Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 08, 1892, Image 1

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Take your Babies to . .
77 PHOTOOHAPIIER. One picture Free of Charge,
work First-Cttua and at Living Rate.
Buy advertising space because rates are
low generally the circulation is a sight
lower. Circulation determines the value
of advertising ; there in no other standard.
The Gazette is willing to abide by it.
NO. 505.
S3oino People
Tuesdays and Fridays
0T18 l'ATTISRSON Editor'
At ta.OO par year, $1.50 for eix months,
for titreo momnB; in advance.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
The "E-A-Q-XiXi," of Long Creek, Grant
County. Oregon, Is published by the same com
pany every Friday morning;. Subscription
price, S'.!peryear. Foradvertisinf? rates, address
OEI1T Xi. X"-iVX"X'EXlSOiT, Editor and
Manager, Ixmfr Creek, Oregon, or "Gazette,"
Fleppuer, Oregon.
TIIlS PAPER is kept on tile nt E. C. flake's
Advertising Afrency, IH and 65 Alerohauts
KxclianKs, Ban Francisco, California, where cou
tracls for advertising can be made for it.
Oreeon Press Association, 26 Ash Street,
between First and Hecond, Portland, OrcRon, is
our only agent located in that place. Advertis
ers should consult him for rates and space in
the liuzette.
Wagner B. A. Hunsaker
Arlington Henry Heppuer
Ung Creek, 'lhehaglc
',.l0 Bob Shaw
Camus Prairie, Oscar lie Vaul
1 latteson, Allen Mcfe'rin
Xy or H.C.Wright
Hardman, Or., '';, w??1!iPr
Hamilton, Grant Co., Or., Mattle A. Rudio
Ic T. J. Carl
Prairie City, Or R. R. McHnley
Canyon City, Or., 8- J;. I'arrlsli
Pilot Hock 1 . Bkelton
Duvvlllo, Or - . low
John Hay, Or., McCallum
Atltena, Or ... . John Edlngtou
Pendleton, Or., Win. G. McCroskey
Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Or., Postmaster
Hhelhy, Or., Miss Stella Mett
Fox, Grant Co., Or J- F. Allen
El"ht Mile, Or., MrB. Andrew Ashbangh
L'pperKhca Creek, B. F. Hevland
Douglas, Or . . . .8. W lute
Lone Keck, Or K- M. Johnson
Gooseberry , P. Snyder
Condon, Oregon Herbert Halstead
Lexington W. B. McAlister
UNiotr Pacific Railway-Local card.
10, mixed leaves Heppner 8:1 a. m.
1U. " ar. at Arlington ii-ru a.m
" H, " leaves 3:47 p. m.
y. " ar. at Heppner 7:00 p. in.
except Sunday.
iK.RBt bound, main line ar. at Arlington 8:50 p. m.
'West " ' " leaves ' 4:3) p. in.
.Night trainB are running on samo time ns before.
Stage leaves for Monument daily,
excei t Sunday, at 6 :30 A. m.
A rrives daily, except Monday, at
5 :00 p. m.
United States Offli'lals.
8tc otary of Hiate
HwnrPtary of Tmirmry,
HocmtHry of Interior..
8't:retHry of War
BHcrftary of Navy
PoBtnmster-Cteneral. .
A itdvtiwv-dHiieral
.Henjaniin Harrison
Levi P. Morton
John W. FoHt r
Charles Foster
J. W. Nob i
..Stephen B. Elkins
B. K. Tracy
. .. John Waimmakftr
....W. H. H. Miller
Jeremiah Suek
SeoreUiry of Agriculture
State of Oregon.
Secretary of State
Supt. Public Instruction. -
.8- ppimoyer
.... IT. v . .uuonuH
Phil. MetBohan
E. li. Mettlroy
( J. H. Mitchell
IS. N.Duluh
1 Bineer Hermann
' ( W. K. KUis
:,... Frank C. Raker
Supreme JndKes jKC
Seventh Jndlcinl District.
(Mranit Jndse W. li. lltadshaw
1'roBecutinir Attorney W. H. Win
Morrow County Otlieial".
.llnt Senator Henry Blackman
Ueproaeutntive Nir.0"n
i lonnty Judise J"llu8 Kcnthly
' Commissioners Peter lireimer
J. M. Baker.
Clerk J. W. Morrow
" Sheriff JWe-
" Treasurer W. J. L ezer
Assessor K- hw
" Surveyor ..I?a5r?wn
" School Sup't .W.L. Baling
Coroner T.W.AyerB, Jr
jl8101. T. J. Matlock
.Counciimen O. E. Farnsworth. M
Lichtenthal, Oti. Patterson, S. P. Garngnes,
Thus. Morgan and Frank (Jilliam.
! Recorder Ap . f
I-reasurer v E. C Blocum
Marshal W. hasmns.
Precinct Officers.
Justice of the Peace F. J. 5l!0;k
vCo.i.table J.J. Koberte
Tutted States hand Officer.
T.B.Lang..,. IteceiM
Doric Lodge No. 20 K. of P. meets ev
ery Tuesday evening at 7.30 o clock in
ff 2? lit their Castle Hall. National Bank bulld
mg. Bojoarning brothers cordially in-
T C. Aubrey. K. of U. x 8.
vitpo to auenu. iai. ,, . ...
Q. A. R.
Meets at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of
. each month. All veteranB are invited to join,
I 0. Boon.
uku. W. Smith
tf Commander.
A A. KOBERTS, Real Estate, Insnr-
unce and Collections. Offioe in
Council Chambers, Heppner, Or. swtf.
I. N. BliOWN,
Attorney at Law.
Brown & Hamilton.
' Practice in all courts of the state. Insurance,
. real estate collecti m and lo.in ageats.
Promot attention given t all uusiness entrust
ed to thorn .
Office. Mais Btp.eet, Hepfseb, Obeoos.
1 -tiintramei.all winntr. f, rfT6
work, wenr'it. and onmiot he do
I tt?CT?a DVO UtJUtTB. lJIliiUt'iiii.
d. Witu MiMut f iwrset,
Fair ill rUa fcre. iTnry Feecui i pur, bz.wji nnwjcn,
iHpti or low, 15. Ordinary work. W bonl-i
or 9 It inch. pir, II , li-ory. liJW. Fi:iwt ni.irl:cd
ftrdmade.Oc,ll,tl ?5a vk. e pare cM. FCtB,
lict furmuxMsL ftLl niua, bi i, tucat m.
A Year s Subscription to a Pop
ular Agricultural Paper
By a special arrangement with the
publishers we are prepared to furnish
FP.EE to each of our readers a year's
subscription to the popular monthly
agricultural journal, the Ambbicak
Fabmeb, published at Springfield and
Cleveland, Ohio. ........
This offer is made to any cf our sub
scribers who will pay up all arrearages
on subscription and one year in advance,
and to any new subscribers who will pay
one year in advance. The Americas
Farmer enjoyB a large national circula
tion, and ranks among , the leading
agricultural papers. I", By this arrange
ment it COSTS XOTJ NOTHING to re-
oeive the American Farmer for one
year, It will be to your advantage to
oail promptly. Sample oopies can be
saen at our office.
From Terminal or Interior Points the
Is the line to take
It iho nininaTar Ronte. It rnns Through
Vestibuled Trains every day in the year to
St Paul and Chicago
(No Change of Cars)
Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed,
Of Latest Equipment
Best that can be conotrnnted and in which ao-
coin modal ions are both free and furnished lor
holders of first or second-class tickets, and
Elegant Day Coachs.
A Continuous Line connecting with all
Lines, affording Direct and Uninter
rupted Service.
Pullman Sleeper Reservations can be
Secured m advance through
any agent of the road.
through" tickets
To and from all points in Amerfca, England
and Kurop i can be purchased at any Ticket ofhee
of this Company.
Full information concerning .rates, time
of trains, routes and other details
furnished on application to any
agent, or
Assistant Oeneral Passenger Agent.
No. 121 First St., Cor. Washington,
Tlie Original
Webster's Unabridged
publishers, we are able to obtain a number
of th above book, and propose to furnish a
copy to each of our subscribers.
The dictionary is a necessity In every home,
school and business house. It fills a vacancy,
and furnishes knowledge which no one hun
dred other volumes of the choicest books could
supply. Young and old, educated and Ignorant,
rich and poor, should have It within reach, and
refer to Hb contenls every day In the year.
As some have asked ll this is really the Orig
inal Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, we are
able to state wo have learned direct from the
publishers the lact, that this Is the very work
complete on which about lorty of the best years
01 the author's life were so well employed In
writing. It contains the entire vocabulary of
about 100,000 words, including the correct spell-
t.... .I,...,,..., inn anil lflnltion of same, and Is
the' regular Btandard size, containing about
:100,000 square inches of printed surface, and is
bound In cioin nan uioruttu uu aivcu.
Until further notice we will furnish this
valuable Dict onary
First To any new subscriber.
Second To any renewal subscriber.
Third To any subscriber now in arrears
who Days up and one year in advance, at
the following prices, viz:
Full Cloth bound, gilt side and back
stamos marbled edges ji-oo.
Half Mo-occo, bound, gilt side and back
stamris. marbled edges, $1.50.
Full Sheep bound, leather label, marbled
edges, $2.00
Fifty cents added in all cases for express
age to Heppner.
As the publishers limit the time and
number of books they will furnish at the low
...e .vlw all who desire to avail them
selves' of this great opportunity to attend to It
at once.
All who are suffering from the effects
of Youthful Errors, Loss of Manhood,
Failing Powers, Gonorrhoea, Gleet,
Stricture, Syphilis and the many trouble
which are the effects of these terrible
disorders will receive, Free op Cdarob,
riirertinns how to treat and cure
tliemstlves at home by writing to the
California Medical and nrsaicAL in
firmart, 1029- Market Street, San
Francisoo, California. 465-ly.
Northern Pacific
and other
bowel complaints
cured and prevented
by the prompt
use of
Ayer's Cathartic Pills
regulate the liver,
cleanse the stomach,
and greatly assist
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.
Every Dose Effective.
From some long-standing ailment, or feel
that your constitution (nervous system)
is failing, or that some affliction has
taken, or is taking, permanent hold ol
yon, whioh you have been, and are still,
unable to throw off or oontrol, whether
in the first or last stage remember that
Dr. Gregg's
And Appliances. N
and syBtem of home treatmeut will cure
No medical or other mode of electric treatmont
can at all compare with them. Thousands of
women wno suuer lor years witn compiiunie
oecnliar to sex. have been completely and per
manently restored to health. No fewer men
nave also been curen.
Klpctrie treatment for diseases sutrffeBtcd. urO-
perly applied, is perfect and lias no good substi
tute. The Ciregg Electric Belt and Appliances
are the only ones in existence that supply a
pertect mone 01 appucimon.
The Orcg Electric Foot Wanner, price $1.00,
keeps the feet warm and dry and la the only
genuine Electrie Insole.
People who have paid their money and been
cured can toll you what has been don for them
in a wav that will convince you. Complete cat
alogue of testimonials, prices, etc., 6c. Circular
Addrest .
501 Inter Ocean Building, Chicago, 111.
Real Moi'it
II you take pills it la because you hnvo never
S. B. HEaflacfiB & UverMlB
It works so nieelv. eleansIriK the Uver and
Kidneys; acta as a mild phytic without causing
pain or sickness, and does not stop you Iroin
eating ana wonting.
To trij it is to become a friend to it,
For sale by Slocum-Johnston Drug Co.,Heppner
Pave 25 to ."jO cents on every dollar you spend.
Write for mammoth Catalogue, a ooo-page hook,
containing illustrations ana giving lowest man
ufacturers' prices, with manufacturers' dis
counts, of every kind of goods and supplies man
ufactured and imported into the United Htates,
Groceries. Household Goods. Furniture. Cloth
lug. Ladies' and (ients' clothing and Furnishing
(joods. IJrcBs tioons, wnite Goods, Dry uoods,
Hats, caps. Hoots and bnoes. Gloves. r,otions,
Glassware, Stationery, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
Silverware, Buggies, Whips, Agricultural Im-
lements. etc. unui mkni iuhh wuuhs.
atalogue sent on reieipt of 'if cents fop express-
age. W e are the only concern who sells at man
ufactured' prices, allowing the buyer the same
discount that the manufacturer gives to the
wholesale buyer. We guarantee all goods aB
represented: If not found so. inonev refumled
Goods sent by express or freight, with privilege
ot examination bclore paying.
a l'iuuv f. en
122 Quincey at., Chicago! 111.
At Abrabamsick's. In addition to bis
tailoring business, he has added a fine
line of underwear of all kinds, negligee
shirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on hand
some elegant patterns for suits. A,
Abrahamsiok. May street, Heppner, Or,
$'.'5 KEW&ltl)
For the return to my place, six miles
south of Nolin, Oregon, 1 gray mare with
yearling oolt, branded TS on right shoul
der and circle VV on left shoulder; also
1 bay mare branded TS on right shoulder
and dim brand on left shoulder resern
bliDg 5. Or I will pay $10 for infor
mation leading to tbeir recovery.
F. Wbbkb,
498 506 Nolin, Or.
Two sorrel horses. Oneof them branded
"8" on the right shoulder, likewise on the
ngbt st inc.
The other was branded "8" on the
right shoulder, also "R" The weight 0
each was about iuou pounds
Anyone returning tbe same to my
ranoh at Eight Mile will receive a reward
of tlS. aw tf 8YLVA!rs Wright,
11 w m n BM9I
Pills P
Between the First and Second Finger. 18
the Proper l'lace for It.
Years ago writing teachers invariably
insisted that their pupils should hold
their pons between the thumb and fore
finger, with the second finger held close
to the first and aiding it in grasping the
pen. The third finger and fourth 01
little finger were to be held together,
fach with the end on the paper, in a
nearly rigid position, and were to serve
merely to steady the hand in writing.
Motion of the hand was to be given al
most entirely by the play of what they
called the "writing muscle on the un
der side of the forearm.
Within a generation the general public
has discovered that this a very poor way
to hold a pen. Many people who have to
write much get cramps, ana even "pen
palsy," simply because of their persist
ing in doing as they were taught. An
unthinking revulsion from the old teach
ing led a great number of people to ay
that child ought to be allowed to hold
a pen in any way that came natural to
him. This reaction was worse than the
first teaching, for hardly any child will
hold a pen easily without instruction.
The true way to hold a pen or pencil
is between the first and second finger,
using the thumb to steady the tool. Let
the upper end of the penholder lie al
most in the fork of the finger and be
very lightly gripped by the fingers. The
lower end of the holder, near the pen, is
to be held by the balls of the thumb and
forefinger and the side of the second fin
ger. These nngers ana tnumo neea
hardly touch one another, nnlRss the
penholder is very small. They should
be about equidistant around the circle.
The third and fourth fingers are, as be
fore, used to support the hand, but most
persons will rest the third finger on the
nail of the fourth, and touch the paper
only with the end of the little finger.
Hovr to Serve Strawberries.
Serve strawberries up on their stems
if you would have a picturesque dish.
The hostess may, if it so please her, hull
the berries at the table in a dainty fash
ion, just as if she were dressing a salad.
Champagne poured over the berries
brings out the full Bweetness of their
How to Prevent a Yacht from Capsizing.
In steering any craft with sails always
sit on the "weather" side of the tiiler.
If the yacht is in danger of filling by
reason of being blown down on her side
push the tiller away from you quickly,
at the same time slacking off tbe jib
sheet. This will cause her to luff. If
the wind is too strong and you are un
able to reef slack off both main ami' jib
sheets bo that they are always on the
verge of shaking, but care must be taken
that the boat shall not lose her steerage,
in that case a flaw would knock her
down without the possibility of pro-
venting it.
How to Select Gooil Beef.
Press the meat gently with your fin
gers, and if the dent rises quickly yor.
may feel prttty sure the meat will be
tender and juicy. The flavor will de
pend somewhat upon the quantity and
quality of the fat. There should be
plenty of this nutritious and useful arti
cle, and it should be a rich cream white
and not "skinny."
How Long Seeds Are Good for Use.
The question of a seed's vitality is in
teresting at least to the gardener. Ht
accepts all kinds as good for a year and
as a rule rejects such as are known to
be older. There are, however, many
kinds of seeds which are long lived.
The Beeds of maize and rye have been
known to grow when thirty or forty
years old, kidney beans when 100 and
the raspberry, according to Lmdley,
after 1,700 years. It is often observed
that when from deep excavations earths
are first brought to the surface they are
soon covered with strange plants, prob
ably from seeds long buried.
How to Leave a Street Car.
Never attempt to alight from a Btreet
car until it shall have come to a stand
still. Then get off on the side nearest
the sidewalk, even if you wish to go to
the opposite side of the street. If you
alight on the side nearest the middle of
the street there is danger of being run
over by a car going in the opposite direc
How to Press the Seams of Sleeves,
A nice little seam presser for sleeves
can be made out of part of a curtain
roller. Pad it thickly with flannel or
cloth and sew white muslin neatly over
the outside.
How to Make Soft Frostenlng.
Use ten teaspoonfuls of powdered
sugar to one egg; beat thirty minutes,
Lay the frosting on with a knife, which,
if frequently dipped into cold water,
will give the icinz a gloss. A little
cream of tartar will hasten the harden
ing. How to Make a Liniment.
A good liniment for inflammation
rheumatism, swellings, etc. , is olive oil
well saturated with camphor.
How Scotland Tard Derived Its Name.
This famous headquarteis of the Lon
don detectives and police obtained its
name from the fact that a palace form
erly occupied the site, which was built
for the reception of the Scottish kings
when they visited tho Lnglish capital
According to Pennant, the palace was
originally given by King Edgar to Ken
neth of Scotland when he went to Lon
don to pay homage.
How Bird Can Be Made Into a Candle.
The flesh of the loon the best swim
mer among birds contains much oil,
and the natives of the Faroe islands are
said to make a lamp by drawing a wick
through the body of a very fat one and
lightiitg the end which projects from the
How to Remove Froit Stains.
If the color has been taken out of
silks by fruit stains, ammonia will usu
ally restore the color.
In a Course of Special Lectures nt Stnn
ford University Profea;ior Comstoch
Gives Some Rules for Killing lilting
and Suoking Pests.
We hear move of insect pests in these
dtfs than wa3 ever heard before and the
question is often asked, " where do they
all come from? Are new species being
created? To the latter question we an
swer no, for although we are taught by
the evolutionists that existing species are
being modified, no one believes that this
modification takes place excupt very
slowly and through long periods of time,
much less will any well informed person
be inclined to admit that species are be
ing created de novo.
Although the creation of a species is a
very slow process the transformation of
a harmless one into a pest may be a rapid
one. We have an illustration of this in
the Colorado potato beetle- Here was
an insect that had lived rrotn time im
memorial upon a weed trrowing in the
Rocky mountains, but wnen the region
inhabited by this insect was settled and
the cultivated potato was planted, these
insects acquired the habit of feeding on
the cultivated species. It then spread
rapidly from potato patch to potato
patch over the entire East. Doubtless
the appearance of other formidable pests
may be explained in a similar way.
A second explanation of this sudden
appearance of pests is a fact that until
insects infest crops to a serious extent
their presence is not noticed. The cul
tivation of single species ot plants in
large areas, as is becoming more and
more prevalent, gives insects infesting
these plants a better chance to multiply.
If there were but a single prune tree for
each square mile the insects infesting
prune trees would multiply slowly; but
when these trees are planted By tens 01
thousands the insects preying upon
them have little or no struggle in obtain
ing a sufficient supply of food and thus
multiply very rapidly.
A third explanation is the fact that
our extensive commerce Drmgs 10 us
Dests from other lands. Some of the
most serious enemies of the fruit trees.
as the cottony cushion scale, have been
brought hither from remote parts of the
In dovising means of fighting these
pests it should be borne in mind that the
well known adage, "An ounce of preven
tion is worth a pound of cure, is as
true of the diseases of plants as it is of
the laws to which our bodies are subject.
Therefore, before speaking of the special
methods of treating diseased plants I
wish to say a word regarding the meth
ods of preventing these diseases. The
most important of preventive measures
is such treatment of a plant as will in
sure a vigorous growth. It is a well
known fact that vigorous, healthy
trees are much less liable to bo infested
bv insect pests than sickly ones. Thor
ough, careful cultivation will do much
to keep plants tree trom insect pests.
Every experienced horticulturist knows
that a sickly tree is almost sure to be
come badly infested with some pest, the
presence of the pest being a consequence
and not a cause of tho disease. The
most obvious method of prevention is to
exercise great care that new pests shall
not be introduced. This, however, is a
part of the subject to which I need not
give special attention.
As men and women who live as hy
gienic lives as possible find it necessary
from time to time to call in the aid ot a
physician, so the fruit grower, no matter
how carefully ho may cultivate his trees,
may find it, necessary to devise means
for destroying pests on them. We need,
therefore, to make a careful study of
various substances for destroying in
sects. These insecticides may be classed
in two groups; first, those used for bit
ing insects, and second, those nsed for
sucking insects. An insecticide that is
very efficient for insects of one class may
be useless for insects of the other.
In the case of biting insects, such as
various caterpillars, like the codling
moth, the canker worm and others, and
alBO beetles like the diabroticas, poisons
are nsed that destroy the insects that
feed npoa them. These poisons are
sprayed or dusted upon the surface of
the plants in order that they may be
eaten by the insects. It is not worth
while to describe many of the poisons.
I will confine myself only to those which
have been found by experience to be the
most efficient. TheBe are without doubt
the arsenites. Arsenic is very efficient
as an insecticide, but unfortunately it
cannot be nsed owing to the caustic ef
fect it has upon the f oliage of the plants.
The arsenites are compounds of arsenic
and some metal. The most desirable of
these is Paris green, which is a com
pound of arsenic and copper. Pure Paris
green is almost entirely lnsoiuoie in
water, and as it is the soluble part of
the compounds of arsenic that injures
foliage Paris green is less liable to have
this undesirable effect than others. Care
should be taken, however, in the use of
Paris green lest injury should be done.
This is especially true when the sub-
, , m rr.
stance is sprayed upon stone fru ts. The,
plants of this class are extremely sensi
tive to the caustic action of the arsenites.
Careful experiments have Bhown, how
ever, that if the arsenite be used in tbe
proportion of one pound to 350 gallons
water no injury to the folittge of the tree
will follow. Great care should be taken
that the mixture be kept constantly
stirred, for as the Paris green is very
heavy it is liabie to settle to the bottom
of the tank and if the mixture is not
well stirred the spray diftributed upon
the trees will be very uneven in compo
sition. Next in importance to Paris green is
London purple. This is a compound of
arsenic and lime, which is obtained as a
waste product in the manu'acture of an
iline dies. This is used very extensively,
and with good results in certain cases,
but m it is soluble In water to a much
larger extent than Paris green it is un
desirable to use it upon sensitive plants
like the stone fruits.
When the pest to be fought is a suck
ing insect, as plant lice and scale insects,
the use of arsenites is of no value. The
plant louse or scale insect inserts its
beak into the tissue of a plant and draws
its nourishment from below the surface.
It is obvious, therefore, that poison
sprayed upon the surface of the trees
have no effect upon 1 ho insects. It
would be no more eflicient than anv I
other dust. In combating sucking in- '"r a certainty tnat sue is worth while,
sects it is necessai-v to use a substance Sllu,", thc porousness of suspect
that will destroy them by coining in ! .at man .s her natural prc..y,but of
enntaer. with rl.oiv l,r.,Hno Of H, ,nn.,
substances that have been used for this
purpose the more efficient are soapy so
lutions. Anv ordinary soap will serve
the purpose if made strong enough, say
in the proportion of onf -fourth pound of
soap to one gallon of water.
Itecently many experiment!) have been
tried with various forms of soapy solu
tions compounded especially us insecti
cides. Apparently the best of these in
use now are the various resin washes. I
have carefully examined orchards in
which different washes have been ued,
and so far as my experience goes the
resin washes are tho most elfective.
In the use of washes upon deciduous
trees the winter washes are to be pre
ferred, for nt this season a stronger wash
can be used and the work can be more
thoroughly done than when there is fol
iage to interfere with the spray. In ap
plying the washes I strongly urge the
use of canvas stretched upon a frame
and placed underneath the tree, in order
to catch and save the drippings from the
tree. When such a contrivance is used
the spraying should be more thoroughly
An Experienced French Grower Gives a
Pew Hints.
P. F. C. Christensen, a French cham
pagne grower, is in San Francisco with
the intention of establishing his son in
California as a vineyardist. Mr. Chris
tensen was inlerviewed on the subject of
California whits. Hear.id: "I have made
many visits to this .state and know every
wine growing section. As a ceampagne
grower I naturally understand ana take
great interest in all that concerns viti
culture. The most remarkable differ
ence between the French and California
vineyardist is that the former invariably
makes his own wine, however small his
vineyard may lje, and the latter rarely
does so. The cost of a winery iB not
large in anv country, and the distinctive
quality of (lie many wines of France is
dim to the f.ipt that they are so even in
quality, being pressed from the same
gropes taken from the same vinfor
years anil years. The vines of the cental-
of France, of Burgundy, of Reims,
of Muscatel, are never found in any
other part of the country than that from
which they have taken their mime. The
wines are, therefore, as distinctive in
quality as the vines, and the greatest
uniformity is always maintained.
" In California I think the mistake is
made in not paying enough attention to
this quality of uniformity. The large
wineries buy their grapes anywhere and
everywhere and press nil together in the
large vats. In no other country but this
can Spanish, Hungarian and French
vines be found side by side in the same
vineyard. The grapes on the vines of
these different countries attain their
highest, perfection in widely different
soils. They are very different in quali
ty and do not ripen simultaneously. I
therefore think it is a mistake to plant
them side by side, to harvest them at
the same time and to press them to
gether. " Time and experience will correct this.
If the wine growers would take more
pride in establishing a naino for them
selves individually, patiently working
up a reputation, they would carry all
before them, for nature has done more
for California than for France. "
Referring to the method of sale of
French and California wines Mr. Chris
tensen made soma pertinent remarks.
" In Fninec wine is sold on its quality
entirely. If there is too high a degree
of alcohol it is kept until it goes down
by age, and if water ifi necessary it is
only added when at tablo. In Califor
nia wine is sold according to the degree
ot alcohol, and if there is toomnchalco
hol water is added, greatly impairing
the boquet and fatally injuring the ripen
ing qualities of the wine. Adulteration
of every kind should Vie strictly prohib
ited here as in France, and winemakers
should be obliged to guarantee their
product as natural, that is to say, abso
lutely free from water, sugar or other
adulterant, "
How tho Tulip Wu Nitincd.
The common flower is hotanieally
named the Tulipa Oesneriana, being ded
icated to Owner, a Swiss botanist, who
saw it blooming in a garden in Augs
burg, and first made it public in 1550.
Tho name tulip is from a Persian word
signifying a turban, whose gay colors it
How to Prevent Hitlr from Turning Gray.
Take tho hulls of butternuts, about
four ounceH, and infuse in a quart of
water for an hour. Then add half an
ounce of copperas. Apply with a soft
mini 'J )l i.'i i fi'iun, A ' ny vtnu n miit
preparation is harmless.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
1 wtfvXAfiWOv 13
f 1 V CT
She Is an Interesting Young Creature and
You Like Her Ways.
These are the days when the escort
ed girl is prevalent. You can tell her
at a glance. The girl whoso brothers
ave accustomed to take her about has
an air of good-fellowship which is un
mistakable. She isn't the escorted
girl. Oh. no!
The escorted girl.has the conscious
air of having just discovered that she
ih u;. rmi not. Having yet learned
" ' "'"' "'' " 111
chance to devour him. She enjoys the
sensation of being desired without the
full knowledge that tho desire will
grow by what it feeds on. She feel?
her power, but does not quite know
how to use it. She tries it, but with a
slightly timid manner. She has not
yet gained confidence. There Is
usually an open attempt to please in
her manner, which draws marked at
tention to her. It is whilo she is in
this state that she gives away more of
her real nature than she ever does
later. And it is w hile she is in this
frame of mind that she comes under
the head of the girl I have been noting
lately and for lack of a better classifi
cation have dubbed "the escorted girl."
There are women, I find, who never
get beyond this stage. There are girls
of suggestive possibilities who never
realize all that they promise for some
undelimible reason. They never grow
sure of their rights, never wear then:
with nuthority. This class of women
is not uncommon. I recollect them in
my youth.
One often made great efforts to be
made acquainted with them and never
got a'iy further. They are often pret
tier than less attractive girls, but lack
ing reality, they are only inspiring to
the imagination. Femininity is hard
to classify, however, and there is as
much difference of opinion about it as
about religion. ISoslon Home Journal.
Curious Method My Which n Georgian
Plucked llrands from the Hurtling.
The recent deut-h of Miller Willis, the
Georgia evangelist, revives many inter
esting stories concerning his life and
methods, lie was certainly the queer
est character that ever preached tbe
Gospel at a camp meeting, at which
place he was generally found. His
pure and holy life, however, was a
model for all. Hut about his methods:
lb; frequently stopped strangers in the
streets and, planting himself in front
of them, would announce some startling
text and then disappear, leaving the
ma or woman tn preach the seriiionlo
his or her own liking.
For instance, he on one occasion
stopped a stranger and shouted in his
"This night thy soul shall be required
of thee!"
W illis vanished. Hut a year after
ward he met the man in another city.
Willis had forgotten him, but the
stranger knew -hi.s man. Approaching
him, he extended liiH hand and said:
"That text you shouted out so
strangely to me on the streets of Mill
edgeville. S''t me to thinking. It was
the means of my conversion."
On another occasion, a dark and
rainy night in winter, he passed u
crowded hotel in the city of Charleston.
Men were lounging ntul smoking in the
lobby. Willis opened the door, but the
little figure in dripping garments at
tracted no attention. Suddenly, after
rapping loud on the lloor with his
heavy stick, every eye was turned to
ward him, when Willis said:
"There won't be a man in this house
alive in fifty years from to-night!"
And he slammed the door and went
out into the night.
Some time afterward he was ap
proached by a young man on a street
ear, who introduced himself, saying:
"f have long desired to meet you and
to thank you for saying what you did
in the hotel lobby one w inter night.
Your words have been ringing in my
ears ever since, ami 1 am now a Chris
thin man."
The above are facts within the
writer's knowledge, says the Atlanta
Constitution. Some people called him
"( r'.'-y Willis," hut he was far removed
from that. He went about doing good
and his life was a blessing to munv.
I'.', tminitl li:i of Kt,i.
Tin' oillrhil rev. -n Hi iv.
aim;,, il ion in seh--l:u !iii I'm
U!l.!i-i'. of Sel '. in, is puMi .Led
lioioiiaiiiiin l,l'.,i d in-,vsi:i;ier
.of cx
r Alex
in file
ma jci.iy, King Alexander," il, says,
"passed lie- nnnn-il evamiiialioriK be
tween June 1 and June ',!(! in (he follow
ing Kiilvjccis: 1, thcolo.ry, taught by
Archimundril Fenuilyiui: 'i, geometry
and nhrebra, taught by Prof. Svela
Stojkovicr,; , philosophy ,( chemis
try, by I'rof. S. Wrosevies; 4, military
history, by I'rof. Maj. U'lajics; 5, his
tory of Nervia. by I'rof. I Kovao-.evies:
(I, tactics, by I'rof. Maj. 1'avlovies; 7,
universal history, by I'rof. I.ovesevies
H, l.alin, I'rof. Gjur.rrjevirs; si, German,
I'rof. Hesuer; French, I'rof. Margin;
English, I'rof. Hedics. His majesty
stood tin: examination in all subject's
excellently. There were present dur
ing lie' examinations the royal regents,
his holiness, the metropolitan, the min
isters of war, worship and instruct inn,
the minister president, the nresident of
j the
state council and
""jr, Miskovics."
the undersigned