NOTICIS TO ADVKKTliJUKS. rpllosE doBlriiiR the insertion of (Uinlay nils., 1 or cliin.Ke oi ame, must net their cupv in not later iliiiii Monday evening for Tuesday'! edition, or Tburtuiay evening fur Fridays edi tion. Tub fATTE iwon Publishing Uo. NOTICE. 1. The mini of five cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks." "resolutions of reBneot,' lists oi weddiiiK prt'Hents and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give hs a matter of news.) and notices i special ineetings for w hatever purpose li. M(k-tB of church and society and all other entertainments from w hich revenue is to be de rived, fcluill be elianrod U,r at the ruto nf tiv -ci" " ttuiTH h in ue siuctiy adher ed to in every i tin tance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. LEXINGTON'S CELEBRATION. Of the Town of Heppner Who Will Vote on the Bond Que tion TAKEN 1KOM THK CITY ASSESSMENT Of 1891- Oive your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build vp Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. Jerry Colin is in Portland. T. W. Ayers, Jr., tor drags. 68 sw I?ita:is Tabuloa : for torpid liver. Arthur Rjyse was over from Idea Fri day. Supt. Siding returned from below Sat" nrday. Kub Knighton, of Eight Mile, was over Friday. W. A. Btildle was over from Goose berry Saturday. Jake Young and Geo. Wright were with ua Saturday. Hon . D. 0. Ely delivered the oration at Hardman yesterday. Ford, the painter, still "in it." For any kind of work Bee him. 81-tf. Gus Gurdane was down from the French rauoh Saturday. When in Arlington, stop at the Ben nett house, near the depot. tjl-ft Ed. Rood was over from bis Eight Mile possessions Saturday. John Bylaiid and Chas. Frey were in Saturday from the out country. Al FlureDOe says be will have plenty of bay ou bis Willow creek rauoh. Millard Frenoh was in town Saturday, and complains some of short crops. Geo. Lutrelln blaoksunthiue for Woi. Feulaud, ou nis home rauoh above town. Lee Matloek has returned from Idaho, aud Bays he likes the couutry pretty well. Mr. Booher, of Lexington, was a pieman t caller lit the Gazette office Sat urday. Miss Letba Parker, dressmaker, will guarantee you a good tit. Give her a trial. 4-tf The pennle of Morrow county cele brated jesterday at Eight Mile, Hard man and Lexington. 1 ap Simons & Son still shoe borses and do general blacksmithing at the old stand Matiock corner. 55. The health of the people is generally good. Bad on the doctors, but there's two sides to the question. "The Parlor," W. F. Ruark, prop., in the City hotel, west side of Main Btreet. Neatest place in Heppner. sw Art Ammerman came down from Ham ilton's saw mill last week to take part in the celebration at Lexington. Clerk Billy Morrow got in from Port land Saturday evening. He says Uncle Jaok is hardly able to return yet, Geo. Parman, the sprinkler man, is do ing a rattling good job this year. George is the right man in the right place. Hiyu ketchum whiskers. Hatt & MathewB, at the city barber shop the place to get a tirst-class shave, hair-out or shampoo. tf. The new offioers took their places yes terday, the first Monday in July, but be ing a legal holiday.the oaths were admin istered this morning. A fact that all men with gray and many shaded whiskers should kuow, that Buckingham's Dye always colors an even brown or black at will. A freight train, consisting of nine oars and engiue, was derailed by the saud, near John Day last Thursday, but for tunately no one was hurt. Tbe Buchler beer, 5 oents per glass, at the Columbia Beer Hall, Osmers & Hughes, plops., next door to M. Liob tenthal & Oo.'s shoe store. sw tf As yet, we have not heaid from th celebration on Eight Mile, but it must have been quite successful, for Eight Mile is live to her best interests. Fred A. Cook, the well-known and well-esteemed traveling man, was in Heppner over Sunday, Mr. Cook al ways does a big business in Heppner. Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see his old friends there. Baths in connec tion. Clem Hogue, the newly-eleoted jus tice of the peace of Dist. No. 1, Morrow county, called Saturday and favored us with a nice order for legal blanks. Mr. Hogue is a live young man and will fill the office with credit. Bill Peuland, the largest sheep owner of Morrow county, and, perhaps of East ern Oregon, will have a big hay orop, re gardless of the dry weather. His ranches are mainiy near the mountains, and pro duce well most any season. Billy Barrett, nf the firm of Barrett & Hynd, the Sand Hollow sheepmen, was in Saturday. He was paoking one of "Job's comforters" (?) over his jugular, which had well nigh laid him up for some days. Mr. H. E. Warren, of Eight Mile, is unfortunate in having considerable sick ness in his family. His son, Marion Warren, is quite ill with consumption, while Mrs. Warren is at present quite a sufferer from erysipelas. Geo. W. Smith, oommaoder of Raw Hue Post, G. A. R., Nu. 31, informs us that this post will hold a meeting in Heppner the evening of the 30th iost. All comrades are requested to be present on that ocoasion It is the intention to have a gpneral reunion of two or three days at Heppner this fall. Frank and Newt Jones with Tim, Lo ren OeDtry with Tinker, Albert Ayers with Frauk and the Gulliford Bros, with their horse, pulled out late last week for Alba to enter to enter in the raoes, a sad dle horse race and a six hundred yard dash, each for a $100 purse. The Ga zette don't know know bow the boys came out. Oregonian. G. Nixon Maddock, a na tive son of Oregon, formerly a student of McMinuville college, recently gradu ated in law at Lexington, Va , at the bead of his olass. He took the first prize, which was?100in cash. Mr. Mad dock is now en route West via San Fran cisco, and expects to loonte in Oregon. His brother, J. G. Maddock, reBides in Goldendale, Wash. The following Heppnerites are in the mountains, near the old site of Bishop A Bisbee's mill: Geo. Thornton and wife, Qea. Conner and wife, A. A. Roberts Bnd wife, C. S. VunDuyn aud fan ily, Mrs. Dr Fox and Master Ralph Ful, C. A. Rhea's family. Mrs. E. R. BiBhop and E. Minor and family. With the exception of E. Minor, the men folks will return to Heppner early this week. (Since writing the above, our reporter learns that Geo. Conser Bnd wife, A. A. Roberts and wife and C A. Rhea's family will not leave iill next Sunday. A Few Additions Exp v.M TlinniRh tiie Assewmfiit of 18i t. It will perhaps be interesting to know who pay the taxes in tbe town of Hepp ner, siuoe a vote of tbe taxpayers will, jn tbe near future, settle tbe question of bondiug tbe town for the purpose of se curing a supply of water for all purposes, bence tbe Gazette has taken tbe trouble to oompile a list of the taxpayers and their respective amounts of taxable prop. eriy, as lound on the oitjr tax roll of 1891. They are as follows: A. Abrahamsiok 8 1 600 T. W. Ayers, Jr 720 T. W. Ayers, Sr 1 240 Mrs. T. W. AyerB 6 300 Allen & Rudio 2 500 Adkins Estate fcfj H. Blackman & Co 12 925 John C. Ball 1470 I. N. Basey 225 The National Bank 83 000 P. O. Borg 1 620 L. W. Biiggs 200 First National Bank 37 500 T. H. Bisbee 400 Brown & Hamilton 1225 Coffin & McFarland 21 700 Phil Cohn 1 100 John Coffey 1 ; J. W. Cowins 620 B. W. Carington 260 Vawter Crawford 75 Geo. W. Conser 1 940 John W. Cm-ran. , '. 2 000 Theodore Danuer 22 Mrs. I. C. Disasway , 1 000 J. N. Elder 2 020 W. R. Ellis 1 845 S. P. Florenoe 1 850 O. E. Farnsworth 1 250 Chas. E. Fell ; 2 880 Mrs. G. W. Foor 000 S. P.Garriguea 6 570 Garrigues & Rogers 1 300 A. M. Gunn 1 810 Dr. E. T. Gagen 720 Gilliam & Bisbee 6 500 J. W. Gilmore 1500 I. G. Hewison , 3 200 Mrs. W. J. Hayes 1 000 Henry Heppner 14 000 Hatt & Romig 200 Heppner B. & It Association 10 000 Geo. W. Harrington 1 440 Heppner Furniture Co 870 Joe Hayes 65 Jaa. M. Hayes 1 000 D.A. Herren 3 400 Mrs. H. E. Hallook 300 J. C. Hart...r 65 Nelson Jones 2 000 Mrs. T. J. D. Jones 420 W. A. Kirk 1 010 Kirk & Hayes 3 683 M . Liobtenthal 4 Mrs. L. A. Leezer 1 470 Leezer & Thompson 8 118 B. B.Mann 500 E. L. Matlock 3 220 McDougal & Dodson 1 500 Mrs. L. J.Maddook 1 500 J. L. Morrow & Son 2 750 Minor Bros 16 000 W. O. Minor 7 600 Thos. Morgan 1 455 Morrow Co. L. & T. Co 6 820 Arthur Minor 200 W. L. Matlock & Co 175 McAteeBros 995 W. J. MoAtee 2 545 E. Minor. 8 900 C. M. Mallory 2 250 A. Mallory : 2 380 T. J. Matlook 8 075 W. L. Mallory 1 600 Jas. McHaley 2 500 W. F. Matlook 2 000 J. B. Natter... 4 500 Geo. Noble 1 180 Dan Osmers 410 OMs Patterson 2 100 Palace Hotel Co 15 000 200 000 000 600 455 500 170 900 775 35 E. H. Padgett Paine Estate Tbos. Qnaid Ed. Rood ; J. J. Robeits G. W. Rea Cbas Royse H. C. Rush Mrs. Wm. Rush...? W. F. Ruark C. A Rhea 4 050 M. Roeendorf 4 500 J. W. Redington 1 600 Slooum-Johnson Drug Co 2 700 Sargent & Keffer 665 Geo. W. Swaggart 910 S C. Smith 685 W. Stewart 1 775 Wm. Horivner 415 Mrs. A. M. Sl"0um 1 750 Sarah A. Stout 337 E. G. Sloan 800 Sloan & Howard 2 920 Dr. L. F. Shipley 2 495 S perry & Wilson 6 075 A. J. Shobe 1210 Stage Company 950 F. A. Tuttle 350 John A. Thompson 4 050 O. C. Thompson 1 600 TJ. P. R R 10 000 C. 8. VanDuvn 7 13n Albert Wright 2 900 Wm. Warren 250 Henry Welch 3 440 N. S. Whetstone 310 A. S.Wells 435 Emeli"e Willingbam 500 J. L. Yeager 376 The new assessment may change tbe roll to some extent; in fact, it is ex pected that it will. About Fifteen Hnndrrd People Celebrate the Ulorloua Fourth The Celebration at Hardman. The crowd at Lexington yesterday waa esti mated at 1500. At any rate it was not tar from that number. Early that morulnu the patriotic inhabitants of Morrow county began to pour in, and when the hour had arrived for the procession to move, the streets and grove were full of people. The procession formed at the comer of Main and C streets at 9 o'clook a. m. At 9:30 the march to the grove was begun, headed by the Lexington Cornet Band, and directed by Marshal Andrew Reaney and Asst. Marshal C. C. Boon. The following program waB rendered at the grove: Music by the Lexington Comet Hand Prayer by Kev. E. It. Beach Heading of Declaration of Independence Miss Maud Glasscock Music by the band Orations by Isa Brown and .1. G. Young 1UNNKK. Afternoon there was speaking by Kev. Powell, and Rev. E. R. Beach recited a poem. At .1 o'clock the contest for prizes began. They were as follows: Boys' race, under 12 years of age, won by Crawford Stone; prize, silk handkerchief. Boys' race, over 12 years of age, won by Ed Lieuallyn; prize, hat. Married men's race, won by Mr. Brown, of Rhea creek. Contest tor girls under 12 years of age, won by Miss Mason and Miss Maud Swaggart, 1st and 2nd prizes, respectively: each was awarded a breastpin. Foot race for young men, won by Ed Lieu allyn, but the Judges had the race run over, another party winning; prize, 13. Slow mule race, won by Jack Lane and Riley Beneneld; prize, 13 bridle. Three-legged race, won by Billy Padberg and ; prize, 13. Saddle race, won by Billy Fadberg's horse; purse, 19. The people then returned to the grove where occurred, the "tug of war" between the married men and single men, the former winning easily. The prize was a 12.50 box of cigars. It waH an enjoyable occasion, bo far as enter tainment was concerned, for the people of Lex ington made extensive preparations for the occaBion. Dancing waB indulged in at the grove till quite late, and in the evening at the hall, the Hepp ner orchestra furnishing the music. HARDMAN'S CBI.KBRATION, From those who attended the celebration at Hardman, we learn that a most enjoyable time was had. The only accidents that occurred was the breaking down of the liberty car, and later in the day a Miss Mulkey waB thrown from a swing, but fortunately no one was hurt. The celebration exercises were held under a bowery', which had been made fur the occasion. The program was carried out to the letter, and the BportB wero varied and Interesting, horse racing being one of the important features. The number of people that participated in the celebration at Hardman, is variously eHtimated, but must have been several hundred. The Chabivabx The boys in the vi cinity of Parker's mill gave an old- fashioned charivari, 00 the ocoasion of the marriage of Mr. Compton and Miss Mitcholl, which occurred last week, and whose visit to Heppner was duly noted in ye Gazette. Tbe serenaders expected to find them at tbe borne of tbe groom's parents, but tbe yonrjg couple had beard of their ooming ana escaped to a cabin a mile away where tbey were found, and from all accounts a big time was had. Bert Peford was oapfcain of the gang. and made noise enough to disturb the echoes from Little Wall creek to Hard-man. A Dislocated Elbow. On Inst Satur day evening, h;le Patrick Barry was on bis way to Heppner, his horse stepped into a badger bole, falling nnd throwing Mr. Barry to tbe ground, dislocating bis right elbow joint. He came on to town and Dr. Fox patched him np almost as good as ever. Though his injuries are painful, be hopes to be all right in the course of a few weeks. MARION HABLANO'r) OPINION. Readers of tbe Gazette are familiar not only with the sprightly writings of Ma rion Harlan'd, but also with her sound common sense upon matters of every day life and action. Her name, Indeed, is a household word, and is equally well known in parlor and kitohen. Her cele brated 000k book, "Common Sense in tbe Household," is without a peer and shows that she has made a careful study of bow to prepare good, wholesome food, in the best manner by the best materials. In this isBne we produce a fao-simile letter from Marion Harland that speaks from ber experience in tbe highest terms of the unequalled qualities of the Royal Baking Powder. Housewives every where should read tbe opinion of suoh an expert and act aooordingly. All good cooks, who have used the Royal, ate of tbe same opinion also. New Ordinances. On the first page of this issue appears Ordinanoes Nos. 49 and 51, both relating to the proposi tion made by Mr. H. V. Gates, and which have been passed by the town council, and published and posted aocording to tbe requirements of the ordinances, and the charter of Heppner. Ordinance No. 49 relates to the eleatrio lighting, pro posed by Mr. Gates, which requires no sanction by tbe people of Heppner, fur ther than tbe ratinoation of ordinance No. 51, whioh refers to the water ques tion. Ordinance No. 50, wbiob is pub lished on one of the inside pages, baa been read tbe first time before the coun cil, but subsequent readings and final passage will be deferred till it is known what disposition will be made of tbe water question. As will be seen, it is in tbe form of a contraot between tbe town of Heppner and Mr. H. V. Gates. Tbe whole plan is now before the taxpayers of Heppner in a manner not to be misun derstood. Read all ordinances carefully before deciding bow you shall vote, for be disposition of tbis proposition means much for tdeppner's future. Read and tbink, and you will doubtless oome out on the right side of tbe question. Job work on short notice at tbe On- zettee office. Best appointed job office in Eastern Oregon. Postmaster Mallory's salary has been inoreased from 1,100 to $1,200, tbe re ceipts of last quarter justifying the de partment in making the raise. Thompson & Binnsown tbe buss which goes to and from the City hotel, but will oall for parties desiring to go to train in any part of the city. Leave orders at City hotel. 91-tf Charley Jones got In from McDuffie springs Sunday, very little improved in health. However, he hopes for better results to follow in the course of a few days. Smith & Williamson have added a full line of undertakers' guods and are pre pared to sell at reasonable figures. Mpy street, one block east of tbe Palace hotel. 2 6 W. A. Kirk and J. W. Rasmus have bought out the business of J. W. Mat look & Co. These men are well and fa vorably known, and we bespeak for them a most liberal patronage. All thnBe who are owing the old firm of Messrs. Kirk & Haves, either by not i whioh is now due, or account, will please settle same at onoe. Remember these gentlemen must have money to settle bills. 499-507 Geo. Bleakman, of Hardman, and 0 G. Fugua, of Eight Mile, were in town Saturday and say their respective orops are looking well yet, ,Mr. Bleakman's espeoially so. Both are of the opinion that there will be lots of grain yet. In old times it seemed to be thought that a medicine must be nauseating to be effective. Now, all this is obanged. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, one of the most pow erful alteratives, is agreeable to most palates, the flavor being by no means medicinal. RHEUMATISM neuralgia, and sciatica can always be successfully treated with Ayer's Sarsaparilla A cure is sure to follow the persistent use of this medicine. Has Cured Others will cure you. ELECTION NOT1CK. Notice of special town election for the purpose of voting upon ordinance No. 51, of said town of Heppner. Oregon. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that a special election will be held in the town of Heppner, at the council chamber, on tbe 4th dayolAuguBt, lsn between the hours of s o'clock a. in. and (i o'clock p. 111., of said day, for the purpose nf authorizing tile town council to borrow the sum of ir,.(H)0 OOaml to issue bonds of the town therefor, for the pur pose of suppl ving the town with water, and also to empower the council to levy a tax to create a sinking fund for the redemption of said bonds in twenty years from August 1st, lft'.i'J, and to pay the interest thereon until redeemed, and to approve ordinance No. 51. The following officers of election have been appointed judges of election. (E. G. fll.OAN, Judges 01 Election kd. Matlock. (w. A. Clorks oi Election A. A. Roberts. Recorder. Dated Heppner, Oregon, July 2, 1802. KlllK, T.ANK MaTI.OCK, J. F. Williams. NOTICE TO HTUCKHULDEKU. Notice is hereby given to the stockholders of the Morrow County Land tfc Trust Co., that a meeting will be held at the ollicc of the compa ny. In Heppner, Oregon, on Haturday evening, July 9. 1K92. for the purpose of voting upon the reduction of the capital Block of company from $100,UOO.OO to pJa,OUI.0t. By order of the directors, J. B. Sl'KKHY, T. E. Felt,, Vice President. Secretary. 4!)4-501 Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier is the great conquerer of Billiousness and Liv er oomplaint. Belief oertain in every case. Sold at One Dollar a bottle. Try it. Opals Cut and Poushrd. Messrs. Colwell & Caldwell, lapidists, make a specialty of polishing all kinds of opals, and outting them into settings for watch charms, rings, etc. Charges reasonable, and satisfaction guaranteed. Oillce245J Morrison street, Portlaud, Or. 500-fit LOCAL, MARKET REPOHT. Wheat, bu 60c Flour.bbl 4 50 Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. 1 75 " " three ' 2 9.5 Sheep, muttons, bead 2 253 00 " stook 2 25 Hogs, ou foot, owt 5 00 Hogs, dressed 6 50 Wool 12 14 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 35 Eggs, doz 15 Chickens, doz 2 50 3 00 NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Oftcc at The Pnllcs, Or., June an, IRK. Notice is hereby given that the followtne- nained Bottler has filed notice of her intention to make linal proof in support of her claim, and that Bttid proof will he made before J. V. Mor row, county clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Heppner, Or., on August li 1W2 viz: HAUUIE LOONKY, NEE MAUCilE CONI.EH Hd. No. 1K77, for the N'4 NVVJi and NVVJ4 NE'i Sec. 4, Tp. 1, S R. '21 E. W. M. She names the following witnesses to prove he. continuous residenco upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz : M. M. Beighley, Edward Cluir, C. B. Cochran and J. W. liedford, all of Heppner, Oregon. John W. Lkwin, 503-511 Register, A Conglomeration of Ideas and a . Concatenation of Events .... Has induced us to put in the Largest Stock of the GLOVE ' FITTING Ever Placed before The Public Gaze prate this Fortuitious Mmk And you will be the blessed possessor of some Real Bargains. Also constantly on hand a full stork- nf Drv Goods, Clothing. Groceries and Prnvkinnc: ' , O' - """I Guns, Pistols, Ammunition and everything else pertaining to a well selected stock in a General Merchandise Store. MINOR BROS., HEPPNER, OREGON. "Excuse me, George, but when I saw you a year ago, your face was covered with pimples; it seems to be all right now." "Yes, sir; that's because I stuck to Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the greatest blood medioine in tbe world. I was never so well in my life as I am now." Hon. Henry Blackman, of this aity, was a member of tbe committee that no tified Grover Cleveland, offioiBlly, of his nomination. Tbe senator is still being honored in a political way, it seems. Tailobino Establishment : Fred Miller bas opened np tailoring estab lishment on lower Main street, opposite the City hotel. Fred is a first olaes work man, and you will make do mistake by placing your orders for summer and fall clothing with him. &01-8 Mdbdib Near Condon. Word was received last Saturday evening that a gentleman named Ward, living near Con don, had shot and instantly killed a tough named Looney, a resident of the same section. Looney is said to be a very tough oharacter, having Berved a term in the peuitentiary. tie baa been entirely too familiar with Ward's wife Muring bis absence; wnen ward returned borne he learned of this. In a short time be saw Looney approaching tbe house and fired at him with a Winchester, killing him instantly. Ward was ar rested and taken to The Dalles, where be will be kept until the coroner's in quest aod excitement is over. Ward has always borne a good reputation among bis acquaintances and neighbors, being of rather a quiet disposition. Sympathy everywhere is with him. CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt 81 40 1 45 Flour.bbl 3 00 C5 5 00 Beeves, stall fed 7 00 C V 25 Muttons, owt 8 00 10 00 Hogs, owt 8 50 5 25 Wool-Eastern Oregon.. 10 a 17 Butter, lb 15 19 Eggs, doz 18 20 Chiokens, doz 5 50 12 00 Turkeys, 81 15 20 PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat, cwt $1 30 1 35 Flour.bbl 3 00 (fM 60 Beeves, owt. 2 00 3 00 " dressed 4 60 (a 6 00 Muttons, live sheared . .. 3 fio 3 75 dressed 8 50 9 00 HogB. on foot 5 00 5 60 " dressed 7 00 8 00 Wool Eastern Oregon... 9 14 Butter 15 25 Eggs, doz 18 (4 20 ChickenB, doz 5 00 6 00 Turkeys, lb 17 ARNKBS-SHOP, stock and fixtures. Good business; established in the midst of a Rood farming and stock-raisIiiK coimtrv. Also for sale a Rood house and two lots with or wituout the business property. For further in formation addreBB Gazette, Heppner, Or. tf. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., June 30, 1892. Notice is hereby riven that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on August 13, 1892, viz: EDWARDS. DURAN, D. 9. No. 10020, for the NK!tf , Sec 19, Tp i 8. R 29 K, W M. He nameB the following witncBROs to prove his continuous residenco upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Homer Gray, 8 D. Taylor, F. Hprowlos, Char ley Long, all of Heppner, Oregon. 501-004 A. CUSAVEK, ItEOIRTER. Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAY STRKET, HEPPNER, OH. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Made on Hhokt Noticb and at Popular Phk-rh. fiSaT Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. Q. K. FA R SS WORTH, Pres. E, O. SPERRY, Vice fre. E. R. BISHOP, Treasurer. T. E. FELL, Secretary and Manager. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., July t, 1W2. Notice is hereby niven thatthe following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make commuted final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Hepp ner, Or., on August 15, iwii!, viz. : WILLIAM DIXON FORI). Hd No. 52S3 for theN'i, NIC 4, Sec 2'1 and KU, Hec If), Tp 2 8, K -Hi E, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said laud, viz: Henry Jones, Arthur Hmitb, Isaac Phipps, Robert Johnson, all of Heppner, Oregon, Wil liam W, Sim, take notice. A. C'LKAVKR, m-rM Register. WAXTEn. THOSE who are interested in the KlghtMlle country and Morrow county to know that we have a few extra copies left, which run he secured either at Geo, Thornton's nown stand or at the Gazette oilico. OK-sw. C" SOMErtlie i'ahice(oUd J Cocktails. Champagne on tap. jili-sw Jllti lot of GooHel)errynmnberBoF ttio Ga zette that ought to be sent away. Call in, invest and help your country. Bwtf Hp O KNOW t hut L. D. BovedTs H.-ppneT's J leading contractor and builder. Estimates given on nil kinds of work. Office at resi dence, Heppner, Or. 7I-sw. AWagomnaker. one the best locations In Morrow county. Must have a little capital. Call ou or write Gazette olllce for particulars, sw .JAPANESE CURE A new and Complete Treatment, cunrdstiiiK of Suppositories, Ointinoiit in CHpsulcs, alsoln Hox and Pills; a positive Cure for External, Inter nal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching, Chronic, Recent or Hereditary Piles, and many other diseases and female weaknesses; it 1h always a great ben efit to the general health. The first discovery of a medical cure rendering an operation with the knife unnecessary h reafter. This remedy has never been known to fail. $1 per box, 6 for sent by mail. Why sillier from this terrible dis ease when a written Kuarantee Is given with 6 boxes, to refund the money if not cured. Send stamp for free sample. Guarantee Issued by Woouwakd, Clakkk & Co., Wholesale & Retail Druggists Hole Agents, Portland, Or. Coffin & McFarland UEALERS IN- al M::chs.r,d:iE I Farming Implements The Morrow County Land & Trust Company VA lJl l A I j m OUK, $100,000.00. PAID UP, $25,000.00. Incorporated 1888. hd Cum and Forwarding Agents. DEALERS IN GRAIN, LUMBER, WOOD. Operating Warehouses at Heppner, lone and Douglas, on the Heppner Branch of the U. P. H. P. O. R. FaniBWorsh NelBon Jones Ed. It. nislioT), Kcl. H. Cox. J. K. I'rkk, BTOOKHOLDEniB J. A. Thompson, i. A. Ilorrrn, r.uwuro nay, win. HMUiinit. Thpron K. I'Vll, W. E. Klllott, J. A. U'oolcry, N. A. Ki'lly, O. T. Douglas, K. 0. Sporry, Anson Wright, 1'. 0. Thompson, Ntithanlt'l Wool,, John L. Ayin-s, James Jones, A. B. ChaPman. IT IS the purpose of the stockholders of tills company to conduct Its business In a manner mutually iidvuntniieoUB to all wool mid urnln producers of this section, and to maintain the favorable home market which it has established. During the coiulne wool season wo solicit the business of all wool growers and rciiiest them to send their ulip to the "Wool (irowors' Vi arciiouHo. Having enlarged the Heppner Warehouse, and roofed all platforms, we have double tbe storage capacity of any other warehouse In Kaatern Oregon, well lighted for the display of wool "The Wool Growers' Warehouse." The Lancashire Insurance Co. OP" 1VIAIVOIII5W1-1SI, lfilVGUVAIVO L W. I'A'ITEHSON, AGENT o tr nostin ., won.. First prize at the World s Exposition. First in Material and Workmanship, First in the estimation of all practical farmers. WALTER A. WOODS MOWERS, RAKES, REAPERS AND SELF-BINDERS. Never equalled for Durability, Kxeaution Bnd Lightness of Draft mniiliincj. A Bad Practice. A youn man, thoroughly imbued with tbe spirit of "John Barleycorn," grew patriotio on Main street yesterday morning, and awoke tbe slumberers several blocks away. This dranken whooping and yell ing on Main street, or, iu fact, in any other part of town, should be set down on by our citijens. Maybe some of them haven't baokbone enongb, bat tbe Ga zette bas. and proposes to denounoe it, and to give names of disturbers here- j after, let them be wno tney may. Broke Arm. A yotmg son of Wm. Cox, of Eight Mile, while tiding a borse with the harness on last Thursday, was thrown, and becoming entangled in tbe "Bears" some way, suffered a fracture of 'the right thigh and of both arms above tbe elbows. Dr. buipley was called to attend him, who reports bim as getting along as well as oonld be expeoted. New Dbebsmaker. Miss Letba Par ker, jast from the East, has opened dress making parlors over Mrs. W. A. John ston's, where she is prepared to do all kinds of dressmaking in latest styles and at reasonable rates. 4-tf Stockmens' and Farmers' Supplies A Car Load of Mitchell Wagons and Hacks just received. Call on them and inspect the same before purchasing elsewhere. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, HEI'I'NEH, OREGON. Bev. Potwine will bold evening servioe Jnlv 7tb, in the Baptist cbnrcb, aud Fri day morniog at 10 n'oiock, there will be commnnion services. Change of Ownership T7"K HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OP THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, " wbioh we propose to conduct in the most sntisfaotory manner. Will keep on hands at all times tbe choicest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. 85-tl sfivw & Mccarty, Pronrifitors. P. C. THOMPSON COMPANY, AGENTS. tf. Corner Main and Willow Streeta, Heppner Or. JHE Q1TY HOTEL, W. J. IKICV.lZl-t, I'rop, rilHIS HOSTELRY has been Rkfittkd and Rr.i'UNisiii;i throughout, nnd now - is one of the most inviting places iu Heppner. Mr. Leezer invites you to slop with bim, feeling that his is able to eotertain you in the best of style. r " " " First Class House. Rkasonaw.k Ratks. IMxe Season For Fruit has Arrived and we are in the business to sunnlv von Ice Cxeo.xx2L 1st about riptj. Wo will let yovi It now about that iu the near future W. L. Matlock & Co. '