Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 21, 1892, Image 4

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1 Si
9 FX '
who are debilitated. and suffering
from Nervous Debility? Seminal Weak-
I .oct Manhood. Rheumatism. Lame
mw KmMFV Troi iblhs. Nervousness
the effects of abuses, excesses, worry and exposure. For such sufferers
in our marvelous invention, which requires but a trial to convince the most skepjcai.
or bv excesses, or exposure, you may have unduly drained your system of nerve iorce
electricity-and ihus caused your weakness or lack of force. If you replace into your
drained which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, and health,
low at once and in a natural way. This is our plan and treatment, and we guarantee a
Send for our Illustrated Iamphlets, free ; sent by mail, scaled.
. Belt is no experiment, as we have restored thousands to robust health ami vigoi,
S i;ia shown hv hundreds of cases throughout this Slate, who would s;!:u ,y
whom we- have strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery alter using our t.e.t.
TUP "Iflm DK, SHnucn
- - . ., . . A f n-Nra winl iimr. nrO OnfCU CUrrcnib
i, a compete Kalvaic battery, made
which are instantly icii w, 'nt it to cure any of the above weaknesses, and to enlarge suramin iimus, u. j.. i,
greatest ton wr tfj n-dTrength to meet all Lges of weakness in young, middle-aged or old men, and will cur
Money Ketunaeo. ii" i.iAr,.
tte -J J , XeCTrTc CO., 172 First St., PORTLAND, QRECOM
Karu u ilti llucorutlve Appearance itli-
uut Great AJilittmiiil '
Most farmers are familiar with tlio
common construction oi uains, out
many of them are at a loss when culled
upon to build burns uf pleasing exterior.
Perhaps You Don't Knowjs,
Wo extend an invitation to nail ami pee free tests at our Clinic,
"Arcade Chambers." Hours i to ;i p. m. Lady Attendants.
We till wall orders same dny received (securely scaled, postpaid).
If not u represented we will refund jour moiii'v.
' QUEEN ANTt-HAIRlNE" removes Heard or fuporllnous
Hair lroia the Kate, Neck aud Arms, or Mule arid llirl liniiirks.
Madeinlo a paste, only a lew minutes application is required, it
in powerful, yet mild in its ef1W:t. It dissolves and dehtiuya the
follicles of the hair without tho slightest p;dn, Injury ordUcnloru
ii.m tolhoinoHtdWitatOBkiii. Try it. One I'rice. fcl.00 per Hot tie.
Allf-PM MA1RINF" to restore and proiuoto the Hair lins no ecpiai. J l is a piiiH". (vaseline
UV( tll-r?i" ...in i tt.ohnir ffillinir mid nrfiVHut dandruff. It cures heal n diseases, and
will IW1
that the root are dead,
Vll DOBitively grow a luxuriant growth of hair unleHH hereditarily num. jiai iiiush is inn, an muicmi.iu
ui poHiuvvi B". , , nrnv . HinL w nhou d woar a covurinir lor the head. When
beepldennl. (-kin) 1 U, . ."SST' . C , 7h 3 TZIZ
lOUnenmCDl tOU TIUlii.J w w. " ,
' SulijT7iiTlriirSR Yvo-mimi form) applied to the perla Mtjt eiccjulTO perSplnllon,
. SrAII.I. , . I7,Si. feet ipil, . im delifhttul and hirmlol remedy. I'riceUc.
lk. r.l?,i.2 J oreMU Tu, Sunburn, f reckle., Pimple, and lilackheod.. Thm re-
.,t?Pl?itG? e.7n" bS e"eened. V .inl. ipplleelioii bu a marvelous effect, and each
i"nri"o"."h. ."TiS7 Try l. '.f .071! H return the bmtle.aad wo
will rfuDd ronr nToner. 0. ilettle will re.lore the eomplejion. Price, 1 .00
MfoTi'ir".: Tour i.reiar.lion lormul.. (after a o.refu ai.aly.i. , T am free in nay m
karSi lod ierT.inTy effeelaaf If u.ed ordi to direelion.. J. V. llee, M D.. 1 ! ree.uan A ve.
BeStbT PO. Order, Kenietered Itver, or Draft to buiue office, and menliuu this paper.
VUV.t. N.mpln 01 oir Boodi and now to be Beautiful" Dent for two stamps.
To keep your Sheep licnltliy, mid i
i:up, I.
A Sure Cure lit Moilerato Cost,
Ilig I'uuipUin Tarullnt;.
The numnlcins shown in the cut are
mammcith affairs, irrown on the Pelhain
ami, in Ulstt-r cimntv, N. Y. From an
acre to au acre ami a half of iimupkins
are grown each year. These are planted
ou sod with plenty of siablo manure
and also some JV' tilizer in the hill. The
hills lire tw nty feet apart. They are
cultivated by borne anl hand as long
us the vines will permit. In time of
drought water is brought m barrels and
poured around each hill. The flowers
are pinched off, so that each vine will
produce but one big fellow. The largest
pumpkins yet grown there weighed 2;lti,
331 and 317 pounds, respectively.
Mr. House, the manager of the Pel
ham farm, is not satisfied with these
weights and proposes to reach 400
nouuds next year. The raising and
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Slav '20,
Notice is hereby given that the' followiuK
nami'il Hi'ttkT has tiled notice of liiR intention to
make dual proof in support of bin claim, and
that Baid proof will he made before i.'otmtv
Clerk ol Morrow Countv. Or., at Heonner. Or.
i on July II, 1MI2, viz:
11. . No. TVJl, for the si, sit!., NW'i W'i
ami SW 14 NWV4 See. a, Twp 1 S. K. 2i, K.
He imiiies the follow iiiK witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
ol, saiu lanu, viz:
John liurtou, W. M. Burton, James Leach and
Jinnee Gentry, all of Heppuer, Or.
I'.il-.'iOl John w. Lkwih, Uogifiter.
, "llanton. Orar.t eonnty, Or.-
ttle on left hip:
HTer litter vaiiel
ieppner-tlr.-liorheB tiy on loir
17 on either
Mixes with cither COM) or WA KM
WAT Kit.
gan Francisco
And all points In California, via the Mt. Hhnsta
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
Th groat highway through California U all
poinU Eaet and South. Grand Ucenlo llouta
ofthoPaclfio (;at. Pullman Buftot,
Sleepers. Hooond-claBS Bloopors
Attnehed to express trains, nffording superior
RWomUlOtttttlOUB Tor BHOOIHl-lliann .u...-..
kT rates, tickets, sloping car ruBervBtions,
onll nnnn or adilresB
i vmrm.KR. Manauer. K. T. ROalSItrl, Asst.
Oen. F. 4 V. Agt., 1'ortlaud, OrcKQ".
National BanR of imw.
President. Cnsliler.
T Nnn-Poisonous. Imnrovca the
and does Not staiu it.
OiTKISTY AS w;.512j
Wool Commission .Mkuchants,
Fiflh and Towuscml Sts., San Francisco
Genuu.u, Aoknts.
For snle bv Hloeum-Johnston Drug Co.
4!!6-474. "
To assist this latter class Country Crpn
tleuinti makes these remarks concerning
the accompanying d'signs:
We give two eugrarings, one represent
ing a baru wnere some aiteuuuu i
to the outside appearance, and the other
one of tho plainest character. 1 no in
terior arrangements of both are nearly
uliko, except that the handsome one, Fig.
4, lias a basement whidi is partly occu
pied with cattle stuU and toolroom,
while Fig. 1 has them on me common
Hoor. Fig. 1 may bo .overed with un
pinned boards and vertcal battens, while
Fig. 2 has vortical bcirds without the
battens. The additiool cost of Fig. 2, as
compared with Fig.l, will not vary
greatly from the tollo'ing:
Additional lumber, nuih and work for
battens ?
Exterior ventilators and;able '
Windows and shutters f'
Previous planting of shao trees 1
Total $125
If the barn is 40 by 0 feet it will cost,
together with the basment, about $L)U0
or If 1,000, covered witlrongh boards, or
$1,200 or $1,000 if thoj they are planed
and painted, and wit. more finish. A
heavy coat of crude JeTOienm, pun on
tho unplatted surfac with a coarse
brush by a common actve laborer, and
requiring not more tlni two barrels of
the oil, will cost $8. I
Readers will decide Iwethor thoy will
uave such a barn as in ig. 2 tor about
Lund Office at La Grande. Or., June 1. IS',12.
Notice is hereby utven that tho followine:
nanicd Hetller has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of hisclaim, ami
that ssid proof will he made before the
county clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, at
Heppuer, Oregon, on Julv Hi, 1VI2, viz.:
Hd No. 4807, for the N1. of N E j, Sec, 21, and K
of N Sec 22, Tn 3 B."H 27 E, W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
c : , . . . ia coin nonius icniueiice opon, aim cumva uou oi
of this crop shows progress if 81ljli lamli viz.
.loiiu N. l'.lder, A. J. McKcnzie, luchard Nev
ille, I). A. Herreu, alt ol Heppuer, Oregon.
t'.i:.-."!.') A. CLF.AVF-lt, licgistcr.
anything ever did, remarks the Rural
New Yorker, to which thanks are due
for the cut. The lesson is that individ-'
:; j . 'i. 4
' Ar"tV7
Forest Grove Poultry Yards.
Mude on Favorable Terms.
Cattle branded Bnd ear markl a Bhown ubovo,
TtZS, "Jti 'm'-w snd Umatilla ooun.
ties I w 11 1" II.UI for the arrest and con
Vioticm of ny lorso.i stoaling my .took.
w l- ,, urif irnu ml, IT. M.f. KINDS OK I'N
W J,lr,...d I.iiiiiher. Ill miles of Heppuer, at
what Is known as tho
Wyaudottes, Plymouth Kooks, Light
liramahs, Rose and Single Comb
llrown Leghorns, Piutridge
Cochins, llondans and Hil
ver Spangled Hambui t's.
i.oeo urn fbwls
Keady lor Delivery.
'Kit 1,0110 FF.F.T, UOIJOII,
.. " " Cl.F.AK,
ifii.isi per I, mm feet
- f 10 00
17 fsj
Wll.l. A Oil
$1,000 or upward, or ontliko Fig. 1 for
$000, not counting the biment in either
case. '
These figures are oijl approximate,
and are liable to muctariation with
the prices of materials al lumber, the
degree of finish given the various
parts, the ability of the trpentor and
tho skill of the owner iitirecting the
..' s -r Tazi"x?'. i t .11
nality pays. The man who grows pump
kins bigger than his neighbors and lets
the people know it will have trade. The
man who mukvs the pumpkins into first
class pies and advertises them will have
to put in new tables to supply his cus
tomers. "Get individuality or get out
of the race!" Mr. House says "there is
no secret in raising big pumpkins." Of
course not. Nature lias no secrets. Her
story rs liko an "open book" to those
who have tho will and the patience to
learn to read it.
Theso big pumpkins are used by res
taurants to attract a big trade in pump
kin pie. Every day, therefore, a dozen
or more of these great fellows may be
seen in front of the restaurant. These
are the best advertisements they can
get. During a season one restaurant
alono used forty-five tons of pumpkins.
In Amorioa, and are the best ou
this coast by a great difference.
Send for Catalogue.
Box 55. com.IWG. I'Wut Grove, Or
Croen Food for Pltry.
Cabbages, Swede turnii or common
white turnips, long oritund, sugar
beets, etc., may connnoiAie purchased
of farmers supposing!0 reader, that
von do not raise yotirWf)
These articles mitv W-Ved in a mod-
llumllton, Itn-Lzr
Scientific American
Anr.riPU ffir
.1 ii.i. ..II known hollRO to the
pnhllc, and solicit a share of the patroniiKe.
r day r, mi
T have re opene
f nr dav
Board per week..
My table H always .applied with the best the
Hni.i,niv cool our, ury ex-
tago, simply being kept
and they will bo found
winter. Poultry conhnecli close runs
and houses four or five mo during our
cold northern winters reqb good artifi
cial feeding in variety to
at all during tho frigid te
them to commence their
to aavan-
n freezing,
vy handy in
e them lay
or to incite
'rk early in
market affords.
(17-tl -w
for Information and free llandhook wrlio to
Oldest l.ureau tor secmlnn vVeforo
Bvory p.llent taken out by " Is bronnlit I ' f o
the mlille by a nolleo given free ol chaiiiu lu the
Scientific Qmxxm
Lareost clrenlnllon of any scientific paper In the
Snrld. tilcndldly HH.strale.l. No l"t''
year; an innnllis. Address MIINN CO,
Puul.isultus.mil liroadwaj. How York.
SiC'fC UEti j
gnfftr unnecessary. Uon't you
knor thut e.'ilnmstion, debility,
falling niaiihood, and t'eneral
weakness, brouiiht on by early
follies, dissipation and execssos,
c.u he cured. Pon't set discour
nsecL Wo havo cured hundred,
at their homos by mail treatment.
Your esse will ho dinunosed free.
Writ, lo-.hiv. No cost to learn B
your condition.
cosniufl mimi
t'Tliot. StocMnn act) Ellis Sis.,
the snring. The provision green food
and cooked vegetables, njd with their
meal and grain at this pill, is a grand
need that must not btst sight of
where the noulterer won
iustice. and at tho same
most out ot tneir prouuui
Poultry Yard.
On Sale
Kansas City, St. Paul,
E83T, WH P
Loaves Hcppner, H a. ni.
0:50 p. m.
lttll !
Colonist Hloi'lior,
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
Before Htai'tiim on u .lourni'y
A peraou usually desires to gain some in
formation as to the most desirable route
to take, and will purchase tickets via the
one that will afford him theiiuickest and
beat service, llefore starting ou a trip to
ChiciiKO or any point East, you should
provide yourself with a map and lime
labia nf the Wisconsin Central lines.
The trains run on this route are vesti
buled and enniiMwd with l'ullman's lat
est drawing room sleepers, elegant day
ooiiohes and dining ears of latest design,
built expressly for tins service, aim are
exquisite in furnishings and convenient
and comfortable m arrangement "' s"
oomplele iu every detail that thev have
no superior iu comfort and elegance.
The dmiug car service is pronounced by
all the most elegant ever inaugurated,
and is operated iu the interest of its pa
trons. ,1.1
East trains via the Wisconsin Central
lines leave Minneapolis daily at l'J:-l.i P
m. and 0 :2.i p. m., and St. Paul nt 1 :'M
p. m. and i :.hi p. in., iuukmik ............i
oonnection with all trains from the West
and southwest.
For tiokels, time tames, norm reserva
tions, etc., apply to It. f. Mo.eui, -. t .
T. A., Minneapolis, Minn., or to ,las.
i Pond, ueueral passenger and ticket
agent (.lilotwo in.
A Family Affair
? Health for the Baby,
) Pleasure lor the t-arents,
, New Life for the OU Folks.
HH'out of Freezing on Fruit.
A New York farmer writes as follows:
"1 occasionally see tho statement made
that tho keeping finalities of apples imd
pears will not he injured by freezing,
provided the fruit remains undisturbed
until entirely thawed out. Without any
question where those fruits have acci
dentally frozen thoy should not be ex
posed to light and warmth, or they will
rot almost as soon as they will thaw. If
left to thaw slowly and gradually by a
natural change in the temperature and
without shaking thoin by moving them
about from place to place, they will
come out sound, tor they will not decay
while in their frozen state. The bent
thing to do when it is found they have
frozen is to throw straw or hay over
them, whether they are in bulk or in
barrels, and thus delay tho thawing and
make it as gradual as possible. But the
question will still remain. Has the freez
ing and thawing injured their keeping
qualities? I maintain that it has, and
that they will rot sooner thau would the
Sfimo quantity of the same kind of ap
ples or pears that have remained sound
and unfrozen up to tho sumo time. The
best keeping conditions are to be found
where the fruit is not only kept from
becoming frozen, but in a uniformly
cold temperature with but slight varia
tions toward either extreme.
Wlii to you keep your Rubucription paid up yea
ohii kiwp your brand in f roe of charge.
Allj'iJ. T. J., lone. Or. Homes iili on left
shoulder; cattle same on left hip, nmlerbiton
rif-dit t!nr, unci upper bit ou the left; riingo, Mor
row county.
ArniHimui?, J. t, Alpine, Or. T with bur un
der n on left shoulder of horses; cuttle sauiti
ou loft hiu.
Alliwiu, O. D., EiKht Mile. Or.-C'nttlo brand,
O D on left, hip and horses same brand on right
shoulder. Ilane, Kiht Mile.
AdkinB,T i Dayville, Or- Straight mark across
the thigh and two crops and a slit in the right ear;
horspH, x upside down on the riglrt Bhouldfr.
liange in Grant county and Bear valley. PO
uddrwa uIho at ilnnimnn.
Adkinu, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses. JA con
ntocteil on left flank; cattle, same on left hip.
AyerB, Johnny, Lena, Or. Horses branded
triangle on lett hip; cattle bhuis on right hip;
alno crop off riffhl ear and upper bit ou same.
Hli'th, Percy H.. Henuner. Or. Horses. Human
cross on right shoulder. Knnge in Morrow
iileakman. Geo., Hardman, Or. Horses, a flag
nnieiiHtiouiuer; caiue same on rit-'tit shouiuer.
liiiimiBter, J. W., Hardrnan, Or. Cattle brand
ed H od left hip and thigh: split in each ear.
lirenner, Peter, docseberry Oregon Horses
branded I'd on left shoulder, ('attle same on
right side.
liurke, M St O, Long fjrenk, Or On cattle,
MAY oonnueted on left hin. ciod oil left ear. un
der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on
letft shoulder, ltange in Grant and Morrow
liowaman, A., Mount Vernon and Burns. Or.
Caltlo, A li on right hip, two crops iu each ear;
same on horses, on right shoulder. Jtange m
(jritnt and Harney counties.
Hromnun, Jerry. Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle H on tho left side.
Left oar half crop and right oar upper slope.
Harton, Win., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J Hon
right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in
each ear.
Hrown. Isa. Lexington. Or. Horses IB on the
right htirle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor
row county.
Hrown, J .P , Heppner, Or. HorseB and cattle
branded 8 with ox-yoke above on left shonlder,
Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, circle
C withdot in oe: tor on left hip; cattle, same.
Himvu, u . j., Lena, Oregon. Horses imr
over it, ou the leit shoulder. Cattle same on left
Beyer, W. G Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand on right hip cattle, same, with split in
each oar.
Borg, r. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, r B on left
Roller, Richard
K in souare.
on left fihouhl'
Kirk .1. T.. !
sho'ilder: eatt h. t.n on let' l.ip.
Kirk. J (.', Heppner. Or.- Uon.es,
fljoik: uurtln J un riaht sine.
Kirk. Jetisp, Hcpi ner. Or.: horse H on left
shoulder; cattle t-ai!H' en ilglit side, under), it ou
riylu eitr.
Kuiiiberland.W.(i.,M;iint Vernon, Of. i !jou
cattle oti mdit HHid left ti.les, swadow f,i k ;m U ft
ear and under cmp in right ear. Hornet-saute
brand cm left stumlder. Ua:'ge in Grant euunrv.
Keeney, FH, lleiJpner. Or.-Hort.es J L and
ace of clubs on left stifle, liuuge in Umatilla
and ?.!trrow counties
Lesley, M T, Momiment, Or A trianeleBJiwirh
all lines extending pa t body of tigure on SU.I hor
ses on left shouider, on cattle diamond o left
r-himlder, Mpiit in rigluaua ui ue.' nit in left ear
ilaii;.-e in draiit euuittjuim to parts of Juhu Day
Lou hey, ,) W". Heppner Or. Horses branded 1j
N on left shoulder; catt le name on left hip; wat -tie
over ritfht ey three slitB in right ear.
Ltiften, Htepnen, b ox. Or. H Lou left hip
on cattle, crop and Bplit on right ear, HorseB
same brand on ieft shoulder. Hud go Grant
Liernulon, John W., L'-'g"i Or. Horses
branded half-t(irele .fl . on lft ihrniL
dor. CaiUe, samt on left hip. Range, near Lex
i LI til" Ml.
Lord, George, Heppner. Or. Horses branded
double H coi.necti Sometimes called a
swing H, on letl shoulder.
Utaxweil. M . H., Gooseberry. Or. Horses brand
ed I long link on left shunlder; cattle, same on
wi "hi. ini ituiiu., unuer on in lertear.
his stock
i make the
Etrtrs wanted for breedif'ancy poul
try must have a guarantdat they are
from genuine pure bred Is and must
the breed. Otherwise buy them.
it inks Mndo by Van
liulser ut a t anners
At a recent meeting ofiinsylvania
farmers, Dr. O. Ureon, a im poultry
raiser, read an essay,
which are here given:
The temperature of a
to be lower than 43 degs.
should most of tho tim
deirs. If by neglect ve
permitted to infect the b
house, trot rid of tho part at once.
Tho application of sulpUprinkled
upon the t'o.vls while rob; will de
stroy the vermin, so ulsdl two or
three drona of whale oi the back
of a fowl kill the lice.
plied to the roosts m sit
will rid tho roosts of vom
.foot Reer
' "ia n fnmlly niruir aroiiuisilo
ur ttia lumvt'. jv
ItarlineP maliCS 5 k"!1'1119
u doliriuus, stroitnllieuipg,
firorvosccnl lieveriiso.
ticts from
qought not
inter, and
up to 60
has been
roost and
oil ap-
he nests
must be oecnsioimlly reneind straw
is better than hay for ne
pings must be frequently
lie drop-
ved and
emv' of
Vlon't bp docolv
llu1 wikcof inn;
BOIIIt' OlIltT klllll
si If n iVnlor. for
r im.lil. i.'IIm vuii
mutton lsua kuod
l'orlland to Hau
every four days.
Kor mtfi nrt bo""' lnIormtlon coll on
UviKit TU ki't Ain'nt.
C. HA.11T,
llvppuer. Oregon.
II. Ill'HI.BUKT, AMt. Uoul. l'i
2M Waihlugton St.,
Portland, Onmiox.
rl.l'ISFA("l'l)ltY SKVn.l.MKM'.
r.i ti'i,iii) it maiu'onct'nt :
Tins is to certify that, after Imviiiumir
loss of aohool lionse oareiully tljsiired by
competent nwoliames, we unnio aisiao-
lory settlemeni wuu iuo . '"
CompauT, of .Sulein. Oregon, ou April 11,
18(12, and within three days thereafter
received check for tlVktO, full nmomit of
loss sustained by recent tire, which de
stroyed said house. W. 11. Ki.lis.
Tom Moiuias,
Oris r.vn'KKSox,
nf Directors of School District No.
1, Morrow County, Oregon.
ki'Pnkk, Or., April H, lM'.fi
The success of tlsis Great CoiirIi Turo is
without a parallel in the history ot medicine.
All ilrUKKiats are anthemed to sell it on a pos
itive guarantee, a test that no other core can
successfully ,rll!U " "u,-v bpct'""e
known, the Proprietors, at an enormous
Dense, are placing a Sample Hottle r-reo Into
every home iu the Vnite.l Stales and (.'anada.
It von have a Cough, "ore Throat, or Bron
chilis, use it, for it will cure you. If our
child has the Croup, or Whooping lough. use
it promptly, and relief is sure. H you dread
that insidious .'.iseirse Oonsump on use It.
Ask v.nir PrilRgist (or SI1ILOI1 S Ol Rr.,
P ice' Octs .et.and$1.00- lyor Lungs
are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Poroua
Plaster. Price 25cts. For sale by all Drug
jfists aud Dealers.
the floor kept clean with
loam or sand.
As hens require carboiid phos-'
phate of linio for the ntt of egg
shells, this renuirenient the met
with an unstinted supply qplaster
Inj,'. oyster shells, or, bestll, frcsli
bones with some of the grid meat
atlaelied. Theso -inaterialukl be
placed where they can be luiently
picked np by the fowls, k-ati be
increased in si7.o and richnlproper
food. Laying hens reiiuiilety of
food and get excessively tirtiy one
I kind. In winter green fct-li as
j turnips, beets, cabbage leal-., are
esse utial. Corn and wheailings,
corn, oats and scraps frovjuouse
1 should all bo ted on anu iiigmg
the diet as often as thrice a
Hens require a great deifater,
but. as thev drink ouly a snilntity
at a time, it must be keptitant
supply, fresh and clear. A Ills in
separate lens are much tuoitablo
and easily kept Uealtny tuaii
numbers are confined und.ioof.
The sooner you begin setnngks in
tho spring for the purpose fcm.
chickens the better, l.ate , as
a rule, fare badly. Pullets lpke
good mothers. Three aud f.iold
hens are best. When cluckijnot
needtnl for mothers, the quiet- to
conquer a setting hen is to col-in
a box with ouly a Doaru 10 n
The Esl ebrated French Sure,
Warranted it A DU fcfiniTI WC" or monoy
to euro refuiideil.
la Sold on k
to euro any
form of nervous
disease, or auy
disorder ol the
generative or-
gaiie of either sex whether arising from the
xcessive UBe of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opium,
or through youthful ludiscretioa, over Indulg
cucc, tc, such as Loss of Brau Power, Wakeful-
ness, Bearing dowu Paius iu the Back, Seminal
WeRkuess, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn
al Emission; , Leucorrhoea, Dizziness, Weak Mem.
ory, Loss of Power and Impoteucy, which if ne
glected often lead to prematureoldageand insan
ity. Price 51.00 a box, 6 boxes for ?5.00 Sent by
mail on receipt of price.
order, to refund the money if a Permanent
cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonials
from old and young, of both sexes, permanently
i Hired by Aphroditinb. Circular free. Address
Sold In Heppner by Shicuni-JdlinHttm Drug Co.
C IBKOT.I.TON, GnEENE Ca, TLL., Nov. '89.
I hinhty reotminieuil Pastor Kotmig's Nerve
Touic 10 aovboily that has suffered from head
nche at my son did for 6 years, because 2 bottles
ot tiiB uieuiclue cured biiu il. AluXlUCt.
Zeix, Faut.k Co., Dab., Nov. '83.
I was troubled with forgeiliiluerje and tried
many remedies, but of no u?e I had almoat
despaired when somebody rocom me tided Pas
tor Kner.ig's Nerve Tonic. I tried it and took
but 'j botties of it, which brought back my
memory as gxd us ever. 1 therefore recom
mend tttts remedy to all sufferer; it dues
Uturo thau expected, it speaks fur itself.
B ap V Taltmblo Hook on Nervous
L IIL L Dlsea-OH sent I'ree to uuv addren.
f K f f and nr patlem can a) -so obtain
I 1 1 Im Lb litis meiiieiu i re) Qi eharse.
This remedy has been prr -A by the lle-er-BndPastorKi3enttf-ii,,p
' . oe.fnd.. since l!T6.
aud is now prepared jiaer Uib dirtctiou by tlio
KOEN1G MED. CO., Chicago, III.
Sold by Dntcita at $1 per Bottle. 6 for
115. LaneeSize. f?t.T5. G IlotUea Air tf 9.
Sold in Portlnnd. Oregon, by Bne!l,
Heithu A Wotutiird.
shoulder: entile, same on left hin.
iimwuiee, vv . J ., tox.tJr rattle. J li connected
on left Bide; erop on left ear and twb splits tuul
middle piece cut out ou nyht ear; on hornet namo
brand on the left thigh : limine in i'ox valley,
(Jnuit oountv.
t.am.L.. I aleb,t)r. i 1 on horses oniett stine:
U with quarter circle ovor it.ou letL shoulder,
ami on left slirle on nil uollB under .r yeurd; on
left shoulder unly ou all Uoraes over 5 yours. All
rtinH m urant county,
t.'lark. Wm. H.. Lena. Or. Horses WHO con-
necled. on left shoulder: cattle same yn right
ip. liuuge Morrow and Umatilla countieH.
t ate, l, has. It,, Vinson or Liona, Ur. rtorsoa
H (! on riht Rhoulder; cattle same on right hip.
Range Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cochran, Chan., lone. Or. Horses, HP cen
nectod on left shoulder; cattle, (! on both left
hip ami stirle. Rmigo in Morrow county.
i annon, i. K.,ijong ureea, ur. a on catneon
riclit aide, crop off rUht ear and slit in left ear.
Our herons same brand on left shoulder. Range
m (j rant county.
O'uil, Win., Douglas, Or.; hornns JO on lef
shoukIi.r; ca'tie same on left hip, waddles on
each jaw and two bits iu the right, oar.
('iirii'. H., John Day, Or. Double cross on
eaeh. hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, split iu left ear. Range in Grant
comity. On eheep, inverted A and spear point
ou shoulder, tar markou ewes, crop ou left ear,
pnuched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop iu
right and under half crop iu left ear. All rauge
iu (iraut count v.
Croeby, A.A., Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
(or H L connected) on tlio right shoulder.
Cook, A. J.,Lena.Or. HorHua, HO on right shoul
der, (initio, nacio on right hist: ear mark Bguare
crop off left aud split in rigut,
Currin. R. Currinsville, Or. -Horses. 33 on
left stitle.
Cochran, J II Monument, Or Horses branded
T 1 5t A on left shoulder. Cattle, same on right
hip. swallow fork in right ear and crop otfl eft.
Cox Jt English, Hardman, Or. Cattle, C with
f in center; horses. Cl on left Sip,
Cupper, H. A., Monument, Or. Horses H C
on left shonlder. cattle 11 C on left side, swal
low fork on right ear.
Cochran, R. K Monument, Grant Co, Or.
HorHCH branded circle with bar beneath, on loft
shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark
midor siope both ears and dewlap.
Clmpiii, li., Hardman, Or. Horses branded
won right hip. Cattle branded the same.
Cross, b L, Dayviile, Or Cattle branded -j- two
crops and a split in left ear; on horses a
reversed on left Btitle. AIbo have the following
brands on cattle: 72 on left hip, 7 on right hip,
72 on left shoulder, two parallel bars on left
shoulder. Ear marks, two crops.
Dnonan. Wm., Heppner, Or. Horses branded
OO with bar over them, on left shoulder; cat
tie samo on left hip.
Douglass, W. M ., Galloway, Or. Cattle, R D on
right side, swailow-fork in each ear; horses, R D
on left hip.
Douglas, O. T Douglas, Or-Horees TD on
the right stiHc; cattle same on riuht bin.
Duncan. W. P., John Day.Or. Quarter circle
n on ngni snoui'ier, aoia on noraes ana cattle.
Range Grant county.
Driskell, W. E., Heppner, Or. Horses branded
K inside of O on left shoulder. Cattle same on
left side of neck.
Ely, J . B. & Sons, Douglas, Or. Horses brand
ed ELlf on left shoulder, cattle same on left
hip. hole in right ear.
Elliott, Wash., Heppner, Or. Diamond on
right shoulder.
Eisk, Ralph, Prairie City, Or Horses, li F on
right shoulder; cattle, on right hip. Range in
Grunt county.
Eleek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses. 7F
counected on right shoulder; cattle, same on
right hip. Earmark, hole in right and crop
oil left.
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on
right hip; horses. S with bar under on right
Florence, 8. P. Heppner, Or. Horses, F on
right shoulder; cattle, F on right hip or thigh.
Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. GA on left
Goble, Frauk, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7 F on
left stifle; cattle, same ou right hip.
Gilmau-French, Land and Livestock Co., Fos
sil, Ur. Horses, anchor fci on left shoulder; vent,
same on left stitle. Cattle, samo on both hips;
ear marks, crop off right ear and tmderbit in left.
Range iu Gilliam, Grant, Crook and Morrow
Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. Horses branded H.
S. with a quarter circle ovor it, on left stirle.
Range in Morrow and Umatillacouuties,
Giitwater, J . 0M Prairie City, Or. On horfes,
0-0 on left shoulder and stitle; cattle, on right
side. Range in Grant county.
Hams, James, Hardman Or. Horses shaded
2ou lefi shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Range
in and about H aid man.
Hayes, beo., Lena, Or, Urand JH connected,
with quarter eircl" over it, on left shoulder.
Hiatt A. H., Kidge, Or. Cattle, round-top 4
with quarter circle under it on the right hip.
Raniie in Morrow and Umatillacouuties.
Hint on & Jenks. Hamilton, Or Cattle, two bars
on either hip; crop in right ear and split in ieft.
Horses, J on right thigh. Range in Grant county.
Hughes, Samuel, Wagner, Or T F L on right
shoulder on horses; on cattle, ou right hip and on
left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit iu left.
Range in Haystack district, Mopvw county.
Itall, hdwin, John Uay.Ur. Cattle E Hon right
hip; horses same on right shoulder. Fangein
Grant county.
Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses, shaded
heart on the left shoulder. Range Morrow Co.
Hunsaker, B , Wagner. Or. -Horses, y on left
shoulder; caitle. Vt on left hip.
Haiiiirtty, Albert, Nye. Oregon Horses, AH
connected, on left shoulder; Cattle on the left
hip, crop off left ear,
Humphreys, J ftl. Hardman, Or. Horses. H on
leti hank
Hiatt, Wm. F., Hidge, Or. Horses branded
bar cross ou left shoulder: cattle same on ieft
Hayes, J. M., Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglass
on left shoulder cattle, same on right hip.
Ivy, Alfred, Long Creek, Or Cattle I D on
right hip, crop oft left ear and bit in right. Horses
same bnuid on left shoulder, ltange n Gr.uit
Huston, Luther. Eight Mile, Or. Horw H on
the left (shoulder and heiirt on the left stitle Cat
tle same on left hip. Range in Morrow county.
Jeukuif, H- ...'it. ernonAT. j on nurses on
Minor. Oscar. Heonner ( lr. ( 'nf 1 1 Xi Ti nn
right hip; hoi-se. Mon left shoulder.
Morgan, 8. N., Heppner, Or. Horses, M)
on left should"! cattle same on left hip.
McCiimbor, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses. M with
bar over on right shoulder.
Aiuuri, H. H. , j,ena, Or Horses old mares ZZ
on right hip; young stuck, small zz on left
Morgan, Thou,, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
1 on left shoulder and left thigh; caltlo. Z on
right thigh.
Mitchell. 0car. lone, Or. Horses, 77 on right
hip; cattle, 77 on right side.
McClaren, D. G., Hrownsville, Or, Horses,
Figure Son each shoulder, cattle, M2 on hiu
MeKern.W. J., Mount Verumi, Or XI on cattle
on right hip, crop in right ear, half crop iu left
saine brand ou horses on loft hip. Hange in Grant
McCarty, David H., Echo, Or. Horses branded
DM connected, on the left shoulder; cattle name
on hip and side.
RicGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe
with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under iu
each ear; horses name brand on left stirle.
McHaley, U. V., Hamilton, Or.-On Horses, H
with half circle under on left shoulder; on Cattle,
four bars connected on top ou the right side
Range in Grant County.
Neal.Andrew. Lone Rock, Or. Horses A N con
nected on left shoulder; cattle samo on both hips.
Newman, W. R., Heppner, Or. Horses JJ
With llJlIf eirfllw mrnrit on lufl yLmililoi-
Nordyke, Hilverton, Or. Horses, circle 7 on
Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A 3 on cattle
on left hip; ou horses, same on left thigh. Range
in iTiniit county.
Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on left
Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cattle, O
LP connected on left hip; horses ou left stiile
and wartle on nose. Range iu Grant county.
Pearson, Olave, Eight Mile, Or. Morses, quar
ter circle Bhieid on left shoulder and 24 on left
hip. Caltlo, fork in left ear, right cropped. 24
on left hip. Range on Eight Mile.
Parker 6c Gleaaon, Hardiuaii.Or, Horses IP on
left Khuulder.
Piper, J. il., Lexington, Or. -Horses, JE con
nected oi,left shoulder; cattle, same ou left hip.
under bit in each ear.
Pat berg, Henry Lexington. Or. Horaes brand
ed with a Kouiui. croas on left shoulder; cattle
branded witii llomau cross, bar at bottom, on
left hip.
Pettyn, A. C, lone, Or,; horses diamond P on
shoulder; cattle, J 11 J connected, on the
loft hip, upper slope in loft ear aud slip in the
Potter, Dan, Lexington Homos branded MP
connected ou left shoulder; cattle same on right
Powell, John T., Dayviile, Or Horses, J P coii
necied on left shoulder. Cattle OK connected on
left hip, two under half crops, oue on each ear,
wattle under throat. Range iu Gratit county.
Rickard, G. D., Canyon City, Or. F C ou left
shoulder, on horses only. Range Canyon creek
and Hear valley, G rant county.
Rood, Andrew, Hardman, Or. Horses, square
CloMh with quarter-circle over it on left stirle.
Remiiger, Chris, Heppner, Or, Horsoe, C R on
loft shoulder.
Rice, Dan, Hardman, Or.; horses, throe panel
worm fttnee on left shoulder: caMle. DAN on
right shoulder. Range near Hardman.
Utiuio, Wm, uong Creek, Or. Grands horses
K ot right uhoulder. Range. Grant aud Morrow
Ivoyne, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on
loft shoulder; cattle, same braud reversed ou
right l.ip aud crop oh right ear. Range in Mor
row eounly.
Rush Bros., Ifeppnor, Or. Horses brnndod X
on the right- shoulder; cattle, IX on the left tup,
crop oil left ear and dewlap on nock. Range n;
Morrow and adjoining counties.
Kind, William, Pendleton, Or. Horses R on
loft shoulder; cattle, R on left hip, crop oil
right ear, underbit on left ear. Hlioep, H on
weathers, round crop off riyh ear. liange Uma
tilla and Morrow o innties.
Iteaney, Andrew, Lexington, Or. Horaei
branded A it on right shoulder, vent quartei
circle over brand; cattle same on right hip.
Range Morrow county.
lioyse, Wm. H, Dairyvillo, Or HU connected
with quarter circle over top on cattle on right hip
and crop off right ear and split iu left. Horses
same brand on left shoulder. Range iu Morrow,
Grant and Gilliam counties.
Hitter, J F, Ritter, Or-Threo parallel bars
with bar over on horses on loft hip; on cattle, left
aide, two smooth crops, two splits iu each eat,
Range in Middle Fork of John Day.
Rector. J. W., Heppuer, Or. Horses. JO o
lef t shoulder. Cattle, o on right hip.
Spicknall. J. W., Gooseberry, Or. Horses
branded al on left sliuiilder; lunge in Morrow
.Spray, J. F Heppner, Or. Horses branded hit
connected oi. right shoulder; cattle samo on both
bailing, C C Heppner, Or Horses branded 8 A
on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip.
Swaggart, 1(. F., Lexinglou, Or. Horses a
Willi dash under it on left stiile; cattle H with
dash under iL on right hip, crop off right ear and
waddled on right hmd leg. Range in Morrow,
Gilliam and Umatilla counties.
fcjwaggart. A. L., Eila. Or. Horses brande-1 3
on left shoulder; celtJesamo on left hip. Crop
on ear, wattle on left hind leg.
Straight W. E., lieppnor, Or. Horses shaded
J U ou left stifle; cattle J 8 on loft hip, swallow
fork iu right ear, underbit in loft.
Hwaggart , L, Alpine, Or.-Horsos, 8 S on right
happ, ThoB., Heppner, Or. Horses, 8 APon
leit hip; cattle sameou loft hip.
Shirtz, James, Long Creek, Or. Horses. 3 on
It'll st itie and over 2 on left shoulder.
Kl.riMi- .liilm li'nv Oh n;h
, -."'-i vi. i-iy, t,:uiiicietl Oil
Tiuraeson right hip; cattie. same on Hirht. hm.
crop oil right ear and under bit iu loft ear. Range
in Grant county.
tSmith Hros,, John Day, Or-H Z oucattleon
le t shoulder.
Stephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses BSon
right stille; cattle horizontal L on tho right side
bteveusou, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, ti
on right hi i ; swallow-fork in left ear.
Bwaggart. G. W Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on
loft should-! ; cattle, 44 ou ieft hip.
Stownrt, Geo., Hardman, Or. HorseB circle
or left shoulder.
Stone, Ira. Hi-'kleton, Wash, HorsoB, keystone
on left shoulder.
Smith, E, E. Lone Rock, Or. Horses branded
a crot-sed seven on left shoulder; cattle same on
left side. Range, Gilliam county.
Sporry.E. G Heppner, Or. Cattle W 0 on
lefl hip, crop off right and underbit in left year,
dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, S ou
left shoulder; cattle, 2 on left shoulder.
Tippets, 8. T.( Lena, Or. Horses. C on left
. Tumor R. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T
lelt shoulder, horses; cattle same on left hip
with split iu both ears.
Ili. intou, II. M., lone, Or. Horses branded
H T counected ou left stifle; sheep same brand.
Vanderpool, H. T., Lena, Or; Horses HV eon
necied on right shoulder ;cattlo, same on right
Walbridcc, Wm., Heppner, Or. Horses, U. L.
on the left shoulder; cuttle same on right hip.
crop off left ear aud right ear lopped.
Wilson, John y,, Salem or Heppner, Or.
Horses branded J on the loft shoulder. ltange
Morrow county.
W arrt n, W li. Caleb, Or-Catlle, W with quarter
circle over it, ou left side, split iu right ear.
Horses same brand on left shoulder, ltange m
Graui county.
Wood, F L, Dayviile, Or Heart on horses on
left stille; on cattle. 2 on left side and uuder bit
in left ear. ltange in Urant county.
Wright, Silas A. Heppuer, Or. Cattle branded
S "W on the right hip. square crop off right oar
and split in loft.
Wallace, Francis. Mount Vernon, Or Squareon
cattle on the left hip. upper slope in the left
ear and under slope in right ear. Same brand
on horses on right shoulder. Range in Harney
and Grant countv.
Welwter, J. 1., Heppner, Or. Horses branded
wUh bar over J on right shoulder; cattle same
on right hip, crop off Uft ear and split in each.
Range, Morrow county.
Wade, Henry, Heppuer, Or. Horses branded
ace of spades on lelt shoulder aud left hip.
Cattle branded same on left snle and left hip.
Wells, A. S Heppner, Or Horses, 0oo on left
shoulder: catr e same.
Wolhnger, John, John Day City, Or On horses
three parallel bars on lef t shoulder; 7 on sheep,
bit in both ears. Range in Grant and Malnuer
Wyiand, J H, Hardman, Or. Circle C on lef
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, DP
connected ou left shoulder.
Watkius, Lishe, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
UK connected ou left stitle.
Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or. Tattle, W on
nght thigh, holt in ieft ear; horses, V on right
Blioukier, eoim same on left shoulder.
Whittier Hros., Drowsy, Harney county. Or. -
Ita wearing qualities are unsurpassed, actually
outlasting two boxes of uny o' her brand. Not
fleeted by heat. I WU 1 1 lUDGEMlIMw
leiT SliiiUiiiPr; un iwiis. a ic-n mu buu iyu i """""
smooth crops on both ears. Range m r ox and Hore branded W a. oonnfleted on left ohonlder,
BearvHU.-'yH j uiiams. vaco, iiaiuuton, Or. Quarter cir-
Jiuikin. ti. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, horse- ; cle over three bars on ieft hip, both cattle and
shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the sams. horses. Kauge Grant county.
Range on Eisht Mile. WUiiraus. J O. Long Creek, Or Horses, quar
Johnson. Felix, Lena. Or. Hordes, circIeT on ! ter circle over three bars on left hip; cattle same
left mine; cattle, same on right hip, under half , ami niit m w?h ear. Range in (i rant eonnty.
onp in right and sunt in left ear Wren. A. A., Heppner. Ur. Hordes running A A
Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses branded . on shoulder: Cattie. same on right hip.
K.NV on left hip, cattle same and crop off left Young. J. 8., Gooseberry, Or. Horse branded
ear; under slope on the right T on the right shoulder.