rlsPl ES, allSKIX AFFECTIONS, and DISEASES ARISING Trom a DISORDERED STOMACH. -vrnmi'iraiPPFPil tin.iriijrBiwo reAwj.rEiioii wrappers iih Facsimile Sianalure of EMIL tHbon. Vr " aCUmW REDINQTON & CO. AOINTS. 8aM FSOa SOT.? HV A LI. IHHGOIBT AMP $$$ Perhaps 1 QUEEN HAIRINE" to restore and promote the Hair has no "Hial. it is a pomade (vaseline form). I' our applications will stop the hair falling and prevent dandruil. It run s n-;ilp diseases, and will positively row a lux it riant growth of hair urilesH hereditarily ha Id. Tialdness is not an indication that tin; roots are dead. Nature did not provide thai we should wear a covering for the head. When the epidermis (skin) is alive, no are the roots, and 'Quoen Hairino" applied to the hurface opens the ibllicUw, and gives nourishment and vitality to the roots. One bottle will convince the most skeptical of iu merit. Try it. i'rice, $1 .00 per Motile. ' QUEEN ANTI-ODOR " (powdered form) applied to the parts allays excessive perspiration, find permanently euros offensive fcot, armpiu, etc A snort delightful and harmless remedy. I'rice 50c. Our ' ON DO LINE" (liquid, pure and fa arm lew), when applied to tho akin restores and beau ti ties the Complexion: removes and prevents Tu, Hunburn, Freckles, Pimples anil lilsck heads. This re nowned preparation cannot be excelled, K single application has a marvelous effect, and each additional one improves the complexion. Try it; If not delighted with it, return the buttle, and we will n-fund yotir money. One iioulo will restore the complexion. Price, f 1.00 OjjKKN Toii.kt Co.: Your preparation formulas (aAer a careful analysis), T am free to pay, are hannlcKS, and certainly effectual if uwd according to directions. J. K. Hesse, M. P.. 464 Freeman Ave, lie mil by I'. O. Order, Ke-Kiatcml Juer, or Ifraft to home office, and mention this paper. pULLN TOILET CO. 174 RACE ST., J IKKI, Samples ol our i!oods and "How Hides, Pelts And Furs wanted. I will pay the highest market prices fur anything in this line. Oivumea cull la-fore BcUhig elsewhere, as J know 1 etui du better by you than uuy other tirin in lleppner. W. W. SMEAD. Oflioe ut Sargent & Driskell's Feed yard. Scientific America Agency for TRADE MARKS, 'rVVVT COPYRIGHTS, etc. For Information and free Handbook write to Ml'NN A CO.. liiMiAIMVAY, Nkw yuhr. Oldest bureau for HcenrtiiB patuntn in Amnrtca. Kvory patent taken out hy uh is brought before the public by a notice, given free of charge ill tho Scientific mmeau Larost eireulat.ton nf any selentifle paper In tho worlii, Hnlcivlldly Illustrated. No liitelliKont itmn Hhotild t.-o wlfbout it. Weekly. ,1.00 a year; Sfl.tfl nx monOm. AdrtniHS MuNN & CO, ruiiLiNMKHH. EfcSt It road way. Now York. Ihiive re-opened this well-known house to the piihlie. mid Holleit tt nlmre of the piitroiuige. I'erdtiy JfltH) hoard per week 5 00 " " " with room b' DO My tuhle Is Always sopplied with tho best the market aHords. MKH. ILVH15Y & DAUGHTKlt, iu-U n-w 1'rops. QUICIC TIME ! T O Sf 111 Fiuuioisoo And all point h in California, viu tho Mt. Hlmstii nmifi of tho Southern Pacific Co. The grout, hiuhwuy through Ctliformu to nil poiulH Kant and South. (Inind Heenic Houto of the 1'iteilie ('oitHt. l'utlinnn Ho lint Hleepiirtt. Heeiuiil-eliWN Hleopers Alturluul tuexproHH truiiiH, tilTnnliug Hiijmrior ilcnuiiTindntioiiH for hhcuiuI-cIhhh pahsengei'H, Kor niti-H, tieketH, Hleoping car nwcrvat ion a, etc,, (tull upon or nddreHa K. KOKHhKIt, Munuger, R, P. HOOKKH, AbhI. Oeii. V. Ai V. Agt., I'oi'lliuid, Oregon. WOVE BEST evt-E STEEL IJLE ICKIIOUiLEDCED THE BEST (or Lawns, Gardens, Farms, Hanuhos and Hailroads run i;i ii i'i;n. s,i.i iiv tifiiinH. i- luiii' rAiu Mcni)i,i.i:Ns rori.iiiv mtii.xj. nw ihiwi Tbe JfiulQulltiii Wuvuu W irs i'litca 0oti Cuioga.Xii S. P. FLORENCE, STOCKRAISER ! UKrrNKit, oiiKtioN. ('tittle branded mid earmarked tn shown above. MorneM V on right shoulder. Mv rattle rtuige in Morrow and Umatilla eouu tii. I will pay idC-MM for th arriat inul eon vieliuii of any peiKott Hleiiling my tdoek. WyniiiUitli'g, Vlyuumtli ltooka, Lmlit iirniniilm, Uiwk ttiul Single I'omb itniwn Li'j;liiirn, l'intriili;B CnoliiiiB, lloiiiiiiim ami Sil. 1.000 YOUNG FOWLS llmuty for Dulivury. BOOK YOUR ORDERS FOR CHOICE SELECTIONS. mu Fowl r,i Atu,.n'nn. inul rt tho lnwt on thin cint bv ii KrtMit Jiirnronce. I UUiUVNT K SATISFACTION TO KVKKY CUSTOMKH. Soml for CutiilotfiiK. J. M. (1A1UUSON, liox 55. com.y.Ki. Foteet Orove, Or ft WIRE lirinf n rv r f nn uanP KSTA1!1.1S11EU IN )s"7. You Don't Know Us, BUT SURELY YOU KNOW OF OUR REMEDIES. We extend nn invitation to call and see free tents at our Clinic, "Arcade Chiuuburs." ilmirH 1 to :t p. m. Lady Attendants. We till mail orders same day received (securely healed, postpaid). If not iw represented we will refund your money. ' QUEEN ANTI-HAIRINE" removes Ueaid or Fuperiluous TTair J,rom the Face, iieek and Anus, or Moles ami Birthmark. Madeln'.o a paste, only a few minutes application is required. t in powerful, yet mild in its effect. Jt dissolves and destroys the follicles of tho hair without the (tightest pain, injury ordiscolori tion to the most delicateskin. Trv it. dim l'ricn. fit "fin nr lu.ttlo CINCINNATI, O, (Local Agents Wanted.) to be Beautiful ' vent for two stamp. On Sale OMAHA Kansas City, St. Paul, St. ILOtils, AND ALL TOINTS EAST, NORTH P SOUTH. Leaves lleppner, 8 a. m. Arrives 050 p. m. I'ullmun Sleepersi Colonist 81eeiera, Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. Steamers Portland to 8au Frauoiaco every four days. Tickets o1!? Europe. For rates and general information call on Depot Ticket Agent, J. C. HART, lleppner, Oregon. W. II. IltJKIiBUKT, AsHt. (ietil. I'iihh. Agt. Si Wiiflhlngton Ht., I'((HTLANI. OllK(iOK. national Bank of HeDDnsr. W. PKNLAND, KI). K. BISHOP, I'reHident. CrtKhler. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS COLLECTIONS Made ou Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD. HEITNER. tf OREGON. LUMBEK! TK HAVK KOI! SAI.K AI.I, KINI1S OF IT N i droHHi'il Lutnlnir, Hi iniU'B of Ht;iniur, at uhiit is Itumvn uh thu SOOTT B A-WMIUIj. l'KK 1,0(10 KKKT, HOUOII, " " " Cl.KAK, $10 00 17 60 F IlKl.IVKItKI) IN HKPl'NKK, WII.I. ADD L f i.OO wr I,IH)0 (out, uililllldiml. L. HAMILTON, Prop. I). Am lliiiullloii, Man'itr PU15LIC SALE OF Stock Horses ! The iiudi'rsiiuuod will sell at l'ublio Auotiou at UFAM'NEll, OR., Frilly, June 'k 1892, ioo HEAD ioo Of A merican Stock Horses. TERMS OF S.1LE: Oue ywir, with approved security; iu toreet at 10 per oeut per anumu. Five per cent iliKcount (or eusli. 7Sif. C.11.COCIIUAN. TicKle Tbc Earth With a Hoe. SOW FERRY'S SEEDS and naturt will do the rcit. Stda Urglv determine the harvest always uUnl the Wit KERRY S. A book full of informtton abiui limlem how aud wit at to rietetc, sent free to all wtiu a&k for Atk to-day. D. M. FERRY J DETROIT, 4 CO., JT MICH, 4gmi Cancel, K(IK ('l).:lllS, L'l) lMSTHK T. VI. ('OkNKl.llIS .1. liltllillT, of Slierinuu county prohibition. lit. V. II. KI.I.IS, of Morrow -oiinty. Hepulilican 14. .1. V. i.l'CK, o( irant countv People's Tarty 15. JA.MKS 11. Sl.ATKli, of 1'nion county Democrat Foil Sui'KKMi! Jrixii-:. Hi. A. S. J'KN.N ETT, of Wasco county Democrat 17. V. A. M((ltK, of Columbia county Republican 18. WII.I. If. WALKElt, of Clackainas countv People's Tarty 1!). UION'JAMLN P. WELCH, oi Multnomah county Prohibition. Eon Cnici'iT Ji ikie, 7tii Dihthict. Vote for OME. . W. I,. P.KADSIIA W , of Wasco county Democrat .'.!. tiEOP.I IE WAT KINS, of Wasco county Kcpulilican Eolt l'KO.SECt'TINO Attoiiney, 7tu 24. J. F. MllOUE, of Cinok county 25. W. 11. WILSON, of Wasco county For R i: l1 k e s e nt a t i v e . 28. .1. N. BROWN, of lleppner 2!l. L. W. LEWIS, of Ilanlinan 3(1. .1. C. THOMSON, of Lexington For Sheriff. 31. J. M. K EES, of lone .".2. N. R. AlcVA Y, oi Gooseberry. . 33. UEOEGE NOLLE, of lleppner For Clerk. 34. T. C. AUBREY, of lleppner 35. WILLIAM BLAIR, of Lexington 30. J. W. MORROW, of lleppner. . . . For Juwie. 37. JULIUS KEITIII.Y, of lleppner. 38. ANDREW ROOD, of lleppner. .. . 3!). E. II. STANTON, of Eight Mile. . For Treasurer. 40. W. J. LEEZE.R, of lleppner ... 41. J. W. MATLOCK, of lleppner . 42. J. E. SCRIVNER, of Hardman. For Justice of the Peace, (ith 50. F. .). IIALLOCK, of lleppner (iO. W. A. KIRK, of lleppner MEN I WHIT ARE- YOU i Mtmrmr r WEArJJESS MONEY. JEj we have a relief and cure In your ignorance of effects and vitality which is system the elements thus , strength and vigor will fol- c cure or money refunded. Dr. Sanden's Electric 5 after all other treatments ? testify, and from many of THE ''mw II 1! IB II IX Ji 111!' HUH ul fpl mm km 'Jytaiuvi is a complete galvanic battery, made into a belt so as to be easily worn during work or at rest, and it gives soothing, prolonged currents which are instantly felt throughout all weak parts, or we forfeit $5,000. It has an Improved Electric Suspensory, the greatest boon ever given weak men, and we warrant it to cure any of the above weaknesses, and to enlarge shrunken limbs, or parts, or Money Refunded. They are graded in strength to meet all stages of weakness in young, middle-aged or old men, and will cu'-i the worst cases in two or three months. Address SANDEN ELECTRIC CO., 172 First St., PORTLAND, OREGON TIMHKRtTIlTliK-NOTU'K OF INTENTION. Uiul Oillt't'iit Ijidrtunlt, Or,, April Z. W2. Notice Is lu'ri'liv nivt'ii t but .John H. Kdu itnlN, bus lilt'tl notice" of Intention to nmke tinul proof before tlie County rlerk of Morrow Co.. Oregon, at liisoitiee in lleppner. r., on Tuesilny. the 7th tliiv of June, I'.'-, on timber culture ap olleation No. 2,1-11', for lots 'J, :t ami 4 inul SKl , SWI4 See No. :!0, in Tp No. I S, U N. J7 K W M. lie umnea at witnesses: C. t'. Saline, . ti, Met'artv, li. W. Turner, S. N. Morgan, nil of lleppner, Or. A. I'j.kavkis, 4nV.I1 Keyister. NOTU'E -TIMHKU Cl'I.TriiE. I'. S. I.an.l Offlee. The Dalles, Or . Mar. 1 '.'2. (.unplnint ImvliiK been entered at this oiliee bv Oeo. W. bishop, Morrow County, Oreirou. nitainst U. II. 1'lunkett ftr failure to comply with law as to Timber Culture Entry No. .vj.".. .lated Januarv 'Jt;, IS'.vj, upon the W NK1 , ami N N Vi See. , Tp. :i S Knne Jti E, m Morrow County, Oregon, with a view to cancellation of sall entrv; eontestaut alleyin that li. II. IMiui kett tlttt not eultivnte or cause to be cultivated any of sahl tract since 1nV. Ourini; the past live years no work has been ilone ou said tract by the iirtitl li. H, riunkett, or any oue for him. The srthl parties are hereby summoned to appear at this otUce ou the Wh day of June, K. at 10 o ehiek a. m., to respond ami furnish testimony eoueernlui; said alleued fnilnre. J. W. Morrow, Countv ClerK, is authorized to take testimony in this ease, at his orhee in lleppner, nt 10 n.'in., June U, IM'J. John V. i.kwis, 4ST-41W. Keyister. NOTICK OP INTENTION. Otttee at The Palles. Or,. Apr. 'Jt. Notice Is hereby nien that the foUowlnx-iirtni-ed settler has tllei muiceof his iutetttioii to make tinul proof In support of Ids claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, tit lleppner, Oregon, on June 4. ivx', viz: JOHN S. IIOSKTNS, lid. No. AWI, for the lot 1 and s - NK'4 and NK4 SEVSee. :l, Tp S. K .'" K W M. lie names the followiuit witnesses to prove his continuous resideueo upon, and euUivation of, ftahl laud, viz; W. E. Kahlt'r, P. N. Ilanlinan. K. i. Cox and V. U. Kov , all of Hardtuan, (iregon. John V. I.kwis, 4M'.':1 lieuister. Precinct, Morrow Comity, Oregon, June 6, 1892. Cross or mark out fhe Xaiuesof Candidates not Voted For. STATIC VoTK FDH U.NK. Vote for ONE. DISTRICT. Dist. Vote for ONE. Democrat Republican COUNTY. Vote for (JNE. Republican People's Party Democrat Vote for ON 10. .... People's Party Republican Democrat Vote for ONE. . . . .Republican .People's Party Democrat Vote for ONE. Democrat . . . . Republican . People's Party Vote for ONE. . . . .Republican Democrat .People's Party Dist. Vote for ONE. Republican Democrat LECTMC AN D' S USPEN SORY FOR, WHO ARE immw rm f if KTorf r wiMfryn. Sleeplessne55.R)orMemobV.s General IllHealth the effects of abuses, excesses, in Our marvelous invention, which requires but a trial to convince the most skeptical, or by excesses, or exposure, you may have unduly drained your system of nerve force electricityand thus caused your weakness or lack of force. If you replace into your drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, and health, low at once and in a natural way. This is our plan and treatment, and we guarantee a Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free ; sent by mail, sealed. Belt is no experiment, a3 we have restored thousands to robust health and vigor, failed, as can be shown by hundreds of cases ...l.n. ...a k,i,a ofmnrv L.fara lunnnn DR. SHNDEN ELECTRIC BELT NOTICE OF INTENTION. T.an.l Office at The Dalles, Or., April ''", iSW. Nutiee is hereby tfiven that the followinc-nam-ert settler has tiled notice of his intention to make rhml proof in support of his claim, and that Hitid proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, Or., tit lleppner, Or., on June 10, vU: FRANK MOIiELAND, 1) S. No. 6.S-IA, for the E1-' and Wj" SE1 See 21, Tp 4 S, R2T) E V Jf. He tuiines the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation ot, said hind, viz: J. F. liovse, Hiram Tash, Henry Howell and Arthur Stevens, nil of llardnian. Or. 4S.VH1 John W. LKWisRefiister. NOTICK OF INTENTION. Land Oiticeat La Grande, Or., Aprils, 1S12. Notice is herebv Riven that the ftdlowinx named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that Haiti proof will be made before the County rlerk ot Morrow County, Or., at lleppner, Or., on June 7, IM'L'. viz: JERKY UROSNAN, lid No. 2,219, for the N1.. NW4 and N1,; NE1 Sec H2. TP- 2S. K 21' E W ft. He nauieB the fttllowinir witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ami cultivation of said land, viz: A. J. Cook, Charles Mann, James Pearson and iJeorire Hayes, all of Uuia, Or. A. Clkaver, 4S.V1M. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Ijind Otttee at Ii J ramie. Or., May 11. IS'.vi. Notice is hereby piveu that the foUowiiur immeil settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, at lleppner, Or., on Juue 2.', viz: EPWAKP K. PAY, H.l No. MW, for the NKl4 NV Sec. 7, Tp. 1 8, ii 2S E W M. He names the follow! in? w itnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation 01 said land, viz: William Pouplass, J. A. Thompson, O. R. Pay am! George Vinson, all of lleppner, Oregon. A. Clkaver, Ksuister. Daily stage both ways between Monu ment and Long Creek. tf. I in: A n'oKSi:v-(i::Ni:i;Ai.. 211. ;i:oi!(iE E. CIIAMHEUEA1N, of I.inn conntv. . 21. E. It. WKHSTEIl.of .lackson county .". . For Member Statu Hoard Equalization, 7th Dist. Vote for ONE. 2il. WILLIAM HUtillES, of Morrow 27. J. L. LECKEV, of Crook county For School Superintendent. 43. W. L. SAI.ING, of lleppner 44. R. W. TURNER, of lleppner 45. MISS INEZ VORUZ, of lleppner For Commissioners. 4(i. ,1. M. BAKER, of lone. 4 vr 47. PETER BRENNER, of Eight Mile, 2 vr. 48. ALLEN EVANS, of Alpine, 2 yr 4(1. D. N. HARDMAN, of llardnian, 4 yr 50. .1. II. JONES, of Eight Mile, 2 vr 51. P.. F. KINti, of lone, 4 yr For Assessor. 52. II. CALDWELL, of Eight Mile. 53. R. L. SHAW, of lleppner 54. W. W. SMEAD, of lleppner. .. Fob .Surveyor. 55. ISAIAH BROWN, of Lexington. 5(i. D. II. JENKINS, of Hardman... 57. J. W. REDFORD, of Douglas.. . F'on Coroner. 58. T. W. AYERS, Jit, of lleppner. NOT. For Constable, (ith Dist. (11. HARRY PHILLIPS., of lleppner. 02. J. J. ROBERTS, of lleppner WEAK? DEBILITATED. AND SUFFER' ) W-J&l o vh4 tarn ti H?r; from Nervous Debility? Seminal Weak ness Losses. Prains.Impotency or? Lost Manhood. Rheumatism. Lamp Back. KidneV Troubles. Nervousness worry and exposure. For such sufferers throughout this htate, who would jrla.ilv tUa.. romrar.r .F,.r t.dnrr nof All children enjoy a drink of Hires' Root Beer. Bo does every other member of the family. A 25 cent package makes 5 gallons of this delicious drink. Don't be deceived if a dealer, for the sake of larger profit, tells you some other kind is " )st as (rood " 'tis false. No imitation. Is ua good as the geuuine Uuu&i'. WAXTEI).: THOSE who are interested in the Eight Mile country and Morrow countv to know that we have a few extra copies left, which can be secured either at (ieo. Thornton's news stand or at the Uaictte ottice. t-sw. CM ME to the Palace Hotel bar for ChanTpagne J Cocktails. Champagne on tap. ttH-sw A BUi lot of Gooseberry numbers of the GiT zette that ought to ie sent away. Call in, invest and help your country. swtf TO KNOW that L. P. Roved is Ileppner's leading contractor and builder. Estimates given ou all kinds of work. Oiliee at resi dence, lleppner. Or. 71-sw. VWngoumaker. one the best locations in Morrow county. Must have a little capital. Call on orwriteGazette office for particulars, sw Gazette on Tboruton 8 counters. Prioe 5 cents. tf. k3S Two. Vote kou UN E. . Democrat Republican county . . . . Democrat Republican Vote for ONE. Republican Democrat People's Party Vote for TWO. Democrat Republican I lemoenit Republican People's Party People's Party Vote for ONE. People's Party Democrat Republican Vote for ONE. Republican Democrat .... People's Party Vote for ONE. Republican Vote for ONE . Republican . . . Democrat WEBSTER'S RECORD. OVER HALF HIS DECISIONS HAVE BEEN REVERSED. Dues Oreicon "Want an Attorney (icnerul Whoso Opinion Isn't Ki.i;ht Hulf tho Time! Any man ivho in this hronil land of ours offers Ms name tor imbue prefer ment invites that investigation into liia fitness and worthiness for the position which the lowliest citizen has the sov ereisn right to make. If the candidate has before been honored by public office. high or low, and lias a consciousness of having faithfully discharged the trust. he -will not object to an examination of the record he has iivide. Upon this rec- ord he invites his fellow citizens to judge him and by it he must stand or fall. L. R. Webster, judge of the First ju dicial district of Oregon, is it candidate upon the Republican tictet tor the high and responsible position of attorney gen eral. The people of this state are en titled to know whether as a lawyer he is qu.'ilified to become the legal adviser of this great commonwealth. We have no better or other source from which to ob tain this information than from the rec ord he has made for hinisolf, and to a very brief glance at this record the reader is invited. Toward the close of the year 1883 the office of district judge of the First judicial district became vacant by the resignation of Hon. H. K. Haima, who was then the able incumbent. A Re publican governor then presided over the state, and no available Republican lawyer was found willing to accept the position. L. R. Webster, Esq.. was at that time clerking in oue of the dry goods houses at Jacksonville. He claimed to have studied law and had just been admitted to the bar. He was a young man of pleasant manner, reason ably good education, poor inpnr.se, mar ried and ambitious. The people of Jackson county thought of him as a worthy subject and recommended him for the place. The governor made the appointment, and though very young and without experience in the law, he began the tasks imposed with commend able zeal and appropriate modesty. For a time the good people of this district felt that thty had bestowud this great honor upon a worthy person and were inclined to view his mistakes with com plaicency, feeling that time wotild fill out his qualification by that experience which must make up the finishing part of every man's education. In tliis, however, the peopla were to be sorely disappointed as the sequel will show. At the first general election he was elected to fill the unexpired term of two years, at the end of which being still on probation, he was again nomina ted and elected because of the weakness of his opponent and the good natnred indulgence of the public to whom, up to this time he had displayed a reasonable sense of that chiefest of all virtues, grat itude. After this election he settled himself back in his judicial seat with an air that bespoke a sense of security for the coming six yeivrs and gave growing evidence of a forjetfuJness of the lowly Btation from whi-ch he had. been lifted :ina tne moment patience or tneius to whom he owed his good fortune. He soon discarded those little virtues that had attracted friends to him, and apparently with premeditation with drew himself from the kind offices and recognition of those who so aided him In the days of his need. A stiff bow and an air of superiority usurped the place where was before a frank and hearty salutation. His friends have with vexa tion often remarked this foolish young man's unmistakable notion that all be low him are of "the common herd" and that he views them from a lofty station. This is no picture for campaign purposes but a truth that can be vouched for by two-thirds of the people of Jackson county, who as American citizens re gardless of party will rebuKe sucn as sumption by an exercise of their sover eign wills at the ballot box. Such conduct will suggest to any taunt ing person an intellectual shallowness inconsistent with the idea of a sound and lofty legal mind, and the record will verify this conclusion. To prove this a reference to the Oregon supreme court reports shows that since Judge Webster has been on the bench in this district, out of fifty-four cases decided by him and appealed to tho supreme court, twenty-three have been reversed, five modified and twenty-six affirmed. Less than one-half of his cases have iieen al firmed. "vS No comment is needed. No lawyoi- who is mistaken more than half his time is a fit person to be the legal adviser of a whole state. But this is not all. The complaint 18 almost universal among the people of this county, regardless of party, that his administration as circuit judge has entailed a large and useless expense, as the records will also show. The records show that for the fiscal year ending July, 1885, the cost of run ning the circuit court in Jackson county alone, exclusive of the sheriff's and clerk's fees for the same time was twelve thousand two hundred and twenty dol lars and sixty-six cents ($12,220.60); the clerk's fees incurred in circuit court business for the same time was $831.55, and the sheriff's fees about the same, making a total of about $14,000 for that one year alone. The next year it reached over $7,000, the next about $7,000 and the following year it approximated $6,- 000, making a sum total of $28,000; and this does not include the salary of $3,000 a year paid by the state to the judge. As near as can be obtained from the record the aggregate cost of the same court for the past four years not includ ing the judge's salary has been approxi mately $18,000, an average of four thousand dollars a year, Assuming $4, 000 to be a reasonable average cost per year, we have the modest sum of $12,000 paid by Jackson county alone ror tne privilege of educating this promising young man to that standard of legal ability that has enabled mm to get almost one-half of his cases affirmed by the supreme court and to make him eligible for the new and Important trust of legal adviser of the whole state. It must not be forgotten that we are. only presenting the figures for Jackson county alone and that during all this! time Judge Webster's jurisdiction has extended over three other counties which it may be reasonably inferred have suffered from like causes. Aside from the expenses above re ferred to. and which sound in taxes upon the people, a still heavier ex-1 pense has been incurred by litigants in civil suits and actions arising from unnecessary delays that could and ! would have been avoided by an expedi tious judge. It is a well known fact that the court in Jackson county grinds with an exasperating slowness and that cases argued and taken under advise ment are sometimes held until forgot ten, and it is confidently believed that many reversals might have been avoided if prompt decision of these cases had been given while arguments and cita tions were fresh in the minds of the court. The number of judicial days of the court for Jackson county from and in clusive of 1886 to the present time were 41)6, or eighty-two and a fraction of days for each year, and the average number of hours during which the court was in session would not exceed five hours each day, while weary litigants, whose rounds of duties at home demand their attention, are kept with an array of witnesses, day after day, with all the consequent expense and loss to farm and business hanging upon the sweet will and pleasure of this man who has grown so great upon their gift, who has forgot ten gratitude, but asks them to raise him a little higher in June next. It is hardly to be doubted that they will re member Bobbie Burns and may justly say to him: Our toils obscure and a1 that; The rank is but the guinea stamp; The man's the gowd for a' that. i Will the people of this state think it to their interest to elect a man to so high a position requiring the highest legal ability, wiose record is as stated above? It is not believed that they will, and all who read this are requested to watch the returns after June the 6th next and he will see that the sentiments of Democrats and Republicans are alika. expressed. Judge Webster is not the choice of the Republican party of southern Ore gon, and the declarations made in his behalf at the state convention where he was nominated are not indorsed by one- half of the Republicans of Jackson coun ty where he has lived for ten years. Voters, it is your duty as self respect-j ing, free American citizens, to go to the polls on June 6 and cast a ballot against Lionel R. Webster. Relegate him to the obscurity he deserves. SATISFACTOKY BliTTLlill BNT. To whom it may concern: This is to certify tht, after havingour loss of school house carefully figured by competent mechanics, we made satisfac tory settlement with the State Insurance Company, of Salem, Oregon, on April JJ, 1K92, and within three daj's thereafter received cheok for 3,400, full amonnt of loss sustained by recent fire, which de stroyed said bouse. W. K. tLLis, Tom Morgan, Otis Patterson, Board of Directors of School District No. 1, Morrow County, Oregon. Heppseb, Or., April 14, 1892. 82-98 Wool Insuraure-. The I aeific Insurance Union baa fixed the risk on wool in both of tbe ware houses in Heppnner at the same rate, be- iag $5 per $1000 per month. I shall be pleased to issue policies for the Man chester Co. on wool in storage. This company has a capital of 85,000,000 in KOIU. i. r.. f ELL, Agent for the Manchester Fire Insur ance Co., of Manchester, England, S9.92 I