Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 24, 1892, Image 1

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    Take your Babies to
p a r e it .
j ir A
Ihnj adcertisiinj .yiaee because rales die
low generally the circulation is u sight
lower. Circulation determine the mine,
of advertising ; theie is no uther standard.
The Gazette is trilling to abide by it.
TIM PllOrotlRAPHER. One picture Free iff Lharge.
work Fint-Claa and at Living Kite.
Tuesdays and Fridays
A i. fs.00 per year, $1.50 for mi months, 11.01)
for three niuuuis; in advunce.
For Boils, Pimples
TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1892.
NO. 491.
A Year's Subscription to a Pop
ular Agricultural Paper
Advertising Rates Made Known on
The "EAS-XiE," of Long Orci. Orant
Comity. Oregon, is published by the ';
iianv every Friday inorninK. bubsci lption
1 rice 1 2 year, or ,i,lvortisluK rat, address
SsiiM1 I.. PATTBBSOST, Kdllor and
MnuaKer, 1-onK Creek, Oregon, or 'Oiuette,
Heppner, Oregon.
Lh,uSsnn iJS?1"" C"-
tracts for advertising can be made for it.
E HlreSSffiAiSrH
should consult hii for rate, and aee in
the Gazette.
Long Creek
Caunts l'rairle,
Nve, or.,
llanlman, Or.,...
Hamilton, Urant Co., Ol
I one
l'rairle City, Or.
Canyon City, Or.,
Pilot Rock
Dayviue, nr., , M,.,.nnm
John Day, ur , . Kiltnirton
. .Win. U. MeCrnskoy
.,.t cn Or Postmaster
B. A. Hunsaker
.Henry Heppner
The Kale
, Hob Shaw
,. Osoar Do Vaul
Allen McFerrin
H. O Wright
..J. A. Woolery
.Mnttie A. Kudio
... T. J. Carl
...B. K. Mollnley
H. L. I'nrrish
...0. P. Skelton
.J. rc. isnow
By a special arrangement with the
publishers we are prepared to furnish
FREE to each of our readers a year's
subscription to the popular monthly
agricultural journal, the Amebic an
Farmer, published at Springfield and
Cleveland, Ohio.
This offer is nude to any of onr sub
scribers who will pay np all arrearages
on subscription and one year in advance,
and to auy new subscribers who will pay
one year in advance. The American
Fahmku enjoys a large national circula
tion, and rnukB among the leading
agricultural papers. By this arrange
ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re
ceive the American Farmer for one
year, It will be to yonr advantage to
call promptly. Sample copies
s:en at our office .
scrofulous sores,
eczema, and all other
blood diseases,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
It will
relieve and cure
dyspepsia, nervous
debility, and that
tired feeling.
Has Cured Others
will cure you.
The U GBrated French Cure,
or monor-retuudud.
can be
Athena. Or
Ivnilletnn. Or...
- .. ' . . Mr . . ion
Mount Vernon, u"i. ,, K,.,t
Shelby, or.,....-.. j AUe
St 'Mile or" 7..V.' .Mrs. Andrew; AshbuUKh
fciglit Ml"-, j, f. llevland
Upper Khea Creek, whlte
lloghiB, Or. . . ""'it. M.' Johnson
Lone lioek, Or w R snyer
(iousierry..... Herbert Unlstead
Condon, Oregon "' B M,.AU8U.r
1 an a'u'knt' wa'ntko wvM fKEClNCr.
Union Pacific Railway-Local card.
No. 10, mixed leaves Heppner H:2 a. m.
.. i' loaves " P-"
. o " nr. at Heppner 7:00 p. m
except Sunday.
rt bound, main Un.ar ArUgtn W P.
Night trains are running on same time as before.
From Terminal
Interior Points the
Is the line to take
Stage leaves for Monument daily,
except Sunday, at 6:30 A M
Arrives dany, excepu .
5 Dire'c"' connection can be made at
Monument with the Long Creek stage
Daily stage between Long Creek and
Canyon City, connecting at the latter
place with the stage for Burns and b.l
vies valley.
. ...S. Pennoyer.
Oovernor (I. W. Melliido.
Sec. of State jlt)tet'han.
Treamuer -w rt. MeHlroy.
8upt. lnstrncuon.... , Brll,,,hi,w
Judge Hevenui . w jj Wilson
1J1MII leu niw.
Henry Blackman.
J, (!. Thompson.
Julius Kelthly.
.J. A. Thompson,
County Judge....
. CinmiRsioners
H. M. Vaughn. j. W. Morrow.
', ':!Brlfi- V....eo. Noble.
" Hhariff t W. Matlock.
Treasurer j McGee.
Assessor nrown.
" SQrveyor w. L. Saline.
ctner.SUP...V.Vjame baugherty.
'i', J . niauoiTiv
,!b."K.' FarnBWorth, M
iitiu Patterson. r.ranw"
oa roioKMMiilM
It is the DiningCar Rnnte. It. runs Throngli
Vesti bided Train a every day in the year to
St. Paul and Chicago
(No Change of Cars)
Composed of DINING CARS UQSuniasscd,
01 Latest Equipment
Itest that can be constructed and in which ac
com nidations are both tree and furnished for
holders of tirst or second-class tickets, and
Elegant Day Coachs.
A Continuous Line connecting with all
LiuM, affording Direct and Uninter
rupted Service.
Pullman Sleeper Reservations can be
Secured in advance through
any agent of the road.
... r,iio in America. Kngiand
... i i ... , ,. he nun:hased at any Ticket office
of this Company.
Full information concerning .ratcB, time
of trains, routes and other details
furnished on application to any
agent, or
Assistant General Passenger Agent.
ATo. 121 First St., Cor. Washington,
Is Solo on a
to cure auy
formof nervous
disease, or auy
disorder of the
BEFORE ' generative or- Arl trl
aut of either sex whether arising from ttaa
excessive use of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opium.
or through youthful indiscretion, over indulg
ence, ic. such as Loss of Brain Power, Wakeful
ness, Bearing down Pains iu the Back, 8eminaL
Weakuess, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn
al Emission: , Leucorrhoea, Dizziness, Weak Mem.
ory, Loss of Power and Impotency, which If ne
glected olteu lead to premature old age and insan.
lty. Price 11.00 a box, 6 boxes for ?5.00 Bent by
mall on receipt of price.
order, to refund the money if a Feriniiieii
cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonial
from old and young, of both sexes, permanently
i,red hv ApHaoDiTiNB. Circular free. Addren
Bold in Heppner by Sloeum-Jolinston Drug Co:
At the general Methodist conference,
held ou the 1st of May at umaua, sever-
al prominent members of the sect in
Sweden were present as delegates, name
ly, K. A. Junsen, editor ol me sweuisu
Missionary, T. P. LarBen, pastor ol the
Motala Methodist congregation, T. Tu.
Jacobson. merohant from Stockuulm,
and Ang. Flink, foreman at Saudviken.
At the latter place a baptist) was recent
ly deprived of his employment by the
manager, because he refused to humor a
lorgyuiuu of the eetublistiea cuuron, to
have his ehiiuren oapuseu ui auouiu
anoe wiih the ritual of that churoh, an
act of disgraceful religious intolerance,
which has been condemned.
The outpouring of emigrants from
Northern Finland to America has this
year begun to an alarming extent. Young
men and young women aepanuauy ami
small farmers are disposing 01 meir
homesteads for little money to enable
tbem to leave with their whole families
for the land ol the free. A periect
American fever" is raging and all of the
emigrants seem w unuersiauu iuai
America spells "opportunity.
The steamer Louise, Captain Sclierfeu-
ber. from Brettesuffls, has been totally
lost near Alden. The captain, tue iwo
mates, the flrBt engineer, the pilot and
five of the orew were all lost, but the
seoond engineer, the steward, the cooks
and four sailor were saved and lanaea
-f wir.mo TJorwsv. The steamer came
from Port Island, bound for Brettesnies
with a oargo of ooal and merchandise.
Bknton, Laf. Oo Wis., Two., '88.
Rev. J. C. Beigeu vouches tor the folluvvmf,':
James Koimey, wlin whs sulturiug from St. Vitus
LlauLe in ils worni lonu for alKjut l1. years, Wu9
tieuttd by severol phy-sU-itim: without elTett;
two botlles of liistor Koeu'g's Nerve 1'iraio
cured liirn.
' ' a jiontioTal LETTER.
fTlie True Wltnm ami Chronicle, ITmtrcal,
am., vMishetl Oct. St, 'eX: We are in rei-eipt
of aUitb.r trorn 0U9 of our well-known clt!s.ur.,
Mr. K. liulsvert, who wrilos lhat upim lucon;
iiHiudelion of the most Rev. li. lliirchunil, ui
lii-iiiuinoijiiville. ho was iiiduced to ui-o k.t; tli'it
motiU eniiiul hi all nervous ilii-ess. I-U'j, a
few bottle of Pastor Koeu g's Nerve Ionic.; end
Is glad to say tlinl alter having sulfen-ll lor
t-lgfit vein s is now entirely cui ed, anil heai'lny
re-imiuieuils all Bullereia of nervous dltcasiw
to try itila I'tuiedy.
The Crown Prinoess Viotoria, of Swe
den and Norway, to beguile the time has
taken to amateur photography. During
her stay in Egypt Bhe has tukeu more
than 1,000 views.
Mr. Daniel Enselke, president of one
the large oloth manufactories of Norr-
knniniz. has been elected to sucoeeu iur.
A. Svartting as a memberof the Swedish
committee for the Chicago Woild s t air
Swedish telephones for East India are
being made by the well-known eleotrio
firm of L. M. Ericsson & Co., of fctock
holm, as those telephones have proved
themselves to be the best or tue mnu ex
hibited in the East Indian market,
where they nave oreated a large demand.
Monday evening, as auuounoed the
people by The County News, W. R. El
lis, the republican nominee for congress,
made a lengthy and pleasing political
speeoh to one of the best audiences that
ever greeted a speaker in the M. Ji.
The glee olub opened the eveuing with
one of its olioicest selections, and closed
with "My Country 'tis of Thee."
Capt. Waters makes a model ohairman
by doing bis part to keep the speaker and
his hearers in touch from the beginning
to the end of the evening.
Democrats aud allianoe men turned
out in full force to aid their republican
brethren in entertaining their party's
Mr. Ellis is a forcible, earnest speaker,
with his feet firmly planted on every
plank ot his party platform, and what
ever laws he may aid iu making, if he be
elected, will be from the standpoint of
the republican party, though he promis
es not to be a mere partisan-republican
in the performance of his oflioial duties.
Hon. Harrison Kelly, republican nom
inee for oircuit judge for the sinth judi
oial district, in response to a oall at the I
olose of Mr. Ellis' speech, made a few
brief remarks to the effect that the of
fice of oircuit judge being purely execu
tive, he considered it as non-politioal,
and be would only say, that, if elected,
he will follow the law as laid down iu
the statute bookB.
A pleasant little social affair, a recep
tion, was participated iu by republicans
present, after dismissal of the audience,
W. Gowun introducing Mr. JMIis.
News, (Harney Co., Dem.)
has property in the district apon
he or she pays a tax."
"Sec. 44. Women who are widows and
have children to eduoate and taxable
property in the district, and have resided
in the district thirty davs as aforesaid,
shall be entitled to vote."
Prospects of a Set-to at Pendleton Between
t ied Thibault and Dan C. Daly.
SUFfl' fcRD
Package of O. K. T.
Tried Every Wviot Kidney Medicine wmi
oat Kelief-Coiupletely Cured by One
U'UiamA. A. Roberta.
Kocimler...-- ' k. (i. Blocrnn
IVtmHtirer '.'.J. W. HaBmua.
Maraluil .
Doric Loie No. 20 K. of P. f ke
Drv TiiRwiuv eveiunK at 7. AO ?l"V,lP
i n'gr 8 oioumm'g' oVothers eoniiallv in
j V fed to attend " KMIoauz. L. . t.
' T i:. Aubuev. K. of H. 4 S. t1
Trie oi-lttliiiil
Meets at Lexington. Or., the last Saturday of
each month. All veteran, are urvited tooin.
'Adiutanl. tf Commander.
Vnlnnl, A I?, nil OrVOO V
Diseases sen t free to auy addrcBs.
ana poor intiienu. iiwu
this medicine tree of charge.
fvhfa Mmr.riv tiiui been smwd by the Rever-
BndPnstorKoenig.ofFci-' ' .me,Ind since 1811),
and Is now prepared ; Jlaer Uls direction by the
KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, III.
Sold br DniBijlsts at SI per Bottle. 6 for
BS. Larue Sine. Ut.75. 6 BotUea for 9.
Sold in Portland. Oregon, by Snell,
Ileitshu & Woodard.
A. EOBERT3, Real Estate, Insur-
and Collections, umoe m
Or. swtr.
H' . .1,1. mnhlg ii a number
of tb' above ' Look, and propose to furnish a
ennv to each of our subscribers.
" I'he lli-tionary Is a necessity in every home,
a5 SScs'lnoe' h"noW
supply, l oung" u ,r,, reSch.a.id
i(llllP 1 VL'ttHKHi li iiiti
nal Webster's UnaljridK'.d Dicuoi.ary
Astoria, Or., Deoeinher 28,
I take pleueure in testifying to the mer
For the past three years I have been suf
fering from kidney troubles, and dunn
the time have tried nearly every kind of
kidney medicine in the market almost
without any relief. Having heBrd mat
the OREGON KIDNEY TEA possessed
wonderful properties, I purchased a pack
aee. and from the first dose obtained re
lief, and by the use of the one paokage
feel completely cured.
11UU iri'n.ws 7 .
able to mate e ; -,, .. work
Counoil Chambers, Heppner,
First National Bank
"retdent. Vice-President,
George W. Conser, Cashier.
C. I. icwis, Ass't Cashier,
-Tmusacte a General Banking Business
On all parta of the world-
ht and bold,
we are
lirt-ct from the
a i iw. t,.t thHt ihiB is the vei
C E hi,'!; ati.iit f-.rty J tlie brat yfH.H
,? X H1.thr8 life were o well en.ploye.l in
,.,) 1b
.i,.l, ., on utlil net 11 UHH1 (11 nnmt-, ni.w
Collections made at all points on Rea
sonable Terms.
Surplus and Undivided profits, $23,527
grDfT.,vr,v.TVR3QENER.U-LY. jyl
instant relief aud M in
about n'lO,(Mvorils 1"'""?
Hut. nernaiiuii . ..- - -- ,,,,' ..i,,,,,,
,.'....i i n, ha morocco and sheen.
UUOll.t in ..."
Until further notice we will turnisn mis
valuable Dictionary
First To any new suDstnuei.
Second To any renewal subscriber.
Third To any subscriber now in arrears
who pays up and one year in advance, at
i.l Iniinnrv nricp! VIZ:
c,i rinth bound, cnlt side and back
marhlprl edaes. $:-oo.
Half Mo-occo, bound, gilt side and back
stamps, marbled edges, i. 50.
Full Sheep bound, leather label, marbled
edges, $1.00 ,
F,fty cents added in all cases for express
age to Heppner.
Vt-AB the publishers limit the time and
n.Slber of bonks they will furnish at the low
nuiiincr 01 " -, ,,,.,ir ... ..-..i them-
Ees'of this B,-cat opportunity to attend to it
ut once.
To keep your Sheep healthy, and hiHiire & doiI
clip, use
A Sure Cure at Moderate Copt.
Mixes with cither COLD or WARM WATER
Ib Non-Poisonous, Improves the ffiwl
and does Not stain it.
cnnwTY As wisi-',
Filth an
All who are suffering from the effects
ot Youthful Errors, Loss of Manhood,
Failing Powers, Gonorrhoea, Gleet,
Stricture, Syphilis and the many troubles
which are the effects of these terrible
rlir,rrlers will receive, Free of Chakoe,
full directions how to treat and cure
themselves in j -
Califohnia Medical and Huboical In-
fikmart, Va.H Market
Street, San
Wool. Commission Mkbchants,
d Townsend 81s., San Fraiiflwo
General Agents.
For sale by Slocum-Johnston Drug (Jo.
4:-16 474.
At AhraliBiDsick's. Iu addition to hi
tailoring business, be ban added a Hub
line of underwear of all kinds, neghgw
sbirta, hosiery, ctr. Also nas mi urnr-i
some elenaut patterns for suits. A.
Abrnhamsiok. May street, Hrpiiir, Or.
Frank H. Snow, Commissioner U. S.
Circuit Court ot Lfxinglon, Or., ib.
authorized to receive iees ior
of liiiul priKifs.
An Immense IlnsiiiesB is Ileing I)one-KO,000
Taken In Last Mouth.
From the Oreuonian.
Mr. A. C. MoClelland, receiver ol the
La Grande land otlioe, is in the oity. a
reports that he is land office business,
bis otlioe ranking as second in the United
States in the amount of business trans
acted. He is selling lots of land, an
laai moil th turned over to Uncle Sam
$80,000. This, however, was an extraor
dinary amount, owing to the seoond pay
ment being made on the lands recently
sold on the Umatilla Indian reservation
The La Grande laud district is a very
large one, aud ooutains nearly 7,000,000
acres of vacant laud. Many settlers are
taking up lands iu the foothills for farm-
ing purposes which heretofore bus not
been considered desirable, and many a
takine claims on the hills for the timber,
there beiug much pine there ol good
quality. Mr. McClelland says most of
the vacant laud in the distriot will be
taken up eventually, that which is not
considered valuable being found to be
good enough as soon as the more desir
able has been taken, and tuis ne says
will be the oase with the whole south
eastern portion of the state.
Before Starting on a Journey
A person usually desires to gain some in
formation as to the most desirable route
to take, aud will purchase tickets via the
one that will Bilord him theuuickeet aud
best Bervice. Before starting on a trip to
Chicago or any point East, you should
provide yourself with a map aud time
table of the Wisconsin Central lines.
The trains run on this ronte are vesti-
buled and equipped wmi ruuuiau a
est drawing room sleepers, elegant day
.ahea and dining cars of latest design,
built expressly for this service, and are
exquisite in iuruimuis ou
and comfortable in arrangement and so
complete in every detail that they have
no superior in comfort and elegance.
nur nervine ie Dronounoed by
xue ilium . i
legaui ever iiimiisoi.h'w,
From the Pendleton Tribune.
One of the most frequent iuqun:s
among the people in these days is ; "Can
woman, under the laws of Oregon,
hold the office of county sohool superin
tendent?" The tribune has reoeived sev
eral requests to publish the laws touch
ing the question, and in response gives
below sections bearing thereon, iirst,
section 8 ot article VI, of the constitu
tion ol the state declares that:
"No person shall be elected or appoint
ed to a county office who shall not be an
eleotorolthe county, and all county,
township, preciuot aud'eity officers shall
keep their respective offioes at suoh
plaoes therein, and perform suoh duties
as may be presoribed by law
That unquestionably settles the fact
that a oounty officiul must be a qualified
elector, hence the Question arises, what
constitutes an eleotor? Upon this point
the same constitution in seotion 2 of ur-
tide II, declares that:
In all elections not otherwise provid
ed for by this constitution, every white
male citizen of the United States of the
ageot twenty-one yeurs uud upwards
who shall have resided in the state dur
ing the six months immediately preced
ing such election aud every male ot lor
eigu birth of the age of twenty-one
years aud upwards, who shall have resid
ed in the state during the six months
immediately preceding such election,
and shall have deolared his intention to
become a citizen of the United States
one year preceding such election con
formably to the lawsol the United States
on the subjeot of naturalization, shall be
entitled to vote at all elections author
ized by law."
The XV amendment to the national
constitution of course in effect strikes
out the word "white" iu the above sec
tion and confers the franchise ou ne
groes, but the oourts, we believe, have
never held that that amendment ooufer
red the same right ou women.
Further, aeotiou 21 of the school laws
of the state reads as follows:
"There shall be elected jby the legal
voters of the several counties of the state,
at the biennial elections, a county super
intendent of common sohoolB for each
oounty, who shall hold his office for two
years or until a successor has been chos
en and has qualified as required by this
It iB a noticeable and suggestive fact
that all through these etatutes the mas-
online pronoun is used, plainly indicat
ing what the framers ol the law under
stood the term"quulified elector"to mean.
It has been argued by a few that the
law allowing women to vote under cer
tain conditions at school elections would
have some bearing on the eligibility of
women to the office of school superintend
ent. The argument, if iu any degree per
tinent, would seem to weigh against such
eligibility, Bince the trainers of the law
apparently considered it necesnary, in or
der to oonfer the limited (rauobise, to in
sert specifically the feminine pronoun.
Following are the sections iu question;
"Sec. 411. First Any citizen of this
state shall be entitled to yoto at aeohool
meeting who is twenty-one years ol age
and who has resided in the district thirty
days Immediately preceding the meeting,
and who bas property in the distriot up
on which he or she pays a tax, or have
children of a school age to educate, but
this act (section) shall not he applicable
Dining the past twelve weeks it has
been our province to travel through tne
rural districts of Morrow oounty iu the
interest of the Gazette. How well that
duty has been discharged remains for the
editor ot the Gazette to say. In passing
through the various localities, items of
general interest were noted and as to the
merit of this very ooramonplaoo corres
pondence the readers may judge.
According to instructions, a general in
vitation has been extended to any aud
all parties to give vent to their feelings
ou any subjeot of common interest. The
Qazette is oouduoted on the broad guage
principle "equal rights to all and special
favors to none." It firmly believes its
mission is to voice the sentiments of the
people. Sometimes this policy is fraught
with difficulty, not ot a serious nature,
but at the same time vexing. Therefore
the correspondent, however careful he
may be, will often find himself "between
the devil aud the deep sen." Our pur
pose is not to enter into a wordy battle
wiih auy rising genius, but wo certainly
bave the inherent right to defend ourself
from any unjust assault from whatever
Bource, be it a reformer (?), a republioau
(?), a god (?) or even a democrat ( :).
In the past few weeks a number of
alltauoe meetings have been reported.
Tne same attention would have been paid
to republican or demoorutio meetings.
The tiles of the Gazette will bear out the
statement that not one word has ever
been said by this writer iu detraction o(
auv political party or oandidute.
Once or twioe some evil spirit has
prompted alliance men to withhold news
items and even aoouse us of evil designs.
This notion, however, ia discountenanced
by a majority ot theui.
Now oomes a demoorat, a Jeftersouian
denioorat one of the "old sohool." He
signs with the tail eud of the alphabet,
with which he is evidently more laminar
than with some other parts ot it. "X. Y.
Z." hails from Hardmau. Bully for bard-
man, bully for "X. Y. SC." His style is
admirable, a plain, trunk, every-day kind
of a fellow. His "spot cash" proclivity
aovers a multitude of Bins aud the paying
subscriber will always find room in the
crowded columns ot the Gezetto to make
his "kick." This selfsame fellow inukes
a kiok every year. He stays at home,
minds his own business, tukes eleven
newspapers, uud has not been far enough
from bis own "vine and fig tree" in the
past nine yeurs to see a train of oars. The
only crime he has ever committed is that
of beiug a denioorat. His saroasiu is
o,oui,.,I TTis assertions full Hat. He
cites nothing to prove his own statement
nr ilisnrnvB ours. In twelve weeks last
past the correspondent he scores so lust
ily has traveled iu Morrow county over
2.100 miles, interviewed four hundred
farmers aud husiuess men. It would be
strange it after such a careful canvas one
would not be possessed of some informa
tion ooncerning the couutry traversed.
Will "X. Y. Z." please tell if in all his
"born days" he has ever traveled two
thousand miles, or even talked with four
hundred men,? It ill becomes anyone to
make light of important politioal isbues
This "side-show" tulk is sadly out of sea
son and Hadley & Lewis ouu and will
fill all "dateH." The "song aud dutioe"
tbey offer bus not been refuted aud it
seems about time to "put up or shut up."
Let your pen have full swing and rest
assured that you will reoeive "fare" play.
Cuoumber seed IB taken ou subscrip
tion ut the Guzelte office, and iu fact all
manner of truck. Oue kind-hearted man
left uu empty pocket-book, aud while
this is our first experience with newspa
per work, we are satisfied an editor has
no more use for 11 pocket-book than a
mod-turtle has for side whiskers.
Trusting that "X. Y. Z." will Boberly
examine the correspondence ngaiu that
he has given a hasty perusal and criti
cized bo severely, and that the editor and
readers of the Gazette will pardon the
egotism of this mole, we beg to remain,
Tranquilly yours,
T. K. R.
Haudman, May 21, 1H02.
It is likely that Pendleton lovers of
the manly art will be entertained shortly
by a ten round set-to between Dan C.
Daly, the heavy-weight pugilist who
challenged the winner of the Keough
Cardiff fight at Portland recently, aud
Prof. Fred Thibault, the champion heavy
weight of Oregon, w ho was here not long
ngo giving Icsbous in boxing, aud is now
at Arlington.
Thibault is well kuown in this part of
the oountry. He iB six feet in height,
and in oondition will weigh 200 pouudr,
Daly is six feet two iuchos lull and will
weigh in oondition 205 pounds. Daly is
well kuowu in the east and has heeu a
professional for eight years. The match
will be for $250 a side, and gate receipts.
Daly ie here now, having arrived Satur
day. Much interest is taken in the match.
The winner will challenge any heavy
weight in Oregon.
Daly has met some ot the best men iu
the country, among them Pat Killen,
Jack Ashton, Ed Smith, Jack Davis,
Mike Couley, Billy Woods,. Tobn V. Clow,
andotliers. E. O.
Mr. Thibault arrived at Heppner
last Wednesday, but left for Pendle
ton Thursday morning, and if he can ur-
range for a meetiug with Daly, will re
turn here to train.
From the San Francisco Ncwb Letter.
The only female freemason 111 the world
lives in Onklanrl, ut 572 Tenth street.
Her name is Mrs. Salome Anderson, and
her portrait adorns the temple of Live
Oak Lodge, No. til, where it is placed in
a position ot honor among the pictures
of the past masters. The story of how
she became one of the craftsmen is inter
esting. She waB born iu Alsace-Lorraine
in 1S18, and becoming an orphan at an
early age, she went to Paris to reside
with her uncle, who wits a zealous and
prominent Mason. The lodge meetings
were held in hiB house, and with the on-
riosity of her son, she coucealed herself
in the room during a oouple of the ses
sions, and thus learned some of the mys
teries of the order. She was, however,
caught while thus hiding, and the se
crets that she liBd discovered were then
made a Baored trust, for she was then re
oeived into the fraternity. She located
iu Oakland in 1K54, and iu 186.5 her hus
band was elected to the oity oounail. He
died in 1807, Bud since then she has de
voted herself almost entirely to charily,
her attention being, however, foremostly
directed to Mnsonio enterprises. She
was elected a member of the board of
trustees of the Masouio Temple, a oir
oumslance unparalleled iu the history of
Freemasonry. She is also a oharter
member ot Goldeu Gate Chapter No. f,
Order of the Eastern Star, and is a mem
ber of Oak Leaf Chapter, No. 8.
Here is a ohauce for everybody to got,
free of oost, 1111 exquisite Oil Picture !10
inohes long, a oompauiou to "A Yard of
Roses," whioh all have seen and admired.
This exquisite picture, "A Yard of Pan
sies," was painted by the same noted
artist who did the "Uoees." It is the
same size, and is pronounced by art crit
ics to be far superior to the "Roses.
The reproduction is equal in every re
spect to the original, which oost $1)00,
and is being f iveu free with every oopy
of the June number of Demuiirxt'h Fam
ily Maoazink This June uutnbor is a
grand souvenir number in celebration of
the seventieth anniversary of tho birth
day of the publisher, aud is worth muny
times the oost, which is only 20 oeuts, as
every purchaser will get, practically free,
an exquisite pictuie; aud to those who
already have "A yard of 1 loses" "A Yard
of Pausioa" will be doubly valuable, es
pecially us accompanying it are full di
rections for framing either the "Fannies"
or "Roses" at home, at a oost of a few
cents. You can get the June number ot
Dkmoukhi's Family Maoazink, coutaiu
ing "A Yard of Pansits," of any of our
local Newsdealers; or siud 20 ceuts to
the publisher, W. Jknninim Dkmokkht,
15 East 14th St., New York.
To Eastern Oi'okoii.
From The lialles Chronicle.
The Troutdale distillery company
whose property was lately destrojed by
fire are mtikitig overtures to the people
of Sherman county, looking to their lo
cating at Grants. The company links a
bonus of 25,000 bushels of wheat from
the farmers. They have already secured
about 15 acres of land on the river.
'Pl.-u r,lf.,r tn nut 1111 an 880.000 plant,
consisting of a dintillery and 50 barrel
HoiKing mill. It is believed the nego
tiations now in progress will be successful.
Full line ladieB summer dress goods in
endless variety, comprising latest desigus
in white goods, Inoos, demi lloiiiii'ings,
Swiss, ludia Linen and Cambric Em
broidery. Also children's white dress
goods, cotton, lisle thread and silk un
derwear, at the 1'iii'Ui.Aii Store of (01 tf-t
C. S. Van Duyn.
The shop knowB a good thing when it
Bees it, the Biime as other people. The
force have a tooth for ice-oreatu, too,
which Lane Matlock well kuowa, for
Friday last they were permitted to sam
ple about the best batch ever made in
Oregon the first of the st-asou for Mr,
,.11 ii, a iiiosl
and iB operated in the nitereet of its pa-
. ., : r'i...l 1 1 iliKtricts with a population of one
1-ant trains via me wiscmani - - -
linea leave Minneapolis deny at p. luousanu uuu ii.xin.
414 tf.
iues leave Minneapolis daily at 12:45 p.
a. and 6:25 p- tu., aud St. Paul at 1:oTj
p. m. aud7:oO p. in., mailing i
connection with all trains from the West
and southwest.
For tickets, time tables, berth reserva
tion., etc.. apply to O. F. McNeill, C. P.
ft T. A-, Minneapolis, Minn., or to .1 us.
C Pond, general pussenger and tioket
agent, Chloago, 111. Wtf
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
Scooud-Iu all school districts in this
state with a population of 1000 and up
wards, uny citizen of this state shall be j
entitled to vote at a school meeting who
is twenty-one years ot Bge aud has re
sided in the district thirty duys immedi
ately preceding such meeting, anil who
11 v n
F Ltd
Francisco, UBiiwrnia.