Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 21, 1892, Image 3

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oriel.; TO AllVKKTiSHU-S.
h'ini,' tin' ilisrrli.tll
:ui'f..!;i L-L-niii lur Friduvs Ml
llIK K'T'IKUM, i'l Hl.lllNl. Cll.
.NO I'll K.
1. Till'
i t'..
nf In
ell m i
e r.'iitH pi-r line will he
K of tlirtlilif," 'TfHdluUnnS of
-illllllti Ht'Si'lltM tLlul iloiiorH,
H, (oiIrt tlmli tlmae tilt: etltt
i KM ji matter of neun.) mid
uouti fiis lor whatever imrnoHe
i- of cliinrli unl hociely Hint nllollier
nelllK lroni u huh revoioii m to I... .1...
U, shall be rhiireed lor itt the rule of live
eeiitH u lirie. 'lliewe ruleu will he Btrielly atlhcr
eil to in e ery inctitiiee.
Al'erUsint; ruleu leasoiuthle una made known
ition iiiilieuliou.
(lire your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build vp Ilejip
iter. Patronize those who patronize
Here and There
A grand excursion.
Don't forget the picnic.
T. VV. Avers, Jr., for drugs. US ew
I; i piins Tannics cure dyspepsia.
A basket picnic, that menus take your
baskets well filled.
Mrs. Andy ,Steveuaoii got back from
l'eudletou Saturday.
Daily stage both ways between Monu
ment Bud Long Creek. tf.
Mrs . J. J. Koberts is prepared to do
all kinds of plain sewing. 65-tf
Ford, the paiuter, still "in it." For
any kind of work see him. 81-tf.
M. Koshlaud, the wool nierohaut from
Portland, spent Sunday iu the city.
Mr. T. W. Ayers Sr., and wife, return
ed from Portluud Saturday evening.
Grandma Harnett, mother of Thomas
Burnett of Lexington, is seriously ill.
11. C. French, accompanied by bis wife
and family, returned from Hiilsboro Sat
urday evening.
Newton Jones and wife returned home
from their visit in the valley, on Satur
day evening's train.
J. W. Hyatt, one of the progressive
farmers of the Gooseberry section, was
in the city yesterday.
J. 1). Ambrose and family loft on yes
terday morning's train for their future
home, Spaukey, Ills.
Pup billions & Son etill shoe horses
and do general blacksmithiug at the old
stand Matlock corner. D5.
Wm. Kudio and E. O. Woodall got in
from Long Creek Sunday afternoon.
Will return in a few days.
"The Parlor," V. F. Rnark, prop., in
the City hotel, west side of Maiu street.
Neatest place iu Heppuer. sw
A marriage license was issued last week
to Elbridge H. Dickens and Mrs. Fannie
l'oppeuga, both of Uardman.
Mrs. J. N. Brown, who has been visit
ing her parents iu Salem for some time
piiHt, reluriieil home Saturday evening.
A new ten cent parcel delivery is soon
to ho stin ted ill town. It will prove a
great convenience and accomodate many
A marriage license win issued yester
day morning to Mr. Joseph L. Gibson
and Mibs Beilba E. Youur, both of Lex
ingtuu. Hiyu kctchum whiskers. Hatt &
Mathews, at the city barber shop the
place to get a tirst-ulass shave, hair-out
or shampoo. tf.
Alva Leach and Joe Gibson were up
from liixinglou yesterday. They are
making extensive preparations tor the
Fourth, so they say.
A number of sales of medium sized
clips of wool were made last week. Late
eastern dispatches are to the effect that
prices remain the same.
W. H, Colwell, of the firm of Oolwelf
& Caldwell, lapidists of Portland, is in
the oity. lie has some very hue samples
of polished opals with him.
Thomas Stnbhlefield, a sheep raiser of
Monument, was in town yesterday, He
says the crops in that section are looking
well. The hay crop is heavy.
To strengthen the hair, thicken the
growth, stop its blanching and falling
out, and where it is gray to restore the
youthful color, uso Hall's Hair lienewer.
Mr. S. J. LaFranoe of Hood river, rep
resenting the Koehler & Chase Piano Co.,
is iu town today, looking after the grow
ing interests of his house. Mr. LaFrauce
has numerous patrons here.
Sheriff Noble served a subpoena Satur
day evening upon Major Matlock, to ap
pear yesterday morning at the Umatilla
county court. The mayor left for Pen
dleton on Monday morning's train.
Dr. W. Tackman, the dentist, will be
found at Dr. B. F. Vaughan's office, Lee
zer building. Does all the latest orown
and bridge work, alluminum plates, etc.
Don't miss the opportunity. 487-tf
A team belonging to Mr. Frank Wilson
while attached to a phaeton carnage,
broke loose at the camp meeting grounds
on Khea creek Sunday and ran for some
distance. No serious damage resulted.
G. It. Wagner, was in from the Hay
stack country last Saturday. We learn
from him that the dry weather has be
gun to effect the grain, although they
have had considerable rain over there
from all reports.
Arrangements have been made with
the railroad company, to run an excur
sion train from Heppner to Lexington
on the eventug of the Fourth, to accom
modate those wishing to attend the ball
at the latter plaoe. 5U0 -3
A camp-meeting, under the auspices of
the 11. ii. church, North, will be opened
iu the grove at Lexington, next Satur
day, to be continued until the Fourth. A
ue'w grove, just north of the mill, is be
ing fitted up for the occasion.
A gentleman under forty years of age,
w hose hair is rapidly becoming thin and
gray, began the use of Ayer's Hair
Vigor, aud iu six mouths his hair was re
stored to itsuatural color, aud even more
than its former growth and richness.
The bounty upon coyote and squirrels
scalps expired Saturday. During the
term of its validity, from the 1st of Feb
ruary, there was paid out in scrip upon
the county the sum of S177H.83. The
bounty probably will not be renewed.
Mr. Kobert Dexter, of upper Balm
Fork. niuJe the Gazette office a pleasant
call Saturday, in company with his daugh
ter Miss LuU ISeil Dexter. Miss Lula
is a bl ight little midget of six months,
whom her proud papa thinks should win
a prize at the -handsome oaoy lair.
Thomas Morran, a stranger id town,
who has been herding sheep for Wm.
Peulaud, was arrested Friday afternoon
ooscene ihukuob0-
Bevs. P. M. Bell and G. H. Gibbs were
, I 'he sole participants in an unpremed
t their com iii ! ''ated baptismal service yesterday. While
Tucniiiy'B crossing ivliea creek in a buairv their
nurse, after fording the creek sately and
starting up hill, decided, in opposition
to the wishes of the reverend gentlemen,
in lunuige in a doucue bath. Acting on
this decio.on it whirled about, made a
dash for the cool mountain stream, and
stopping at a Loini where there was sev
eral feet of water proceeded to lie down
in the harness. This called for urompt
action on tlie part of the drivers and,
deciding that wet clothes were preferable
to a drowned horse, they sacrificed broad
cloth aud plunged into the murky
stream. One held up the head of the of
recalcitrant horse, while the other went
a-fishing for the traoes. After such he-
roio efforts iu behalf of a bucking bron-
cno, ne would suggest that the tender
hearted gentlemen be the proper persons
to inaugurate a humane society in be
half of animals whose sufferings are not
self imposed.
P. O. Borg returned Saturday evening
from Portland, where he has been the
past week, as representative from the
Heppner Alasonic lodge to the Grand
lodge of Portland. While there, Mr.
Borg took the degree of the Mystio
Shrine, the highest of the Soottish rank.
The Soottish Masons gave a grand ban
quet at the close of the session, in their
new ball in the Marquam Grand, to all
representatives present from the Blue
lodges of the state. Mr. Borg visited
Astoria while gone and expresses himself
as having had a delightful time.
Long Creek Eagle: B. L. Shaw, as
sessor elect of Morrow county, accompa
nied by Frank Sloan, a nephew of A. D.
Sloau, of Middle Fork, and formerly a
resident of Grant oouuty, were in Long
Creek last Saturday, calling at this offioe
while in the oitv. They were over on a
cattle deal with J. J. Hinton, of Hamil
ton, and although well acquainted in this
part of the couutry they expressed them
selves as highly pleased with the bright
outlook of our county.
A son of Hon. Wm. Hughes, Master
Percy, was seriously injured while riding
a pony, by being kioked on the bead by
a horse that was running ahead of him.
An ugly scalp wound, four inches long,
was made just over the forehead which
required a number of stitches to sew up.
Dr. Gagen, who attended him, says that
no symptom of injury to the brain was
noticeable and he is doing as well as
could be expeoted.
The people of Lexington have prepared
an elaborate programme for the Fourth
of July celebratiou to be held at Pen-
land a grove, w hich has been tastily fit
ted up. There will be musio by the
Lexington cornet band. The amuse
ments will oousist of various kinds of
foot races, in which prizes are offered.
A ball-room program is arranged for af
ternoon and evening. 499-093
E. O.: Charles Cunningham, the ex
tensive sheepowner, informs au East Or
egonian representative thot all his wool,
20U,UUU pounds, is now warehoused. The
wool clip has been large, and the wool
clean and of excellent quality. He has
not yet sold. Mr. Cunningham's sheep
have all been driven to mountain range,
aud are thriving on fine grass, which is
much better than for years.
W. J. Brown, who started for Grant
county with Messrs. Thompson and
Mathews' sheep a short time since, was
in the oity last Friday. He informs our
reporter that there has been a great many
bard rain storms in the mountains this
season, several of them having muoh the
appearance of water spouts.
W. J. McAfee, who has been visiting
his family iu the Dalles, for tbe past few
days, returned Saturday evening last, ac
companied by his son-in-law, Charles
Wagner. Mr. McAfee informs us that
he will move his family here soon. We
also learn that Mr. Wagner will looate
permanently in Heppner.
Charles Miller, the berry man from
Khea Creek, was in town yesterday with
his first load of strawberries this year.
Mr. Miller reports1 the crop unusually
late. Contracts will be made for daily
delivery during the balanoe of tbe sea
son. W. L. Matlock is taking from 75 to
100 quarts a day.
Isaac Kuighten and J. H. Billenbrock,
two progressive farmers of tbe Eight
Mile seotion, were in the city today. In
conversation with them they tell us that
the spring grain is badly damaged by
the dry weather, but fall grain is yet
looking fairly well.
It is oonjeotured that a specifio may
yet be found for every ill that flesh is
heir to. However this may be, certainly
the best specifio yet found for diseases
of the blood is Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and
most diseases originate from impure
The greatest excursion of the season
will be the one to Bonneville! Sunday,
June 20. A special rate of 82.50 has
been secured from Heppner to Bonne
ville and return, a total distance of 312
miles. Cheap enough, isn't it? Every
body's going.
Fred F. Wilmartb has leased the Frine
ville News, and will now have full sway
on same. We do not hesitate to assure
the people of Prineville that thev will
' , . ti i i ; I l.:i
nave a strictly nrst -ciass journal wune
Fred is at the helm. Here's to you, old
D. Grant's Cloalo, the great dyspepsia
oonqnerer, will positively cure dyspepsia
and all its kindred ailments. Jivery Dot
tle sold under a positive guarantee to
effect a oure or money refunded . See ad.
in this issue. tf.
All those who are owing tbe old firm
of Messrs. Kirk & Hayes, either by nota,
whioh is now due, or aocount, will please
settle same at once. Remember these
gentlemen must have money to settle
bills. 499-507
The Gazette acknowledges the reoeipt of
an invitation to De present at the 22nd
annual commencement exercises of the
Oregon Agricultural College, June 20th
to 29tb, 1892.
Thompson & Binnsown tbe buss which
goes to aud from the City hotel, but will
call for parties desiring to go to train in
any part of the city. Leave orders at
City hotel. l-tf
Newer and neater quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room.
Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see
his old friends there. Baths in connec
tion. .
A. Hirshbarg aud George Rader got in
from Long Creek Friday evening last.
Mr. Hirshburg will leave tomorrow
for Portland, to be gone a few days.
The Buchler beer, 5 cents per glass, at
the Columbia Beer Hall, Osmers &
Hughes, pious., next door to M. Lioh
teuthal & Co.'s shoe store. ew tf
Rev. Motor, from Arlington, presiding
elder of the M. E. churoh, North, will
deliver the Fourth of July oration at the
Lexington celebration.
Carriages, hacks, carts, etc, painted
in first class suape. roriiauu prices.
The regular oouuoil meeting convened
June 20th, 1892. Mayor Matlock being
absent, Recorder A. A. Roberts acted as
chairman. Councilineu present: Lich
tenthal, Gilliam, Garrigues and Fams
wortu. Absent, Patterson and Morgan.
Minutes of the last regular meeting
read and approved.
Motion by Licb tenthal that reports of
treasurer, recorder and marshal for the
last year, ending Maroh 1st '92 be accept
ed as reported by finance oommitte.
Seconded by Garrigues, voted and car
ried. Motion by Lichteuthal that Gilliam be
instructed to oorrespond and get an offer
on well machinery, etc., and roportsame
to oouncil for their consideration. Sec
onded by Farnsworth and carried.
Motion by Lichtenthal that committee
on ordinances be instruoted to draft dog
ordinances, licensing male dogs $1.50 and
female dogs $3.00 a year, and report on
the same. Voted and carried.
Motion by Garrigues that the finance
committee make a loan of $2,000 of city's
money for a period of one year at 10 per
cent, interest, payable semi-annually:
said loan snbjeot to the approval of the
whole council. Carried.
Motion by Lichtenthal that bills
amounting to 8:580.11 be allowed paid.
Seconded by Garrigues.
The reoorder bid in well augur aud
machinery, as ordered by oounoii April
22nd, which amounted to 8800.
Tbe meeting then adjourned.
Coffin & McFarland
At her borne In Henpner, Monday
morning, June 20tb, Mrs. Mary E. Mor
gan, wife of Thomas Morgan, after a lin
gering sickness from consumption. Mrs.
Morgan has been for many years a resi.
dent of Heppner and her oircle of friends
extended tbioughout Morrow oounty.
She was 39 years of age and leaves a
family of five children, three sons and
two daughters.
Mrs. Morgan was a sister of James, Co
lumbus and Thomas Khea. The funeral
services were held at the Methodist
church this afternoon at 2 o'clock, con
ducted bp Rev J. M. Shulse and the Re
becca degree of the I. O. O. F. order, of
whioh she was a member.
Hymeneal Bells. The marriage of
Mr. George C. Aiken and Miss Lilly
Adams was solemnized at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Rosums Sunday afternoon
at 2 o'olock, by Rev. J. M. Shulse. The
bride's father, with a number of friends
of tbe family were present. After tbe
happy oouple were made one. a dainty
supper was served by the hosts. Both
bride and groom are well known in Hepp
ner and vicinity, having lived here many
years. Their friends are legion and the
Gazette joins them in sinoere wishes for
for future happiness through their mar
ried life. They left yesterday for their
new home at the Matlock ranche, on
Hinton creek, where they will be pleased
to see their friends. Mr. Aiken has been
in tbe employ of Mayor Matlock for six
years as trainer aud manager on hia ex
tensive horse lurui.
Mercfeandsie I Farming Implements
of Id
Stockmens' and Farmers' SupruKS
A Car Load of Mitchell Wagons and Hacks
just received. Call on them and inspect
the same before purchasing elsewhere.
T. W. (AYERS, Jr., Druggist,
Will locati! iu Heppner'e new brick, next to City Hotel.
PHIL jcOHN will also be asso
ciated with tli business, and after that date the firm name will be
rv w. AYJURS & CO.
The boys wii be pleased to have their many old friends call on
them at tlieir dot location.
and a .... . .
Concatenation of Events
Mas induced us . . . . .
to put in the Largest Stock of the
T -
Ever Placed before
The Public Gr
Appreciate this Fertuilieus
)e the blessed possessor
of some Real Bargains.
Nfew Millinery !
nerv and lldies' Fancv Goods dirent from ttiA TCnat T ovtanrl a nnr.linl ;
vitation to all f call and examine my stock and get prices before purchasing
elsewhere. i
Thompso Building, Alain Streot, Heppner, Oregon
iKIilHl ill II II III I III I II 1 1 Ml HI 111 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 lllinliflil Ml 1 1 Mil 1 1 iii (
ItliKii THK .TKWKUfll
In "in it" yet.
Ilium nil iinii!ii in ii ii.in i in ii in i ii ii ii,n in ii ii inn i in a it u
Basket Picnio and Excursion. A
grand basket picnic aud excursion will
lie given by tbe order of railway conduct
ors, at Bonneville, Sunday, June 2tj, '92.
A special rate has been secured over tbe
Northern, Southern and Union Pacitio
lines. Bonneville is located ou tbe U.
P. 41 miles east of Portland, consequent
ly tbe distance from Heppner is 106
miles. A special rate of 250 for tbe
round trip from Heppner has been sc
oured, whioh you will note is very low,
even less than one cent per mile. Tick
ets are on sale at T. W. Ayers' and Slo
cum & Johnson's drug stores, Thornton's
oigar stand and at tbe depot. For fur
ther information apply to H. O. French,
oonduotor, or J. C. Hart, agent, at Hepp
ner station. Train will leave the depot
at 6 o'clock sharp. Kemember the rate
and date
Grant Codntx Election : The returns
from the various preoincts of Grant Co.,
resulted in tbe election of the following
officers: Sheriff, J. D. Combs, reD.;
Clerk, Geo. Shearer, dem. ; treasurer, N.
H. Boley, rep.; assessor, Carl N. Wag
ner, rep.; school superintendent, M. N.
Bonbarm, rep.; oounty commissioner,
TuniB Swiok, rep.; surveyor, Chas. G.
Caspary, rep.; coroner. Daniel Morrow,
It. A. Thontan
TlrHopr Lky, Fed anil Sale Stable,
Be low Collin & McKiirltuifl's, Main Street.
GoodDonveyance for Traveling Men.
Teams to hayr day, 75 ots. Hay and grain per day. $ 1.25. Meals 25 eta. at
ni C. Sargeaut's, next door to Feed Stable. Grain and
baled hay always on baud.
Also constantly on hand a full stock of Dry
Goods, Clothing, Groceries and Provisions,
Guns, Pistols, Ammunition and everything else
pertaining to a well selected stock in a General
Merchandise Store.
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Madk on Shout Nutiok and at I'oi'm.AR Vuwks.
ISkff" Bread 22 Loans for $1.00.
O. K. FARXSWtltlTir, Pre.
H. (!. Sl'KltKi; Vict Pmi.
I . t. rLLL, Secretary and Managei
K. R. lllsmiP, Trrattirrr.
UA t I I A L S'l OCK, $100,000.00.
PAID UP, $2r,noo.oo.
ml Conn and Forwarding Agents.
Oiierotiun Warehouses at Hepimer, lime, and Douiliis, on the
Hepimer Brunch of the U. P. H. Ii. '
K K. FiiniHivtirKh.
t'lNOU ,IlliK
il. H. HiHlirip,
1. H. H,
K. Fi lck, (
.;. a. 'iii,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, A ,,.,,
Mvmnl l),iv, vi. IViiIhm.I,
i. i. ," """"''), N. A. lie
i . I'uiiyiiiH, J',. . ,Si,.rry, An
"ii WrlKlit,
r. '. Timlin
NiitlinnlW H
-Toll II I.. Aver
.Illllli.'H JiillcH,
A. JJ. Cluil'niiin.
TT IH the tirKii nf Mm ato
X iiiiuiiiinv ii'lvtiutiiKeMM
ht omblc Jioiiie iiiiu kc
the hiisineiM of all lVool
m in em
Grand Ball. Grand preparations are
being made for tbe ball in tbe grove at
Lexington on tbe Fourth. A platform
50x100 will be built. So there will be
room for every one. The services of tbe
Heppner orchestra baye been prooured
for the afternoon and evening. Sapper
will also be served in the grove at 6 p.
m. Everyone should make arrange
ments to remain until after the evening
festivities. 600-3
Opalk Cot and Polished. Messrs.
Colwell & Caldwell, lapidists, make a
specialty of polishing all kiodu of opals,
and catting theni into settings for watch
charms, rings, etc. Charges reasonable,
and satisfaction guaranteed. 01ilue254-
Morrison street, Portlatid, Or. SUO-fit
Pautnbb Wanted. Mr. A. Abraham'
sic, the taylor, desires a partner in the
tailoring, ready-made olothing and dry
goods business. 81000 capital reqnired
A (rood stand and liberal patronage as
sured. Correspond with A. AbrBhamsic,
Heppner, Oregou. 408-506
As Good as New. If you want your
furniture polished and made to look as
good as new, leave your orders at tbe
new paint shop, May St., one door west
of the First National Bank building. 'M.
He was arraigned before Justice Rea aud ; guoPi jiay street, one door west First
lined S25, in default of paying which, he j,-ational Bank.
was committed to the county jail for Calon Liaue Sperry, down at the
twelve days. Belvedere, when in town. Keeps on
A party of fifteen of Heppner a young , fi 8(oek q u nors anlj ciliarB,
people chartered a back Sunday and , g,.tf
drove out to the Adkins ranch on Rhea , 4,iin(f,n. uintt at the Ben-
Are ever popular and successful.
exceedingly low rateB offered by the
Union Paoirio this year will insure them
an immense business. Excursion tick
ets on sale at all ticket offices of the sys
For dates of sale and limit of tickets
or any additional information apply to
Otis Fata
0111 CIS
Chnge of Ownership
klldlilciH fif lhin (mnrmiiv n,,,,,!,,,,. it., i , ,
grmvern ,,.! re.,Met .hen, l e,l their ulU, ti lt S Urm ve v
"The Wool Growers' Warehouse.
The Lacasiiirk Insurance Co.
i . i,r,Nc"iss'riK'
il. . I jW I tllJlM, ilMM Onooftliell
ost itx tlie Woriil
whichpropose to oonduct in the most satisfactory manner. Will keep
on hands at alles the choicest
Mes, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
SHAW & MeCAirrY,
in it.
Mr. Hornor es it known that he is
still selling tkuohine-made harness
at $23 and goHteel tree" saddles at
825, casb. Hltf t
Parents amirx, Take Notice.
Minors on streets after 9 p. m.,
will be ran id fined. Take notice
and save nnary trouble and ex
pense. J. W. Rasmus,
487-tfsw. Marshal.
Between tbrrigues planing mill
aud tbe firslge, a first-class feed
yard with loi? aooommoilations con
nected. FiniH be handsomely re
warded. Hfltf t
In Kansas is an energetic super
intendent of Is who, when he visits
the differentots, takes with him a
The box of tool, hammer, etc., and
mends all rf'Keu seats, damaged
desks and not. Exchange. This
is probably t tbe fact thut he is a
greater sued a wood worker than
as a mind Jr- MaDy a good me
chanic has I his calling when he
quit dabbli 'ood aud mortar aud
J. C. Hart, agent Union Faciho system. essayed to """""
4'.W 3.
A rate of one fare for the round trip to
Minneapolis and Chioago, republican
and democratic conventions, bus been
authorized. Tipkets to be good going
and returning sntne route, to bo sold
only for trains arriving at Minneapolis
on June 5th aud fith, and at Chicago on
June !)th and 20th. Keturn portion to
be limited to 30 days from date of mile.
Tickets returning via Shasta roulo or
Uuion Pacitio steamer between Han
Fraiicisoo and Portland will 1,615 00
ill.: .- i ... ...
uiKner. uuiungo iicxeifl, i routed via
moux i;ity and Mt. Paul, in cither direc
tion, will be 87.00 higher than the direct
route. For further information cull ou
or address J. O. Haht, Agent,
W. if. Hi.hlik itr, Heppner, Or.
Asst. Gen. Pans. Agt.,
254 Wash. St., Portland, Or.
First prize at the World s Exposition.
First in Material and Workmanship.
First in the estimation of all practical far
Never e.malled for Durability, Execution and Lightness of Draft eon, hi, uul.
tf. Coninr Main mid Willow Stroeta, Ilnppiinr Or.
Two sorrel horses. Oneof them branded
"8" on the right shoulder, likewise oo the
right stifle.
The other was branded "8" on the
right shoulder, also "K" The weight of
each was about lOW) pounds.
Anyone returning tbe same to my
ranoh at Eight Mile will receive a reward
of $15. sw tf Hylvanvs Wrmht.
i .. . i n.. , mnalmn nr Ttf
SV" L . 600. nett house, near the depot
ill. Xj. uuviiou, ,7,., . 1
illicit J there by Kevs. Hell and uidos. . !, pP1,. ;n ! The Union Pacific offers its patrons
The gathering is said to have iDCluueu i.a r-j. q M usnal tblg
representatives i from all parts of lh 1, Sot dates of sale and limit of
county. The Hepppet company "P" ; "trio ood to return until Julv 6th. ! ticketi or .djt tdditionil information .p-
naving nad a very pieasaiii umc. ; " T r H.B uunnn. Or. I nlv to J. C. Hart. Bgent rnioo raoino
ff.-,u r.aFKnnn nrpH- uuuni'c. v. w. " , m ' , - .
were nuino luinj "' ""'J i' i'ix fl. .system.
m 3.
ladlretnMCM, Headache, Cenatl.
aattea, ChroBle Liver Trouble,
IHzElae t'eMplezloa, I7enterr,
OCeaatv' U eiMrdere r taa
ttonae" Bowela.
the mrM0""1!1!)'!"!. rlffluaut to lake,
aafe eff'" llumfHllate relief.
Bold bi. rM h''J &7 b1
Onrecei"1 Afire"
Kuhl, the baker. Buy your bread and
cakes and save money. Try it. a.
Minor Jiros. are now selling Hour at
bed rock prices. For caj-.h onlv. Hen
new ad. ft
; A fine lot of imported Hlmt (luns at
Thompson & Co's ut baiiraiu nricen m.
jobbers profits. a
M. Lichtenthal Ac Co. have just re
ceived a Uiie lot or ladies' kid, button
and tie shoes. At bottom prices. a
H. Ulackman k Co. have an exclusive
Goneral Merchandise store. Htockmen
cannot do better than patronize H.
Hlackman & Co., of Ueppuer's 1'ioneer
CITY g-()Tia,
T,HS U0STKI'KY ''" " ' '"" -I K-u.viM,,,,, throngl,,,,,,, ,, now
- . one of the most inviting places in Heppner. Mr. Uexer invite, you to st,.
won nun, iceiing that he is aUe to ente
tertaiu you in the best of style.
For the return to my place, six miles
south of Nolin, Oregon, 1 gray mare with i
yearling colt, branded T.H on rightabout-1
der and oirele W on left shoulder; also
1 bny mare branded TH on riuht shoulder
aud dim brand ou left shoulder resem-1
bliog o. Or 1 will pay S1IJ for infor
mation leading to their recovery. j
i f. Wkukh, '
imrm N.,ii, or. .
For Fruit has Arrived and we
are in the business to supply you
Is (ibout rip... VVo win let you
Know :il. out, 1 hat ia tlio nea;. Tutiiro
W. L. Matlock & Co.
! 1.
11 1
etii irom una piuce,