Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 01, 1892, Image 4

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    "T".. . .... mnnn fflKKTIPATION. INDIGESTION,
-J - v 'Hf",,',
''U'o I' H'llitey" We extend an Invitation to nr.ll rtinl nor frrc lst" :-t Mir ( Knit:,
lj'3''?$t!b)$' J "Amnio ('liiuulwrn." Hours 1 to ;i p. m. Lady AttcnJa.it.
: :; '': V till mail orders Simuu day receivtd (Vcnni-iy Mu-ii, I'-MruiM),
If n' -t ns represented v.e will rrli riu vniii moil.
' QUEEN ANTI-HAIRINE" mu-ikva Ho.viA or ?v-nUwm
TInir Inmi the race, Meek uiid Aniis, or him L lliHliinark-.
Mud cm o a pu.t', only a few mijiult. anpliuutjon i yri(!iin'd. It
ixiwcruu. via mini hi us ei en. it :L oivt3 nmt ux'Mmvii tne
fullicif.s of tlio h-iir without the llghtet p:iin, injury or discoid 'i;
linn tu tho most dt licule fkin. Try H. Cue ft ice ,'fc! .00 icr KoltI.
"QUctN MA1RINE" to resin ni ami promote the Ila.r has no equal. Jt is u punni e (vaseline
or in), r nir uppheitimus will Mep tho hair falling anil prevent (l;tinlriitt'. It. run s H-u!p dU'iWi", and
will pot: I ively urnw a lux u riant pcovjih of hair unless hereditarily bnld. T-alunc? fa not an ii.diratiou
that tho roo 3 ai odiiifl. Naluro t. id not provitlo tliat wo should wear a covering for the heatl. When
the epidermis (kin) is alive, eo are the roots, and "Queen Hairine" applied to the Fiirfare openslhe
follicle-, ao'i givfi" nourishment and vitalily to iho roots. One bottle will convince the moat skeptical
of iln merits, 'iryit. Price, J .(.0 per tot tic. . , . .
' Q'JEEiN ANTI-ODOR" ipowdeml form) applied to the pfirta allflys rTcosslve perM ration,
and perm mentiy cures otfunaivo feet , armpit-, etc A wort delifrhti'ul and harmless remedy. Price 60c.
Our ' OND0L1NF " (liquid, puro and harmless I, when applied to the bJuu restores and beautifies
the Connlesioir removes and prevents Tan, bunburn, Freckles, Pimples and blackheads. ThLi re
nowned preparation cannot bo excelled, a ling'e application has a marvelous effect, and each
atluii-'.nrA one Improves tlie complexion. Try it; if not delighted wnh it, return tho bottle, and wo
will refund vour money. One Hoi tie will restore the complexion. Price, $1.00
QfiKKN Tf)ir-KT('(i.: Your preparation fonuulas (alter a careful analysis), I am free to say, are
harniU'1 and certainly effectual if lined according to directions. J. V. Hesse, hi. D 4M rreeniau Ave.
Remit bv 1'. O. t,nler, iieyiKtered letter, or Irall to home othce, and mention this paper.
174 RACE ST., C5PJCINMATI, O. (Local Ajrents Vantd.)
' now to be Bcandful" sent fur two stamp';.
QUAINT EASTPORT. family Bible of Oeor Wasliin?
Tbt ParEait Town That Wai th 8coi ton's mothnr, now owncil by Mr,
or a Recent Internal ton 1 Episode. Lewis Washington, of Charleston. W .
Eastpoi-t, the scene of the recent Va., has been loaned for exhibition at
seizure of American fishing boats by a Mount Vernou. It has a cover of home
dominion cruiser, is not, as is popularly spun cloth put on by its original owner,
ftunnnral. tbn most easterly town in The Washington Post savs that tho
Curious ObterTflon on
An English writer on the "Effects of
Musical Sounds on Animals" has pub
lished some curious observations on this
subiect. A few of those relating to
the United States, as a part of Lubec book is wonderfully preserved for its oxcn and cows will be of interest,
S'H!. r':troiilPH ot car UontH and 1
SSmiil Francisco
Autl all points in Cntifomm, via tho Mt. Bhnfita
roiito of tlio
Southern Pacific Co.
The grpnt hiu'liwny throu(,'h California to nil
points Eiurt ami South. Oraiicl Bcenin Houtt
of tho l'ai'ifio tloiist. Pullman Hnffut
SluepurB. BiiCouil-clliBS Sleopore
Attnfhfil topxprws trainR, nffonlinft superior
ai'i'iimniDilfitioJiH for Hi'coiiil-cliisH panm!lwrH.
For rittiH. tiiki'lH. Bh-oping cur reeervutioiiB,
el.o.. call upon or aililroBB
R KUKIII.KIt, MamiBiT, E. I'. ROOKK8, Asst.
Gcu. F. -V 1'. Aft.. I'ortlanil, OreRim.
national Bant of tone..
v Preslilent. Cashier.
Mude on Favornble TermB.
VV droBBcil Lumber, 10 miles of Heppner, at
whnt 1b known aB tho
extends about a mile farther toward ago and all of its pages are still intact
the sunrise, but it is far enough east to except the first fire or six that were
be commonly known as "the jumping- torn out and placed in the corner stone
off place," and it is an old and interest- of the Mary Washington monument at
ing town. Eastport, says the Xew York Fredericksburg', Va. The first entry
Sun, occupies tho whole of Jloose in it is of the marriage of Augustine
island, which is connected with the Washington and Mary Hall in 1731, anil
mainland by a bridge twelve hundred the next is of the birth of George Wash-
feet in length and separated from the ington, February 11, I'M (o. s.).
queen's dominions by picturesque Pps
samaquoddy bay. Moose island is about
two miles wide by five miles long, and
Eastport village is situated at its south
eastern extremity upon a harbor which
is open the year round, never having
been closed by ice. Eastport has suf
fered more from disastrous fires than
any other town in Maine, having been
practically wiped out three times within
the past half century. In 183U the busi
ness section was swept away by the
flames, and this was repeated in 1804,
when two hundred and fifty thousand
dollars' worth of property was
burned up. Again, in 1S80, the town
was visited by a conflagration which
destroyed one hundred and sixty-two
buildings, causing a loss of eight hun
dred thousand dollars. The people,
however, soon rebuilt their town, this
time in a more substantial manner than
before, when nearly all the buildings
were of wood. Eastport is to-day a
handsome town of something over five
thousand inhabitants, the greater part
of whom are connected in one way or
another with the fishing industry, and
all of whom seem to prosper better than
the average of mankind. This is the
great center of that interesting indus
try whose product is "little fishes biled
in ile" the sardine business. Here, an
nually, millions of small herring are
boiled, spiced and packed in oil in little
tin boxes covered all over with artistic
French inscriptions and they are just
as good as any sardines, if you only
want to think so, and ninety-nine peo
ple In one hundred don't know the dif
ference. If fine scenery could be boxed
up and sold like little herring Eastport
would soon be as rich as New York.
The whole place seems designed by
nature for a summer residence, and
when Gen. Butler was down there he
declared that if the people who built
Bar Harbor could have seen Eastport
first the great resort of the nabobs
would have been located at Passama
quoddy instead of on Frenchman's bay.
flO 00
17 60
Cutt lo hrfimlccl and cur marked oh hIiowu above.
Hm-Bos K on iinlit rihnulclnr.
Mv cnltlH nuiKo in Morrow and umalilln cona
tion. I will pay jsiiKVUt for tlio nrrmt ami con
viction. o any pernon Btcalina my stock.
L ?.f.00 per 1,W)0 feet, additional.
Hamlltoni Man'icr
I have re-npcneil tills well-known house to (he
public, uuil nolk'it a aharo of the palrounKc.
I'er day J
Huiml per week...... ' J
" " with room i) uu
Mv table 1 nluujB supplied with the best the
nmiiiot atloi'lH. ...,.,,,,-,-
M Its. liASr. A IIAI Uli I nv.
r,7 tf s-w
On Sale
Kansas City, St. Paul,
Tun oldest surgeon in the world is
said to be M. W. Salmon, of Cambridge,
Eng. Ho was born in March, 1790.
Joski'U Taper, a negro, gave a pe
culiar reason for trying to hang himself
in Pittsburgh the other day. lie is now
ono hundred and seven years old, and ho
had given up the hope of ever dying in
tho natural way.
Mit. and Mrs. Stephen Osborne, of
Knoxville, Tenn., are soon to celebrate
the Bcventy-second anniversary of their
marriage. They are respectively one
hundred and one and ninety-two years
of age and have two hundred and nine
ty descendants.
Old Lady Ayleshury is one of the
most extraordinary figures in London
society. She is nearly eighty, and
wears a wig of corkscrew curls. She is
noted as the possessor of a sharp
tongue, and licr language is at all
times picturesque anil vigorous.
Nathaniel Holland, of Havre, Me.,
though ninety-eight, years old, is one of
the most active men in the hay field in
all the neighborhood. He has swung a
scythe since he was twelve years old,
and whenever the hay is ready for cut
ting he takes the leading swath.
Sr. Helena, Oal., boasts of a remark
ably active "oldest inhabitant" in the
person of a book canvasser, who al
though ninety-two years old. is as vig
Drous as most men at fifty. Two years
ago he walked to a town thirty-two
miles distuut and back the same day.
Leaves lloppner, 8 n. m.
tiSO p. m.
Colonist Hleepers(
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
Portland to Sun
every four days.
TO i.KT33
For niti'B ami ki'iumhI hitormntioncan on
JVpot Tli' kiit AniMit,
,j. c. 1 1 A.in
Hi'Pliner. Ort'Kon.
V. II IU'lil Bl'HT, Asut. tii'iil. Tush. Apt.
JVl Washington St.,
l'OKTl.ANn, OWRliON,
"5 J t
1 1 Sciantiflo America
jWSjf, Ayoncy tor
x. r If- caveats.
r WY ' COPVRIOHT8, eto.
for Infnrnmtlnn aril froo Hamlbonk write to
Ml NN A Ml,. ;. Hlio Al W AY. NKW I itHK.
Olilt'Ht hur..ni for wvunnii pnt"ii! in America.
I'-vt'rv p;it.Mit tnki'ii mil liv uh li biiMiuht hefurt
tui imt'lic by a notlue jsivim true ot I'tiarn) In infl
ctrnitfic gntcvtrau
Ijtn-eMt nreulntlon of nr.. seienttne paper In th.
orl'l. SiUeutli.tlv iinislnue.l. No IntellUi'iit
limn nhimlil lie Mitueut It. Weekly. .I.O(
ears fl-.-o six ntunlti. Atblre.f RltlNN I.V.
'uulisukhh.1 Uamiiway, .New Vork.
EmsoN is worth S3,()00,00(l.
Phil Akmocr, the Chicago pork king,
doi'S au annual business of W3, 000,000.
Mrs. T. N. Eukry, of Uangor, is said
to be the richest woman in Maine. Tho
Ilur Harbor Tourist rates her at $4,
Miss Helen Cloak, a full blooded
ludian of the Illackfoot tribe, has been
appointed by Secretary Noble special
allotting ngent.
Lady Uandoi.I'U Chuiii'ihi.l is the
only American woman who has been
honored by the queen with the order of
the crown of India.
Emanihu, tluiKSNtit, of Lebanon, Pa.,
who is just forty years old, has beeu in
this country twenty years, and is the
father of twenty children.
John I.,Hi..uis. of Ulairsville, N. J., is
reputed to be worth all the way from
5o0.000.000 to $1 10,000,000. He has never
sold a share of stock in any enterprise
with which he has been associated, and
has money invested in scores of rail
roads, sonic of which he absolutely con
Women in California canneries pet
fron SI. Ill to 81.WI per week.
One of the largest pearl fishing
grounds iu the world is iu the gulf of
The manufacture of cotton goods In
the island of Cev Ion has made remark
able progress.
(iuaraiiteeil Cave.
We authorize our advertised druggist
to sell Dr. King s ?ev Discovery for oon
snniptiou, couglis and colds, upon this
coiidituiu. It you are alllicted with a
cough, cold or mtv lung, throat or oliest
trouble, and will use this remedy as di
rected, giving it a fair trial, and experi
moid mi benefit, you may return the bot
tle and have jour mouey refunded. We
could not make this oiler did we not
know that lr. Kinu's New Disoovery
could be relied ou. It never disappoints.
Trial bottles free at Klocuni-Johuston'a
drug store. Large bottles fiOe and $1,
They' Build at the Unto of One Inch In
Bix Months.
The coral animal can be tamed. I be
lieve 1 am the first person in the world
who ever accomplished the result, says
George L. Bancroft. Here is a piece I
found on a Florida reef. I was anxious
to learn how fast the coral grows, so
I placed it in water where I could visit
it every week and note the change.
When I first visited the specimen the
polyps would dart into their cells.
After several visits they became so bold
as to remain outside, and finally our
acquaintance ripened until they would
Jo their work while I remained a
watcher. I have stood by the hour
watching the little fellows at work.
They taught me that the claim of sci
entific men that the coral does not
grow more than one inch in one hun
dred years is tho sheerest nonsense.
My pets builded an inch in six months.
How do they work? Well, that is a
rather difficult question to answer. The
little animal is a sack: that is, his stom
ach is the biggest part of him. He is a
compound auimal, and increases by
germination, young polyps springing
from the original polyp. The upper
surface is arrayed with tentacles, and
the body is separated by a number of
partitions that extend from the stomach
to the outer skin. Between these walls
the carbonate of lime is deposited.
Amuslnfr. Incident Apropos of James
Whiteonib Itlley'i He putuilnn Abroad.
James Whiteonib Ililcy went abroad
recently, and on the vessel coming back
volunteered for the regular ship's con
cert for the benefit of destitute mar
iners, says the New York Commercial
Advertiser. He read a number of his
poems, which were rapturously re
ceived by everybody present with the
exception of two very stolid English
men iu the front, row. The following
conversation ensued between them
later on in the smoking room:
"I say, Arthur, what was that chap's
name who read the verses?"
"Aw, that's Wilcox ltiley he's quite
clever tradesman."
"Bless me, who'd 'a' thought itl I
heard he was a literary chap and all
that sort of thing."
"No, I'm told he's a hosier."
"You don't say so? Really, now,
what a pity it is that a man like him
should lie tied down to a shop."
And this is what it is to be the
Hoosier poet.
How Benevolent Alan Furnished Wind
for ft Poor Flutist,
In "A Book of Vagrant Men and Va
grant Thoughts," Alfred T. Story gives
the following graphic description of a
street incident: "I was once," he says,
"an eyewitness of an amusing, and at
the same time pathetic incident in an
East End thoroughfare, in which a poor
flutist was the chief actor. It happened
one bleak night in December. The
streets were almost deserted, and a bit
ter wind was driving down the streets,
carrying everything before it. Few
people were about. Nevertheless, a
wretched flute-player, despite the wind,
was trying to blow a few coppers from
the pockets of the chance wayfarers.
"He seemed to be in the last stage of
consumption, llislong, black coat was
pinned across his throat in a way that
suggested his shirtless condition, while
on his face was written a whole jeremi
ad of woe.
"Although he blew into his pipe with
all the might he could command, yet he
produced no sound. The gale was too
strong for him. The fierce gusts seemed
to be blown through and through the
poor fellow, and with such searching
keenness that the wonder was that the
soul of the man was not blown out of
his lean bodj
"Presently a big, lusty, well-favored
man came along. Ho observed curious
ly for a minute or two the poor flutist's
efforts to raise the wind; then quietly
taking the instrument out of his hands,
he applied it to his own lips, at the
same time telling the poor fellow to go
before and hold the hat.
"He did so. whereupon the worthy
citizen commenced to blow out such a
liquid flood of melody that every passer
by stood and listened, and many of the
listeners put their hands into their
pockets, and cast their maravedi into
the reversed headcover.
"Thus the two men went the length
of the street. Then the rubicund Or
pheus returned the flute to its owner.
wished him good-night and a better sup
per and turned to go.
"But the poor fluter, grateful for his
unexpected windfall, gently detained
his benefactor, and thinking he was in
the profession, proposed to divide with
him the results of their joint efforts:
but the stranger would not hear of it
it, and hastened quickly away, the oth
er meanwhile delaying his much-needed
supper to look after him with dimming
Onnosite to our house was a large
field, in which some twelve or thirteen
cows were put during the summer
months. One day a German band be
gan to play on the road which divided
the house from the field. The cows
were quietly grazing at the other end
of the field, but no sooner did they
hear tho music than they at once ad
vanced toward it and stood with their
heads over the wall attentively listen-
ing- I
This might have passed unnoticed,
but upon the musicians going away the
animals followed them, and when they
could get no further stood lowing pite
ously. So excited did the cows become
that some of them ran round and round
the field to try and get out; but, finding
no outlet, returned to the same corner
where they had lost sight of the band,
and it was some time before they
seemed satisfied that the sweet sounds
were really gone.
I have often noticed the power music
has over oxen. The other day we had
a brass band playing in our garden. In
a field adjoining were four Scotch oxen.
When the band struck up they were
at the far end of a nine-acre field, quite
out of sight, the field being very un
even. They set off full trot to the gar
den wall, put their necks over, and re
mained so till the tune was finished,
when thev went back to graze; but as
soon as the music struck up again they
came and put their heads once more
over the wall. This went on till the
band left, after which they ate little all
lay, and were continually lowing
There are many anecdotes that snow
that the ox or cow has a musical ear.
The carts in Corunna, in Spain, make so
loud and disagreeable a creaking sound
with their wheels, for the want of oil,
that the governor once issued an order
to have the wheels greased, but the
carters petitioned that this might not
be done, as the oxen liked the sound,
and would not draw as well without
their accustomed music.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or, June, IS, 1SW.
Nottee Is herebv iriven that the following-
named settler has Hied notli e of his Intention to
said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow i ounty. llreKoll, at lleppner,
Oregon, ou Julv 30. ism, viz:
(Hd No. 2101) for the SK'i SK1 Sec 3, S VM NE1 j,
Sec 10. and V, NW. See 11, TpoS, R "Jo E.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said laud, viz:
w. E. Kahler. 3. W. Banister, A. M. Royse, D.
N. Hard man, all of Uanbaan. Oregon.
4'.:i-."-tr.i John W. Lkwih. Register.
Keller, Richard, Rlanton. Grant connty, Or.
Eli in aquaie, catile on left iiip: hoists sauia
on left hltonlder. ItanKi' Beer viiIIhv.
Kirk J.T.. Heppner, dr. -Hose. a K9 on loft
shoulder; e:u I le, i-'.l on leit hip.
linal proof In support of hlsolaiin. and that I ' ' ' ?PP"er. "r. noreoe. u oa tuil.er
proofwlll be made before the County ""'.'i- I "idii '!
shoiiider : eattle biuue on liLt side, underhit on
rinht enr.
ktunberlaml.W. 0.. MonntVornon, 0.-. I I, on
catlte on riarht and left sides. bwhiIi.w foil, i:, li ft
ear and under ciop in riKht ear. lloiirfs tuinia
brand ou left shoulder. Range in Grant courdv.
Keeuey, Kb. Hepnner. Ur. -Hoi-mib J L anil
SCO of elllbs OU lettSliHe. Hanim in llmrtlilln
ana A-orrow counties
Th. Strung-.
of BralnlMS
It is not often that we find animals
giving mutual aid, except in the line ol
their domestic duties. To meet with
instances of helpfulness in creatures so
low in the scale as are the "sea-urch1
ins" on our coast is really remarkable
Prof. Elder, of Colby university, com
municates to London Nature what he
observed among the echini of Casco
Among the specimens brought back
from one excursion were four of the
common echiri. The last one taken
had been left exposed to the sun some
time before it was noticed and properly
cared for.
These four animals were placed alone
in a small aquarium, and, as we wished
to study their action, each was turned
mouth up. Soon the action oegan. with
which every naturalist is familiar, and
three of the captives slowly rose on
edge, and then deliberately lowered
themselves into the normal position.
The fourth, the injured one, made
much less rapid progress; all it could
achieve was a slight tipping on its disk.
The two nearest echini, from six to
v'ight inches distant, now moved up
and stationed themselves on opposite
sides of their disabled comrade.
Fastening their tentacles for a pull,
they steadily raised the helpless urchin
in the direction in which it had started.
As soon as it was possible, one of the
helpers moved underneath the edge of
the disk on the a bora! back side, and
when the half-turn was accomplished,
the other tonic station on the oral side,
gradually moving back as the object of
so much solicitude was gently lowered
to the position nature had made most
I-and Office at La Grande. Or., June 1, lslr.'.
Notice is hereby given that the followinp
nanu'd Bettler has filed notice of his Intention
to make linal proof In support of blaeluiui, and
that Bald proof will be made before the
county clerk ol Morrow county, Oregon, at
Heppuc!', Oregon, on Julv Hi, lsu2, viz.:
Hd No 4807, for the Nk of NE), Sec 21, and A
Of HW'.-i, Sec 22, Tp 3 S, R 27 E. W M.
He names the following witneBses to prove his
contliiuouB residence upon, and cultiva tion of
said land, viz:
John N. Elder, A. J. McKenzie, Richard Nev
ille, P. A. Herren, all of Heppner, Oregon.
4o(15 A. Cl.EAVEK. Register.
The savings banks of California have
$114,000,000 on deposit.
AN ornithologist says that birds fre
quently commit suicide.
Beefsteak and black coffee are said
to have reduced a lady of lt3 pounds to
ltlVAI. squires are marrying eloping
louples free of charge at Jert'ersonville,
A Circassian mother's first care is to
promote the growth of her children's
Hickory tires are coining into use for
bicvcles. Thev are easier on the ruler
than the metal, being more elastic.
The number of buffaloes now in the
Yellowstone national park is nearly
fivo hundred, showing a slow rate of in
crease. The constant use of the left ear at
telephone receivers is said to produce
a marked excess in the sensitiveness of
that organ.
Colvmiha, Mo., is the only city in the
United States whose census figures are
even thousands. The city has four
thousand people.
A Curd of Thanks.
We, the undersigned, pastor and stew
ards of the M. E. outiroh, South, desire
to express our appreciation, and tender
our sincere thanks to those friends who
so kindly and liberally contributed to
ward paying off the debt which was rest
ing upon our cbnroh in this city. Again
we thank you. Signed,
P. M. Brm,, Pastor.
W. A. Kirk, H. 0. Oat, J. J. Adkins,
Tros. L. 1orman, Thos. A. Dbiskkij,.
Medieval ntuininery.
The investiture of a clergyman with
the rank of bishop in England is attend
ed by some curious survivals of medi
eval nunnery. When the bishop of Pe
terborough was ordained recently he
rapped his pastoral staff ou the door
of the church and waved his hand for
the purpose of exorcisiug all evil spirits
from the interior. Then when he en
tered the sacred edifice he was preceded
by a chaplain bearing a crown and
marched up the broad aisle arrayed in
an antique cape of white satin elabor
ately and ornately trimmed. On his
head he wore a miter of white satin
covered with red trimmings of silk
Poisoning .lack Itftbhtts,
In southern California jack rabbits
are a pest, and many plans have been
tried to reduce their number. The
latest scheme is for poisoning them,
suggested by a citizen of llanford. lie
cuts a watermelon in two and sprinkles
strychnine over it, then smoothes a
knife over the sprinkled surface. This
tends to send the poison through the
fruit, and the rabbit partaking of any
part of the fruit will surely die. By
drawing a board or scantling through a
field of alfalfa, thus breaking a road,
the rabbit will follow the trail, which,
if supplied with poisoned melons, will
result in death w aU lut Cat.
Tho Russian lliihlt of lliiltglnc nd King
ing at Pai'tlne.
In Russia a great deal of emotion if
expended over a railway journey. T
nine-tentns ot tne people a inp 01 i
hundred miles by rail is a tremendou:
event, and they accordingly bid thei:
friends farewell with a solemnity am
effusion unknown to the "glolie trot
ting" American. Rough men and stou
old women hug one another with th
fervor of bears, and half the people an
either kissing or shedding tears.
Not the least amusing part of the
spectacle to the beholder an; tho ludi
crous mistakes of the uninitiated. Sev
eral warnings are given before the
train leaves, and many persons take
each warning' for the final one.
Thomas Stevens, in his volume en
titled "Through Russia on a Mustang,"
mentions a woman who was saying her
parting word to her husband through
an open window of the car. The bell
was rung. The lady leaned out; her
husband's arms wop placed about her
neck. Thc-v kissed each other with
resonance, once, twice, thrice! She
drew buck into the car, and both ex
pected the train to move off.
It did not stir, however, and an offi
cer told the man that there were still
fifteen minutes to wait, and that
another signal would be given. Instead
of one signal there proved to be two,
and so this loving couple treated the by
standers to their little tableau no less
than three times, twoof which were the
result of false alurms.
Reloie oiai-iiu ua a Journey
A person usually desires to gain some in
formation as to the most desirable route
to take, and will purchase tickets via the
one that will afford him the quickest and
best Borvice. Before starting on a trip to
Chicago or any point East, you should
provide yourself with a map and time
table of the Wisconsin Central lines.
The trains run on this route are vesti-
buled and equipped with Pullman s lat
est drawing room sleepers, elegant day
ooaobes and dining cars ot latest design,
built expressly for this service, and are
exquisite in furnishings and convenient
and comfortable in arrangement ana so
complete in every detail that they have
no superior id comrori ana elegance.
The dining cur service is pronounoed by
all the most elegant ever inaugurated,
and is operated in the interest ot its pa
trons. Fast trains via the Wisconsin Central
lines leavp Minneapolis daily at 12:45 p.
m. and 6:25 p. m., and St. Paul at 1:30
p. m. and 7:30 p. in., making favorable
connection with all trains from the West
and southwest.
For tiokets, time tables, berth reserva
tinna, etc, apply to G. F. MoNeill, C. P.
& T. A-, Minneapolis, Minn., or to Jas.
C. Pond, general passenger and tioket
agent Chloa.ro 111. 4H!)tf
While you keep yonr subscription paid up yen
can keep your brand in freeof charge.
Allyn. T. J., lone, Or. Hordes GO on loft
Bhouliler; cattle fame on left hip. under bit on
right ear, ainl upper bit on the left; raue, Mur
row county.
Armstrong, J. 0., Alpine, Or. T with bar un
der it on left shonider of horses; cattle eauie
uu kmi nip.
Allison. O. D.. Kin-lit Mile. Or rattle hi-nnrt
O O on left hip and horses same brand on right
Hiiouioer. nuiKiv E.igiu mile.
AdkuiB, i t;, liayville, Ur- straight mark across
tne tnign ana two crops and a slit m the right ear:
horses. J, upside down on the right shoulder.
Range in Grant county and Bear valley. F 0
address aleo at llai-dman.
Adkius, J. J., Heppner, Or. HorseB, JA con
nsctod on le't Uank: cattle. Bameon ieft hip.
Ayors, Johnny, Lena, Or. Horsea branded
triangle on ten hip; cattle Bame on right hip
aiso crop on ngm ear anc upper die on same.
lllyth, Percy H., Heppner. Or. HorBea Roman
cross on right shoulder. Range in Morrow
Hleakman, Geo., Hardman, Or. HoraeB, a flag
or left shoulder: cattle same on right shoulder.
hanniBter, J. W., Hanlman, Or. (tattle brand
ed H on left hip and thigh; split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, lio seherry Oregon Horses
branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on
riglit sine.
Burke, M 8t 0, Long Creek, OrOn cattle,
MAY connected on left hip, oiop off left ear, un
der half crop off right. Homes, Bnme brand on
letft shoulder, Itange in Grunt and Morrow
Howemsn, A., Mount Vernon and Barna, Or.
Cattle, A B on right hip, two crops in ench ear;
Bame on horeew. on riht shonider. Jtange in
Grnnt and Harney counties,
HroBman, Jerry, Lena, Or. HorfWB branded 7
on riKht shoulder; cattle B on the left side.
Left ear half crop and right ear npper slope.
Hnrton, Win., Heppner, Or. -Horne6, J Hon
right thigii, cattle, same on right hip; split in
each ear.
U-.., Tun T a.Inc.lm. XI. ID
right stifle; cattle same on right hip; raDtre, Alor
, row county.
Brown, J ,P., Heppner. Or. -Horses and cnttle
branded 8 with ox-yoke above on left ehonldor,
Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
C with dot in m teron lfft hip; entile, same.
Brown, W. J., Lena. Oregon. Horses V hftr
over It, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
Hoyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand or right hip cattle, same, with split in
each ear,
BorK, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
Blmulder; cattle, same on left hip.
Bniwulee, W. J., Fox,()r Cattle, JH connected
on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and
middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Hange in Fox valley,
Grant county,
Cain.K., )aleb,Or. Y D on horses on left stifle;
TJ with ouart.er circle over it. on left shoulder.
left Btine on all colts under 5 years; on
It ia saiil that California hay is shipped
Eant for the use of ttunol, tbe Pacific
coast record breaker.
and on
left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All
range in Urant county.
Clark, Wm. H., Lena, Or. Horse. WHO con
norted, on left shoulder: cattle same on right
hip. tta"ge Morrow and Umatilla counties.
('ate, Chas. li,, Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; catt le same on right hip.
Kan go Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cochran, Chan., lone. Or. Horses, HP con
nected on left Nhunlder; cattle, 0 on both left
hip and stifle. Kange in Morrow county.
Cannon, T. B.,Long Creek, Or.--Tou cattle on
right side, crop off right ear and slit in left ear.
Our horses same brand on left shoulder. Kange
in iirantcouniv.
Cecil. Wm., .Douglas. Or.: horses JO on lef
shoulder; ca'tle same on left hip, waddles on
each law and two bits in the riant, ear.
Curl, X. ti John lJay, Or. Double cross on
each hip on cattle, b wallow fork and under bit
in right ear, split in left ear. Range in tirant
county. On sheep, inverted A. and spear point
ou snouiuer. iar marKo.i ewes, crop ou lerx ear,
puuehed upper bit in right. WetherB, crop in
right and under half crop iu left ear. All range
iu urain couutv.
Crosby, A.A., Heppner, Or. Cattle brnndedl-l.
(or H L coi nected) on the right shoulder.
Cook, A. J. ,Lena,Or. Horses, yuon right shoul
der. Cattle, sameon right hip: ear mark square
crop off left and split in right.
Currin.K. Currinsvilie, Or. -Horses, 03 on
left stifle.
Cochran. J II Monument. Or Horses bnmdpd
T I & A on left shoulder. Cattle, same on right
hip. swallow fork in right ear and crop off I eft.
Cox 4 English, Hardman, Or. Cattle, C with
p in center; horses, CK on left Md.
Cupper, H. A., Monument, Or. Horses H C
on u tt stiouider cattle u u on left side, swal
low fork on right ear.
Cochran. K. E.. Monument. Grant Co . Or.
Horses branded, circle with bar beneath, on loft
Bhoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, H.. Hardman, Or. Horses branded
C3 on ritrht hip. ( attle brauded the same.
Cross, H L, Dayville, Or Cattle branded two
cropB and a split in left ear; on horses a
reversed on left stifle. Also have the following
brands on cattle: 72 on lefthiD. 7 on ritrht hii.
It on left shoulder, two parallel bars on loft
snouiuer, rar marts, two crops.
Ooonan. Wm.. IieDDner. Or. Homes branded
OO with bar over them, on left shoulder; cat
tle same on ien nip.
DotuflaBS. W. M . Galloway, Or. Cattle. R D on
right side, swa low-fork in each ear; horses, R D
on left hip.
Douglas, O. T., Booglas, Or Horses TD on
the r in it Btine: cattle same on ritrht hin.
Duncan, W, P., John Day, Or. -Quarter circle
v on rigut snouiuer, Dotn on norses ana cattle,
Ranee Grant couutv.
Driskell, W. E., Heppner, Or. Horses branded
K inside of O on left shoulder. Cattle same on
left side of necK.
Ely. J. B, A Sous, Douglas. Or. Horsea brand.
ed klA on left shoulder, cattle same on left
hip. hole ir right ear.
Elliott , Wash., Heppner, Or. Diamond on
right shoulder.
Hisk, Kaiph, Praine City, Or Horses, R Pon
right shoulder; cattle, on right hip. Range in
Grant county.
Eleek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses. 7F
Cou nected on ritrht shoulder: cattle, same nn
Ear mark, hole in right and crop
now It li 168 lbs. m retuctton (if 19 Ib., tnd I fcl to much
better that t wohU tint lake tl.OW ar.dbe put baik where I
wm. I urn both itirprined tnl proud of the chftnc. I reooro
tnenrl your Irentment tt nit ttirT..-reri frnm obii. 1 will
cheerfully aniwer all Inqulrlt-s if tump li Indued for reply."
Hai-ml. No Starvi'ir. Semi 6c In itamr-i for particular to
I-and Office at Ln Grande, Or, May 27, 1802.
Notice is herebv given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention to
nirtke rinal proof in Biipport of his claim, and
that saiil proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on
July U, IS!, vU:
Hd N'o. 3tW4 for the SW',; Sec 10, Tp 2 S, R 28 E,
W. M.
He names the following; witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
George Vinson, J. A. Thompson, of Heppner,
Or., A. J. Tillard, Dave Frosley, of Lena, Or.
William A. JoneB take notice.
A. Clkaver.
9:l-,r03. Register.
Condon Globe: J. YV. Morrow, county
clerk of Morrow county, mnst be very
popular over there. The parties are
pretty evenly divided, yet out of tbe 1080
Totes oast he got 726 of tbem, and there
were two other tickets in the 3eld, his re
publican opponent getting 160 and the
people's caudidate li6. Mr. Morrow has
held the oftioe several years, and is one
of the most efficient and popular officers
in the state.
M. R Smith writes from Flat Willow,
Montana, that he is up there on a ration,
and that be can't do without the Gazette.
Land Office at La Grande, Or., May at, lSi2.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has "tiled notice of his Intention to
make final proof in Bupport of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow connty, Oregou, on July 13,
lny' viz.;
TV 8. No. XVS5 for the N, of NK1, and N of
Ni.4l Sec St. Tp 1 S, R -2S E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz:
John H. W illiams. John Byland, Robert John
son, AmoUB Missildine, all of Heppner, Oregon.
If4-,V4 A- Oleavsr, Register.
Lesley, M C, Monument, Or- A triangloSQIwith
all lines extending pa t body of figure ui 1 hor
ses on left shoulder, on cattle diamond on ft
shoulder, split iu righ u-u. -it inleftetir
itange in tmtnt county and to i arte of John Day
Leahey, J W, Heppner Or. Horses branded L
N on Inf t shoulder; call le fame on left hip; wat
tie -ver right ey three Hliis in right ear.
Loften, Stephen, 1 ox, Or. IS L on loft hip
on cattle, crop and Pplit on right ear. Horses
same brand on left shoulder. Range Grant
Lieuallen, John W,, fj-n Or. Horses
branded hatf-cnele J L connected ou left shoul
der. Cattle, sanit on lef; hip. Range, near Lex
ington. Lord, George, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
double 11 coMieeu Sometimes called a
swing H. on lefl shoulder.
Maxweil, M. B., Gooseberry. Or. Horses brand
ed long link on left, shoulder; cattle, s;iuio on
lef hip. Ear mark, under bit in leftear.
Minor, Oncur, Heppner, Or. Cattle, M D on
right hip; borae. M on lef t shoulder.
Morgan, a. N Heppner. Or. Horses, M)
on Mt should'1! cattle same on left hip.
McCumber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses. M with
bar over on right shoulder.
Mam,. B. B., .Lena, (Jr. Horees old mares Z'A
on right hip; young stuck, small zz ou left
Morgan, Thos., Heppner, Or. Hoites, circle
T on left shoulder and left thigh; cattle. I ou
right thigh.
Mitchell, Oncar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on right
hip; cattle. 77 on right side.
McClaron, D. G Brownsville. Or, Horses,
Figure fon each Hhoukier, cattle. Mid on loo
MeKern.W.J. Mount Vernon, Or XI ou cattle
on right hip, crop in right ear. half crop in left
same brand ou horses ou left hiij. Range in Graut
McCariy, David H., Echo, Or. H orses branded
DM connected, on the left, shoulder; cattle some
on nip and side.
McGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. MuleBhoe
with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and undue in
each ear; horses same brand on left stifle.
Mcllaley, (J. V., Hamilton, Ur. On Horsea, S
with half circle under on left shouldor;on Cattle,
four bars connected on top ou the right side
Knngo in Grant County.
Neal. Andrew. Lone Rock, Or. Horses A N con
nected on loft shoulder; cattle same on both hips.
Newman, W. R., Heppner, Or. Horses N
willi half circle over it on left shoulder.
Nordyke, E., Hilverton, Or. Horses, circle 7 on
left thigh: caitlo. same on loft hip.
Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A 2 on caltle
on left hip; on horses, same on left thigh, Raugo
in Grant county.
Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on left
Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cattle, O
LP connected on left hip; horses on left stillo
and wanle on noso. Range in Grant county,
Pearson, Uluve, Eight Mile. Or. Horses, quar
ter circle shield on left shoulder sud 24 on left
hip. Cattle, fork in loft ear, right cropped, 24
on left hip. Rangoon Eiht Mile.
Parker & Gleasou, Hardman,Or, HorsoslPon
J It shoulder.
Piper. J. H Lexinffton. Or. Horses. .TH cnn.
necied oi left shoulder; cattle, sumo on loft hip.
uiuiwr uti iu uttuu ear.
Patbera. Henry LexinE-ton. Ur. FInrnen hrand.
edwitha Rouiai cross on left shoulder; cattle
urauueu wnn ttoinun cross, bar at bottom, on
ten nip.
fettys, A. (.;., lone, Or,; horses diamond Pon
- shoulder: cattle. .1 H .1 mintiMnre 1. nn Him
left, hip, upper slope iu left ear and slip in the
Potter. Dan. Lexineton Horses branded MP
connected on left shoulder; cattle Bame on rigid;
Powell, John T., Dayville, Or Horses, J P con.
nec ed ou left shoulder, (.'attle OK connected on
left hip, two under half crops, one on each ear,
wauie unuertnroai. Kangeiu uraut county,
Rickard. G. D.. Can von V.itv. Or. V (I on loft
Bhoulder, on horses only. Raugo Cauyon croek
and Bear valley. Grant county.
noou. Andrew, iiardman. Or. Horses, square
on-- with quarter-circle over it on left stiflo.
Ronintter. Chris. Hommer. Or. Horses. C R on
Rice. Dan, Hardman. Or.; horses, three panel
worm fence on left shoulder; cattle, DAN on
right shoulder. Range near Hardman.
Jtudio, Wm, .joiig Croek, Or. brands horses
R oi right shoulder, Range. Graut and Morrow
Royse. Aaron. Henuner. Or Horses, olam V on
left shoulder; catile, pame brund reversed ou
right hip and crop oil right ear. Range iu Mor
row county.
Rush Ltros., Heppner, Or. Horsea branded X
on the right Bhoulder; cattle, IX on the left hip,
crop off ieft ear and dewlap on neck. Range no
Morrow and adjoining counties.
Rust, William, Pendleton, Or. Horses R oa
left shoulder; cattle, K on left hip, crop oft
right ear, underbit on left ear. fciheop, It on
weathorH, round crop off rigli ear. Range Uma
tilla and Morrow c mimes.
Keaney, Andrew, Lexington, Or. Horse
branded A K on right shoulder, vent quartet
circle over brand; cattle same on right hip.
Range Morrow county,
Royse, Wm. H, Ditiryville, Or HR connected
with ouarter circle over ton on cattle on ritrht hin
and crop off right ear and split in left. Horsea
same brand on ieft shoulder. Range in Morrow,
Grant and Gilliam counties.
Uuter, J 1?, Hitter, Or Three parallel bars
witn bar overon horens on Iwft hin: nn nuttlo. Ipft
side, two smooth crops, two splits in each eat,
itunge in Middle fork of John Day.
Rector. J. W., Heppner, Or. Horees, JG ot
lef t slioulder. Cattle, oon right hip.
Spicktmll, J, W,, Gooseberry, Or. Horses
branded, al on left shoulder; lange m Morrow
ttpray, J. F Heppner, Or. Horses brani'od fct
connected oi right slioulder; cattle same ou both
Bailing, C C Heppner, Or Horses branded S A
on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip.
Swaggari, B. F., Lexington, Or. Hordes 2
with dash under it on left stifle, cattle H with
dash under it on right hip, crop off right ear itnd
waodled on right hind leg. Range in Morrow,
Gilliam and umutilla counties.
Bwuggart. A. L., Ella. Or. Horses brande-1 2
on lelt shoulder; ceitle same on left hip. Crop
on ear, wattle on left hind leg.
Btraight W. E., Heppner, Or. HorseB shrtdod
J B on let. stifle; cattle J 8 on left hip, swallow
fork in riglu ear, underbit in left.
Swaggari, L, Alpine, Or. Horses, B S on right
taupp. ThoB., Heppner, Or. Horses, 8 A Pon
left hip; catti same on lef t hip,
Shirtz. James, Long Creek, Or. Horses. 8 on
left stifle and over 2 on left shoulder.
blmer.John, Fox, Or. NO connected on
horses tin right hip; cante, Bame on right hip,
crop uli' right ear aud under bit in left ear. Range
in Grant county.
Bmith Bros,, John Day, Or H 'C oncattleon
le t slioulder.
Btephens. V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses 83 on
right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side
foMsveiiBon, Mrs A. J,, Heppner, Or. cuttle, B
on right hh ; swallow-fork in left ear.
Bwuggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, U on
left should'. ; cattle, 44 on ieft hip.
Btewart, Geo., Hardman, Or. Horses circle
or leu Biiuuiuer.
Btone. Ira, Bi"kleton. Wash. Horsea kevstnnfl
Notice is herebv i to to the Btockholders of
the Morrow Couutv Ijind A Trust Co., that a
meeting will be held at the oftioe of the compa
ny, in Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday evening.
July 9. stf2, lor the purpose oi voting upon the
reduction of the capital stock of company from
lUtu.Oon.tt) to 5,011.00.
By order of the directors,
T E Filt., Vice President.
eretary. 41504
right hip.
off left.
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on Bmith, E. E. Lone Hock, Or. HorBes branded
right hip; horses F with bar under on right crossed Beveo on lef l shoulder; cattle same on
shoulder. left side. Range, Gilliam county.
Florence, 8. P. Heppner, Or Horses, F on Bperry, E. G., Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on
right Bhoi Jdei ; cattle, b on right hip or thigh. left hip, crop oiT right and underbit in left year,
Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. (JAY on left dewiap; horses VV ton left shoulder,
shoulder, Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. HorseB, g on
Goble, Frank, Heppner, Or. norses, 7 F on "ft shoulu. r; cattle, a on left shoulder,
left stifle; cattlt , saute on right hip. Tippets. 8. T., Lena, Or. Horses, C on left
Gilman-French, Land and Livestock Co., Fob- Bhoulder.
sil, Or. Horses, anchor B on left shoulder; vent, Turnor R. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T
same on left stiile. Cattle, same on both hips; left shouldet, horses; cattle same on left hip
ear marks, crop off right ear aud underbit in left, with split in both ears.
Range iu Uilliarn, Grant, Crook and Morrow 'lht ruton, H. M., lone, Or. Horses branded
couutieB. HT connected on left stifle; sheep same brand.
Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. Horses branded H, Vanderpool, H. T., Lena, Or; Horses BV con-
S. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle nected on right Bhoulder ;eat tie, same ou right
Range in Morrow and Umatilla comities. hiu.
Giltwater, J . C Prairie City, Or. On horses, Walbridge, Wm., Heppner. Or. Horses, TJ. L.
0 -O on left Bhoulder and stifle; cattle, on right on the left shonider; cmtle same on light hip,
side. Range iu Grant county. crop oil left ear and right ear lopped.
Hams, James, Hardman Or. Horees Bhaded Wilson, John y,, baiem or Heppner, Or.
2 on lef shoulder; rattle same on left hip. Range Horses branded J q on the left shoulder. Range
in and about Hardman. Morrow county.
Hayes. Geo., Lena, Or, Brand JII connected, Warrou.W B. Caleb, Or Cattle, W with quarter
with quarter circl over it, on left Bhoulder. circle over it, on left side, split iu right ear.
Hiait A. B., Ridge, Or. Cattle, round-top K Horse same brad on left shoulder. RaUgein
with quarter circle under it on the right hip. Graut couuty.
Itaiute in Morrow and Umatilla counties Wood, it L, Dayville, Or Heart on horses on
Hin ton AJenks, Hamilton, Or Cattle, two bars left stifle; on cattle, a on left side and underbit
on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left, in Iff' ear. Range in Grant county.
Horses, Jon right thigh. Range in Grant county. V right, Bilas A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
Hughes, Bamuel, Wagner, Or T F L on right 8 W on the right hip, square crop oft right ear
shoultler on imrses; on cattle.on right hipandon and split in left,
left side, swallow fork in right ear aud slit iu left. Wallace, Francis, Mount Vernon, Or Square on
Range in Haystack district, Monvw county. cattle on the left hip. upper slope in he left
Hall, Edwin. John Day, Or. Cattle E Hon right earand under slope iu right ear. Bame brand
hip; horses same on right shoulder, i-angein ou horses on right shonider. Range in Harney
Grant, county. and Grant countv.
Hughes. Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses, shaded Webster, J. I,, Heppner. Or. Horses branded
heart on the lef t shoulder. Range Morrow Co. wHh bar over J on right shoulder; cattle same
Hnnsaker, B . Wagner. Or. -Horses, V on left on right hip. crop oft left ear and split in each,
shoulder; ca tie. 0 on left hip. Range, Morrow county.
Hardisty, Albert, Nye, Oregon Horses, AH Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
connected, on left shoulder; Cattle on the left ace f spade on leit shoulder and left hip.
hip, crop off left ear. Cattle branded same on left side and left hip.
Humphreys, J fll, Hardman, Or. Horses, H on Wells, A. 8., Heppner, Or. Horses, 0"a on left
leit Hank shoulder: catt e same.
Hiatt, Wm. E., Ridge, Or. Horses branded W oitinger, John, John Day City, Or On horses
bar cross ou left shoulder: cattle same on left three parallel bars on ieft shoulder; 7 on sneep,
hip. bit in both ears. Range in Grant and Malhuer
Hayes, J. M., Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglass counties,
on left shouldet cattle, same on right hip. Wyland, J H, Hardman, Or. Circle C on left
Ivy, Alfred, Long Creek, Or Cattle 1 Don thigh,
right hip. cropoff left earand bit in right. Horses Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, DP
same brand on left shoulder. Range n Grant connected, on left shoulder,
couutv. Watkius, LiBhe, Heppner, Or. Horsea branded
Huston. Luther, Eight Mile, Or. Horse H on TJE connected on left stifle,
the ieft Bhoulder and heart on the left stifle Cat- Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or. Cattle, W on
tie same on left hip. Range in Morrow county, right thigh, hop in ieft ear; ho rues, W on right
Jenkins, D. W.,Mt. Vemon.Or, J on horseson j shoulder, som sameon left shoulder,
left shoulder: on cattle. J an Inft hin and two I Whittier Bros.. Drawtv. Hrriav connrv Or.
smooth crops on both ears. Range in Fox and I HoriMe hranded W B. connected on left shoulder.
Bear valleys Williams, Vasco, Hamilton, Or. Quarter cir-
Jnnkin, 8. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, horse-I de over three liars on left hip, both cattle and
shoe J on left shonider. dattle, the urns, j horses. Range Grant county.
Rang on Eight Mile. Williams. J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, qnar
Johnson, Felix Lena, Or. Horses, circle T on i ter circle over three bars on left hip; cattle same
left stine; cattle, sameon right hip, under half : ft"d slit in each ear. Kanee in Gmnr r-onnty.
crop in right and solit in left ear j Wien, A. A., t .eppner. Or. Horses running A A
Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses brandiMl on shoulder; ("attle. same on nht hio.
KM on left hip cattle same and crop off left Young, J. 8., Gooseberry, Or. Horses branded
ear; under slope on the right lTB on the right shoulder.