Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 24, 1892, Image 4

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we have a relief and cure
In your ignorance of effects
and vitality which ia
system the elements thus
strength and vigor wilt fol
cure or money refunded.
Dr. Sanden's Electric
after all other treatments
testify, and from many of
li a complete galvanic battery, made into a belt so as to be easily worn during work or at rest, and it gives soothing, prolonged currents
which are instantly felt throughout all weak parts, or we forfeit $5,000. It has an Improved Electric Suspensory, the
Seatest boon ever given weak men, and we warrant it to cure any of the above weaknesses, and to enlarge shrunken limbs, or parts, or
oney Refunded. They are graded in strength to meet aU stages of weakness in young, middle-aged or old men, and will cum
the wont cases In two or three months. Address
UyttN HAiKiNt" wreswre ana promote tue uir hrw noeoual. It is a pomine (yubcJmio
form), Kour applications will stop the hair falling am! prevent dandruff. It cures hculp (lipase imd
will politicly grow a luxuriant growth of hair uniew hereditarily bald, PaMntf-s is not an iudip'iliou
that the rood are dead. Mature did not provide that we should wear a covering for tho head When
thaepidermia (skin) isal.Te, no are the rooU, and "Queen Hairiue" applied to the mi mire npenmhe
follicles, and ptm nourishment and vitality lo tho root, Ono bottle will convince the most akuutioal
f iU merits. Try it. Price, $1.00 per Rattle ... ua 1 1,1,1
QUEEN ANTI-ODOR " (powdere form applied to the parts sllar .rtnir.f!nn
od psraunently cures offeosiT. feet, ropita, etc A noal delightful and luunnles remedy. I'riteHk
'"' ONDOLINE" (Uouid, pun and harmlen), when applied lo the skin restores end bcauliiks
the Complexion: remetes ana Drevents Tu. Sunburn. Freckle.. Fimnleji m.l iMni.v.an.iu ti.!., ...
vood preparation cannot be excelled. A Bintle
additional one impro.ee tbe complexion. Try It: if not delighted willi 11, return the bottle, and wo
will refund your money. One itotlie wUI restore the complexion. Price, f! 00
turn Toilit Ce.: Your preparation formula! (after a careful aunlvslnl, T am free to -sr are
aaimleaa, and certainly effoetuallf used according to direction!. J. K. lk-atle, M. D. 4K4 Freeman' Ave
Jtoaalt by P. O. Order, Kegistered tatter, or Draft to touuie olllce, and menliuu Ibis paper
3 IHF.R Namplei 01 'cor (Jeodi and " How lo be Bread's! ent for two stamps.
Sf ti Pronolseo
And all points in California, yia tbe Mt, Hhaeta
route- of the
Southern Pacific Co.
The gToat highway through California to all
points Kant and South. Grand Hcenlo Route
of the Pacific Coast. Pullman Boffot ,
bleepers. Beoond-olass Sleepers
Attached to express trains, affording superior
aocomniodntionti for secsond-nlaaa piuwtengerfl.
For rates, tteketn, alenning car roaervationB,
etc,, call upon or adureHi
R. KOEHLKR, Manager, E. P. ROGERS. Auat.
Gen. F. at 1'. A (it., Portlaud, Ort'Kon.
Cattle branded and earmarked m ahown above.
Horne F on ritit shoulder.
IA cattle ran kb in Morrow and Umatilla coun
ties. 1 will pay $109.00 for the arnwt and oon-
lot ion of auy person statiHK my stock.
I have re opened this well-known house to the
public, and solicit a share of the patrouage.
Per day Jl 00
Board per week fi
" " with room 6 00
My table Is always supplied with tho Wat the
market affords.
67-tf-a w 1'rops.
On Sale
Kansas City, St. Paul,
Loaves Heppner, 8 a. m. Arrives
0:50 p, ill.
ltilliiii Hleepera.
ColonUt Hleepera.
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
Hteamern Portland to Buu Frauoidoo
every four dayi.
For ratCH and kc"""' Information call on
JVpnt Ticket Aeent,
J. C. HA.11T,
Hoppnor, Oreiron.
W. II lll'KLBL'RT, Aaat. Genl. l'M. A(t.
i'A Waahlngton St.,
Portland, Orioox.
5leeplessne55.R)orMemorYs General IllHealth
the effects of abuses, excesses,
in our marvelous invention, which requires but a trial to convince the most skeptical,
or by excesses, or exposure, you may have unduly drained your system of nerve force
electricity and thus caused your weakness or lack of force. If you replace into your
drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, and health,
low at once and in a natural way. This is our plan and treatment, and we guarantee a
Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free ; sent by mail, sealed.
Belt is no experiment, as we have restored thousands to robust health and vigor,
failed, as can be shown by hundreds of cases throughout this State, who would gladly
whom we have strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using our Belt.
Perhaps You Don't Know. Us,
We extend an Invitation to call anl two free irxt nt nur Clime
"Arcade tbftniberf..'' Hours 1 to it p. m. 1 aHv AttAnrla,a '
We till mail orders name day received (weuruly sealed, postpaid).
If not as represented we will rn lund your money
QUEEN ANT1-HAIRINE" removes Heard or Ftijvrtliious
Hair iroui the ace, Isock ami Am.H,or Moles ami l.irilni.wrks
Made Into a paste, only a few minutes application is n-iutrud. Jl
In powerful, yet mild in itH effcut. It dissolves and destroys the
follicles of the hair without tbe ftliglitest pain, injury or iiici)orv
tion to thft tlllMi. Hi'llfntn fr!n Truii I -:,... fri Vin . . .. i, ,,i
application him . m.rvii... n,., '-...I ..i.
National m of Mwi
Pi'fHiilcnt. CuHliici'.
Made on Fnvornble Terms.
TT dresHfd LiuntHir, Jfi iuIIob of Iluiipnur, at
what is It now u as tho
" " " CLEAK,
$10 00
17 60
L ?!).IK) per 1,000 cut, ail.lltlounl.
I . A FIcaaAxllton. Mangier
Scionlifio Amcrica
Agency for
i-.tiT' wo Anc kniDa'Q
For Infnrmatfon and free Handbook write to
MUNN At:0.,;Wl UmiADWAY, NBW Youk.
Oldest bnreim for aumirinii piitenlH In Ameritia.
Kvery imtent takwn oiittiyiw Is brought before
tbe pubUu by a notloe given free of charge iu the
gtmtxftt mtnm
Laraest clrcnlatlon of nnv itrlcntlflc pnnar In the
worm. Hpltiiuliilly UlUHtraLwl. No Intolltsmit
man BhnuUl lie without It. Wacklv, mtLIMl a
war; $14) all months. AddrcHR MllNN X CO
ruilLiatilcHa.il llroadwa?, Wew York.
Before Htavtiuu on a .lonrncy
A person usually dosirps to gain some in
formation na to the most desirable route
to take, and will purchase tickets via the
one that will allord him theiiuickoat and
liest service. Before starting on a trip to
Chicago or any point East, you should
provide yourself with a map aud time
table of the Wisconsin Central lines.
The trains ruu on this route are vesti
billed aud equipped with l'tiUman's lat
est drawiuK room sleepers, elegant day
oonohps and diniiiK cars of latest design,
built expressly for this service, and are
emuisite in furnishings aud convenient
ami comfortable in arraiiKeuieut aud so
complete in every detail that they have
no superior iu comfort and eh 'ynuce.
The dining ear service is pronounced bv
all the nioHt elegant ever lnniiuriitt'd,
and is operated iu the interest of its pa
trons. Fast trains via the Wisconsin Central
lines leave Minneapolis daily at 12:45 p.
m. and 0:'i" p. m., aud St. 1'itiil at 1:!U
p. to. and 7 :!10 p. m., making favorable
connection with all trams from the West
aud southwest.
For tickets, time tables, berth reserva
tions, etc., apply to O. F. McNeill, ('. P.
& T. A-, Minneapolis, Minn., or to .las.
C. Pond, general passenger and ticket
agent C'lilouo 111. 4Kltf
To vhom it miy murem :
This is to certify that, nfter bavinRour
loss of school house carefully figured by
competent mechanics, we made satisfac
tory settlement with the Slate Insurance
Company, of Salem, Oregon, on April 11,
1H!1"J, anil within three days thereafter
reveived cheek for $:!,UK), full amount of
loss sustained by recent tire, which de
stroyed said bouse. W. li. Kins,
Tom Mokiian,
Otis Pattbhson,
Board of Directors of School District No.
1, Morrow Oonntv, Oregon.
Hbppnkh, Or., April 14, l.S'.ii 82-fW
11 ilJLiyLC2
from Nervous DebilitV Seminal Weak
ness. Losses, Drains. Impotency or.
Lost Manhood Rhfumati.sm i.amf
Back. KidneV Troubles. .Nfrvoi isnfk
worry and exposure. For such sufferers
TO WOOL ill!
To keep your Sheep healthy, and Insure a good
clip, UMU
A Sure Cure nt Moderate Cost.
Mixes with cither COI.1J or WARM WATER.
Is Non-l'oisonous, Improves the Wool
and does Not stain it.
Wool. Commission Mkkchants,
Fifth and Townscni Sts., Hun Francisco
General Agents.
For snie by Slocum-Johnston Drug Co.
Wyaudottes, Plymouth Rooks, Light
liramahs, liose and Sinylo Comb
lirown Leghorns, Pnrtridye
Cochins, Houdans and Sil
ver Span(k'd Uumbuigs.
1.000 T0U85 FOWLS
Heady for Delivery.
Ill Amerioa, and are the best on
this coast by a great difference.
Send for Catalogue.
Box 05. com.390. Forest Grove, Or
Buffer UBiieeesBary. Itoa't you
know that exlmujiion, debility,
failing manhood, and general
woakuess, brought on by early
follies, disslpalioii aud excesses,
can bo cured. Don't get discour
aged. We havo cured hundred
at their homes by mail treatment.
Your cflso will bo dinynosed free,
Write- to-day. No cost to lcam
your condition.
Slocklon nd Ellis St,
a A Family Affair
ffi Health for the Baby,
j t'ie;isure tor the t'arents,
New Life for the Old Folks.
Root Beer
r"ls a family niralr-aroqiilii8
oi mo lumie. A a5 eent
package makes S KalliMl. ul
dclii'lous, tlrenetlinin:,
eirorvcscuut beverage.
Toii't I dnvlvnl Ifn doalor, for
Mlm H.ik.-of iar(r pi'nlli. V(u
amiu- nilu-r kliul ih ' Just m kii
its lulsi.? No imimttou laua Kood
oa UielluuellIHWl,,
The bucocm of thla Oreat Cough Cure Is
without a parallel In the history of medicine.
All druKRUta are authorized to sell it on a po.
itive guiirautee, a test that no other cure can
auecessfully ataiul. That it may become
known, the Proprietors, at an enormous ex
pense, are placing a Siunplt Itottle Kree into
every home in the I'nited States nmt Canada.
If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron
chitis, usett, for it will cure you. If your
child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use
it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread
that insidious disease Consumption, use it.
Ask your Druggist for SHILOH S CURE,
l'riee It) cts. , SO cts. and $1 .00. If your Lungs
are sore or Hack lame, use ShiloU's Porous
Plaster, Price 'loots. For sale by all Drug
gist aud Dealers.
Sundry Theories, Wise and Otherwise, Re
garding Its Prevention.
For the prevention of seasickness a
curious notion seems to be common that
the stomach should be kept as full as
possible, says (be Lancet. Thus have
we seen stout old men and women take
with praiseworthy persistence had the
reeuld been satisfactory bisouits, ban
dy and soda, apples, a pint of porter, a
red herring and various other edibles and
potables with an entire want of success
in retaining tbem, a oourse of procedure
peculiarly trying to those who happen to
be standing, or rather lying, on the verge
of tbe act of vomiting. Were we to oonn
sel those who are liable to this affection,
we should recommend as follows: Take
a moderate moal two hours before going
on board. Kemain on deck amidships,
well protected against cold, as long as
possible. As soon as the pmmonitory
symptoms appear retire to tbe berth, un
dress as quickly as possible and lie flat
on the back for tbe first twelve or even
twenty-four hours without food. Then
take a small portion of dry bread and
roast beet without lluid; this the stom
ach will probably retain. It there is
much movement of the vessel lie quiet
again, or even go up on deck, and in the
oourse of thirty-six or forty-eight hours
the Bvstem will have reoovered itself and
no further trouble' will be experienced.
It is a mistake to introduce a quantity of
fluid, even of Btrong coll'ee, into the llao
cid stomach, bat if sickness persist, p
glass of champagne will probably prove
serviceable. In some few persons qui
nine or autipyrin, chloral or potassium
bromide may act well, but as a rule med
icine of all kinds should be eschewed by
those who do not wish to aggravate what
is already hard to bear.
Deserving Praise.
We desire to say to our citizens, that
for years we have been selling Dr.
King's New Disoovery for consumption,
Dr. King's New Life pills, Bucltlin's ar
nica salve and Electric bitters, and have
never handled remedies that sell as well,
or that have given suoh universal satis
faction. We do not hesitate to guaran
tee them every time, and we stand ready
to refund the purchase price, if satisfac
tory results do not follow their use.
These remedies have won their great
popularity purely on their merits. Slo-oum-JohiiBlou
Drug Co.
Tliey Play the Same Tricks Reported to Hei
aud Get Caught.
The Portland Oregoniau gives the fol
lowing amusing aocount of a ludy expert,
or canvasser, who was playing the house-to-house
sample test dodge in that city:
The city for several days has been oan
vassed by aoompany of women who have
called at private residences for the osten
sible purpose of explaining the superior
merits of their baking powder through a
series of alleged chemical experiments.
A lady who has been annoyed by the
agents determined to test the efficacy of
the experiments, and Blie brought out
some of the baking powder which they
are advertising. The agent submitted
the substance to tbe usual tests and call
ed the lady's attention to the preseuoe of
alum, ammonia and various other alleged
ingredients whioh could be distinguished
by the peculiar odor, the residuum, etc,
The ladv of oourse saw all these unmis
tnkable signs of so-called impurities, and
allowed tbe agent full swing to expand
upon the merits of her own cooking pow
der. The ngent finally inquired of the
lady what brand of baking powder she
bad been experimenting with. "That
baking powder," replied tbe lady "is tbe
same that yon have been oracking up so
high." Tbe agent turned all oolors, and
beat a hasty retreat. Our informant has
not been bothered with baking powder
agents since.
Across the Deep, to the Far West,
On steamboats, cars and stage-coaches,
Uostetter's Stomach Bitters is carried as
the most important item in the materia
medioa of tbe traveling public It de
prives vitiated, braokish water of its
hurtful properties and execrable flavor,
counteracts the pernicious effects upon
stomach of bad or indigestible food, rem
edies cramps, heartburn mid wind upon
the stomach. It is a tine defense against
malarial disorders, nullifies tbe effects
of exoessive heat, oold and damp, relieves
sick headaohes, and is an incomparable
oure for oostiveness and biliousness.
Tbe fatigue of travel often tells most dis
astrously upon invalids and conval
escents, occasionally to such an extent
bb to jeopardize life. Tersous in feeble
health, npprebensive of bad effects from
travel, will, if provided with tbe Bitters,
be far less likely to have their fears re
Windy weather.
Looks like rain.
Harvesting baa begun on the creek and
the crops are averaging very well consid
ering all drawbacks.
51r. A. J. Cochran and family have
been absent for a few days on a visit to
relatives aud friends, near Haystack, Or.
The Union Sunday-school organized at
Snowshoe schoolhouse, is progressing
nicely uuder the able management of the
teachers and superintendent, upward of
thirty scholars being in attendance.
Au almost serious aooident happened
to Mr. Th uuas Sanders last Wednesday.
While feeding bis horses, one of them
became frightened Btul kicked Mr. San
ders on the lower jaw, fracturing it. He
had it set Btid is now improving sIowly
Jupiter l'luviue, you are too late, for
the grain Ileitis look like they had don
ned a coat of red and yellow paint. Had
we rain about May, the crops would have
been exceedingly heavy; but we will
have courage and stay auotber year.
"Nothing like staving."
Quite a runaway on Main street Sun
day morning, the only excitement this
week. More anon. Nixik.
Sukliiv, Jane 'M, 1812.
The Uuiou Pacific offers its patrons
cheap 4th of July rates aa usual this
year. For dates of sale and limit of
tickets or any additional information ap
ply to J. C. Hart, agent I'nion Pacific
Bystem, 4S1U-3.
The now bridgo aoross Willow creek is
nearing completion.
Events of interest are crowding each
other for both time and space.
C. C. Boon has attained wonderful re
sults in gardening by irrigation.
Mrs. L. W. Barnett is very low ; little
hope of her recovery is entertained.
Miss Mattie Vorna closed a successful
term of school at this place on Friday
Extra preparations Bre being made for
tbe camp meeting whioh begins June 24
at this place.
The much talked and muoh needed
publio school bouse will soon grace the
plaza of this wide awake town.
Leeob, Armstrong & W. B. McAllister
local agricul'ural implement dealers, are
puehiug the trade in harvesters.
D. C. Porter renders a favorable report
on farming. His onion orop will exceed
his most sanguine expectations.
Cbas. Armstrong is said to be looking
for auotber "speoial partner." Oh, tbe
men! Especially tbe livery men.
J. D. Brown, representing C. F. Weber
& Co , school supply house has selected
Lexington as a place of residence.
Bev. E. II. Beach is spending the snm
mei in the country. Kev. D, W. Bryaut
is ocoupying his place during the in
terim. Farmers are beginning to realize that
they have been "more scared than hurt"
by the recent dry spell and there will be
a fair yield of grain after all.
The newly oganized band under the
leadership of Prof. Cbas. Hodson is re
heaiaing some line mnsia for the cele
bration to be held on July 4th.
J. L. Gil)8on,our looal insurance agent,
is doing some business and recently is
sued a policy to Miss Bertha l'ouut of
Spring Valley. Mrs. Gibson and Joseph
were both doing very well at last ac
counts. W. B. McAllister has an abiding faith
in tbe future greatness of Lexington; he
ia also harboring the delusion that Har
rison and Beid will be tbe firm name
placed over the White House door April
4tb, 1893.
Every arrangement is being perfected
for the entertainment of tbe large body
of Morrow county's citizens that will
congregate here on the 4tb of July.
Oratory, music, daucing, atbletio sports,
racing and an assembly of the beauty
and wit of the great, inland empire.
With the new school house soon to be
erected and a little effort on the part of
the residents Lexiugton can and will be
the most pleasant town in Eastern Ore
gon. Every foot of the townsite can be
irrigated at a mere nominal oost. Prop
erty is cheap aud there is a freedom
from the evil influence of saloons seldom
found iu a village of its size. Just tbe
place fur a good school; just the plaoe
for nice quiet homes, where farmers who
live remote from educational facilities
can spend the winter aud enjoy the ben
efit of a graded school.
The alliance will hold its next regular
meeting at this place ou Saturday of this
week. Some of the "boys" have predicted
tbe result of June filh would annihilate
the alliance. Tbe party based ou sound
principles cannot be demolished, and a
party that at four months old secures
30 per cent, of tbe entire vote of tbe
state is "pretty lively." Fusion ouly
saved the two old parties in June, and
for suocess in November they will have
to resort to the old time methods of a
oorrupt ballot. J. B. M.
What has become of all our corres
pondents'? We waut to hear from you
every week. Give us all tbe news. We
want a live correspondent at every post
oflice iu the county. Will send you sta
tionary upon application,
Samuel Miller, the saw mill man of
Lone Rock, was in Hoppner the first of
tbe week after repairs for bis machinery.
The Celebrated French Cure,
Is Sold oh a
to cure any
form of uervoui
disease, or any
disorder of tbe
generative or-
taut of either sex whether arising from the
excessive use of Stimulauts, Tobacco or Opium,
or through youthful indiscretion, over indulg
ence, ike, such as Loss of Braiu Power, Wakeful
ness, Bearing down Pains iu the Back, Seminal
Weakness, Hysteria, N'ervouB Prostration Noctnrn
al Emissiou: , Leucorrhcea, Dizziness, Weak Mem.
ory.LosBof Power and Impoteucy, which if ne
glected often lead to prematureoldaRe and insan
ity. Price $1.00 a box, 6 boxes for $5.00 Sent by
mail on receipt of price.
A WRITTEN GUARANTEE forevery $5.00
order, to refund the money it a Periuaueiit
cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonial!
from old and young, of both sexes, permanently
rured by Afhroditinb, Circular free. Address
Sold In Heppner by Slocum-Johnston Drug Co
I highly recommend Pustor Koeuig's Nerve
Tonic to fiavboiiy that has euifwred from head
ache as my son did for 6 years, becantte 3 bottles
of thd muUiclue cured Uiin. M. Mcl'lflUli.
Zexl, Faulk Co., Dak., Not. 88.
I was troubled with forgetlulness aud tried
many remedies, but of no use I bad almost
despaired when somebody recommended Pas
tor Koenig's Nerve Tonio. I tried it aud took
but si butties of it, which brought back my
memory aa eood as ever. 1 therefore recom
mend this remedy to all sufferer; it doet
tnoio than expected, it speaks for itself.
A Valuable RooK nn Nprvmid
liisetifert Kent free lo uy adiirrbn,
and poor patients can al mo obtain
mis meuK'uieireeci fiiarue.
This remedy ha born pr ir?d by the Sw
end Pastor Koenljr. otFf ' wne,Ind..slncel87ft,
andia now prepared .jiawius direction by the
KOEN1C MED. CO., Chicago, III.
Sold by Dmgslst at SI per Battle. 6 for
15. I-nrne sue. St.75. 6 Bottles for 9.
Solii In Pitrtlnnd. OiVk'nn. by SneM.
lleitshuiit Woutlitril.
rnA. til GREASE
ItsxreaxlogQuaHtiMaroansurpajMd, actually
cutlaatinff two boxes of any other brand. Not
effected l7 beat. trU II Til EGEDi USE,
Und Office at The Dallei, Or., May 20, 1S92.
Notice is hereby Riven that the following
nsnied settler line tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will le made before County
Clerk of Morrow County, Or., at lleppner, ur.,
on July 6, lfe'.fJ, viz:
n.S. No. 7121, for the S' SVV, NW 8V
and b .4 fiWK See. 28, Twp 1 S. K. 2fi E.
lie names the following witnesses to prove
Discontinuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
John Barton, W. M. Barton, James Leach and
James Gentry, all of Heppner. Or.
wl-.-mi John W. Lkwih, Register.
Land Otliee at La Grande. Or., June 1, isi2.
Notiee in hereby yiven that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the
county clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, i
Heppner, Oregon, on Julv 16, 1W2, viz.:
Hd No. -1S07, for the NU of NEfc, Sec 21. and V
Of SWM. See 22. T 3 S. R 27 E. W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
contiiiuousrebidenue upon, and cultiva tiou of
said land, viz:
John N. Elder, A. J. McKenzie, Richard Nev
ille, i). A. lierren, all oi Heppner, Oregon.
VXfMo A. CLEAVER, Reenter.
While you keep your subscription paid up yen
can keep your brand in free of charge.
Allyn. T. J.. lone, Or. Horww (iJ on left
shoulder; cattle same on left hip, under bit on
nsrht ear, ami upper bit on the left; ruuge, Mor-
".uicu "Yj " nipiuc,ur, j. wnn oar un
der it on left shoulder of horeeB; cattle same
A rmcri,n . T I' A !..: m 1
vu ihii my.
Allmon. O. TV. VAtrht Mil. n Pttiu r
O L on left hip and hoinea same brand on right
shoulder. RaoKe. Eight Mile.
Adkine, T C Oayville, Or- Straight mark a crows
the thigh and two crops and a slitm the right ear;
",m"i ai uusHie uuwii on me rignt stiouiuer.
hange in Grant county and Bear vallev. J? O
address alBo at Hardman.
Adkins, J. J.t Heppnor, Or. HoreeB. JA con
nected on left flank; cattle, sameon left hip.
Ayers, Johnny. Lena, Or. Horses branded
triaugte on iett hip; cattle earne on right hip;
also crop off right ear and npper bit on same.
Hlyth, Percy H., Hoppner, ()r. Horses. Roman
cross on right shoulder. Range in Morrow
Hleakman, Geo., Hardman, Or. Horses, a Rag
orleft shoulder: cattle same on right shoulder.
Bannister, J. W., Hardman, Or, Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, tionseberry Oregon Horses
branded PB on left shoulder. Cattle same on
right side.
Burke, M St C, Long Creek, Or On cattle,
MAY connected on left hip, ciop off left ear, un
der half orop off right. HorseB, same brand on
letft shoulder. Range in Grant and Morrow
Bowsman, A., Mount Vernon and Burns, Or.
Cattle, A B on right hip, two crops iu each ear;
Bame on horses, on right shoulder. Range in
Grant and Harney counties.
Brosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle B on the left Bide.
Left ear imlf crop and right ear upper slope.
Barton, Wm Heppoer, Or. -HorseB, J Ron
right thigh, cattle, name on right hip; split in
each ear.
lirown. Ina, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right stifle; cattle sameon right hip; range, Mor
row couuty.
Brown, J .P., Heppner. Or. Horses and cattle
branded 8 with ox-yoke above on left shoulder,
Brown, J, C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
0 with dot in nei tor on left hip; cattle, Bame.
Brown, W.J Lena, Oregon. Horses V bur
over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
Buyer, W. G,, Hoppner, Or. HoreeB, box
brand on right hip cattle, same, with split in
each ear.
Jiorg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shoulder; cattle, same on left hip.
Brownloe, W. J., Foz.Or Cattle, JB connected
on left sulo; crop on left ear and two splits aud
middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Range in Jb'ox valley,
Grant county,
Cain.E., Caleb.Or. Y D on horses on loft stifle;
U With quarter circle over it, on left shoulder,
and on left siitie ou all colts ander 5 years; on
left shoulder ouly on all horses over 5 years. All
range iu Orant county.
Clark, Win. II., Lena, Or. Horses WHO con
nected, on left shoulder: cattle same on right
hip. Range Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cate, Chas. li., Vinton or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
Range Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cochran, Chan., lone. Or. Horaes, HP con
nected on left Hhouldor; cattle, C ou both left
hip aud stitle. Range in Morrow county.
Cannon, T. B.,Long Creek, Or. Ton cattle on
right side, crop off right ear and slit in left ear.
Our horses same braud ou left shoulder. Range
in Grant county.
Cecil, Wm., .Douglas, Or.; horses JO on lef
shoulder; cattie same on left hip, waddles on
each jaw and two bits in the right ear.
Curl, T. H.. John Day, Or. Double cross on
each liip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant
county. Ou sheep, inverted A aud spear point
on shoulder. Ear markou ewes, crop on left ear,
uUUched tinner bit in riizht,. WnHmra (irnn in
right and uuder half crop in left ear. All range
i" uraut couuiv.
Crosby, A.A.,Heppner, Or. Cattle branded"-!-(or
H L connocted) on the right shoulder.
Cook, A. J. ,Lena,Or. Horses, Uuon nghtshoul
der; Cattle, Bame on right hip: ear mark square
crop off left aud split in right.
Currin. K. CurrinsVille, Or, - Horsos, & on
left eti tie.
Cochran, J II Monument, Or Horses branded
T I fc A ou left shoulder. Cattle, sunie on right
hip, swallow fork iu right ear and crop offl eft.
Cox & English, Hardman, Or. Caitie, 0 with
E iu center: horses. CE on left hip.
Cupper, H. A., Monument, Or. Horses H C
on left shoulder, cattle H 0 on left side, swal
low fork on right ear.
Cochran, R. E.j Monument, Grant Co, Or.
Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left
shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded
O on right hip. Cattle brawled the same.
Cross, a L, Dayville, Or Cattle branded two
crops and a split in left ear; on horses a
reversed rt on left stifle. Also have the following
brands on cattle: 72 on left hip, 7 on right hip,
7a on left shoulder, two parallel bare on left
Bhoulder. Ear marks, two crops.
Ooonan. Win., Heppner, Or. HorseB branded
OO with bar over them, ou left shoulder; cat
tle same on left hip.
Douglass, W. M Galloway, Or. Cattle, R L on
right side, Bwa low-fork iu each ear; horses. It I)
ou left hip.
Douglas, O. T., Douglas, Or Horses TD on
the right stifle; cattle same on right hip.
Dunuan. W. P., John Day,Or. Quarter circle
W on right shoulder, both on horses aud cattle.
Range Grant couuty.
Driskeli, W. E., Heppner, Or. Horses branded
K inside of O on left shoulder. Cattle same ou
left side of neck.
Ely, J. B. Jt Sons, Douglas, Or. Horees brand
ed ELY ou left shoulder, cattle same on left
hip. hole in right ear.
Elliott, Wash., Heppner, Or. Diamond on
right Bhoulder.
tfiek. Ralph, Prairie City, Or Horses, R F on
right shoulder; cattle, on right hip. .Range in
Grant county.
Eleek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7F
connected on right shoulder; cattle, same on
right hip. Earmark, hole in right and crop
off left.
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on
right hip; horses, J? with bar under on right
Florence, S. P. Hoppner, Or. Horses, F on
right shoiildei ; cattle, F on right hip or tliigh.
Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. GAX on left
Goble, Frank, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7 F on
left stitle; cattle, same on right hip.
Oilman-French. Land and Livr Stock fVi.. Tran
sit, Or. Horses, anchor 8 on left shoulder; vent,
same on left stifle. Cattle, same on both hips;
ear marks, crop off right ear and underbit in left.
Range iu Gilliam, Grant, Crook aud Morrow
Gentry. Elmer. Echo. Or. Horses branded H.
9. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle.
Range in Morrow and Umatillaconnties.
00 on left shoulder and stifle; cattle, on right
side. Range in Grant county.
Hams, James, Hardman Or. Horses shaded
2 on lef i shoulder; cat tie same on left hip. liauge
in and about Hardman.
Hajes. Geo.. Lena. Or, Brand JH connected,
with quarter cirel over it, on left shoulder.
limit A. B., Ridge, Or. Cattle, round-top
with quarter circle under it on the right hip.
Ranee in Morrow and Umatillacounties.
Hin ton tV Jeuks, Hamilton, Or Cattle, two bare
on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left.
Horses, J ou right thigh. Range in Grant county.
Hughes, Samuel, Wagner, Or T FLon right
shoulder on horses; on cattle, on right hip and on
left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left.
Range in Haystack district, Morow county.
Hall. Edwin, John laj. Or. Cattle E Hon right
hip; horses same ou right Bhoulder. Fangein
Grant county. ,
Hughes. Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses, shaded:
heart on the left shoulder. Range Morrow Co. ,
Huusaker, B i, Wagner. Or. Horses, on left
Bhoulder: caitie. 9 on left hip.
Hard is ty, Albert, Nye. Oregon Horses. AH
connected, on left shoulder; Cattle on the left
hip, crop off left ear,
Humphreys, J M. Hardman, Or. Horses, H on
lef? ti auk
Hiatt, Wm. E., Ridge, Or. Horses branded
bar cross ou left shoulder: cattle same on left
Hayes, J. M., Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglass
on left shoulder cattle, same on right hip.
Ivy, Alfred, Long Creek. Or Cattle I D on
right hip. crop off left ear and bit in right. Horses
same brand on left shoulder, Range n Grant
Huston. Luther, Eight Mile, Or. Horse H on
the left shoulder and heart oa the left stiHe Cat
tle same on left hip. liange in Morrow county, i
Jenkins. D. W..Mt. Vernon.Or. J on horses on !
left shoulder; ou cattle, J on left hip and two
smooth crops on both ears. KauKeia Fox and.
Bear vall.'l a .
Junkin, a. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, horse-'
shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the Bams, j
Hange on Eight Mile.
J ohneon. t'elix, Lena, Or. HorseB. circle T on
left stitie; cattle, aame on right hip, under half (
orop in right and split in left ear I
Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
KNY on left hip, cattle same and crop off left
,r; nnder elope on the right
Keller, Richard, Rlanton. Grant county. Or.
E E in square, cattle on loft hip; horses same
on left shoulder. Rung Bt-er vallev.
Kirk, J. T., HeppiKT. Or. ilorsts 68 on left
shonlder; can it-, ..if on lf,t hip.
Kirk. J t , licppner. Or.- Horses. 17 on either
Hark: catt. 1" on right sid.
Kirk. Jesnf, Heppner. Or.: horse 11 on lft
shoulder; cattle mi no on light side, underbit on
right t"-tr.
Kuuilierland.W.G., Mount Vernon, Or.-l Loll
cattle ou right aud left sides, swadow fork in 1 ft
ear and under ciop iu right ear. Horses same
brand ou left shoulder. Range in Grant county.
Keeuey, Eli, Hi-ppuer, Or. Horses J L and
ace of clubs on left stifle. Range in Umatilla
and Morrow counties
Lesley, M C, AloUument, Or- A triaiigleaTijwith
all hues extending pa t body of figure on - hor
ses ou left shoulder, ou cattle diamond ou left
shoulder, split iu iigh. auQ u"Ue. t-it iu left ear
Range iu Grant countyaud to parts of John Day
Leahey, J W, Heppner Or. Horses branded L
M on left shoulder; call le same on left hip; wat
tie over right ey three sliis iu right ear.
Loft en, Htepnen, Iox, Or. M L on left hip
on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses
same brand ou left shoulder. Range Grant
Lietifillen, John W., IjTi-7 -- Or. Horses
branded half oil cle J L connected on left shoul
der. Cattle, sauit ou left hip. Range, near Lex
ington. Lord. George. Heppner. Or. Horses branded
double H coi.uectt .Sometimes culled a
swing H, on left shoulder.
Maxweil, M . 8., Gooseberry. Or. Horses brand
ed long link on left shoulder; cattle, same ou
lef i hip. fcar mark, under bit in left ear.
Minor, Owcar, Huppner, Or. Cattle, M D on
right hip; horse. M on left shoulder.
Morgan, ti. N., Heppner, Or. HorseB, M )
on left shouldei cattle same on left hip.
AlcCutnber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses. M with
bar over on right shoulder.
Mani.. B. ti., .Lena, Or. Horses -old mares ZZ
on right hip; young stuck, small zz ou left
Morgan, Thos., Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
T ou left shoulder and left tliigh; cattle, L on
right thigh.
fll itcheil. Oscar, lone, Or, Horses, 77 on right
hip; cattle. 77 on right side.
MeClaren, D. G., Brownsville, Or, Horses,
Figure 5 on each shoulder, cattle. M2 on hip
McKeru.W. J.. Mount Veruou. Or XI ou cattle
on right hip, crop in right ear. half crop m left
same brand ou horses ou left hip. KaUtie in Graut
McCarty, David II., Echo, Or. Horses branded
DM connected, ou the left shoulder; cattle same
on hip and side.
McGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe
with toe-cork ou cattle ou ribs and under in
each ear; horses same braud on left stifle.
MeHaley, U. V., Hamilton, Or. On Horses, H
with half circle uuder on left shoulder; on Catt le,
four bars connected ou top on the right side
Range iu Grant County.
Weal. Andrew. Loue Rock. Or. HorseB A N con
nected on left shoulder: cattle same on both hips.
Newman, W. R., Heppner, Or. Horses N
with half circle over it on left Bhoulder.
Nordyke, E., Silverton. Or. Horses, circle 7 on
left thigh; cattle, same on left hip.
Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A 2 on cattle
on left hip; on horses, same ou left thigh. Range
in Grant county.
Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on left
sin iu.de t.
Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cattle, O
LP connected ou left hip; horses on left stifle
and wartle on nose. Range in Grant county.
Pearson, Oluve, Eight Mile. Or. Horses, quar
ter circle shield on left shoulder and '2A on left
hip. . at lie, fork ia left ear, right cropped. 24
on left hip. Range on Eight Mile.
Parker A Gloason, 11 ardnian, Or, Horses IP on
left shoulder.
Piper, J. H Lexington. Or. HorseB, JE con
nected oi left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip.
under bit in each ear.
Patberg, Henry Lexington, Or. Horses brand
ed with a Romai, crows on left shoulder; cattle
branded with liomau cross, bar at bottom, on
left hip.
Petiys, A. C, lone, Or.; horses diamond P on
,77 .shoulder; cattle, J H J connected, on tho
left hip, upper slope in left ear aud slip in the
Potter, Dan, Lexington Horses branded MP
connected ou left shoulder; cattle same on right
Powell, JohuT., Dayville. Or-Horsos, JP con.
nec. ed oil left shoulder. ( ;aitle OK connected on
left hip, two under half crops, one on each ear,
wattle uuuerthroal. Range iu Graiitcounty.
Ricbard, G. D., Canyon City, Or. F C on left
shoulder, on horses only, ltauge Canyon oreek
and Bear valley, Orant county.
Rood, Andrew, Hardman, Or. Horses, square
oroMh with quarter-circle over it on loft stifle.
Reninger, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, C R on
left shoulder.
Rice. Dan, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel
worm fence ou left shoulder; ca:tle, DAN on
right shoulder. Range near Hardman.
Kudio, Wm. Long Creek, Or.-Brands horses
K or. right shoulder. Range. GrantaudMorrow
IloyHo, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V ou
left shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed ou
ngnt hip and crop off right eur. Range in Mor
row county.
Rush Bros., Heppner, Or. Horses branded X
on the right bhoulder; cattle, IX on the left hip,
crop oft left ear and dewlap on neck. Range a;
Morrow and adjoining counties.
Rust, William, Pendleton, Or. Horses R on
left shoulder; cattle, R on left hip, crop oil
right ear, underbit on left ear. Wheep. R ou
weathers round crop off righ ear. Range Uma
tilla and Morrow cmutius.
Retuiey, Andrew, Lexington, Or. Horses
branded A R on right shoulder, vent quartei
circle over brand; cattle same on right hip.
Range Morrow county.
Royse, Wm. H, Dairyville, Or HR connected
with quarter circle over top on cattle ou right hip
and crop off right oar and split iu left. Horses
same brand on left shoulder, itauge in Morrow
Grant aud Gilliam counties.
Hitler, J F, Hitter, Or Three parallel bars
with bar overou horsos on left hip; on cattle, left
side, two smooth crops, two splits in each ear,
Range iu Middle Fork of John Day.
Rector. J. W., Heppner, Or. Horses. JO o
left shoulder. Cattle, o on right hip.
Spickimll. J W., Gooseberry, Or.- Horses
branded 31 on left shoulder; laugo in Morrow
Wpruy, J. F Heppnor, Or.-Horses brandodbr
connected oi. right shoulder; cattle same on both
bailing, C 0 Heppner, Or Horses branded S A
on iett shoulder; cattle same on left hip.
Swaggart, B. F., Lexington, Or. Horses 2
wit h Rush under it on left stifle; cattle H with
das i under it on right hip, crop off right ear and
waddled on right hind leg. itange iu Morrow.
Gilhamand Umatillacounties.
Swnggurt. A. L Ella. Or. Horses branded 3
on leit shoulder; cettle same ou left hip. Clou
on ear, wattle on left hied leg.
Btraight W. E., Heppnor, Or. Horses shaded
J b ou leti stifle; cattle J H ou left hip. swallow
fork m right ear, underbit iu left.
b'waggari. L, Alpine, Or. Horses, 8 S on right
bapp, Thos., Heppner, Or. Horses, H A P on
left tup; catth- same on left hip.
ghirUfi. James, Long Creek, Or.-Horses. S oil
left stifle and over t on left shoulder.
bhrier.John, Fox, Or. NO connected on
horses on right hip; cattie, same on right hip
crop oft right ear and under bit in left ear. Range
in Grant county.
i tmitU Mr,w" Johu 1)fl'' 0r-H Z op cattle on
le t shoulder.
Stephens. V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses HSon
right stifle; cattle horizontal L ou the right side
blevensou, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattie H
on right hu ; swallow-fork in left ear.
Bwaggart. G. W.. Heppner, Or.-Honea, 44 on
left shouldei ; cattle, 44 on left hip
Stewart, Geo., Hardmau, Or. Horses circle
or left shoulder.
Stone. Ira. Bikleton, Wash, -HorseB, keystone
on left shoulder.
Smith, E. E. Lone Rock, Or. Horsea branded
a crossed seven on left shoulder; cattle same on
leftside. Range, Uillmm county.
Sperry, E. G.. Heppner, Or. - CHttle W C on
left up, crop off right and underbit iu left year,
dewlap; horses W Con left shoulder.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner. Or.-Horses, Z on
left Bhoulder; cattle, H on left shoulder.
lippete, S. X., Lena, Or.-Horses. C- on left
1?XTT m W'E HpPPer- Or.-Small capital T
left shoulder, horses; cattle stune on left hio
with split in both eare. v
Thornton, II. M. lone, Or.-Horses branded
H I connected mi eft stitie; sheep name brand.
anuerpool, H. T Lena, Or, Horses HV con
nected on right shoulder ;cat tie, same on right
VValbridge. Wm.. Hem
on llie. left shoulder; CHlUe Bams on right hio'
orl,.V." Ju,t eM anii ri",lt ear loijpud.
...., ,,u Dtuom or Uonpner, Or.
HortKM brundwl J4 on tlio left sUouidor. liauM
Jlorrow conntv. B
. VUrreu, ft H. Caleb, Or-Cattle. W with quarter
circle over it, on left side, split iu rieht ear
Horse BHine brand on left shuulder. Kaunein
(intut couuty. h
Wood. I' I,. Dawll o nn... i
left BtiUe; on cattle, i on left side and under bit
in Iett ear. Kauge in Orant county.
ttriKht, tiila, A. llepimer. Or. Cattle branded
B V on ttie ntJ it hi!,. H.iiutre t,,i. -I..!..
and split in left.
Wallace, Francis. Mount Vernon. fji-fi,,...
cattie oa the left hip. upper elope in ihe left
ear and under elope in r.KUt ear. rjame brand
on hornee on rielit shoulder, liauge in Harney
and tl rant county.
Webster, J. 1. Hennner. Or.-K.. h..ni
wnh bar over J on nnht Bhoulder; cattle Barao
on right hip. crop off left ear and split in each,
hrtiitte. Morrow county.
Hade, Henry. HeDuner. Or.-Hnmo.
ace oi epadee on loft shoulder and left hin
Cattle branded same on left side and left hip
ft ells. A. ., Heppner, Or. Horses, on left
shoulder: catt e same.
VolrinKer. John, John l)ay City Or-On horses
three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sheep
bit m both ears. Kausje in Grant and Malhuer
w j land, J H, Hardman, Or. Circle C on left
oodward. John. Hennner. fir ltnu
connected on left shoulder. '
Watkms, Lishe. Heppner, Or. Horses branded
L h. connecteo on left stitie.
Wallace, Charles, Portland. Or. Cattle, W on
riKM thigh, holt in left ear; horses, W on risht
shoulaer. Bom sameon left shoulder.
Whittier Bros., Drowsy, Harney sounty, Or. .
Horses branded W B. connected on left shonlder
Williams, Vasco. Hamilton, Or. Quarter cir-
cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and
horses. Kauge tirant county.
Williams. J O. Long Cr eek. Or Horses qnar
ter circle over three bars on left hip; cattle same
aj'd slit in each ear. liauge in Grant county,
W ren. A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses running A A
on shoulder; Cattle, same on nght hiD.
xoung. J. Gooseberry, Or. Horses branded
1 T S on the right shoulder.