NO I IL K TO AIIVEHTIBKRS. T MIOSK lt'Mrhin the iiiSLTli-m nf ilisiilHV ikIh,. rlllllik'i.' til HtIH', HlllHt L'L't tlK'ir COItl ill li.ii niii'r limn .Mummy eve-limy inr I llewliiv 8 i-.litiuii, or 'I li.irciuy i-wimiik lor Kriiluvs ri'li- Ihtil. 'HlK I'.VTTE ilMlN l'l lll.lSHINi; l.'o. NOI K E. I. TIil' Hum nf flvti i-ents per line will be elittriieil fur "riinlH of tliankn," "reHoliiti'ins of renpert," lidtH of ueiltiin preselltH unit donors, ami obituary notii eH, (other than those the eilit or Hlutll hiinsell yive tiH h mutter of news,) iiuil notieeHol Hjieeiiil meeting for wtiKtever pnrpoHt'. J. Notiees of chinch itinl society Hint allother entertitininentw from w hii-h revenue is to be de rived, shitll be einiiKed for ut the rale of live cents a line. '1 hese rules will he strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rales reasonable and made known upon application. Oire your lnisi)iess to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. T. W. A ere, Jr., for drugs. 08 ew Hot peanuts at CIirs. Sargents. sw. Ford, tlie painter, still "in it." For any kiud of work nee bim. 81-tf. Mrs. J. J. Roberta is prepared to do all kinds of plaiu sewiDH. 65-tf A ten pound daughter was born this morning to the wile of Mr. A. L. Spray. ISorn, last Sunday night, to the wife of Ed AahbaiiKu, of Eisrht Mile, auirl baby. Miss Maud Glascock has been spend ing the past week visiting friends at Lexington. A business meeting of the O. A. R. is called ut Lexington, for June 25th at 1 o'clock p. m. Milk shake at Clias. Sargent's, Main Btreet. Also hue assortment of candies, nuts, tobacoos, etc Tap tiiuious & Son still shoe horses Bd do general blacksmithiug tit the old stand Matlock corner. 55. "The Parlor," W. F. Ruark, prop., in the City hotel, went side of Main street. Neatest place in Ueppner. sw ChaB. Repass came in this morning for the doctor to attend Uncle Remiuger, whom he reports worse. Dick Chirk, the Long Creek barber, came in on Wednesday evening's stage, going below the following morning. E. Wuldman, J. 8. Crane and W. K. Noonay, three knights of the gripsack, oame up on Wednesday evening's train. Call on Lishe Sperry, down at the Belvedere, when in town. Keeps on hand a tine stock of liquors and cigars. 61-tf Hiyu ketchum whiskers. Hatt & Mathews, at the oity barber shop the place to get a tirst-class shave, liair-out or shampoo. tf. The Luchlor beer, 5 cents per glass, at the Columbia Beer Hall, Osmers & Hughes, inops., next door to M. Lich tenthal & Co.'s shoe store. sw tf The people of Eight Mile are prepar ing to have a grand oelebration on the Fourth. The order of the day will be speaking, music and horse raoittg. Grant .Tohnsou. the wool buyer repre- setuing Koshland & Co. of San Fran cisco, bought the Corrigall clip of 47 snoks of wool yesterday. Price unknown. Jewer and neater quarters at the Palace Hutel's north business room. Charley Jones, the baher, wants to see his old friends there. Baths in connec tion. Jacob Walner of the firm of Thoa. Uunnigan Sons & Co., wool commission merchants of Sun Franoisco, arrived in Heppuer Wednesday to remain several days. Thompson & Binns own the buss which goes to and from the City hotel, but will call for parties desiring to go to train in any part of the city. Leave orders at City hotel. fl-tf IJuJVV. Tackmau, the dentist, will he found at Dr. B. F. A'anghau's olfice, Lee zer building. Does all the latest crown and bridge work, allumiuum plates, etc. Don't miss the opportunity. 4S7-tf D. Grant's Cloalo, the great dyspepsia oonquerer, will positively cure dyspepsia and all its kindred ailments. Every bot tle sold under a positive guarantee to effect a oure or money refunded, See ad. in this issue. tf. If you desire a beautiful complexion, absolutely free from pimples and blotches, purify your blood by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Remove the cause of these disfigurements and the skin will take care of itself. Be sure you get Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Mr. Frank Shipley had a runaway Tuesday morning, resulting disastrously to his cart, though no one was hurt. It was occasioned by the horse taking fright while he and his sister were un hitching it at the stable. A new partnership has been formed in the drug business between T. W. Ayers, Jr. and Mr. Phil Cohn, for many years in the employ of Henry Blackmail. The firm will begin business about the first of July in the new Heppuer brick block, uext to the City hotel. Miss Josie Rhea, daughter of Hon. C. A. Rhea, of Rhea creek, and J. Newton Jones of this place were married Wed nesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Richardson, A. A.Roberts officiating. The Gazette extends congrat ulations. Geo. Parker, of Rock Creek, who has been hack in Kansas visiting for five months past, returned last Monday a week ago, but was takeu sick the next rlav after arriving. However, we are glad to note that he is able to be out on the street again. Bnils. carbuncles, and eruptions of all kinds are nature's efforts to throw off poison from the blood. This result may he accomolished much more effectually, na well as acreeably, through the proper excretory channels, by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. All members of the uniform rank, K. of P. are requested to be present Satur day evening, as that is the date of in stalation. Do not forget this, for with out you nothing can be done as 27 must be present in uniform before the rank can be organized. H. Leathers, of Hardman, has just re turned from a trip to the mountains where he went with James Jones' Bnd Henry Schirziuger's bands of sheep. The feed in the mountains is gi od at present but owing to lack of rain is likely to be shorter than usual this season. F. M. Courter, of Eight Mile, was in yesterday to make final proof on his tim ber culture before Clerk Morrow. Every one who has seen Mr. Courier's culture says it is one of the best in Morrow county. M. 1". Gherling and W. R. Mun kers accompanied him as witnesses. Mr. L. F. Jones had one W. F. Plem- mens arrested Tuesday afternoon on the The editor of the Gazette has been tak ing b furlough the past week, visiting his brother, of the Long Creek Eagle; ac Long Oieek. If the policy of the paper in this and the previous issue seems ut dissonance with its previous nttorauoes, the public will leniently attribute the dis cord to the giddy vagaries of the "hired mau," who has been bamiied about by so many divergent political interests "the past two months that, between the re turns of the state electiou and the Min neapolis fusiiade, he may have tottered from his political equilibrium. The Heppner orchestra will give an other dance at the opera house next Wednesday eveviug. An elegaut pro gram is being prepared, and niusio-lnv-ing people who are votaries of the Ter psichoreun muse as well, are assured a delightful timj. The public is cordially iuvited to attend. The baud boys want to buy some new music to entertain you on publio occasions. Everybody oouie. The condition of the gutter on Muin street from the post ollioe to the cross ing below is becoming miasmatic enough to put to shame the Bewerage soows of a great city. Can't the town or the prop erty owners better afford to cart away such garbage thau to let it fester in the sun, polluting the air and offending the nostrils of every piieserby and resident within a block of the nuisance? Parents should remember that special services have been arranged at the M. E. church next Sabbath for the children. Trie room will be profusely decorated with flowers, while the walls will echo the songs of rare species of the aviary as well as ohoruses from trained human voices. Let all the children be present. A pleasant reception was held yester day afternoon at the borne of Mr. James Jones, in honor of his son Newton and bride. There were present Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Conser, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thorn ton, E. R. Bishop and wife, Walter Rioh urdson and wife, A. A. Roberts and wife and J. W. Morrow and wife. An artistic display of ladie's and gent's furnishing goods, in the tasty show win dows of C. S. Vim Duyne is one of the most attractive sights of Muin street. A thing of beauty is a joy forever; espec ially if you owu it. A word to the wise is sufli jient. The wool market has been unusually quiet the past week, but few sales being noted. The values have not fluctuated, but sellers are holding too high to w ar rant buyers purchasing. The infant of W. B. Hinkle, that ha" occasioned so much comment since itB birth on aocoui,t of its diminutive sizei weighing less than a pound at birth died this morning. Dr. Geisendorfer, of Arlington, who ac companied Hon, W. R. Ellis home and attended the Betting of Ins limb, will be up again this evening to speud Sunday w ith his patient. Frank Moreland made final proof on his preemption today before Clerk Mor row with Hiram Tash and Arthur Stevens of the Hardman country as his wit nesses. A little setto ooonrred in the north part of town last evening. John Jenkins and Jj. j) . Jjurnsuies Deing tlie partici pants. No serious damage. J. R. Ferguson, of Portland, repre senting the Equitable Life Insurance company, of New York, came up last evening for a few days stay. Dr.' Gagen was called lost Tuesday to attend James Hager, at his home on Hiuton creek. The dootor reportB an at taok of billions fever. Joe Banister was in the city yesterday. He informs us that he has just finished hauling Huyes Bros, dip from 2300 head of sheep. We are glad to note that postmaster Mallory, who has been on the sick list the past w eek, is again able to be at his office. Daily stage both ways between Monu ment and Long Creek. tf. DIED. In Heppner June 6, 1892, ul the resi dence of her parents. Mary Elnora French, beloved wife of W. J. Frenoh and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Wells, aged 23 yeara, seven months and sine days. She was born iu Umatilla county, Oregon, wbeie she was reared until eight years of ege when Bhe moved with her parenta to Heppuer, Morrow county, where she wag united in mar riage with Jeff Frenoh November 6, 1887. Although she had been in failing health for the pnst two years, dating from the birth of their only ohild, little Alma, who lived four short mouths, and who was deeply in mrucd by br muth'T She never became fully lecjuciltd to i-er death ti:ii:I her own health began to fail, althoush it was not known she had that fatal disease, quick consumption, until eight weeks previous to her death. She was t;,k-;n to Portland, and placed under the beet Uisdiciil treatment that could be found, but till was in vain. While up oi, l.f '.l o; tickuess she n:ail-j a swret resignation to the will of God and re joiced iu a Savior's love. Just before ber d; ::ili she had a view ut the heavenly shore url of her Utile daughter Alma; her face lighted up with joy and she laughed aloud and said: "Uh that beau tiful river and my little Alma." Although we mown cur lore deeply, ye! we know thai our loss is their gain, and can eay with a humble bean, "God's will be done." H.BIackman&Co., DEADERS IN General Merchandise! WE AEE STILL SELLING OUT our ntoi-k of Gener al merchandise, but to make it more complete, we have purchased a stock consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Furn ishing Apparel, Etc., That will be sold at greatly reduced prices for cash only. Call and investigate and we will be pleased to wait on you. No trouble to show goods. PionEsr Brick Siore - plain Street, Hbpul Ou W0NDERFUL R.EMEDIES! Dr. tHua.3TT'S CIjOAIjO. S- THE GREAT DYSPEPSIA CONQUEROR. Will positively cure Dyspepsia and all Its kindred ailments. Every bottle sold on a Positive guarantee to etlect a cure or money refunded, itetail price, 1 .1)0. She Is not dead, but only gone, To that briirht home above, luvitlni; us to meet her there And all the friends she loved. oft-times we think at even-tide, Of you in heaven above; And bless the blow that made us mourn And trust a Savior's love. I1 11 HE FOOD IN CONGRESS. Action Which has Resulted in the Olltcial Be ' term illation of the BeHt Baking Powder. Ketukns from Giunt Co: The follow ing returns from Grant county came in this morning. The alliance of Grant oounty carried a strong vote iu precincts where it was organized. The re turns at present indicate the election of Geo. Shearer, olerk, donr; James Combs, sheriff, rep; M. N. Bonham, school supt; Bailey O'Dustin, oo. treas, dem; 0. N. Wagner, assessor, rep; Tuuis Swiok, com missioner, rep; J. W. Mack, survevor, dem; Dan Morrow, coroner, rep; joint representative with Harney county will be close, to some extent iu favor of Fenwick, of the people's party, Consid erable chopping was done. Ellis beat Luce in his own precinct and will oarry the county by 50 majority, possibly more when complete returns are in. The act of congress authorizing the ex amination of the baking powders has re sulted in a most unprecedented compli ment to the Royal Baking Powder. The tests were made in the Government La boratory at Washington, and the offioial report shows that the lioyal is superior to all others in leavening strength be ing over thirty per cent, above the aver age. The report also shows the purity of the Koyal Powder and the wholesome ness of its ingredients. This is probably the highest compli ment of an official charaoter evor paid to a proprietary article, though no more than the great army, of baking powder consumers would expect iu behalf of their old friend and favorite. The result of the official examination, as thus determined, will, of oourse, make the "Boyaf" the standard for Govern ment purchases. DKAFNUSS CIIItED BY EbKCTltlClTY Oilier Cases Given to Bhow the Wonderful Results on Chronic Diseases. Dk. Grant's Kidney and Livkr Cube. For the cure of Brieht's Disease, Diabetes. Bilious ness, Sick-Headache, and all Kidney troubleB sstiij TKicr:, $i.oo. Dr. Grant's ryrup op Wild Grape Root. The great blood purifier and system tonic. Purely vegetable, and is the product of Oregon Soil. Retail price, ?1.0U. Da. Grant's Wonder Oil The great rheu matic cure. Retail price, i50c. Dr. Grant's cholera and Diarrhoea Cure. Retail price, 5Uc. Dr. Grant's Maoic Pain Cure. The great household remedy; all Internal and external remedy. Retail price, 2.ricts. DR. GRANTS NATIVE DISCOVERY. The Great Female Remedy ! For the cure of diseases and complaints peculiar to females. Ro tail price, one dollar. SOLD TJNDKR A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. Prepared By The O. W. R. Manf. Co., . 315 apx-ont Btroot, Foitlaud, Oregon.. For Sale by all Druggists. 474-lyr-f. ew Warehouse ! Is ready to receive wool on storage for sale or shipment, and also to do a gen eral forwarding business. The World Enriched. The facilities of the present day for the production of evervtuing that will oon duee to the material welfare and oom fort of mankind are almost unlimited, and when Syrup of Figs was first pro duced the world was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy which is truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse the system gently in the spring time or, in fact, at any time and the better it is known the more pop ular it becomes. From the Oregonian. Editor Oreonian For a long time I have been gettingdeaf, accompanied with ringing noises in ears. Dr. Durrin treat ed me 10 minutes with electricity and with other means, and to my great satis faction. I can hear as well as ever. I reside at North Yamhill, Oregon. C. A. VAN DERFORD. Ex-City Marshal H. W. Goldbeck, of Vancouver, Wash. : hydrocele for years, cured. Thomas Madison, Farmington, Or., scrofulous swelling under the eari causing total deafness, cured. A. E. Miller, photographer, 227 Knotl street, Albiua, Oregon, stricture many years, so life was despaired of, cured, T. W. God frey, 894 Minnesota avenue, Albany, Or., rheumatism so he could seat only get to the doctor's office, cured. Dr. Darrin can be found at 270 Wash ington street, Portland, Oregon; the Re view building, Spokane, Wash., from 10 to 5 daily, 7 to 8 evenings; Sunday, 10 to 12. Consultation free. They make a specialty of all diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat, catarrh, deaf ness, bronccitis, la grippe, consumption, dyspepsi ', heart, liver and kidney dis eases. All neivous .chronic and private diseases of men, including stricture, hy drocele, varicocele, and all peculiar fe male tioublos are confidentially and suc cessfully treated. Most esses can receive borne treatment after a visit to the doc tor's office. Inquiries answered. Circu lars and question blanks sent free. RATES REASONABLE. hp;nry heppner, Proprietor. Ship care of Stili, another monopoly is brewing in in the consolidation of the western bi tuminous coal interests and the railroads oonnected therewith. It remains to be seen whether the vast body of the people who are to be affected by the prices of ooal will assert themselves and have a voice m this far-reaching scheme. If anyone doubts how far-reaching this project is, let him ask himself the source of industrial power, mechanical propul sion, of artificial light and beat, of cook ing and smelting ore. It seemed to be the aim of monopoly to fasten its grip upon the absolutely indispensible sub stances of human comfort. Having re fused to tolerate political despotism, the American people should refuse to toler ate the despotism of wealth. Tnu educators of this country are jus tified in phiciug great significance upon the victory won by archbiihop Ireland at the Vatican in the indorsement of Amer ican public schools. The conspiracy, prompted by foreigners, to depreciate our free school system has been disor ganize-d. The pope has surrendered the position that religious and secular in' struction must be blended in the same school. The same supreme authority of The people's party will now have a breathing spell, and its democratic con tingent will doubtleps return to its old moorings. Heed's Loum opened uud closed like a morning glory. It was out of sight be fore most people had time to know it was in bloom. A few more turns of the crank on the Blaine boom will break the cable and land the great secretary in in nocuous dessuetude. IlAitiusoN's friends made a grave error in surrendering, with so little opposition, ths temporary chairmanship of the con vention to the friend of Blaine. Fassett oppoiuted the committee that will de oide the credentials of Harrison constit uents. This power may give winning strength to Blaine. n I I IMI I lil 1 1 1 1 1 I I I i 1 ' ' 1 1 1 Mini m Min M'M 1 1 1 1 1 HI til l BORG THE JEWELER Is "in it" yet. ami I HI 1 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 in 1 1 1 1 HI 11 M I III inilil I in 1 1 1 1 1 I in limn I'M I" 1,1 A Conglomeration of Ideas and a Concatenation of Events Has induced us to put in the Largest Stock of the IT N A GLOVE FITTING 4 mi i n i 1 1 w n i Ever Placed before The Public Gaze Update this Fortuitous Goiakti And you will be the blessed possessor of some Real Bargains. Also constantly on hand a full stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries and Provisions, Guns, Pistols, Ammunition and everything else pertaining to a well selected stock in a General Merchandise Store. MINOR BROS., HEPPNER, OREGON. C BUHIj, Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAT STREET, HEPPNER, OR. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Made on Buort Notice and at Popular Prices. Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. O. E. FARNtSWORTIl, Pres. E. G. SPERRY, Vice Pres. E. R. MSnoP, Trnmim, T. E. FELL, Secretary and Manager. The Morrow County Land $ Trust Company CA PITAL STOCK, $100,000.00. PAID UP, $25,000.00. Incorporated 1888. General hikk and Forwarding Agents. DEALERS IN GRAIN, LUMBER, WOOD. Operating Warehouses at Heppner, lone, and Douglast on the Ueppner Branch of the U. P. R. R. O. E. FaniHWOi'Hli Nekou Jones Kd. K. Ilishop, Kti. n. cox, J. E. Kriuk, STOOKHOIjDEnS : J. A. Thompson, l. A. Ilorren, Kdwanl imv, win. I'tMiimict, Tliornn K. W. E, Klliott, J. A. Woolery, N. A. Kelly, O. T. Douglas, K. G. Bporry, Anson Wright, I. C, Thompson, Nathaniel Webb,. John L. Ayem, James Jones, A. B. CtuiI'mau, Change of Ownership WE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OF THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, which we propose to conduct in the most satisfactory manner. Will keep on hands at all times the choicest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. shaw & Mccarty, froorietoi-R. 85-tl. J. II. HAYES, J. V.HAYES, V.J. HAYES. iUa nuMinlic nhnrpll hllR itlinllBll O. OQlieT' cbawof stealing a Pair,.ot Psnt.a aD4 al iudorBemeut of onr state school sjs- The pntriotic and intelligent arch bishop, realizing that onr common schools have never been equaled in their results, wisely decided to fight for a basis upon which their blessings rui'ht be retained o.,,un,ltii frnm him. Justice Kea round ! k; nt, i,ni in mivfi the exoense of ! tem. incarceration imposed a fine of costs which amounted to 30, which the young man is now working to pay. The new Heppner orchestra Ktive their r. .j I. a, at lh ' op'aho, l6nKi; i.b;n:!by the membe.s of hi, church ,n this erally known the attendance was limited j country. to soa.e 25 couples. The music ' ex- . ., ' . Optionally good, being appreciated by j Mckinley's reference, at the oneiuntf all present. The proceeds bo towards of Mb speech as chairman of the conven buying new sheet music for the band. : tj0Di to tje retums from the Oregon Another like entertainment will be given i or(h roumJa o( next Wednesday evening of which no- "" ' " .,iit tice will appear later. i V f multitude of auditors. Recently the following Notfc appeared In the oan rrancisvo inrumn " Judge S had been sick only about two weeks and it was not until the last three or four days that the malady took a serious turn. At the beginning of his illness he suffered from diabetes and stomach disorder. Later the kidneys refused to perform their functions and he passed quietly away. Thus ended the life of one of the most prominent men in Cali fornia." Like thousands of others his un timely death was the result of neglecting early symptoms of kidney disease. IF YOU -are troubled with diabetes, gravel, or any de rangement of the kidneys or urinary organs, don't delay proper treatment until you are forced to give up your daily duties; don't . r,..r mrtnv on worthless liniments and worse plasters, but strike at the yat of the disease at once by using the greatest of all known remedies, me ceieoraiea irrK nev Tea. It has saved the lives ol thousands. pack- whv should it not cure you ? Try it. Purely vegetable and pleasant to take. Jl.ou age. 6 for $5 00. HAYES BROS., STILL HOLD DOWN the old quarters on Main Street, opposite the City Hotel where they keep as usual Harness, Saddles, Whips, Spurs, Etc. The Genuine lleper Saddle Always in Agents for The White Sewing Machine Best in the Market. Repalrlns Specialty ! JIIE QITY -OTEL, W. J. IvIClCZICIV, i '-ji. rilHIS HOSTELRY hag been Kkkitted and Eufdnihiikd throughout, and no J- is one of the most inviting plaoea in Heppner. Mr. Leezer invites you to slop with him, feeling that he is able to entertain you in the best of style. f First Class House. Reasonahlk Rates. IT 18 the purpose of the stockholders of this company to conduct Its biiHlncsB In a manner mutually ndvanhigtMHiH to all wool ami gntin produce of this section, and to maintain the favoruble home market which it has established. During tlie coming wool schsoii we solicit the business of alt wool growers and request them to send their ulip to the "Wool Growers' Warehouse." Having enlarged the Heppner Warehouse, and roofed all platforms, we nave double the Btorago capacity of any other warehouse in Eastern Oregon, well lighted for the display of wool "The Wool Growers' Warehouse, if The Lancashire Insurance Co. ! MANCIIBHTBK, 1C1VQUA.NI A. W. PATCEllSON, AGENT OnooUI.ellogtlntUe Worl.1 The Clydesdale Stallion ! Young.lopGa Will Btanil the HeiiMou at the Following riaurs: On Mondays and Tuesdays, Morrow Sta ble, Heppner; Wednesdays and Thurs days, Tom Darnell's Stable, Lexington ; balance of time at my ranch, 5 1-2 miles , southeast of Heppner. "r3wt J Young Toi' Gallant is a Dark Dappled Bay, with . white in face; both hind feet white; weight about 2,(K)bT Was sired by Fear Not (2100)0. 8. B. of Oreat Britain; Dam, Nell (HWti), by old Lord Haddon (11572) O. 8. B. of Great Britain. T 10 1 M JS : Season, 810. Will inan re the mare with foal and if not with foul this season, will bread the season of 1HD3 free of chariie In the mean time if I Btiould sell my stallion and the mare be not with foal, I will refund the 810. Those breeding oau have service of stallion till October 1, "J2 by coming to my resideuce. Willjwait till Oct. 1, '02 for the money if customers so desire. I). 15. STALTEll, 470-05. HEPPNER, OUEGON. First prize at the World s Exposition. First in Material and Workmanship. First in the estimation of all practical farmers. Tlxo Season For Fruit has Arrived and we are in the business to supply you loo Cream Is about ripe. We will let you know about that in the near future. W. L. Matlock & Co. WALTER A. WOODS mowers, rakes, reapers and sf:lf-iunders. Ni vi i equalled for Durability, Exeoution and Lightness u Draft combined. P. C. THOMPSON COMPANY, tf. Comer Muiu ami Willow Stn(;td, lleppnrr Or, I H 51