NOl'K'K TO AI)VKItTiSl:i:s. ri'UOSK ilcKirhlK tllf illKcrrl f.lil,I,iy uil., 1 nrrlliiilKt' ut siuilf, imiHt rrt't tlirl'r ni,v ill tn.t hiti'r tlmii .Muiitliiy cvt'iihij,' !'.,r TucHiliiv's lili nr I lnirB'tity cvoiiini; for KriiltivH Hull. I 111: 1'ATI KIIMIN I'I'HI.IMUn'i; ( NOI It K. I. 't'li1 11111 nf five I't'titH fn;r lino will lie i liurwi'ii fur "rimis it' tliurikh." "rvH.ilntimiH ,,f ri'siKTt," lito uiMlilini; iri'Kctitn and uikI (il.illmrj ni.tii'i'K, (ntluT tlmn tlmse the c.,it nr hlmll himself filVL1 us u iniitirr nl new,) tout li.itlri'Nol'hln'riili lili'l't OIL'S inr Illltl'Vcr imriiH' '1. NiitircM iii church mid society ami nil other fliUTlainliH'lltti irinil which reveil'lle in tu lie ih. riverl, slmll he I'lmrpn'il for at the rate oi live cents a line. These rules will he strictly aillier ftl tu in every i HHtjtlle-f. Ailverlisin mien reasonable an.l niailekinnvn upon application. (lire your business lo Heppner people, unit therefore, assist to build vp lleip ver. Patronize those who jnitnntize you. Here and There. U8 bw T. W. Ayers, Jr., for drags, Sheep are begiuuiug to limit summer rim go. J. B. Hickey ia csmptending for Ed. l)iiy again thia season. Ford, the painter, still "in it." For nny kind of work see him. 81-tf. J. RobertB is prepared to do a" C' plain sewing. 65-tf V ueu in Arlington, stop at the Ben nett bouse, near the depot. ol-tf Wall paper, notions, patent medicines, drugs, chemicbls, etc., go to Ayera. 6Ssw See notice of stockholders Heppner Park Association, and prepare yourself accordingly Hermann Meiasner, Cliaa. Kopuss and others from Eight Mile, were in our town Friday night. Mr. John Pohl, the tailor at A. Abrti bamsick's, is pronouueed to be a musi cian of no little ability. 1'np tfimons & Son still shoe horses and do general bltickamithiug at the old stand Matlock corner. 55. Oi'B wool men cannot forget that Sla ter is a member of the English Cobden club. What does it mean? "The Parlor," W. F. Ruark, prop., in the City bote, west side of Main street. Neutest place in Heppner. sw Receipts of wool at "The Woolgrow ers' Warehouse," up to last Saturday night, 7,234 aacks, 2S6.978 lbs. Oid Boyer and W. A. Jones left for "ole Thginny" today. May the boys have a pleasant and profitable trip. R. W. Fleming, of Eight Mile, one of our progressive young farmers, repot ts crops growing rapidly in liis looality. We are informed that some Portland parties will Bhortly establish a white laundry at Heppner. It ought to pay. Call on Lishe Sperry, down at the Belvedere, when in town. Keepa on baud n tine stock of liquors and cigars. (il-tf George Wallace, a nineteen-year-old youth of Umatilla, committed suioido by shooting himself in the head, last Thurs day. Hiyu ketebnin whiskers. Hatt & Mathews, at the oity barber shopthe place to get a first-class shave, hair-out or shampoo. tf. A lamp caught fire at the Palace hotel Friday eve that is, ignited iu the wrong place, oauaiug some excitement for a Hhort time. The weather is a little wanner than spring, but it is preferable to so much chilly weather, though Morrow county must have the moisture. The Buchler beer, 5 cents per glass, at the Columbia Beer Hall, Osmers & Hughes, props., next door to M. Lioh tenthal & Co.'s shoe store. ' sw tf A very pleasant party was given at the opera hou3e last Friday night by our young people. Ice cream and cake were served on this occasion gratis. J. S. Mathews, of Pendleton, baa in vented a double or trussed cutting bar, by which rotary sickles can be attached to any style of mower, reaper or header. Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the bnber, wants to see bis old friends there. Baths in connec tion. Tom Crow is shearing willi the Giles Daugherty crew this season. The hoys have lately been employed on Preaa Thompsu's bands, numbering iu all G.70U Geo. W. Wright, a well-disposed En glishman who follows the business of herding, shows some very line work on a walking stick. It should be seen to be appreciated. The Gazette and Kecord put their forces together thia week on printing the ticket for use in the coming election. The new ballot looks more like a ball poster than unythiugelse. Dr. W. Tackman, the dentist, will be found at Dr. B. F. Vaughan's office, Lee ZBr building. Does all the latest crown and bridge work, alluminum plates, etc. Don't niiBS the opportunity. 487-tf Uncle Tom Sadden has been over Mor row county considerably this spring, and believes that the opportunities for a good crop were never better. Grain ia grow ing rapidly all over the country. C. T. Walker, of lone, and J. B. Walk er of Lexiugtou, called at the Gazette office on business y esterday. They are both jolly, good fellows, but the latter looks like the best fed' man of the two. The improvements on Brewery bluff. near the Gazette office, are proving to be considerable benefit. Heavily loaded is can now pull out of town by the of south Main street without much rt. Houd River Glacier: Hon. W. R. Ellis, republican oandtdate for congress, and H. B. Miller, of Grant's Pass, oandidate for presidential elector, addressed a good sized audience at the new Armory Tues day evening. D. Grant's Cloalo, the great dyspepsia eonqnerer, will positively cure dyspepsia and all its kindred ailments. Every bot tle sold under a positive guarantee to effect a cure or money refunded, See ad. iu this issue. tf. The first car of baled wool from "The Wool Growers' Warehouse" this year was shipped for Jamea Jonea to Christy & Wise, Boston. The first car of sacked wool was shipped for Hugh Fields to the Albany Woolen Mills. J. W. McGonagill, oiie of the solid dematn-ittio brethren of Gooseberry, who thinks that the country has editora to J. A. ' cnnmlier took in Heppuer Sat urday. I Our alliance editor failed to show up . this issue. j Charley Maun and Dick Howard were I in last night. Allen Crahtree wax iu Heppner tod,iy ! on business. Dig up yi.ursilver and link Heppucr's laceH u success. Portland Preserving C'i's. sweet pick les at J. Conn's. KMf Ii Brown, cand idate for surveyor, was out to Hardmau lust week. Tom Burnett and Kav McAlister were up from Lexiugtou Saturday. The foundation for the new school house will be started this week. Bob Matteson says the boys have oetis ed work ou the coal mine thia spring. Levi liobisnn & Bra are preparing to open up a store iu the old Minor stand. Wm. Shaw, living V miles north of Lexington, says his crop outlook is good. Lnwk out for your ooal oil lamns. The rceeut fire at Lexington should he a warn ing. Joe Beck got in from Nebraska last night, leaving for Grant county thia morn lug. Geo, W. Smith, one of the G. A. K. boys of the Lexiugtou country, was iu town Saturday. Judge Watkins left for The Dalles this morning. While here he visited the city of Hardman. S. White, one or our solid friends and the P. M. of Douglass, was in to hear Capt. Bell speak. Allen Evans and Mike Fitzgerald came in last night to hear the political talk and take in the races. Last Saturday was quite a lively day for Heppner, the merchants disposing of a considerable quantity of their wares. C. Halev nud Frank Shinlev went fish ing in the quiet waters of Rhea creek Saturday, but failed to catch many ush. Hard water soap: especially adapted to the Alkaline water of this country. Try it. For sale bv V. C. Thompson Com pany. 1)0-1 The half mile raoe this afternoon was won by Carriugtou's Deaoon, being 3d feet iu the lead nt the finish. Time, 0:03. If you want good gloves, got the Ray mond & Squires gloves. Every pair war ranted. For sale by P. C. Thompson Campany. 90-1 The services at Lexington ou memorial day will begiu at 10 o'clock a. m. It is hoped that a number o Heppuei's peo ple will be present. J. R. Nnnamaker, of lone, like others of his sectiou, is killing lots of squirrels this spring. He brought in quita an in voice last Saturday. J. H. Hamar was m Heppner Satur day. He recently suffered another stroke of paralysis, and is obliged to use a orutch to get arouud. Largest stock of pooket knives in Eastern Oregon at P. C. Thompson Company's. Over 150 patterns to aeleot from at bargain priocs. 90-1 Misses Mary and Nettie Sloan went out last week to attend the silver wed ding of Mr. and Mis. O. F. Th unson, their old neighbors ou Butter creek. Thompson & Binus own the buss which goes to and from the City hotel, bot will call for parties desiring to go to train in any part of the city. Leave orders at City hotel. 91 -tf E. H. Jenkins, caudiduto for surveyo on the domocratio ticket, and J. J. Mo Gee, both of Hardmau, returned Satur day from I. O. O. F. grand lodge which was held iu Astoria. The visit of the Supreme Chancellor, George B. Shaw, and Major-General Car uahuu, K. of P , at Portland last Satur day, waa the occasion of a grand parade and a general big time. The directors of the Heppuer Park As sociation wish to notify the public that the track ia not now for the use of any one except raoe animals, and that all buggieB, cayuses, etc., must keep out of the grounds. Chria Borcherc, R. A. Ford and Tom Morgan and wife returned from Portland last evening. Mrs. Morgan is in au im proved condition, aud without a doubt, will soon have recovered entirely. The gentlemen report a big time down at Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F. In all cases, where a mild but effective aperieut ia needed, Ayer's Pills are the best. They improve the appetite, restore healthy action, promote digestion, aud regulate every function. No pill is in greater demand, or more highly recom mended by the profession. Clarence Shuhte, of Arlington, is the democratic candidate for clerk of Gilliam county. Mr. Shurte is s tine man, and well qualified for the place, but he is run ning against Jay P. Lucas, a pretty hard man to beat. Sometimes, however, the invincibles don't get there. The World Knrirheil. The facilities of the present dav for the production of evervthing that will oou duce to the material welfare and oom fort of mankind are almost unlimited, and when Syrup of Figs waa first pro duced the world was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, as it ia the only remedy which is truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste aud prompt and efleotual to cleanse the system gently in the spring time or, in fact, at any time and the better it is kuown the more pop ular it becomeB. The Political Akkka.- Copt. Goo. W. Bell addressed a fair sized audience, composed of about fixty per cent, of dem ocrats aud the remainder republicans and alliance men, at the court house last night. Without any prejudice in the matter in any way, the captain is over rated as a speaker, though he is as "smooth as oil." He doea not speak loud enough, hia address was too lengthy and rather disconnected. He knows his subject pretty well, however, and when he Bcored a point it was warmly applaud ed. His reference to Ellis' candidacy fell like a wet blanket on the audience, as did his free wool argument. All in all, he is a pleaBant talker, but in no re- leri spare, waa with us Friday. Mr. Mao is j speet is he worthy ot the title of "silver- j-.ewhat of a josher, but thinks that the ; tougueu oraior. peota for crops was never better. ; R.McVav. republican candidate for I i stbawaji jtoum or du .- eriff, was in town yesterday interview- See the fourth page for the style or bal ing his numerous friends on the political ; lot you will vote this election. That is situation. We learn from Mr McVay ! the torm for oeDtrv precinct, which the that the crops are iu fine oondition in ! , .,, . , . ,, . the P,.Wv .nH,.n. where l,e resides. ' reader will see, requires only the change the Gooseberry section, where he resides W. H. Wilson, candidate on the repub lican tioket for prosecuting attorney, left Sunday morning overland for Arlington wuere he caught the afternoon train lo ' The Dalles. While here he visited Lex ington, being accompanied by T. K. ; Howard. j Heman Caldwell, the people's party , candidate for assessor, who lives in j Eight Mile, and W. C. Owens, who re-' sides north of Lexington, were in Fn- j At Rim It is our painful duty in this hbiio to chronicle the death of Ar : thur Miles McFarland, the baby sou of j Frank and Ida M. McFarland, on Suu- day, May 22. The child had been ill for some weeks and its death was uot uu- expected. The funeral occurred at the I residence jestenlay afternoon, alter which Ilia interment occurred iu the Ma sonic cemetery at this place. May some good angel lighten the burden of sorrow of this giief-strickeu family. Pathinize The Move. The Heppuer Park Association conducts its business in a fair way from a business standpoint, aud hopes that all who have the welfare of ;hc town at heart will assist to make the rncca a success. Don't try to sneak into the grounds without paying, for it is probable that an officer will pull you for trespass. Don't climb to the bill top, a quaiter of a mile away, to save a few nieklea. The races caunnt be seen very well up there. Come into the grounds, all, and help swell the receipts. News Fiiom New Leadville. Major E. Downs, superintendent of the Galena Hill Milling aud Mining Co., accom pamed by his wife, was in Heppner this week. The major reports that bis com pany are preparing to put machinery in to work the ort s of the Vnltura, one of their mines iu the New Leadville dis trict. Besides this mine, they are the possessors of the Pride of Oregon, in the same district, which bids fair to prove as rich as the Vulturu. The New Lead ville camp has everv prospect of becom ing the leading one ot Eastern Oregon The ores are rich with galena and silver being much iu demand for smeltiDg purposes. REPUBLICAN State, District and County State, District anil County TICKET. Fiiie at Lexington. Last Saturday evening about 8 o'clock the dwelling of N. A. Leach, of Lexington, was totally destroyed by fire. The blaze started from a lamp which Mr. Leach overturn ed and broke while putting up a bed stead. The burning oil spattered all over the room, iguitiug clothing aud bed ding. Mr. and Mrs. Leach, the latter with their youngest child iu her arms, were forced from the room iu an instant, so fiercely did the fire burn. By the time Mr. Leach had prooured a bucket of water from the well near by and re turned to the dwelling, the flames had gone up stairs, iguitiug the oornice and roof. It was almost impossible to save anything exoept a very few articles. Loss, $1,800. There was no iusuranoe on either building or contents, and the loss falls heavily on Mr. Leaoh who bad juot got nicely started in life. The building waa one of the best in town, and did uot entirely succumb tu the flames for one hour. Chanoe on the Ticket. Out readers will see that the name of John Handy, nominated for Bhort term commissioner on the republican ticket, has been sup plied with that of Peter Brenner. Mr. Handy failed to get in his acceptance iu time, May Cth. Last Saturday itbeoame absolutely necessary for the republicans to uct, and that immediately, or allow a vacancy to appear on their ticket. When u candidate fails to file his acoeptance before the expiration of thirty days pre ceding the date of election, in the case of a county nomination, it requires fifty sig natures of his party, attested by the chairman and secretary of the conven tion to legalize it and get it on file. When it became known that Mr. Handy had not filed his acceptance, there was but little time to spare, Saturday being the hist day of grace. Mr. Handy being so far away from Heppner it was utterly im possible to reach him. Peter Brenner, of Eight Mile, being available, and being petitioned, acoepted the place on the tioket, which, if he had not done so, would have not been filled. The people will therefore understand why the change was made. Dyspepsia has driven to an early and even suicidal grave many a man who, if be had tried the virtues of Ayer's Sarsa parilla, would be alive today aud iu the enjoyment of health aud competence. Sufferer, be warned iu season, and don't allow the system to rundown. A corker iu "Plow Shoes" just received, also a full line gents' aud boys' Boots and Shoes at bed rook prices. Call and see tlicm at the "Popijlab" Store of S)l-tf-t C. S. Van Duyn. John G. Rieger, representing Paul llie ger & Co., of 'Frisco, manufacturers of soda flavorings, was in the city yesterday and supplied T. W . Ayers, Jr.. and W. L. Matlock & Co., with his goods. From the samples ye editor would call them excellent. All thoBe owing N. A. Leach, of Lex ington, either on account or by note, are requested to settle at the earliest oppor tunity, aa Mr. Leach is Badly in need of all that is due him owing to the loss re cently sustained by fire at Lexington. Leaders in fashion just received. A new line in latest novelties of gents' straw onI fult l.nla '1'l.a 1 dress and cow boys, at 91-tf-t L. b. Van Duyn s. of name of precinct aud preoinct officers, to render it the official ballot of any oth er precinct. At the top of the white bal lots for the use of voters, two stubs will be attached which the officers of election will remove, one before voting and one afterward. Read the ticket carefully. Bkiscj Them Back. "Pap" Simons has loaned out a brace and bit, a two- day last to transact some bnsiueBs with ! inch auger, a baud-saw and other tools. , our county clerk. Thev, too, speak well i If the parties are through with them, j of the crop outlook. ' i they will kindly return sud oblige.80tf flecently the follow! nq Not let appeared In Vie San Francisco Chronicle. " judge f, had been sick only about two weeks, and it was not until Hie last three or four davs that the malady took a serious turn. At the hepinniliK of his illness he sutfered from diabetes and stomach disorder. Later the kidneys refused to perform their functions and he passed quietly away. Thus ended the life of one of the most prominent men in Cali fornia." Like thousands of others his un timely death was the result of uefclectiug early symptoms of kidney disease. . IF YOU ii are troubled with diabetes, gravel, or any de rangement of the kidneys or urinarv organs, ttitn't delay proper treatment until you are forced to give up your daily duties; ilmi't waste your money on worthless liniments and worse plasters, but strike at the seat of the disease at once by ushiK the greatest of all known remedies, the celebrated Oregon Kid nev Tea. It has saved the lives of thousands. Why should it not cure you ? Try it. Purely vegetable and pleasant to take. $1 .00 a pack age, 6 for J5 OO. For Supreme Judge, F. A. MOOKE. For Attorney-General, LIONEL R. WEBSTEK. For Member of Congress (Second District), W. K. ELLIS. For Circuit Judge (Seventh District), GEORGE WATKINS. For Prosecuting Attorney (Seventh Distriet), W. H. WILSON. For Member State Board of Equalization (Sev enth District), JOHN L. Ll'CKEY. For Representative, J. N. BROWN. For Count- Judge, ANDREW ROOD. For County Clerk, T. C. AUBREY. For County Sheriff, N. R. M'VKY. For County Treasurer, W, J. LEEZER. For County Assessor, WALLACE V. S.MEAD. For County Surveyor, ISA BROWN. For County School Superintendent, W. L. SALINO. For County Commissioner (Full Term), 1). N. HARDMAN. For County Commissioner (Short Term). PETER BRENNER. For County Coroner, T. W. AYERS, JK. PRECINCT TICKET. For Justice of the Peace, Heppner, Mount Ver non and Gentry 1'reeinctH, F. J. HALLOCK. For Constable, Heppner, Mount Vernon and Gentry Precincts, HARRY PHILLIPS. DEMOCRATIC TICItliT, For Supreme Judge, ALFRED S. BENNETT. For Attorney-General, GEORGE E. CHAMBERLAIN. For Memtier of Congress (Second District), JAMES H. SLATER. For Circuit Judge (Seventh District), YV. L. BRADS HAW. For Prosecuting Attorney (Seventh District), J. F. MOORE. For Member State Board of Equalization, (Sev enth Distriet), WILLIAM IJIGHES. For Representative, J. C. THOMPSON. For County Judge. JII.RS KEITH LY. For County Clerk, J. V. MORROW. For County Sheri IV, GEORGE NOBLE. For County Treasurer, J. W. MATLOCK. For County Assessor, R. L. SHAW. For County Surveyor, D. W. JENKINS. For County School Superintendent, R. V. TURNER. For County Commissioner (Long Term), J. M. BAKER. For County Commissioner (short Term), ALLEN EVANS. For County Coroner, T. W. AYERS, SR. PRECINCT TICKET. For Justice nt the Peace, Heppner, Mount Ver non and Gentry I'reciuctB, W. A. KIRK. For Countable, Heppner, Mount Vernon and Gentry Precincts, J. J. ROBERTS. New Millinery ! HAVING JUST RECEIVED A NEW STOCK OF LATEST STYLE MILLI nery and Ladies' Fancy Goods direct from the East, I extend a oordial in vitation to all to call and examine my stock aud get prices before purobasing elsewhere. MISS INEZ VOliUZ, Thompson Building, Main Street, Heppner, Oregon Reserved for tlie: Int 1 efati gal 1 e Hi is ti or T. W. Vyers, Jr DRUGGIST GRAIN AND HAY FRAME ! Patented by J. W. Wilekisou San Murcos, Tex., July 1, 1S1H1. The latest anil best. Folds likea Pocket Rule. Weighs 60 lbs. A boy can put it on and tube It off. Holds the load securely over the center oi the wagon, and is suited for hauling any kind ot Farm Produce. ALWAYS READY. LASTS A LIFETIME. A Hay Frame not to be confounded with the old style, cumbersome things that require two men and a boy, with untold profanity, to load it, and an extra pair of horses to draw it. J. T. UI.F.NN anil .1. T. PHILLIPS, Aiji-nl Jor Ori-pim. Manufactured and mid in llrppncr hii ll'in. Ayern, Si.; alto aijenl for Hie tale Irrrilnry in Kattcm (iregon. 6 'Jtt -"HE QITY -QTEL, V. J. JICICXIC W, Prop. T IMS HOSTELKY has been Befitted and Eefdnisiiud throughout, and now is one of the most inviting plaoes in Heppner. Mr. Leezer invites you to stop with him, feeline that he is able to entertain you in the best of style. r First Class Housk. Reason able Rates. .1 WW I 1 V 11 II put wm ounwv 1 DDI MDIXT HID ODD I VP VMhV 0 m h ,m n r iMiui'iA o JO f 1 Our Spring Footwear is the Best and the Cheapest. As the flufwrrmkor, a nire nuw Bhoe. The Koat, the calf, mid the kangaroo. Joined )y the alligator, too, Ail dropped in to find out whether l wuKtiuy oi. ineir ioikh liuh iu iiiho u uiu h-huh-i . I We winli that everybody knew What eh-Rant Htock we put In etu-h nhoe And keep on hand to benefit you. I All tfradeH, tttylen and hIihhh together, Fine footwear In all kludH of leather. M. LICIITENTIIAL & CO., IVI 1 1 1 1 street. Heppner Or. Change of Ownership WE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OF THE LII5EHTY MEAT MAKKET. wbioh we propose to conduct in the most satisfactory manner. Will keep ou hands nt all times the choicest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. SHAAV & MeOAHTY, 85-tl. Pronriotorn, 'Tlxe Season For Fruit has Arrived and we are in the business to supply you Is about ripe. We will let you know about that in the near future. W. L. Matlock & Co. A Conglomeration of Ideas and a Concatenation of Events Has induced us ..... to put in the Largest Stock of the THOMPSON i (MS 1TO Ever Placed before The Public Appreciate His Fortuitous Wdion And you will be the blessed possessor of some Real Bargains. Also constantly on hand a full stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries and Provisions, Guns, Pistols, Ammunition and everything else pertaining to a well selected stock in a General Merchandise Store. MINOll BllOS., HEPPNER, OREGON. Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAY STKKET, HEPPNER, OK. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Madk on fliioitT Notice and at I' Piucks. B Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. O. K. FAKXKWOHTII, Pra. E. O. SPKKRY, Vice Pret. R II. IIIKIIOP. Tnmurrr. T. E. FELL, Secretary and Manager. Hie Morrow County Land & Tut Company CAPITAL STOCK, $100,000.00. PAID UP, $2r,,ooo.oo. Incorporated 1HSH. N N i i issi i ana vm m pts DEALERS IN GRAIN, LUMUEIi, WOOD. Operating Warehouses at Heppner, lone, aud Dovylua, on (he Heppner Branch of the U. P. U. It. O. K. FiiriiRvornh, NHhoii Juiu'H Kd. R. KiHhnp, Kl. 8. Cox, J. Ji. JMc;k, STOOKIIOLDEIIS : J. A. TliompHon, 0. A. Ilcnvii, Kdwtinl Itiv, Win. iVnlimii, Thi'ron K. Foil, W. K. Klliutt, .J. A. Wimlery, N. A. Ki-lly, O. T. DoiltflHH, Ji. O. Hptirry, AiiHtm Writflit, I. !. ThiiiiipHnii, Nuthniih'1 Wclib, John Ii. Aypi-H, JlLlIH'H JolH'R, A. 11. CiniI'niiMi. IT IS the purpose of the stockholders of th in company to conduct i(n hiiHiiicKH In h iimniicr imitmilly ndviiiituKHHiH to nil wool and urnin producers of this hccIIoii, itnd to maintain the favorable home market which it IniN OHtabllnhcd. lnrfnn the coining wool seamm we nollci) the biiHinetis of all wool growem mid request them to wend tlteir ulip to the "Wool urowern' Warehouse." Having enlarged the Heppner Warehouse, and roofed nil ldiilforais, we have double the HtnniKe capacity of any other warehouse in Eastern Oregon, well lighted for Ihe dlHphiy of wool "The Wool Growers' Warehouse." The Lancashire Insurance Co. OP AIAlVOIIJSS!'ri51, ICX'OlvA.M ) A. W. 1'ATCEHSON, AGENT OnoottlieltoiitlntlieVVorKI The Clydesdale Stallion oiins Tod Gallan 1 cm 1 Itroc1': On Monthly (mdTiwuihiyit, Morrow tila bht, lleppncr; Wetlnvsuhiyx and Tliurtt (hiyx, Tom Jiariwll'n Hlaltlt; Lcxiiitjloii : balance of lime td mil ranch, ,1 1-2 'mile Himlheasl of llcjipner. Young Toi- Gallant is Dark Dupplml Buy, with wliito in fiioe: bulb bind font wliite: weiirht iiliout 2,0oU. Wiih Hired by Fniir Not (2100) C. H. B. ot Grout Britain; Ham, Null (KiKiii, by old Lord llnildou (IJ&Tli) C. H. If. of Groat Britiiiu. T Jj 1 IVI JS : Season, $10. Will insure the mare with foul mid if not with foal this si'unon, will bread the seiiaou of lH'.l!! free ot eharue. in the moan time if 1 should si'll my stallion and the mare lie not with foal, I will refund the Sill, Thoso breeding nnn have Hervire of stallion till Oetober 1, ".U by eomini; to my residuum. Will wait. till Oct. 1, .12 for the money if ciiHtomers ho desire. I). H. ST ALTER, 471)-'J1. HKI'l'NEK, OKEfiON. First prize at the Worlds Exposition. First in Material and Workmanship. First in the estimation of all practical farmers. WALTER A. WOODS MOWERS, RAKES, REAPERS A N D SELF-BINDERS. Never f'l'iallod for llninliilily, Kxeoution and Linbtueas of Draft I'oruhini'il. P. C. TIIOM PSON COM PA N V, A G ENTS. tf. Corunr .Main mid WilKnv SticctH, 1 leppin-i Or,