OFFICIAL s- PAPER. Take your Babies to . . THURSDAY . CTO H ISTI1EIR..QJ THE PHOTuURAl-llfa. One picture Free oJ Charge, work Firet-Clasa and at Living Ratet. 7K tenth year HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1892. NO. 504. Some People Buy advertising space because rates are low-generally the circulation is a right lower. Circulation determines the value of advertising ; there is no other standard. The Gazette is trilling to abide by it. h SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY TI1E PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY ALVAH W. PATTERSON Bub. Manager, OTI8 PATTERSON Editor" Af $3.00 per year, $1.50 fur 8ix months, $1.00 lor in roe muutns; in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. The ''EA.O-LE," of Long Creak, Grant (jounry. uregon, if puouBnea oy me same com pany every Friday morning. Bubscription price, I'iper year. For arlvertlaiiif? rates, addresfi o-fciisr xj. fJi.TTES4sosr, Editor ana Manager, Long Creek, Oregon, or "Gazette, Heppner, Oregon. 14118 PAPER ia kept on tile at E. C. Dake's Advertifliuff Agency, H4 and 65 Merchants . Exchange, ISan FranciBco. California, where con tracts tor advertising can be made tor it. 17 C. PENTLAND, SECRETARY OF THE Oregon Press Association, HO Ash Street, between Firbt and Second, Portland, Oregon, is our only agent located in that place. Advertis ers should consult hi in for rates and space in the Utizette. THE UAZETTfi'S AG fiNTS. Wagner, B. A. nunsaker Arlington, Henry Henpner Long Creek, The Eagle Echo, Bob Shaw (,'umas Prairie, Oscar I)e Vaul Matteson, Allen McFerrin Nve, Or., H.C.Wright Hardmau, Or., J. A. Woolery Hamilton, Grant Co., Or., Mattie A. Hndio lone, T. J. Carl Prairie Citv, Or R. R. McHaley Canyon City, Or 8. L. Parrish Pilot Rock, O. P. Skelton Uayrtlle, Or., J. E. Snow John Day, Or., F. I. McOtUlura Athena, Or John Ellington Pendleton, Or., Wm. G. MeCroskey Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Or., Postmaster Shelby, Or., Miss Stella Flett Fox, Grant Co., Or., J. K. Allen Eight Mile, Or., Mrs. Andrew Ashbaugh Upper RheaCreok, .B. F. Hevland Douglas, Or S. White Lone Roek, Or K. M. Johnson Oooseberry W. P. Snyder Condon, Oregon Herbert Halstead Lexington W. B. McAlister AN AGENT WANTKD IN EVKRY PRECINCT. Union Pacific Railway-Local card. No, 10, mixed leaves Heppner 8:20 a. m. " ar. at Arlington 11 su a.m. " 0, " leaves " 3:7 p. m. " 0, " ar. at Ileppner 7:00 p. in, daily except ounuay. Kim! hound, main lino ar. at Arlinffton 8:50 p. m, West leaves " 4:1) p. m. Night trainB are running on same time as before. HEPPNER-MONUMENT STAGE. fcitago leaves for Monument daily, excel t Sunday. Bt6:oU A. M. Arrives daily, except Monday, at 6:00 p. M. OSEO-OIT OPPIOIALS. (iovernor S. Pennoyer. Heo. of State O. W. Mcliride. Treasurer Phil Metachan. Bupt. Instruction E H. McKlroy. Juilno Seventh District VV.L. Bradshaw Distriot Attorney W. U. Wilson MORROW COUNT?. Joint Senator Henry Blackman. KepreseutHtive J C 'lhompson. lounty J udtre Jul ns Keithty. ' Commissioners J. A. Thompsou, H. M. Vaughn. Clerk J.W.Morrow. " Sheriff Oeii. Noble. Treasurer J.W. Matlock. Assessor J. J. McGee. " Surveyor...: Isa Brown. Hchool Bup't W.L.Saling. " Coroner James. Daugnerty. HEPPNER TOWN OFFICERS. Slayoi T.J. Matlock Councilman O. E. Farnsworth, M Uchtenthal, Otis Patterson, t). P. Oarngues, Thus. Horgon and Frank Uiliiam. Recorder A. A. Roberts. Treasurer fc- G- olocum Marshal J. W. ltasmus. GECEET EOCIETIES. Doric Lodge No. 20 K. of P. meets ev ery Tuesday evening at 7.30 o'clock in their Cantle Hall, National Bank build ing. Sojourning brothers cordially in vited to attend. Emil VoMJZ. C. C. T 0. AUBliEY, K. of IS. 4 8. tf KAWLIN8 POST, NO. 81. G.A.R. Meets at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of - each month. All veterans are invited to Join. C.C. Boon, Geo. W. Smith. Adjutant, tf Commander. FEOrESSIOlT.1.. A A. ROBERTS, Beal Estate, Ineur ance and Collections. Offioe in Connoil Chambers, Heppner, Or. swtf. MONEY IS Save 25 to 50 cents on every dollar you spend. Write for mammoth Catalogue, a bnO-page book, containing illustrations and Riving lowest man ufacturers' prices, with manufacturers' dis counts, of every kind of goods and supplies man ufactured and imported into the United States. Groceries, Household Goods, Furniture, Cloth ing, Ladles' and Gents' Clothing and Furnishing Goods. Drews Goods, White Goods. Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Gloves, Notions, Glassware, Stationery, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, buggies, Whips, Agricultural Im plements, etc. ONLY FIRST CLASH GUODS. Catalogue Bent on receipt of J5 cents for expresB age. We are the only concern who sells at man ufacturers' prices, allowing the buyer the same discount that the manufacturer gives to the wholesale buyer. We guarantee all goods as represented; if not found so, money refunded. Goods sent by expreaB or freight, with privilege of examination before paying. A. KAK FEN it CO., 122Quincey Hi., Chicago, 111. 1 REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, : A.VD PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR J Iadiceatloa, BHIoaracM, Headache, Cmatl- vmtloaDripepalCkroBle UTer TroukI DtutneM, Bad t oapleiiett. Dftntrry Offculre Breath and alt dUorden fthe J fttoaucb, LItcp mm Bawcla. 2 Rlpana Tatmles contain nothinr bijnritmn to i 2 the niort delicate constitution. Plflftfiaot to take, T Z safe, effectual. Gvt lmmediare relief. Z J Sold by drufnrbt. A trial bottle sect by mail Z, 0 on receipt of U cenu. Addresa THE RIPAN8 CHEMICAL CO. J M 8PBUCE STREET, KXW TORK CITT. r. A Year s Subscription to a Pop ular Agricultural Paper GIVEN FREET0 OUR READERS By a special arrangement with the publishers we are prepared to furnish FREE to each of our readers a year's subscription to the popular monthly agricultural journal, the Americas Farmer, published at Springfield and Cleveland, Ohio. This offer is made to any of our sub scribers who will pay up all arrearages on subscription and one year in advance, and to any new snbscribers who will pay one year in advance. The American Farmer enjoys a large national circula tion, and ranks among the leading agricultural papers. By this arrange ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re ceive the American Farmer for one year, It will be to yonr advantage to call promptly. Sample oopies can be s en at our office. From Terminal or Interior Points the RAILROAD! Is tbe line to take Fo all Points Eastand South. It is the DiningCar Rnnte. It rnns Through Vestibuled Trains every day in the year to St. Paul and Chicago (No Change of Cars) Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed, PULLMAN DRAWING ROOM SLEEPERS Of Latest Equipment Tourist Sleeping Cars Bent that can be constructed and in which no. coin modations aro both free and furnished for holders of hrst or second-class tickets, and Elegant Day Goachs. A Continuous hme connecting with all Lines, affording Direct Bad Uninter rupted Service. Pullman Sleeper Reservations can be Secured in advance through any agent of the road. THROUGH- TICKETS To and from all points in America, KiiRlnnd and Kurup caa be purchased at any Ticket ottice or tme uompauy. Full information concerning .rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. No. 121 First St., Cor. Washington, it. PORTLAND OREGON Tlie Orl clnal Webster's Unabridged D1CTI0HRRY . BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT WITH THE publishers, we are able to obtain a number of th above book, and propose to furnish a copy to each of our subscribers. The dictionary is a necessity In every home, school and business house. It fills a vacancy, and furnishes knowledge which no one hun dred other volumes of the choicest books could supply. Young and old, educated and ignorant, rich and poor, should have It within reach, and refer to its contenlB every day in the year. As some have asked if this is really the Orig inal Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, we are able to state we have learned direct from the publishers the fact, that this is the very work complete on which about forty of the best years ot the author's life were so well employed in writing. It contains the entire vocabulary of about 100,000 words, Including the correct spell ing, derivation and definition of same, and is the regular standard size, containing about 300,000 square inches of printed surface, and Is bound in cloth half morocco and o. Until further notice we will furnish this valuable Dict:onary First lo any new subscriber. Second To any renewal subscriber. Third To any subscriber now in arrears who pays up and one year in advance, at the following prices, viz: Full Cloth bound, gilt side and back stamps marbled edges $i-oo. Malt Mo occo, bound, gut side and back stamps, marbled edges, $1.50. Full Sheep bound, leather label, marbled edges, $2.00 Fifty cents added in all cases for express- age to Heppner. rAi the miblisherB limit the time and number of books they will furnish at the tow nrices. we advise all who deBire to avail them- selves of this great opportunity to attend to It at once. FBEETO THE AFFLICTED. AH who are suffering from the effects of Youthful Errors, Loss of Manhood, Failing Powers, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Strioture.Syphilieand the many troubles which are the effects of these terrible disorders will receive, Fbee of Charge, full directions how to treat and cure j 1 1 t u znemseives at hujuk uy wri.iuK w ium Califobnia Medical and Si boical In fibmabt, 1029 Market Street, San Francisco, California. 465-ly. Pacific pjSS&WiIiKS1. 1 I" ""an am CONSTIPATION and other bowel complaints cured and prevented by the prompt use of Ayer's Cathartic Pills They regulate the liver, cleanse the stomach, and greatly assist digestion. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Every Dose Effective. The y ebrated French Cure, Tcir APHRODITINE StSSEZ Is Solo on a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to euro any form of uervoui disease, or auy disorder of the BEfOBK geuerative or- AFTER (us of eitlier sex whether arising- from the xeentre use of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opiucj, ar through youthful indiscretion, oyer indulg ence, Ac, such as Loss of Brain Power, Wakeful. nest, Bearing down Palua in the Back, Seminal WeakueM, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn' al Eraluion. , Leucorrhcea, Dizziness, Weak Mem. ory,Loiol Power and Impotency, which If ne elected often lead to premature old age and Insan ity. Price 11.00 a box, 6 boxes for 15.00 Sent by man ou receipt of price. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE for every 16.00 order, to refund tba money if a Permanent care is not effected. Thousands of testimonials from old and young, of both sexes, permanently iiuredbyAPHaoDiTiK. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO WMTIBM BRANCH, BOX PORTLAND, OR Sold In Heppner by Slocum-Joliintoti Drug Co. 4 A NATURAL, BEMEDI FOB Epileptic Fits, Falling Sickness, Hrs terlcs, St. Vitas Dance, .Nerrotis . nett, Hypochondria, Melait ' cholia,Inebrlty, Sleepless ness, Dizziness, Brain and Spinal Weak ness. This medicine has direct action upon the nerve centera, allaying all irritabilities and Increasing the flow and power of nerve fluid It is perfectly harmless and leaves no un pleasant effeots. FREE A Vnlnnhln Tlnnfe nn Virnim Disease sentfree to any address, mid nonr natlaiifji run a) an nhtiin 1 tills medicine fre cf charge. This remedy has been prAfd by the Rever endP&storKoenlg,ofFfT' ' vne,Ind., since 1876. and is now prepared '. iuer his direction by the KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, III. Bold by Drag-gist at SI per Bottle. 6 for 5. Wa-e 6 Bottles for 9. Sold in Portland. Oregon, by Snell. HeitHha & Woodard. EDA7CD AXLE GREASE BEST IN THE WORLD. Its wesriDs aualltlee are unsurpassed, actuallr wtlastlns two boxes of any other brand. Not fleeted or heat. trO tT Til t J E.M I Mi, FOR SALE BY DEALERS GENERALLY, lyf TO WOOL GBOWERS ! IF YOU WANT To keep your Sheep healthy, and insure a good cup, uie HARVARD'S : SHEEP : DIPS. A Sure Cure at Moderate Cost. HAYVVARDS "PASTE DIP Mixes with either COLD or WARM WATER. HAYVVARD S LIQUID DIP Is Non-Poisonous, Improves the Wool and does Not stain it. CHRISTY 4te WISH, Wool Commismon Merchants, Filth And Townsend Sts., Ban Francisco General Aqents. For sale by Slooum-Johnston Drug Co. Where? At Abrabamsick's. In addition to hi tailoring business, he has added a fint line ot nnderwear of all kinds, nexlieet shirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on band some elegant patterns for suits. A. Abrahamsiok, May street, Heppner, Or. (25 KEWAKD For the return to my plaoe, six ml lee sontb of Nolin, Oregon, 1 gray mare with yearling oolt, branded TS on right shoul der and circle W on left shoulder; also 1 bay mare branded TS on right shouldei and dim brand on left shoulder resem bling c. Or I will pay $10 for infor mation leading to their reoovery. . Weber, 498-506 Nolin, Or. BTKAYED. Two sorrel horses. One of them branded "8" on the right shoulder, likewise on the right stifle. I he other was branded "H" on the right shoulder, also "K" Tbe weight ol each was about lU.rU pounds. Anvone returning tbe same to my ranch at Eight Mile will receive a reward of $15. sw tf Hylvancs Wright. OKD1NANCE NO. 4!. An ordiuanoe providing for the sup plying of the town of Heppner and its inhabitants with electric lights and pow er for public and privnte purposes, and granting H. V. Gates of Hillsboro, Oie- 3uu, his successors and assigns, an ex elusive franchise and license to construct huJ operate a system of electric, lighting ind power works in tbe town ot Heppner, contracting with the said H. V. Gates for tbe rental of electric lights for supplying tbe town of Heppner with lights, and jiving the town of Heppner uu option to purohase tbe same. The town of Heppner does ordain as follows: Section 1. The exclusive privilege is hereby granted to H. V. Gates, his buo oesjors and assigns, for and during the term of fifteen years (subject to the right of purchase), and the conditions and for feitures hereinafter provided) to erect, construct, maintain and operate a system of electric lights and power works in the town of Heppner, for supplying the said a ity and the inhabitants thereof with electric lights and power for public an private purposes. Wheresoever herein after tbe word "grantee" is used it is in tended to apply to and mean H. V. Gates, his successors and assigns. aection A. xne grantee is hereby au thorized to erect and maintain on the streets, alleys, parks and public ways, tbe poles, fixtures and wires necessary for the purpose of supplying the city and inhabitants thereof, with eh'ctrio light, power, telegraph or telephone seryioe. Said poles and wires to be so placed so as to not unreasonably interfere with or impede the free use of streets, alleys, parks Bntl public ways of travel and otlv or purposes for which they ure intended Whenever the said grantee shall have ceased to own or operate said eleotrio iystem in said city.theBaid gran tee shall remove the poles, wires and lines from tbe streets, alleys, parks and public ways, and this franchise shall become null and void. Section 8. Said electric light plan shall be of sufficient oapaoity to supply the city and inhabitants thereof all lights that may be required for their use. After demand and coutraot is made for lights, providing the plant is not then sufficient in capacity to meet the demand, the said grantee is to be allowed such time us may be neoessary to inorease the cafwii ty of said plant to meet the demands thereof. Section 4. In consideration of the benefits which will be derived by the town of Heppner and its inhabitants, uom the construction and operation of said electrio works, and in further con sideration of tbe electrio light and powe mpply, hereby seoured for the publio use, as an inducement for the grantee to enter upon the construction of said elec tric works, the privilege hereby granted to and rested in H. V. Gates, his succes 9ors and assigns, shall remain in full force and effect for and during the period of fifteen years, but subjeot to the right of purchase as aforesaid. Seotion 5. The said grantee is to erect and maintain electric street lights at nuoh points in the streets, alleys, parks and publio ways, as said town of Hepp ner may from time to time direot, pro vided the said grantee shall not be re quired to erect and maintain any aro light at a greater distance than one thou jand feet from some other aro light, nor lo erect and maintain auy incandescent ight, at a greater distanoe than four hundred feet from some other incandes cent light, supplied to the city. The arc lights to have from 1200 to 2000 candle power. The said grantee is to furnish laid lights for Btreet lighting only, at the 'ollowmg rates per month: Arc lights each, fifteen dollars; inoandescent lights, iaoh sixteen candle power two and fifty one hundretha dollars eaoh; twenty four oandle power, three and twenty five one hundredths dollars each; thirty-two oan dle power, four dollars; said lights to be kept burning, exoept during clear moon- ight nights, from twilight until dawn, and no longer, duringeaoh day of twenty four hours. The said town of Heppner agrees to use and pay for sufficient number of said lights at above nites to amount in tbe aggregate to one tinndred dollars per month, for a poriod of fifteen yenrs, said rental to be paid on the first day of each and every month succeeding tbe use thereof. Said grantee is to keep ights burning ar aforesaid, and in event )f any failure so to do, not toreoeiveany compensation for auy such light not burning. In the event said town of Heppner requires more lights than are uoluded in the monthly amount above specified, the said grantee is to furnish same at rates per month as stipulated herein. Seotion B. The said town of Heppner may from time to time, by ordinance in that behalf, enacted during tbe term for wbioh this privilege is granted, may re quire the grantee to make extensions of tbe wire lines ot said works, but as a consideration ot suob extensions, the said town of Heppner in such ordinance, shall order the ereotion and maintain ance of not less than one aro light for every lOuO feet ot main line, or one inoan descent light for every four hundred feet of main line, and the said town of Hepp ner shall . par an additional monthly rental for all snob additional lights at rates specified in section four of this or dinance, for the unexpired term of fifteen years from acceptanuo of this ordinance the same payable as hereinbefore pro vided, on tbe first day of each month succeeding nse thereof. Hection 7. The grantee may charge and colleot during the oontinuauoe of the privilege herein granted, the follow ing tariff of rates to consumers of lights, or other rates that may be established by the grantee and approved of by said town of Heppner. ELECTRIC LIGHT BATES. Kates per light per month for commer cial lightiug. Hours of burning. Candle pow'r of lamps JO Hi 1 Kreiiinjr until Id p. n 2'Kv'nltiK until lnidnl'li 1(1 101 l is 2 oo r 1 IIS i mi 1 uo A 00 a lb 1 20 ah niKiit Arc HirhtM until lilt. Arc lights until mlilni't Arc lights all night And the grantee may make such rules and regulations governing the service ot light to consumers as may be proper and expedient in that behalf and may enforce the observance of the same after they are approved by the town counoil, by outting off the supply of light or other wise, and the said town of Heppner, by its counoil, shall adopt ordinances pro tecting the grantee in the safe and un molested enjoyment of the privileges hereby granted, and against injury to its property. Seotion 8. At the expiration of fifteen years from the completion of said works, and at the end of each year thereafter the town of Heppner Bhall have the op tion to purohase and owu said works, together with its lands, machinery, lines, outhts, lights, privileges and franchises, upon tbe following conditions : And the grantee' in accepting this ordinance ex pressly oovenants to sell aud convey to the town of Heppner, the Baid electric works as a whole on the said conditions, the said town of Heppner, by resolution of its mayor and counoil. shall deter. mine to purchase and own the said elec tric works and shall serve a certified oopv of such resolutions on the grautee at least six months before the time when said town of Heppner may exeroise snob option. The sum of money that said town of HeDpner shall pay for said eleo trio works and system bb a whole shall be an amount which at eight per oent. interest would produce an annual income equal to the net income during tbe year previous to the serving of such notice hereinbefore desoribed, with tbe oost prioe added for auy improvements or ex tensions that may have been made during the year previous to such notice, upon wbioh no revenue has been derived. When such purchase is made by the said town of Heppner, tbe franchise granted to the suid H. V. Gates shall terminate. If said town of Heppner shall not deter mine to purchase said eleotric works and system within fifteen years from the date ot acceptance of this ordinance, it shall grant to the grantee an exolusive fran- ehise upon the same terms and condi tions hereiu stated. Section 9. The grantee shall com mence active operations on said eleotric works within ninety cliijs from passage of this ordiuanoe, nud oomplete same within 180 days, uuless from causes be yond the oontrol of said grantee, such as strikes, riots, failure ot manufacturers to produce muterial, and railroads to deliv er the same, in which event the time so lost, shall be extended. Upon comple tion of said works, aud the same is in operation, the street light rentals pro vided tor shall begin. Seciion 10, All work and muterial fur nished under the terms of this oontraot, shall be done and performed in a good, neut aud workmanlike manner, first-class in every respect aud in the most approved form known to trade. Section 11. In case said grantee shall fail to oommenoe active operations on said works within tbe time specified in this contract then, and in that case, this franobise shall be forfeited and this or dinance be null and void. Seoiton 12. All ordinances and parts of ordinanoes inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, and this ordinance shull Le published iu the Heppner Gazette, and Heppner lieoord, and shull take effect from and after its passage and publication. Seotion 13. This ordiuanoe shall be come binding upon the town of Heppner upon tbe event that grantee shall, within thirty days from the passage and publi cation ot this ordinance, file with the clerk of the town of Ileppner, his written acceptance of the terms and conditions of this ordinance. Said acceptance shull oonstitute the contract, and shall be the measure of the rights and liabilities of the town of Heppner and of H. V. Gates,. is successors and assigns. During the existence of the contract for street light rentals, the general tax annually assess ed, levied and colleoted upon nil tux able property on the assessment roll ol the town of Heppner, shall be sufficient in addition to all the other purposes fori which such general tux is assessed, lev ied and collected from time to time, to meet tbe payments for all street light rentals under this ordinance when they shull respectively be earned and payable uring the existence of ony oontracts fur Btreet light rentals and a sufficiency ot snob general tax so collected shall be an" ually set apart in money and kept as a separate fund to be known as fne street gbt fund and shall be irrevocably and exclusively devoted to the street light rentals under this ordinance and shall not be other w:ee employed. Seotion H. The mayor and recorder of the town of Ileppner are hereby au thorized and instructed, upon the ac ceptance of this prdiuauoe, to seal du plicate copies thereof with tbe seal of the town of Heppner, and to sign suoh oopies of such oontraot in the name and in the behalf of the town of Heppner and to deliver one of the oopies, so signed and sealed in behalf of the town of Hepp ner, to grantee and to aooept the other in behalf of the town of Heppner, when signed and sealed by the said grantee, and to oause snoh oopies, to gether with suoh aooeptanoe, to be prop erly authenticated in accordance with the laws governing ooutraots for the sale f real estate, and to be recorded in the offioe of the oounty clerk ot Morrow jounty. Seotion 15. In the event the water ordinance is not ratified by vote of the tax payers at the eleotion to be held to issue bonds for water supply, this or dinance to be null and void. T. J. Matlock, Mayor. Attest : A. A. Koberts, Recorder. Posted, Heppner, Or., July 2, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 51. An ordinance providing for tbe issu ance of bonds to supply the town of Heppner with water, and authorizing the sale thereof, and fixing the time and manner of paying the same. Be it ordained by the common oouncil of the town of Heppner: Sectiou 1. That in order to borrow a sum of money to supply the town of Heppner with water, there be issued fif teen bonds in the sum of one thousand dollars each, payable on the first day of ingust, in the year 1912, with interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, pay able semi-auiiunlly ; namely on the first Jays of February aud August of each year. Section 2. The bonds mentioned in the foregoing seotion shall be numbered mil entered iu tbe proper books in the office of tbe town racorder, and shall con tain a provision pledging the faith of the town to full payment, in United States gold ooin, ot the present standard ot weight and fineness, of the pritioipal, and interest thereon, at the Oregon financial Agenoy, in New York City, at the time the same may become due, upon the surrender of suoh bonds or of the oonpons for tho interest thereon. Seciion 3, To each ot the said bonds there Bhall be attached (orty ooupons, numbered the same as the bonds and representing the interest thereou for eaoh half year or semi annual payment of the same, from tlje first day of August, 1892 to- the first' day of August, 1912. and payable on the date thereon named, and at the plaoe and in the man ner provided by section 2 ot this ordi nance. Seotion 4. The bonds and coupons herein mentioned shall be signed by the mayor and attested by the recorder. Section 5. The council Bhall soli and dispose of the bonds to be issued under the provisions of this ordinance, iu the following manner: The oouncil shull advertise for scaled bids for said bonds aud shall designate in said advertisement the date when suid bids shall be openod and examined. Said bids shall be opened at a regular meeting of the council, provided that if there he no quorum present at the date set for opening and examining said bids, a oull meeting may be had for that pur pose as soon thereafter as the mayor or a majority of the oonnoil may desire. Tbe advertising for sealed bids may be done in such way and manner as by tbe coun cil directed and the council shall reserve the right to rejeat auy and all bids. Seotion 6. Upon making the sale of any of the said bonds, the mayor and the recorder shall notify the town treasurer in writing, of the terms and conditions thereof, and upon receiving the purchase prioe thereof, the treasurer shall give the purchaser a receipt, wbioh shall be suffi cient authority to the mayor and record er to sign and deliver the requisite num ber of bonds, as provided in this ordi nance. ' Section 7. The funds procured from the issuance of these bonds to be op plied to the oonsideratiou in ordinance No. 50 (combining agreement) submitted by H. V. Gates for supplying the town of Heppner with water aud water works. Section 8. That at tbe expiration of Marion Mar-land's Endorsement OF Royal Baking Powder. Extract from Marion Harland's Letter to the Royal Baking Powder Co. tfiPtv-CCSiS &4 fife 44 frw (Les 8 seventeen years from August first, 1892, there shall be set aside fur eaoh of the following years, for a term of three years, the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) to constitute a sinking fund for the payment of said bonds, and the town oouncil are hereby authorized and empowered to levy and collect, in addi tion to the rate of levy now allowed by law, a sufficient rate per cent, upon tbe taxable property of the town of Heppner, to provide the said sum of five thousand dollars, yearly, as provided by this seotion, provided the suid levy be made at the time the regular town levy is made aud colleoted, in the same man ner and under the same conditions. T. J. Matlock, Mayor. Attest, A. A. Roberts, Recorder. Posted, Ileppner, Or., July 2, 1892. Head Sea Fruits. They slay multitudes when they are produot of neglect of incipient disease, A "slight" oold, a fit of indigestion, bil liousness or constipation, eBOh or any of these "minor ailments" advance in manv cases with "league-destrying strides." Give them a Bwift, early defeat with Hos tetter'B Stomaoh Bitters and avert the danger. Abernethy ministered an alarm ing rebuke to the man who informed him that he had "only a oold!" "Oulyacold," repeated the doctor. "What would ye have the plague!" Rheumatism and la grippe are easily extinguishable at the start. Why then allow them to get up a full head of steam? Put on the breaks with the Hitters, The genial warmth which this superb medioiiie diffuses through the system, the impetus it gives to the circulation of the blood, its sooth ing and strengthening effect upon the nervous, speoially recommend it to the enfeebled and Bick. "l'is ihe great spe eilia for malaria. Too feuipuauc. During a sessiou of the house of com mons the members wear their huts, which they remove when rising to speak or to make a motion. This cus tom is occasionally the cause of a com ical scene, like the one reported iu Sir William Eraser's "Disraeli and his Day." William Ewart, the member for Liverpool, was making- nn effective speech, and on tho bench just below him sat Joseph Hume, a radical, whoso aspect was that of intense solemnity. Ho wore a hat with a broad brim and u long nap, which apparently was too litrpe for his larfre head. Ewart, while emphasizing his last sentence, brought his right fist down with crushing vio lence upon Hume's hat, which instantly descended below Hume's chin and ob scured his heavy features. The house, which had been listening with interest, roared with laughter, and tho orator sut down abashed by the incident that hail spoiled the effect of his speech. Colli-go limit. A freshman in a college In the city was anxious to mail a letter. Having been told to drop it into the red box at the corner, ho hurried out of the build ing and ran down the street. He saw a red box, but could find no opening in which to put his letter. He searched for any possible direction on the box, and noticed, in large letters: "King twice." He rang twice, says the San Francisco Argonaut, and waited to see what would happen, expecting a door to fly open into which he could drop the letter. Suddenly an open buggy dashed up and a man in blue uniform jumped out. "Where is it?" he de manded. "Here it is, thank you," said the freshman; "please mail it at once." The lire cuptain looked at the letter and then at the student's retreating figure. Then he dropped the letter into the box across the street, reported the alarm false and went back to the sta tion. , , . ( A CoufiteH C'ook. Like most wives of great men. Countess von .Mollke was devoted to her brave hushnnrt's comfort. During their travels in Italy Hie lady went into the kitchen and prepared with her own hands all the food eaten by the old hero, who would rather face the caunnu's mouth than sn Italian meal, lie was fond of exhibiting to his friends what he culled his wife's Italian costume u gray linen blouse and skirt and an im mense cotton apron iu which the good frau spent most of her time in the Uoman kitchens, while the American wife would have been viewing the churches of the lOternal city. A. II. Stevens made ns a pleasant call Saturday. He hopes for a better crop than present indications wnrrant. The weather being cooler, is in favor of the farmer. - v