Give yornr business to Heppner people, a,id therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize "' THE ISSUE OF THE CAMPAIGN The nomination of Grover Cle" eaa is a logical sequence of the wor 0f the Minneapolis convention. oe renubli cans pat the American ',,octrine of pro tection where it belp;og9 jn the fore ground. It is to b'j the citadel and cen ter ot attaok, B',B;Dgt which democracy will impel it8 raost telling aBsaults. Noyer before in the history of our gov- ernme t have the pros and cons of the tariff question been rung upon so many changes or rung so long and loudly. The question of the tariff is now squarely at issue upon a pitohed field of battle. De mocracy, with unaccustomed consistency has wisely seen fit to general her battle with the mini who preoipitated the fight. Democracy, as never before since the stormy days preceding the rebellion, has spoken its real mind; deolared openly aud above board that the one sole pass phrase to the rauks of its fighting eo horls is "Tariff for revenue only." II the success of the republican party be imperiled it will be by the siugle issue of the tariff. Platforms have little pres tige in a campaign if they do not repre sent the known sen amenta and practices of party candidates. The democratic platform of '92 may be clearly construeu to have been built for the special benefit of Mr. Cleveland. There is nu issue cou tamed in it save the taritr and that on the election at the South, which was made to pacify the Southern wing of the party, that is not in consouanoe with the republican platform. Of course they reaffirmed the prinoi pies of the party as formulated by Jeffer son and exemplified by Jackson, a bil in democratic platform phraseology thai has been kept in standing type for the past three quarters of a century. Upon the question of finance, the nayy, of trusts, civil service reform, foreigu re lalious, pauper immigration, internal improvements, education, the admission of new states, the Nioaragua canal ana the world's fair, the protection of rail road employes and sympathy with the oppressed of foreign nations, the demo cratic platform is as Bimilar to the repub lican as though paraphrased from the lat ter. Thus, it will be seen that the tariff is the question, and the only one that will "count" in this campaign. For the per manent good of the country it is well that it is so.- Be'ing the vital, supreme doctrine on different bases, of both par ties, this will be a campaign ol eduoa. tiou.aud its decision in November will do more to settle busiuess policies fo the future than anv previous political contest in the hiwiory of our nation. OPPOSITION TO THE BOAT RAIL WA Y. The Gazette is in reoeipt of a volnmin ous statemeut of some sixteen pages ot type-written matter, purporting to be an argument why there should not be a boat railway at The Dalles. The docu meut was sent us by Senator, Dulph, who explaius that it was distributed among the desks of all members 'of the senate and house, pending the discussion of the river and harbor bill, in which the sen ator was seeking to secure a liberal ap propriation for the said boat railroad. The responsible author of this hostile scheme is l'aul V. Mohr of Seattle, Wash. Mohr, it seems, is the promoter of an opposition enterprise on the Wash ington side of the Columbia, in the waj of a portage railway. Mr. Mohr shows his ignorance or prejudice by saying that the people of the Northwest are opposd to a boat railroad. If he had taken the trouble to read tne newspapers of Wash ington, Oregon, aud Idaho for the past two years, smoo the boat railroad enter prise lias been agitated, ho would have found that every leading paper through out the states named were staunch ad vocates of the undertaking. The Uregoutnu, Astorian and States man in Oregon, the Ledger and News ol Tauomii; The .Review of Spokane; the Uuioa-Jourual and (Statesman of Walla Walla; and the Statesman and Democrat ot lioise City, have all declared them selves friendly to this plan of opening the Columbia river to through naviga tion. The people of Eastern Oregon, Welling ton and Western Idaho have looked with unabated interest at every raovemeut to facilitate this means of relief from the excessive freight charges of the Union and Northern l'ueilic roads. Mr. Mohr on the atrergth ot his per sonal opinion alone undertakes to assuil the expert decisions of the most eminent government engineers and of the secre tary of war. The boat railway amendment, as it now stands, authorizes the secretary of war to agree with Mr. Molu's company, its s-tueessors and assigns, for the use of the road bed and tho track, if necessary, should a road bo constructed by his com pany or its assigns; so that Mr, Mohr's opposition is not for the protection of any light hut for the purpose of pre venting the opening of the river. Thin it wilt bo seen wo have a new or ganized (Hurt to perpetuate monopoly uputi us. Mr. Mohr claims to represent Wash ington, Idaho and Oregon iu this oppo sition to a boat railroad, although the Washington sonalora are friendly to the work, realizing that it will prove of more utility to their onu state than either I Ircgon or Idaho. The arguments uttered by the opposi tion are purely upon assumption, while the basis for the tight that has been made iu tho senate by Mr. Dolph is up on expert opiniou as to the practicabil ity of said work, aud its assured sucooss. It ia to he hoped that the senate and the' house will he ma le to see the imperative need of a relief to be ottered bv the re moval of obstructions iu the Columbia at The Dalles, as well of the uselessuess at the present time, of undertaking the take Washington ship canal, whioh is Delicious. BISCUIT. MUFFINS. WAFFLES. CORN BREAD. GRIDDLE CAKES. Can always be made with Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. And while cakes and biscuit will retain their moist ure, they will be found flaky and extremely light and fine grained, not coarse and full of holes as are the biscuit made from ammonia baking powder. Price's Cream Baking Pow der produces work that is beyond comparison and yet costs no more than the adulterated ammonia or alum powders. Dr. Price's smnris f.r j-urc food and good health. purely a scheme to boom the depreciated real cstnte of a single city. Could freight lates be cheapened to the farmers of the inland empire, thous ands of aores ot unimproved lands would respond at once to cultivation and the population would be vastly increased through irrigation, Mobr's scheme looks like the crafty oonnivanoe of a railroad politician, whioh in truth he is, and if the boat railroad is thwarted in its appropriation the' people may attribute its failure to the present railroad ring. CLEVELAND'S LETTER THANKS. OF Cleveland sent the following letter of thanks to the press upon receipt of the news of bis nomination : I should oertainly be chargeable with a dense insensibility if I were not pro foundly touched by this new proof of the confidence and trust of the great party to whioh I belong, and whose mandates olaim my obedience. I am oonfident our fellow countrymen are ready to receive with approval the principles of true de mocracy, and I cannot rid myself of the belief that to win success it is only nec essary to persistently and honestly advo cate these principles. The differences of opinion and judgment in the democratic convention are by no means unwhole some indications; but it is hardly con ceivable, in view of tae importance of our sucoess to the country and party, that there should be anywhere among demo crats any lack of harmony and active ef fort to win iu the campaign which opens before us. I have, therefore, no conoera on the subjeot. It will oertainly be my constant endeavor todeserve the support of every democrat, San LE.vNino,Calif.,8ome twenty miles south of Oakland, is in the midst of a fa mous Iruit and vegetable growing ooun try. !tiring its fruit picking and pack ing scriWm if: has been emnlovinor women and giat from $2 to 82.25 a day, pre paring fruit for market. Owing to the Chinto who will always underbid white labor, the women and girls have been discharged to make room for rice-eating coolies, who never spend a dollar in the country, live like rats and send all they earn to China. With just indignation tho chivalrous youths of the community rose in their might and hustled the coolies out of the community. We oom niend the young men's aotion. It would be justifiable in other places than that meutioned. If these Mongols persist in usurping the only legitimate field for the American women and girls, the sooner they are boycotted out of the country the better. It is reported thut when L. .11. Web ster received the information that almost the entire newspaper fraternity of Ore gon was arrayed against him, ho passed the matter over lightly and thought him self secure with about 8000 majority at his back. Hut he was beaten, and that on priuoiple. It will teach a wholesome lesson. A publio servant must oondnol himsolf as beoomes his station or cease seeking office; he must take into consid eration that the newspapers can defeat or elect a mau ; that they have some in fluence after all. Tnough 'some of them in the state of Oregon are published in remote places, it is not well to scorn their efforts. Law advices from Honolulu say that the justice of the supreme court of Ha waii denied the motion tor the discharge of the persons arrested for treason, fiud ing iu his decision that, according to Hawaiian laws plotting was an overt act of treason. Five defendants were re leased as evidence was insufficient to hold them. United States Minister Ste vens' utterances upon the auuexation of the islands of this country, without au thorization from the home government, is being investigated, Wk woNDEit how many speoial trnins of I'ullmau cars were furnished to trails port tho politicians from Washington to the two conventions? Ot course they were gratuitous from the railroad com panies. Hut then tho roads w ill get all their expenses buck a hundred fold iu legislative favors during the next four years. Fob a man who declared himself as strongly as Mr. Cleveland in his first letter of aoceptauce against a second terni, his willingness to enter the race after a third nomination, proves the force of the seeking habit. Ir is said that one half the world 1 doesn't know how the other half lives. ! The half that does know has probably acquired an unsavory reputation for med dling with other people's business. An kxi'Hanmk niters a reward for a lost hairpin. It would be au interesting se quel to learu just where and when the hairpin was lost DUMPLINGS. POT PIES. PUDDINGS. CAKES. DOUGHNUTS. WOttLD'8 FAIR NOTES. The fine art exhibit will be much more extensive than was at first expeoted. Ap plications for ppaoe are coming in so fast that there is no room to accommodate them. Already the foreign commission ers have askod for 130,000 square feet of space in excess of what can he granted for foreign exhibits. The New Mexico world's fair board has taken steps to have prepared for ex hibition at the exposition photographs of the most stricking scenery in the ter ritory, the most prominent vineyards, orchards, apiaries, wine cellars, farms, ice factories, manufacturing establish ments, gohool houses, public buildings, etc., the whole to be nicely bound in a collection to be called Pictorial New Mexico. For the purpose of aiding the colored people of Kansas, Colorado and Missouri to seoure reasonable rates and proper hotel accommodations at Chicago during the world's fair, the Afri-Columbian Auxiliary Club has been organized at Topeka. The names ot the organizers are among the leading colored men of KansaB. Tbey have secured reduced hotel and railroad fare, also the furnish ing of help for the Kansas headquarters for the twenty six weeks of the fair. At the bead of this organization is James R. Lytle, president; J. Hume Childer, vice-president, C. L. Derandanuie, secretary and treasurer. A telephone exchange having, it is thought, about 6(H) instruments, will be established in the exposition grounds, of this number about 25 will be toll tele phones, whioh will be distributed con veniently about the grounds to be used by anyone upon payment of a small fee; some 300 will be for exclusive use by the exposition officials and employees; and the remainder will be for commercial purposes. The exposition will famish space and other accommodations for the requirements ot the telephone company for office and service, and the company will put in the instruments free of cost. It is the iotention of the telephone com pany to establish at the exposition the best exchange in the world. Only the best instruments and metalio circuits will be used. The long distance oopper lines to New York will be oompleted by the time the fair opens, and connections will be made directly with this line at Jaokson park, independent of the Chica go exohange. The gold Bud silver and other mineral exhibits at the exposition will probably aggregate in value several million dol lars. In exhibits of this description Colorado will naturally take front rank. It is announced that the gold and silver nuggets to be shown by that state alone are worth a quarter of a million dollars. There has been mads a npleudid collec tion of native gold specimens from all the riohest mining districts. A single collection, valued at jfOO.OOO, has already been secured. This will be supplement ed by the finest collections, secured as loan exhibits. The exhibit will be both technical and economic in its character, showing a scientific classification of the mineralogy of Colorado and a correct presentation of its geology. At the Rame time a popular and massive display of ores, building stone, commercial days aud other mineral products will be made. Models, maps and diagrams will be em ployed to show the progress made in mining. These will be accompanied by historical data and reliable information regarding the product and formation of veins in the mining districts. Iu the display will be the "Silver Queen," a beautiful statue of an ideal female figure exeouted in silver and valued at $7,500 to $10,000. Tub efforts to oantnre the murdorer of Little Mamie Walsh, of Milwaukie, have so far, been fruitless. The orime was committed last Friday. The beast, after ravishing the child, for she was but 14 years of age, strangled her to death and bid the remains in the brush. The orime is hardly without a parallel for atrooity, among civilized people at any rate. Should tho murderer be found, he will likely "stretch hemp" without even a trial. Uetween Vinson and Heppuer, a valise coptftining clothes, books and papers The finder will be rewarded by leaving it at this office. F. V. Hiphmsson, Heppuer. Okani Ball. Grand preparations are being made for the ball iu the grove at Lexington on the Fourth. A platform 50x100 will be built. So there will be mom for every one. The services ot the Heppuer orchestra have been procured lor the afternoon and eveuing. Supper will also be served in the grove at ti p. in. Kveryone should make arrange ments to remain until after the evening festivities. 800-8 THE MM LIE. A Beautiful Pleasure Resort in. the Blue Mountains. STOCKED WITH FISH FROM TEE JOHN DAT, Bat They are Hard to Catru The bake Fiehty to One Hundred Years Otu. From the Long Creek Eule. A representative of the Eagle had the pleasure of visiting recently, that inter esting spot, Magone lake. While there are but few people in Eastern Oregon who have not heard of this piotnresque body of water, it is rare ly visited, owing to the difficulty exper ienced in finding it. Situated some 20 miles southeast of Long Creek, resting between two mountain ridges, it forms the subject of much study to the careful observer. It is quite evident the lake its not near ly as old as its surroundings. Here and there in its deepest part, perhaps from 80 to 100 feet, the tops of tall tamuraoks extend above the water, which show that at one time, what is now the bed of the lake, was then a peaceful mountain ravine, where once grazed the elk, deer and bear. How long this has been is a matter of conjecture, and can be judged from the length of time that a tamarack or pine tree will last under water. The latter have disappeared, except here and there on the shores, a rotten log may be seen, and but very few of the tamaracks remain standing. Since the first settle ment of Grant county, over 30 years since, the lake has been in existence and its age might be estimated from 80 to 100 years. The visitor to this section will at once examine the surroundings. Southwest of the lake and well upon the mountain side is a huge cavity, often termed the "orater." Beyond it a perpendioular wall of rock and soil rises up toward the sky, and it at once becomes evident that nature procured from here the material to form the dam at the mouth of the ra vine. Undoubtedly an earthquake once visited this viciuity, sliding the huge mass down the mountain side. At that time the forest trees were probably quite small, and show by their present twisted and distorted shapes the wonder. fill agitation which onoe visited their foundations. At this season of the year, the lake has an outlet whioh pours down the rocky declivity several hundred feet in a series of oataracts till it reaohes an adjacent ravine which also carries considerable water, formiug the head of one prong of Beech creek. It would be utterly im possible, however, at any season ot the year for fish to reach the lake up this rocky course, and therefore aocounts for the absence of fish in the lake when first visited by Major Magone. It is said that in the summer when the snow has dis appeared the waters of the lake reoede and do not run out. One or two small streams, ran into it at this season of the year, tlqugh it is not likely that they run the year round. The lake's shores are gently-rolling and not at all steep at any place. Marsh grass grows abundantly where the water is shallow and the bed of the lake is cov ered with "tides," reaohiug iu many places to the top of the water, forming what looks at a distance to be islands. At no distant period much of this lake will be covered with this growth. The water is tolerably clear, and the "tides" oan be seen at a depth of 20 or 30 feet. Some years ago Major Magone cerried fish from the John Day and stocked the lake, it is estimated that not less than D000 Bmnll fish were put in, mostly of the salmon tiout family. They now weigh from four to five pounds, but are rarely seen. The fact that there are none but large fish m the Inke suggests the idea that they have not increased; at least, the writer has seen no one who has no ticed the presence of small fish in Ma gone lake. This region is better situated perhaps, for the German oarp, suckers or catfish than salmon trout. There is one thing a visitor can enjoy to his heart's ooutent, and that is boat riding. Mr. Magone has provided two medium-sized skiffs, and in them every part of the lake can be explored. It is certainly a pleasaut place to oamp a few days, though the bunting and fishing in this vicinity is very poor. Magone lake is nearly, if not quite, a mile long, and nbnnt one-fourth of a mile in width, covering about 16j aores. Nothing is more deceiving than a body of water, aud accounts for the fact that most people who have seen the lake do not estimate it as covering more than 40 or 50 acres. Campers will find a few mosquitoes there to make life miserable, and will no tice that the reptile family is confined to a few harmless water snakes, though as bed fellows they are not desirable, as a recent visitor to the lake will attest. However, they are not prone to seek warm blankets for a nap unless assisted by human bauds. There Is a wagon road from John Day "town" to the lake, but from Long Creek there, the tourist will find that it is not the best route in the world, even for pack horses, but one oan get there by persist ent effort, and the trip will have just enough of the features of "roughing it" to oause due appreciation of camp fare and a bed of blaukets, besides leaving memory's book "itha few more pages that cannot be effaced. CHE A P KAI'KS FOB THKFOITH. The Uuiou Facitio offers its patrons cheap 4th of July rates as usual this year. For dates of sale and limit of tickets or any additional information ap ply to J. 0. Hart, agent T'nion Pacific system. I'..';!. Where? At Abrahamsick'8. Iu addition to bis tailoring business, he has added a 6ue line of underwear of all kinds, negligee shirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on hand gome elegant patterns for suits. A. Abrahmusiok, May street, Heppner, Or. BLANK SHOTS. A Todd Latlr'n Etpertenro with Pho tograph Camera. A good story is told of one of Omaha'f society young ladies who recently re turned from a summer's outing in the mountains of New York, says the Omaha World-Herald. Before leaving home she purchased a kodak, which she proudly exhibited to admiring friends, promising each one of them a photo graph of some mountain scene. The young lady's friends anxiously awaited her return, being eager to see the views she had promised them. Upon her arrival at home her friends called upon her and asked for their views. "I have just sent the negatives down to have them developed by a photographer," she said. "It is much more pleasant than developing them myself." Down town a photographer was wrestling with the machine with the agony of despair. Do what he would no picture would de velop. At last he sent for the young lady and she came to the studio. "Are you sure you understand how to use a kodak?" asked the photographer, aftr explaining his inability to pro duce a picture. "Certainly I do," was the reply. "I read the instructions until I committed them to memory." "Well, how did you set about to take a picture?" asked the still doubting artist. "Oh, I pulled that little string anc pressed the button, just as the instruc tions read." "What did you do with that littln leather cup over the lens?" asked the photographer. The young lady looked, blushed and fled from the studio. She had actually spent a month taking snap shots in the Adirondacks without uncovering the lens. AMERICAN GEOGRAPHY. instances Illustrative of the Ignorance ot Foreigners Concerning It. The confusion which foreigners make of our geography is well illustrated by a German poem which appeared several years ago, says the Youth's Companion. The poet, with utter unconcern about lo cations and distances, makes such amus ing blunders that its literary value is entirely lost." The argument is some thing as follows: Under a palm tree on the shore of Lake Erie the hero, is devoured by an alligator. The heroine, hearing of his fate, rushes from her home in the Ever rladesof Florida on the banks of Lake Superior, captures the alligator, ex tracts the hero's body and buries it with magnificent pomp in Greenwood, iu the city of New York in the state of St. Louis. Another German, who really wished to know the geography of this country, fell into the mistake so common with Europeans of not appreciating the rather large scale on which nature has dealt with us iii the matter of area of land and water. Near Concord, Mass. , is Walden pond, tho little body of water near which Thoreau lived alone iu a hut for about two years. His most famous book is entitled "Wnldon." It purports to be an account of his life in the hut, and ranks with the masterpieces of Ameri can literature. Not long ago a Gorman professor, en gaged in studies of America, received from Washington a large map of the continent. Soon afterward, in writing to an eminent American professor and historian, the German scholar said ho had looked all over the map without finding Walden pond. This seemed to him au amazing omission. HANGING IN CHAINS. An Obsolete Method of 'Executing Crim inals. One of the last instances of an ordei being made for hanging in chains is that of a chimney sweep, who in 182'. murdered a man on the highway on the east side of Itrig. The culprit wa;. tried by Mr. Justice Best, at Lincoln assizes. At this time, says the Athcnas um, what used to be called the new law courts were building, so the Dean and chapter lent their cbapter house for the purposes of an assize court. The trial lasted all day. The poor wretch's body never underwent the proposed in dignity. The inhabitants of Brigg took fright thought, it has been suggested, that the gibbet standing so near the highway would terrify people and hinder them from coming to market; they petitioned against the judge's order beiug carried out, and the authorities remitted the horror. Mr. Ilartshorne believes, and we have no doubt cor rectly, that the last person hung in chains was a man named Cook, who suffered for the murder of a Mr. Parts. This occurred at Leicester in 1S84, the very year that the custom was put an end to bv statute. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Ollice at LaOrande, Or., May. 27, 1892. Notice is hereby given thatthefollowinu-nam-ed settler has filed notice of his intention to make 11 n a 1 proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore W. K. Kills, Com. U. S. Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on July 11, lS!f2, viz: M1LLAUI) F. FRENCH, ltd No. ssrxi fin- the N's SW!i and 8E!i 8WU and SWt SK'4 See 5, Tp 3 S, K 28 E, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. said land, viz: F. P. Cox, M. J. WtlkiiiBOn, D. C. Gurdano, J. Ricks, of Heppner, Oregon. 102-503 A. Cleaveh. Register, WANTED, THOSE w ho are interested in the Eight Mile country and Morrow county to know that we have a few extra copies left, which can be secured either at Geo. Thornton s news stand or at the Gazette ottice. t'8-sw. COME to the Palace Hotel bar for Champagne J Cocktails. Champagne on tap. tiii-sw A BIG lot of Gooseberry numbers of the Ga zette that ought to be sent away. Call in, invest and help yonr country. swtf TO KNOW that L. D. Boyed is Heppner's leading contractor and builder. Estimates given on all kinds of work, office at resi dence. Heppner. Or. 71-sw. VWagonmaker. one the best locations in Morrow county. Must have a little capital. Call on or write Gazette ollice for particulars, sw T J ARNKSS-SHOl', stock and fixtures. Good 1 business; eswoitsnco in the mltlst ol a good farming and stock-raising country. Also for sale a good house and uvo lots with or without the business property. For further in formation address Gazette, Heppner, Or. -IS! tf. JAPANESE CURE A new hiuI Complete Treatment, consisting of SupptKiittiri'es, Ointment in Capsules, alsoin Box I and Wila; a positive Cure for External, Inter- j nai, Bliutl or Bieetlinjf, Iti'hins. Chronic. Reeent I or Hereditary Files, ami many other diseases ' and female weaknesses; it isalwaysa trreat hen- I ertt to the general health. '1 lie first discov ery of ; a medical cure rendering an operation ith "the : knife unnecessary h rentier. This remedy has ' ne er oeen Known 10 tan. i peroox, t tor .; Kent by mail. Why suiter from this terrible dis ease when a written guarantee is Riven with 6 boxes, to refund the money if not cured. Send stamp for free sample. "Guarantee issued by Woodward, Ci.ahkk Co.. Wholesale & Retail Prugjiistfl .Sole Agents, Portland, Or. ChangejifjOwnership XTfE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OP THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, V whioh we propose to conduct in the most satisfactory manner. Will keep on hands at all times the ohoicest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. T-T A W Sr McCAETY. 85-tl. II A Tbomnnon THOMPSON & BINNS, PROPRIETORS He Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Below-Cotlin & McKailnnd's, Main Street Good Conveyance for Traveling Men. TeaniB to hay per day, 75 ots. Hay and Rrain per day. 81.25. Meals 25 cts. Bf at O. C. Hargeanfs, next door to Feed Stable. Gram and baled hay always on hand. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAmSTERS. isP: A CONVEYANCER New Millinery HAVING JXJST RECEIVED A NEW STOCK OF LATEST STYLE MILLI nery and Ladies' Fancy Goods direct from the East, I extend a cordial in vitation to all to call and examine my stock and get prices before purchasing elsewhere. MISS INEZ VORUZ, Thompson Building, Main Street, Heppner, Oregon t Eastern Clothing House o Branch at Portland, has opened a BigLine of Ladie's and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Also Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises and Fancy Goods. 'ou will find onr Clothing Department with an assortment, including f-'quare Cut Saoks, Three and Four Button Frocks, made of the best American Weavers, Scotch Woolen Wor steds, Cheviots, made up to sell in full suits. $25.00 Suits reduced 20.00 " 17:50 " 15.00 " 12.50 ' Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps at Factory Prices Examine the goods aud yen will find all shades and colors, whioh will give satisfaction Before purchasing, call andexamine my stock D. A. HERREN'S BUILDING, May Street. Heppner, Oregon. Flour Exchanged for Wheat. HEPPNER FLOURING MILL COMPANY. T. V. AYERS, PAN OSMFRS. Columbia Beer Hall! Xr EXT DOOR io 21. Lichtcnihal d- Co.'s Shoe Sf ore, Main ?. btet- Reep 011 hand a Fine Line of Liquors, II tnes, Cigars. Eic. We have . Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to " Cents Per Glass, On draugbt, fresh aud cool. Lunch of nil kinds. Hope to see all their old friends and many more. OSMERS & IITJeHES. Props. J FI? mm HI 1 L Our Spring Footwear is the Best and the Cheapest. The soat'Te calf ' Li o n.ew" ve wih that everybody knew Joined bv the al I,"''1' What elea'" "w i P"' nch shoe rtVoniU fn n i ( A, i ' . ,k 1 AM kt'et' " h"l toneflt vou. TVasauv of their fo t.Th KV- , I A "TmU'- "''lf,s P" Wether, nvasauj oi their folks that fn meh d the leather. Fine footwear in all kiiidn oi leather. M. LICHTENTHAL & CO.. Main street, Ileiijiner Or. Proorietors. A. E. Binns NOTARY PUBLIC OAW- OPPICB it !: to $20.00 15.00 - 12.50 10.00 - 7.50 PALACE HOTE Wei ins eili WELL FURNISHED ROOMS Sr., Manager. 448 MAT HUGHES. Y YOUli SFRINGSHOES ?