Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 17, 1892, Image 3

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SE dt'sii'inK the iiiHtTtinn of dinjlny nrls.,
change ol hiik', muril Ket their copy in
fl Umu MdiKluy evening J'nr Tuemliiy's
i, ur rliuiBiiuy evening fur KricluvB eili
I 'Jiu Htiui of five cents per line will be
rlmi'L,'t-d fur "etinls of thanks," "resolutions of
ri'M'i-et," lists of weiidiliK presents and donorB,
miu ulntmtry notices, (otiier than those the edit
or Khali liiiilscii give us a mutter of news,) and
notices ol Bpechil meetings tor whatever purpose.
I. Notices of church and society and ull other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be churned for at the rate of five
cents a line. '1 hese rules will be strictly adher
ed to ill every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and niadeknown
upon application.
Give your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build vp Hepp
net: Patronize those who patronize
Here and There.
T. W. Ayers, Jr., for drugs. 08 aw
' 'Itipans Talmk'K : host liver tonic.
Dave MoAtee returned Mouday from
the Portland races.
Hon. C. A. Bhea returned Wednesday
evening from Portland.
Daily stage both ways between Monu
ment nud Long Creek. tf.
Theodore Anderson of Gooseberry was
in the city Wednesday.
Ford, the painter, still "in it." For
any kind of work see him. 81-tf.
Mrs. J. J. Roberts is prepared to do
all kinds of plain sewing. 65-tf
Mrs. Andrew Nenl of Lone Rock is
visiting friends in the town.
When in Arlington, stop at the Ben
nett bouse, near the depot. 61ft
Mrs. S. W. Brings has been spending a
week in the countiy visiting relatives.
If you wuut a fine blended roast coffee,
null tor the Big 4 Brand, sold by P. 0,
Thompson & Co. 499-99.
A i. Barker, general agent of the Cui
cngo and Northwestern railroad spent
yesterday in town.
Pup tiinions & Son still shoe horses
, aad do general blacksmithing at the old
stand Matiock corner. 55.
John Jenkins opened a brick yard and
started a kiln yesterday up Hinton creek,
in which be will burn 200,000 brick.
"The Parlor," W. F. Ruark, prop., in
the City hotel, west side of Main street.
Neatest place in Heppner. sw
Call on Lishe Hperry, down at the
Belvedere, when in town. Keeps on
band a tine stock of liquors and cigars.
T. W. Ayers, Sr., and wife left for
Portland Tuesday to attend the 42J ses
sion of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Ore
Htm. Mr. Cupper, of Monument, had his
thumb on his left hand bitten oh" Wed
nesday by a vicious horse while being
Wm. Penland sold his wool clip yes
terdny, which amounted to $20,000. It
witB the largest individual product of the
Hiyu kotchum whiskers. Hatt &
Mathews, at the oity barber shop the
place to get a Bret-class Bhave, hair-out
or shampoo. tf.
J. A. Bttdell opend a new stone quarry
this week on the Clark farm, below town,
which he will proceed to develope for
future supplies.
Carriages, hacks, carts, etc, painted
in first class shape. Portland prices.
Shop, May street, one door west B'irst
National Bank.
M. S. Koshland a wool merohant of
Han Frauoisco; J. Koshland of Portland,
Bnd A. Ur. Jacobs o this Oregon Woolou
Mills, were in town yesterday.
As soon as you discover any falling ol
the hair or gntyuess always use Hall's
Hair Henewer to tone up the secretions
nud prevent baldness or grayness.
The Bitchier beer, 5 cents per glass, at
tbe Columbia Beer Hall, Usmers s
Hughes, (jiops., next door to M. Lioh
tentbul & Co.'s.shoe store. ew tf
Mrs. A. A. Curtis, of Shoshone, Idaho,
who has been visiting ber brother, and
mntbor. Mrs. Hiues of this place, the
past month, leaves tomorrow for her,
The editor of the Gazette is enjoying a
verv nleiisaut outing, in company witn
his' brother of the Long Creek Eagle,
among tbe mountains and mines of Uraut
Newer nud neater quarters at the
Pnbice Hotel's north business room.
Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see
his old friends there. Baths in connec
A. Adams of Hardman paid the
rin'zpttn'a nleiisaut call yesterday. Mr.
Adams reports orops doing well in
neighborhood. A good harvest is
There will be no servioes Sunday at
the M. E church South, as tbe pastor,
assisted by Rev. G. H. Gibbs, of Dayton,
Wash., will open oamp reet;ng services
on Rhea creek.
Thompson & Binus own the buss which
goes to and from the City hotel, but will
- -IJ for parties desiring to go to train in
S 1 part of the city. Leave orders at
hotel, ft-tf
tjonductor French is taking a vacation
Trotu the road for-a few days to attend
court at Hillsboro, Washington county,
on a suit pertaining to the wreck of his
train two years ago.
W. H. Cohoe is over from Monument
with his wool clip, for which be will
doubtless get a good price, as a great
deal of tbe John Day wool is very clean,
his being above the average.
The social dance given by the Hepp
ner Orchestra last Wednesday evening,
was not very well attended, although the
musio rendered by them was greatly ap
preciated by those present.
J. F. Davis, who has just completed
another successful term of school at Lena,
left for bis home at Hilverton yesterday
morning. He will probably return to
Morrow county Bgain this fall.
Dr. W. Tackman, the dentist, win ne
found at Dr. B. F. Vaughan's offioe, Lee
uilding. Does all tbe latest crown
"Abridge work, alluminum plates, etc.
Don't miss tbe opportunity. 487-tf
Charlie Jones leaves this afternoon for
the McDuffy springs to be gone a couple
weeks. He has been suffering severely
for some time with rheumatism in his
feet. We siucerelv hope be mBy find re
lief. P. O. Borg and P. C. Thompson have
beeu spending the week in Portland at
tending a meeting of the Knight Temp
lars and otherwise combining business
and pleasure. They will retr rn tomor
row, D. Grant's Cloalo, the great dyspepsia
conqnerer, will positively cure dyspepsia
Bnd alt its kindred ailments. Every bot-
tie sold under a positive guarantee to
effect a cure or money refunded, See ad.
in this issue. tf.
, John Netlen came in last evening from
the John Dav country with bis wool
clip Johnny looks as tbongh he wereeB
joying tbe best of health. He also has a
great dal to say Bhont tbe result of tbe
recent election in Grant county.
Sarsaparilla belongs to the ermlax fam
ily of plants, and is found very generally
over tbe American continent; but the
variety that is richest in medicinal prot)
erties is the Honduras root, of which the
famous Ayer's Barsaparilla is made.
Wasco Sun: II. O. French, the popu
lar conductor on the Heppner branch,
was in the city Monday. He is on his
way to Hillsboro where he has beeu sub
poenaed bs a witness in the Knathlaease.
This is one of the oases growing out of
the terrible wreck near Cascade Looks
winter before last and wbicn was tried
here once, taken to supreme court and a
new trial ordered. Mr. French was him
self severely injured in this wreck and
came very near death. He is as jolly as
ever now, however, and his many friends
here have a welcome for him.
East Oregonian : Blue Mountain Di
vision, U. R K. of r., was instituted at
Heppner Saturday, June 11, by Captain
E. E. Sharon of Umatilla division, Pen
dletnn, with twenty-seven members. The
following officers were duly elected and
installed: G. V. Harrington, oaptaiu;
Alvah Patterson, lieutenant; W. B.Pot
ter, herald; T. C. Aubrey, recorder; W.
L. Saling, treasurer; Dan Gamers, guard;
C. W. Rychard, sentinel. Captain Shar
on reports a pleasant time with brother
Heppner knights.
J. D. Ambrose and family who for the
past eight years have been residents of
Morrow county, will depart for Spankey,
Illinois, Monday' where Mr. Ambrose in
forms us that he intends to locate in or
der to educate his children. Ahhough
Mr. Ambrose has disposed of most of his
property here, he is yet interested in the
future success of bis Morrow county
friends, and requests the Gazette to
visit him as of old.
The people of Lexington have prepared
an elaborate programme for the Fourth
of July oelebration to be held at Pen
land's grove, which has been testify fit
ted up. There will be musio by tbe
Lexington cornet band. The amuse
ments will oonsist of various kinds of
foot races, in which prizes are offered.
A ball-room program is arranged for af
ternoon and evening.
Senator Blackman, acoompauied by
bis wife and child, left Monday evening
for the democratic national convention at
Chicago, to convene on tbe 21st inst.
Their son accompanied them as far as
Boise oity. They went by way of Kan
sas city and will visit New York before
their return. They expeot to be gone
five or six weeks.
J. A. Budell, the contractor for tbe
masonry upon tbe new sohool building
and the Heppner block, has just finished
both jobs and leaves tomorrow for bis
home at The Dalles. Mr. Budell btiB
purchased a lot here and will soon build
a brick residence. He has decided to
make Heppner his home.
lsa Brown, the surveyor, was up from
the Ella country yesterday. He uniform
our reporters that the dry weather haB
injured the crops greatly in that section,
as many fields will not be worth har
vesting, ami unless they have ram soon
the grain orop will be almost a failure.
Mr. Arthur Royse, who has been at
tending oollege at McMinuville, Or., re
turned home Wednesday evening. Mr.
Royse completed the classical course at
the above place. He will be employed
this summer by the Home Library asso
ciation of Chicago.
Mrs. Harriet A. Marble, of Poughkeep
sie, N. ., was for years a martyr to head
ache, and never found anything to give
her more than temporary relief until she
began to take Ayer's Pills, since which
she has been in the enjoyment of perfeot
All those who are owing the old firm
of MeBsrs. Kirk & Hayes, either by nota,
which is now due, or account, will please
settle same at onoe. Remember these
gentlemen must have money to settle
bills. 499-507
Joe Nelson, who is working on Gid
Boyer'a ranch, made this office a pleas
ant call today. Farmers in bis section
are beginning their hay harvest.
Mr. A. B. Chappman of Big Butter
oreek equipped himself yesterday for
harvest with a fine new sulky rake from
the P. C. Thompson Co.'s store.
W. J. McAtee left Wednesday for a
few days trip to The Dalles to visit his
family. M. B. Haynian takes his place
during bis absence.
Rev. J. M. Shulse will proaoh Sunday
evening at the M. E. church on the sub
jeot of "demonology."
Chas. Jones has added another chair
to bis barber shop, with Noah Rose as
the "tonsorial artist."
Mr. Dart, of the firm of Hapoenstall,
Dart & Co., ot John Day, has been in
town several days.
W. H. Johnson, s prominent wool grow
er from John Day city, was in town yes
terday. There is some talk of organizing a Sons
of Veteran post at some point in this
State Teachebs' Association. The
Oregon State Teachers' Association will
be held in Portland commencing June
28th and continuing in session nntil tbe
1st proximo. The ablest instructors in
the state will be in attendance. Dr.
David S. Jordon, president of Stanford
university, one of the greatest living
college men, is on tbe program for two
lectures. Tbe department of superin
tendence will occupy Monday and Tues
day, the 27th and 28th inst. All mem
bers from Eastern Oregon, traveling over
the D. P. road to tbe association, must
state their destination when purchasing
tieketB from the oompany's agent, and
proonre a certiiicate from him that they
have paid full fare to Portland, neglect
ing ibis tbey will fail to secure one-fifth
fare on return trip. Elegant entertain
ments are planned. Delightful excur
sions are assured. It will prove the treat
f a lifetime to aotive teachers. Aooom
modations arranged.
The World Enriched.
The facilities of the present dav for the
production of evervthing that will oon
duce to the material welfare and oom
fort of mankind are almost unlimited,
and when Svrnp of Figs was first pro
duced the world was enriched with the
only perfect laxative known, as it is the
only remedy which is truly pleasing and
refreshing to tue taste auu prompt uu
effeotual to cleanse the system gently in
the spring time or, in fact, at any time
and the better it is known the more pop
ular it beoomes.
Aa flnon as New. If you want your
furniture polished and made to look aa
good as new, leave your orders at the
now nmnt shoD. Mav 8t., one door west
of the First National Bank building,
Half Fark. The Union Pacific will
sell tickets July 2d, 3d and 4th to any
point within 300 miles at one fair for tbe
rnnrl rrin imod toretnrn nntil July 6th,
inclusive. J. C. Hart, Heppner, Or.
Partner Wanted. Mr. A. Abraham
sio the taylor, desires a partner in the
tailoring, ready-made clothing and dry
goods business. 1000 capital required.
A good stand and liberal patronage as
sured. Correspond with A. Abrahamsic,
Heppner, Oregon. 498-606
The Union Pacific offers its patrons
cheaD 4th of July rates as usual thie
year. For dates of sale and limit ol
tickets or any additional information ap-
dIv to 3.
C. Hart, agent
Union Pacific
i system.
How Mr. Wilson Was ( ami by Dr. Darrln
The Hoe tor Alao Cnred Mr. Cook of strict
nrr After Five Doctors Had Failed.
eight years I bad been seriously afflicted
with piles and prolapsus of the reotnm.
Never in that time did I have a move
ment of the bowels without puBhmg the
tumors hack. I became so weakened
and siok that I could not work or attend
to business. I suffered all the "torments
of the damned" until I came to Dr. Dar
rin April 2. With their treatment I am
happy to say I am perfeotly cured. I
would not take $10,000 and be placed
back where I was before the operation.
I reside at Mist, Columbia count), Or.
Kciuat'kablo Cure of Stricture.
MR. EDITOR: Having been troubled
with urethral stricture for eleveu years,
and having been cured by Dr. Darrin, I
wish to toll others how and where it was
dona, that they may avail themselves of
the doctor's wonderful skill. I have been
under Dr. Darrin's treatment three weeks
and am how perfectly well. I never lost
a day's work while under his treatment.
For months prior to the operation I was
oonfined to my bed with pain and suffer
ing beyond description. Five doctors
failed to cure me during tbe past eleven
years. I reside at 264 Third street, Port
land. R. C. COOK.
Drs. Darrin oan be found at 270
Washington street, Portland, Or.; the
Review building, Spokane, Wash.; the
Hotel Northern, Astoria, Or., from 10 to
5 daily, 7 to 8 evenings; Sunday, 10 to 12.
They make a specialty of all diseases
of eye, ear, nose and throat, oatarrh, deaf
ness, bronceitis, la grippe, consumption,
dyspepsia, heart, liver and kidney dis
eases. All nervous, chronic and private
diseases of men, including stricture, hy
drocele, varicocele, and all peculiar fe
male troubles are confidentially and suc
cessfully treated. Most cases can reoeive
home treatment after a visit to the doc
tor's office. Inquiries answered. Circu
lars and question blanks Bent free.
Monte Robison lost a veluable mare a
few days ago.
The farmers are buBy hauling wood
and cultivating their sod and summer
Ground squirrels and grasshoppers
makes a very good invigorator for oats
and chickens. The people ought to post
them on this matter.
Mr. E. B. Stanton is digging a well on
his new place. He has dug about 6 feet
and Btruck water ; he thinks by going 12
feet he will have an abundance of water.
Mr. G. W. Ingraham and his sister
started last Friday for the East. They
aimed to stay a few days in your burg.
Chas. thinks of putting his carburique
burner on tbe market.
There was Sunday-school last Hundav
at 10 a. m., preaching at 11 and at night,
by Rev. Galloway. The house was orowd-
ed and everybody who could find seats
enjoyed a good sermon.
We had a nice shower of raiu Friday,
which is making the grain return to its
first love. With a good shower of rain,
crops wilt be good, especially summer
fallow grain. Spring grain don't stand
any Bbow unless we have plenty of rain.
Mr. Burnside received a broken bone
in his right hand, caused from a fistio
enooonter be bad with Mr. Jenkins.
However, his hand is getting along as
well as could be expected. A person
ought not to hit hard enough to injure
Tbe eleotion came off very quietly,
with the "kangaroo ballot" being scratch
ed in every shape. The alliance is still
running in full blast here and tbey ex
peot to keep awake uutil they convince
the democrats and republicans they are
It really looks picturesque to climb to
the top of the loftiest bills and look down
upon this vast country and see the wav
ing wheat fields growing with great
rapidity. Some of the farmers seem to
think we are not going to have any more
rain, but remember that the darkest hour
is just before day.
If people could not start some yarn on
somebody to go the rounds, I do not be
lieve they could enjoy good health. Such
fallacious things are a detriment to any
person who asserts them, as well as it is
a detrimeut to those on whom it is told.
If a person dislikes another it is no rea
son why they should tell something false
about them.
Oni) Reliable.
Eight Mile, Or., June 15, '92.
Three Years Allowed Settlers to Pay tor For
faited Latins.
Captain Lewis ot the United Htates
land ollioe at this place, received the fol
lowing telegram last evening:
Washington, U. C., June 10, 1802.
Captain fuhn W. Lewis, The Dalles,
Or. 1 Just passed through i he house the
bill extending tbe time lor three years
to settlers lor payment tor forfeited lauds.
The act will become a law next weeK.
TliNQiik Herman,
To this tLe captain sent the following
The Dalles, Or., June 10. - Hon. B.
Hermann, Wasbingtou.D. C.J Your tel
egram announcing passage of the act ex
tending for three years the time for pay
meets on forfeited lands just received,
It will afford me great pleasure to give
the news aa speedy publication as possi
ble, knowing as 1 do that it will lift s
beavv load from many a weary back
This is only one more instance of tbe
fruits ot your untiring labor on bebalf of
tbe people of Oregon. Last Monday's
vote shows their appreciation.
Very truly, John V. Lewis,
Tbe bill referred to was introduced in
the senate Borne time ngo by Senator
Dolob. and passed that body. It bus
now, happily, and contrary to general
exrjeotation, passed the house. Tbe ao"
tion ot Senator Dolph and Mr. Hermann
deserves tbe thanks of grateful people
that is, it there are any grateful people
"Moiiii police" and "more stringent
laws" will not Bave municipalities or
communities from defective government.
An education of the people, that will ap
prise every mau of bis dnty and enable
him to see wherein the lawa and their
officers are deficient, will alone solve the
A traveler in China says that the
mirnr emnlovs ten men whose sole
t - - L! 'IH.Jo r.t i
I duty it is .0 carrj :
duty it is to carry his nmhrella.
i course deprives me emperor oi me in
ilege of losing his old umbrella and steal
ing a new oue, that the individual um
brella bearer enjoys in this country.
H. Blackman & Co.,
General Merchandise!
ATfE AKE STILL SELLING OUT our stock of Goner
' al merchandise, but to make it more complete, we have
purchased a stock consisting of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Furn
ishing Apparel, Etc.,
That will b sold at greatly reduced prices for cash only. Call
and investigate and we will be pleased to wait on you. No
trouble to show goods.
Pioneer BricR store - main street, epj w.
Will positively cure Dyspepsia and all its kindred ailments.
Every bottle sold on a Positive Guarantee to efieet a
cure or money refunded. Retail price, $1.00.
Dr. Grant's Kidney and Livek Oiire. For
the eure or Brieht'B Disease, Piahetee. Kilinus
ness, Kick-Heaiai'hep and all Kidney troubles.
Pit. Grant's Syrup op AVilm Grai-k Root.
The prreat blood purifier and system tonic.
Purely vegetable, and is the product nf On-Kun
Soil. Retail price,l.on.
The Great Female Remedy !
For the cure of dist'tiBes and roniplnlnts peculiar to femnleH. R
tail price, one dollar.
Prepared By The O.
315 Front Street,
For Sale by all Druggists.
New Warehouse !
Is ready to receive wool on storage for
sale or shipment, and also to do a gen
eral forwarding business.
Ship care of
Change of
which we propose to conduct in
on hands at nil times the choicest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
Are ever popular and Biiooeesful. The
exceedingly low rates nflered by tlie
Union Paoiflo this year will insure tbem
an immense business. Excursion tick
ets on sale at all ticket offices of the eys-
t6For dates of sale and limit of tickets
or any additional information apply to
J. O. Hart, agent Union Pacific system.
m 3.
This paragraph contains abundant
food for thought. It hits sensitive peo
ple exactly "where tbey live." "A man
who stops his paper because there is
something in it be does not like, to be
oonsisteDt, should get up and leave the
botel table if he happens to discover on
tbe bill of fare something that does Dot
suit his taste. He would be just as con
sistent in one act as in tbe other. A good
newspaper is a bill of fare of mental
food for as many taBtes as possible, and
the reader ought to know that the ar
ticle wbioh does not suit him, is perhaps
jUBt to the taste of nearly every
ntl.nr ponder of the paper. The
man who insists on having a paper ex
aotly to his individual taste should buy
the material Bnd edit and print one for
himself and ask no one else to read it."
ParenU and Minora. Take Notice.
Minors on the Btreets after 9 p. m.,
will be run in and fined. Take notice
and save unnecessary trouble Bnd ex
pense. J- W. Kahmdh,
487-tfsw. Marshal.
Rucklen's Arnica Halve.
Tbe best salve in tbe world for cnte,
bruises, sores, nloers salt rnenm, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or do pay required. It
u guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by Blocnm-Johnstnn
Drug Co.
Still In It.
Mr. Hornor wishes it known that he is
still selling the maohine-made harness
at 823 and good, "steel tree" saddles at
i 825, cash. Knf
Wondkr Oh.. Tbe
Retail price, 50c.
Dit, Grant's Cholera and Diarkiioka GI'hk.
Ketiiil price, 50o.
Dk. G rant's Mauki Pain Ocrk. Tbe great
household remedy; an internal anil external
remedy. Retail price, 2rctu.
W. R. Manf. Co.,
I?oi tlrtiicl, Oregon.
I'M. Grant's
matle cure.
the most satisfactory manner. Will keep
A rate of one fare for the round trip to
Minneapolis nud Ohioaxo, republican
and democratic conventions, has been
authorized. Tickets to be good going
and returning same route, to be sold
only for trains arriving at Minneapolis
on Jnne 5th aud Ctb, and at Chicago on
June llttb and SKltb. Keturn portion to
be limited to 30 days from date of sale.
Tickets returning via Hhasta route or
Union Pacific steamer between Han
Francisco and Portland will be $15.00
higher. Chicago tickets, if routed via
Sioux City and HI. Paul, m either direc
tion, will be $7.!)0 higher than the direot
route. For further information call on
or address J. O. Hakt, Agent,
V. H. HrJKLMiRT, Heppner, Or.
Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.,
254 Wash. Ht., Portland, Or.
ltuhl, the baker, liny your bread and
cakes aud Bave money. Try it. a.
Minor Bros, are now selling flour at
bed rook prices. For cash only. See
new ail. a
A fine lot of imported Shot Guns at
Thompson & Co's at bargain prices, no
jobbers prohtH. a
M. Liiciiteutlial uo. nave juhi re-!
ceived a fine lot of ladies' kid, button
aud tie shoes. At bottom prices. a
H. Blackman & Co. have an exolnsive
General Merchandise store. Htookinen
cannot do better than patronize H.
lilackman & Co., of Hoppner's Pioneer
fa itKWAim
For the return to my place, six miles
south of Nolin, Oregon, 1 gray mare with
yearling oolt, branded TH on right shoul
der and circle W on left shoulder; also
1 bay mare branded TH on ri(jht shoulder
and dim brand on left shoulder resem
bling o. Or I will pay 810 for infor
mation leading to their recovery.
K. Wkiiek,
498 506 Nolin, Or.
The irifluenceof example is contagions.
Since the Wheeling coal barons success
fully consummated their great combine
monopoly in the Eastern anthracite coal
product, their Western brethren are
planning to Biirpass them in the exac
tions demanded upon the coal output of
Colorado and Wyoming.
A Conglomeration of Ideas
and a
Concatenation of Events
Has induced us
to put in the Largest Stock of the
Ever Placed before
lm K'i
I mi 1 0U
Appreciate this Fortuities Combination
And you will be the blessed possessor
of some Real Bargains.
Also constantly on hand a full stock of Dry
Goods, Clothing, Groceries and Provisions,
Guns, Pistols, Ammunition and everything else
pertaining to a well selected stock in a General
Merchandise Store.
Raker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Madk on Shout Notiok
Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00.
O. K. FAKSSWORTU. I'm. E. G. UPEKItV, Viet I'm. It. It. Of, WOP. Trrnsurrr.
' T. E. FELL, Secretary and Manager.
lhe Morrow County Lai I Trust Company
OA PITA L STOCK, $100,000.00. PAID UP, $25,000.00.
Incorporated 1S8S.
Qeneral Cammissisn and Forwarding Agents.
Operating Warehouses at Heppner, lone, and Doug Ian, on the
Heppner Branch of the V. P. R. R.
O. K. KariiHWorHli, J. A. TliompMou, l. A. Hcrri'ii,
Nelson JnncH Kit wan) Day, Wm. iVnlamt,
Kil. R. Bishop, Tlienm 15. Full, ' W. K. Elliot),
Ed. H. Cox, J. A. Wouli'iy, N, A. Kelly,
J. E. Frick, O. T. Douglas, K. U. Spt-iry, Aimon Wright,
IT 18 the purpoHH of the stock hold em of this company to conduct Its buRhu'ss in a manner
mutually ndvantuKt'ouB to all wool mill grain proilucerH of this section, ami to maintain the
favorable home market which it Ihih established. During the coming wool season we solicit
the business of all wool growers and request them to semi their ulip to the "Wool Growers'
Having enlarged the Heppner Warehouse, and roofed all platforms, we have double the.
storage capacity of any olber warehouse In Eastern Oregon, well lighted for the display of wonl
"The Wool Growers' Warehouse."
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
i ai yvrvc" 1 1 iC!-i'i'c iv, xcjvgi,.a.jvi
A. W, l'ATI'KHSON, AGENT Ono ol tlie Host In the World
First prize at the Worlds Exposition.
First in Material and Workmanship.
First in the estimation of all practical farmers.
Never equalled for Durability, Execution aud Lightness of Draft combined.
Coruor Main and Willow Streotn, lleppuer Or.
Fllllltt HOSTELRY has been Hki'Ittkd and Kkkdnikiikd throughout, and now
is one of the most inviting places in Heppner. Mr. I.eezer invites you in slop
with him, feeling that he is able to entertain you iu the best of style.
First Class House. Reasonable Rates.
'jPtSii Season
For Fruit has Arrived find we
are in the business to supply you
Xoej Cream
Is ;iloi!t ripe. We will let you
know :il urn! 1 ha t in the near future.
W. L. Matlock & Co.
The Public Gaze
and at 'ohtlau Fho-eh.
1'. C. Thompson,
Nathanit-l Wchb,
John L. Ayers,
.JtUlHiH Jomw,
A, B. ChaPman.