Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 24, 1892, Image 3

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ri 'nosh dt'sirini; tliu iunei lion of illnplay mln.,
1 ur rir.u.,i m -'AHie, must get their copy In
i;ot Iiiut llniii Momliiy evening for Tuesday's
edition, or Jhursduy evening for Fridays edi-
lltii 1I1K I'.VTTKHhON l'L" BUSH INU Co.
l Ttio sum of llvo ccnta per line will ho
churned for "t'lirda of thtuiku," "resolutions of
respect," lints ot wedding presents and donors,
mid oliitmiry notices, (other than those the edit
or si-Hll liinisell give as ft matter ot newB.) and
unri.'t-Koi snei-ial meetings for whatever mtrDose.
J. Notices ot church and society and all other
entertainments Irom which revenue is to be de
rived, shall he charged for at the rate of live
cents a line. J nese rules win oe strictly auner
ed lo in eery instance.
Advcrlising ralesreusonable and made known
upon application.
Give your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Hepn-
net: Patronize those who patronize
Here and There.
Piouiii, .
A grand excursion.
Don't forget the pienio.
1 T. W. Ajers, Jr., fur druga. 08 bw
Kipinis Tubules cure nausea.
H. K. Aiathews, the barber, is in Port
land this week,
Wooly Clark is over for a short btay
from Pendleton.
A btiBket piunii, that means take your
baskets well filled.
Daily stage both ways between Monu
ment and Long Creek. tf.
Mrs. J. J. Huberts is prepared to do
all kinds of plain Bewiug. 65-tf
D. C. Cohoo, of Monument was in the
city the first of the week.
Ford, the paintor, still "iu it." B'or
uuy kind of work see him. 81 -tf.
Mr. LeffliT and Bon wore in our neigh
borhood attur wood recently,
Minn Nettie and Bertha Oopple were in
our neighborhood laHt.Tuesduy,
The genial face of A. G- Bartholomew
was Been on our streets Wednesday.
E. 0. Wo'Jibill and Win. Rudio re
turned to Long Creek Wednesday morn
ing. tieo. Koder and J as. 13eek, w ool men
-from Long Creek, are spending the week
iu town.
Jacob Johnson, of Uooseberry, has been
iu town several daye. He has a tine clip
of wool for sale.
There will be no preaching Sunday at
the M E. church, Houtb. Sunday-school
in the afternoon .
I'ap tiimons & Son still shoe horses
and do general blacksmithing at the old
stand Matiock corner. 55.
The Lofton Brothers and Geo. Bow
mau, of i'ox valley, were in town with
their wool Tuesday.
"The Parlor," W. F. Ruark, prop., in
the City hotel, west side of Main street.
Neatest place in Heppner. sw
Mayor Matlock left for the mountains
this morning with supplies for his sheep
cnmpB. He will be gone several days.
Hiyu ketehum whiskers. Hatt &
Mathews, at the oity barber shop the
place to get a firat-class shave, hair-out
or shampoo. tf.
Miss Let ha Matlock, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Taylor at Pull
man, ttash. for the past six mnntbs, re
turned home last Wednesday evening.
To strengthen the hair, thicken the
.11. ....... kl,..,,.!,.., ...,rl fullintr
out, and where it is gray to restore the
youthful color, use Hall's Hair Kenewor.
J. M. Leezer, of Pendleton, is spending
a tew days in the oity visiting bis broth
ers, J. V. and Sara Letzer, of the City
Hotel. The visiting brother is a profes
sional druggist.
Dr. W. Tackman, the dentist, will be
found at Dr. li. h Vaughan's office, Lee
er building. Does all tue latest orown
and bridge work, alluminum platen, etc.
Don't miss the opportunity. 487-tf
Mr. B. 11. Catenas disposed of his But
ter Creek ranch to Wilson Jones and will
locate on hiB ranch at Ridge, Umatilla
county. Mr. Cate informs us that every
thing is looking very well over in that
The oarup-meetmg at Khea oreek will
probably close Huuday evening. Rev.
G. H. Gibbs of Dayton, was called home
this week. Rev. Larkins of Mountain
Gulley, is now assisting the pastor, Rev.
P, M. Bell.
Arrangements have been made with
the railroad oompany, to run an exour
sion train from Heppner to Lexington
on the eventng of the Fourth, to accom
modate those wishing to attend the ball
ot the latter place. 500-8
It is conjectured that a specific may
yet be found for every ill that flesh is
heir to. However this may be, oertainly
the best speoitio yet found for diseases
of the blood is Aver's Sarsaparilla, and
most diseases originate from impure
The greatest exeursion of the season
will be the one to Bonneville! Sunday,
June 20. A special rate of 2.50 has
been secured from Heppner to Bonne
ville Bnd return, a total distance of 312
miles. Cheap enough, isn't it? Every
body's going.
Sheriff Noble reoeived a telegram yes
terday morning from The Dalles, stating
'that his daughter was seriously ill at the
home of her grandmother, Mrs. Gray,
where she was visitiug. Mrs. Noble left
on yesterday morning's train to see and
care for her daughter.
Heppner has presented a lively appear
ance of late. The wool teams have been
ooming in by the dozen some days. No
sooner is the crop sold than the owner
proceeds to some one of the local mer
chants and lays in his provisions by the
hundred dollar lot. Some stores are do
ing a business ot 81000 a day. The wool
season will last until about Aug 1st.
The people of Lexi ngton have prepared
an elaborate programme for the Fourth
of July oelebration to be held at Pen
land's grove, which bus been tastily fit
ted up. There will be music by the
Lexiugton cornet band. Tbe amuse
ments will consist of various kinds of
foot races, in which prizes are offered.
A ball-room program is arranged for af
ternoon and evening. 499-593
H. A. Thompson, of the Heppner sta-it-s,
met with qnite a 'painful accident
Wednesday eveniDg. Cbet Sargent, while
in the stables, in an Inadvertent manner
as if to strike him in play, thrust a pitch
fork toward him, which overreached its
intended distance and struck the side of
Mr. Thompson's faoe, one tine punotur
ing the chin, another the lower jaw, and
a third the back of the head. While not
serious, the accident is annoying.
Doubtless the person wrjo sent us tbe
correspondence more than a month Bgo,
under the signature of "Link," from
Hardman, wondered why the article nev
er appeared. To this person we will say
that as the letter was addressed to "E
Cassette," tbe noslmaster did not know
whom it teas for; he even advertised it
in tbe Gazette and we did Dot recognize
it. The letter laid in tbe office for more
than a month, until some one suggested
that perhaps it was intended for the Ga
zette. On opening it we found this con
jecture to be correct. To this corres
pondent we engsjest that he address all
letters to "Gazette" or "Heppner Ga
zette," w hen they will doubtless reach ub
more promptly.
Mr. John Reed, a farmer of Jordan
Fork, and Mrs. Anna Loder, for some
years a resident of this oounty, having
recently been employed at the Palace
hotel ,of this plaoe, were married Wed
nesday morning at the residenoe of Geo.
Noble, by Judge Keithly.
A gentleman under forty years of age,
whose hair is rapidly becoming thin and
gray, began the use of Ayer's Hair
Vigor, and in six months his hair was re
stored to its natural color, and even more
than its former growth and richuees.
A number of tbe wool buyers are pro
testing vigorously against the dillatory
action of the railroad company in fur
nishing cars for the Bhipment of wool.
Some have been obliged to wait fromflv
to seven days.
D. Grant's Cloalo, the great dyspepsia
oonquerer, will positively oure dyspepsia
and all its kindred ailments. Every bot
tle sold under a positive guarantee to
effect a oure or money refunded. See ad.
in this issue. tf.
We are in receipt of an invitation to
attend the grand I. O. O. F. ball, given
by Vesper Lodge, No. 115, 1. O. O. F., of
Long Creek, Or., Monday evening, July
4, 1892, The boys anticipate a grand
All those who are owing the old firm
of Messrs. Kirk & Hayes, either by note,
which is now due, or account, will please
settle same at once. Remember these
gentlemen must have money to settle
bills. 499-507
A. S. Haines, post master of Eight
Mile, made us a call this morning. He
Bays spring grain is drying out in that
section, but that fall sown crops promise
a liberal harvest.
Thompson & Binnaown tbe buss which
goes to and from tbe City hotel, but will
oall for parties desiring to go to train in
any part of tbe city. Leave orders at
City hotel. 91-tf
E. S. Cox, the Hardman merchant, was
in town today doing business. He says
Hardman is preparing for a glorious oel
ebration on tbe Fourth.
Newer and neater quarters at the
Palaoe Hotel's north business room.
Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see
his old friends there. Baths in connec
tion. Mr. aud Mrs. J. H, MoHally returned
yesterday from a visit to their ranch on
Long Creek. Mr. M. has 100 sacks of
wool for sale.
Tbe Bucbler beer, 5 oents per glass, at
the Columbia Beer Hall, Osmers &
Hughes, props., next door to M. Lioh
tenthal & Co.'s shoe store. sw tf
Fred Miller, the tailor, is doing busi
ness on lower Main street opposite the
City hotel. Don't overlook him in tbe
S. M. Griffith, of Heppner, sold a ohioe
dip of 16,000 pounds ot wool this week,
at a good figure.
Call on Lishe Sperry, down at the
Belvedere, when in town. Keeps on
hand a fine stock of liquors and cigars.
Supt. W. L. Saling will attend tbe
State TeaoberB' Convention at Portland
next week.
When in Arlington, stop at the "Ben
nett bouse, near the depot. 61-ft
W. B. Potter is on the sick list.
Partner Wanted. Mr. A. Abraham
sio, tbe taylor, desires a partner in the
tailoring, ready-made clothing and dry
goods business. $1000 capital required.
A good stand and liberal patronage as
sured. Correspond with A. Abrahamsic,
Heppner, Oregon. . 498-506
Opals Cot and Polished. Messrs.
Colwell & Caldwell, lapidists, make a
specialty of polishing all kinds of opals,
and cutting them into settings for watch
charms, rings, etc Charges reasonable,
and satisfaction guaranteed. Oillce'2451
Morrison street, Portland, Or, 500-6t
Tailoring Establishment : Fred
Miller has opened np a tailoring estab
lishment on lower Main street, opposite
the City hotel. Fred ia a first-olass work
man, and you will make no mistake by
placing your orders for summer and fall
clothing with him. C01-8
Grand Ball. Grand preparations are
being made for the ball in the grove at
Lexington on the Fourth. A platform
50x100 will be built. So there will be
room for every one, The servioes of the
Heppner orchestra have been prooured
for the afternoon and evening. Supper
will also be served in the grove at 6 p.
m. Everyone should make arrange
ments to remain until after the evening
festivities. 500-3
The Dalles Citt Election. The city
eleotion at The Dalles paBBed off very
quietly Monday. There were 660 votes
cast and tbe following officers elected:
Mayor, Robert Mays; recorder, Frank
Menifee; marshal, Dan Maloney ; treas
urer, Louis Rourden; commissioner at
large, J. O. Mack ; water commissioners,
1st ward, O. C. Hollister; 2nd ward, W.
H. Wilson; oounoilmen, 1st ward, C. F.
Lauer; 2nd ward, Tbos. Joles.
Basket Pionio and Excursion. A
grand basket picnic aud excursion will
be given by the order of railway conduct
ors, at Bonneville, Sunday, June 20, '92.
A special rate has been secured over tbe
Northern, Southern and Union Paoifio
lines. Bonneville is located on the D.
P. 41 miles east of Portland, consequent
ly the distanoe from Heppner is 156
miles. A special rate of $2 50 for tbe
round trip from Heppner has been Be
oured, whion you will note is very low,
even less than one cent per mile. Tick
ets are on sale at T. W. Ayers' and Slo-
cum& Johnson's drug stores, Thornton's
oigar stand and at the depot, ror fur
ther information apply to H. C. French,
oonduotor, or J. 0. Hart, agent, at Hepp
ner station. Train will leave tbe depot
at 6 o'olook sharp. Remember the rate
and date
The Methodist campmeetins at Lexington,
opens Its session todaj in the new grove near
the mill. The grove Is nicely fitted up tor the
Miss Mattic Voruz. who closed her school at
Lexington last Friday, will take charge of a
school on Willow creek, In the vicinity of Ham
ilton's sawmill, next Monday.
vn, T w Mutlnck. accom nanied bv her
daughters. Lethaand Itha, returned from Pull
man, Wasn., luesoay eveiuuK, wucic.hcj i.n.o
been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Taylor, for sev
eral weeks.
A B. Mackoy, of Sand Hollow, wa arrested
Wednesday on a charge of stealing bores from
Jno. T. .vicCredy. of Klickitat county, Wash.
Mr McCredy was deputized in person to make
the arrest, and returned with his prisoner yes
June 20, 1HV2:
Brown, James (iardner, Y C
Rarcin, Dan Cotredard Cassette, E
Hatch, Unas
Morgan, Jamie Koot, All
Please ay "Advertised" when calling forthese
letters A- Maiaohy. P. M.
Buhl, the baker. Buy your bread and
cakes and save money. Try it. a.
A fine lot of imported Shot Guns at
Thompson A Co'b at bargain prior, do
jobbers profits.
! JYL LiicDientnai a u j
j eeived a tine lot of ladies' kid, button
I and tie shoes. At bottom prices. a
H. Blackman Co. have an exclusive
General Meohandise store. Stockmen
! cannot do better than patronize H.
I Blackman A Co., of Heppner'i Pioneer
i Brick.
rKUHOtiS. Tbe Seattle Telegraph publishes what
it ot.lla "a comparison of what the two
states are receiving from the present con
gress," as follows:
Cascade I 5 000
Same, for continuation of w ork 1 310 500
Dalles..." 250 000
ftime, for continuation of work 2 B10 350
Mouth of Columbia river ... H00 000
Upper Willamette Mi 000
Lower Willamette 150 000
Coo bay 210 000
Yaquiua 5 000
Tillamook 16 000
Three other Items aggregate 10 000
Total 5 8S5 m
Gray's harbor f M 000
Olympia 35 000
Seattle 200 000
Cowlitz 3 000
Pugot Sound, etc 15 000
Mwinoniish 25 000
Nasel 1 500
Vancouver 33 ooo
Wlllapa IS 000
Upper Columbia and Snake 10 000
Total tW W0
The trouble with this sort of a classi
fication is that it ignores the fact that
every dollar appropriated for the Colum
bia river is as rouob for tbe benefit of
Washington as for Oregon. Remember
ing this fact, the totals would stand :
Oregon :! 107 955
Washington 2 867 925
Of oourse, tbe Sound cities are not
anxious to see the Columbia river open
ed, so as to give tbe producers of Eastern
Washington a natural and easy outlet for
their products. They prefer that all the
wheat and other surplus products of
Eastern Washington Bhould be tugged
over the Cascade mountains to tbe Sound ;
but that ia no legitimate excuse for the
oonstant misrepresentation that tbe ap
propriations for tbe Columbia river are
solely for Oregon. They are for the ben
efit of Eastern Oregon and Eastern Wash
ington equally, or rather more for the
benefit of Eastern Washington, beoause
it has a much larger quantity of surplus
products tributary to tbe Columbia than
Eastern Oregon has.
Tbe Lake Washington canal is essen
tially a looal improvement; the opening
of tbe Columbia river is for the vast ben
efit of tbe whole Inland Empire.
In hygieuic matters the Japanese have
everywbera a habit which may have a
lesson for us. In tbeir nightly bath and
morning wash tbe water is never oold,
never warm, but always bot as it oan be
borne. To foreigners this babit seems
very surprising, but the most inveterate
Englishman, if he stays in tbe country
long enough, abandons bis cold tub in
its favor. Tbe cold-taking which it is
suspected must follow It is not found to
ocour if tbe water baa been hot enough.
This heat ia maintained by a little fnr
naoe beneath tbe bath. In tbe bath the
bather or bathers take a prolonged soak
ing, the washing proper being done on
the bath-room floor; then follows a sec
ond and final soaking, drying with a tow
el aud a lounge in bathing-wrapper.
This habit seems to promote softness and
suppleness of the skin and by persons
inclined to rheumatism is soon found to
be altogether preferable to tbe oold bath
in every particular. The poorest of the
Japanese hear of a cold bath with amass
ment and would be sure the man who
used-it must be a barbarian. New York
Commercial Advertiser.
The World Knriched.
The facilities of tbe present dav for tbe
production of everything that will oou
duce to tbe material welfare and oom
fort of mankind are almost unlimited,
and when Syrup of Figs was iirBt pro
duced tbe world was enriched with the
only perfect laxative known, as it is tbe
only remedy which ia truly pleasing and
refreshing to tbe taste and prompt and
effectual to cleanse tbe system gently in
tbe spring time or, in faot, at any time
and tbe better it is known tbe more pop
ular it becomes.
Minor Bros, are now selling Hour at
bed rook prioes. For cash only. See
new ad. a
Wheat, bu 60o
Flour.bbl 4 60
Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. 1 75
11 11 three 2 25
Sheep, muttons, head 2 253 00
" atook 2 '25
Hogs, on foot, cwt $5 00
Hogs, dreBsed 6 50
Wool 12 14
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 35
Eggs, doz 15
Chickens, doz 2 50 (3 3 00
Wheat, cwt 1 40 1 45
Flour.bbl 3 00 05 6 00
Beeves, stall fed 7 00 7 25
Motions, owt 8 00 (0.10 00
Hogs, owt 3 50 tf 5 25
Wool Eastern Oregon.. 10 to 17
Butter, B) 15 19
Eggs, doz 18 20
Cbiokens, doz 5 50fepl200
Turkeys, lb 15 ( 20
Wheat, cwt 30 1 35
Flour.bbl 3 00 n t 50
Beeves, owt 2 00(0; 3 00
' dressed 4 500J800
Muttons, live sheared... 3 50 3 75
dressed 860gB900
Hogs, on foot 5 00550
" dressed 7 00 8 00
Wool Eastern Oregon... 9 kt 14
Butter.... 15 Q 25
Eggs, doz 18(2 20
Chickens, doz 5 00 C 0 00
Turkeys, lb 17
Pan-nu and Minors, Take Notice,
Minors on tbe streets after 9 p. m.,
will be run in and fined. Take notice
and save unnecessary trouble and ex
pense. J. W. Rasmtjh,
487-tfsw. Marshal.
ladtfMtlML, BIIImmm Im4m(M, Cwirtl
OffeMtv BrtaU, mm fell tftar4rt T hm
ftlMWth, LItt mmd BmraU.
Rlptnt TaJnk contain natUatg lojnrtou to
tbe mct dtUoU eoiutltutluK. PUuit to U,
S Hold by dnunrl. A trlaJ tti Mat bj uQ
H. Blackman & Co.,
General Merchandise !
VyK AHE STILL SELLING OUT our stock of Goner
it al merchandise, but to innko it more complete, we hare
purchased a stock consisting o
Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Furn
ishing Apparel, Etc.,
That will be sold at greatly reduced prices for cash only. Call
and investigate and we will be pleased to wait on you. No
trouble to show goods.
Pioneer Brick Siore - plain street, iwm.
Will positively euro Dyspepsia and all ita kindred ailments..
Every bottle soM on a Pwiiive ituarantee to erlect a
cure or money refunded. Retail price, fl.00.
0r. Grant's Kidney and Liveb Curk. For
the cure of Brijiht's Dibchbr, Diabetes, BilinuB
ncBB, Hick-Headache, mid all Kidney troubles.
Dr. (Irant'b Syrup of Wild flRAPK Root.
The great blood purifier aud syRtcm tonic.
Purely vegetable, and is the product of Onn
Soil. Retail price.fl.OO.
The Great Female Remedy !
For tlie euro of diseases and complaints peculiar to females. Re
tail price, one dollar.
Prepared By The O. W. R. Manf. Co.,
81S JT'x-oxlt Btrcot, Portlniicl. Oregon.
For Sale by all Druggists. 471-lyr-f.
New Warehouse.
Is ready to receive wool on storage for
sale or shipment, and also to do a gen
eral forwarding business.
Ship care of
T. W. AYERS, Jr., Druggist,
Will locate in Heppner's new brick, next to City Hotel.
PHIL COHN will also be asso-
ciated with the business, and after that date the firm name will be
t. w. a.yh:iis & CO.
The boys will be pleased to have their many old frimids call on
them at their new location.
TI. A. Thompson
Tie Heppner Livery, Feei and Sale Stable
Below Cofflu 6i MoKorlawl's, Main Street.
Good Conveyance for Traveling Men.
Teams to hay per day, 75 ots. Hiiy nnd grain per day. $1.25. Menls 25 cts. at
at 0. C. Burueaut's, next door to Feed Htable. (jrniu and
baled buy always on band.
Change of Ownership
wbioh wo propose to conduct in the moat satisfactory manner. Will keep
on hands at all times the ehoioest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
.. . nrnnn tfl
f , ' in in ,i irir-fTil
rurllleS IDG Dbuvv, vares tvniituAti'f.t .i
v ilh FarMmilt Signaturi ofEML FRE8L. i,
REOINQTGN ft CO. Aaemri, San FRAHOtsoa
Dr. Grant's Wonder OiL.The great rheu
matic cure. Retail price, fiOc.
Pr. Grant's Cholera and Diaruhoea Cure.
ReUul price, uuc.
Or. a ha nt' 8 Maoic Tain Cube. The great
household remedy; an internal and external
remedy. Retail price, 2b ets.
& McCAH'rY,
J 'ronrietorH.
inHairiDIVKklt I V TWfif UTWlM
A Conglomeration of Ideas
and a ....
Concatenation of Events
Has induced us .....
to put in the Largest Stock of the
Ever Placed before
Appreciate this Fortuitiou; Comb:nati:n
And you will be the blessed possessor ;
of some Real Bargains.
Also constantly on hand a full stock of Dry
Goods, Clothing, Groceries and Provisions,
Guns, Pistols, Ammunition and everything else
pertaining to a well selected stock in a General
Merchandise Store.
MINOll BliOS.,
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Made on Siiokt Notick ani at Pm'Ut,.vn I'kk'kw.
8" Bread 23 Loaves for $1.00.' "' ' " '
O. B. FAKXSWOKTir. Pm. E. CI. SPKKJtr, Vice. Pim, K H. HlSiWP, Trmtum:
T. E. FELL, Secretary and Manager.
lie Morrow County Land & Trust Companv
OA PITA L STOCK, $100,000.00. PA ID UP, $25,000.00.
Incorporated 1888. -
WGofflnniiil Forwarding Agents.
Operating Warehouwit at ffrpfjuer, lone and Doit(jhi on the
Heppner liraneh of the U. V, It M. '
O. K. KarnswoLPh, J. A. Thompson, l. A. Hcrren,
N t;l tmn Jonen Krtwnnl liny, Win. IVnluiHl,
Kd. K. Uiwhop, Thoroii K. Fell, V. K. Klllott,
K.l. H. Cox, J. A. Woolt'iy, N. A. Kelly,
.1. K. Frlck, O. T. DongltiK, E. G. Nhtit, Anson Wrijrht,
IT IH the pnrpotto of the stockholders of this company to conduct lt huninewt In a manner
inntiuilly MdvunttiKi'oiiH to h1! wool and khUn produce of thin Myctlon, und to mtiiiittiln the
fiivoriihlc, home market which It linn ent!tlillMlied. Jmrinj the coming wool senNun we nolieil
the hiiHineHN of ull wool growers and request them, to send their ulip to tho "Wool (J rowers'
Having enlarged the Heppner Warehouse, mid roofed all plntformB, we have, double tint
storage capacity of any other warehouse in Kanteru Oregon, well lighted for the display of wool
"The Wool Growers' Warehouse."
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
A, W. PATTERSON, AGENT or f ti io wni
First prize at the World s Exposition;
First in Material and Workmanship.
First in the estimation of all practical farmers.
Never equalled for Durability, Exeoukion and LigbtiieM) of Draft coruliinwl.
tf. Comer Mriiu and Willow Streets, Hcppuer Or.
W. J. I.HICICW, lro.
rpllIH HOSTKLUY hns I wen Km irrEU Bnd IIiwn-ihhkii tlironuhnnt, kiiiI iihw
in one of the most inviting places in Heppner. Mr. Leezer invitea vmi in nl(.p
with him, feeling that he in uhle t entertain yon in the hest of ntyle.
r .
First Class Mouse. Reasonable Rates.
Alno Season
For Fruit has Arrived nnd wh
are in the business to mp;i!y you
3Coo Cream
Is .-ibont ripe. Wc will let you
know ill m in l: t 1i:i I in I lie im-m r Tut ui'e
W. L. Matlock & Co.
The Public Gaze
P. C. Thompson,
NtithiuiU'l VVohb,
John Jj. Aytirn,
James Juiich,
A. I). CimPniaii.