KOi'lCK TO ADVBttTiaEIW.- rpllDSE desiring the insertion of ditmluy ads ,' 1 or chiini;e in Nimc, mint ci't their coi.v in not later than Monday evening for Tuesday's edition, or '1 hominy evening for Fridays edi ttmi. . i ,. THE PaTTEKW.N ffBMMnitG t'O NOTJCK. ' -' iiLl ', ' ' 1. The sum of five, penis' per line will be charged lor 'fuinls of thanis," "resolutions of resiieut,' lists of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (oilier than thoBe the edit or ahull himself girt its a matter ui news,) and notices of sjicciul iiievlyigsfor whatever purpose. - Mittces 1 thur'Oli and society and allotlier entertainments frum which revenue is to beile rived, phalTte i'ba'rKed fur at the jate of live cents a IJilft. ; Ylitoe rules wM be. strictly adher ed to in eVery rtipf.aiic.e. Advertising rates reasonable and madekuown upon application., , Gi Give your business to Heppner people, id therefore assist to build .up Hepp r. , ..Patronize tltose 'who patronize an iter. you, Here and.There. T. W. AyersJr., fqr!drugs.'y ;. 08 sw . Hot peanuts at Obas. SBtuedts. Daily stage botb ways between Monu nient and Long Greek. - " tf. Ford, 'the painter, still, 'Wit." For any kind at work see him.- 1 81-tf. . ' Mrs: 'jrJKo'berts is 'prepared to do all kinds of plain sewing.' 65-tf Ben"'lbpbe,u'" anil ' wife, ot Hardinan, were in .town today On business.; Cha.rlpy.Si Ar8trgng and' ttodson were up from Islington yesterday. ! A s,ocialdanoe, will be given at the opera house next Monday evening. Will i.Walbridge and wife leave Tues day onrnvisit to relatives to New York, E. 0,,;:Bp.Uthwor,tliot the. Frisco wool commission' -firm,: Diokius & Co., is in town., .,...;;"'vi".,J;'h" '.'i'-' -I - V " : . Mrs; Jas.i ami John Rdyse left thjs morn irig: to 'visit1 their' parents in. the valley.,.,.. -A mv,u y. ... ., ; i. J. IJ.'Pip'efjj'cjr'.thBl'ovVer country, says crops in bis iooality are doing well but need a shower."'; . ' . ' ; Milk shake at Gbas.. Sargent's, Main street. Also fiue assortment of candies, nuts, tobaccos, etc. Pap Himons & Son still shoe horses and do general blacksmithing at the old stand Mutiock corner, , 55. Milt Brown, Qf Blue, river, dropped in on us Saturday, i Milt is raising posts and coi dwood up there; "The Parlor;" W. F. Ruark, prop,, in the City hotel, west side of Main street. Neatest place in Heppner. sw Frank and Ed Engleman, two of the progressive farmers of the lone section, were in the city yesterday. Hainan .Caldwell, the people's party oandidute for asseesoi'iWas in Wednesday looking after hia end of the string, Mrs. Ci L. Andrews and, sister, Miss Ivy Swaggnrt, arrived from Seattle Wed nesday, to visit, their relatives here Geo. ' W. , Parker has returned from Kansas, acponipanjeil by, his brother, Q. J. Parker, who intends to locate here. Call on Lislie Sperry, down at .the Belvedere, when in' town;. Keeps on hand a fine stock of liquors and cigars. til-tt. Henry Heppuer is being oared for at his room in the warehouse and not ao Mrs. Bluckman's, as reported in .last is sue. A big lot of wool was sold at the ware house the first of the week. Tbey were ohoice clips, bringing an average of 13' cents. , ,, ,, ' . . .. , ., Pry Wilson got over Friday last from Monument. He reports ...Miss . Mamie Vlolett aaioonvulescing from her recent illness:'' ! y ."' ;' ' M. M. Briarly was over- from Hamilton the first of the week, coming in with wool an'4 igoipg out with, general mer chandise. ; Green JJathews ie .over 'from Pendle ton visiting his brothers here. Green is now one "of ' Umatilla's" ' most,, active farmers. mi - Hiyu ' ketchuin whiskers.! ; Halt & Mathews, at the city barber shop the place to get a first-class shave, hair-out or shampoo. " tf. Stacy Huberts' wheat oTer on Eight Mile, 85 aoree, is in the "boot," while 80 acres of barley is heading out. Pretty good showing.- " - . ...... Joe Woolery "rode the goat" in the Knights of Pithias, seoond rank, Tues day night. . Joe is somewhat of a van queiw. himself, .'. . t .-i - '' Hon. HeTjry'Blnckman is around again, and hopes to be well! enough to attend the Chicago cdnventiou whioh meets in the near future. .' ; , '"' I .', '.". F. M. Coorter dropped in Wednesday with a fine lot of cheese. We ought to' buy the home product in preference to that made elsewnere. Will Heppner celo urate or not? Bet ter begin it pretty Boon, hadn't we? Hardmau and Lexington will likely have some .4'oin?s,jbi& 4th.. . i . .i- For restoring the color, thickening the growth, and beautifying the hair, and for preventing baldness, Hall's Hair Kenewer is unsurpassed. ' ," .';.-' , The Buchler beer, 5 oente-per glass, at the Columbia ' Beer Hall, Osmers & Hughes, piops., next door toi M. Lioh tenthal & Co.'s shoe store. w tf August Charlton, of Gooseberry, said that up to last Saturday grain in his seo tion still continued to grow luxuriantly. The prospect ie excellent for a full crop., Newer and neater quarters at. the Palace Hotel's north business' room. Charley Jones, :the baber, wants to see hie old friends there. Baths in connec tion. . E. B. Stanton, the people's party can didate for county judge, returned from a visit to Wa!lii Walla Friday last. Wheat,. up there is further along thun with us. Thompson & Binns own the buss which goes to and from the City hotel, but will call for parties desiribg fo. go to tram in any part of the city. Leave orders at City hotel. . Frank Lee left on this morning's train for 'Frisco where he will buy wool for the mills down there, Mr. L. Gans will take his place here for the firm of Christy & Wise. ' ; "' Dr. W. Tack man, the den tist, will be fouDd at Dr. B. F. Vaughan's office, Lee zer building Does all the latest orown and bridge work, alluminum .plates, etc. X)on't miss the opportunity. 487-tf A. A. Wren thinks that the dry weather has slightly damaged his crops, though it is yet too early to really know much about it. From every quarter we hear the report, "It's a better prospect this year than last." D. Grant's Cloalo, the great dyspepsia conqnerer, will positively cure dyspepsia and all ita kindred ailments. Every bot tle sold upder a positive guarantee to effect a oure or money refunded, See ad. in this issue. :' i: The balf-mile race : aE the , traok "Wednesday was won by Deacon in0:53M, -Bob White eoming in about two lengths behind. It a was a bad day for racing, the wind blowing almost a gate, ana dust, no end of it.-; ' ; " '. The Sunday'schroi picnic yesterday at Petty's grove was quite -successful, though both cool and dusty.:. We are informed Uit the occasion was some what enlivened by a fight. Too bad oar boys can't find some other occasion for Buch demonstrations. ' THINKS WEBSTEU'S THE MAN. Mr. Editor: . I fear that you have been misinformed iu regard to some things that you have said in your paper. Of course, I know that you editors are busy people, but, at the same time, I think that you should look into things thoioughly before giving so-called faots to your readers. I agree with you, that the freedom of the press should be maintained, but should it be done at the expense of honesty? I think yon will agree with me that it should not. - ..... Kuoiug that jou wish to be fair and honest in all things, I write you this let ter, in order to give you the sentiment of the people of Southern Cregou, aud es pecially, the farmers. I speak particu larly of the farmers of the first judicial district... We have placed on the repub lican ticket, for attorney general, Judge L. K. Webster; and in doing so, we know that we have placed before the people of Oregon, an able, honest man, and a close student. One who has served us on the bench for eight years, and we have . never had cause to regret that we placed him there. He came among us years ago, and by his own unaided efforts has risen to his present position. -.. We feel that some of the papers are misrepresenting Southern Oregon in this matter, and we do not want to be mis represented. It would be a favor to ns if you would publish this letter and we will close by sayiug that Judge Webster will have the solid vote of this district, irrespective ot party. Very truly yours,' . ,-; A Fakwer. Medpokd, Or., May 27, '92. PAINFULLY INJURED.'' flon. W.. R. Ellis Jumps from a Itnnaway ! . Btaue and lieceive a ijrokeu Liiul). While en route from Condon to Arling' ton Wednesday, and within six mlies of Arlington, the stage met with a runaway, caused by oue of the singletrees becom ing detaohed, Which let the tongue of the vehiole fall to the ground. Hon. W. li. Ellis, of this place, republican nominee for congress, was a passenger, and jump-'; ed to the ground, receiving a fracture of both bones of the left leg below the knee. Ed, N."lson, the driver, was pulled through a barb wire fence, and was bad ly cut about the face and head, requir ing many stitohes from the surgeon's needle to repHir the damage. Dr. Geis endorfer, of Arlington, was oalled to at tend both injured persons. 'After the accident it was nearly half an hour before assistance oame to the relief of Mr. Ellis, who was then convey en to a house ne;:r by, where everything possible was done to relieve him. Mrs. Ellis aud his half brother, A. A. Roberts, went down yesterday morning, and will accompanv Mr. Ellis home on this eve ning's train. Other than this broken limb, he was uninjured, and, we are in formed, is getting along well. Though unable to till the remainder of his ap pointments, five in number, through this unfortunate aooident, it will not hinder bim from receiving an overwhelming ma jority. 1 Hon, W. H. Bradshaw came up Tues day eve. . When in Arlington, stop at the Ben nett house, near the depot. bl-tf M, E. Smith, who used to be the fat man of lone, is now at Billings, Mont. Thos. L. Brophy, the mining expert, passed through Heppner early this week. Pat Kelehar , will pilot Hayes Bros.' sheep to green pastures in the Blues this summer. . The town of Wellington, Kausas, was recently wrecked by a cyclone causing great loss of property and life. Miss Lottie Baird, of Oregon City, has accepted a1' position in the Gazette omce, arriving here on Wednesday's train. ' '.'' '" . ; ",; , . Times are pretty hard with the printer. A few hundred delinquent subscribers could never find a better time to pay up than now. . ' , ' ., .' .'.'. , , . A two-horse 1 shay, behind whioh a horse was being led, was overturned on Main street yesterday morning, but no damage resulted. Jas, and John Koyse called on the Gazette office yesterday to say that crops were never better over there at this time of the year. ; S. W. Adams and Cor Bros, have bought the interest of J. A. Woolery, in the Hardinan store. The now firm name is Cox, Adams & Co. ' , This offiioe was favored by a oall from Honj W. L. Bradshaw, candidate forcir? ouit judge on the demooratio tioket, while in town Wednesday. The editor ot the people's party col umn Dent in a batch of matter for publi cation in this issue, but it came too late. We are necessarily crowded much in or der to give the Hardman people spaoe for their wiitenp. . For several years past a gentleman in Nashua, N. H., has been in the habit of taking AyerV Sarsapurilla to tone, up his : system preparatory to the . heated tqrm. He- finds ' that this ' medicine re lieves the tired feeling so prevalent dur ing spring and.early summer. it: ... E. 0.: F. H. Snow, formerly e! the late lamented Lexington Budget, b bright little paper which lived as long as it could without sustenance and then re signedly took ' its departure frym this vale of tears, is in the city ftotn Lexing ton, :Morrow county. Mr. Snow thinks of locating here.' v ' ' LOCAL MARKET REl'OltT. Wheat, bu 60o Flonr.bbl 5 00 Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, cwt. 2 00 ": V " , three " 2 50 Sheep, muttons, bend 2 50 "l stock. 2 25 Hogs, ou foot, cwt $4 50 Hogs, dressed 6 00 Wool ; ; 12 13 Hor?es, slow sale. Butter, roll 50 Eggs.doz ....:.:.. 18"3'o Chickens, doz. 2 50 2 75 CAl.TFOltNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt.. 1 40 1 45 h'lour, bbl 8 00 6 15 . Beeves, stall fed 7 00 ft? 7 25 - Muttons, cwt 8 00 (alOOO Hogs, cwt , 3 50 & 5 25 Wool Eastern Oregon.. 10 (it 17 Butter, lb , , 15 19 Eggs, doz 18 U 20 Chickens, doz..... 5 50 1200 Turkeys, tb 15 fi . 20 PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat, cwt I 30 S 1 85 Flour, bbl 8 00(69 4 50 Beeves, ctft 2 50 (ft 4 00 dressed 6 00 tf? 7 00 , Muttons, live sheared. . . 4 50 4 75 . dressed ........ 8 50 6$ 9 00 Hogs, on foot 5 50 6 00 . " dressed.. .....6 50 7 00 Wool Eastern Oregon..; 9 Ms 14 Butter..., ............. ' 15 0 :; 25 Eggs, doz 15 H 18 Chickens, doz 5 00 6 00 .Turkeys, lb 17 LOST. Between Heppner and NeU Jones' tranche on Little Butter Creek, on May 1 27, one roll of bedding, wrapped up in a wagon Bheet ana tiea wiin a rope, one nmll eutained initial letters on one cor ner. Finder will please leave same at Gazette office. 2t-sw A. J. Hi st. 83 Reward. GectrComier will pay 95 reward tri the person " wlio will give a remedy to reuiove nuts from a yard without destroying the grass, and pre vent them returning. 94-lOl.sw. Hand Mangled. Last Wednesday, at Paiker's mill, "Dnole" Beiniuger bad bis left hand badly mangled by the edg ing saw. He was assisting Clias.Bepass at the time, and in some manner bis hand struck the saw, making a bud wound between the, third and. fourth Augers. Dr. Fox was called to atteud the patient yesterday morning - -. , The Hotel Palaoe. MrB. Von Cadow, ot tlie Palace , hotel, is pleased tu u nounoe that she has procured diroot from Chicago,' Mr. O. F. Wiley nnd wife, two noted cateri-rs from famous -rt-sotts of that city; The tables are being furnish ed with every delicacy of the market and season. The dining room service is first class i:i nil its details. The niost careful service is extended guests throughout the house.! Especial attention given to regular guests and family parties.' .Ex tra ice ojenut dinners Sundays' . 94-5 In Trouble J. E. Fricli,vof Arling ton, defendant, and Miss Sadie Quitter, of Purtlaiid, plain tiff, is th foundation tor a tt"f.f v.un iwu HiuuH.iu u. ivir. Frick in' charged with assaulting the young l;iiv with criminal intent, at Port land, on I the nifcht of the TJih mat. At the preliminary examination he was in ll. nf 1 Itid n, await the action ofthe gra-mij ury. i Mr. Frisk's attorney claims that it is a blackmailing scheme, planned by the young lady and members ottue family. Jkiss yuiner aud her mother, Mrs. Mormon,, formerly re sided at Arlington, and are well known in this locality.. Miss Quiner worked at the Palace hotel, for a very short time lastfahV : , ;.' - .;,.,.,;. - DOTH IUMKKLF AND WH?R" Afflicted For Years Both Cared In Two " Weeks. ' .. Independence Or., Deo. 13. -Both myself and wife have tjeen for years afflicted with diseaseof the kidneys, and had tried many remedies without obtaining any permanent relief. About three months ago we-were -induoed to try a package of the Oregon Kidney. Tea which hU3.i apparently entirely cured both of us, as since taking it two weeks we have felt up symptoms of the disease. We can. heartily recqmmond it to others similarly afflicted, as we believe it -' will do all that is claimed for it. ' M. L. White. BA'CISFACJOHV BETTLKSIKNT.. . To ivhom it may concern : ' " ' This is to certify that, after haying our loss of Bchool hotise carefully figured by competent mechanics, we made satisfac tory settlement with tue btate Insurance Company, of Salem, Oregon, on April 11, 1892, and wilbiu three days thereafter received check .for $3,400, full amount of loss sustained by. recent lire, whioh de stroyed said house. W. R. Ellis, i . Tom Morgan, i ' Otis Patterson, Board of Directors of School Distriot No. 1, Morrow County, Oregon, 1 Hkppner, Or., April 14, 1892. 82-98 PUKL1C SPEAKING. M. F, Knnx, of SeattleWash., a tbbr oughly Well-informed man nd an able orator, will speak on the political issues of the day at the court bouse in Heppner this Friday evening at 8 o'clock, and at Lexington, tomorrow, Saturday, in the afternoon at I o clock, . A cordial invita tion ia extended to all, especially - to members ot the old parties. : , ' Peoi'le'b Party Central Com. Where? At Ahrabamsick's. In addition to his tailoring business, be has added a fine line of underwear ot all kindB, negligee shirts, hosiery, etc., Also has on hand some elegant patterns for suits. A. Abrahamsiolt, May street, Heppner, Or: i Parents anil Minors, Take Nol Ice. " . Minora on the streets after 9 p. na., will be run in and fined. Take notice and Bave unnecessary trouble and ex pense J. W. Rasmos, , 487-tfsw. .' .... -.Marshal. . CONSUMPTION i in its early stages '. can be cured f by the prompt ' use of 1 Ayers Cherry Pectoral '.. It soothes ; . ; the inflamed tissues, ' aids expectoration, :. Tand hastens ; , recovery. ; Dr. J. C. Ayer &: Co. , Lowell, Mass. . . Recently the following Notice appeared In th can rranvavu ww.nw " Judge S had been sick only about two four days that the malady took a serious turn. At tne negllinniKui "in ui..t .. diabetes and stomach disorder. Later the kidneys refused to perform their functions and he passed quietly away. Thus ended the life of one of the most prominent men in Cali fornia " Like thousands of others his un timely death was the result of neglecting early symptoms of kidney disease , . , . . IF YOU are troubled with diabetes, gravel, or any de rangement of the kidneys or urinary organs, don't delay proper treatment unU! you are forced to give up your daily duties ; dvn't waste your money on worthless liniments and worse plasters, but strike at the seat of the disease at once by using the greatest of all known remedies, the celebrated Oregon Kid ney Tea It has saved the lives of thousands. Why should it not cure you ? Try it. Purely vegetable and pleasant to take. $1.00 a pack- WANTED. THOME whoaro iuterf.-BtecJ in Uiq iijht Mflg country and Morrow county to know thut we have a few extra ropit left, which cim be BOfluieil either ut Geo. Thututuii'B iicwb stand or at tlie Odette ofl'n-e. r?-S-aw. C OME to the PHliie Hotel bar for ChumpHtrne Cor-TfUils: ' triampaRne on rap. . tw-sw A Biolot uf Grtostberrv ntinribera of tho Ha zette thatoui,riit to be sent away. Oil in, Invest and help your country. swtf 1 hlintfeoiitrftctr and buildur. KHtiimUeB given on all kiwis oi work, ymceat real VatfinimHlter. owJ the bent locations In Morrow county. Must have a little cjt-itaL Call on or write Gazette ottiee for particulars, hw XOW HALE. . HAIiNK-HHOP, stof-k and fixtures. OotkI . bustness; established in tlie midst of a Alwo for sale a wA house and iwo lois with or I Willi OO l UiC IJUBIIIUBB il itrr.i i J. nil iuuuh - formation address iH,ette( Heppner, Or. 4'i tf. REPUBLICAN ty v TICKET. For Supreme Judge, , v ' f. AvMODKE..' .. ... . ' For-Attorney-General, ' ' . . IJONEL R: )tiBSTER. ' For Member of CotnjreBr (Second District), J W, B. ELLIS. - . .. i For Ciroult Judge (Seventh District), " -; GEORGE . W ATKINS, for Proaiic'ntlng Attorney (Scveijtli Dlatriqt), V : . - v. H. WILSON. For Member State Board of Equalization (Sev- iun iiHiricij, - JOJIN L. LUCKEV. For. "Representative, ' '. ,-' ' ." 4..:N. .BBOWN. .'. -.'. :: For County Judge, I , ANDKEW ROOD. For-.County Clerk - ' T. C. AUBREY. For County sheriff, ; N. R. M'VEY. For County Treasurer, : W, j. LEKZER. ," For County Assessor,, WALLACE W. SMEAD. For County Surveyor, ISA BROWN. For County School Superintendent, I 1 ' " '"' W: L. BALING. " ' ' ;' For County Commissioner (Full Terml, . , D. N. HARDMAN. , , For County Commissioner (Short Term). : ! I'ETER BRENNER. For County Coroner, ' ! ; T. W. AYERS, JR. . I i PRECINCT TICKET,,' ForJuBttceof the Peace, Heppner, Mount Ver- Jion ana ueniry rrectncis, ,: t , j : . F. J. HALI OCK.. ' j j ; : For Constable, Heppner, Mount Vernon , and i . taentry rrecincts, : -'" HAKRY rHlLllPS. :' ! I Hf Blackman&Co., ','' '$' -VxDEADEKg IN ' : ' . ' - :: '. General Merchandise! WE AEE' STILL "SELLING OUT our stock of Gener-y, al merchandise, but to make: it more complete, we have ' ' . . purchased a stock consisting of , : Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Furn-. (i ishing Apparel, Etc., That will be sold at greatly reduced prices for cash only. Call : and investigate and we will be pleased to wait on you. No .-. 1 i trouble to show goods. : J i j Pioneei Brick Siore - main SireeL tleDDnsi. O JAONDERFUt- : R EMEDIES ! X3r- GrHil.KrT'S OliOAIiO. THE GREAT DYSPEPSIA CONQUEROR. , Will positively cure DyspepBla and jail Its kindred ailments.. Every bottle sold on a Positive Guarantee to eilect a, cure or money refunded. Ketail priee, fl.W). Db. Grant's Kidnky and Liver Cure. For the cure of Bright's Disease. Diabetes, BIHoub uesfi, Sick-Hetidttche, and all Kidney troubles. "' RETAIL PRICE, (pl.pO- i pR. Grant's Syrup of Wild Grapk Root. The great blood purifier and system tonic. Purely vegetable, and is the produetof Oregon Soil.. Retail price, 11.00. - DR. GRANTS NATIVE DISCOVERY. The Great Female Remedy ! ' , For the cure of 4iscBeB and romplHlutH peculiar to females; Re- tan price, oneopuar. ' ' SOLD TJSDBR A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. Prepared By The O. W. R; Manf. Co., ! Q1Q Jfront Stloot, Fortlaud. Oregon.' For Bale by all Druggists. ml iti'li ililllllili.!lilIlilillfilii:fl llil.ilHi.-i!lHilHiWiitilil.'lil'lilJililill I HI 111 BORO THB JKWHLKR Is "in it" yet. Change of XTtfU HAVE TAKEN CHARGE V . wbiob we propose to conduct in on hands at all times the choicest j j. Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn--'. ed Beef, Etc., Etc. SHAW & MgCAHTY, 85-tt. J. H . HAYES, J. V. HAYES BROS., CTILL HOLD DOWN the old quarters on Main Street, opposite, the City Hotel where they keep as usual Harness, Saddles, Whips, Spurs, Etc. y Tie Genuine Heppner Saddle Always in Stock ! -Agents for The White Sewing Machine, . Best in the Market. Repairing: ti Specialty I lyjcrG Season Is about W. DEMOCRATIC Slate, District and County TICKET. . " ! For Supreme Judge, i ALFRED S. BESNETT. For Attorney-General, - GEORGE E. CHAMBERLAIN. - For Member of Congress (Second District); : JAMES H. SLATER. , For Circuit Judge (Seventh District), :' ; W. L. BRADSHAW. ,s j For Prosecuting Attorney (Seventh Distrfct), ':. J. F. MOORE. .' , ' j I For Member Stato Board of Equalisation, (Sev enth District). ,' y j WILLIAM HUGHES. I For Kepresentativei J. C. THOMPSON. For County Judge, JULIUS KEITHLJ-. For County Clerk, J. W. MORROW. For County 8heri ft", GEORGE NOBLE. For County Treasurer, . J. W. MATLOCK. For County Assessor, R. L. SHAW. For County Surveyor, D. W. JENK1NU. For County School Superintendent, R. W. TURNER, . For County Commissioner. (Long Term), J. M, BAKER. ; For County Commissioner (Short Term), ALLEN EVANS. For County Coroner. .' ; '.- T. W. AYEK8, 88; .' .; precinct: ticket. For Justice of the Peace, Heppner, Mount Ver i non and Gentry Precincts, 1 W. A. KIRK. ' '; ' For Constable; Heppner; Mount Vernon and Gentry Precincts, J. J. ROBERTS. Da.- Grant's Wonder Oil. The great rheu: .malic cure. Retail price, 50c'. Dr. QftANT'fl Cholera and Diarrhoea; Cure.--Reiuil price, oOcv ' , , t" Dr., 'Grant's MArnc Pain Curb. The great hotlsenoiu remedy ; an miornai ana external remedy. Ketuii price, &ets. 474-lyr-f. Ownership OF THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, the moat satisfactory mnnner. Will keep I,i'ori,ietors. HA YES, C. J., HAYES. For Fruit has Arrived and we are in the business to supply you ripe. We will let you know about that in the near f uture. L. Matlock & Co. A Conglomeration ofljclcas , ; and a j - ;:j;-fjpj Concatenation of Eventl i 3 lU, 1 . -Has induced us"""" ' ,-"' - .; "V i i , . .., -1 .'(,"-. V . i -1 . . - . . . " ---- j. .... . j. . . . to put in the . Largest Stock'of -the'-" IHfliMMKET ftiU -VJU li I ii'f c Uil Jiver r laced before , . ,,...,.,.,, 7nd you will lie 'the blessed possessor , ; Also constantly' DnlHaricl ia-fulIitock, of .Drv ... Goods,' Clothihg;'vGr6:ceriest " and Pfo'visfons- (jlinsr Pistols, Ammunition and evcrvthinp- else -. prtitftaen Meharidie. Store, y misoK i : ' i Baker :;jxn& Confectiondr, ... MAT STREET, HEPPNER, OR. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery, Mak on Short Notice Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. E. FARNSWORTII, Pres. E. G. SPKRRV, : T. E. FELL, Secretary The Morrow. County O At IT Ah STOCK, $100,000.00. PAID UP, $25,000.00. ... . 4-Incorjwrated 1888.- '...i; 3EALERS IN GRAIN, ohernthng- Warehouses' at Heppner. Heppner Branch STOOltnoijiD-Fmita , O: fii Farnsworsli, J. A. Thompson, Nelwon JoneH Kdwirl Diiv, Kit. k. Biahop, 'J'hcron E. A-ll, Ed. S. (lox. J. A. W'ook'rv. J. E. Frlck, O. T. DoiibIiw, K. O. Bporry, i -""Anaull ffrliht, , TT JS tlie purpose of tbo utogkhol of thin , I 4iunlWA(HR.im slH-i iMmti 1 ftivorabwlrdtnaiiiHrliiA wldch, it hits tisiiiin the bimliieAi )! till Vool' growers anil Mnmt Warohouse. HavliiK eularired tho Ilennner Warehouse, storne capacity of any other warehouse In Eastern Oreroji.- Vcll ilKh(i'd for th disulay of wool ''. ft The Wool Growers'-Warehouse." TiiE Lancashire Insurance Co7 I i PATTERSON. AGENT - one tf k TsT A W-W fcalAJ Bk '' -u iMkT a k . ' The Clydesdale Stallion i; - j srfgi -' Iecl ItEreCiX Yoima Tol 01-1 ibI a U)ark DiipiflertiBiiy, wit6 . ; . : .. in.. Wliito i fiice: bjitb bind cot white; weight about 2,(KlO. Whh sired by tW Not (2100) 0. 8. li. at Great Brituin; Dam. Nell (16Hti. by old Lord Haddou (1!57) O. . B. of Groat Biituin. TERMS i .. ;y; ' Season, $10. Will insure th'iaiire with foul aud if not with foal this season, will bread the eason of 1898 treeof eliajrKfl. In the mean time if I should sell mv stallion, aud the mure bo not with foal, twill refund the $10. Those breeding nan have Mvi: of Bislhon till Otober J, '!? by ooming'to ihy .: residenoe.:,Wilt wait till Uct..J, U itit tuamuiiey If oUHtoniers 1). Ji. 470-95. First prize 'at the Worlds Exposition.! i First in' Material nrntl Workmanship. li irst'in the estimation ;bf allpractichl farrriera WALTER MOWERS, RAKES, REAPERS AND ! i SELF-BINDERS, .i, ni ; , oviKtqii'Ue4 fo's Diir'iibility.'.Ekequtroii and Liifkti&H HiuftimnuUiiiiMl.-t i ' P. C. THOMPSON COMPANY. tf. Cormlr Main ami Willo'w : ii.il I'M ','.:,... , . , , The Public Gaze cted Sjtock in a General f . , (.:: .. ' " i$;uos., UGON. and ir t Popular Prices. 'tee Pres. ' K. R. BISHOP, Treasurer., ind Manager. Land it Trust Company orwardmg Agents. .UMBEli, WOOD. lone and Douglas, on the of the u. r. a. X. I). . Jltr'ii . Wnt rlfnlrtini, " W, Elliott; ' f SI. M v ,P. G. ThoniUHori,. 'Nfttlinniel VVubb.s " John L. Ayora, i jlami.s Joiipb, , A. ,B. ClmPlimn. oo(ju.or)y jfo Sfeo.Tliot Its 'BuslnoBS In ;i miiimer i ptfluvQH o( tilsnwlfouiud lo liuiintaiii Hi , rtiiHnvt.t,,. ..h,v auun .. . "theSn -to -tiiolr OHii to thi) "Wool emm' ' ' " .. . , . . .. . and r0(e3 i-aH-nVntfnnna" '. i.Mi,'. or'tttp u0tu 1 Oljl ' ) 1(111 1 Will Btrtiil the Season'ithe Kollowinn I'lawH: 1 On Mondays and Ttdysaf&wifat. hie, Heppner j W ednhsOtiys and Thun. days, Totn Barnell's Stable, Lexington, balaneq of limn ai, my mnoll, 5 1-8 mtlcs southeast of Heppner. go-desire. ;STALTEI1, JIEPPNEH. OREGON;. -1 I ! A. WOODS Sti-oots, ITcpputr 'Or,'