OFFICIAL PAPER. Take your Babies to . . IS THEIR DAY . . . THE PIfOTOli RAWER. One picture Free nf Charge, work First-Clans and at Living Rate. As. TENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1892. NO. 503. o 1 1 1 ci People Buy advertising apace because rates are low generally the circulation is a sight lower. Circulation determines the value of advertising; there is no other standard. The Gazette is willing to abide by it. OF i 77 ) SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY ME PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. ALVAH W. PATTERSON Bus. Manager. OTIS PATTKKSON Editor- At fB.OO par year, $1.50 for six months, $1.00 for three mourns; in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. The "EA&LE," of Long Creek, Grant County. Oregon, is published by the sume com pany every Friday morning. Subscription price, fciper voar. ForiulvertlHingrates. address Xj. PATTEESOIT, Kdttor and ManaKcr, Long Crock, Oregon, or "Uazette," rteppner, Oregon. rpH18 PAPER ib kept on file at K C. Pake's 1 Advertising ARRlicy, lit and 65 Merchants Kxchangs, Han Krancisuo, California, where C0u t.racts for advertising can be made for it. 171 C. PKNTLAND, SECRETARY OF THE J. Oregon 1'resB Association, '2(i Ash Street, between First and Second, Portland, Oregon, is our only agent located in that place. Advertis ers should consult him for rates and Bpuce in the Ciazette. THE GAZETTE'S AO SNTS. Wagner, Arlington. Long Creek, Echo, Camas Prill rip, Matteson, Nye. Or., Htirdman, Or Hamilton, Grant Co., Or lone, Prairie City, Or Canyon City, Or Pilot Hock, Dayvllle, Or John Day, Or., Athena, Or Pendleton, Or., .Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Or Shelby, Or., B. A. lTunsaker Henry Heppner The Eagle Bob Shaw Oscar De Vaul ....Allen MeFerrln H. C. Wright J. a. Woolery ...Mattlo A. Rudio T. J. Carl R. R. McHaley 8. L. Parrish O. P. Skelton J. E. Snow F. 1. McCallum John Edington Wm. G. McCroskey Postmaster ... .Miss Stella Klett J. F. Allen Andrew Ashbaugh .... B. F. Hevland S. White H. M. Johnson .. . . W. P. snydor .Herbert Ilalstead ...,V. B. McAllster Fox, Grant uo., ur., Eight Mile, Or .Mrs, upper Knea Green Douglas, Or Lone Hock, Or Gooseberry Condon, Oregon Lexington AN AGENT WANTKD IN EV EBY PRECINCT. Union Pacific Railway-Local card. No. 10, mixed leaves Hopnner 8:20 a. m. " 10, " ar. at Ariingtou 1150 a.m. " (1, " leaves " 3:47 p. m. " 0, " ar. at Heppner 7:0u p. m. daily except Sunday. East bound, main line ar. at Arlington 8:60 p. m. West " ' " leaves " 4:i0 p. in. Night trains are running on Banie time as before. HEPPNER-MONUMENT STAGE. Stags leaves for Monument daily, excei t Sunday, at 6:30 A. M. Arrives daily, except Monday, at 6 :00 P. M. G.ivcrnor 8. P!1"- Sec. of State tJ,-,fI5Btld8- Treasurer Vhil Metechan. Snpt. Instruction -E rj. McElroy. Judge Seventh Distriot VV.L. Brads haw District Attorney W. H. WiIbou MORROW COUNTY. JoiutSenator Henry Blackman. Representative .Inompson. ( 'onnty Judge - Jul'"8 Kelthl'- ' Commissioners J. A. Ihompson, H. M. Vaughn. Clerk J- W.Morrow. " Sheriff vi?eiM1i!'blS' " Treasurer J. W. Matlock. Assessor J- MUee- " Surveyor Is 'j.- - School Sup't W.L.Saling. ' Coroner James Daugherty. HEPPNER TOWN OFFICERS. Hate T.J.Matlock Counciimen O. K Fanisworth, M Lichtenthal, Otis Patterson, S. P. Garngues, Thos. jlorgan and Frank Uilliam. Recorder.. A. Roberta. Treasurer ' Slooum Marshal W. Basmus. GECBIII SOCIETIES. Doric Lodge No. 20 K. of P. meets ev ery Tuesday evening at 7.30 o'clock in their Castle Hall, National Bank build ing. Sojourning brothers cordially in vited to attend. Emil VokbZ, C. (. ' T U. ACBBKV, K. of K. & S. tf RAWLINS POST, NO. 31. G. A. B. Meets at Lexington, Or., tho last Saturday of each month. All veterans are invited to join. C.C. Boon, Geo. W. Smith. Adjutant, tf Commander. FEorsssioisrAL. A A. EGBERTS, Real Estate, Insur- ance and Collections. Oflioe in Council Chambers, Heppner, Or. swtf. J.N. BROWN, Attorney at Law, JAS. D. HAMILTON, Brown & Hamilton Practice in all courts of the stats. Insurance,. real estate collecu.m anu loan wmiw. Prompt attention given to all business entrust ed to them. Office, Main Stbeit, Heppneb, Oregon. MISC-OHTS CRAP I Back aitrnja u. un.y uicc lor luv inside. -'A ttsiriKames.all winning, l'trfwt work, weig'H, and cannot bv drt tec'd byo tsiders. ConSidt corroMDnnde' re with frames invit- ' ed. Prire "M .a.-'-OULa 'V-r set. !5. Pair bird Kye, ivory (seectit i pair, 13.50; IcruW!, high orlow, l 5. Ordinary work, topafiB, bone.J-1 or 16 Inch, pir, II , Ivory, 11.50. Finest marlrf-d cardamadtt.OOc. 11,11 Pf a jun k. M pace cat. FT1KK, Dice piaranteeO. ULJ I) Eos, Box K, thlcisorUl MONEY Saved is Money 9ave 23 to .50 centu on every dollar you ipend. Write for mammoth Catalogue, a tvio-pnee book, containinn illustrations and (riving lowest man- uiacturerfl prieet. vnn nianuiacturerB dis cnniUB. of everv kind of iroods and sunDHen man ufactured and imported into the L'nited .State. Groceries, Houffiioifi oooob, runmure, v loin intr ijniios'and (ieuta' Clothlne and Furnishlne Gooiis, Dress Ooods, White Goods, Dry Goods, Hats. Cans, Boots and t-hoes, Gloves, Notions, Glassware, stationery, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, hugle.-. Whips. AKriculturaL Im plements, etc. ONLY FiK?fT CLASrl GOODS. Catalogue sent on receipt of A", cents for express vv a a tliA mil v mincprn w hn rpIIb at mun- uiacturers' prkea, allow inji the buyer the same diK-ount that the manufacturer gives to the wholesale buver. We fruarantee all goojs as reprefeuted; if not found so. money refunded. Gools sent bv express or freiht, with privilege of exumlnatinn ueiore paj iur. A. li AKPEN A CO., Quincey St., Chicago, II! VALUABLE PRESENT. A Year's Subscription to a Pop ular Agricultural Paper GIVEN FREETO OUR READERS By a special arrangement with the publishers we are prepared to furnish FREE to each of our readers a year's subscription to the popular monthly agricultural journal, the American Farmer, published at Springfield and Cleveland, Ohio. This offer is made to any of our sub scribers who will pay up all arrearages on subscription and one year in advance, and to any new subscribers who will pay one year in advance. The American Farmer enjoys a large national circula tion, and ranks among the leading agricultural papers. By this arrange ment it COSTS TOU NOTHING to re ceive the American Farmer for one year, It will be to yonr advantage to oall promptly. Sample copies can be s.'en at our office. From Terminal or interior Points the them' I RAILROAD! , Is the line to take hi Points Eastand South. It i's the Dining Car Rente. It ron Through Yosti buled Trains every day in the year to St Paul and Chicago ' (No Change of Cars) CoiBjiOsed of DINING CARS unsurpassed, . PULLMAN DRAWING ROOM SLEEPERS Of Latest Equipment Tourist Sleeping Cars Best thit earn be constructed and in which ac commodation? are both free and furnished for holders of first or secorid-clasaticketH, ana Eregant.Day Coachs. A Continuous Line connecting with all Lines, affording Direct and Uninter rupted Service. Pullman Sleeper Reservations can be Secured in advance through any agent of the road. THROTTGriT TICKETS To and from ap points in America, Eugia id and Europ can be purchased at any Ticket office of this Company. Full information concerning .rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. No. 121 First St., Cor. Washington, tf. PORTLAND OREGON The Orlsrlrel DIGTIOHSQY. RY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT WITH THK nnhliahftrn. we are able to obtain a number of tn above book, and propose to furnish a copy to each of our subscribers. The dictionary 1b a necessity In every home, school and business house. It fills a vacancy, and furnishes knowledge which no one hun dred other volumes of the choicest booka could supply. Young and old, educated and ignorant, rich and poor, should have it within reach, and refer to its conteius every day in tnc year. a some have asked if this is really the Orig inal Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, we are able to state we have learned direct from the nnhHshprs the fact, that this is the very work complete on which about forty of the best years ot the author s me were so weu empioyea in writing. It contains the entire vocabulary of about 100,1X10 words, including the correct spell ing, derivation and aennition oi same, ana is the regular standard size, containing about :i0u,00u Bquare inches of printed surface, and is oounu lu ciom unu muiwco &jiu Until further notice we will furnish this valuable Dict onary pirst To any new suDscnoer, Second To any renewal subscriber. Third To any subscriber now in arrears who pays up and one year in advance, at the following prices, viz: Full Cloth bound, gilt side and back stamos marbled edges 5i-oo. Half Mo occo, bound, gilt side and back tmrjs. marbled edges, Jt .10, Full Sheep bound, leather label, marbled eriaes. 2.00 Ftfty cents added in all cases for express- acre to neppner. gr-B the publishers limit the time and number of books they will furnish at the low r.rt, ujc oU-iop oil who desire to avail them selves' of this great opportunity to attend to it FBEE TO TEE BFFLIGTED. All who are suffering from the effects of Youthful Errors, Loss of Manhood, Failing Powers, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Stricture, HjphilisaDd the many troubles which are the effects of these terrible disorders will receive, Free of Charqb. full directions how to treat and cure themselves at home by writing to the Uaufoiinia Medical and ni BoioA.ii is fikmaby, lu29 Market Street, San r rancisco, uaiitorma. vio-ly. Nor Unabnd mvnwBWt'iw. mhhk m Ibmniiiif mmnmSSSBSt FOR SCROFULA scrofulous humor in the blood, ulcers, catarrh, and consumption, use Ayer'sSarsaparilla The most economical, safe, speedy, and effective of all blood-purifiers. Has Cured Others will cure you. Real Merit Pills P INTO!! you take pills It is because you have nuver tried the, S.B. Heatfacne & Liver Gure It works so nicely, cleansine the Liver and Kidneya; acts as a in lid physic without causing pain or Blckness, and does not stop you from eating and working. To try it is to become a friend to it, For sale by Slocum-Jolinston Drug Co., Heppner Weak. Keivous or in Fain From some long-standing ailment, or fee) that vour constitution (nervous system) is failing, or that some affliction has taken, or is taking, permanent hold of you, which you have been, and are still, unable to throw off or oontrol, whether in the first or last stage remember that Dr. Gregg's ELECTRIC BELTS And Appliances. and system of home treatment will cure you. No medical or other mode or electric treatment can at all compare with them. TIioushiuIb of women who Buffer for years with complaints peculiar to Bex, have been completely and per manently restored to health. No fewer men have also been cured. Electric treatment for diseases 8UBEented, pro perly applied, 1b perfect and has no good substi tute. The Greprg Electric Belt and Appliances are the only ones in existence that Bupplya perfect mode of application. keens the feet warm and dry and is the only genuine Electric Insole. People who have paid their money and been cured can tell you what has been done for them m a way tnar win convince you. uompieie cat alogue of testimonials, prices, etc., tic. Circular free. . BIG INDUCEMENTS TO GOOD AGENTS, Address THE GREGG ELECTRIC CURE CO. 501 Inter Ooean Building, Chicago, 111. IT ia THE rDB AIi MEPTCCTB. ft rouses the Liver and Kidneys and Stomach, Cures Headache, Dvspepsia, creates an Appe tite, Purities the Impure Blood, and Makes The 'Wealc Btrong. flM;l.l!l:HtM.JH;jjH;l IMedT.iTwh. VI ft bottle l ai x for to. Forest Grove Poultry Ms. ESTABLISHED IN 1877. Wyandottes, Plymouth Rooks, Light Braniabs, Kose ana Hingle uotnn Brown Leghorns, Partridge Cochins, Houdans and Sil ver Spangled Hambui ge. 1.000 YQOHB FOWLS Ready for Delivery. BOOK YOUR ORDERS FOR CHOICE SELECTIONS. In Amerioa, and are the best on this coast by a great difference. I GUARANT E SATISFACTION TO EVEKY. CUSiU-VJfcK. Send for Catalogue. Address J M. fJARRIHOV. Rox 55. com.3(K5. Forest Grove, Or Frank H. Snow, Commissioner V. 8. Court at Lexington, Or., is authorized to reoeive fees for publication of final proofs. l4-t 0 P t MAIIJIOOD, THE IMAOE HKEAKKR. Mahmood once, the Image-breaker, spreailer of the Faith, Whh at Suuinat tempted sorely, hh the IcrcihI saitti. In the great pagoda's center, monstrous and abhorred, Granite on a throne of pranite, sat the temple's lord. Mahmood paused n moment, silenced hy tho silent face That, with eyes of stone unwavering, awed the ancient place. Then the Brahmins knelt before him,1 by bin doubt made bold, Pledging for their idol's ransom countless geins and gold. Gold was yellow dirt to Mahmood, but of pre clous use, r Since from it the roots ot power suck a potent jnico. "Were you a stone alone in question, this would please me well," Mahmood said, "hut, with the block there, Iniy truth must sell. "Wealth and rule slip down with fortune, as her wheel turns round; He who keeps bis faith, he only cannot be dis crowned. "Little were a change of station, loss of life or crown, But the wreck were past retrieving If the Man fell down." So his Iron mace lie lifted, suyite with might and main, And the Idol, on the pavement tumbling burst in twain. Luck obeys the downright striker; from the hol low core, Fifty times the Brahmin's oiler deluged all the floor. James Russcl Lowel. WOULD'H FAItt NOTES. The Indian exhibit at the World's Fair will include representatives of every tribe from the extreme north to Terra del Kuego. A solid gold brick, weighing 600 pounds aud worth 8150,000, will be exhibited in the Mine9 and Mining building at the World's Fair bv a Helena, Mont., mine owner. The chair in which Thomas Jefferson sat while writing the declaration of Inde pendence is now owned by the Philo sophical Society, Philadelphia. It is re ported that this interesting; relic will be exhibited at the World's Fair. The high sohool of San Diego, Calif., will give a grand Fonrth of July celebra tion and devote the proceeds toward making A complete selection of San Diego fish (or exhibition at the World's Fair.' The speoiniensj-wilK!,.", preserved in alcohol and properly labelled, etc The exhibit will be a competitive one. South Burmah and the East Indies in tend to have a worthy exhibit at the ex position. The chamber of commeroe of Kurraohee has appointed Jehangir II. Kothan, a prominent wealthy merohant of Kurrachee, special commissioner to develop an exhibit for the fair. The Paper Trade CI ub, of Chicago, rep resenting nearly all the paper manufac turers of the city, is arranging for an in teresting display at the World's Fair. The club expeots to put up a complete paper mill on the grounds and show the process of making paper from the pulp to a fiuished oard lu the shape of a World's Fair souvenir. It is probable that a number of genu ine Astrakhan sheep, the finest speci mens living, will be exhibited at the World's Fair. A dozen ot them have re cently arrived in this oonntry from Per sia, Laving been purchased there by Uni ted States Minister Beale for Secretary Rusk of the department of agriculture, who intends to try the experiment of raising the species in this country. They are to be taken to Southern California, and it they prosper will be taken to the fair next summer. Mrs. Potter Palmer, President of the board of lady managers, who has re cently returned from a European tour. reports that the women of Europe, par ticularly of Great Britain, France, Ger many and Belgium, ere deeply interested in the World's Fuir, and are working hard to muke the woman's branch of it a splendii success. The women's com missions, which have been formed in these countries, include many of the most distinguished and honored women known at court. The outlook is most promising for a great exhibit of women's industrial, eduoational and charitable work, from both this country and from abroad. Three World's Fair commissioners from France are now in Chicago, to erect and decorate the building which will be the headquarters of France at the Fair, and to complete arrangements for in stalling tbe trencn exnioit. rney are Baron de Vial or, M. Rene DubiBson aod M. Henri Mott. They say that France will bave an exhibit unrivaled by that of any other nation and that will eclipse anything of the kind ever previously un dertaken by tbe French government They have asked for 200,000 square feet additional space. The French building Is to be one of the finest of foreign struc tures and deoorated most artistically un der direction of M. Motte, who is a cele brated painter and decorator. Tbe World's Fair grounds aud build ings, now nearing completion, are so re nowned as a most beautiful and inter esting speotacle that not only do from 5,000 to 12,01) people day, at a cost of twenty-five cents apiece, inspect them, but tbe great majority of travt lers who pass through Chicago devote a day or more to the same purpose. Hundreds of distinguished foreigners and thousands of prominent men from the various states of the Union have availed themselves ot this privilege, aud it is not exaggeration to say that all, without exception, have been most agreeably surprised at the splendor and magnitude of what they witnessed, and hove departed very en thusiastic over the bright prospects ol the Fair. Several hundred of the return iog delegates of the late republican na tional convention at Minneapolis inspect ed the wonders of Jackson park while il Chicago. Nearly all of the delegates to the democratic convention at Chicago have done the same. The Exposition authorities have committees to show vis itors about and explain details to them. Those who have been ohaiged with the preparation of the Turkish exhibit are making very extensive preparations to have it of superior merit and interest. They will charter a large ship to trans port the exhibit. They will bring over 400 native TurkB arrayed in their nation al costumes. They will reproduce at Chicago a street in Constantinople with all ito peculiar ctookeduess and narrow ness and its interesting bazars and res taurants. The bazars will he filled with salable articles of Turkish mauufi.otnre. The expedition to Chioago will start, from Constantinople and will call at all Turk ish ports for reinforcements nud articles to be placed on exhibition. Adt iuuitpolis and Pbiluppolis huve caught the fever and will do quite as much as the capital to make the Turkish exhibit a success. The exhibit will include a reproduction in miniature of the Mosque of St. Sophia. This has never been reproduced in any Christian country, and for its reproduc tion at Chicago special permission of the Sultan hud to be obtained. A plan to utilize all the school bouses in Chicago as dormitories for teachers visiting the World's Fuir ia being agita ted. Mrs. Solomon Thatoher, Jr , one of the lady managers, advnuced the idea, wuion baa been greatly approved. She says there are more than 300,000 school teachers in the oountry, who will prob ably attend the fair, and that a nominal fee from a reasonable proportion of them would pay the expeuses of transforming every school bouse in Chicago into a lodging house and keep it in perfect or der. There are nearly 250 public school buildings, all of them large structures, which could be thus utilized. It is be lieved that the majority of the teachers of the oountry will spend a portion of their vacation in viewing the exposition, ft they ootild be provided with lodgings as indicated, at a mere nominal expense, ihey would Burely be greatly ocoorarao dated. A collective exhibit at the World's Fair by the various college fraternities in the United States is well assured. Much Interest line been manifested at the one or t wo meetings thus far held iu pro motion of the project. Dr. Peabody, chief of the Liberal Arts department of the Exposition, in which tho fraternity exhibit will be installed, has commended the idea. Final arrangumouts for pre paring the exhibit by the fraternities will be made, it is announced at a meet hit; to be held at tbe Grand i'acitiu hotel, Chi cago, on Thursday, July 7. Every Amer ican college fraternity desiring to par ticipate in the proposed exhibit, should send an accredited delegate to the meet ing. Lee Fenrii, Rand McNi.lly building, Chicago, is chairman of the committee having the matter in charge. Chief Ives, who is in Europe iu the interest of the Fine Arts department of the World's Fair, bus written that the French aud American ortists in Paris are all agog with enthusiasm for the Fuir. The American artists are hard at work, and their faction of the exhibit will be unexpectedly large and of the highest order. Chief Ives hud several conferences with Commissioner Proust, who is the chief of the tine arts department for the French exhibit, and finds the rep resentutive men of French art circles active and in earnest to make their dis play exceptionally fine and surpassing in extent anything formerly ueenm plixhed. Not to belong to a Woman's World's Fair committee is now regarded by titled and aristocratic. European women us a positive lack of distinction. Indeed, the interest in the exposition displayed by prominent and influential women iu most of the European countries is truly re markable. The exhibit of woman's work is sure to be very comprehensive, and, it is believed, surprising. An exhibit of bells will be made at the World's Fair by a large manufacturing concern in this country, and the firm is planning to display it in a reproduction of tbe Tzar Kolokol (king of bells), the (anions broken bell of Moscow, which is 22 feet in diameter and 21 feet, 3 inches high, weighs 44H.772 pounds, and is used as a chapel. The Ohio State Archieolouicnl and His torical Sooiety will exhibit at the World's Fair, among many other interesting urti cles, a collection of speoiinens of old colonial and state bank money. It litis already gathered severul hundred speci mens. One of the most interesting is a Mormon bill bearing the signature of J. Smith, tbe originator of the Mormon faith. A schooner is now being fitted out at Halifax to go to the arotio regions to get ten or twelve Esquimo families, titty or sixty persons in all, for exhibition at the World's Fair. Dogs, fishing implements, utensils and everything necessary to show Esquimo life, will also be procured. Japan has applied for space in the World's Fair Mines and Miuing builditu for a mineral exhibit. It will inolude i tine collection of tbe celebrated Japanesi alloys and bronze preparations. The Woman's Pharmaceutical Assn ciation of Illinois is planning toconduc a model pharmaoy in the Illinois build ing at the World's Fair. A BOY BAROMETER. All IIHnoIrt Yomurater'H lluir as a Weath er Indicator. According to a correspondent of tho Chicago Inter Ocean tin-re is a remark able boy living on a farm in ( entervilk! township, near Maseoutali, 111., or rath er a boy with a remarkable head of hair. His name is Tommy Johnson, anil he is about fourteen years of UR'e. He is the only son of Frank Johnson, a well-to-do farmer of I'entorville town ship. The boy is healthy and intelli gent nnd a great deul like other boys, with the exception of his wonderful head of hair. The hair is straight and black as that of an Indian ordinarily, but at the ap proach of u storm the hair begins to kink anil curl two or three days before hand, and it, remains in that condition until after the storm is over, when again it becomes perfectly straight. If the storm is of any mag-nituile the hnir will curl up into little balls. The boy's hair is used as a barometer by the farmers of that section. If a neighboring' farmer wants to haul hay to town, harvest wheat or any tMng else that makes him particularly interested in the weather, he calif, ot the Johnson home beforehand and looks at Tommy's hair. If tho hair is straight, the fann er makes his arrangements to do the work: but if tho hair is curled, then the work is postponed until after the ap proaching storm. The people of the vicinity bave seen the warning of rains and storms verified so often that they have implicit faith iu Tommy's hair us a barometer, for an ordinary ruin the hair kinks only a trillo. A few weeks ago it was discovered that Tommy's hair was kinked in hard balls nil over his head, and the news spread all over the community in a very short time. The next day a violent storm struck that section, doing consid erable damage, After the storm was over tbe people were greatly relieved, until it was learned that Tommy's hair was curled up more than ever, and then another storm was expected. Ttje sec. ond storm was a cyclone. H onset were blown down and several people were badly in jured in the neighborhood. Aft er the. cyclone Tommy's hair became perfectly straight again, and the people rejoiced thereat. CONCERNING THE STARS. Tho Word "Fixed" Apiiliml to Heavenly Bodies (fives a Wrong Impression. Astronomers tell us that the term "fixed"' applet! to the. stars is a mistake, for it is now known that there is not a fixed star in the heavens, and probably no such condition as absolute rest in tbe universe. All. the stars arc in motion, and some of them are moving at the rate of two hundred and fifty thousand miles an hour, or more that thrice the velocity of our earth on its orbit. It might be thought that this constant motion won Id produce continual changes ill tho stollur relations and alter the face of the heavens every few years. Hut the . vast distances at which the stars are set from us destroy the visual effect of their motion, and preserve the unchanging aspect of tho heavens. None of tbe constellutions have snf ered a dislocation in three thousand years. Sinus, Arcturus and tbe Pleiades are still iu their places. Although the eighty-one starsin Orion have ever been in motion, each without relation to any other, the mighty figure is as it ap peared to tbe man of Uz forty centuries aim. iit'NNlNO A NKWhl'.W'Klt. From an Exchange. Running a newspaper is a kind of a funny business, isn't it? It seems to be uphill oleau to Iho breastworks and the Lord only knows what oomes next. This business stands next to matrimony for oonstant torment and poverty and veri frequently is (our or five laps ahead of the latter. Nice business, though. They used to tell us when we went to sohool that "Jordan was a bard rood to travel." This must bo Mr. Jordan's road, then, for it possesses all the aforesaid qualifi cations to a marked degree of perfection regular old time corduroy road. It is a great wonder to us how they ever got any road through at all There is onh one thing that an editor can begin to do with any hope to suocc-hs. and that is to give satisfaction to every one of his hund reds of readers, every time he issues bis blunderbuss. There neyer was but one man who could do this to perfection, and he is now with those good Indians you hear so much about dead. Nice husi ness, though, Next to rnuuing a news Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. .a !1 CJT ABSOLUTELY PURE paper we would like to be a misseouary to the Fiji islands. A fellow might run a slight chance of being eaten up by the aflectionute inhabitants of that God forsaken country, but dunged if we wouldn't just as soon die with the proud consciousness of tasting good to some benighted heathen as to be literally dev iled to death by a lot of civilized barba rians up herein Yaukee-luud. Nice bus iness, though. Just Bbout the time the wings of hupe begiu to Hop around in the viuds of adversity like a Monday wash .ug iu November, along oomes Borne gootl iuniuritan with a fifty-cent piece, pays ip to along about the first of last year, then we take a fresh grip on hope aud think perhaps times are really brighten ing up. And the next thinp we know our paper house seuds a bill o! paper to us C. 0. 1). about $40 or SoO and whiz goes that 50 cents and we take to the woods and beg, borrow or steul the other (540.50. Nice business, though, lint there i6 always some sunshine after all. Nothing could make anyone feel buppier or prouder or richer than to get a seusou ticket to some wild west show or some exposition to be held iu some city so fur awuy from home that you couldn't begin to walk it utul back by press day. lint then that is only one of the pleasant fea tures of the htiBiuess. Another pleasant feature is to do $-1 or ." worth of work for a church festival and then huve to May owuy until the oysters or ice cream are eaten up before you can get your pay. Nice business, though. A man gets oursed for what he don't do, und ho gets cursed for what he does do, and whether he does ur he don't he is bound to get a cussing anyhow, so he might as well pull down his equanimity, put ou n bombazine smile and take it like a little man . FOOD AND DAtltY COMMISSION. Two Ksse ntiiils for a Baking Powder That Will Make a Perfec t Bread. Tho late report of the Miuuesotn State Food and Dairy Commission contains tho result of a series of experiments made by Prof. C. W. Drew, State Chemist, to de termine tbe strength and keeping quali ties of the various baking powders. Tbe report ettaobes great importance to these experiments. Baking powders that vary in strength, or that readily lose streugth before use, are unreliable and will not give eVeu results; besides, it is an indication of the use of improper in gredientsl iu their compounding. Tho tests showed the strength or leavening power of the Koyul very much greater thau tho others. Tho uniformity of strength of all tho samples of Royal test ed, no matter what their age, was re markable, lis leavening power wasprao ticully unimpaired even in the oldest specimens. The difference in the amount of leavening gas iu different samples of the other brands was so great as to seri ously impair their usefulness in baking. As much as 21 per cent. Iohs was found in samples a few months old. All the samples of Royal examined by State Chemist Drew were repot ted of satisfac tory strength and quality. Dr. Drew states that the "Royal" be ing of greuter strength than uny other, and possessing better keeping qualities, it is tbe natural conclusion that it is the best baking powder made. G I V EN I N fTgUR E S. The daily average of passengers car ried over the Urooklyn bridge is 100, (1U5. It is estimated that tho coal strata underlying Colorado exceeds 30,0110 square miles. Tun numlier of immigrants coming into the United States from 1831 to 1S0O was !!,0-H,iiHH. Tub gold produced In Venezuela, in W0 amounted to 2,.1'Jt kilos, ti'iH grammes; value, SI, 010,50(1. Revev hundred million gallons of mineral oil were exported from the United States during the past fiscal year. Its value was ;Nil,:i!.'l,4,rjl. TliK director of the mint cstimutcs that the United States can rely upon producing at least. $:v.i, 0(1(1, (100 per year in gold for several years to come. RbV. A. W, Mamn, the pioneer deaf mute preacher, writes: "q'lie ratioof deaf mutes to the hearing is as 1 to I, (loo, so there are over 40,ljoO in the t'niteii .States and a In ml 1 .000,000 in the world." A 1'UKI.IMINAIIV report of the secre tary of the treasury of the operations of the internal revenue bureau during the. fiscal year ended June 110 last, shows that the total col lections from all sources were f51,lO,0:i5,.'i7ii, an increase of 3,440,(iMl, us compared with the collec tions during the preceding fiscal year. Trio. mas Hai.iiwin, the aeronaut, was poor and thriftless till he took to drop ping from bullions in a parachute. Now, after exhibiting his daring in tbree-quarlers of the globe, he is well-to-do and his wife wears fine diamond-, and tleeorjt ions which admirers of laer llllsbund's exploits hove given her rowaer