THE CANDIDATES. Strength and Weakness of th. Verloo. Aspirants. Chicaoo, June 20 With delegates present from all the States to the Demo cratic convention, the numbering of the forces of the varioui leaders is diligently going forward. Cleveland's followers this morning display with much osten tation a carefullv prepared table which gives Cleveland 5S0 votes on the first ballot, just 19 short of the necessary tai.t.hirda tn insure the nomination. The anti-Cleveland factions, including not only Hill, but also Boies, Gray and Gorman men, scout these figures as un reasonably large and assert that their investigation shows that Cleveland is assured of but a little over a bare ma jority on the firBt ballot and still hold that his forces will be steadily disinte grated thereafter and the race will be come one of dark horses. The delegates from the Syracuse, N. Y., convention, supporters of Cleveland, met. this mornine to consider what ac tion thev should take as to contesting the seats of the Hill men, either before the committee on credentials or he con vention. A committee was appointed to suggest a plan of action and report to the delegation this evening. The Sy racuse "anti-snappers" are receiving Iowa headquarters, indeed the Boies j peoplo rather resent this as an overture for the Iowa vote in return for the vice-presidential nomination for Boies and the intruder is at once given to un derstand that Boies is not a candidate for and will not accept second place. The Indiana delegation had several con ferences with a view to harmonizing the differences before the meeting of the convention in order not to dissipate its strength, but all efforts have been un availing and it now looks as ii on the opening ballot it will cast 17 votes for linvni-nnr (4rav fin d 13 lor Cleveland. The opposition to Cleveland, finding th.. iJnrmin faelar did not elicit special enthusiasm, turned over to Iowa's idol, Governor Boies. The idea hae been to give increased prominence to the Boies honm. and scattering support for Boies has been secured from various sections where there is Cleveland opposition. They have met with most encouraging success in the Kooky mountain region. Southern delegates not being so well acquainted witu him, but this morniug they were cheered by the intelligence u,t . i, a Krmth Carolina delegation, fearing Cleveland's strength, were wili ng to give Boies iz votes. It is also reported ;hat Bnce and Wat terson are friendly to the Boies move ment, and ready to assist u. ios doiou man claim that Virginia, where the effected. To further this combination it is said that an effort will be made in convention today to abrogate the State unit rule. Bteneon, of Illinois, has become quite a favorite for vice president and may be selected instead ot uray, oi muiaua. The Tribune says the platform will demand the coinage of gold and silver dollars of equal value, and that reciproc ity will be denounced in unmeasured terms as a fraud. The anti-Cleveland men are prepared, it is stated, to make a fiiht on the ques tion of abrogating the unit rule with the end in view of preventing a ballot being taken todav. It is their intention, it is said, to delay the proceedings as much as possible, but all their plans will, in applications rem many Bw Hm gn cievelan , ia very tionsaBking that they send men to them u t la in Hnnht and 80me votes may to explain how Cleveland can carry n. "' " ,L HiMtjl.n vrnor. The York. Prompt responses are Being - the delegation from Iowa ,ade to these Wt. and the members t haa receiye(i "Dandelion" delegates in turn are asK 7;imotinna thnt Rrjce and Watterson ing Hill supporters to join them in a ...1 ma .ona that Br, e and vm the accessions this morning to the ranks f tha anti.Briii.nnprH are Alexander E. Orr, president of the New ork produce exchange: JameB Shanahan, ex-canal miinAr and Col. William E. Brown. The Anti-snappers of Buffalo arrived this morning doO strong. CONVENTION HALL, CHICAGO. all likelihood, ,be upset owing to the fact that the followers of the ex-President will be able to carry everything their own way unless all Btgns fail. THE SESSION OPENS. PENNSYLVANIA FOR CLEVELAND. Chicago, June 20 A signal victory for the Cleveland forces was lought and won almost without a struggle today. itnmathe nuestion of unit rule in the deleeation. It was under Btood a strong effort would lie made to break the unit ruie in tu jvojoiui State, and the result here, it was thought, would be imitated in other delegations. After disposing of the se lection of committeemen, a resolution was offered that the chairman of the delegation be instructed to ask the 6olid vote of the delegation for Cleveland until he was nominated or until other wise instructed. A motion was made to amend by inserting the name of Gov ernor Pattison instead of Cleveland. Tii nm..nrfment was lost and the orig inal resolution which guaranteed the solid vote of Pennsylvania for Cleveland waB passed by a vote ot 08 to t. ILLINOIS FOR CLEVELAND. June 20 The Illinois dele zation will cast its 48 votes solidly for Cleveland. There is no longer any rea rtnnbt on this point and the ef lect haa been to send Cleveland stock Lnntnincr H kvward. Early this forenoon General John M. Palmer, for whom the Illinois delegation is instructed for the presidency, had an extended conference with tha members of the Illinois delega- tion and told them he wanted them to vote solidly for Cleveland. At the con of the conference he said to an AsRociated Press reporter: "1 think 1 nan atata w ith considerable certainty that. Illinois will vote for Cleveland. 1 on Boies in the West and South with Hill con. rolling the New i orK ana Borne other votes, Cleveland's nomination could be prevented in the early ballot. The rest would taice care oi ubbii. The California delegation is Douna to Cleveland bv qualified instructions. Some oi them would like to go to Boies, who, aB a Western man and friendly to silver is regarded with interest. Dele gate Foote, of Oakland, one of those expressed doubts about Cleveland's availability. The silver issue, he says, weakens Cleveland. 1'ooie say bi;o would net his vole il he was not in structed for Cleveland. Carlisle ODDOses the Boies movement, and iB likely to make it known in the meeting of the h-entucny aeiegauuu Cumniltlees nt Credentials ami Oignn t (tinii Report. Chicago, June 22 The morning opened clear and pleasant and all were hopeful for a cool day, but it grew warmer as the morning advanced. The report became current early that some of the committee had not concluded their labors and would not oe reauy t report when the convention opened. Th nivland men. UDon hearing this, stated that they would hold the session until a ballot was reacnea even wuugu it were prolonged until midnight. The spectators came into the wigwam in droves, and it was not long before the ealleries were crowded. The delegates, as yesterday, were biuw m ""si - the opening ot the convention was again delayed. At 11:30 o'clock Chairman Owen called the gathering to order and after prayer asked for the report of the committee on credentials. It was an nounced that tne committee wo cess in this campaign, when we look to the party platform, the party candi date or the utterances of the party lead era, means that the people are to be atrirtned of their franchise through force bills in order that they may be stripped of their substance through tariff bill?. Free irovernment is sell government. There is no self government where the people do not control tne elections ana lay their own taxes. When either of those rights is tasenaway or uiumimueu a breach made not in the outer defenses but in the citadel of our freedom. For years we have been struggling to recover the lost right of taxing ourselves and now we are threatened with the loss of the great right of governing ouraelves. The loss of the one follows in necessary succession the loss of the other. When you confer npon the govern ment the power of dealing out weaith you unchain every evil that can prey upon and eventually destroy free insti tutions excessive taxation, class taxa tion, the billion dollar congress, corrupt, civil service, debauched ballot box and purchased elections. In every cam paign the privilege of taxing the people will 1 bartered for contribu tions to corrupt them at tne polls, after every victory a new Mc Kinley bill to repay these coniributions witli taxes running from people. To every self-governing people there can be no more momentous question than the nuestion of taxation. It ia the question as Burke truly brio arounu wnlcn alt tne great untues ui uceuuiu have been lought. It is the question out of which grow all the issues of gov ernment. Until we settle this question wisely, permanently, justly, we build all other reiorms upon a foundation of sand. We and the great party we rep resent are today for tariff reform be cause it is the only gateway to genuine Democratic government. of candidates. It wears no collars; it serves no masters. It is not for me, gentlemen, the im partial Bervant of you all, to attempt to foreshadow what your choice should be, or ought to be, under your own sense of responsibility to the people you repre sent and to your country. One thing only I venture to say : Whoever may be your chosen leader in this campaign, no telegram will flash across th-t sea Irom t a njat a nl Ahaantea tarin lorus tu uuu- gratulate him, but from the home of labor, from the nresiue oi tne toner, irom the hearts of all love justice and equity, who wish and intend our match less heritage oi ireeuoiu oun commonwealth oi our people and the common opportunity of all, will come up prayers for his success and recruits for the great Democratic host that must strike down the heart of sectionalism and the Moloch of poverty before we can ever gain hope that the govern ment will be run by the people's faith ful representative. evening. Ex-secretary v uitiiey tu DreDare(j to report and on motion a com ing claimed 55U votes lor uieveianu t 0 wa8 appointed to wait on the first ballot. Gorman's chances. ' The most uncertain feature at present the attitude of Senator Gorman, of Mnrvlnnd. As the leader of the delega tion he protests loyalty to Cleveland, hut rlaanlta t lis Ills llama in more discussed as a darK norse, capable of uniting all factions op posed to tne nomination m .ovomuu than anv otner. ins uiouui industriously canvassing the Southern delegations as fast as they came in for several days, with a view ol securing their suprjort on the strength of Gor man's efforts as a leader of the opposi tion in defeating the force bill, but so far the Southerners do not seem to take kindly to the effort to wean thein from ranks of the ex-president. Chicago, June 20 It is still insisted by Gorman's friends that the presenta- tion of his name is yet an open question .. i, fill - ,t I 1 .J no... ia n pAiinniate. ine marvmnu uoiokh- tion met this morning simply for the said to my friends today the Democratic purpose of organization. it is unaer fS'.LiTiiiinni.rionio.rt nh- stood the result of the convass in his DUlin twuivnH"" v. . I. . mittee of two was appointed to .t nnon them and ascertain hen they would be ready to do so. Somebody called ior itoger iun.o io speak. Instantly a number of delegaios were on their feet calling for Mills. Mills waa escorted to the platform, but was suddenly taken sick and had to be taken to his hotel in a carriage. Then there were calls for Senator Palmer, of Illinois, and the convention decided to invite him to speak. He was loudly cheered as he came to me piav forin, and taking his place by the side of the chairman, proceeded to addreBS the convention. He spoke for ten mm utes, being frequently interrupted by innUnm. He annealed for harmony in the party a absolutely necessary to suc cess. "This convention," he said, has good men to choose from." This was B .-1 .:.u 1.....1 nrlna n. Hill Find hlSS- greeteu win wuu ing The speaker predicted that Illinois would bo Democratic this fall for both bi an open quoouuu , B.t Mkr. and Gorman himself still denies that he preH.uBuvm flnishe his speech nin.rviH.iiii iimum-i T ii.ii r there were calls lor Jonn r. ten., u; stantially that Cleveland was the first choice of the people of the State and in effect instructed the delegates to vote lor him, since the instructions ior me were only to be effective if it was deemed expedient to come West for a candidate. My friends generally agree with me fullv. JNo delegates snau vote lor me on the first ballot and 1 advise them all to vote for Cleveland. That's all I can say and all I have a right to say to the Illinois delegation and I have no doubt they will vote for Cleveland. It looks to ma as if Cleveland would be nominated. I take no stock in the New York fight. I simply trust that if Cleve land ia nominated, or any good Demo crat, we will carry Illinois and Wiscon sin to make up tor any possible defec tion in New V ork State. Hon. A. E. Stevenson, chairman ol the Illinois delegation, is even more positive than General Palmer that I he delegates would vote for Cleveland sol idly. It was rumored extensively today that after the withdrawal of palmer the friends of Hon. William Morrison began urging the Illinois delegation to turn to him. The friends of Morrison, how ever, indignantly denied the rumor, and declared that there was no movement in favor of Morrison and never would be until Clevelandwas deieatea. INDIANA FOR CLEVELAND. One of the surprises this morning is the statement of Taggart, national com mitteeman iroin Indiana, that 30 votes of that State will be cast for Cleveland on the first ballot and Governor Gray's nam will not be brought belore the convention. He says Voorhees agrees with him, it would not be a friendly act to introduce Gray's name, and Taggart thinks Voorhees has made up his mind to advise the governor to that effect. Taggart declares that Voorhees, from a careful examin ation into the situation, has be come convinced that Cleveland and nobody else can oe nominated. Gray's friends have examined the position carefully, and see nothing in it but Cleveland and do not propose to sacrifice their friend, Governor Gray, in unavailing candidacy. Taggart has no doubt that Gray himself will agree with his representatives here, that they are doing the wisest thing not to present his name. He declares no undorstand ;,. will he reached as to second place for Gray. The only point arrived at is that the country demands Cleveland before any other man. After Cleveland's nomination the question of second place will bring into consideration Gray's undoubted strength in Indiana where the chief battleground after New York will be. Indianapolis, June 20-A hen Gover nor Gray was notified this afternoon that the Indiana delegation had decided not to present his name, ne saiu u t.ected the decision, but added, 1 will be voted for anyhow. THE BOIES BOOM. Chicago, June 20-The loyalty of the Iowa delegation to Boies has aroused the admiration of the Democratic con vention It was natural to suppose at the beginning that as Cleveland hai al ways been popular among the farmers of the Hawkeye State, the arrival of the Cleveland leaders and the demon stration of the fact that he would have over a majority on the first ballot, would cause a weakening of the Boies force and the extending of the olive branch of conciliation or com promise to the . Cleveland mana gers They are doing nothing of the kind They demonstrated the lact that A t. nf Iowa are immovably .ji'.j t th hnr,as of the Hawkeye governor and this situation is IMnerally Accepted by all the opposition leaders. The suggestion that Boieswould be a aood vice-presidential candidate in the event of Cleveland's nomination does not even find courteous reception in the interest showed weakness in some places, and that, the movement in his behalf, if developed, would result in throwing the votes of other men to Cleveland. XUE ORGANIZATION. Temporary Officers AtfreeJ Upon lr the ComimUe- Chicago, June 20 The sub-committee nn temDO arv orKamxauuu uiov this nmrnine and Honrv Watterson quickly won his fight, the committee deckling to recommend the name o! Hon. W. C. Owens, of Kentucky, for temporary chairman. The lull committee ineeta at noon and will confirm the action of the sub-commit tee. It is believed there win De no ngiu in the convention over the matter, and the friends of General Adlaco Stev.m son, of Illinois, will accept his defeat nnintlv. . P. Sheridan, of Indiana, secretary of the national committee, will be temporary and permanent secre tary of the convention. LATER. Owens has been selected as temporary chairman by the National committee. The Cleveland men, under the lead of Harritv, of Pennsylvania, lougnt tne sub-committee's recommendation but were beaten on roll call. Wilson, of West Virginia, will probably be perma nent chairman. Chicago, June 20 The Tammany leaders met this morning in secret con ference. The frequent arrival of delegates iroui other States kept the doors swinging almost constantly. It was asserted that the Tammanv chiefs are cheerful and their confidence unshaken. When Chief Mur- New York. He rose m his chair ana said that he was a delegate and would speak when the proper lime came. The committee- on gicucuiio'i announced that it was ready to present its report. The report of the committee was unanimous and was adopted. It favored the seating of the regular Ala bama delegates while the contestants were given seats on the floor. This also appli d to Pennsylvania, Ohio and Utah. About this time it began raining heavily. The report gave New Mexico and Ari zona six votes each. The report of the committee on per manent organization then followed. William L. Wilson was named as per manent chairman. The report was unanimously adopted. On motion a committee was appointed to notify the permanent oincerB oi tiieir nuii, while this was being done the band plaved various popular airs and kept the crowd in good humor. When the baud ommenced "Dixie" the Southern dole gates set up a yell that raised the roof and drowned the music. Wilson, on taking his place on the platform and being introduced by Owen, was warmly greeted. --.riv. -- --- - - INTERIOR OF WIGWAM OF 18M, CHICAGO. TI,o distineuished leader who presided over the Republican convention boasted that he does not know what tariff re form la. Whoever said he did? Let us hope with that charity that endureth all things and believeth all things he is truly as ignorant as ue vaunts ihuisku to be. Unfortunately the people are not so ignorant of the meaning of protection, at least of the protection vihich is dealt out to thein in the bill that bears his name. Thev see the meaning "writ large" today in prostrated agriculture, in stricken Industries, in the compulsory idleness of labor, in law-made wealth, in the discontent of tha .ni-lrinoman and the despair of the farmers. They know by hard experi ence that protection as a system oi taxa tion iB tmt tne oiu iianj dv-uc.u which the rich compel labor to pay the expenses of government. They know by hard experience that protection as a system of tribute is but the old crafty scheme by which the power of taxation of the people is made the private prop erty of a few of the people. Tanil re form means to readjust this system ol tnv.iHnn and rturire away this Bj stem of tribute. It means that we have not reached the goal of perfect freedom as long as any citizen is lorceu to pay wiu- ute to any other citizen aim uuin . taxes are proportioned to the ability and duty of the taxpayer rather than to his ignorance, his weakness and his patience. Governor McKinlev further charges that the Democratic party believes in taxing ourselves. I am afraid, gentle men, we must admit this charge. What right or excuse have we for taxing any body else with this continent lor our country, with freedom and intelligence as the instrument for its development WILSON'S SPEECH. JrtfltTMjleDflffHm A Caustic Review of raise Froloo'.lon aud Krclnrooli jr. On taking the platform Chairman Wilson said : Gentlemen of the Convention: 1 thank you most heartily for this honor. I shall try to meet the duties of the high position to which you call me with a spirit of fairness and equality that is democracy. This convention has a high patriotic work to periorm. no n.nnh tn mir cniintrv. Themissionof the Democratic party is to fight for the When mat parij i uui Mn.lo, Ana the figures claimed by the nnwer we may be sure there will be an Cleveland leaders as 572 he exclaimed: under dog to fight for and that under "Then we have him beat and they doe is generally the American people, know it. Cleveland can't get 540 votes When tiiat party is outof power we may on the first ballot no matter what they be sure there is some party in control do." of our government that represents a t: .. .. A t tho nrhnlfl niintrV: that A raivim IVIHK totuuuaiiu Jlevelaud Is Taiug nn lulerefll ill ti Convention Proceedings. Rl'77.ARI) S Bav. Mass.. June 23 Ex- President Cleveland has completed ar rangements for a special wire to hn run from the teleeranh ol- fipa tn his house. Grev Gables, a distance of four miles. This wire will connect directly with the wigwam in Chicago. A first-class operator will be at this end of the tnlairranh wire and Cleveland will keep posted on all that is going on. The fact that Cleveland has had a tele graph instrument put into his house in Hioutnrl dustier interest in the re- anlt of the balloting than ha is willing to admit, The impression made by his conversa tion ithat he is not anxious as to the outcome of the convention, lie says he has eone into this conteM at tne solicitation of sincere iriends and patri otic Democrats throuehout the country, and that nothing could induce him to turn aside now except discharge from those friends. I LEVELAND'S CHANCES His Friends Majority Opposition Deo? Iu Chicago, June 22 It is said this morning that the Cleveland men are confident of ttto votes on me ursv uauu. This is more than enough to elect their candidate. They are anxious for the result and have determined to push ior a ballot today, leaving the selection of vice-president for tomorrow. One of the morning papers says that a combination has cteen formed to beat Cleveland and it has more than one third of the delegates in favor of it. Several names have been mentioned npon whom a combination may be r z-r- 1 Ill, Fi-H'li!iili:rTT3l!fW MIU I fLWK Wilff PLAN OF CONVENTION HALL, CHICAGO. stands for a class and not the whole people. Never was this truth brought home to us more definitely than by the recent convention at Minneapolis. We are not deceived as to the temper, we are not in doubt as to its purpose. Our opponents having taxed us for years without ex cuse and without mercy, they now pro pose to disarm us of further power to resiBt their exactions. Republican suc- WIGWAM OF 1860 AT CHICAGO, we stand disgraced in the eyes of man kind if we cannot if we do not support our own government. We can throw that BunDort on otner people oiny uy beggary or by force, it we use one wo are a oauber nation : u we use the otnor wa are a nirate nation. Th lVmocratic narlv doeB not intend we should lie either. No more does it intend that we Bhall falsely call it taxing thor r,onnln to transfer our taxes from the possession of those who own the property of the country to the bellies and backs of those who do the work of ti.o imtrv. ft believes frugality iB an essentia! virtue of free government. It hniio.ia tmrafl should be limited to public needs and be levied by the plain rule nf justice and economy. But, gentlemen, we are confronted with a new cry in this campaign, ine Republican party says Governor Mc Kinley now stands for protection and reciprocity. He was for protection alone when he Iramed his bill in the House, or rather permitted his beneficiency to- frame it for him, anu nrmiy resinveu an efforts of the statesman lrom Maine to annex reciprocity to it. No wonder lie lavors the reciprocity added by the Senate. You may explore the pages of burlesque literature for anything more supremely ludicrous than the so-called reciprocity of the McKinley bill. It is not reciprocity at all, it is retali ation and worst of all retaliation on our ,n ..unnla. it savB to a f o w Binall countries aonth of it: "If you are forced bv y..ur necessities or leu uy your louies to make bread higher and scarcer to your people, we wdl make shoes and sugar higher and scarcer to our people." And now vie are told reciprocity is to be their bittle cry. Al ready we are regaled with pictures of Benjamin Harrison clad in armor, going lorth to battle for reciprocity on a plumed steed. Simple Simon fishing for what is in his niothei's rain barrel and in great triumph capturingan occasional wiggle waggle is the only true realistic picture oi the reciprocity of McKinley act. We are for protection that protects and for reciprocity that reciprocates. We are in favor oi the protection of every man in me enjoyment i 1 . l : A m . ..i cha I IrUlt Ol IHB minji, uMiM.j.-i.w.. only by his proper contributions to support the government, and we are for that leal reciprocity, not through bickering diplomacy and presidential proclamations, but by laws of Congress that remove all unnecessary obstacles between American producers and the markets he is obliged to seek lor prod ucts. In so large a convention as this it would be eminently strange if there were not some differences of opinion on matters of policy, some differ nces of judgment or preference as to the choice Chicaoo, June 21 The first day of the tournament for the highest honor within Democrat y's gift opens with Grover Cleveland as the lavorite of the hour. He enters the lists this morning the winner of the combat almost ueiurc it is fought. . The streets and hotels are alive with boom clubs, bands and swell people, all in turn more entnusiastic mu - others, and the city has a general holi day appearance. There iB a little other talk than of Cleveland. The ex-President's admirers are to be counted by the wnciesaie, friends of Hill and Boies are as lew u far between as a tour among the crowds would indicate. Cleveland is undoubt edly the man who will pocket the nom ination, and he will do bo with the ease that marked his victory at St. Louis four veara ago. All the morning newspipers concede liia nomination and some go so far as to say that he will be nominated Manv of the dele gates who have thus far held out against the ex-l'rendent are this morning to lie counted among his followers and championing his c use as loudly aa the papers. , ,. . ... . it does not require the divine gift o prophecv to predict tne nomination 01 Grover Cleveland on the first ballot. Indeed, the result is conceded, even by tho nf Hill and Boies, the only other candidates now in the field, though there is every indication tpai they will go down to defeat with aolors flying and the solid support of their re spective States behind them. The official announcement that Pennsyl vania, Illin 'is and Indiana nave de cided to retire their lavorite sons and cast their aggregate of 142 votes for the ex-Presinent has about removed all .innht fi-nm the situation. Then all the dark horseB, including Gorman, Morri son, Russell and Campbell, with their lollowers, are making haste to clumber into the band wagon ol the victor. QUAY KOlt SECOND PLACE. The general exnectation is that 1.x Governor Isaac P. Gray, of Indiana, will i... ....minutoit for Vice-President. It is understood his withdrawal from the f fiiat nlai'K wns made on the as surance that the Cleveland men would support him for Becond and as the Clove land force is well disciplined there is no doubt the compact will be carried, out. The Cleveland people feel Becme and they will make no fight against Owens, i.mnrirv chairman, thouah he is an anti-Cleveland man. This is author itatively given out Dy me uiuvemim n,,o,.o thia momma, but the Tam many leaders are Btill sullen and con linna tn maintain that Cleveland cannot carry New York. Some lesser lights even declare they will, as a protest, caBt the New iork vote against uovmwiu the question of making his nomination unanimous. UNITED l'HEHS REPORT. Chicago, June 21 It looks as if the contest bore was to be the Minneapolis battle over again. There it was Harri son against the field, and here it iB Cleveland against New York, with the ex-President so far in the lead that it looks now as if nothing could prevent nomination. The men who came here with knives in their boots to stab Cleveland and beat him at all odds have boen unable thus lar to unite in tneir opposition, and the chances are that no combination will be effected between now and the time tne urst oaiiot is Me- . . ...., ,, Vvun ftl II1B 111CI1 u iuu nuuiu nu,i- Cleveland men have relied have refused to have anything to do wnn tne ngnt which is being maue, ana are standing loyal in their adherence to the "Stuffed Prophet." They are Senator Gorman, of Maryland, and ex-Governor Camp bell, of Ohio. The lormer, it was ex pected, would announce himself as a presidential candidate, but thus far he i. no oivon no intimation of his purpose, nor is it believed that he will allow his name to go before the convention. c.mVer. of Tammany, who has been ti-vmcr t.n induce Gorman to allow his name to get into the fight, has been un successful in hia ell'ortB and is all at sea. His followers (roil Tainmuny Hall are still shouting for Hill as only the New York heelers can, but it is evident their hearts are no longer in the con test. They realize that certain dofeat atorna them in the face if they insist up on clinging to the New York senator; h,,t thn trouble is mat tuey aie airam tr, lot im. Thov wanted Flower: but the governor is evidently not available. Then they turned touorman bh iuu inn.ii vim wnnld win the hearts of the South ern delegates because of the light he mule nimnst the lorce tun wnen it was pending in the Senate, but the wily senator from Maryland refused to allow himself to be used aB a cat's paw to pull thn Tammany chestnuts out of tho Hie. He saw in fact that the opportunity of his life had come to popularize himself with the ereat mass oi Democratic vntnra who are undoubtedly in favor of I 'Invpland. As a consequence, he has decidod to cast his lot with the ex-president and to taka hia chances of securing a nomina- Mnn himself four vears hence. The friends of Mr. Cleveland now predict that ho will be nominated on the nrst l.allni. Thev are making a great deal nl the fact that the opposition to Cleve land which was concentrated principally on Hill is ready to abandon the latter and take up with any candidate who stands the least bIiow of holding enough votes to keep Cleveland out of the race. OOlNO TO PIECES. As the hours go by, it becomes more and more evident that the field is goin to pieces. Gorman iB wearing a smile of confidence in Cleveland, and Palmer and Morrison who never did amount to much anyway, so lar as tne present sit uation is concerned, have suddenly con cluded that they are not of much ac count in the way of presidential timber, and alter rolling up their sleeves, have faden to work to help boost up the Cleveland boom. 1'attiBon at one time stood Borne show of being declared the lavorite son, but ho hiittnnnd hiinfoll up in Cleveland's I ,.,,, nmket when his State. adopted the unit rule. Harrity, of course, is for Cleveland, and if the del egates from Pennsylvania wanted to get away thev would not know how to do it. Harrity holds them with an iron grasp. This settles Mr. Pattison. When Campbell made his mind up not to allow Tammany to use him as a catspaw to drag their little chestnuts out ot me nre Mr. Brice, who has an eye to the eternal fitness of things imagined that it was on the cards for him to assume the role of a favorite son. He shrewdly sent out a f eler or two just to see how the boys would take to it, but they did not like it and Mr. Brice concluded to continue to play the part of Senator from Ohio while a citizen of New York. Ohio, therefore has no candidate, and while there are a tew scattering votes for Hill in her delegation, it ia dollars to doughnuts that by the time the ballot is taken the majority of her delegates will turn to C eveland's camp. Kroni this time on the ex-President will have comparatively plain sailing. Tho opposition is so badly scattered that it ia difficult to see how it can ever be brought toircther again. Tne men who would like to see him defeated are ao timid or so badly demoralized tht they cannot hope to present anything like a solid front. BOIES WILL STAY. Every effort of the Cleveland people to persuade the Iowa delegation to desert Governor Boies has proven signally unsuccessful. Despite tne al most certainty that Cleveland will be nominated on" the first ballot, the Boies people announced that their candidate will remain in the race until the end, not only as a matter of State pride, but as a protest against the nomination of a candidate not supported by the delega tion of his own State. Indeed, the Boies followers are almost as bitter as the Hill men in protestation against Cleveland's nominatiou. The delega tion thia mnrnina decided to cast a solid vote for Boies even if every other de'egate in the convention voted tnr Cleveland and under no cireum- tn allow consideration of his name for second place. They say there ia no reaaonable hoDe that Cleveland can c.trry Iowa. It is generally believed nnw that the Cleveland contesting dele gates irom New York will content them selves with a lormai proiusv unu nui the Hill delegates to take their seats in the convention without a fight. A def inite rieciainn on this noint will be reached this afternoon a'ter the close of the first session of the convention. Tammany heid a gloomy meeting this morning, Governor Hower, of New York, said after it was over Hill's friends were ready to cast their votes for auv Democrat who could carry New York." They would even consent that Hill's name should not be mentioned in the convention if such a man could be found. If the friends of Boies, Gorman, or Morrison could show that they could carry New York, Tammany would vote for hiin. . .... Tho Kentucky delegation met mis morning and 19 votos certainly, and perhaps all the votes of the State, will be cast for Cleveland. Carlisle's name will not be presented. THE INTERIOR. A eircm tent greatly magnified with a doien hugo white pendants stretching from the covering to the floor was the appearance of the big Democratic wig- wain Irom tne interior louny. n iit appeared to be pendants were reany stout posts supporting the mammoth circular canopy ol wood raised some dis tance above the wallB to ndmit light and air from all sides. Blue silken banners distributed on the main floor bearing nf the various Stales showed where the State delegations would be ooateil. Around and back of them ris- inir like an amphitheatre were tiers oi seats containing Bpectalors, the entire structure having rbora for more than 25,000 pe iple. The tjiiairman s desa is tne same over which the Cleveland and HandrickB nomination in 18H4, was made and ia surmounted by hugs bo- quets of flowers. The groat interior is wreatned wim reu. wmw streamers, flags and banners, with the shields of different States and portraits of honored Democrats past. The dele gations are seated according to the alphabet, Alabama having the front row, and New York ia well back. The crowd beg in to gather as early as 11 o'clock, though the convention was not to be called to order until noon, and it was long after that hour belore the actual calling to order took place. When the gavel finally fell the great structure was completely filled with people. A THllNPER STORM. Whon tha convention hall was about half filled, the place grew suddenly dark and the patter of ra n upan the roof was plainly heard, mere were uasnes tn liohtninir and rain drops found their way through the building and wet the crowd. Among" those who feltdnmous as to the BEfety of wigwam became somewhat frightened but the band played and the storm ceased almost as suddenly as it commenced. The sun made its appear ance, the timid ones returned to their seats and all was once again Berene. As the different delegations entered the hall they were cheered by me crowds in the gallories. Among the notables who made an early appoaranee wore ex-Postmaster General Dickinson, of Michigan; li. D. Murphy, Mayor drnnt. ex-Secretai v f alrciuiu, ex-ecre- tary Whitney, Richard Croker, Senator Voorhees, Senator Palmer and ex -Gov-urn fir flamnlmll. All were more or khb greeted with applause. CALIBI) TO ORDER. It waa a nnarter to 1 when Chairman Brice of the national committee took up l.ia av.l and mimed for order. After there was complete quiet he introduced Rev. John House, ol tins city, who ue livered the iiruyer. The secretary of tha .rwmnit.iaa then roa l the names of thoso selected as temporary officers ol the convention. They were elected by acclamation. Mr. Brice appointed a committee to escort W. C. Owen, of Kentucky, to the chair, and when he had taken Ilia place on the platform he was loudly cheered. He hud not pro ceeded far in Ins address belore it was evident he was creating a good impres sion, lie said: There are two great dangers to the Democratic party. One is external, the other is internal. The first is the or- .ranlvuluin U.nd IllUcil i II tTV of Orglllll.ed capital supported by the whole power ol tha irnvfrninoiit. The Becond is the lanilmn v amonir Democrats to make issues among tliemeelveH. How mo mentous is your respoiiBibility 1 need not tell you. If you worK in tvisiiom millions of toiling men in shop and mine and field will rise and call you bleBBed. Whoever bears our bannei must lift it above the smoke of conflict, that every Democrat of the Union may fnllnw iia inad. Let us not mistake the gravity ot the situation; it demands the broadest patriotism and every needful sacrifice. The Bpeaker then proceeded to char acterize the coming campaign as one of education, to teach the people every where their true relation to tho tax gatherer. They must learn that no rail road president Is our leader, no task writes our tariff bills. The speaker proceeded to denounce the bil lion dollar congress ana closed as follows: "Imnelled by one purpose the public good, we will free ourselves Irom tne Pickerings anu neanourna tnat characterized the Republican party when its Marshal Ney went down at Minneapolis before the mailed legions of the bread and butter brigade." Mr. Owen's short address was very eloquent at times; he was frequently applauded. His reference to the defeat of Blaine and the nomination at Minne apolis bv the "Bread and butter brig ade was received witn cneers. At the conclusion of Owen's speech a numberof unimportant resolutions were introduced. Then the secretary called the roll of States for the naming of their members on the different committees. The roll call proceeded slowly and as well-known Democrats were named they were applauded. When the call had been finished English, of Indiana, offered a lesolution admitting all ex Union soldiers to the unoccupied seats in the gallery. On motion ot Bronson, of Kentucky, the resolution was referred to the committee on resolutions. BLAINE CHEERED. Then followed a most remarkable scene. A Democratic convention wildly cheering the name of a Republican leader, James G. Blaine. A delegate from Illinois was recognized and intro duced a resolution expressing sympathy with James G. Blaine in the loss oi nis son Emmons. The name of Blaine was received with wild cheering and the res olution carried with a will. Sewell, of Maine, at this stage made a brief speech speaking for the State of Maine, and thanking the convention for its expresB- on ot sympathy witn Maine s son. ad journment was then taken until II o clocx tomorrow. SILVER STATES CAUCUS. The silver St ttes held another caucus this afternoon and in view of Gorman's refusal to permit the use of his name as a candidate lor the presidency they decided to cast their votes for Governor Boies. A Bub-committee was appointed headed by Patterson, of Colorado, for the purpose of presenting the silver views of Westei n delegates to the com mittee on resolutions. It was further decided in case the committee refused to recommend a free coinage bi metallic plank that an appeal be taken to the convention, ihere was much talk among the delegates present oi throwing the support oi the silver Stales to the People's party, in case the Democratic convention should not give heed to the silver interests and it is nrobablo that the representatives of the silver States will wait on the con vention of that party at Omaha on July i'.h with that purpose in view. OREGON DELEGATES. The remaining four delogates from Oregon arrived this morning. A State meeting was held this morning. Col. Ashel Bush, of Salem, was chosen chair man, 1. F. Floy, editor of the Review, secretary, anil Judge J. J. Dally, ol Polk county, for the committee on credentials; 10. J. G. Keames, oi jaca boii, committee on permanent organiza tion ; Colonel D. K. llolman, oi rort land, committee on resolutions ; Senator Henry Blackmail, committee on notifi cation. POST ELECTED COMMITTEEMAN. The delegation from Washington met thia morning and chose the following: Chairman, C. W. Griggs ; na tional committeeman. L. E. Post; permanent organization, J?, i. 110 gau; platform, J. A. Munday ; credentials, W. II. Dunphy; ruleB, M. J.Maloney; secretary, J. C. Saunders. Delegation not polled, but will vote sol idly for Cleveland. WATTERSON FOR CLEVELAND, Kentucky this morning decided to cast its M voles sonuiy ior Cleve land, after an intensely exciting meeting, at which Henry Watterson made one of his famous speeches, in which ne saiu tnat -forth he was for Cleveland and hoped Kentucky would be in line when tha man of destiny was nominated. He declared that the last hours under the wonderful management ol ex-bocretary Whitney had brought about a remarkable change in the situ ation in Now York, and he was now convinced the only ground mi which he had opposed Cleveland had been removed and that Cleveland would be able to carry the State of New York. The committee on permanent organiz ation me this afternoon and selected W. L. Wilson of West Virginia as per m nent chairman aud A. P. Sheerin of Indiana as permanent secretory. BOBS CROCKER FOR CLEVELAND. Chicago, June 21 The New York delegation met at 10:30 and had a long BeBsion. It was announced that Hill's chances had ceased to exiat and tne Biaiemoni was made that Cleveland would undouotediy Ite nominated on the first ballot. In an instant Croaker was on his feet advo cating the seconding of the nomination of Cleveland. Murphy, however, backed by Hheehan and Kuigeway, saiu it would be unworiny oi tne riaie at this time to drop its candidate. A lively tilt ensued, uilroy, oi lani- many, nlBO insisieu on turning uuwn Hill. Trior to tne itie'JtuiK murpuy had held a hot argument with Gilroy over the matter. Gilroy had insisted that the attitude of Tammany was being ridiculed. Tammany waa for the Demo cratic nomineeand llill'achanceB having failed it should be on the winning Bide. Murphy argued that the February con vention I ad specifically instructed the delegates for 11)11 and it was their duty to do so. The views of Murphy were sustained at the delegation meet ing, but it is Baid another meeting will be held tonight, at wiucu me ubcioiuii may be reversed, and Tammany may support Cleveland. F. C. Blair, here as permanent mem ber of tho Democratic club of Newark, N. J., was sitting m a window in his room at the hotel early this morning, and fell asleep, lost hits balance and felt to the sidewalk from the lourth floor. He waa instantly killed. New York, June 21 The World prints the tollowing from Chicago: 1 have not been on the grounds quite two hours but what 1 have heard and seen convinces me that Grover Cleveland will be nominated. I am not a candi date against Mr. Cleveland and I come here tor the purpose of impress ing that fact on my Illinois friends. My sympathies are entirely with Mr. Cleveland and so far as 1 have any influence it will be used in support of his candidHcv. Under a fair inter polation of the instructions the vote of Illinois will go as a unit to Mr. Cleve land. (Signed) John M. Palmer. NEW YORKERS FOR CLEVELAND. New York, June 21 There was a meeting of the Democratic Club last night at tho club house, No. 017 Fifth avenue, and action was taken that may not delight the hearts ot the mil Doom- era at Chicjgo. Tho president of the club, J. H. V. Arnold, president of the lioard ot Aldermen, was in tne cnair. Resolutions were passed offeriug the belief of the club that Grover Cleveland was tho one candidate belore the con vention who could be relied upon to carry the Slate of New York, and ask ing the delegation from this State to support Mr. Cleveland. There was a lively debate, but it was made apparent from Chicago advices that Mr. Cleve land was likely to be nominated on the first ballot, and the resolutions went through with almost no opposition. A copy was telegraphed to Ed. Murphy, Jr., in Chicago.