Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 01, 1892, Image 3

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rpnilPE desiring the insertion of display ads.,
X or cIihiiku nl same, lnuat Ret tlieir copy in
not liner tliiiu Monday evening fur Tuesday'B
eilition, or Ulinrnday evening for Fridays edi
. The stun of live cents ner line will ho
ehurged for "cardB of tiianks." "resolutions of
respect, nets 01 wedUint; liresents and donors,
and obituary notices, tollter than those the edit
or shail liimsell give hb a matter of news,) and
noticeB of special ineetliitrs for w hatever nurnnw.
2. Notices oi church and society and allother
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of live
cents a line, j nese rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
Give your business to Heppner peop'e,
and therefore assist to build vp Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Here and There.
T. W. Ayers, Jr., for drags. 68 sw
Kil.ans Tubules euro scrofula.
Miss Auuie Avers, of Salem, is visiting
friends here.
W. F. Forwood is visiting his friends
and relatives here.
Work on the Yakima irrigation ditch
is progressing rapidly.
Ford, the painter, still "in it." For
any kind of work see him. 81-tf.
Mrs . J. J. Roberts is prepared to do
nil kinds of plain sewing. 65-tf
(irant Johnson, the wool buyer, got in
from Idaho Tuesday evening.
When in Arlington, stop at the Ben
nett house, near the depot. ill -ft
Heppner has not one empty bouse in
it. l)oes this suggest anything?
Jas. 0. Williams, the Spring Hollow
Hheepman, was in town Wednesday.
Miss B. Dennis, of Weston, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Sam Meadows, of Hard
man. Joe Enos,of John Da, sold bis clip at
15f'8 oents, tuetopprioe. Mr. Ernie' wool
was first class.
Levi Slimier was down this week and
showed ye reporter as fine an opal as
ever came from the Blues.
Pup laimons & Son still shoe horses
and do general blacksniithing at the old
stand Matiock corner. 65.
"The Parlor," W. F. Euark, prop., in
the City hotel, west Bide of Main street.
Neatest place in Heppner. sw
Levi Bobison went on to Portland
from Bonneville last Sunday, returning
Tuesday with fresh goods for his Hepp
ner store.
Hiyu ketchnm whiskers. Hatt &
Mathews, at the oity barber shop the
place to get a first-class shave, hair-out
or shampoo. tf.
Our job office has just received the con
tract oi printing the constitution and by
laws of Hermiou Lodge, No. 40, K. of P.,
Long Creek.
The boys who visited Bonneville on
Sunday's excursion say that the trip
opened their eyes to many innovations
'of the picnic of old .
Q. W. Dart and Henry Johnson pulled
out for John Day Tuesday evening, pro
ceeding as far as E. Allen's place before
resting for the evening.
The Buchler beer, 5 oents per glass, at
the Columbia Beer Hall, Osmers &
Hughes, props., next door to M. Lioh
tenthal & Oo.'s Hhoe store. aw tf
Sam Adams, of the firm of Cox, Adams
fe Co., of Hardman, was down Wednes
day. He says rain must come soon to
help the orops in his neighborhood.
Ernest Eietman, of lone, dropped in
TueBday to say that he was about ready
to make a visit to his old home at High
land, Ills. He will start East this week.
Hewer and neater quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room.
Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see
his old friends there. Baths in connec
tion. Warren Carsner and J. D. HugheB, of
Hastuek, dropped in yesterday while in
the oity. Mr. Carsner was offered 14
oents a pound for bis wool, but conclud
ed to ship.
Jas. Hager's one-horse shay took an
inadvertent pilgrimage down Main street
Tuesday afternoon, but was stopped at
Stewart's stable without damage to
either horse or cart.
The faithful shepherd is now safely en
scoused amid the sylvan mountain shades
hard by, and is a deal more comfortable
than ye deuizens who are not permitted
to get outside of town.
Dr. W. Tackman, the dentist, will be
fouud at Dr. B. F. Vanghan's office, Lee
zer building. Does all the latest crown
and bridge work, Blluminum plateH, etc.
Don't miss the opportunity. 487-tf
Billy Bly, of Bly creek, brother of Nel
lie Bly, made the usual yearly pilgrimage
to Heppuer last week. Wm. succeeded
iu holding down Heppner this time with
out being locked up. Good for bim.
0. O. MoGonagill and brother were in
from Gooseberry last Tuesday. Mr. Mo
Gonagill informs us that he will soon
leave for Eitter to spend the summer,
where he goes to look after his sheep
- H. V. Gates brings word that the crops
in the Eureka Flat section, Walla WbIIb
county, are badly injured. The crops in
the Palouse country and between Pen
dleton and Walla Walla are reported as
being all right.
Arrangements have been made with
the railroad company, to run an excur
sion train from Heppner to Lexiugton
on the eveotng of the Fourth, to accom
modate tbose wishing to attend the ball
at the latter plaoe. 500-3
There is some talk of organizing a
camp of SonB of Veterans at Heppner, it
being the opinion, so far as can be learn
ed, that it is the best point for a camp.
If organized, its members will oome from
every part of the country.
D. 0. Ely, of Douglas, aooompanied by
Dr. A. F. Huuter, of Kaub, Benton
oounty, Indiana, were visitors to tbe Ga
zette ranch yesterday. The doctor is
out lookieg at the country aDd may de
cide to locate somewhere in Oregon.
T. J. Allyn, one of the solid man of
Lower Willow creek, was in town Wed
nesday, informing je rustler that his
crop was never better, and that he will
raise an immense amouut of fruit this
season. Mr. Allyn has an excellent
J. W. Muir, formerly of the section
north of here but now of the reservation
country near Pendleton, called Wedne.t
dav, informing us that not only is bis
crop in Morrow severely injured, but
that at his present home it is somewhat
As a blood purifier, tbe most eminent
physicians prescribe Ayer's Sarsapanlla.
It is the most powerful combination of
vegetable alteratives ever offered to tbe
public. As a spring and family medi
cine, it may be freely used by old and
young alike.
The Dalles Chronicle: Mr. W. L.
Lord this forenoon received a dispatch
from Guldeudale oonveying tbe startling
information that tbe foreman on his
ranches, Mr. Wm. Dunn, had been shot
and killed by John Green. Mr. Lord
left at once for the scene of tbe tragedy.
Mr. Dunn leaves a wife and two cbildren.
one aged two years, and one about eigbt
months old. Green is known in I be
Dalles, where hie family once resided.
A trunk belonging totbeNagle family,
wuioli was attached by Marshal Basmus
at the instigation of Heppner parties,
last Wednesday, was turned over to J.
R. Grover afterward. Mr. Grover re
fused to give it up, whereupon he was
arrested yesterday evening, but the prop
erty being restored, the case was dis
missed. Mr. Grover took charge of the
trunk for one Ed.Cuyler, who was owing
iur. urover. tie says be had no idea it
belonged to the Nagle family.
Travelers who happen to pass over the
Heppner-Monument stage line will like
ly fetch up at nightfall at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Pry Wilson, who keep tbe
station at Monument. No better host and
hostess than Mr. and Mrs. Wilson can be
found in any countiy, and the editor
knows that many a traveler will rise up
iu tbe future to shower blessings down
upon these liosuitable people.
The people of Lexington have prepared
an elaborate programme for the Fourth
of J uly oelebration to be held at Pen
land's grove, which has been tastily fit
ted up. There will be musio by the
Lexiugton cornet band. The amuse
ments will consist of various kinds of
foot races, in which prizes are offered.
A ball-room program is arranged for af
ternoon and evening. 499-593
Tbe famous railroad bond case, has
been sent back from the supreme to tbe
circuit court for new trial, the higher
eourt having leversed the deoision of the
lower court, on the grounds that tbe lat
ter should have admitted evidence of ar
bitration, and that the bondsmen were
liable for money paid out before the aotu
al delivery of tbe bond.
J. H. IJJagle wo" wife, who have been
running the restaurant in Mat Licbten
thal's property for some time, caused
creditors some uneasiness this week by
leaving without settling up. However,
Messrs. M. Licbtenthal, Gilliam & Bisbee
and Smith & Williamson issued attach
ments and saved themselves total loss.
Dr. W. Tuokman returned Monday
from The Dalles, where he was oalled
(ome weeks ago through sickness in his
family. He leaves the last of this week
for Long Creek and other towns of Grant
oounty, where he will praotice bis pro
fession, that of dentistry, in whioh he is
thoroughly skilled.
F. M. Jordan, furniture dealer of Burns,
Harney county, acoompauied by his lam
ily, spent several days in town last week,
Mr. Jordan is on his way home from Port
land, where be has been iu attendance as
a representative delegate to tbe Grand
Lodge. He says that tbe hay crop will
bo large this year.
Sam Kinsman got in over a hundred
head of beef oattle for Portland parties
this week, and just at the time of ship
ment they sent up word that the oattle
were not wanted. As Sam bought on
ooutract, he will cause tbe gentlemen to
"come to the scratch."
How well we remember grandmother's
attio, bo fragrant with mediomal roots
and herbs 1 Poor old soul, how precious
they seemed to her! And yet, one bottle
of Ayer's Sarsaparilla would do more
good than her whole collection of "yarbs."
Outside of the bad influence growing
out of laok of transportation, the Hepp
ner wool market has been first class this
season. JJut lack otcars, and negligence
on the part of the Union Paoitic to fur
nish them has been a great drawback.
All tbose who are owing the old firm
of Messrs. Kirk & Hayes, either by notj,
which is now due, or account, will please
settle same at once. Bemember these
gentlemen must have money to settle
bills. 499-507
Mr. A. A. Wren of Clark's Canyon, call
ed last week. He says he has fifty acres
of rye in the shock that will yield one
and a quarter tons to tbe aore. He has
fifty acres of wheat he estimates; will
produce 15 bushels to the aore.
Dr. Grant's Gloalo, the great dyspepsia
oonqnerer, will positively cure dyspepsia
and all its kindred ailments. Every bot
tle sold under a positive guarantee to
effect a oure or money refunded. See ad.
in this issue. tf.
A petition is being circulated asking
that the oouncil open Baltimore street to
the school house grounds. This is the
street that passes between the residences
of K. (Jr. Sloan and Ed. B. Bishop.
Mayor Matlock gotbaok Tuesday from
the creeks of the North Fork of John
Day, where he left his sheep on summer
range. Mr. Matlock ranged sheep in
this section twenty-one years ago,
Cornelius J. Bright and M. A. Mur
chie. of Wasco, Sherman county, were
in town the first of the week. Mr. Bright
was the prohibition candidate for con
gress at the last election.
Thompson & Binns own tbe buss which
goes to and from tlie City hotel, but will
call for parties desiring to go to train in
any part of the oity. Leave orders at
City hotel. 91-tf
Smith & Williamson have added a full
line of undertakers' goods and are pre
pared to sell at reasonable figures. Mey
street, one block east of the Palace
hotel. 2 6
The presence of dandruff indicates a
diseased scalp, and if not cured, blanch
ing of the bair and baldness will result.
Hall's Hair Eenewer will cure it.
George Thornton has been appointed
by the Oregon State Weather Bureau,
tbe looal observer at Heppner, vice Ar
thur Smith, resigned.
O. E. Farnsworth, one of the solid
oounoilmeo of Heppner, pulled out to
bis Hardman ranch yesterday to look
after bis hay crop.
The Heppner Park Association will at
once collect all due on stook, the books
having been placed in the hands of A. A.
Call on Lishe Sperry, down at the
Belvedere, when in town. Keeps on
hand a fine stock of liquors and cigars.
Job work on short notice at the Ga
zettee office. Best appointed job office
in Eastern Oregon.
Ben Swaggart says the grasshoppers
are doing some damage down bis way.
Marshal Rasmus made a trip to Lex
ington yesterday.
The World Enriched.
The facilities of the present day for tbe
production of evervtbing that will oon
dnce to the' material welfare and com
fort of mankind Bre almost unlimited,
and when Syrup of Figs was first pro
duced the world was enriched with the
only perfect laxative known, as it is tbe
only remedy whioh is truly pleasing and
refreshing to the taste and prompt Bnd
effectual to cleanse the system gently in
the spring time or, in fact, at any time
and tbe better it is known tbe more pop
ular it becomes.
Special Coi'scil MEBTnwis. At the
call of the mayor, Heppner's council
met in special session last Wednesday
evening, Major Matlock presiding and
all conncilmen present. Mr. H. V. Gates
presented bis water and light proposi
tion, which was favorably considered by
the council, and at a special session yes
terday morning, "Ordinance No. 48,"
which appears in this issue, was passed.
Oouncil adjourned to meet again Thurs
day evening at 7 o'clock.
Pfunder' Oregoo Blood Purifier is tbe
great conqnerer of Bilhousness and Liv
er oomplaint. Relief certain in every
case. Sold at One Dollar s bottle. Try it.
The daddies of tbe oity gathered to
gether at the oity ball this morning in
special session, Mayor Matlock preeiding(
and all counoilmen present except Farns
worth. Mr. H. V. Gates having returned, was
present at this meeting, and acoording to
the terms of his proposition, Ordinance
No. 50, which is in the form of a contract
and contingent on tbe full acceptance of
the projeot, was read first time by soc
tiouand then laid over for its second and
third reading and final passage at some
future meeting, whioh, of course will be
necessary should Heppner vote tbe
water bonds.
Ordinance No. 61 was then read first
by section, then by title, and then upon
motion of Gatrigues, seconded by Gil
liam, the rules were suspended and the
ordinance read third time by section and
then put upon its final passage, carrying
by an unanimous vote of those council
men present. This ordinance refers to
bonding the town for $15,000, and other
provisions of the same, and must be rat
ified by a two-thirds vote of the tax pay
ers. It was decided to bold tbe election
Thursday, Aug. 4th, 1892, and W. A.
Kirk, E. G. Sloan and E. L. Matlock
were appointed as judges, and Lane Mat
lock and Joe Williams clerks.
In another issue will appear the or.
dinanoes as passed, together with the
oontraot ordinance wbicb will be put up
on its final passage in event of the town's
acceptance of Nos. 49 and 51. Bead them
carefully and consider both sides of tbe
In this issue ia published tbe eleotion
notioe. Bemember the date, taxpayers
Thurs'day, August 4, 1892, Taxpayers
are tbose who pay taxes on personal or
real property, but no town poll tax re
ceipt "goes" this time.
The Record in its last issue throws
"cold water" on MrvGates' proposition.
That paper certainly does not understand
the matter, or else unconsciously uses
language which it does not mean. It
should consider that those people of
Heppner wbo have made the town by
bard and ceaseless labor, years and
years before the present editor came
here, should be better authority as to
what tbe town needs. He should be con
tent to leave tbe matter in tbe bands of
tbe tax payers, at least until be knows
more about it. The Record's editor is
hardly identified with tbe town yet, and
should be a little Blow in tearing down
what those who pay the taxes are anxious
to build up.
Racklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers salt rnenm, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all Bkia eruptions, and posi
tively oureB piles, or no pay required. It
ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Prioe 25 cents per
box. For sale by Slooum-Johnston
Drug Co.
Love Overcomes Great Obstacles.
Yesterday two young oouples were down
from tbe neighborhood of Parker's mill,
one of them being very desirous of get
ting married. Visiting tbe clerk's office,
a bitoh was experienced in the proceed
ings, owing the tender Bge of applicants,
but a messenger was dispatobed to the
mountains, post haste, to get tbe written
oonaent of parents, and as we go to press,
the Gazette is pleased to say that all
went well, and two happy hearts now
tbrob gently, lovingly, as one. Might as
well as try to keep a Billy goat in a ten
aore lot as to keep young folks from get
ting married, when they decide to do bo.
In other words, love overcomes great ob
stacles. Arrived Under Difficulties. H. V.
Gates arrived Wednesday evening from
the Yakima oountry, having made the
trip from Prosser, Wash., to Pasoo,
Wash., in a skiff, taking train there to
Heppner. He was present at the special
council meeting Wednesday evening, and
also on Thursday morning, leaving for
Hood River on Thursday's train, but
was called baok on tbe same day to as
sist tbe oouncil in making proper dispo
sition of tbe proposition, made by bim to
tbe people of Heppner, through tbe town
counoil. Every measure is now intelli
gently before tbe people, and. it is hoped,
will be settled for alt time to come.
Discharged. In our last issue men
tion was made of the examination Inst
Tuesday of Arthur Smith, charged with
being insane. Mr. Smith was discharged
as being of sound mind. He, unfor
tunately, indulges in liquor, and when in
this condition is like most men under
tbe same oircumstances, but is undoubt
edly as sane as any one wben sober.
Mr. Smith ia a man wbo makes little
show, is a little eooentrio, but has a good
education and bis close friends know
him to be a petfeot gentleman wben not
in liquor.
A Change. Hon. Frank H. Snow, of
Lexington, has disposed of his land plats,
good-will, etc., to J. L. Gibson, who has
been appointed TJ. S. commissioner at
that place. Mr. Snow has accepted a
position with tbe East Oregonian. He
is well known as an aotive newspaper
man and practical printer, having follow
ed that work for yearc, and the E. O. is
fortunate in having secured bis services.
Across the Deep, to the Far West,
On steamboats, cars and stBge.ooacbee,
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is carried as
the most important item m tbe materia
medics of tbe traveling publio. It de
prives vitiated, brackish water of its
hurtful properties and execrable flavor,
oounteracts the pernicious effects upon
stomach of bad or indigestible food, rem
edies cramps, heartburn and wind upon
the stomach. It is a fine defense against
malarial disorders, nullifies tbe effects
of excessive heat, oold and damp, relieves
sick beadaohes, and is an incomparable
oqre for costiveness and biliousness.
Tbe fatigue of travel often tells most dis
astrously upon invalids and oonval
esoenta, occasionally to sncb an extent
aa to jeopardize life. Persons in feeble
health, apprehensive of bad effects from
travel, will, if provided with tbe Bitten,
be far less likely to have tbeir fears realized.
In its
early stages
can be cured
by the prompt
use of
Iyer's Cherry Pectoral
It soothes
the inflamed tissues,
aids expectoration,
I and hastens
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.
Lowell, Mass.
Grand Ball. Grand preparations are
being made for the ball in the grove at
Lexington on the Fourth. A platform
50x100 will be built. So there will be
room for every one. The services of tbe
Heppner orchestra have been procured
for tbe afternoon and evening. Supper
will also be served in tbe grove at 6 p.
m. Everyone should make arrange
ments to remain until after the evening
festivities. 500-3
Opals Cut and Polished. Messrs.
Colwell & Caldwell, lapidists, make a
specialty of polishing all kinds of opals,
and cutting them into settings for watoh
charms, rings, eta. Charges reasonable,
and satisfaction guaranteed. Office 245,
Morrison street, Portland, Or. 500-6t
Tailoring Establishment : Fred
Miller has opened up a tailoring estab
lishment on lower Main street, opposite
tbe City hotel. Fred ib a first-class work
man, and you will make no mistake by
placing your orders for summer and fall
olothing with him. 501-8
Half Fare The Union Pacific will
sell tickets July 2d, 3d and 4th to any
point within 300 miles at one fair for the
rouud trip, good toreturn until July fith,
inclusive. J. C. Hart, Heppner, Or.
H.BIackman& Co.,
General Merchandise !
WE AEE STILL SELLING OUT our stock of Gener
al merchandise, but to make it more complete, we have
purchased a stock consisting of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Furn
ishing Apparel, Etc.,
That will be sold at greatly reduced prices for cash only. Call
and investigate and we will be pleased to wait on you. No
trouble to show goods.
PionsGt Brick Siore - n Street, Ismf-
Xr- G-IX A3NrTf
Will positively cure Dyspepsia and all its kindred fttlments.
Every bottle sold on a Positive Guarantee to iJf)eet a
euro or money refunded. Kctail price, ?1.00.
Dr. Grant's Kidney and Liver Cure. For
the cure of Brinht's DiHease, Diabetes, Bilious
netts, Bic.k-Headat'he, and all Kidney troubles
Dr. Grant's Syrup op Wild Grai'e Root.
The great blood purifier and system tonic.
Purely vegetable, and is the product of Oregon
Boil. Retail price, $1.00.
The Great Female Remedy !
For the cure of dineflfl(;n Rnrl compluintH peculiar to females, ito
tail price, one dollar.
Prepared By The O. W. R. Manf. Co.,
SXS Front Street, Portland, Oregon.
For Sale by all Drugnisls. 474-lyr-f.
New Warehouse.
Is ready to receive wool on storage for
sale or shipment, and also to do a gen
eral forwarding business.
Ship care of 1IT7Mn,7 UT7T3nM170
Otis Patterson
Change of
whioh we propose to conduct in
on hands at all timea tbe choicest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
85-tl. Pronrietorfa.
Saturday, July 2d, 1892,
6 Head Horses,
Weights 1302, 1300, 1000, and others
average in size.
Sale will begin at 2 p. m. at
' CI.
1 lie VTmroii
K. L. Matlock,
I ! -
When vou can buy a ?-Piece
Bed Room Suit for $18.00.
Size of Mirror, 24x30 inches,
French Plate Giass.
HepDner Furniture Company.
Two sorrel horses. Oneof them branded
"8" on tbe right shoulder, likewise on the
right stifle.
The other was branded "8" on the
right shoulder, also "B." Tbe weight of
eaoh was about 1050 pounds.
Anyone returniug the same to my
ranoh at Eight Mile will receive a reward
of $15. bw tf Sylvanps Wright.
Dr. Grant's Wonder Oil. Tito great rheu
matic cure. Retail price, .Wc.
Dr. Grant'h Cholera and Diarkhoka (Jure.
Retail price, Me.
Dr. Grant's Maoii: Pain (M'rk. The great
household remedy; an internal tind external
remedy. RcIhII price, 2"cts.
ni.nivi i 1 lit i i i-siiv,
the most satisfactory manner.' Will keep
A Conglomeration of Ideas
and a
Concatenation of Events
Has induced us ......
to put in the Largest Stock of the
Ever Placed before
Appreciate this Fortuitious Ubtisn
And you will be the blessed possessor
of some Real Bargains.
Also constantly on hand a full stock of Dry
Goods, Clothing, Groceries and Provisions,
Guns, Pistols, Ammunition and everything else
pertaining to a well selected stock in a General
Merchandise Store. .
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Made on Short Notice
Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00.
0. K. FARXSirnjtTlT, Pm. K. O. UPERRV, Vice Pm. E. K. BISHOP. Tmumer,
T. E. FELL, Secretary and Manager.
The Morrow County Land & Trust Company
CA PITAL STOCK, $100,000.00. PAID UP, $25,000.00.
Incorporated 1888.
U Cuia d Forwarding Agents.
Operating Warehomos at Heppner, lone and Douglas, on the
Heppner Branch of the U. P. R. R.
O. K. FanifiwoiNii, ,T, A. TlmmnNon.
Nt'lNon Joiioh hdwura Unv,
Kd. R. TiiHhnp, Tlwron K. iVll,
Ed. H. Coy. J. A. Woolerv.
J. E. Kilck, O. T. DoimltiH, IS. (1.
IT IH the purpfiHe of tho stock holilurij wf this company to conduct its biiBincHB In a manner
mutually iidvantiitfeoiiH lo nil wool and Rrnin producers of thin miction, and to maintain the
iavoiablH hoiiHUiiiirket which it Iihm cNtaUllNhed. Jhirliitf Uio eomhiK woo hohhoii we solicit
tho ImHinuHH oi all wool growers and roqnttHt them to mind their olip to the "Wool Growers'
W'a rehouse."
Havinn enlarged the Heppner Warehouse, and roofed all platforms, wo luivo double tho
storage capacity of any other waiehouHc, in Eastern Oregon, well lighted for the itlHplay of wool
"The Wool Growers' Warehouse."
Tiik Lancashire Insurance Co.
A. W. PATTERSON, Alili.NT One of tle Host In tlie World
First prize at the Worlds Exposition.
First in Material and Workmanship.
Pirst in the estimation all practical farmers.
Nvr eqmillnd for Durability, Execution and IiiRlitness of Draft rnmliiripil.
tf. Cornor Main and Willow Strnots, Hoppnor Or.
W. J. I,ISICZlv W, ITop.
riHIS HOSTELUY has been Hekitted and KnFumxiiui throughout, and now
ia one of the most inviting phicen in Heppner. Mr. Leesser invited yon to atop
with him, feeling that he is aide to entertain yon in the best of style.
First Class Housi-:.
The Season
For Fruit has Arrived and we
are in the business to supply you
Ice Cream
I? about W,i will let you
know about that in tho nesir future.
W. L. Matlock & Co.
The Public Gaze
and at Popular Trues.
l. A. Horrcn.
1'. 0. Thompson,
Nrttlinnliil Webb,
John L. Ay(rHf
JuinoH JoiVh,
A, H. OlmPniHii.
Will, I'cilllUHl,
W. IS. Klliott,
N. A. Kelly,
Anson Wright,
Rkasonabi.k Ratf.s.