Portland last evening. Cbas. A-raBtrong waa up from Lexing ton yesterday. Wm. Mack, of Condon, was on our streets Thursday. Bud Ingrabam was a visitor to tbe Ga zette oiliee yesterday. Ford, tbe painter, still "in it." For any kind of work Bee him. 81-tf. A. Evans, tbe Portland saw-mill man, spent yesterday in Heppner. When in Arlington, stop at the Ben nett bouse, near tbe depot. 61-ft E. Waldmau, representing a Portland firm, was with tbe boys Thursday. Kirk & Rasmus will remove to the Mallory corner, about Aug. 1, 1892. Chns. E. Blunt, of Canyon City, was with us Tuesday, on bis way below. Henry Blackwell got in Tuesday from Fox. He reports dull times in Grant county. Miss Letua Parker, dressmaker, will guarantee you a good lit. Give her a trial. 4 tf Dan llioe, one of Hardman'a invinoi bles, was seen on Heppner's streets Wednesday. Jim Rhea's sheep are doing well over on Idaho range, he having just returned from there. Mrs. J. N. Brown, we are sorry to say, is in a serious condition, being ill with nervous fever Pup yimons & Son still shoe borses and do general blacksmitbing at the old stand Mat lock oorner. 55. Mrs. Z. M. Parvtn, mother of Mrs. J. N. Brown, arrived lastevening to attend the bedside of tier daughter. "The Parlor," W. F. Ruark, prop., in the City hotel, west side of Main street. Neatest place in Heppner. sw Dr. A. L. Fox returned last evening from Uncle Jiily Gilhnms, whom be re ports to be in an improved condition. Those desiring bargains for cash, should not fail to call on Levi Kobison, Minor's old stand, May St. Heppner, Or. Art. Minor was called out totbemoun tains a day or so ago by the illness of bis wife, but has returned, she being much better. Found On the midnight train, last Monday evening, a parasol in good order. Call at office, pay charges and get your property. 4 0 Hivu ketcbum whiskers. Hatt Mathews, at the city barber shop the place to get a tirst-class shave, bair-out or shampoo. , tr. George French, who is steering a band of sheep across tbe plains for Sara Palmer, is noted as having arrived at Snake river, in Idaho. A faot that all men with gray and many shaded whiskers should know, that Buckingham b Dye always colors an even broien or black nl will. The store rooms in Henry Heppner's new building have been provided with canvass awt'ings a great neoessity at this season of tbe year. Smith Burch, of upper Rbea oreek, is reported to be in a critioal condition. However, we hope soon to hear of some improvement in the near future. T. R. Howard and family spent their 4th on Eight Mile, and were w ell pleased with the celebration. Eight Mile is not to be "sneezed at" on any kind of a prop osition. T. W. Ayers, Jr., will remove about Aug. 1st, to the new brick building, next door to tbe City hotel, wnere ne win thereafter be associated in business with Phil Col.n. John and Mike Kenny were in Tues day, feeling good over the prospect of good feed or sheep this summer and tbe coming fall. Their bay crop proves fair for this season. Wm. J. McAfee's family arrived from Tbe Dalles Wednesday evening, accom panied bv his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. aud Mrs. Cbas. Wagner. They will again resume their residence here. Dr. Grant's Oloalo, the great dyspepsia oonqnerer, will positively cure dyspepsia and all its kindred ailments. Every bot tle sold under a positive guarantee to effect a oure or money refunded, see aa in this issue. What is the matter with our corres- dents? For awhile we had hardly room for them, they oame so fast, but now the Gazette gets not a word. Brush ud a little and give us the news of your respective neighborhoods. Eagle: At the last session of the Ma sonic grand lodge, Judge M. D. Clifford and State Treasurer Phil Metschan, two Grant countyites, received high honors, being elected senior grand warden and junior warden respectively. Paddy Lynch and Charley Cola were thrown in Tuesday by the marshal, the former for disorderly oondnct and the latter for plain drunk. Wben Policeman Roberta discovered Lynch he was rapid ly "doing up" tbe Belvedere saloon Wm. H. Craddick, of Eight Mile, was in the city yesterday. He left this morn ing for Walla Walla, where be will spend a short time visiting his two sons who are located there. Also his many friends and old neighbors who are located in that vicinity. Dave McAtee, Johnny Wilmorth and Geo. Harrington pulled out yesterday morning for Greenhorn oountry where they will bunt, fish and prospect. The Gazette has in its order for a two-ounce nugget and some game, and shall impa tiently await their return. Commissioners Baker aDd Peter Bren ner fell into the harness the first of the week, and are belpiog Judge Keithly dispose of tbe business of the oounty conrt. This is Peter's first term, but T n,.i-ur hna been there before and knows tbe lick pretty well. "Excuse me, George, but wbeu I saw you a year ago. yonr face was covered with pimples; it seems to be all right now " "Yes. sir; that's because I Btuck to Ayer's t-arsapanlla, tbe greatest blood medicine in the world. I was never so well in my life aa I am now. Jiff Kirk guaranteed Ibe Union Pacific brunch the sum of 35 if they would run a speoial train from Heppner to Lexing ton on the eve of the 4th, and lost ov 830 in the operation. Had it been known generally that Mr. Kirk Was responsible for any amount he would oertaiulv have had more Heppner visitors on that occasion. E. Neele JohnBon. of Portland, a nice looking young man of some seventeen years, visited Cougressman eleot Ellis this week to Becure bis iutiueuoe in hie behalf, being desirous of receiving tbe cadet appointment to West Point. Mr. Johnsou is backed by some of the beat citizens of this congressional distriot. J. R. BiuuB is back from "Missourv." the land of peace Bud plenty sand wiched in here and there, this year, with washouts and cyclones. Old Missouri will come out all riL'lit in tbe end. with a bigger crop of borne made pumpkin pieB than ever. Word from the East gives tbe infor mation tbat Will Walbridge has suc ceeded in selling about ten of tbe small est borses which he shipped baok re cently, at an average of Sill. 50 per head. tie nnils a cash market, and will get more per head on the remainder of the oar load. In old times it seemed to be thought tbnt a medicine must be nauseating to be effective. Now, all this is ohanged. Ayer's SarsapBrilla, one of the most pow erful alteratives, is agreeable to most palates, tbe flavor being by no means medicinal. A few days ago a box of oranges was ordered by Wm. Rudio, of Long Creek, bv stage express, but when they arrived the box bad "sweat" out about one-third of them. Funny bow these packages will leek out, but tbey will do it, just the same. Our Long Creek patrons are kioking some about 'their Gazettes being delayed on the line between Heppner and their plaoe. Paper mail is as important as anything else, and should go through without delay. M. D. Hayman.tbe veteran "barkeep," visited bis son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. S. Humor, of Astoria, last week. M. D. took advantage of the cheap rates on the Bonneville excursion, last Sunday, a week ago. C. 8. Van Duyu and familv did not go to the mountains early this week as re ported, but will leave the first of next week. The cool, inviting shades of tbe Blues wonldn' be bad now. Harry Warren returned Tuesday from Fendleton, via the Union Paoitio. He mane the trip over on his bioyole in fourteen hours, and had a fine time while there. Thompson & Binns own tbe buss which goes to and from tbe City hotel, but will call for parties desiring to go to train in any part of tbe city. Leave orders at City hotel. .. 91-tf Smith & Williamson have added a full line of undertakers' goods and are pre pared to sell at reasonable figures. Mey street, one block east of the Palaoe hotel. 26 Oscar Minor aud Judge Keithly have further adorned Ibeir residence property with new fenoes. Theirs are of the iron order, something both new and elegant in design. Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see his old friends there, Baths in connec tion, 0. E. Farnsworth is in the midst of a big bay harvest over on his Hardman ranch. Mr. Farnsworth will have an abundanoe of feed for tbe coming winter. J. M. Leezer has returned to Pendle ton, after spending several days Bt Hepp ner with bis brothers here. J. M. is one of tbe old residents of Eastern Oregon. Fred Miller, tbe tailor, is now agent for the steam dye bouse, of Portland. Anyone desiring clothes cleaned or dyed, should give him their order. The Bnchler beer, 5 oents per glass, at tbe Columbia Beer Hal), Osmers & Hughes, props., next door to M. Lich tentbal & Co.'s shoe store. sw tf C. S. Emery, of Hardman, dropped in yesterday to see ye editor. He and neigh bors are harvesting a big crop of bay, and feel thankful for tbat. Mrs. P. O. Borg did not leave for As toria and Port Townsend as she intend ed, being delayed by tbe sickness of Mas ter Frank Borg. Some of the Lexington boyB have struck out for the Klamath oountry, where tbey will take up ranches .on the reservation. L. D. Heron, special agent for the Lancashire Insurance Co., spent to-day in Heppner. He leaves tomorrow for Pendleton. F. M. Courter, of Eight Mile, says that many fields of grain in bis vioiuity will yield ten bushels to tbe acre. Arthur Smith was thrown from a oay use on the 4tb and badly bruised, being unable to be around sinoe. Two daughters of Rev. Sbulse arrived from the East this week to join their parents here. Geo. Ely was in yesterday from lone and Fays bis crop is by no means a total failure. Married At Lexington on the 3d, Mr. Jesse Lienalleu and Miss Melvina Owens. Mrs. Wayne Huston spent the 4th with her relatives and friends at Hardman. Al. Binns started for Grant oounty this morning on a tour with a drummer. Born To the wife of D. 0. Justice, today, on Hinton oreek, a 101b. boy. Jim Fristo says the rye orop in the vicinity of Tub Springs is good. Mike Fitzgerald is doing some depu ty work for Sheriff Noble. Ben Poppen and family were visitors to Heppner yesterday. Fred Zorn will be hanged at Pendle ton August 19th, 1892. Cooler nights are prevailing, to the comfort of citizens. Mrs. J. N. Brown is reported better tblB morning. John W. Gilmore is visiting his friends in Heppner. H. Soherzinger is on the list of those ailing. Campmeeting has closed at Lexington. Coming, .The Bedrook Demo. crat, of Baker City, says under tbe cap tion, "Coming This Way:" "Teamsteri in from Grant oounty state that tbe en tire wool dip of that county and Harnev will seek a railroad outlet at Baker City this year. Tbe reason for this is that better inducements are rff-red the r i- ducer and it is mouey in thvir pockets to oouio to Baker City with their shipments. Another thing tbat tends to Baker City's advantage is that tbe road to Heppner is in such a bad condition tbat heavy load ed wagons oannot travel over it. More tban that the Heppner Warehouse Com pany is not bidding for wool this year with the nsual vigor. "Wbat'stbe Demo crat going to do with the 2,000,000 lbs of Grant county wool which has already amed this season? The road to Hepp ner is counted the best in the state for a mountain thoroughfare, and for prices, tbe Heppner mmket leads them ail. A lack of cars bas interfered some this sea son, but that is not Heppner's fault, Vmt ehonld be charged to tbe bad manage meut of the Union Paoific. However, the buyers have plenty of cars now, and all is moving along nioely. Not a Bad Man. Wm. Hughes, and other responsible citizens here, inform us that ye Gazette reporter was mistaken about Johnny Looney, who was reoently killed by Ward near Condon, being a "bad man." True be had served a term in the penitentiary on the charge of stealing sheep, but these gentlemen aver tbat it was a case of "dog eat dog," and that they have their doubts tbat Looney ever tried to take what was not bis own. Tbey inform us that he was generally esteemed by those who knew him best' and tbat his word was as good as his bond. Tbe Gazette reporter got his in formation from those who claimed to know all about it, hence tbe statement. In this case, as all others of the kind, we are neither judge nor jury. The killing was done with a shot gun loaded with buckshot, instead of a Winchester, as reported. A Smtious Accident. George Pierce, who was nearly killed by the explosion of giant powder, witb which he was cel ebrating tbe 4th at Hood river, was a nightwatebman in the employ of tbe N. P. R. R. Co., and as such entitled to the benefits of the hospital. It was certain ly, in his oase, a very fortunate oiroum stanoe. He was accompanied to St. Vin cents hospital Monday evening, by Dr. Logan, of this city. His left band was blown off, and the lower third of the fore arm bad to be amputated. The right hand palm was badly laoerated, and tbe center finger blown off. One eye seems to be gone, and he may possibly lose both. He was considerably burned on the chest. It is a very unfortunate oase. Chronicle. RHEUMATISM neuralgia, and soiatica can always be successfully treated with Ayer's Sarsaparilla A cure is sure to follow the persistent ' use of this medicine. Has Cured Others will cure you. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., May .11, 1892. Notice is hereby given that the followttiK named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that Bald proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, on July IS, 18112, viz. : JOHN MARSHALL. D. 8. No. W55 for the Ni of Nl and of N 8ec 33, Tp 1 H, R 2 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John H. Williams. John Byland, Robert John son, Amous MiSBildlne, all of Heppner, Oregon. 484-501 A. Ulisavkii, Register. All those who are owing the old firm of Messrs. Kirk & Hayes, either by not which is now due. or account, will please settle same at onoe. Remember these gentlemen must have money to settle bills. 499-507 LOCAL MARKET REPORT. Wheat, hn 0o Flonr.bbl 4 50 Beeves, cows A two-year-olds, owt. 1 75 " three " 2 25 Sheep, muttons, head 2 253 00 " Block 2 25 Hogs, ou foot, cwt $6 00 Hogs, dressed 6 50 Wool 12 U Horses, Blow sale. Butter, roll 35 Egs. doz '5 Chickens, doz 2 60 3 00 CALIFORNIA M.UIKFT. Wheat, cwt 1 40 1 45 flour, bbl 3 00 600 Beeves, stall fed 7 00 0 7 25 Muttons, cwt 8 00 (310 00 Hogs, cwt 3 50 6 25 Wool Eastern Oregon.. 10 ( 17 Butter, lb 15 W Eggs, doz 18 & 20 Ohiokens, doz 5 601200 Turkeys, lb 15 ( 20 PORTLAND MABKH.T. Wheat, cwt $1 30 (3 1 35 Flonr.bbl 8 00 4 60 Beeves, cwt 2 00 8 00 dressed 4 50 a 6 00 Muttons, live sheared ... 8 50 3 75 dressed 8 60 0900 Hogs, on foot 5 00 0550 " dressed 7 00 8 00 Wool Eastern Oregon... 9 14 Butter 15 & 25 Eggs, doz 18 (it 20 Chickens, doz 5 00 6 00 Turkeys, lb 17 Opai.s Oct and Polished. Messrs. Colwell & Caldwell, lBpidists, make a specialty of polishing all kinds of opals, and cutting them into settings for watoh charms, rings, etc. Charges reasonable, and satisfaction guaranteed. OlHoe245 Morrison street, Portlaud, Or. 500-lit IBs ARE Rustlers ! For Trade at the Head of the Procession With the Right Swing and We Propose to Catch Hat Maverie The Frisky Dollar. In all lines of Dry Goods and Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Guns and Ammunition and Agricultural Implements, there are no dealers in Morrow County that can H.BIackman&Co., HEADERS IN General Merchandise! VTTE ABE STILL SELLING OUT onr stock of Gener " al merchandise, but to make it more complete, we hnve purchased a stock consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Furn ishing Apparel, Etc., That will be sold at greatly reduced prices for cash only, and investigate and we will be pleased to wait on you trouble to show goods. 1 Round up Bargains Call No Like Yours Respectfully. We are here for business from the ground up and propose to let you know it, MINOR BROS., HEPPNER. OREGON. Possibly Fatal Accident. Today Master Bert Gay, tbe eldeet son of Hon. H. O. Gay, was painfully and perhaps fatally injured. He was driving in home with a load of bay, when tbe wagon over turned, Bert foiling on the tines of a pitohfork, iwo of them pieroing the ab domen just below the ribs. Wm. Alli son came to town for Dr. Fox, and at the time of going to press we have not learned tbe full extent of the injuries, but hope it is not as bad as reported. The Best. The editor of the Gazette believes tbat the Equitable Life Insur ance Company., is the best in the field. Every business man Bhould insure, the sooner the better. You may have health und be prosperous today, but how long bave you the assurance tbat it will last? "Take time by tbe forelook" and oall on J. R. Fergnson, Gazette office, agent for the Eqaitable Life Insurance Co. Heppnbb's Post Meeting:. -Geo. W. Smith, the genial commander of Raw lins Post No. 41, G. A. R., of Lexington, writes up that the proposed post meeting here tin tbe 30th inst., bas been set for the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m. To this the oomrades will please take notice. The soldier boys are preparing for a big time, and it is hoped tbat all who reside in this vicinity will be present. Fbom Idaho. George French's letter from Soldier, Idaho, Bays: "Please send my oopy of Gazette from Bellevue, Ida bo, to Eagle Rock, Idaho, as I'm oat traveling the dust to get there. There are more sheep on the trail tban there are fleas in a California barnyard. How ever, tbe sheep are all fat and grass is plentiful." Tailoring Establishment : Fred Miller has opened np a tailoring estab lishment on lower Main street, opposite the City hotel. Fred is a first- olass work man, and you will make no mistake by placing your orders for summer and fall clothing witb him. 501-8 PRESS COMMENT. QUR ONDERRJL REMEDIES Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Madr on Short Notice and at Popular Pairs. S&"Brend 22 Loaves for $1.00. PARS-WORTH, I'm. T. E. n. SPF.RRV, FELL, Secretary Viet Tret. K. and Manager. R. HISIlnr, Tnwtrcr. Dr. G-n..A.3XrT':H CDOALO. -3- THE GREAT DYSPEPSIA UUNtJUEKUK. t Will positively euro Dyspi'psli' and all its kindred ailments. Every bottte sold on a Poailive Oaaruntfe to efleet a cure or money relundeti. Ketull price, I1.U0. Dr. Grant's Kiunky and Livkr Cuius. For the euro of Rright's Disease, Diabetes, Bilious ness, Melt-Headache, and nil Kidney troubles BETAIL PEICB, 1.00. Dr. Grant's syrup of Wild Grave Root. The (rreat blood purllier and system tonic. Purely vegetable, and is the product of Oregon Soil. Ketull price, tl.U0. Pa. Grant's Wondkr Oil. The xrcat rheu matic cure. Retail price, 50c. Dr. Grant's ('holrra and Imaukhoka (!urk. Retail price, !e. Dr. Grant's Magic Pain Cvkk. The Rreut household remedy; an internal und external remedy. Retail price, 2.ri eta. DR. GRANTS NATIVE DISCOVERY. The Great Female liemedy ! For the cure of diseases and complaints peculiar to females. Re tail price, one dollar. SOLD TJNDKR A POSITIVE fil'AHANTKK. Prepared By The O. W. R. Mane. Co., SIS Vront Street, For Sale by all Druggists. Portland, Orogon. 474-Ujr.f. New Warehouse. Is ready to receive wool on storage for sale or shipment, and also to do a gen eral forwarding business. RATES REASONABLE. The World Enriched. The facilities of the present day for tbe production of everything that will oon-! cratio pBrty, while Weaver was formerly A Weak Candidate. East Oregonian: Tbe nomination of Weaver by the people's party is a weak selection. Some other man one who was not oonsidered a "reformer" would have been better. The nomination of Qresham would have been well received all over the oountry and witb some de gree of awe by tbe old parties. It would greatly bave strengthened tbe people's party with tbe independent masses and better armed it for future contests. Field, tbe nominee for the vice-presidency, is a Virginian, and a reoruit from the demo- dnce to the material welfare and oom fort of mankind are almost unlimited, and wben Syrnp of Figs was first pro duced the world was enriched with the only perfect laiative known, as it is the only remedy which is truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse tbe system gently in the spriDit time or, in fact, at any time and tbe better it is known the more pop ular it becomes. Times Mountaineer: Preacher Taylor bas inaugurated another scheme to boom tbe sand dunes of Kocklaod (across tbe river from Tbe Dalles) Blias North Dalles, alias Grand Dalles. He bas incorpo rated tbe Columbia River Olass Works of Grand Dalles, Wash., witb a capital stock of $250,000. The people know "Bro." Taylor pretty well, and are not apt to take much stock in his new scheme. a rabid republican. So the people's party ticket will develop some strength m both the North and South, as well as in the West, bnt not enough te injure or pre vent tbe success of one or tbe other of j tbe old parties. Ob tne Finnaeial Hide. Ship care of HENRY HEPPNER, Proprietor. The Morrow Comity Land it Trust Company CA PITA L STOCK, $100,000.00. PAID UP, $2.1,000.00. Incorporated 1888. General Commission and Forwarding Agents. DEALERS IN GRAIN, LUMBER, WOOD. Operating Warehomen at IL'pfmei; lone and Dontjta an the Heppner liraneh of the V, P. H, R, O. K. KuniHWorHh, NelHon JmieH Kd. K. BlHhop, Kii. h. i;nx. J. K. Frlok, BTOOKIIOIjDIinS J. A. ThompHon, i. A. Horron, Kdwiird Dry, Wtu. IVultiiul, Thiirnn B. Fell, W. E. Elliott, j. A, woieryt a. a. Keiiy, O. T. DoukIuh, E. (i. Mptrry, AiiKon WriKl't, P. C Thompson, Nathaniul WWh, John L. AynrH, JlLIIlCH .lOllt'H, A. . B. ClutPinHit. IT 18 thp purpose of th HtnckhnlilerH of thin eompiuiy to romlucit ItK lninhieR8 In a manner mutually BdvmiUiKi'ouH U all wool unit uruiii pruilut'tint of thin motion, and to maintain the favorable home murkut which it Uhh eHtuhliHhefl. During the eomiiiK wool w'-ihoii we solicit the huHineBH of all wool Ki'wurn and request them to maul their ullp to the "Wool Growers' Warehouse." Having enlarged the Heppner Warehouse, and roofed nil platforms, we have double the stoniKti rapacity of any other warehouHO In Eastern OreKon. well lighted for the display of wool "The Wool Growers' Warehouse." Eirst prize at the World's Exposition. First in Material and Workmanship. First in the estimation of all practical farmers. WALTER A. WOODS MOWERS, RAKES, REAPERS AND SELF-BINDERS. Never equalled for Durability, Execution aud Liiliti)i)NS of Draft comhiiifil. W. A. KIRK. J- W. RASMUH. New Firm at the Old Stand. Huccemoni to J. W. Matlock A Co.) HAVING recently purclion"! tho blilne ol tne aimrp-inrmiimwi firm. -Mesne. Kirk t Rmraus oiler everything It the irrw-ery ti. at th a Io'weaat oaaaii itiob at the ol'i wand out 1 C. THOMPSON COMPANY, A.GJ11NTS. tf. CorDfir Main and Willow Sti-fints, Iluppiior Or. WILL REMOVE SOON To the Mallory Corner, ujjmIm the Tulacc Hotel, when vacated by present wenintil. The New Firm Solicit Your Patronage. Change of Ownership Portland Dispatch: Tbe Oregonlmi is in a business enterprise and always loo) ;s on ever; side witb financial classes. T ne evening edition cannot expect mr ich from Sheriff Kelly, so il leaves to. t bat paper tbe task of writing bim np tot al lowing Wilson to escape; while tbe morning issue offers alight apologit a in bis behalf. This is what may be ood Bidered tbe fine arts m business. It is like tbe niggers' coon trap "It catches 'em both, going and ooming." rE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OF THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, Will keep ITT YV which we propose to condnct in the most satisfactory manner, on hands at all times tbe choicest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. SHAW Sd McCA.I1TY. gjtt PronrietorB. J1IE QITY HOTEL V. J. LKISXKH, I ri. I HIS HOSTELRY has been Kbpitted anil Hkfiinihhkd throughout, niij uow with him, feeling that be is able to entertain yon in the beet of style. r First Class House. Rkasonahlk Rates. Xlxe Season For Fruit has Arrived and we are in the business to supply you la about ripe. Wo will let yem know about that iu this near future. W. L. Matlock & Co.