NOTICE TO ADVKUT18KIIS. 'r!l"E il.'sliliiir tlii-iiiM.'r!lniinMIi!nv nils, X or rlmiiBL' 01 mini', mint m llu-lr iv in not liHt-r lima Molality evening ft,r Tui'ddav'B eilli;uu,or lhiuwliiy evei.iiiit for FrMav U. tioil. TKK l'.VTTAKSO.N tl'BLIaHlNuCO. NO TICK. 1. Tho sum of five ci-ntu pur lino will be chnrpeU for "cards of thanks." "renolmioiis of result," Hats of wedding presents and douorn, and obituary notices, (other thau those tli will-orsl-all hiinself Rie as a lnatler of news.) and notices ot special meetings for whatever pnrpoiw Notices 01 church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be chanted for at the rate ot live cents a line. 'I hese rules will be strictly adher eii to in ev ery instance. Advertising rates reasonable and madeknown upon application. (live your business to Heppner people, and therefore, assist to build up Htpp iter, I'atronize those who patronize you. Here and There. T. W. Ayers, Jr., for drugs. (38 sw Hipinis Tubules euro headm-ho. Ed. (Joinplon was over from Lone Book rviimuy. Andrew Ham, of Hurdman, was iu the iMiy onmruay. Mrs. Jas. McIIaley is on the list of those slightly iudisposed. Mrs. J. J. Roberts is prepared to do (ill Itiuua ot plain sewiug. bo-tt Ford, the painter, still "in it." For any kind of work see him. 81-tf. Miss May Huneaoker is over from Hay stack to remain a few weeks. YV. B. Potter is vaoating on a fishing tonr at Hood river this week. H. A. Salisbury is up from Salem, looking after his affairs in this loaality. Born Iu Clark's Canyon, on the 25th mat., to tue wife of Allen (Jrabtree, a Birl. Billy Welch, and other John Day teaniBters, w ere over the first of the week with wool. Job work on short notioe at the Ga zettee oflioe. Best appointed job office in Eastern Oregon. The noble siwash had better keep clear of Chant oonnty. They have it "in" for them, and justly, too. Pap UimoDs & Son still shoe horses and do general blauksmithmg at the old stand Matiook corner. 55. Saturday, Sunday and yesterday were scorchers, the thermometer danttling up about 100 iu theBhade. "The Parlor," VV. F. Ruark, prop., iu the City hotel, west side of Main street. Neatest place in Ueppner. sw VV. A. Baird, of Six Dollar, remember ed this office, one flay last week, with a bux of fine strawberries. Otis Patterson, the editor of this sheet, accompanied by Mrs. Patterson, returned home from Grant conuty last Saturday. Hiyu ketchuin whiskers. Hatt & Mathews, at the city barber shopthe iplace tn jjet a first-class shave, hair-out or shampoo. tf. A. M. Mitchell, who Ijbb been identi fied with the newspaper interests of this locality for some time, left this morning for Portland. J. W. Morrow left yesterdoy morning i'or Portland. He informs us that Uncle Jack will accompany him home the lat ter part of the week. Os Mitchell has jnst finished puttiug np ab"ut 95 tons of alfalfa hay, down on bis Rhea oreek ranch, and will shortly cut 40 aores more. The preseuce of dandruff indicates a diseased scalp, and if not oured, blanch ing ot the hair and baldness will result. td all s Hair Kenewer will cure it. The Bnchler beer, 5 cents per glass, at the Columbia Beer Hall, Osmers 8c Hushes, props., next door to M. Lioh tenthal & Co.'s shoe store. sw tf Supt. W. L. Saling left yesterday for Portland to attend the State Teachers' Association which convenes today, con tinuing in session until the first proximo. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. R Bishop went down on tho Sunday excursion as far as Hood Kiver, where they snent the day with their children, returning on the evening's tram. Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's North business room. Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see Shis old friends there. Baths in connec tion. W. G. Allen, of Grant county, dropped in late last week with his race animals, en route home. He reports that Funny, Joe Cotton and Little Diok took most of the races at Dayton. Mr. 0. E. Fell, the nurseryman, has just returned from a visit to the state of Washington, and finds that Heppnerdoes more business to the population than any town he saw while ou the trip. Dr. W. Tackman, the dentist, will be found at Dr. B. F. Vanghan's om'oe, Lee zer building. Does all tlie latest orown and bridge work, alluminum plates, etc. Don't miss the opportunity. 487-tf Mrs. Dr. Fox ij improving mpidly from the sprained ankle received in the over turning of their buggy on Main street last week, and will Boon be able to get around again without the aid of crutches. W. B. Tucker and James Doherty were arrested last evening lor fightiug down near the Columbia beer hall. Mr. Doherty plead guilty and was fined 810; Tucker plead not guilty, and was given a jury trial. Arrangements have been made with the railroad company, to run an excur sion train from Heppoer to Lexiugton; on the eventug of the Fourth, to accom modate those wishing to attend the ball at the latter plaae. 500-3 Eagle: Wm. Smith, of Smith Bros., Sueauville, will shortly start to Dakota with several oar loads of Horses, braitu Bros, are raising as fine horses as will be found in Eastern Oregon, and should uni ready sale for them at good prices. As a blood nurifier, the most eminent physicians prescribe Ayer's Sareapanlla It is the mn9t powerful oombination of vegetable alteratives ever offered to the public. As a spring and family medi oine, it may be freely used by old ami young alike. Eagle: The Magone lake party con sisting of Charles Bnd Tom Williams, Jmily, .louuny lownsenu, kj. ij. huu O'is Patlersou have returned, each with his "tale of woe." With the exception of Chas , who returned Saturday, the out fit got in Tnesday, somewhat scattered but healthy, happy and hungry. The people of Lwington have prepared an elaborate programme for the Fourth of July celebration to be held at Pen lan.l's grove, which has been tastily fit ted cp. There will be music by the Lexington cornet band. The amuse taeuts will consist' of various kinds of foot races, in which prizes are offered. A ball-room program is arranged for af ternoon and evening. 409-593 Of all the stage lines in existenoe, the "Lucky" Baldwin braoch from Canyon to Monument takes the bakery. The rigs and stock are a disgrace to a civil ized community. X wonder the people will insist on going by the way of Baker Citv. ft is to be hoped tliat the line sill daps into the hands of Joe Keener, who nwns tbe vionnment-Heppner line, i Mr Keener will then have an opportun- nrl new stock, i travel to come by the way of Heppner. j Till that i8 dOD ITfi CftDpOl XpCl IDe , The Hepnner Gazette once offered to wager thut it had turned out more sheep herders, and good ones too, than anv paper In the state; but it goes baok on that. Sam Teed is now a telegraDh op erator at Weston, la., and Fred Wil marth is running a newspaper over at Frineville. Our record is rained, but tne GaEette is glad the boys are satisfied and doing well. Oregoniao Clipping: The Cnwn Pa cific has answered Henry Heppner's com plaint on lack of trackage at Heppner, through the state board of railway com missioners, and tbe matter will be at tended to in a few days. In response to the board's recommendation, "split" switches will be put in at New Era, Mo- lalla and elsewhere on the Southern Pa cific. Eagle: A representative of this sheet visited Sloan & Haskell's diggings at So sanvine last Tuesday, and found every thing working smoothly night and day with the prospect of big cleanups. They ht'e worked over more ground this year than any previous season, and will have plenty of water for "piping some tw months or more. There's one thing that Morrow county excels in now, and that is in tbe number ot Hies, regular .... One can seek tbe oool shades of tbe Blues and Greenhorn and rid themselves ot tbe pests through tbe boated term, but you will run against the mosquito and hossfly out of the frying pan, etc. S. I. Stratton, who has been'attending school at M mmoutu for tbe past year, returned to Morrow oonnty Saturday last, and hns acoepted a position with Coffin & MoFarland. Mr. Stratton will doubtless prove a valuable addition to their already efficient force. How well we remember grandmother's attic, so fragrant with medioinal roots and herbs I Poor old soul, how precious tbey seemed to her! And yet, one bottle of Ayer's Sarsaparilla would do more good than her whole oollectton of "yarbs. ' Although the squirrel crop has been severely drawn on this year, Morrow county will have more than enough to stock tue whole country next season Take a ride anywhere in the oonnty and see tor yourself. From Gilliam oonnty comes the report that crops Bre not nearly as badly in jured as reported and that a few good showers will help tbem wonderfully, The Gazette believes this to be the in Morrow. Lnul ScharlT, of Hamilton, a member of the firm of Scharff Bros., spent the past weeK in Heppner, disposing of his clip at the very neat prioe of 15 oents, but it must be understood that the wool was extra fine. Dr. Grant's Cioalo, the great dyspepsia oonqnerer, will positively cure dyspepsia and ail its kindred ailments. .Every bot tle sold under a positive guarantee to effect a oure or money refunded. See ad. iu this issue. tf. All those who are owing the old firm of Messrs. Kirk & Hayes, either by nota, whion is now due, or account, will please settle same at once. Remember these gentlemen must have money to settle bills. 499-507 Ed. Day reports range fine in the moun tains. Also heard Norman Kelly say that grass, gnats, mosquitoes and horse flies are "bully." Can't grow grass with out some drnwbaoks, it seems. hompson & Binnsown the buss which goes to and from the City hotel, but will call for parties desiring to go to train in any part of the city. Leave orders at City hotel. 91-tf Smith & Williamson have added a full line of undertakers' goods and are pre pared to sell at reasonable figures. Mey street, one block east of the Palace hotel. 26 The work on the school house is mov ing forward at a good pace. The house, when completed, will have good, pure spring water for use, which is quite an item. Isaao Knighten aud John R. Evans, of Eight Mile, were in town today. Crops are looking badly over their way, but think that a good rain will help some. The Prineville News, under the man agement of Fred Wilmarth, is getting to be one or the leading looal journals, Fred is a thorough newspaper man. Arthur Smith was examined today be fore Judge Keithly, as to his sanity, but up to the time of going to press the ex amination had not been concluded. Free Green says everything is growing nioely npon the mountain ranches. A mountain home is not to be despised at this season of the year. Charles Armstrong called while up from Lexington today. Cropi, be says, are badly damaged, but will come out yet with a few showers. Hon. W. K. Ellis is getting along as well bs oould be expected under the cir cumstances, and his early recovery is earnestly hoped for. Call on Lishe Sperry, down at the Belvedere, when in town. Keeps on hand a fine stock of liquors and cigars. 61-tf Grant county has a great variety of re sources, and apparently without end. Don't overlook Grant when they get a railroad. Arthur Smith was arrested yesterday for drunk and disorderly conduct in Nat ter's saloon. He was given ten days in jail. Ed. Long, the ex-Haystsoker who is now employed at Willis Stewart's, will sell some good horses Saturday. See ad. E. L. Thompson, a representative of the Northwest Fire & Marine Insurance Company, was in Heppner last week. A. C. Palmer, representing an improved make of siokle-griuder, left yeuterday for Fossil, but will return soon. People don't appreciate Heppner till they have visited other towns in the Northwest. Henry Heppner is improving rapidly, and is around again with the aid of orutches. Johnny Neilen, having disposed of his wool at a good figure, left for borne this morning. Range in the Blues, and over on the Greenhorn, were never better than at present. The annual exodus to the Hot springs and other mounta;n resorts will Boon be gin. W. B. Tncker was tried today on a charge of fighting, and found not guilty. Sid Greene, of Hamilton, came over to take in tbe Bonneville exoursion. Jas. Hughes, of Haystack, was noticed on our streets early this week. When in Arlington, stop at tbe Ben nett bouse, near the depot. Cl-ft Jas. MoHaley left this morning for his ranches in Grant couoty. I'fancler's Oregon Blood Purifier is the great conqnerer of Bilhousness and Liv er oomplaint. Relief certain in every ease. Hold at One Dollar a bottle. Try it. The Top Fioi bk. Gae Smith, of Smith j Bros , .Siinativille, spent last week in ( Ueppner, makiog a sale of hia wool while here, at tl,e handsome Dgure of 15 cents, inn is me nignest price pam lor wool at Heppner this aeaaon, but it mast n it beconwdered that all woole are worth that fiiiare. The Smith clip was light WJU l"Up "U" hwui" oumwi iihaiiv i was well worth tbe Bgnre paid. Fast Traveling. Harry Warren made a run to Lexington Sunday on his. "safety," making the round trip of eighteen miles in two hours and six min utes. Harry wagered that he could make tbe ronnd trip in even two hours, and he would have won had be not strnok some sand. He proposes to make Pendleton on his safety, eixtv miles from here, in ten hours. This is pretty fast traveling, bnt Harry thinks he can make it easily. The Excohsion. About seventy-eight people from Heppner took advantage of the opportunity for an outing, last Sun day, and went down to Bonneville on tbe exoursion. They were joined at Arling ton by about fifty of the good citizens, and at The Dalles two more cars were taken on. But for the mosquitoes, it would have been a most enjoyable trip; in fact everything possible was done for the comfort and enjoyment of the party. Much credit isdueCouduotor Frenoh for the suocess of the exoursion, for such it was, netting clear, above all expenses, $177.25. Stood by Them. The supreme court has deoided in favor of the work of tbe state board of equalization. If the whole subject matter is considered it will be found that nothing bat justice whs dealt out. Though Hon. Wm. Hughes, a mem ber of the first board by appointment was defeated, the district being repub noan, ne can reel prona ot his record as a member of that body. Their work has been complete and just in every reapeat, and though it is tbe decision of tbe peo ple that another man shall serve the first elective term in the seventh judicial dis trict, a more able person could not have been chosen than Mr. Hughes. However, it is hoped that Mr. Lackey will prove himself equally as able. ANIMAL WORSHIP. Peculiar Customs and Superstitions of the Ancient Egyptians. One "of the most singular customs among the ancient Egyptians was the worship of animals. In the liffht of modern days their devotion to these sacred animals displays many absurd ities. It was considered a capital crime to kill any of them voluntarily, the offender being duly tried and im mediately executed. If an ibis or hawk was accidentally killed, the un fortunate cause of its death was very often put to death by the people with out the formality of a trial. Should it so happen that a man found the carcass of either of these birds he would fall upon his knees at its side and loudly call out that he had found it dead. Cats were also looked upon as sacred. and at the death of a tabby every male inmate of its owner's house cut off his eyebrows. When a dog was buried each man shaved his head and body. They carried their hawks, cats and dogs in all war expeditions, and those that died were salted and prepared for burial at their homes with as much care as would be taken with a human being. In addition to these animals and birds were sacred bulls, crocodiles and beetles, the latter being especially re vered on account of being considered a type of the sun. These curious people also entertained peculiar notions re garding its mode of reproduction, in which they traced analogies to the movements of the other heavenly bodies. One species was dedicated to tho sun, another to the moon and a third to Thoth or Hermes. Many plants were also looked upon as sacred, the principal, as is well known, being the lotus. In this flower the Egyptians found an allusion to the rising of the sun from the ocean, from the fact that its blossoms are thrown above the surface of the water. Peach trues were sacred to the great Harpocrates, the god of silence a lty supposed to be the same as Ilorus, the son of Isis. Leeks and onions, the acacia and the heliotrope were wor shiped and consecrated to tho sun, and the laurel was considered the noblest of all plants. Detroit Free Press. 1 A Safe florse. It vva,s a, sorry looking horse tho old man drove np to the railroad crossing and waited fur the train to pass. "hay, mister," sung out the crossing man, "am t your horse afraid of the lo comotiveVM 'Fraldf" was the contemptuous answer; "1 shed say he wasn't. Do you know that the last time I driv np to a crossin' like this, the locomotive umped clean off the track when it hove in sijht of this hoss, and ran daun throiif.'l old Mrs. Smedlin's corn field a mile a minute? Fraid? well, ef vou w ant to watch a treat you jest wait and see how this hoss don't keer a dura fer no locomotive that ever run on cold iron. Wo, Bucephalus!" Detroit Free Press . KKiHT MILK NQTKH. Wanted Some one who will open the bottoms of these heavy clouds thai. pnsB over Eight Mile. Ed Asbbangb had a runaway a few daye ago. With the exception of a few slight bruises he came out uninjured. Eight Mile is preparing for a grand colebration. The oommittee met last Sunday and arranged a grand program for the occasion. Eight Mile inmirfis a large orowd and a grand time. ChaB. Beymer had the misfortune to have a load of wood turn over onto him a few daya ago while ooming from the mountains, ifowever, his father was near by and he got him out uninjured. The buzz of tbe mosqnito is heard these pleasant evenings when a person lies down to repose. All a person can say is, that there are only a few of tbem. auu urup uu iuiu ueuguiiui slumbers. I bad an opportunity to travel over tbis vieiuity a few days ago. The fall grain is not hurt to speak ot by the hot winds. If there a rain within one week fall grain will make a very fair yield, although spring grain in damaged consid erably. There was a dance on Hail Kidge Mon day night last which was a very pleasant affair for the participants. There seemed to be a great deal of good mueio goiDg to waste. I gueus it was on acoount of there being about as mauy girls there as there were boy. Some people will go to town and spend 83 or $4 for whiskey and ponr the fiery sabstanoe down themselves, which degrades humaDity, but will not take the county papers which would enlighten tbem, because tbey can't afford it and are too poor. Mr. E. B. Stanton says be baa wheat that will make 15 bushels per acre j whetlier it rains any more or not; tbat is, if there are do hot winds. This shows tbat ! the only way to (arm is to cultivate your j uuiuier - ianuw well. ULD KBT.rABLg. Eight Mile. Jnoe 25, '92. i SMS t Opair CrT AMD Polibhed. Messrs. Colwell A Caldwell, lapidmte, make a specialty of polishing all kinds of opals, and cutting them into settings for watoh charms, rings, etc Charges reasonable, and satisfaction guaranteed. CHHce245) Morrison street, Portland, Or. 500-fit TAiLOBIJia EsTABtiflHMENT. : Fred Miller has opened np a tailoring estab lishment on lower Main street, opposite the City hotel. Fred is a first olass work man, and yon will make no mistake by placing your orders for summer and fall olothing with him. 501-8 Half Fare. Tbe Union Pacific will sell tickets July 2d, 3d and 4th to any point within 300 miles at one fair for the round trip, good to return until July 6th, inclusive. J. C. Hart, Heppner. Or. 498-503. ADDITIONAL LOCilX Knhl, the baker. Buy yonr bread aud cakes aud save money. Try it. a. A fine lot of imported Shot Guns at Thompson & Co's at bargain urices. no joooers promt. a M. Jjichtenthal x (Jo. have mst re ceived a fine lot of ladies' kid, button and tie shoes. At bottom prices. a H. Blackman & Co. have an exclusive General Merchandise Btoro. Stookmen oannot do better than patronize H. Blackman & Co., of Heppner's Pioneer crick. a. Nelse Jones is limping around with "oatoh" in his back a little touch of vertigo. CONSUMPTION in its early stages can be cured by the prompt use of Ayers Cherry Pectoral It soothes the inflamed tissues, aids expectoration, and hastens recovery. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass. PUBLIC SALE SatiiAy, July li 1 892, 6 Head Horses, Weights 1362, 1300, 1000, and others avernj?e In fiiziv Hale will biffin at 2 p, m. n Willis ftatt Stile. K. L. Matlock Auctioneer. i:n. LONG. fHY-PUT JTOFF LONGER ? When you can buy a 3-Piece Bed Koom Suit for $18.00. Size of Mirror, 24x30 inches, French Plate Glass. HepDiier Furniture Compnny. Coffin & McFarland UEALKKS IN- H Merchandde I Farming Implements Stockmens' and A Car Load of Mitchell Wagons and I lacks just received. Call on them and inspect the. same before purchasing elsewhere. NATIONAL HANK BUILDING, II I Mi i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II II 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ICiRO TKK - Ix "ill it MIMIHIIillllIMIIIHlllMlrlllllllll4IMIIMIIIIIIII ABOUT JULY T, W. AYEltS. Jr., Will locnte in Heppner'B new PHIL COILN will also l)o usso.j ciated with tho buainnsH, and after that date the firm name will bs j T. W. A Y E I The boys will be pleased to have I tbem at their new location. LOCAL MAKKKT REPORT. Wheat, bu...' , Flonr.bbl Beeves, oows 4 two-year-olds, owt. " three eoo 4 50 1 75 2 25 Sheep, muttons, bead 2 253 00 " stock 2 25 Hogg, ou foot, cwt $5 00 Hogs, dressed 6 f0 Wool 12?14 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll g Eggs, doz 5 Chickens, doz 2 50 (3- 3 00 CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt ?1 40 1 45 Flour, bbi 3 00 ft 5 00 Beeves, stall fed 7 00 (t 7 25 Muttons, owt 8 00 (S 10 00 Hogs, owt 3 50 5 25 Wool Eastern Oregon.. 10 (a; 17 Butter, lb 15 (8 19 Eggs, doz 18 dt 20 Chickens, doz 5 501200 TnrkeyB, lb 15 (a' 20 PORTLAND MAKKKT. Wheat, cwt $1 30 1 35 Flonr.bbl 3 00 (ci 4 50 Beeves, owt 2 00 (4 3 00 " dressed 4 60 C ( 00 Muttons, live sheared. . . 3 fio . 3 75 " dressed 8 50 9 00 Hogs, on foot 5 00 5 50 " dressed 7 00 8 00 Wool Eastern Oregon... 9 (rii 14 Butter.... 15 (g 25 Eggs, doz 18 (a 20 Chickens, doz 5 00 0i 6 00 Turkeys, lb 17 FOURTH Ot JI'IjV KXCI'RSIONS Are ever popular and successful. The exceedingly low rates offered by the Union Paoiilo this year will insure them an immense business. Excursion tick ets on sale at all tioket oflices of the sys tem. For dates of sale and limit of tickets or any additional information apply to J. C. Hart, ngent Union Pacific system. 409-3, BTIiAYKO. Two sorrel horses. Oneof them brauded "8" on the right shoulder, likewise on the right stifle. The other was branded "8" on the right shoulder, also "li.'' The weight of enoli was about 1050 pounds. Anyone returning the same to my rauoh at Eight Mile will receive a reward of $15. sw t Svlvani's Wright. r.Ti REWAKl) Eor the return to my dIhou. six miles south ot Nolin, Oregon, 1 gray mare with yearling colt, brande d TS on right shoul der and oirole W on left shoulder; also 1 bay mure branded TS on riulit shoulder and dim brand on left shoulder resem bling o. Or I will pay 10 for infor mation leading to theii reoovery. F. Weiieii, 498 COfi Nolin, Or. LOST. Between the Garrigues planing mill and the first bridge, a first-olass feed yard with lodging aooommodations con nected, rinderwill be handsomely re. wnrded. H5if t Parents anil Minors, Tnke Notion, Minors on tho streets after 9 n. m.. will be run in and fined. Take notice and save unnecessary trouble and ex pense. ,T. . Rasmus, 487-tfHW. Marshal, Still In it. Mr. Hornnr wishes it known that, he in still selling the maohine-made harness at $23 and good, "steel tree" saddles at ?W5, casn. Sltf t 1 RECULATE THE J STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, i X AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR Indirection, HIllouttncH, Ilendache, ConMJ. ptton,JyspepU, Chronic IJrer Troubles, Z lllcslntM, Had Complexion, Dynentery, Offensive Breath, and all disorder oT the btomach. Liver and llowela. t Klpann TalmieH contain nothinR fnlarlonn to thfl mi)t fi'litaUt roitHtlttif icn. Pleasant to take, i 2 Wife, effectual, (livo immediate relief. f Hold by dniiflrlHtH. Atrial bottle sent by mall ! OH receipt of i& cents. Addrena ! r THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. 10 SPRUCE STJtEET, NKW YOHK CITY. Farmers' Supplies HEITNEIS, OKEOoN. II 1 1 1 MX 1 I'M M 1 1 MIIM It I i 1 1 a irWKI.f - I! ' J'dl. 5, ist, 1 trmvtr n brick, next to City Hotel. I IS it CO, j their many old frieuda 'oall on! A Conglomeration of Ideas and a Concatenation of Events . Has induced us ..... to put in the Largest Stock of the 01 Ever Placed before Appreciate this Fortuities hMm And you will be the blessed possessor of some Real Bargains. Also constantly on hand a full stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries and Provisions, Guns, Pistols, Ammunition and everything else pertaining to a well selected stock in a General Merchandise Store. minor mtos., HEPPNEK, OREGON. linker :: and :: Coufeetioiier, MAY STREET, HJGFPNEK, OH. Fresh Bvend, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Madk on Shoht Notick and at t'opi'i.tit Pnicf-p. Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. FARSWORTir. Pm. K. 0. SPKRXr, Vice Pre,: ft. ft. T. E. FELL, Secretary and Manager. ' ' ' PTT-1 "TOOK, $100,000.00. PAID UP, $2,1,000.00. Incorporated 1R88. W Ha and hmtiw Agents. DEALERS IN GRAIN, LUMBER, WOOD. Operating Warehouses at Heppner, lone and Donaas, on the Heppner llnineh of the U. P. H. Jl. ' STOOKIIOTjDEIIB .1. A. ThiMUNMii. 11. A. lliTiiMi. O. K. KnniHwnrHl NeNon JniitiH Miwnrii liny, hit. K. HUhi, 'I luiriin K. i'Vll r.n. r .. .1 , v,i llTV, J. K. Frick, O. 'I'. DoiirluH. K. C. rtpi'rry. IT IU m n the the nurpiwi! ot the Hlock liiililer f till mil iiiiniiy nilvantntriiouB to all v I ami fin.;,, iiivoratile lmine iiik i-Lni wl.ii.h ,t n..u the bimineH of all wool (,'rnwern nnii 1 W urehoiiHe." llavinu en arireil tim H,'iiniif.r l'ir,.mi.n " ""' " ""J wiiri'iioiiBe in wiMteni "I he Wool Growers' Warehouse." Thk Lancashire: Insurance Go. OH" MAIVCIIIiHTIilf, A. W. 1'.1IIM1MI AULM 0t First prize at the World's Exposition. First in Material and Workmanship. First in the estimation of all practical farmers. WALTER A. WOODS MOWERS, RAKES, REARERS AND SELF-BINDERS. Never equalled fur Durability, Execution and Lightness of Draft combined. P. C. THOMPSON COM PA NY, AXiFTNTTS. tf. (.Wnor Mhuj ami Willow Shouta, IJe(jjiifi Or. JllE CITY HQTEL- rillUS HO.STKLHY has liwn Rkhttri. , K,;F,,SK1,K thr..Um, ,, now ia one of the m.t inviting place in Hoppner. Mr. I.enzer invite. yn tn to(. with him, feeling that Iik is able to pntcrtaiu you in the beet of styl,. Fikst Class II OL'SI 1a1tlo Season For Fruit SCoo CORSET GLOVE FITTING The Public G.i aze HlfWOP, Trenmrcr, P. ('. Thnnipion. Nathaniel WpMi, .full n L. Ayers, .IllIIII'H JlHII-H, A. B. Clml'man. Wm. 1 nn.l iv l. 11 ion. N. A. Kelly. Anson Wright, (llllllillIIV to I,u - ... - . pr,l,(.rs of 'this "Z . to , ! m?I tmiiiii,,.,i. iiuriupj th ,mine wool noaao,, mik.n I'tui'Ht, them to s.Miii their oil), tu the "Wool l.rowsr" ,..! ,.i...i ..n Pliitrorms, WB hav double tho wel linhleil for n. ,ii.i. ,V f ....... :n iiKim e Host in tut. vvorin Rka soxabi.i; Kates. has Arrived nnrl u, are in me Business to supply you Is about ripe. We wtlf ret vou know about, that in the near future W. L. Matlock & Co,