Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 20, 1892, Image 4

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    Uf " " - -
"mfJTITTSnJnlETiDiTinv. INniftF.STION.
r!sn E3, nn skis Affections, .nd diseases aeisisu from
-fc Focsimi7 Signature of EMIL FRhbh. v
"QUEEN HAIRINE" tnrcntore and promote the Hair nan no equal. It is a pomade (vaseline
form). Four applications will stop the hair falling and prevent claixlruu, it cures K-alpUiseanea, and
will positively tfrew a luxuriant growth ,f hair unlesM hereditarily bald. Ilalclnes-s is not an indication
that the root are dead. Nature did not provide thai we should wear a covering for the head. When
the epidermis (skin) ia alive, so are the roots, and "Queen Hairioe" applied to the surface opennthe
follicles, and gives nourishment and vitality to the roots. One bottle will convince the most skeptical
ofiUmeriu. Try it. 1'rice, $1 .00 per Mottle, e.
' QUEEN ANTI-ODOR" (powdered form) applied to the parts allays excessive perfpi ration,
and permanently cures offensive feet, armpitM, sic A bmm dclif htiuJ and hjumless remedy. Price SOc.
cur ' ONDOLINE" (liquid, pure and harmless), when applied to the skin restores and beautifies
the ( Complexion; removes and prevents Tan, bunburn, Kreekles, Pimples and Blackheads, This re
nowned preparation cannot be excelled. A single application has a marvelous effeet, and each
additional one i in proven the complexion. Try it; if not delighted with it, return the bottle, and we
will refund yonr money. One JJoule will restore the complexion. Price, $1.00
Qukkn Toii.kt ( o.: Your preparation formulas (after a careful analysis), T am free to say, are
harmless, and certainly effectual if used according to directions. J. V. Hesse, M. p.. 4M Freeman Ave.
item it by P. O. Order, Kegistered Oiler, or lraft to home office, and mention this paper. w
QUEEN TOILET CO. 174 RACE ST., CINCINNATI, O. (Local Agent: Wanted.)
) M;i.K Kamptev oi onr (ioodi and " How to be Beautiful" sent for two HUnipH,
Hides, Pelts
And Fur wanted. I will pny 'ho hluhcat
market prices for anything I" tills line,
(iiveinett oill before selling elsewhere, as I
knuw 1 ran ilu hotter by you than any other linn
in llepimcr.
Oflice at fjnrgont & DriBkeU's Feed yard.
Scientific American
Agency for
For Information am! free Handbook write to
Oldest tiiireuu ffir H.M-in-iTie patents in America,
l'lvory patent taken out tiy uh Is hroiiKht before
the public by u uotico given f rcu of charge la the
Scientific mmqw
Iifircnst circulation of any scientific paper In the
wnrlil. HphtmliiJiy tlluntrnted. No inielltKent
man Hhoiihl he without it. Weekly, ;i.l"
,klv. !
nr; $U) mx nmiithH. Addrews MUNN & CO,
Ill ve re -opened this well-known house to the
piihlie, ami sollelt a nliarc oi the patromiKC.
I'er day l )
hoard per week h (HI
" " " with room (UK)
My tahle Is always supplied with tho beHt the
market ull'ordH.
Mllrt. liAKKY A DArtlHTKK,
(17-tf-fl-w I'mjiH.
quick: time :
Sfkll li'fl lloIOO
A'ul all poiutH in ('alifornia, via tlio 31 1, HhttHtu
route of tho
Southern Pacific Co.
Tim Kreat highway tlinnmh C'alifornin to all
liointtt Kant and South. (Iruntl Heonio Houto
of (lie I'licifie ('ofiHt. Piilliuan I hi (Tot
HlcnperH. UeiiomUclaHH Hloeporo
Attnrhil toexjireHH tniina, nlfonliiiK superior
aei'oui modal huih lor Heoonil-eUiHH paHKetiKoi'H,
Kor rateM, liekotw, uleoping ear ruservatioiiH,
ou:,t vii iijion or adoniBH
It. K()i;HI-Kl, Manager, K. V. KOCJEKH, Asst.
ui'ii. v. x v. AHr., t oiuaiitt, urt'Kon.
best fMrgr suramin
lor Lawns, Gardens, Farms, Ranches and Railroads
THICKS KIlIM l'I' li. Noltl by ilciib-iH. fliUlllli T I'AIO
MrNIIM.KN'M I'tM 1,1'IIV NUTTINd, Nov Thing I
No HKkri'lnirl No txiKlnirl Kvlril IIcbvv Mtajtft
The Ml Mullen Woven Wire Fenoa Co., Clnoago.nl
llKl'l'MCIt, OHKUON.
('alih' liramtodaml oarmarkiHl an hIiowu above.
lli.rwiK I'' mi riht Nlionhlnr.
Mv cat tit raiii in Morrow ami Umatilln noun
tin. 1 will pay .flO'.i.U) for the nrroHt ami ou
vielioii of any pkihoii tttoalinK niy Htiu'k.
Forest Grove Poultry Yards.
Wyiiiulotli'R, riymoiith Hooks, Lk'bt
iiranmlis, Koso and Binnle Comb
ISronn Lculicriia. I'liilriiiue
(.'m'liiiiH, ilouilaus Mild Hil
verHmntll lliimbmifs.
1.001 yW fowls
lioady fur Delivery.
In America, ami are tbe best on
tbiHOuiiMt by a great dilVorence.
Hem! for Cutnlugue.
Box 55. pom.3lK. Horeet Orove, Or
Perhaps You Don't Know Us,
We extend an invitation to rail nnd bco free teats at our Clinic,
"Arcade Chamber." Hours 1 to .1 p. m. Lady Attendants,
We till mail onlenmame day received (securely scaled, postpaid).
If nnt as represented w( will refund your money.
' QUEEN ANTI-HAIRINE" removes Heard or Superfluous
Hair from the Face, Keck and Arms, or Moles and Jiirthmarks.
Made into a paste, only a few nimutcH applicat ion is required, it
in ixiwerful, yet mild in its effect. It ainolves and destroys the
follicles of the hair without the niightcst pain, injury ordweolor:;
tion to the most delicate akin. Trv it. One I'rice.fil.Oflner Itottlo.
On Sale
Kansas City, St. Paul,
Leaves Ileppner, 8 a. m. ArriveB
0:00 p. m.
1 till xi 11 ISleeiiers,
Colonist Sleepers
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
Steamers I'ortlanil to Sau Francisco
every four days.
Tickets Europe
Fur rates and general Information call on
Depot TIckut Agunt,
Ht!ppuer, Oregon.
W. II. IKJKLBUKT, AshL Geul. Vim. Agt.
W Washington 8t.,
President. Cnxliier.
Mmle on Favorable Terms.
TT (lrt'H.i'il liUinlu'r, 10 mlluB tif lluppner, at
wlint ie known tut tho
" " " CI.KAK,
f 10 00
17 60
L fii.OO per 1,001) loot, aililitloiiiil.
I. A llfimlltoiit IVIrtri'urr
It SllimiliUt'H tho ('hlldroil'. lnturcHt Hud
l'roiuuto. rntriotisin,
Tbo organized "scbool houso flag
inoveincut" baa been in progress ituring
tbo greater part of four yeara. In that
short timo tho seed Bown in ono earnest
suggestion has bonio fruit in school after
school, in town after town, in stato after
Though there are still many schools
which are not as yet provided with tho
flag, the time does not seem far distant
when no public school shall be too oor,
too remote or too indifferent to have tho
stars and stripes floating above its roof.
Sufficient time has passed since the
movement began to muko it possible to
judgo tho results of tbo unfurling of the
flag above so many schools.
lias the proceeding had a real mean
ing to tho scholurs? Has it stirred up in
tho breasts of boys and girls tho hojie of
living to he bravo men and good women?
Has it begun to serve with tbo chil
dren of the millions from abroad who
inherit no love for our country as a sym
bol around which will grow up a thor
oughly American feeling?
litis it stimulated a lovo of tho study
of history, and given children a new
idea of tho significance of law and orde:
with freedom, so that they themselves
J net tto.
Montaguo, Cat., Horakt.
Editor KaiBer of the Ashlaud, Or.,
Rkuokd, has been fined $30 and sen
tenced to IS days Incarceration for pub
lishing an article touching the official
conduct of the circuit court; or in other
words, for conducting a paper that pub
lishes the news.
A Message to the Public Schools
of America.
the Day Should He Signalized in Every
Town aud Village in the Uepubllo by
a Local Celebration of Which the Pub
lic School la the Center.
To the scholars of the public scliools
of the United States the executive com
mittee of tho Columbian public school
celebration sends tho following mes
The 12th of October, IS'JS, the 400th
anniversary of the discovery of Amer
ica, ought to be observed everywhere
in America.
The day will bo marked in Chicago
by the dedication of tho Columbian ex
position grounds. The day also may
bo signalized in every town and village
in tho republic by a local celebration of
which tho public school is the center.
The pubjic schools of tho republic will
form the tnost fitting centers for all
these local celebrations. A national
public school observance simultaneous
with tho Chicago exercises will awaken
a popular interest in the coming exposi
tion. Far more important is the fact that
the public school has the right to occupy
the most prominent place in the celebra
tion. The public school is the one charac
teristic institution which links all the
neighborhoods together, and can thus
furnish a common bond for a national
celebration. The public school is the
ripe fruit of the four centuries of Ameri
can civilization. Tho public school of
today sways the hundred years to come.
How It Came About.
The first approval of this suggestion
came from the public scbool scholars
themselves. When the plan was first
proposed by The Youth's Companion,
January, 1891, thousands of letters were
received, testifying to tho enthusiasm
with which the scholars responded.
Tho world's congress auxiliary of the
Columbian exposition then took up the
proposal, calling upon all the people of
the republic to observe tha day in their
own localities, and suggesting that the
public schools be everywhere the cen
tors of the celebration.
The superintendents of education
wore the next to recognize the fitness of
giving to the public schools the first
place in this Columbian anniversary.
At their national convention in Brook
lyn in February, 1892, they took charge
of the movement, and appointed the
undorsigned an executive committee to
lead the schools in their commemora
Appeal to the Scholars.
This executive committee now appeals
to the scholars themselves to be the first
to move. It is for you, scholars of the
American public schools, to arouse a
sentiment in your schools and in your
neighborhoods for this grand way of
celebrating the finding of America.. Ed
ucators and teachers will meet you from
their side. But it is for you to begin.
There are 13,000,000 now in the public
schools. You have the chance to con
duct a patriotic movement which will
have a place in history, and will strength
en the republic through the coming cen
tury. What to Do.
The first thing to do is to determine,
when you read this message, that you
will do all you can to induce your school
to enter the celebration. Then show
this uiessago to your teachers; every pa
triotic teacher will be glad to help you
if you show yourselves in earnest. Take
tho message to the school committee and
tho superintendent their consent and
aid are indispensable.
After you secure the support of all
those, then let tho school vote that it
will enter the celobration.
The next thing after this public vote
will bo tho appointment of a strong com
mittee made up jointly from citizens,
scholars and teachers to take charge.
The committee should in all cases con
sist of those most in earnest, so that tho
work may not bo checked by any possi
ble change of teachers during the sum
mer. The rrugraiume.
A programme of exercises will be
furnished by the executive committee.
It will be simple and adapted to any
school, yet so arranged that more elabo
rate exorcises may be added wherever
desired. The aim of this official pro
gramme will be that certain leading ex
ercises may be the same in every school
in the republic, and that at least in one
feature the Chicago programme and the
school programme may bo identical.
In due time this executive committee
Will make further suggestions.
The Local Committee.
The duty of your committee will first
be to interest the citizens and to prepare
the school. Precessions may bo arranged.
The veterans, both north and south, will
gladly bo escorts for the schools. The
other military, civic and religions or
ganizations of each town will lend their
aid if they see that the schools are de
termined that tho celebration shall be
worthy of the day. Tho local press will
bo tho most valuable of all supports.
On Oct, 12 tho stars and stripes should
bo floating from every school houso in
the republic.
It is tho hope of tho friends of common
school education that not ono publio
school in the United States will allow
itself to bo left out in this most memora
ble celebration.
Executive Committee.
Francis Bellamy, chairman, represent
ing Youth's Companion, Boston.
John W. Dickinson, secretary of Mas
sachusetts board of education.
Thomas B. Stockwell, commissioner of
public schools of Iihodo Island.
NY. Ii. Garrett, superintendent of pub
lic instruction of Tennessee.
V. C. Hewitt, superintendent of Mich
igan educational exhibit at World's fair.
SUadea of Darkness.
Drain Kcho.
Iu fining editor Kaiser of the Ash
land Kkcord $30 and sending him to jail
for 15 days may afford Judge Webster a
little pleasure and an opportunity
for a little spite work, hut it evinces
such a very small calibr that few would
care to deck their brow with such flimsy
laurel wreaths. It will evidently be a
big advertisement for brother Kaiser and
his journal. The few dollars thus taken
from him will return a bounteous flow
of golden shekels to his exchequer. The
day for muzzling the press has long
Since departed amid tho gloom and
dark ages of tho past.
Bunker Frick Iibs gonetoCnliforuia on
a visit.
Arthur Collin was a passenger on Sun
day's west-bonnd.
Judge W. L. Bradshaw, of The Dalles,
was in town Monday.
II. Kelly, a prominent stockman of
Burns, passed through Monday on his
way East.
Several of our citizens are busy put
ting in crops on their new claims above
Castle Bock.
Mrs. G. G. Fergnson returned from
Portland Saturday morning, having been
visiting her aged mother, who was sick.
Three hundred head of cattle crossed
the river Sunday fromBlurook & Peters'
ranch, purchased by S. F. & J. Ralston,
of Montana.
Bev. A. O, Wise, of Condon, oooupied
the pulpit in the M. E. ohurch Sunday
morning, during the absence of the pas
tor, G. G. Ferguson.
Mrs. G. C. Smith of Boise City, Idaho,
was a passenger on the Ileppner train
on her way to to visit her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Cox, of Eight Mile.
O. B. Wbitmore, of McMinnville, or
ganizer of the A. O. U. W., attended
lodjje here Saturday and delivered a lec
ture in the M. E. church Sunday eve
W. L. Ballard, who has been lying at
the point uf death for some mouths, fin
ally passed away Saturday last. His
wife, Lily Bullard, is bedridden and
hourly expeoted to join her husband.
Consumption of the lunga developed
from an attack of la grippe.
Jay P. Lucas and Robt. Johnson, as
pirants for office on the republican tick
et, are iu town, the former for re-elec
tion as oounty clerk, the latter for sher
iff. V
In tlio Nick of Time.
The nick of time to stop the ooiirse of
bladder uud kidney oomplaints is when
the organs ooncerned exhibit a tendency
to grow inactive. The healthful impulse
toward activity that they receive from
llostetter's Stomach Bitters rescues
them from impending danger, and averts
such dangerous maladies as Bright's
diBease aud diabetes. Sluggishness of
the kidneys increases a liability to
chronic rheumatism, gout and dropsy,
aud since the blood ia filtered by these
organs in its passage through tbem, the
operation of the Bitters serves a doubly
happv purpose. The medicine acts
without exciting, like the fiery stimulants
of commerce. Malarial, dyspeptic, con
stipated aud nervous invalids are thor
oughly relieved by it, Since the advent
of that shocking malady, la grippe, ithaa
been widely demonstrating its useful
ness as a certain preventive of it.
Of Expenditures of Morrow Comity, Names of
tluiiiiuiits, Articles or Services Hen
dereil, Etc.
T W Ayers Jr Pauper acct $ 17 90
Jesse Deal " 29 00
Sloan & Howard. .." 10 25
Wm Blair ." 3G 95
Spray Bros paup' 16 73 ord'r'd pd 15 73
O L Reed pauper acct 80 00
Minor Bros. ." 37 45
L D Boyed road & bridge acot. . . 10 00
E M Waito stationery 1 00
Homer Gray pauper acct 14 28
J W Morrow fire ins premium. ... 72 00
Geo D Barnard & Co stationery. . 96 75
J H Wood coffin for pauper 25 00
T J Allyn team ooroner acot 8 00
T J Teeters pauper acct 5 00
R J Watkins. ." 5 00
Geo D Barnard & Co election acct 110 25
" stationery 95 05
A J Hicks " 30 25
F Kritscliamar pauper acot 7 00
E M Waite stationery 3 15
Glass & Prudbomme " 4 00
" 16 00
" 7 00
Juo C Brown panper acot 600
ETGagon " 15 00
Helen M Russell " 27 00
R A Palmer " 15 00
Slocum-Johnston Drug Co paup' 2 35
C C Boon pauper acot 36 00
ETGugen " 5 00
J L Ayers " 29 50
Patterson Pub Co stationery 17 75
R A Palmer bill 850, ordered paid 35 00
Heppner Furniture Co pauper aoo 5 90
R K Simpson damages on road. . . 50 00
I, J. W. Morrow, clerk of Morrow
oounty, hereby certify that the forego
ing list of expenditures of .the oounty,
with names of the respective claimants
the articles or services for which pay
ment is made, together with those contin
ued, rejeoted or in part paid, is true aud
correot as Bhown by the records of said
Witness my baud and seal of the said
county court this 19th doy of May, A. D.
1892. J. W. Monnow Clerk,
By G. W. Wblls, Deputy.
llEAltlNU FHUlT.
West Jki-peiison, Ohio, May 11, 1892.
Ileppner Gazette: I received a oopy
of your issue in regard to country around
Ioue, in your county. If yon have Bny
back numbers with any information in
regard to your country, would like to
have a copy.
I enclose $1 for your weekly edition for
as long a time as that will pay for. If
your board of trade have printed matter
uu Heppner or the surrounding oountry,
would like for you to send some to Jacob
Martin, Win. Fry and myself, all of West
Jefferson, Ohio, Madison Co.
We want to know what good wheat
lands within 5 or 6 miles of railroad are
north, etc.
Yours truly,
H. C. Wilson.
The Gazette was obliged to do the best
it could with Mr. Wilson, and also to oon
fess to him that Ileppner had no board
of trade, Do our people see tho point?
As a family medicine, the Oregon
Blood Purifier has no equal. It baa
proved itself a certain and efficacious
remedy for all diseases caused by an im
pure state of the blood.
Before Htartin. on a Journey
A person usually desires to gain some in
formation as to the most desirable route
to take, and trill purchase tickets via the
one that will afford him the quickest and
best service. Before starting on a trip to
Chicago or any point East, yon should
provide yourself with a map and time
table of the Wisconsin Central lines.
The trains run on this route are vesti-bulf-d
and equipped with Pullman's lat
est drawing room sleepers, elegant day
ooaohes mid dining oars of latest design,
built expresnly for this service, and are
exquisite in furnishings and convenient
and comforiablo in arrangement and so
complete iu every detail that they have
no superior in comfort and elegance.
The dining car service is pronounced by
all the most elegant ever inaugurated,
and is operated in the interest of its pa
trons. Fast trains via the Wisconsin Central
lines leave Minneapolis daily at 12:45 p.
m. Bnd 6:25 p. m., aud St. Paul at 1:30
p. m. ond7:o0 p. ni., making favorable
oonnection with all trains from the West
and southwest.
For tiokets, time tobies, berth reserva
tions, etc., apply to G. F. MoNeill, C. P.
& T. A., Minneapolis, Minn., or to Jas.
C. Pond, general passenger and ticket
agent, Clnoago, 111. 489tf
To whom it may concern :
This is to certify that, after having our
loss of Bcbool house carefully figured by
competent mechanics, we made satisfac
tory settlement with the State Insurance
Company, of Salem, Oregon, on April 11,
1892, and within three days thereafter
received check for $3,400, full amount of
loss sustained by recent fire, which de
stroyed said house. W. R. Ellis,
Tom Morgan,
Otis Pattekson,
Board of Directors of School District No.
1, Morrow County, Oregon.
Heppneh, Or., April 14, 1892. 82-98
IjincI Ottiocat La Grande, Or., April a, 1802.
Notice is hereby given tluit Julia H. KihvtmlB,
has tiled notice of Intention to make iitial
proof before tiro County Clerk of Morrow Co.,
Oregon, tUhisoniee in Ilep'iner, Or., on Tuesilny,
the 7th day of June, lsll-J, on timber culture ap
plication No. 2,1111, for lots "2, :( and 4 and SE'i
SW14 Hoc No. :I0, in Tp No. 1 S, II No. 27 E W M.
He names as witnesses: C. C. SnliiiK, W. G.
Mccarty, K. W. Turner, S. N. Mortnin, all of
Heppner, Or. A. Clkaveh,
4hr-lJ4 Register.
U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., Mar. 13, 1I2.
Complaint havinir been entered at this otiice
by Geo. W. Ilishop, Morrow County, Oregon,
auainst R. II. I'lunkett for failure to comply
with law as to Timber Culture Entry No. o2o,
dated January 2(1, lsii-2, upon the W'-a NK'4 ami
EI4 NW) Sec. IS, Tp. :l S Range 211 E, in Morrow
County, Oregon, with a view to cancellation of
Baid entry; coutcslant alleging that R. H. PIuii
kett did not cultivate or cause to be cultivated
any of said tract since lssf,. During the wist live
years no work haw been done on said tract by the
said R. H. i'lunkett, or any one for him. The
said parties are hereby summoned to appear at
this oflice on tho lsth day of June, 1MI2, at 10
o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testimony
concerning Baid alleged failure. J. W. Morrow,
County Clem, iB authorized to take teBtimnny iu
this case, at his otlieo in Heppner, at 10 a.m.,
June 11, 1H'.I2.
John V. Lewis,
487-4. Register.
Land Oilice atThc l)alles, Or., April 25, 1R92.
Notice 1b hereby given that the following-named
Bottler has filed notice of his intention to
rnakehiial proof iu support of his claim, and
that said proof will bo made before the County
Clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Heppner, Or.,
on June 10, 1S'J2, viz :
D. S. No. r.,848, for the EU bW4 and W', SE'i
Sec 21, Tp 4 S, R 25 E V M.
He nameBthe following wltneBBeB toprove his
continuous resiuence upon, una cultivation 01,
said land, viz:
J. F. Royse, Hiram Tash, Henry Howell and
Arthur Stevens, all of Hardman, Or.
485-114 John V. Lewis, Register.
Land Oilice at La Grande, Or., April 2.1, 1892.
Notice is hereby given tiiat the following
named Bottler lias liled notice of his intention to
make final proof in Bupport of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow County, Or., at Heppner, Or.,
on Juno 7, 18112, viz:
ltd. No. 2,211), for the N'i NWJ4 and N'i NEW
Sec 32, Tp. 2 8, R 211 E V 51.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said laud, viz :
A. J. Conk, Charles Mann, James Pearson aud
George Hayes, all oi Lena, Or.
A. Cleaver,
485-31. Register.
Land Oilice at The Dalles, Or., Apr. 21, 1892.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make-tinal proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will lie made before the County
Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, at Ileppner,
Oregon, on June 4. 181)2, viz:
Hd. No. 2081, lor the lot 1 and H'4 NEW and NEU
SEti Sec. 3, Tp 5 S, H 25 E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, aud cultivation of,
Baid land, viz:
W. E. Kahler, D. N. Hnnlman, E. S. Cox and
V. H. Roy, all of Hardinan, Oregon.
John W. Lewis,
483-403 Register.
Land Office at I-a Grande, Or., May 11, 1802.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has liled notice of his intention to
make tiunl proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before tho county
clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Heppner, Or., oh
June 25, 18U2, viz. :
I). S. No. 102l',li, lor the E'i NWk and E' SWU
See. 17, Tp. tl 8, R 20 E w M.
He names the following witnesses toprove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said laud, viz:
Oscar Minor, D. II. Stalrer, Louis Grosliens and
Wesley Marlatt, all of Heppner, Oregon.
4811-10'J John W. Lewis, Register.
Land Oilice at La Grande, Or, Mav 11, 1892.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make linal pToof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will he made before the County
Clerk of Morrow county, at Heumier. Or., on
June 'J
25, 1802, viz:
Hd. No.
WW, for the NE'4 NWjj sec. 7, Tp. 1 S,
R 28 K W M
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz:
William Douglass, J. A. Thompson. O. R. Day
and George Vinson, all of Heppner, Oregon.
480-00 John W. Lewis, Register.
THOSK who are interested in the Eight Mile
country and Morrow countv to know that
we have a few extra copies left, which can
be secured either at Geo. Thornton's news stand
orjiuheGazette otliee. 118-bw.
COME to the Palace Hotel liar for ChanVpiigne
Cocktails Champagne on tap. tio-sw
A BIG lot of Gooseberry uumberFoT" the tb
zette that ought to be scut away. Call in,
, invoBt aud help your country. swtf
'pO KNOW that L. D. Boyed is Hcppner's
leadingeontractor and builder. Estimates
gi on on all kinds of work. Oilice at resi
dence, Heppner, Or. 71-sw.
A Wagonmaker. one the best locations in
iA Morrow county. Must have ft little capital.
Call on or write Gazette oilice lor particulars, sw
HARNKSS-SHOP, stock and fixtures. Good
business; established iu the midst of a
good farming and stock-raising country.
Also for sale a gtHi house and two Ioib with or
without the business property. For further in
formation address Gazette, H'eppuer, Or. 483 tf.
weight ww a lhi.; 7 f ( V A
no H ll tH lb., m rluct:.n . f If? lb.. U)d I fwl to tnacfe
Wtter that I w, mi 1,1 n-t lake $l,fW itirt b put Wk wbw I
wa. 1 am both itiryiriMrd uvi pri'Uii ,if thr chanf. I rwom
swnd vow WlroT.i to all MitJrrm from obwii. I will
cheerfully iMn all tDqairw tf ttunp is incloMil for reply.1
UralM. HtStartlMf Stnd c in ttomp tor fwttalan la
ii. 1. 1. r. iiiiei. i iicicii TiLimciiuea.
Stock Horses !
The undersigned will sell at Public
Auction at
Friday, June M, 1802,
ioo HEAD ioo
Of A mferican Stock
One year, with approved Becurity; in
terest at 10 per oeDt per auuuin. Five
per cent discount for cash.
78tf. C. 13. COCHRAN.
While you keep your subscription paid up yvu
can ktep your brand in free of charo.
Allyn, T. J., lone, Or. Horses OU on loft
shoulder; cattle mime on loft hip, under bit on
ritflit ear, and upper bit ou the loft; range, Mor
row county.
Armstrong, J. V Alpine, Or. T with bar nn
der it on left shoulder of hornets; cattle same
on left hip.
AltiHon, O. D., Einht Mile, Or. Cattle brand,
0 1) on left hip and horwn Hume brand on right
shoulder, l.auire, Kitfht Mile.
AdkiriH, T Ibtyville, Or- Straight mark acroHS
the thigh and two eropn and u ulit in the rinhtear;
horHes, J, nptide down on the riht nhoulder.
halite in Grant county and Hoar valley, PO
uddrettH also at Hard man.
AdkiiiH, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, JA con
neeted on left Hank; cattle, same on left hip.
Ayurs, Johnny, Lena, Or. Hornes branded
triangle on lett hip; cattle sanio on right hip;
also crop otf riuht ear and upper bit on same.
lilyth, Percy H., Heppner, (pr. HorHeB. Human
croBB on right hhouldor. Range iu Morrow
Uleakman, Geo,, Hardman, Or. Horses, a flag
onlnft ehoulder: cattle same on right shoulder.
IsamiiHter, J. W., Iliiniman, Or. Cattle brand
ed Ii on left hip and thigh; uplit in each ear.
ltreriner, Peter, (inupberry Oregon HorseB
branded PR on lef t HhouUlor. Cattle same on
right fine.
Burke, M Ht C, Hong Troek, Or On cattle,
MAY connected on left hip, crop otf left ear, un
der half crop oil' right. Homes, name brand on
letft shoulder. Range in Grant and Alurrow
liowHinan, A., Mount Vernon and Hnrnn, Or.
Cattle, A H on right hip, two crops in each enr;
same on horses, on right shoulder. Range in
Grant and Harney counties.
liiosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle li on the left side.
Left oar half crop and right ear upper slope.
Barton, Wm., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J lion
right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in
each ear.
Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right stitie; cattlo eamoon right hip; range, Mor
row county.
Brown, J .P., Heppner. Or. Horpos and cnttle
branded 8 with ox-yoko above on left shoulder.
Rrown, J. C, Hepptier, Or. Horses, circle
C with dot in cei ter on left, hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W. bar
over it, on the left (shoulder. Cattle same on left
Boyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand on rihi hip cattle, same, with split in
each ear.
liorg, P. O., Heppnor, Or. Horses, P H on left
shoulder: cattle, same on left hip.
Jirownlee, W. J., I'ox.Or Cattle. JB connected
on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and
middle piece cut out on right oar; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Range in Jj'ox valley,
Grant county,
Caiu.E., Caleb,Or.Y 1) on horses on left stifle;
U with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder,
and on left stifle on all colts under ft years; on
left Bhoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All
range in !rant county.
Clark, Win. H., Lena, Or. Horses WHO con
nected, on left f lumltlor: cattle same on right
hip. Range Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cate, Chas. R,, Vinson or Lena, Or, Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
Range Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cochran, Chas., lone. Or. Horses, HP con
nected on left shoulder; cattle, 0 on both left
hip and stifle. Range in Morrow county.
Cannon, T. H.,Long Creek, Or. T on cattloon
right side, crop off right ear and slit in left ear.
Our horses same brand on loft shoulder. Range
in Grant county.
Cecil, Wm Douglas, Or.; horses JC on left
Bhoulder; cattle same on left hip, waddles on
each jaw and two bits in the right ear.
Curl, T. II., John Day, Or. Double cross on
each hip on cattlo, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant
couiiiy. On sheep, inverted A aud spear poiut
oil shoulder. Ear markou ywes, crop on left ear,
punched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
right and under half crop in left ear. All rae
iu Grant couutv.
CrOfibv. A.A..Henmw. Or Cntito hrnrwL.rl-1-L
(or H L connected) on the right shoulder.
Cook. A. J..Lena.Or. HorsoH. Winn rii-htBlnrtl-
der; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square
VH'iJ 11 tuil flllU BLM1L m liKHL.
Currni. R. Y,t Currinsvillo, Or. -Horses, a on
left stitle.
Cochran, J n Monument, Or Horses branded
T 1 & A on left shoulder. Cuttle, same on right
nip, BWfoiow iorK m ngnt, ear ana crop oill eft.
Cox A English, Hardman, Or. Caitle, C with
F iu center: horsos, CK on left hip.
Cupper, H. A., Monument, Or. Horses H C
on left shoulder, cuttle II 0 on left side, swal
low fork on right ear.
Cochran, li. K, Monument, Grant Co , Or.
Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left
shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, H., Hardman. Or. Horses branded
Opn right hip. Cattle brauded the same.
Cross, 8 L, Dayville, Or Cattle branded -j- two
crops and a split in left ear; on horses a
reversed Z on left stifle. Also have the following
brands on cattle: 7 on left hip, 7 on right hip,
72 on left shoulder, two parallel bars on left
shoulder. Ear marks, two crops.
Uoonan. Wm., Ileppner, Or. IIorseB branded
OO with bar over them, on left shoulder; cat
tle same on left hip.
Douglass, W. M , Galloway, Or. Cattle, It D on
right side, swailow-fork in each ear; horses, R D
on left hip.
Douglas, O. T., Douglas, Or Horses TD on
the right stifle; cattle same on right hip.
Duncun, W. P., Juhn Day.Or. Quarter circle
W on right shoulder, both on horses and cattle.
Range Grant county.
Driskell, W. E., Heppner, Or. Horses branded
K inside of O on left shoulder. Cattle same on
left side of neck.
Ely, J. B. & Sons, Douglas, Or. Horsos brand
ed ELY ou left shoulder, cattle same on left
hip. hole in right ear.
Eisk, Ralph, Prairie City, Or Horses, R F on
right shoulder; cattle, on right hip. Range in
Grunt county.
Eleek, Juckson, Heppner, Or. HorsoB, 7F
counected on right shoulder; cattle, same on
right hip. Ear mark, hole in right aud crop
off loft.
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Caf tie, LF on
right hip; uorees. F with bar under on right
Florence, 8. P. Heppner. Or. Horses, F on
right shoulder; cattle, F on right hip or thigh.
Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. GAY on left
Goble, Frank, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7 F on
left stitltj; cattle, same on right hip.
Gilman-French, Land and Livestock Co.. Fos
sil, Or. Horses, anchor 8 on left shoulder; vent,
same on left stitle. Cattle, same on both hips;
ear marks, crop off right ear and nnderbit in left.
uauge in iiiuiam, urant, Lrook and Morrow
Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. Horses brunded H.
8. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle.
Range in Morrow and Umatillacounties.
Giltwater, J.C., I'rairie City, Or. On horsos,
00 on left shoulder and stitle; cattle, on right
side. Range in Grant coanty.
Hams. James. Hurdman Or. Horsos nhn.lAH
2 on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Range
Hayes, Geo., Lena, Or, Brand JH connected,
with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder.
Hiait. A. B.. RitU'e. Or. Cattle, round-ton 4
with quarter circle under it on the right hip.
itm t;p iu mtu u'w mm l mum hi counties.
Hin ton & Jenks. Hamilton. Or Cattle, two burn
on either hip; crop in right ear and -split in left.
Horses, J on right tingli. liange m Grunt county.
Hughes, Samuel, Wagner, Or T F L on riuht
Bhoulder on horses; on cattle, on right hip aed on
left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left.
Kange in HaystarK district, ilonvw county.
Hail. Edwin, John I'ay.Or. Cattle E Hon riaht
hip; horses same un right shoulder. Languin
Grunt county.
Hutrhes. Mat. Hennner. Or. HorseB. shaded
heart on the left shoulder. Range Morrow Co.
HtinHiiker. B A. UiuniPr. Or. HirMH U nn latt
Bhoulder; cat tie, 9 on left hip.
Hardistv. Albert. Nye. Oreton Horses. AH
connected, on left shoulder; Cattle on the left
hip, crop off left ear,
Humphreys, J M. Hardman, Or. Horses, H on
left riank
Hiatt, Wm. "E., Ridge, Or. Horses branded
bar cross ou left shoulder: cattle same on left
Hayes, J. M., Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglass
on left shoulder cattle, same on right hip.
Ivy, Alfred, Long ( 'rt.lc. Or i'dttle I Don
ritrlit hip. crop oil left par iinil bit in ritftit. Homes
Mime briiud ou luft shoulder, KunKe n (irnnt
Huston. Lntlw. EiKht Mile. Or. Horw H on
the left shonUleraud heart on the left stifle Cat- !
tie same on left hip. Hantre in Morrow connty. I
Jenkins, D. V...Mt, Yemon.Or. J on horHeson I
left shoulder; on cuttle, J ou left hip and two I
smootn crops on uoiq ears. luuiKfun r ox and
Bear vallejs
Jiuikin, S. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, horse
shoe J ou left shoulder. Cattle, the sama.
liunge oa Kubl Mile.
Johnson. Felix, Lena, Or. Horses, ciroleT on
left stiHo; cattle, same on riht hip, under half
crop in ritrlit and split in left ear
Kenny, Mike, Ileppner, Or. Horse, hrandix
KM' on loft hip. cattle same and orop off left
ear: nndor slope on the riiht
Keller, llic-liard, Bhtnton. (irant county, Or.
E K m souare, cattlo on left hip; horses same
u .v.u n,i,,t.itir. ivniiKe rwer TUIIOV
Kirk, J. T., Heppner, Or. Horses
... "ii.'uuitT. ivniiKe oeer vuiiev.
I on left
liirk. J t,, Heppnor, Or. Horses. 17 on either
ink: cattle 17 on nidit side.
I. ,.Flu,.lu,..f ur li M .it . .
,u, . muut . tjruon, ur. 1 Li on
cattle ou riwht and left sides, swallow fork in h ft
onr and under ciop in rinht ear. Homes same
brand on left shoulder. Itanuo in (irnnt conntv.
Keeney, Kli, Heppner, Or.-Horses J t, and
ace of clubs on left stifle, ltange in Umatilla
and Morrow counties
Lesley.MC, Monument, Or AtriantrloBJIwith
all lines extending pa t body of figure on El hor
ses on loft shoulder, ou cattle diamond uu left
shoulder, split in rifhtana uuoer bit in left enr
KaiiKH in Grant county and to parts of John Day
Leahey, J W Heppner Ur. Horses branded li
N on lelt shoulder; cattle same on left hip; wat.
tie over riuht eye Uuve slits in riuht ear.
Lofton, Stepnen, Box, Or. H Li on loft hip
on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses
Biune brand on left shoulder, liange (irant
LieUHllen, John W., WJlsrW Or. -Horses
branded half-circle JL connected on left shoul
der, t at tie. same on lefthip. liange, near Lex.
Lord, George. Heppner. Or. Horses branded
double 11 coi.necKd Xometiines called a
swing H. on left shoulder.
Maxwell, M . 8., I looseberry, Or. Horses brand,
edlong luikonleft shoulder; cattle, same on
lef .J hip. tar mark, nnder bit in left enr.
Minor, Oscar, Ileppner. Or Cattlo, M D on
right hip; horsa Mon lef t shoulder.
Morgan, M. N., Heppner. Or. Horses, M )
on left shouldei cattle same on left hip,
JU'Cumber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses. M with
bar ovor on right shoulder.
Mann. 11. 11., Lena, Or. Horses old mares Z55
on right hip; young stock, smuU zz on left
Morgan, Thos., Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
V" lu.ft shoulder and left thigh; cuttle, Z ou
right thigh.
Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Iiorses, 77 on right
hip; cattle, 77 ou right side.
Met luren, L. (l., llrownsville, Or.-Horses.
Figure fi on each shoulder; cuttle. M2 on hip
McKoru.W. J.. Mount Veruou, Or XI ou cattle
on right hip, crop iu right ear. half orop in left
same bruiid ou horsts ou lefthip. UutigeinUruut
JlcCurly, Duvid H Echo, Or. Horses brunded
DM connected, on the left shoulder; cuttle same
ou hip and side.
Mcliirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or.-Mulo shoe
with toe-cork ou cuttle on ribs and under in
each oar; horses name brand ou left sidle.
McIInlo.y, O. V., Hamilton, Or. On Horses, (
...... ui,u,u u reii euuuioer;on uattie,
four barB conuected on top ou the right side
Itange in (irant County.
Meal, Andrew, Lone Uock.Or. Horses A N con
uioii ,m ieit Muoiuuer; euiue same on Doth hit
ii i it i ' Il,uner or, Horses
VV , "vui it ou ion snouiuer.
Nordyke, E., Hilvorton. Or. Horses, circle 7 on
left thigh; cattle, same on loft hip.
Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A 2 on cattle
on left hip; on horses, sumo ou loft thigh, Kango
in (irant county.
Oiler, Perry, Loxington, Or. P O ou left
Dip, llerninn, riairie City, Or On cattle, O
LP counected ou loft hip; horses on left stillu
aud wartlo on nose, llango iu (irant county,
Pearson, Olavo, Eight Mile. Or. Horses, quar
ter circle shield on left shoulder and a4 on left
hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped. 24
on left tup. ltange on Eight Mile.
Parker A Oleason, Hardman, Or, Horses IP on
left shoulder.
Piper, J. H., Loxington, Or. Horses, JE con.
reeled on left shoulder; cuttle, suine ou left hip.
under bit in each ear.
l'atberg, Henry Lexington, Or. Horses brand
ed with a Homau cross on left shoulder; cattle
branded with Homau crosB, bar at bottom, on
loft hip.
Pettis, A. C, lone, Or,; Iiorses diamond P on
ehonlder; cattle, J H J connected, on the
left hip, upper slope in loft eur and Blip in the
Pottor, Dim, Lexington Horses branded Ml'
connected on loft shoulder; cuttle same on right
Powell, johnT., Dayville, Or Horses, J P con
necied on left shoulder. Cattle OK couuected oil
lefthip, two under half crops, one on each ear,
wattle uuderthroat. itangeiu (irautcounty.
Hickard, (i. D., Canyon City, Or.-F V on loft
shoulder, on horses only. Kauge Canyon crook
anil Hear valley, (J rant county.
ltood, Andrew, Hardman, Or. Horsos, square
cross with quarter-circle over it on left stifle.
lioiiingor, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, C li on
loft shoulder.
Kice, Dan, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panol
worm fence ou left shoulder; cattle, HAN on
right shoulder. Kungo near Hardman.
iludio, Wm. Long Creek, Or.-Hrnuds horsos
It nn right shoulder, ltange, Graut and Morrow
Koyso, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horsos, plain V on
lelt Bhoulder; cattlo, same brand reversed on
right hip and crop off right ear. ltange ia Mor
row county.
Hush liros., Heppnor, Or. Homes branded i
on the right shoulder; cattlo, IX on the left hip.
crop on lelt ear and dewlap on neck, ltange Ir.
Morrow and adjoining counties.
itust, William, Pendleton, Or. Horsos K on
loft Bhoulder; cattle, H ou left hip, crop oft
right ear, undcrbit on left ear. (Sheep, It ou
weathers, round crop off righ ear. liange Urna.
tillaand Morrow omu ties.
lieauey, Andrew, Lexington, Or Horset
Draudod A It ou right shoulder, vent quartet
circle over brand; cattle same on right hip.
liange Morrow county.
iioyse, Wm. H, Dairyville, Or HH connected
Muariei -circle over top ou cattle on right tup
and crop off right ear and split in left. Horses
--.....,. iugo iu juoriow.
brant and Gilliam couuties.
Hitter, J F, Hitter, Or Three parallel bars
with bar over on horsos on left hip; on cuttle, left
' v,7" ",'; ' ".'VP0' tw spms in eacn ear.
liange m Middle Fork of John Day
Hector. J. W Ileppner, Or. Horsos, JO oi
left shoulder. Cultle, o on right hip.
Spicknall. J. W., Gooseberry, Or.,-Horsrs
brauded bl ou left shouldor ; lange iu Morrow
8pray, J. F Heppner, Or. -Horses branded br
couuoctod on right shoulder; cattle same on bolh
bailing, C O Heppner, Or Horses branded S A
on left shoulder; cattle same ou left hip
Swaggart, II. F., Lexington, Or.-Horses 2
with dash under it on left stifle; cattle H with
dash under it on right hip, crop off right ear aud
waddled on right hind log. Range in Morrow,
bilhainand Umatilla coimt.ien
Swaggart, A. L., Ella. Or Horses branda''
uu iuii snomuer; ceitiesatne on left uip,
on ear. wattle nn left h;.wl 1....
Straight W. K, Heppner, Or. Horsos shadod
J b on lefl stitle; cattle J S on left hip, swallow
fork in right ear, underbit in left. ""
Swaggart, L, Alpine, Or. Horses, 8 8 on right
bupp. Thos., Heppner, Or.-Horses, S A P on
left hip; cattle same on left hip.
Shirtz. James, Long Creek, Or. Horses. 3 on
lelt stille aud over t on left shoulder.
Winer, John, Fox, Or. NO connected on
horeeB cm right hip; cattie, same on right hip,
crop oil right ear aud under bit in left ear. liange
in Grunt county.
i 8.m,'th ,1,,r"8" Juhn Da. Or-H Z on cattle on
le t shoulder.
Stephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses 8 Son
right stitle; cattle horizontal L on the right side
Stevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or.-Cattle, 8
on right hip; swallow-fork in left ear.
Swaggart, Q. W. Heppner, Or.-Horses, 44 on
left shouidei ; cattle, 44 on left hip
Stownrt, Geo., Hardman, Or.-Hurees circle
on left shoulder.
Stone. Ira. llickleton, Wash.-Horses, keystone
on left shouldor.
Smith, E. E. Lone Kock, Or. Horses branded
H crossed seven on eft shoulder; cuttle same on
left side, liange, Gilliam county
Sperry,E.G., Heppner, Or.-Cattle W C on
left hip, crop off right and underbit in left year,
dewlap; horses W V on left shoulder
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or.-Horses, I on
left shoulder; cuttle, 2 on loft shoulder.
.uS.C- r- on left
Turner R.W., Heppner, Or.-Small capital T
lelt Bhoulder, horsus; cattle same on left nip
with split in both ears. v
Thornton, II. M., lone, Or. Horsos branded
HT connected on left stitle; sheep same brand
uuderpuol, II, T., Lena, Orj-llorses HV con.
nected ou right shoulder;cuttle. same on right
Wilson, John Q Salem or Heppner
Or .
.u.ouu.juuuu, ,yc suoulder.
Morrow Pnnntv
Warreu, w li. Caleb, Or-Cattle, W with quarter
Ho.:Z'0M,le" ,8ide- I'l" i rigQhtear'
Grant county. uul"ur' """WHlt
n oo, i Li, Dayville, Or Heart on horsos on
eftst,ne; cattle,.ao? left sidand NndTbit
in left ear. liange in Grant county.
Wright Kituu & Un 1 . .
v , , 7, 1 1 1 r ; 7. i ,7 iJi""Jr. "r. cattle Drandod
S ou the right lup, square crop otf right ear
and split in left. " 1 w
Wullu,. v
.Tt . " "tTt,"r. "r. Horses branded
Cartl. fhlf 1 sht"lldM Ud left hi
wS. a s uZr; a . anu lett mP
i on left
tt olnnger, John, John Day City. Or-On horse.
hiHn r'"1 bUr8un left hmlder;7iS Zep!
bit in both ears. Kauge in Grant and Malhner
W viand 111 tTl ...
thigh, """""t r.-un u on left
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Hones TJP
connected on lef t shoulder. norsee, ur
aiains, ijishe, Heppner, Or. HorseB branded:
V K connected on left stifl Branded
viKum, romana, ur. cattle Won
right thigh, hole in left ear; horseW "n right
shouloer, Bomf same on left shoulder.
lZA-b'imw''7- Harney oounty. Or.
anty. Or. -
t shoulder.
aarter nir f-
u'.ii o, Z I Lwiuecoea on lett shoulder
, . u, oainiiion.ur. Unarter c r-
ho7ewrr;'b"r".on "'P. boul catUe Zl
t JVi r i J .?' U?g C r eek' Or-Horses, quar
ter circle over three bare on left hip; cattle same
ami .lit in each ear. Range in Grait connty.
I Ai A-.P"6'- Or.-Horses running A A
on shoulder; Cattle, same on rutht. hip.