Political Carp. AV. II. Wilson Hogulttr Republican Nofltfuwor For tie Seventh Judicial District. Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to buildup Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. BQOMEBAKO THAT RETURN. WON'T If the ytriifjg tliari'of our lonesome "c'oti temporary who- brains l gnat n3 swallowe a OBniel, had added .a few more "Bruins of fact" to his buBhel ot fanoy, his "Boomerang Charge" would have been lees likely to have shattered the glass in his ewn straw residence. - - - "Gratiana's reasons are like two grains of wheat in a bushel of chaff. When you have found them you have found noth ing." . . The printed circular referred to wis published at Judge Watkins' request, as a matter of personal, protection , to hjs own danvassi against obunter claims, originated and pnt in circulation by Mr; 13radshaw and his friends, boastfully presuming to show, that the latter' rec ord of court work surpasses in point of, alacrity the disposition of business by bis political opponent. While it' Vs not' made a printed statement, in a verbal way, it was doing a hustling business. .in. a mouth to mouth canvass. If the young man would take the trouble to find .put who his neighbors arid townsmeVarfe, he would have, learned that F.J. Hullotik was deputy county olerk, and has been, ever since Alorrow county was organized, aotiug liS Conrt clerk during'every term of court heid by -either' Judge' Watkins' or liradshawrthough not constantly in active service in, the .clerk's. office. .No. one is better acquainted with the court reoords of Morrow county than Mr. Hal lock, therefore he was asked to look the mutter up, and did so, certifying to: the same, Binned "J. W. Motrow,. county clerk, by F. J. Hallock, deputy.",. Had Mr. Morrow been requested in an official way, and in person, to have compared the records and to- have ertified 'as to the correctness of the mime, whether .for, or against his cboioe of candidates (for the oilioe of judge, he would have been doing his whole duty, and nothing more, to have dons so. ; :Yet .Mr. Halluok. eon' sidered tuottliere were some small soul- eu people in tuis world, wno are ever ready to make mountains out of mole hills; and as he did-not wish1 to bring the clerk's name into the controversy, he uetncueu the certmcate and made affidavit as to the facts in the case before the first notary public lie 'could find, whoso duty it was to attest the tacts 'as sworn to by Mr. llallook. This notary happened to be J. N. Brown. What does the young man mean by "Nullitiers of court -calendars1 and published' 'state ments in papers that the whole public' limy read?" i,. Can it be possible he is so lost to mod esty as to presume his own columns could curry anything to such a desired end? Both judges have done' themselves credit in expediting business; 'and there is littlo to be gained by .these claims and counter claims. The comparative Btate;,; uitmi m mi uuuuLieu wuere maue gives Watkins the better' showing,' however, and t lie letter from the Wiiboo -county democratic pontraj committee conceding it to he impartial and oorrectyet.KlVep the advantage of time to Mr. VVatkins. The statement that Judge liruflsha'w had mueli uuluusheu work from his "prede cessor's docket to,, dispose,. of, .has little weight, Huioe it, in no ,way, nilectq, the average time devoted to each jury ouse tried. , . The smallest part of this- business is the attempt to iujure F. J. Hallock, and J. N. Brown. Mr. llallook was naked as a deputy clork.'fiimiliar with the court reoords to compare the Work of' Jiidges BiudsUaw and Watkiim, and he did his duty in the matter. Mr.. Hallock made affidavit as to the correctness ,pf,.the same before J. 'N, Brown, a notary pub lic for 'Oregon, whose only 'drtty m the mutter was to. put Mr. Hallock on oath as to tlie facts, , Had Mr, Brown refused to have done so, he could have consist ently expected at uuy time a revocation of his commission. " EXAMINE THIS., There are complaints abroad that "the board of equalization raised the assess ment ou cattle and luwered the, same on sheep in this, ooupty, and.., tffL. m.iwm tine wiis done the cattlemen. Let us see. Morrow county's assessment ' on cattle was raiaed ten per' oetit,,' tnaking the average valueSIMW per head. Malheur's ii jflillfi; Htirney'H, . Jia.p7j,,,Urapt's, 12.44; tiilliam's', 12.2l; Cook's, $113(1. These are the cuttle Values per head as sout in by' the aNsbsaore of IheV respective counties, aud whers oattlenre raiaed uu' der the same conditions as iu Morrow, county. Dou't look like our eattjouioa had been wronged; does HI " ' The board reduced the valne placed on the Bheep of Morrow county, iive'per oeut., ortpifl.T'L It waB,the,ipteut,iqn,to make it im hourly $1.75 per head as'pos Bible. Mnlheur'a sheep Were placed1 at that figure as were those' of Hrant; Elnr iiey'a, St 77;Oilliam's Jfl.77; Crook, $1.7U.' Morrow's cattle : wont to thij.jstate board aHseBsed at 810.81 and her sheep ut Shrift' As comparod with bthet' tO'fin-' ties iu Eastern Oregon adjoining US', mit tle were assessed too low and slump too hit'li, hence tho respective increase aud reduction. Uuu frieud, K. J. llemkioks, oftheBa leiu Htaleaniau, is a oandidnte for.Qollegt-i or of ciiHtiiniH ut l'orthuid. No better man could be chosen. ,' Tun Allianoo lleraUl is using language coneeming the candidacy of Iloii. r. R Kllis, that Hhows the dirty,' sneaking principle ot the editors, plainer than day light. Whore the candidates for congress are all well known, Kllis shines as the peer of them all . As far na John 0. I.uce iH concerned, be is in no way qualitied for any responsible oftioe, muoh ! that of congressman. . .Between man and niauj Mr. Luce may be a perfect geutlemau. , Tim speeches of Messrs. Ellis and Mil lor, last evening were calm and forcible. They dealt with the issues of the day. There was no attempt to amuse angry passions or prejudices. Mr. Miller made a good point in comparing the platforms of the two great parties on protection and free trades M r. Kllis - impressed everyone us a broad-guage man who will work with equal zeal for all parts of the largo district whicb we uro ooulideut he will he elected to represent in oougress. Astoriau. Wb Ami in receipt of A oolnmunioiitidlf from Sciatlioru (JrennB regarding fliepftni didacy W M li. Wotwtar lor atlofnoyij general, T publish it herewfthfbttl will say ttiat it oontauis little to change public opinion. The Gazette is an iiiiU pendent paper, but it will he frank. All tilings (aB lul, jt-, would avoj" tb repuhlioiiD audidate for pjlio iu pref erence to that of any ther party. As between Webster and Chamberlain, the latter undoubtedly has .the bpgt o jHi the minds of the iiuIsuenileiA Voter.2 P&Jstry I ' :lviht, flaky and'die&bltf -,p rninail Hifc3s- of :: ,-fine pastr i . . 's M der without butter Or with ofie b can be made afrit D PH&'fiTeaA IfeifttrPoi'- ferred, or with a small quantity of lard or other shortening as desired. Pie crust made ip this ;fa,f i tporefwjialj goii)e f ftid digestible besides being- more economical and easier jre"- pared iri addition lb saving all I' " third the flour is also dispensed ' that much thinner; the raiBirTg qualities of Dr. Price's Powder swelling it to the requisite thickness - Those. jvhojeijp t'lys ; appetizing qualities of the .delicious home .made rejoice to know this secret --! Dr. Price's Cream BaKiflgf Powder is the onlMvdefJ , that contains the white of eggs..' i ... Dr, Price's Cream ;" j ported by all authorities , Alum, , or auy other adulterant. In fact, the purity of this ideal powder has never been ques , tioned. ., . , ; I. ;;,iLHARDMANiCOtfNXRY;,; (- j Continued from 1st puyc. i'ii ' ., .U .I..M ., !. . ...11 1,. ,. iporease 100ije5fipnt,,,Ne,ye bnve to, feed more than one month.- During, the past winter sheep have lived on the range all right.""Li6nfl is- 10 pef aore with mod darate,ittprav.ement8.V:i,.: ? ..... .. .. . i Mr. 4siania hae yerv g.uiet way about everything he does; but he keeps moving along and is never found wanting when weighed in the balance that tries -men's souls. He has dona, well liere and oan cheerfully repommend the country, He is a man that would be good in any coun try, and it is 'not saying too much when all his acquaintances' speak-well-of him. 1 -.JCrHNR'BOYSB '' - -' Is e thorOuglibred-rustler. ' He oame from the Willamette, valley thirteen years since and settled on the bunch grass hills, where he now rests in peace and comfort. That he is the best' farmer in this -part of Morrow bounty is con ceded by. all, and what -everybody says is generally true. Mr. Itoyse has ,860, acres of land with ifflO in cultivation. General average wheat crop given below argues-that way.-"" i " . j .....avecftgo 40.,)jDKliiflji.iir. auce. 1KS4... Wh, .,. l,K(i,.'. 1S7... tSS,.i. l'HSU.j. .18110..'. I ' -a ,.24,. 20 ) '.15 ,rri7. ...1 ( ..IM ., i, ,. General averaKC iia.-'i " " ".. This result la'dhe ' to proper and thor ough farming. 1 While the majority of farmers give,, thje, cost ot , raising wheat atobout So per ffire, fit. Kpyso ngures lit qpt at 87.11." No better equipped farm haa been seen on the rounds; "go6d horsese'the moat approved 'patterns. of farm machinery) aud every possible in dention of thrift and good management. Mr,' HoyBe settled on' a 'farm for his health, at that tiinb it Is true his finan cial condition1 was .'somewhat strained, bis on tire capital amounting to. six bits, and his credit would not bnv a mutton. while today his 'word would be good for 10,000 Bheep.' ' It has often been asserted that city farmers were failures, or in other words, .professional men oould not make farming pay. It's all bosh 1 Mr. Koyse secured a classical education and at the ane ot twenty-one began teaohing. For twelve years he followed his chosen vo cation; during that period he held many important positions, one being a pro fessor at the Jellcrson Institute, Jeffer son, Oregon, afterward prinoipal of pub lic Bouoole at i.Jleppner, (Jregon. Ills health tailed and he was compelled to resort to open air treatment. The same prinoipal applied to farming will make a suocesa Of it Hint wins in business, i. e. thoroughness . aud care as to small tbiugt., Mr. Hoyse has a pleasant home, an amiable wife, some bright, promising fyojs, aiid ' altogether the oase presents about Ra tine a picture of farm life as it has jbeen our pleasure to note. The bova are given to mental imnrnveinent. and Willie aud Clyde are pretty handy witn instrumental music. Ivan is too btisy with some of the complex questions wf mathematics to pay auy attention to music just now,, , DILLON IiqsKINS Has been obielly engaged in stook rais ing. lie thinks .there would be some money in the huer grades of horses and oattlp. There is a fair chance hero for more settlers. "' j oius. kMkkv. "Engaged in stock raising, only farm enough td raise hay to protect Btock in wihteri did not feed stock duriug the past winter to exceed two weeks." JAMK8 O, WILLIAMS Drives a line team, does a thriving busi ness in larmiug ami is not afraid to ex press bfs sentiments in "opou meeting." ihisi country needs more Buoh norvv plain upokou, resolute fellows. ' i I ; r . . .3. II. BOYSE Is a practical farmer who works like a .master builder and has a good word to ay for the country iu which he lives. Mr. ltoyse has a flue team, a good or- ohnnl, profitable farm, dou't want to soil, d in t know w here one would go to beat this country, good prospect for crop aud values ou real estate are advancing. Good day, oall again." E. KAI1NSW01ITH tooiited here seventeen years Bgo, and has been engaged iu wool growing- Ot the busiui'Sii he anvs: "Wool growing is (airly lucrative, still there is a chance to Ipse plenty of money if the greatest care is not exeroised. I have tiOOO sheep, average wool clip 8 pounds, average price of wool oeuts, average per oeut iuorfase 70, fenced ranch consists of 2000 acres, pay herders (Jltl) per month and board." ' - KUliLS SAY BUS, The champion ohuper of the Hardman country, sheared a sheep in '.'tj minutes. Pretty nimble -work.' Next I It has ! wa)B been a mystery why farmers, good steady.old rheumatic tanners, will leave theif ponies and V nt to some obscure corner or tne ertt "to gnear." TUamys tery is Bolver--hii in a iwoluded dell hard Jy, jron'i'Cuil vilthge pt dueky maiaeiis, whoseunk's onn be only wou by feats of .daring and athletio sports, Ycb, its (ill ver well for yufl old codgers to go down over thKJtill and have wruaklhtg iti&tol! ad horse races with the Indians: bliti'T Jour dear ivives ltud it out, heaven help you. 3;t3vr tSdlttlt-ttUil dowa.the Bteep grade iGe gittoths fr -Aklaoud pleasant Witlunit i llifitter. v .t'i W -m ft: Half the ttgnal onion"; the bnpHff psid.; 6re-' with, 'and fWcrilst is rolled made pi i'!' will .Bakifay Hoivder fe- as' free from Ammonia i ! I groves that surround the artistic hoineo " j UEL'BEN ALLEN, " ' : 1 1 who:hae carved success on the wall of every undertaking. He is a political en thusiast. .Mr. Allen. entertains -royally) and is surrounded; b,y,.,ap . interesting, family group. After three hours of rest and intellectual refreshment bur" march was resnmed'nnd higlit"foiind''us knock ing at the gates of , Ben Packer's plaos tor admission. ,i - : , .... Ben Parker and Peter Gleason came into the woods ' a "few ."year3'"h'go iihfl started a saw mill. "They have manufac tured and sold lumber to , any one who would lianl-.it, away,, , regardjess of whether the man had the money to pay for it or not. ' lien says, "he ti& , always made it a rnlfl not to turn any brie nway that wished to stop Over .night, .but that he was inolined to draw the line lit poli ticians and newspaper correspondents." The firm owns' a 'large.' tract Of ' timber, Borne 3000-aores, a- godd tolll, excellent farui buildingsj .fine stock of horses.. Among the band is to.be seen two ,th(ir: oughbred registered Norman horses, a fine band of cattle, and everything' else that is essential to a Well ordered ranch1. Ben Parker is kuo.woall over Oregon. nnd anything said ,at this time, apd; place Would be only a repetition of what has been said. Our acquaintance with him;' though brief.'hftS'been ttiorongh, and the verjljet is that he is every inch a kiug," " Tnioonolusidn it. may be proper to say to foreign readers that the statements made by farmers' are "hot' In' tile least' extrabr-.dinary.-'The'Soil itttliis part-it Oregon- is capableiof, wmnd,eiul results when. put to a true, test, i There is abpudiui room uere lor moroiigu praciioai inrmers- men' Who 'at-b not afiaid to do good wtfrlt Wr.riood 'pay. Come Und see for yourself. brother,,,, It, you haw. a, family leave it Tp'your quiet , Enstern, hpme until you have; thoroughly , convinced yourself, of tue. actual merit our country possesses ,,, Oiee more wfr desire to publicly thank our imany friends in all parts of - the country for speoial favors. The Buhtleii. Hardman, May 25, 1892, ' Dlt. DAKHIN'S CUKES. From the Oregonian. Joseph Leader, Taylor poBtolUce,.Or,; totaf aeatnoBs six years, cured, u. It Matthews, -hagle Point, Or. ; consumption audllarge tumoT. cured. H. A. Tuoker. president of the bank at Genesee, Idaho; oatarrn lu years cured. 1j. M. Oommons ltussell street, Albiun, Or, ; sciatic rheu matism ami lumbago, cured. B. V. Pope, llonlton. Or.; diabetes, Bright s disease and catarrh of the bladder, restored-. W H. Pettis, agent Manual Life Insurance Company, 33 Stark Btreet, Portland; UcameHs, cured. lit. Darrin gives the latest improved remedies lor chrome diseases of men and women. His eleotric methods are i tirely new for absolutely curing Seminal Weakness, Spermatorrhioa, Impotenoy, Varicooeje, Hydrocele, Stricture, Gleet Syphilis, Veuerial diseases. Wasting diseases from mental anxiety, over study aimse uy youtuiiil lollies and ignorance of nature s laws, excesses of maturity, deollning years, badly treated or neglect, private or veneral diseases, resulting in mental nnd physical destruction, early decay and lossof life's pleasures. Special attention given to Throat, Lung, Eye aud Ear, Blood, Private, Nervous diseases, Gatarih and Deafness nnd all Curable Gurpnio and Special Diseases. Oiliees 270'i; Washington street, Portland, and the ilteview building, Spoknne, Wash Hours, 10 to 5; Evenings, 7 to 8; Sunday, 10 to 12. . Consultation free nnd confiden tial,. Question blanks and circulars sent free.' TO THIS l'Ptll.lC. About the last of September or the first of October in 1HSHJ, someone on Hook oreek branded a colt that belonged to me. Cal Kobison and Bob Veaeu were seen with the colt. Wm. lugrum, Dob Warren and myself went down liook creek aud found the colt just above Veach's place on the creek. I took the the colt home. I brought the case be fore, the graud jury but they ignored it, evideuoe not being Biillieient. In the meantime, Veaoh snipped the country. Now comes oertniu parties and tell that I have compromised with Cal Rohisou. It's a malicious lie and the scrub knows it. As soon as I can see certain parties I will give him a show to prove it. I have not given up the oase and will pros ecute it as soou as I tiud certaiu wit nesses. This is only spite work to injure me because I ntn a candidate. AxmiEW Kood. Haudman, June 2d, lSOi'. Across the llet'p, to tlio Fur West, Ou ateamboata, oars and stage-coaches, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is carried as the most important item in the materia luedica of the traveling public. It de prives vitiated, brackish water of its hurtful properties anil csecrable flavor, oounterBCta the pernicious etleots upon stomach of bad or indigestible food, rein - edies cramps, heartburn and wind upon the stomach. It is atiue defense against iialarial disorders, nullities the effects Of excessive beat, cold and damp, relieves lick headaches, aud is an incomparable cure for costiveness and biliousness, j The fatigue of travel often tells most dis-! astrously upon invalids aud oonval- j esoeuts, occasionally to snob an extent ! h to jeopardize life. Persous iu feeble health, apprehensive of bad effects from travel, will, if provided with the Bitters, be far less likely to have their fears realized. - M i sw y. t? Tak(!lciasWe iiiliiV)cing,tJi,aJip; if prepared to iill allorders iiillipl;r lai..gras,l jiB constanlly on .hand FnlFTiinft i.f Well Selected Sill, . Ik inlfe, Oniits, lips ..... - - - IN -FACT -EVERYTHlNOiO-bfcr tUWth 'A CarefuMnspection of Goods-and5 Prices will Convince the iSsSS tlothifif 4mm! . . U at Tri'i- am.h T-i -ir:r ( .O WIO '.- -ill;., I ' -j ' ' " "' . You will find our Clothing! Department with an assortment, including Square Cut Sacks, Three and Four Button Frocks, made of the best American Weaver Scotch Woolen Wror '8teds,.OheviotSj made p to sell in full suits. $25.00 !Suits rccluced 20.00 : : .-'.."- 1.7,50 ' ;,; ; ) 5.oo .:'. v;::;:;, 12:50 7 ," -u-! ; Men's and Boys' Hats and " Examine the goods and von will find -all shades and colors; vvhioh will gjve satisfaction . Before purchasing, call and enamSne my; stock A. TIKKiiEN'R IBtritDlNGr, May Street, ','..'...'..'..'.r,T,. T-Heppner, Oregon.' . -. : ' XV. J. rvB51S5CEl, I r!. riSHIS HOSTELKY has been Befitted and Eefdnisued throughout, and now is one of the mdst inviting places in Heppner. Mr. Lfiezer invites you to stop with him, feeling that he ia able to entertain you in the1 best of style. ' ' First Class House. . CAN WE SUPPLY YOUR SPRING SHOES ? Our Spring Footwear is' the" Best and the Cheapest. : ..: Ar the fllioemntt?r, a nioo new shoe, The gout, the oiH, aud the kangaroo, . Joined by the alligator, too, All (irojiped in to find out whether iwtiji anyoi tneirioiKs tnat iu uian a tneicainer. M. LICHTENTHitL & COS .... . ; . ) Alc&irx Street, Heppner O i. I . '. . HarEiman, 1?. SCRIVNBR, lrop. E, L. BROHST Was in our circuit of the Ely settlement and, by some unaccountable manner overlooked. Mr. Brobst is a thorough practical farmer, has a pleasant home aud every indication of prosperity. Mr. llrobst is a good blacksmith as well as a good neighbor. He takes an active in tereft in every means that presents itself for' the advancement of the neighborhood aud is in every way a worthy citizen. - rtnnder's Oregon Blood Purifier is the great conqueror of Biliousness and Liver complaint. Relief certain iu every ouse. Sold at one dollar a bottle. Try it. The following letters remain unolaimed at the louglns Oregon:, Alex. Graham, Lotus Kensen, John Fry. - S. White, P. M. THE NATIONAL CONVENTIONS. A rate of one fare for the round trip to Minneapolis and Chicago, republican and democratic conventions, has been authorized. Tickets to be good going aud retnruiug same Tonte, to be sold ouly for traius arriving at Minneapolis I on June 5tb and b'th, and at Chicago on jutw i;it, and '20th. Keturn portion to 1 ie limited to 30 days from date of sale, j Tickets returning via Shasta route or j Union Pacific steamer between San j Francisco and Portland will be $15.00 i bigher. Chicago tickets, if routed via Moux Citv and St. Paul, iu either direc tion, will be S7.1H) higher thau the direot route. For further information oall on or address J. C. Hart, Agent, W. H. Hi rlhi rt, Heppner, Or. Asst. den. Pass. Agt., 54 Wash. St., Portland, Or. Henry Heppner is improving rapidly liuder the care of Dr. E. T. Oagen. HAftDKfAN;1 to - - $20.00 15.00 - 12.50 10.00 - 7.50 Caps at Factory Prices Reasonable Rates, We j isU thftt every tnody. knew- : 4vl. y. What elejafant stock wemt in.eaeh sjioo ' I Andlkerp on hand to'heneflt you.- f " -j; I All grades, stylus and ahnpt'B togother;-' Oregon ?. If. t'- THE PUBLIC s ICorLD know that the Furniture has arrived, jbeen sold and more put in its pmco at way tdown bargain. Call for prices at Heppner Furniture Co.'s Pine Mam street, opposite f.c, thompsouLo. b It? I I - .' :: NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Notice is hereby given to the stockholders of the lorrow County Land A Trout Co., that a mevtine will be held at the oltioe of the compa ny, in Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday evening, July 9. lMti, for the purpose of voting upon the reduction of the capital stock of company from $1UO,0OO.OU to f&.OUtMiO. By order of the directors, J. B, SPRRRY, T. E. Fell, Vice President. Secretary. 4W-i04 iJAPANESR ran k-e CURB A new nd Complete Treatment, consisting of Suppositories, ointment iu Capsules, also in Box andi'ins; a positive Cure for External, Inter nal, iBUnd or Bleetiing. Itching, Chronic, Recent or Hereditary Piles, aud many other diseases and female weaknesses; it is always a great ben efit to the general health. The first discovery of a medical cure rtfiutwlnfc n opertbm wtth the knife unnee8sry hereafter. -nl renledy hn nev(jr leen known to fail. f ttorbos, 6 for sent by mail. Why sutler from this terrible dis ease; when a written guarantee is given with 6 boxfs, to refund the money if not uureti. Send stanjp for tree sample. Ouftmutee twued hr WoqiiwsRD. 1'lakk & Co., Wholesale A: Retail Dru(tists, Sne Agents, Portland, Or. OREGON CHAS. H. DODD & COi IMPORTERS OF'-' HARDWARE, IRON, ; .FARM ; MACHINERY ; ' 1 " ' i MlOnt, '.IM FRONT, FIEST AKD 'VIKE STS., POETLAND, OR. BUCKEYE MOVB ! AMD R EAPER.! use to-day, nun ui uinyt-rmif ...... ''"" "'" tn-ovi's them to lid the nW opnlr in umrket. ...... Ii HODGES' HAINES JHEADERS-' BUCKEYE STEEL FRAME;, BiNDEfi, -' " DtoHacalMtte'roV'Slrm;lli. 9 iji,rbltltjr;i,-i';;- ''J" Adwaiice leaPDisehaPcje Binder Most Economical llliul. l- lik iiho. Ileqnir less wer, fisem less twtne than nay t SCHUTTLER AND TfllLBURN FAR WAGONS I JUL. UHlllimUUU, P nniiuiiw, . mm j iii! CIES, CARTS, ETC. ! F0UR-SPR1NC MOUNTAIN WAGONS AND BUCK-BOARDS. MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER. AULTWIAN'S STAR TRACTION ENGINE. The most Elective " Succesful combination for' 'nireshigniilClcnuing Grain ever constructed. - SpikI for 1SD2 Catmlofriic. 1-ruc. j ' -- POH IS.XjZI 33-S - -LEA CK4- A RMSTR OXG, '. ! LEXINGTON, OltKOON. ! Is ready to receive wool' on storage for sale or shipment, and also to do a gen--'.-.' ieral torwardinir business. RATES REASONABLE. i i !;Ship care of I ii u it i i I Flour Exchanged for Wheat. IIKnl-R FL()IJRLQ MILL COMPANY. i . .. : ! T. W. A YEllS, Sr., Manager. 448 PAN OSMERS. Columbia EXT DOOR io M. Lichtenfhal & Co.'s Shoe Store, Main Streei, Keen on hand a Fine Line of Liauors. Wmes, Cigars, Etc. We have Reduced the Price of the Buchler; Beer to., S Cents Per Glass, On draught, fresh and cool. .Luuch of ull. kinds. ;;Hope i , " to see nil their old friends and many more. "' OSMER8 & .HUGHES, ..Props. . r. "r.';T.irirj.infDf I mum : I t M'll tl 1. H1 Otis Patterson NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER 5 2 f . tmht Purchaser.' i r.iir. wmiwh ;;u.i; r.t i , .,. .,,'. HOLlltJCSWORTH & TAYLOR HAND AND SELF-DUMP RAKES. DEERE HAY-LOADER AND MUOCETT IM PROVED TEDDER. HAY-PRESSES, PORTER'S HORSE HAY- I VlllfW niiw vn w ff , MINOR BROS. HKI'PNEK, OR. arenouse IIKNRY. HEPPNER, ' ; Proprietor. MAT HUGHES. Beer Hall ! . : - ELL FURNISHED ROOMS OPPICE? Mr ! vMl i ' .. , ; I AhiW h HUililJ Mk Margaret VonCadow, Man r i i