Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up Hepp- Patronize those who patronize ner. you. 40 years the standard. SUNDAY AT THE WORLD'S FAIR. Just at present there is a fulsome bandying of words oyer the disposition to be made of Sunday at the World's Fair. The religionists petition aad in sist that the great exposition shall be olosed to all visitors on Sunday. The seoulari ts persist that suon an arbitrary ruling is irrational and discourteous, j Taking the world as it is, and men as they are, it would seem the wise oourse, to let the gates be open to all who choose td attend that day, while the deyoutly inclined are left to seek such sanotuaries as they choose. The Great Teacher iu true human Catholicity said, "The Sab bath wus made for man, and not man for the Sabbath." The Puritanioal doc trine that Sun.lay is a divine enactment and a holy time, in the senae of changing moral quality of one's actions, is fast yielding to more liberal views. The quality of man's thoughts oannot be de termined by the day of the week, the phase of the moon or the particular sea son of the year. All good conduct should be iu the eternal present. Right is right, and wrong is wrong, without relation to the days of the week. What is bad Tues day and Friday oaDnot be accounted righteousness on Sunday. Sunday is a good institution and most people are anxious to sustain it for its moral and practical utility. You all do not want to be dictated to, as to bow your particular benefits from it are to be derived. Kver since the grand old law-giver, Moses, wiih keen insight into the needs of man, tried to set to right the idolatrous practices of the mystio East, whose star worshiping devotees were dreaming out uuoouth relations between earth and heaven, lias Sunday been a day of rest, of worship, of recreation, aooording to the benefit sought by him who recog nized it? The plea, that, to open the fair upon Sunday would be a national attack upon the institution of Christianity is narrow and fanatioal. Sunday never hud its in ception in Christianity, any more than the decalogue, or the arts and sciencesi or the constitutions of nations. If the history of Sunday proves any thing, it is that the day has grown out of human waut for rest, and reoreation and comfort. While these ends may include religion, they can uever make the day exclusively religious. The Buddhist may worship at his shrine, the Christian meditate and pray, ho who loves nature, seok solace amidst sylvan shades and flowers, while devotees of art, literature and Boienoe are left to exercise their choioe in fields of researoh that shall be to them the most satisfying. If the fair is to be made a religions institution, by closing its gates to the public on Siiuduy, it will be logically proper to have noon-day pruyor meetings and devotional services on the grounds (luring the week. During the fair there will be constant ly wilhiu the city from 75,000 to 1(10,000 (strangers. There will be open a thous and places of resort absolutely demoral izing, to which hundreds and thousands will seek access in lieu of attending the fair it this be closed. To be sure, those who know how to use loimire, will not bo bo diverted, but the groat (rouble with most people who abuse Sunday and all Hpnre time, is, they have not yet lenrued this valuable lesson. Thousands of re spectable people do not know how to be wisely idle, or to enjoy rest when it is within their grasp. To wander amidst beautiful Mowers, Boul-stirring paintings, to look upon the master works of genius in any field, to listen to grand musio is to lie lifted up. To surrcuder to caruul desires is to be bound down. If the peo ple who urge this fanaticism were at all familiar with lite in a great city, they would, as did Charles Kingsley, the greatest English divine of his time, de clare iu favor of the opening of the Crys tal palace upon Sunday as n means of Having strangers from the purlieus ami haunts of Loudon during that great ex position. Every great city of the world in mod em civilization, has learned thai the best nu'uns of making Sunday a peaceful, use ful day to its over crowded population, ie to furnish recreating, educating enter tainiiients to those whom the strife for bread, immures iu the shop and the othYe during the week. Tens of thousands could visit the fair Sundays who would have no other opportunity, and it would he a sermon to them, more potent for good than all the divines of Cliioago might be able to preach. For there are sermons in art uud artifice, ami subtle mechanism, to touch the inmost recesses of the soul that turgid language can never reach. Let the gates of the fair, the doors of the churches, sv ing open Sunday, and human minds will be awakened, and the educating prooess that makes such bigoted opposition to progressive ideas possible, will be en couraged. Fucts will supplant supersti tion, It is hoped that our people will care fully consider the proposition of H. V, Gates, ami dispose uf it to our best iu terests.' What will be paid in taxes, iu the eveut Unit the measures curry, will be saved iu the low rate of insurance which will then be established. Besides t he protection to property, and perhaps life, will be such as to warrant the adoption by our people, of the plans of fered. Again we say, people of Heppner, eousider carefully every feature of the proposition. Don't decide oue way or the other till you lire positively con vinced, from eyery point of view, that juu are on the right track, lueu go iihead. Your decisiou mt'Hiis much for lleppner'a future w hether w e shall con tinue, as business nieu, to take unusual Olid unoiilled for risks, or go ahead as of old at the meiey of the tire fleud ; whether we ahull further add danger and j ZisCJSS "c "Z7 SiSt Pfl JwPPt cV'ii A Pure Cream Tartar Powder ROYAL, Contains Ammonia. s TAYLOR'S ONE BPOON. Contains Alum anit Ammonia. of Dr. Price gives larger and fuller cans than those any other Baking Powder manufacturer. Above ctit represents the comparative size of one pound can each ''Dr. Price's," Royal" and "Taylor's One Spoon." These cans were set side by side, then photographed down in exact proportions tc admit the plate in this space. Ask your grocer to set a one pound can of any other brand alongside 1 lb. Dr. Price's Cream Raking Powder, and observe the difference, us illustrated above. Adulterated powders may usually be detected by their heavier bulk, as shown by the small cans, and these scantily filled, oftet: containing a circular to help fill out the cans. It is a singular fad that many of the ammonia and alum baking powders are advertised as "Absolutely Pure," All official examinations prove that it would be safe to reject all powders labeled absolutely pure. The economy in using Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not consist alone in the fact that much larger and fuller cans are iven. but Dr. Price's is a stvonger, purer and more wholesome bak ing powder than any other known. Does better work, and goes farther, hence more economical in every way. What woman would use an ammonia or alum baking powder if she knew it ? Such powders not only undermine the health, but ammonia gives to the complexion a sallow and blotched appearance. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powaer is reported by all authorities as free from ammonia, alum, lime, or any othei adulterant. The purity of this ideal powder has never been questioned. Ed. Long's horse sale at the Stewart stable Saturday. John Harrington is visit ing his brother, George Harrington, of this place. Mrs. Fred Snow, of Arlington, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank McFarland last week, returning borne Monday. S. P. Garrigues and wife go to Port land tomorrow, where Mrs. Garrigues will probably remain for some time. Miss Maggie Hartley returned from Missouri last Saturdiiy, accompanied by her brother whom she had not seen for sixteen years. Ed. Hooker, Bill Ingrnm, J. H. Jones, E. li. Stanton, GiUJuues and Stacy Rob erts, Eight Milers, represented in Hepp uer yesterday. A slight ohange in the weather yester day indicates thut the heated Bpell is broken, and that rain is likely to reach Morrow within a few days. The train was two hours late last night owing to the delays on the main line. The lew windy duyB of this week must have sifted the sand around pretty lively down below. Kay McAlister and Otto Summer were up from Lexington today, and say that great preparations are being made down there for the coming fourth. The camp meeting is still in progress. Don't overlook us for your job work. Quality enters as much into that line as anything else. A poor job costs as much as a good one. Come to the Ga zette office and get the best. Charley S. Jayne has just return ed fiom an extended visit to the Pen dleton section. He Bays that the hot winds havedamaized the crops there con siderably, but will likely make from a half to two-thirds crop. The Eebeocas at this plaoe made the following elections Saturday evening lust: Mrs. E. G. Sperry, N. G.; Mrs. J. W. Rasmus. V. G.; Mrs. W. A. Kirk, chaplain, and Jus. D. Hamilton, secre tary. Married At theoourt house this morn ing, by Gov. Ilea, Mr. B. . Compton and Miss Ella Mitchell, both of Parker's mill. There were present from that sec tion, E. A. Culver and a sister and two brothers of the happy groom. Pan Simons sorutched bis hand yes terday while working in the blacksmith shop, and shortly afterwards a fly bit the wound. This mormug bis nana ana Briu was swollen badly, compelling him to lay off. It ie thought that thelly poison ed the wound. Geo. Conser says there is virtue in ad vertising in the Gazette. He has receiv ed letters from all over the JNorthwest egarding the best means of ridding his lawn of ante, and he thinks some one has earned the V, maybe J. W. Kedington, who, like Dick Neville, is always on the alert to assist suffering humanity. IN THE LARGE CITIES. or adopt a oheaper and Bafer mode of lighting; whether we shall continue to pay three prices for insurance in order to save a smaller amount in taxation or vice versa; whether we shall use the best means at hand to render our ex istence one of health and happiness or continue the risk and eke out a miser able existence. There must be a gain to offset, the expense called for by the proposed improvements, else it ie not a good business proposition. Look it over and the Gazette thinks you will find a corresponding item of credit for every debit. A 1'iiW months ago Benjamin P. Hutch inson, better known as "Old Hutch,' was the reooguized king of the wheat pit at Chicago. The price of our stnple f 'od and export oereal depended upon his combinations. The fortunes of thous ands were the nlnythiugs of his specula tions. He was regarded with something of awe as an operator whose skill, pluck and luck were invincible. He wbs a great speculative genius in the public estima tion. By and by things took a turn. "Old Hutoh" got on the wrong side of the market. Ho went up like a rooket and he came down like the stick. The latest news of him after a long chapter of eocentricities is that he is running a little establishment in New York which seems to he wavering in its de velopment ns between aehcnp restaurant a whisky saloon, a junk shop und a mis sion. Here "Old Hutch" eats, sleeps and does hia own washing on the premises, and talks semi religious and philosphio nouseuse to the boys nnd men who be siege the place out of onriosity. Now he is said to be crnzy; but was he not also crazy when speculating iu wheat? His successes tueaut misery and waut to many poor, and he knew it. The desire to ubtnin unlimited wealth was a mania, and his present antics are but the logical outcome of a diseased niiud. Oregonian. IitA J. Chash, the preseut lieutenant governor of Indiana, has reoeived the nomiuatiou for governor, at the bands of the republican party. Mr, Chase is a resident of Dauville, Iud., a prominent member of the G. A . B , and is univer sally esteemed. Ya Tamiiien won the Garfield Fark Derby, and $17,000, June 17th. Huron was expected to win, but the member of the great family of the matron, Marion) pushed to the front and held her place to the finish, The track was heavy and time slow. E. C. Frntlanu's new paper, the Frankfort (Wash.,) Chronicle, has readi ed our home ranch, and is one of the neatest papers iu the Northwest, besides being ably edited. Here's our F, Peutlaud. A traitor. Since its that introduction, Electric Hilters has gained rapidly iu popular fa vor, until now it is clearly in the lead among pure medicinal touios and altera tives continuing nothing which permits its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized ns the best and purest med icine for all ailments of stomach, liver and kiduess It will curesiok beadaohe, iudigeation, constipation, and drive mill aria from the system. Satisfaction guar anteed with each bottle or the money will be refunded. Price only 50c per bottle. Sold by Sloouui-Johustou Drug Co. Hugh Gonrlev has seveied hisoonneo- disaster by the continued nee of coal oil tion with The Dulles Chronicle. OUR TIME TO GRUMBLE. Though a larger amount of wool has been brought to Heppner this year than any previous season, mostly for sale at this point, there have been experienced a series of delays, occasioned by lack of transportation facilities, which have se riously injured the market. It is the polioy of the Union Pacific this season, it seems, to haul up no empty oars, leaving the buyers to wait for such as may be sent up loaded, for cars in whiob to ship all clips purchased. This being wholly inadequate, buyers have been slow to purchase and the mar ket has suffered much thereby, though quality oonsidered, what wools havB been sold hnve oommanded the top fig ure. The wool growers oomplain bitterly of their treatment by the Union PaoiBc, and insist that the company should send in enough oars, empty ones if neoessnry, to haul the wools seeking sale and ship ment at Heppner. It is not only a serious drawback to them, but to every resident of this great wool-growing section, and should the future be marked by such oarelessness and stinginess on the part of the Union Paoifio at this point, there will be such a "roar" as they never heard before. Gkn. John V. Foster has been nom. inated and confirmed to succeed Blaine as secretary of Btate. He was minister to Spain nnder Arthur and served with distinction in the Union army during the rebellion. The death of Theodore W. Dwight is announced iu the daily press. He was a distinguished jurist and at the time of hia death was one of the professors of Columbia college. Where? At Abrahamsick's. In addition to his tailoring business, be has added a fine line of underwear of all kinds, negligee shirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on hand some elegant patterns for suits. A. Abrabamsiok, May street, Heppner, Or. CHEAP KA1KS ion THEFOtiTH. The Union Pacific offers its patrons cheap 4th of July rates as usual this year. For dates of sale and limit of tickets or any additional information ap ply to J. C. Hart, agent Union Pnoifio system. 4"-3- Vii KEWA.UD For the return to my plaoe, Bix miles ii, nf Unlin. Oreffon. 1 cruv mare with yearling oolt, branded TS on right Bhoul der and oirole W on left shoulder; also 1 bay mare branded TS on right shoulder and dim brand on left shoulder resem bling i5. Or I will pay 810 for infor mation leading to their reoovery. F. Weiier, 498-506 Nolin' 0r- FOURTH OF JULY EXCURSION'S Are ever popular and successful. The exceedingly low rates offered by the Union Paoifio this year will insure them an immense business. Excursion tick ets on sale at all ticket offices of the sys- For dates of sale and limit of tiokets or any additional information apply to J. V. nail, agent union raciuc syoicui. 409-3. ADDITIONAL IjOCAIA CHAS. H. DODD&CO. IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, IRON, STEEI AN O FARM MACHINERY. F?.ON?, FIB ST AND VINE STS., FOEXLAKD, OE. BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER HODGES' HAINES HEADERS. BUCKEYE STEEL FRAME BINDER. IillliU'iiill-l lor (Slr.-niilli n ml 5irn!llll.Y. Ruhl, the baker. Buy your bread and cakes and save money. Try it. a. A fine lot of imported Shot Guns at Thompson & Go's nt bargain prices, no jobbers profits. a M. Liclitenthal & Co. have just re ceived a fine lot of ladies' kid, button and tie shoes. At bottom prices. a H. Blackman & Co. have an exolusive General Merchandise store. Stookmen cannot do better than patronize H. Blackman & Co., of Heppner's Pioneer Bnok. The present hot weBther rivals any that has come this way for some years. l.OCAI. MARKET REPORT. WlionK hn 60o Flonr.bbl 60 Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. 1 75 " three s " Sheep, muttons, bead 2 253 00 " stock 2 25 Hogs, ou foot, cwt $5 00 Hogs, dressed 6 50 Wool . 12 14 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 35 Eggs, doz 15 Chickens, doz 2 50 3 00 Adnianee Heap-Discharge Binder jr HOLUKCSWOiUrl & TAYLOR HAND AND 8' SFIF-niIMP RAXES. DEERE HAY-LOADER AND MUDCETT IM PtlOVLO TEDDER. HAY-PRESSES. PORTER'S HORSE HAY FORKS AND CARRIERS. SCHUTTLER AND MILBURN FARM WACONS FINE CARRIAGES, PHAETONS. TOP BUG GIES, CARTS, ETC. FOUR-SPRING MOUNTAIN WACONS AND BUCK-BOARDS. MMICD'C CTAD UlRDnTliJn THRFSHFR miLLLno oimi ""' .....ww....... rri'.., - : w--wN AULTMAN'S STAR TRACTION ENGINE. S& tl The most Effective and Succeslul combination for :.J ' ' ii; Threshing and Cleaning Oram ever consirucicu. , Senil for 1S93 Catiilonue. Free. 1;' A Philadelphia Chinaman has thirty gods. Berlin, with 1,315,600 people, has only 20,800 dwellings. Op the twelve largest cities in the world three are in Japan. London theater-going is said to have declined to a remarkable extent. Washington is the only city of any size in this country that possesses no factories. During the last ten years the Paris Gas Company has paid into the city treasury $40,000,000. Berlin has just decided that wooden pavements are a failure, while Constan tinople is having the first one put down. The first London directory was printed in 1GG7 and contained but sixty four pages, with the names of 1,790 per sons and firiiss. There are upward of fifty hospitals in London. The earliest, St. Bartholo mew's, was founded in 1102, and St. Thomas, in 15f!J. Chicago expects to complete its new Masonic temple, twenty stories, or 275 feet high, by the first of May, 1892. It will be five feet higher than the tower of the famous Auditorium in the same city. HOUSEKEEPING SIMPLIFIED. MG11T DOCTORS FAILUO. From the Oregonitin. TO THE PUBLICh-Seveuteen years ago I oouiuieuoed being a 111 let ed with stricture of the urethra. As time passed I grew worse, until it was impossible to pass urine without a catheter. I have beeu under Beveral leading doctors in Portland and one in Victoria. Was in the hospital five mouths from the effects of oue doctor's unskillful treatment. All the combined efforts and skill of the eight physicians were as nothing to me. June 4, 1892, 1 came uuder Dr. Damn's treatment, and m two weeks went to my home in Monument, Grant Co., Or., a well man. A. L. GUEIUN. Dra. Darrin oan be found at 270'j Washington street, iortland, Or.; the Review building, Spokaue, Wash.; the Hotel Northern, Astoria, Or., from 10 to 5 daily, 7 to 8 evenings; Sunday, 10 to 12. They make a specialty of all diseases of eye, CBr, nose and throat, oatarrh, deaf ness, bronchitis, la grippe, consumption, dyspepsia, heart, liver and kidney dis eases. All nervous, chronic and private diseases of men, inoluding stricture, hy drocele, varicocele, and all peculiar fe male troubles are confidentially and suc cessfully treated. Most cases can receive home treatment after a visit to the doc tor's office. Inquiries answered. Circu lars and question blanks sent free. Con sultation, free. Parents and Minora, Take Notice, Minors on tho streets after 9 p. Use washing soda in boiling water to remove green stains from 3'our brick walk. Moist tea leaves will stain a very light-colored carpet; use them only on dark colors. A Maine woman, when she wishes to shell beans, runs them through the clothes wringer. New tins should be set over the fire filled with water, for some hours be fore using them. Corks which have been steeped in vaseline are said to be an excellent substitute for glass stoppers. Carbolic aeid is the best disinfectant known. It not only destroys foul odors but also all germs of disease. In "trying out" or clarifying butter it is done when the froth begins to rise. Skim, strain, store in a cool place and keep well covered. To get a good polish on mahogany easily, mix oue part of boiled linseed oil with two parts of alcoholic shellac varnish. Shake well before using. Apply in small quantities, with a cloth, and rub the work vigorously until the desired polish is secured. LOVERS AS OTHERS SEE THEM. The clergyman wastes his breath who talks of the happiness of the world to come to a yontli who has just received his first love 1 t tor. - Cape Cod Item. She (trustingly) -"Am I the only girl you ever loved, Jack?"Jack "Why yes certainly, my dear that is to say the only girl I ever loved as 1 love you, my darling." Somervillle Journal. 1'knki.ope "There is one thing about U9, Jack, that I like. We are sensible lovers. We don't use that idiotic baby talk." Jack "No. And we never will, either, will Wi?" Penelope "Kopey." Harpcr'sTiazar. She "I am afraid that bell ringing means another caller." lie (implor ingly) "You know there is such a thing as your not being at home." She "Yes; and there is such a thing as my being engaged." Brooklyn Life. CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt $1 40 1 45 Flonr.bbl 3 00 (g 5 00 Beeves, stall fed 7 00 7 25 Muttons, owt 8 00 10 00 Bogs, cwt 8 60 5 25 Wool -Eastern Oregon.. 10 g 17 Butter, ft 15 19 Eggs, doz 18 20 Chickens, doz 5 50 1200 Turkeys, lb lots W PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat, cwt Sfl 30 1 35 Flour, bbl 3 00 0460 Beeves, owt 2 00 3 00 " dressed 4 50(3 6 00 Muttons, live sheared. . . 8 50 3 75 dressed 8 50 9 00 Hogs, on foot 5 00 0550 " dressed 7 00 8 00 Wool Eastern Oregon... 9 14 Butter 15 25 Eggs, doz 18 20 Chickens, doz 5 00 6 00 Turkeys, lb 17 LEACH $ ARMSTRONG, LEXINGTON, OREGON, MINOR BROS., HKPPNEK, OB. T II E Eastern Clothing House Branch at Portland, has opened a iff Line of Ladie's and Gents Furnishing G Also Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises and Fancy Goods 00(1$ You will find our Clothing Department with an assortment, inoludiafr Fqiiftre Cut Snoks, Three and Four Button Frocks, made of the best American Weavers, Scotch Woolen Wor steds, Gbeviots, made up to sell in Fall suitn. ELECTION NOTICE. Notice of special town election for the purpose of voting upon ordinance Wo, 51, of said town of Heppner, Oregon. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice Is hereby given tlmt a Bpecial election will be held in the town of Heppner, at the council chamber, on the 4th day of August, 1892, between the hours of 8 o'clock a. m. and 0 o'clock p. m., of said day, for the purpose of authorizing the town council to borrow the Bumof?lI).000 0Uand to issue bonds of the town therefor, for the pur pose of supplying the town with water, and also to empower the council to levy a tax to create a sinking fund for the redemption of said bonds in twenty years from August 1st, 1H!2, and to pay the interest thereon until redeemed, and to approve ordinance No. 51. The following officers of election have been appointed judges of election. (E. G. Sloan, JudgeB of Election &f. Matlock, (VV. A. KlHK, Lane Matlock, J. P. William. A. A. Roberts, Recorder. Dated Heppner, Oregon, July 2, 1802. 503-tf ClerkB of Election WOMEN AND THE: R WAYS. Generally speaking, woman Is sel dom silout. TriKRE are some women who seem to he only (rood to lore pug dogs. Women look into tho back of a book first because they always want to have tho last word. Vuck. "She seems a very clever woman." "Oh, she is! I had an hour's conversa tion with her yesterday, and didn't have a chance to sav a word. "Truth. KUis Minor and family are intending to start for the Blues next week, where they will remain till well along in the month of August. They will therefore eet the full benefit of the huckleberry will be run in and fined. Take notice I cron. and Drobahlv havp an onuortunitv aud save unnecessary trouble and ex- i to find game and fisb. During the buck peuse. J. W. Rasmvs, I leberry season is the time to visit the 487tfsw. Marshal. mountains. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., June 28, 1892. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler lias tiled notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before J. VV. Mor row, county clerk of Morrow county. Or., at Heppner, Or., on August 6 1892 viz: MAtiUIE LOONEY, NEE M AGGIE CON LEE fid. No. 1877, for the NH N W'4 and NWJ4 NKl Sec. 4, Tp. 1, S R. 24 E. W. M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon, aud cultivation of, said land, viz: M. jM. Heighley, Edward Cluff, C. B. Cochran am! J. W. Kedford, all of Heppner, Oregon. John W. Lewis, WtS-ftH Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. T4ind Office at LaOrande, Or., May. 27, 1892. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make fi nal proof In Bupport of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore W. K. Kllis, Com. U. S. Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on July 11, 1892, viz: MILLARD F. FRENCH, Hd No. 3806 for the N SW and SK SWfc and SU'Vi SEl4 Sec f, Tp ; 8, R 28 E, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. said land, viz: F. D. Cox, M. J. Wilkinson, D. C. Gurdane, J. Ricks, of Heppner, Oregon. 492-503 A. Cleaver. Register, WANTED. THO:E who are interested in the Eight Mile country and Morrow county to know that we have a few extra copies It be secured either at Geo, or at the Gazette ottiee. eft. which can Thornton's news stand 68-bw. COME to the Palace Hotel bar for Champagne Cocktails. Champagne on tup. Uti-sw A BIG lot of Gooseberry numbers of the Ga zette that ought to be sent away. Call in, invest and help your country. gwtf '-TX) KNOW that L. D. Boyed is Heppner's I leadingcontractor aud builder. Estimates given on all kinds of work, dence, He p pner, Or. Office at resi- l-sw. Wagonmaker. one the best locations in Morrow county. Must have a little capital. Call on orwriteGazette ottiee for particulars, sw FOR HALB. llJ ARNESS-SHOP, stock and fixtures. Good business; established in the midst of a good fanning and stock-raising eonntrv. Also for sale a good house and two lots with or without the business property. For further in formation address Gazette, Heppner, Or. 483 tf. JAPANESE pi ie: CURE A new and Complete Treatment, consisting of Suppositories, Ointment in Capsules, also in Box and Fills; a positive Cure for External, Inter nal, Blind or Bleeding. Itching. Chronic, Recent or Hereditary Piles, and many other diseases and female weaknesses; it is always a great ben efit to the general health. 'I he first discovery of a medical cure rendering an operation w ith the knife unnecessary h reader. This remedy has never leen known to fail. $1 per box, ti for $S; sent by mail. Why Butter from this terrible dis ease when a written guarantee is given with 6 boxes, to refund the money if not cured. Send stamp for free sample. Guarantee issued bv Woodward, Clarke fc Co., Wholesale & Retail Pruggists Sole Agents, Portland, Or. duced to - - - $20.00 - -- - 15.00 - - - - 12.50 - - - 10.00 - - - - 7.50 Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps at Factory Prices Extmiine the goods nml yon will find nil shades and colors, whioh will give satisfaction Before purchasing, call and examine my stock 25.00 Suits 20.00 " 17.50 15.00 " 12.50 " W. Ivo ROBISON D. A. HERREN'S BUILDING, May Street. Heppner, Oregon. PHAGE I Tri3 Leaaing lioiei of ins Citu JIiJJ OTraTTsf WELL FURNISHED ROOMS HIGHEST W PRICE Flour Exchanged for Wheat HEPPNER FLOURING MILL COMPANY. T. W. AYERS, Sr., Manager. DAN OSMERSt. 448 MAT HUGHES. Columbia Beer Hall! WEXT DOOR h M. Liclitenthal & Co.'s Shoe Store, Main i Street. Keep on hand a Fine Line of Liquors, H um, Cigars, Etc. We have Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to " Cents PerGlass, On draught, fresh and cool. Luuch of all kinds. Hope to see all their old friends and marjy more. OSMERS fc HUGHES. Props. (AN VK SL1TLY Y(H H SPIllXG SilUKS ? Our Spring Footwear is the Best and the Cheapest. As the shoemaker, a nice new shoe, The goat, theeaif, and the kangaroo, Joined by the allieator, too. All dropped in to find out whether " turir loins mat tu'mih'd the leather Ve wish that everybody knew What elegant Btock we put in each shoe And keep on hand to benefit you. All pradt'S, styles and shapes together, me iuuiw ear ui an Kinae or leatner. M. LICHTENTHAL & CO., -Multi Street. Heppner Or,