Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 05, 1892, Image 2

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    Give yourbusiness to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
An ordinaire providing for the supplying
of the town of Heppner, Oregon, and Us
inhabitants wlh water for public and
private purposes, and granting H. V.
Gates an exclusive franchise, and license
to construct and operate a system of
water works in the town of Heppner, Or
eaon, contracting with the said II. V.
Gates for the rental of fire hydrants for
supplying the town of Heppner, Oregon,
with water and giving the town of Hepp
ner, Or , an option to purchase the said
water works and providing for payment
to said II. V Gates of fifteen thousand
dollars $15,000) as a first pay) lent on
said option to purchase said water works
and for rentals of hydrants for the town
of Heppner, Or.
Tun Town of Heppner does ordain as
follows :
Section 1. The exclusive privilege is
hereby granted to H. V. Gates, of Hills-
boro, Ore-ion, liis successors and assigns
for and during tlie term of fifteen years
(subject to right of purchase and the
conditions and forfeitures hereinafter
provided) to erect, construct, maintain
and operate a syBtem of water works in
the town of Heppner, Oregon, for sup
plying the said town and its inhabitants
thereof with water for public and pn
vate purposes. Wheresoever herein
after the word "Grantee" is used it is
intended to apply to and mean H. V
Gates, his successors and assigns.
Sec. 2. The system of water works
shall consist or be composed of what is
known as Direct and Hcservoir pres
Sec. 3. The water so to be supplied
and furnished said town and the inhabi
tants thereof, shall he pure, clear, pota
ble water for all purposes, which shall
be taken from a well or system of wells
encased to keep out the surface drain
ago between surface of ground and first
rock formation below surface of ground
or deeper if necessary.
Si:c. 4. The grantee shall provide a
substantial engine house of suliicient
capacity to accommodate boilers, pumps
and appliances of water works and such
room as may tie required to acconiino
date the electric light plant, to be oiior
ateti in conjunction with the said watei
works system. Said engine house to be
equipped with one 50-hoise power boiler,
to be built of steel, (said boiler to he
tested to 150 lbs. hydrolatic pressure)
one or more Knowles engines, or othe
miinulaeWo equally as good, or if i
deep well, pumping engine is siibsti
tuted to use one or more "Cook" Deep
' well pump, the combined capacity of
either the pump or pumps to be equal
to 250,000 gallons each 24 hours, or such
other laiger size pumping engines as
the demands of the town may now or in
the future require; also such other fit
tings such as gauges, valves, steam
pipes otc, that may be required to con
nect said pumps to mains and wells, and
said boiler to pumps, so that the steam
and water connections shall bo first-class
in evoiy particular.
Sec. 5. The grantee shall provide
one reservoir, capacity 100,0110 gallons,
for the purposes, to he kept tilled at all
times, except when repaiiing, and held
in reserve for any emergency. Also one
reHUi voir of 80,000 gallons capacity for
domestic and daily supply. Thedomes
tic reservoir to bo walled with masonry
and coated with cement or asphalt, to
render the biiiiio water proof, to he
roofed over and protected from ed'ect of
frost, to be arranged with supply and
waste pipes and so generally constructed
as to be sale from any danger from any
piotKUio within or drainage or defect
without, and to he capable of keeping
Water as pure and free from coiitamina
1 1 ( hi as it comes from the source of sup
ply. Said reservoirs to be connected to
mains in such manner that both call sup
ply tho hydrants during lire and both be
not less than 100 feet above tho grade of
street at intersection of Main and .Ma)
Sue. (I. The grantee shall furnish
and lay in the streets of said town at a
depth of not less than thirty inches, foi
piiucipal mains, -1000 feet of six-inch
pipe and 7000 feet of foul-inch pipe, and
as much inure as mav be deemed neces
sary by them ; (Kaid pipe to bo ni'eas
iiitiI hv its outside iliaeineter) is to fur
nish 12 double hydrants, Ludlow, or
some other hydrant equally as good,
and connect tlie same to the mains ; is
to furnish all necessary valves, special
tiltings, valve boxes required to com
ph'le the work. The mams and fittings
lo he ample and capable of carrying out
the provisions and intentions of this
agicement and of allnrding the town
where said pipes are laid lirst-class lire
protection! and w hen mains and connec
tions aie so completed they shall he ca
llable of sustaining a pressure of 150 lbs.
lo the square inch; is to furnish all
mains mid laterals that may he from
time lo time required to supply the town
or ils inhabitants thereof with water,
provided that for each 800 feet of mains
iideied by the town, there shall he one
hvdiant ordered and rental paid for use
id sumo ami that for all laterals laid,
giuuteo shall not ho uhliged to lay in
exec-s of 200 feet to roach each service
hydrant for domestic use. Pines are to
he lai'l below frost line and the said
tnu n agrees to make good any expense
lo liii li grantee may be put if said town
shall heieal'ter lower the guide of any
stieets where the grade is already es
tahlished and the town of lleppne'
agrees to establish the grade nil all
sheets where pipes are to ho laid pi ioi
to the laying of pipes. The said mains
and Itydiatits aie to be laid and located
on such streets as will best carry out the
provisions for tire protection; said
sh eets to he selected by the parties to
this agreement.
S: :. 7. Grantee is to keep lire liy
diaiiis in good repair ; piolect same from
freezing and keep them ready at all timer
for instant service. The eonnectione
and mains leading from reservoirs to be
kepi tree from obstructions of any kind
whatsoever, so that except through
some indorsee!! and practically unavoid
able aividcnt, theie shall he sternly
pressure and full supply of water on tin
livdiaiits to the extreme limit of capac
ity of system.
Sec. 8 In consideration of tho bene
fit which will be derived by the town ol
Ilcppiicr and its inhabitants from the
consii -action and operation of said watei
woiks, and in further consideration ot
tbe water supply hereby secured foi
tlie public use, as an inducement for the
grantee to enter upon the construction
of said water works, the privilege here
by granted to and vested in II. V. Gates,
his silo essors and assigns, shall remain
in full force and etfoct for and during
thepeiiodof fifteen years, hut subject
to the right of purchase, as herein pro
vided, and for tbe same consideration
and as the same inducement the town ol
llenpner hereby rents of the grantee, fn
the use hereinafter mentioned, the 12
by li ants hereinbefore provided for, and
du ing the term of fifteen years from
the acceptance of said waterworks, but
subject to the right of purchase as afore
said ; and the said town agrees to use
the hydrants on said pipe line for the
extinguishment of files, drill practice
and flushing only, and make good to the
grantee any injury which may happen
to them when used by any officer of its
tire department in the line of his duty.
the Hushing as atoresaiu lo tie done by
the fire marshall or other officer of the
town, through a hose and fire nozzle,
after reasonable notice to grantee, but
there shall be no more than one fire hy
drant used at any one time for such pur
poses, and no one hydrant used to ex
ceed thirty minutes per week. In afore
said drill practice the Are department
shall have the right to use any oi the
hydrants twice each month for drill
practice, for a period not exceeding
thirty minutes at each drill.
Sec 9. The grantee mav charge and
lollect during the continuance of the
privilege he-ein granted, the following
tariff of rates to consumers of water or
other rates that may be established bv
the grantee and approved by the coun
Bakeries 1(2.50
Barber shops,
hirst chair 1.50
Each additional chair 25
Bath TI BS,
In boarding houses, hotels and
barber shops 1.50
In private families 50
Breweries, (unless governed by
meter rates) 10.00
Building construction,
Wetting 1000 brick 15
" one bbl lime. 15
" " " cement 15
" for stone work, per cu
bic yard 20
Butcher shops 2.00
Family rates,
One hydrant 1 50
" closet 50
" bath tub 50
Feed yards 5.00
Hotels, restaurants, boardino
and LonoiNo houses, (unless
governed bv special rates)
Having five bedrooms or less.. .
Each additional room
Each half lot or less (lots 50x100)
Each additional half lot 1.00
In no case will allowance be
made for space occupied by
Laundries, public, each 6.00
Meter hates,
1000 to 50,000 gallons , 25
50,000 and over 20
Ollices, each 1.00
Photograph galleries, each 3.00
Printing ollices," in addition to
boilers 2.00
Public halls and theaters 1.00
Private halls or halls of secret or
ganizations 1.50
Saloons 2,50
Sidewalk sprinkling,
Each 25 feet front or less with
washing windows 50
Each 50 feet front or less, with
washing windows 75
Each additional 25 feet ..25
Stables, each horse and cow in
cluding washing carriages 1.00
Stables, livery, each stable includ
ing washing carraiges 7.50
Stuam engines.
Five horse power or less 2.00
Each additional horse power . . .50
boilers for steam heating 1.60
Drug stores 2.50
Uroceries, dry goods and hard
ware Soda Water manufactories
In stores or blocks each
In hotels, hoarding houses and
Water closets,
fn hotels, boarding housesor sa
loons, one closet
In stores or public buildings, one
Kaeli additional closet 1.00
Private closets each 50
Water motors,
Less than one horso power, by meter.
One to live horse power, by meter.
Five to ten horse power, by meter.
Sec. 10. As a consideration for the
iiso of the 12 hvdrants as aforesaid,
for a term of fifteen years, the town ol
Ilepnner agrees to pay to tho said H. V
Gates, his successors and assigns, fifteen
thousand dollars ($15,000) lawful money
of the United States, payments to be
made as follows : five thousand dollarr
(,rill00) on arrival of pipes, boiler and
pump and machines; ten thousand dol
lars ($10,000) on completion of watei
as provided herein, for two
reservoirs, well-pump, capacity
250,000 gallons, mains 11,000 feet.
engine house, anil when tlie same
has stooil the tests as hereinbefore pro
vided, and also provided that said H. V
Gales, his successors and assigns, shall
satisfactorily show the town of lfeppnei
that said w oiks are free from all liens
ami that labor and material used and fur
nished for said works have been paid for
Sue. 11. At tho expiration of fifteen
years from the completion of said works
and at the end of each live years there
alter, the town of Heppner shall have
the option to purchase and own said
water works, together witti its lands, mil
chinery, pipes outfits, rights, privileges
and traucluses, upon tho tollowingcondi
nous and the grantee in accepting tins
ordinance expressly covenants to se
and convey to the town of Heppner the
said water works and system as a whole
on the said conditions. The said town
of Heppner, by resolution of its niayoi
and council, shall determine to purchase
and own said water woiks and shall
serve a certified copy of bucIi resolu
tions un the grantee at least six months
before the time when the said town may
exercise such option. Tlie sum ol
money that said town shall pay lor Bind
water works us a whole shall be an
amount w hich at eight per cent interest
would produce an annual income equal
to the net income during the year pre
vious to the serving of the notice of res
olutions, as hereinbefore described, with
the cost price added for any improve
inputs or extensions made during the
year previous to such notice, upon which
no revenue has been derived. When
inch purchase is made by the said tow n
the franchise granted to the said II, V.
Gates shall terminate. If said town
shall not determine to-purchase said
water works within fifteen years from
date of its acceptance of said works it
shall grant to the grantee an exclusive
I'ranchise upon the same terms and
conditions as herein stated,
reserving the option of purchase
each five yeats as before stated. Tlie
lilleen thousand dollars ($15,000) paid
for hydrants, rentals as heretofore pro
vided, shall he the first payment upon
the purchase price of said water works,
and it is agreed that until such time as
the tow n of Heppner shall pur chase said
water works as herein provided for, the
town of Heppner shall own an absolute
right and interest in the said water
works to the amount of said fifteen thou
sand dollars, ($15,000) hut it is further
understood and agreed that until such
time as the tow n oi Heppner shall pur
chase the interest of grantee in said
winks the grantee shall have the exclu
sive use andcontrol of said w or ks in every
particular w ithout paying to tiie town of
Heppner any rents, profits or revenues
therefor or therefrom in any manner
whatever, except that grantee shall not
have the power or authority to sell,
mortgage and lease, or iu any way en-
cumber the interest of the town of Hepp
ner in saiu worss.
Sec. 12. The grantee shall make such
rules and regulations governing the ser
vice of water to consumers as may be
proper and expedient in that behalf and
may enforce tlie observance of the same
after they have been approved by the
city council, by cutting off Water or
otherwise, and the said town, by its
council, shall adopt ordinances protect
ing the grantee in the safe and unmo
lested enjoyment of tho privileges here
by granted and against injury to its
Sec. 13. The town of Heppner shall
convey to the grantee such ground as
may be necessary for reservoirs and
right of way across private land to the
same, for the use of laying mains and
access for delivering materials for con
struction and maintenance of same.
Sec. 14. The town of Heppner agreeB
to convey to grantee the lot and the ar
tesian well now owned by them, for the
use of grantee during the life of this
agreement ; the Bame to be free from
any cost, rent or expense whatsoever to
grantee. The grantee is to have use
of the well digging machinery on said lot
while searching for and securing water.
Sec. 15. All work and material fur
nished under the terms of this contract
shall be done and performed in a good,
neat and workmanlike manner, first-
lass in every respect, and in the most
approved form known to the trade.
Sec. 16. In the event at any future
time it is necessary for the safety and
wellare of the town of Heppner or the
inhabitants thereof to increase the ca
pacity of wells, reservoirs, pump 'and
machinery, it shall be done by the
grantee without any additional cost to
the town, except in the purchase of said
works according to the conditions herein
Sec. 17. The grantee shall commence
active operations on said water works
within thirty days from the passage of
this ordinance, and complete the same
within the space of six months, unless
from causes bevond the control of gran
tee, such as strikes, riots, failures of man
ufacturers to produce material, and rail
roads to deliver the same; in which
event the time so lost shall be extended,
said grantee to use all possible dilhgence
to complete said works within six
months. On completion of said works,
in compliance with the requirements of
this ordinance, the grantee shall suc
cessfully subject the entire pipe system
of 11,000 feet and the hydrants thereon,
under the supervision of the council, to
t pressure of loll lbs. to the square inch,
and shall also test the power and capac
ity of reservoir, in which they shall throw
water through fifty feet of hose, with a
one inch nozzle, eighty feet high for a
period of three hours; in said test only
two streams shall be taken from one
line, and the hydrants used to heat cor
ner of Main and May streets, upon com
pletion of said works. And the said
tests having been made as aforesaid to
the satisfaction of the said council, the
said town, by its council, agrees to ac-
ipt such water works forthwith and
from the date of such acceptance the hy
drant rentals heretofore provided for
shall begin.
Sec. 18. The grantee be and is here
by granted the privilege and right of
laying pipeB through the streets, alleys,
(larks and public ways of the town of
Heppner for the purpose of conducting
water through the town. And the gran
tee shall keep the town of Heppner
harmless from any liability for damages
on account ot negligence of the grantee
in using streets and public ways of said
town in laying, taking up and repairing
mains, hvdrants or other structures or
devices for the Bervice of water, and
after using such streets and public ways
shall restore them with due dilligence to
as near as practical their former condi
Sec. 10. This ordinance shall become
binding upon the town of Heppner upon
the event that grantee shall within ten
days from the passage and publication
of this ordinance, hie with the recorder
of the town of Heppner, his written ac
ceptance of tho terms and conditions of
this ordinance. Said acceptance shall
constitute the contract and shall be the
measure of the right and liabilities of the
town of Heppner anil of II. V. Gates,
his successors and assigns.
Sec. 20. Tlie mayor and recorder of
the town of Heppner are hereby author
ized and instructed, upon the acceptance
of this ordinance, to seal duplicate copies
thereof," with the seal of the town of
Heppner, and to sign such copies as such
contract, in the name and behalf of the
town of Heppner anil to deliver one of
said copies, so sealed and signed in be
half of the town of Heppner to the gran
tee and to accept the other in behalf of
the tow n, w hen signed and sealed hy
the said grantee, and to cause such coi
ics together with such acceptances to he
properly authenticated in accordance
with the laws governing contracts for the
sale of real estate and to be recorded in
the ollice of the county clerk of Morrow
Sec. 21. In case said grantee shall
fail to complete said works within the
time specified in this ordinance, then,
and in that case the franchise shall be
forfeited and this ordinance shall be
null and void.
Sec. 22. All ordinances and parts of
ordinances inconsistatit herewith are
hereby repealed, and this ordinance
shall he published in the 11i-:itni:ii Ga
zette and Ueitner Kecohi and shall
tako effect from and after its passage
and publication.
The act of congress providirg for the
World's Columhian Exposition, raised
milling to an industrial rauk that previ
ous expositions bad denied it. At Paris,
at Loudon and at Vienna, the mineral
exhibit was permitted to occupy a single
court of meager sections, and was oom
prehouded within one group of the gen
eral classifications. At the centennial
exposition while the exhibit was larger
iu Brea than those of Paris and London,
yet it was not deemed ot sufticieut im
portance to be plaoed in a separate build
ing, but was located in an annex added
to the industrial building.
Dnrler the scope and plan of the Co
lumbian Imposition, aud uuderthe class
ification provided for guidance iu instal
lation, many of tbe branches of tbe min
ing industry, heretofore incorporated iu
other departments, will be plaoed in
their legitimate aud natural positions in
the mining building.
Inspection of the classification of de
partment "E," Miues aud Miuiug, gives
some adequate idea of the variety of the
exhibits comprehended. The raw ma
terial, the natural product, lo be exhibit
ed iu the miuiug department, will consti
tute the basis of every other exhibit
made, except that of agriculture aud
horticulture. The ground work of all
the arts and acietioes and the mecbauicul
industries will be contemplated within
the walls of the structure dedicated to
mines, mining and metallurgy. All of
the precious minerals, all of the econom
ic minerals, all of the precious stones,
all of the coals, all of tbe building stones
and marbles, all of tbe clays and snnds
all ot the salts and pigments, as well as
tbe machinery, implements and appli
ances employed in their conversion to
tbe uses of man, will be fully represented.
The subject of coal will be treated on
very broad lines, tt would be impossi
ble to accept for exhibition purposes all
the really meritorious speoimens of coal
that cao be secured, for tbe purpose of
demonstrating the resources of tbe coun
try in this great fuel. The treatment
must be comprehensive and sweeping,
and the display bused upon tbe distribu
tion of the great coal fields that stand
out prominently in the geology of the
oountry . Tho eoal industry is of gigan
tic proportions, involving the investment
of many millions of dollars and the em
ployment of hundreds of thousands of
people. Tho'display of ooal at the expo
sition will be qualitative rather than
quantative. Tbe diiT rent varieties of
coal produced by the different localities
will be shown, together with the chem
ical analysis of each and tbe results ot
tests determining economic value and
adaptability to various uses. The ooal
resources of oountries, Btates aud sec
tions will be shown by geological maps
and drawings, exhibiting the stratifica
tion, oross-section, etc, which will ren
der apparent the extent aud accessibility
of the vast number of coal beds and
veins which underlie the earth's surface.
As regards iron, efforts will be made to
have an adequate exhibit ot that great
branch of industry. Without consider
ing tbe contributions that will be made
to this division by foreign governments
this country, which is now the first na
tion in the world in iron production, will
provide a display of the greatest interest
and benefit to the manufacturing world.
The development of tbe iron resouroes of
the Southern United States within the
past few years, no loss than the attention
whiou has been devoted to this particu
lar industry in the West in the same pe
riod, surrounds this product with nation
al interest. It is intended to arrange
this exhibit with the fullest appreciation
of the magnitude and importance of the
iron industry, with ample data as to the
location aud extent of the greater depos
its, the analyses of the ores, with all the
machinery and devices employed in
mining, hoisting, cuuveving, storing, etc.
Statistics not only based upon the oper
ations of the past, but iu a degree iudi
oating the extent to which they may be
carried on in the future, will constitute
a valuable feature of this division.
Every provision has been made for the
installation of the ores of both the pre
cious and base metals and cabinets of
mineral speoimens contributed by pri
vate individuals, associations and tech
nical and mining schools. These will be
arranged with oonspiouous oare as to de
tail. States, nations, individuals, collect
ors and colleges will vie with one another
in endeavors to establish the superiority
of their respective collections, or to dem
onstrate the value of oertain mineral
countries, sections or lands, Every
genious device and design will be utilized
by the several states, territories and
countries to illustrate tbe magnitude of
their deposits.
mining: machinery.
The division of miuiug machinery will
demonstrate the usefulness andeoonomy
of every character of mechanical equip
ment. Every device, invention, tool and
appliance employed in the great indus
try will be fully represented, either by
an exhibit of tbe full-bize plant or by
working models. The entire plant of
smelting and refining works and the
heavy maohinery used in orushiug and
separating ores will be in operation. A
complete series of metullu-gic processes
from mineral to metal will be installed
The extensive apparatus and tools em
ployed iu the great petroleum and nat
ural gas industries will be amply exhib
ited, with oils and bi-produota. Mo
group will be of greater interest or more
practical value than that which illus
trates the extent and method of the gi
gantic operations in this division of the
miueral kingdom.
Plans for and the beat methods of
eqnipiug assay offioes will be presented
and illustrate ). Milling and scorifioa
tiou furnaces, with luuilles, cupels, etc.,
with melting pots aud 11 uses handy for
the production of the assayer's "button,"
volumetric aud other test methods, rolls
and small crushers for prep iring teat
lots of ores, the most delioate instruments
of precision these and the associated
appliauoes os metallurgy will be exposed
for the edification and instruction of the
Marbles, agates, jaspers, onyx, nil iei fled
wood, etc., will be offered for the inspec
tion of the architect end decorator. Nu
merous maohines and tools for channell
ing, sawing, lifting, turning and polish
ing granites, sandstone, marble, etc.,
will be oollected for the purpose ot dem
onstrating the facility with wbioh great
masses of stoue are transformed into use
ful and ornamental objects and made
suitable for the most skilled handicraft.
Sands for the manufacture of glass,
many colored days, aud kaolin ot all
grades for the potter, briokmaker, porce
lain worker, etc.) polishing substances,
whetstones, bones and emeries, will con
stitute a group ot unusual interest to
both the student and manufacturer.
Aspbaltio and oement fixtures and arti
ficial stones, which have made the pave
ments of Pans and the capital of our
own country superb iu their cleanliness
and tbe admiration ot the world, will be
illustrated in all their multifarious uses.
The salt mines ot the Old World, and
the brines and other salt workings of our
own country will contribute their quota
of this snowy, orystaline product. Add
ing to the color effect and interest of tbe
exhibit will be variegated beaps of ni
trates, sulphates, borates, pigments of all
kinds, ochres and vermilions, phosphates,
coprolites aud every variety of mineral
fertilizers. In another group tbe useful
graphite, with the methods by which it
is transformed tor use in tbe shape ot
leads, orayons, lubricants, etc., will be
Ingots, bars and castings of white al
uminum, with aluminum alloys, will be
found in juxtaposition with pigs and
bars of reddish copper. Tin ores and
block tin, sheet and bar zinc, inrots of
nickel, speoimens of bismuth, antimony,
arsenic and other metals with their ores
and alloys will be arranged in a manner
confusing in diversity, yet artistically
and scientifically disposed.
Iu the miuiug machinery seotion will
be shown every speoies of apparatus,
simple and complex, employed in work-
ine a mine from the lowest drift to the
dump. Methods of timbering, venti
lating and lighting tbe various slopes,
levels and galleries will be shown by ex
amples. Trams, hoists and automatic
dumps, engines for pumping, rock break
ers, screens, grizzlies and other sizing
appliances will attract the inspection of
the visitor and instruct in tbe greatest of
all industries. Improved diamond drills
and contrivances for loading and un
loading ores.and for their storage, auto
matic stevedores for transference on the
surface, patent self-emptying cars, wire
ropeways with their outfits or buckets,
etc., coal tipples, steam shevelB, belt con
veyors, etc, etc., will complete the meth
ods by which the stupendous mining op
erations of tbe present age are con
For the purpose of prsotical study, tbe
division of history and literature of min
ing and metallurgy will be unsurpassed.
To this end, college faoultieo and pro
fessional men are already pledged.
Every facility will be afforded for exam
ination in detail the geology and distri
bution of minerals and ore-bearing rock.
The rich, literary s'nres, maps, models
etc, of tbe leading educational institu
tions of the land, will present to tbe stu
dent who visits this great repository at
tbe Columbian exposition, and unex
ampled opportunity for considering the
entire subject of historical and statistical
mining. Mine engineering will be ade
quately represented by surveys and
plottings, by projections of underground
work and models, and by literature de
scriptive of the methods of running
shafts, tunnels, construction of mine
workings and the handliug of ores.
An elaborate and acourate reproduc
tion of ancient and unique mining and
metallurgical methods, appliances, tools,
and processes as illustrating the evolu
tions iu the industry, will attract tbe at
tention of all olasses, aud teach fruitful
lessons iu the advance of science, inven
tion and general civilization.
When the exhibits in tbe department
of mines, mining and metallurgy shall
have been properly collected, classified
and arranged, the department will be a
comprehensive and oomplete exposition
of all the great mineral treasures of the
earth and the methods employed in their
search, their treatment and their usage.
The Portland Telegram is the most
oelbbrated manufacturer of mare's nests
known in tbe Northwest. Its latest is
an enormous howl over the appointment
of J as. Lotan as oolleotor ot customs at
Portland. Mr. Lotan has been some
what of a leader in republican politios,
tbut is true, but if one will take tbe
trouble to study his rise from a common
moulder in 1807 to foreman, then to su
perintendent aud finally as principal
owner of the works in which he was
once a day laborer, it is nothing strange
tnat ne snould Deoome a leader, in any
I event, it is no part of tbe Telegram's
business whom Harrison appoints to
public office, so long as they Bre compe
tent, and it is nssured that Mr. Lotan is
such a man. When Grover Cleveland
becomes president then we can expect
tnat tue telegram can consistently pre
sume to diotate his appointments in Ore
gon. Till then its hermaphroditio howls
will have no weight.
General John BiDWELt,,of California,
was nominated on the first ballot for
president of the United States by the
National Prohibition convention at Cin
cinnati. Mr. Bidwell is an old pioneer
of California, and at onetime wag a mem
ber of congress. He is very wealthy
and owus many broad acres of land. T.
B. Oraufield, of Texas, was nominated
for vice-president and running mate for
The Pacific coast demands the early
opening of the Nicaragua canal. It
would cheapen nearly all articles tbat
the consumer must buy. The Gazette
believes that tbe people at large are in
favor of the work beiug prosecuted under
the auspioes of tbe government, and that
it should own it exclusively on comple
tion. While oonveying Cbas. Wilson, the
murderer of Mamie Walsh, to tbe peni
tentiary at Salem, last Saturday, be
eluded Sheriff Kelly and Deputy Wm.
Wilson and took to the woods. At last
accounts he had not been captured, but
he will hardly succeed in getting away
The people of Heppner have been
"cussing" the town council from time
immemorial on account ot their dilitori
ness on the water question. Now they
have a plan before them whereby the
town oan be provided with water for all
purposes. Now is the time to show your
The next state senate will be composed
of sixteen republicans, twelve democrats
aud one people's party and one oitizens
deaioorat. Mrs. E L. Matlook is on the sick list.
Mrs. F. O. Buokman is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Elder.
Born On Suuday, in this city, to the
wife ot Hon. Theron E. Fell, a son.
Mrs. Wm Sarivner is receiving a visit
from her mother, Mrs. Meeks, of Condon.
Grandma Kloreuce is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Alice Ladd, of La Grande.
Mrs. J. J. Roberts and children are
speuding a few days in the cool and ro
mantio Blues.
Mis. P. O. Borg leaves tomorrow for
Astoiia aud Port Townseod where ehe
will visit her daughters.
Ed . Cox, Joe Banister and Will Kah
ler, Hardman fellows, were in Saturday
evening, going home Sunday,
Dr. J. J. Bill, a veterinary surgeon of
some note, and a resident of Willows,
Colusa Co., Calif , is in the city.
Oscar Schaffer was down from Parker's
mill Saturday, having almost entirely re
covered from bis recent injuries.
Mr. R C. Gemmell, of the Pendleton
ton firm of Adams & Gemmell, civil and
consulting eugiueeis, was in Heppner
over Sunday.
Mr. George Rasmus, of Blalock, broth
er ot John Rasmus, was in Heppner vis
iting tbe fulKB over the 4th, leaving for
borne this morning.
John Gentry and family have returned
from MoDuffy spriuus, but Frank Goble
and wife are still there, where Mrs. Go
ble is improving slowly.
Gid Boyer and Wm. Jones write from
Virginia, that the horse market is toler
ably brisk there, and that they are get
ting good, fair prices for their horses.
H. A. Thompon
The Heppner
Below Coffin &
Good Conveyance
u . av 75 Ms Hay and
Teams to hayper day, 75 cts. HJ uo
at C.
V. Bargeaui , nr u.
baled nay always on unuu.
T. W..AYERS, Jr., Druggist,
Will locate in Heppner's new brick, next to City Hotel.
PHIL COHN Avill also be asso
ciated with the business, and after that date the firm name will be
The boys will be pleased to have their many old friends call on
them at their new location.
f ..,. . , . Ml . .. t i l
li "lu tt" yet.
II I II I I I II II I 1 1 1 1 II
a.l Milium lilt
Otis Patterson
Eastern Clothing House
Branch at Portland, has opened a
BigLine of Ladies and Gents FiirnisliHig Goods,
Also Boots and Shoes, Trunks,
Valises and Fancy Goods.
You will find our Clothing Department with
an assortment, inoluding frqnare Cut Sacks,
Three and Four Button Frocks, made ot the
best American Weavers, Scotch Woolen Wor
steds, Cheviots, made up to sell in full snita.
Suits reduced
Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps at Factory Prices
Examine the goods and you will find all
shades and colors, which will give satisfaction
Before purchasing, call and examine my stock
T3. A. HEKREN'S BUILDING-, May Street,
Heppner, Oregon.
J PlUjil
feS' tub Leadiitg Hotel or tue Gity
' jj PiP WELL furnished rooms
mS: 1 Mrs Margaret Madow, Man
Flour Exchanged for Wheat
T. V. AYERS, Sr., Manager. 448
Columbia Beer Hall!
EXT DOOR lo M. LkMenUial & Co.'s Shoe Store, Main
t?. KeeP on hand a Fine Line of Liquors,
n mes, Cigars, Etc. We have
Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to
C5 Cents Per Olciss,
On draught, fresh and cool. Luoch of all kinds. Hope
to see all their old friends and many more.
Our Spring Footwear is the 'Best and
the Cheapest.
The goat, the ealf. and the kangaroo
Joined by the alligator, too, '
All dropped in to and out whether
, . lIllu IU nB a ,he leatlier
Main Street, Heppner Or.
A. E. Blnni
for Traveling Men.
grain per day. 81.25. Meals 25 cts. at
g v
- -
1 1 1 1 1 1,1 Mil
I ' " " " ' "' 1 1 " 1 '" ""'
- 12.50
- 7.50
cash price
McFarland's. Jlalii Street.
We winh that everybody knew
What elegant gtock we put in each ihoe
And keep on hand to beneht you.
All grades, ityles and shapes together,.
t mi- iuuiu ear iu ail nruus oi jeaiuer.