Go NOI'll'K TO ADVKlil'IKiUtS. UO.-K iksiriiit,' the inm-rUou of .lisjiliiy ii'Ih., ' or I'ti in1 n) shiiic, 111118I yet tlit'ir cunv in nt I.iUT than .Muiuiay evening nr lut'Minys litioii, or J In j rs lay evening for Fridays i-di-'HIE J'ATl'KRSUN I'l tlUMIINH ('. no tick. 1. The Bum f five ceiitH r line will be rlmi'tred fur "ciirdB of tlmiiku," "ri'sulutioiiB of iVMt'ct," liHts ul uriMiug prcHt'iitH and donors, nnd tiliituary notices, (other thun tliose the edit or nlm 1 1 liinisell j,dve its ii mutter or news,) and not ieesof Kerinl ineetiiiN for u Imtever purpose. J. Notices ol' cliundi mid society and all other eiiterttiiiiinelitH from which revenue is to lie de rived, shall hi? charged for ut the rate of live cents 11 line. These riik-B will he stticlly adher ed to in every Instance. Advertising rates tvasoimhle and made known upon application. Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up Hvpp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. Ileury Welch is reported better. T. W. Ayers, Jr., for druga. 08 bw Joe Keeoey is over from Pendleton. H. E. Clarke ie oyer from Pendleton. Os Mitchell waa up luet Saturday and Sunday. J. E. Steele waa dowu from Hardmau last night. - MiHB Ella Thomas is visiting relatives iu Indiana. Wash. Elliott reports 17-10 lambs from 1870 ewes. A. A. Wren says hia full eown wheat is jointing. M. Corrigiill was over from butter ereek Saturday. J. Roberts is hack again buying "wool iu this vioinity. Hon. T. J. Matlock returned from Portland Tuesday. Daily atage both ways betwoeu Monu ment and Long Creek. tf. Ford, the painter, still "in it." For any kind of work see him. 81 -tf. Mrs. J. J. Huberts is prepared to do all kinds of plain aewiug. C.Vtf When in Arlington, stop at the Ben nett house, near the depot. ol-tf Hon. J. 15. Sperry returned from a trip to Crook oounty yesterday. C. N. Peek, of Lexington, was among his acquaintances here Saturdav. Mias Belle Thomas is teaching a very successful sohool in the MoBee district. Wall pnper, notions, patent medicines, drugs, chemicals, etc., go to Ayera. GSsw Mr. Burlingnme, of The Dalles, ia in Ileppnor, the guest of Conductor II. C. French. Jas Hays whs in town Saturday last after a diligent spring's rustling with his sheep. W. H. Rush has put a neat woven wire fence around hia premises, adorning it muchly. Peter Brenner, Chas. Frey Hnd J. H. Royse were callers at the Gazette ollioe Saturday. Andrew Reaney, one of the largest farmers near Lexington, says his wheat orop looks well. Pap Simons & Son still shoe horses and do geifmd blacksmithing at the old Btand Matlock corner. 55. Ben and Homer Huusaker, accompan ied by the former's son, JelF, got iu yes terday from Haystack. Autone Vey dropped in Saturday from Butter oreek, and reporta all quiet as usual in that locality. A. E. Towell proved up before Clerk Morrow Saturday, Robert Hynd and Rip Vau Winkle witnesses. "The Parlor," W. F. Kuark, prop., in the City hotel, west side of Main street. Neatest place in Heppuer. sw It is hard to tell wbioh worries E. J. Slocum the worst, learning to ride a bi cycle or selling porous plasters. The Bhow last week proved better than was anticipated. The limber man, or human frog, was well worth seeing. Dave and Will McAteo have sold their trotting mare, Blackbird, to W. G Boyer, who will take her back to Virgiuia. N. R. McVuy, the worthy republican nominee for sheriff, has a new girl over at hia place, which arrived the 0th inst. LonjMarkhara thinks the prospect good for o big orop this year. Frank Holmes, of Gooseberry, ooinoides in this opinion. Call on Lishe Sperry, down at the .Belvedere, when iu town. Keeps on hand a tine Btock of liquors and cigars. 61-tf Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Beymer, accompan ied by Mrs. T. C. Aubrey, came in Sat urday from Eight Mile, Mrs. Aubrey re maining. Dick Amblei started for John Day with his freight Saturday, and from ac counts will not reach there for several days yet. Hiyu ketchum whiskors. Hatt & Mathews, at the oity barber shop the place to get a tirst-class Bhave, hair-cut or shampoo. tf. Frank Vaughn reports the health of Eight Mile us very good at present, all scarlet fever and diphtheria scares hav ing subsided. Billy Gordon's new team are the sub jeototmany oommeuts. They are un doubtedly one of the beat draft span in Morrow oounty. E. B. Stanton, the alliance onndidate for oounty judge, and Mr. Isaao Knight en, both of Eight Mile, were in town Saturday last on business. ! The Bnchler beer, 5 oents per glasa, at 'the Columbia Beer Hall, Osmers & Hughes, props., next door to M. Lioh- tenthal & Co.'s shoe store. sw tf E. J. Slocum is learning to ride a 'cy cle, nnd so far haB met with no greater misfortune than running off the grade on May street into Willow creek. Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see his old friends there. Baths in connec tion. J. D. Dompman and J. S. Boothby and son were in town the first of the week. Mr. Dampman andMr. Boothby, Jr. were on their way to the Blues on a wood cutting expedition. Dr. W. Tackman. the dentist, will be found at Dr. B. F. Vaughan'a office, Lee zor building. Does all the latest orown nnd bridge work, alluminum piatea, etc. Don t miss the opportunity. oi-u A. Abrahameick arrived home last eve ning from Portland. He was accompan ied by Mr. John Pohl, a thorough tailor and an accomplished musician, who baa accepted a position witn tue lormer. D. Grant's Cloalo, the great dyspepsia conquered will positively cure dyspepsia and all its kindred ailments. Every bot tle sold under a positive guarantee to effect a cure or money refunded, See Bd. iu this issue. In the special race of two and three-year-olds for the coming meeting, the di rectors of the Heppner Park Association hora dnniilml that two-year-olds shall carry 118 pounds and three-year-olds 122 pounds, subject to allowances accord ing to rules. W. A. Jones and Gid Boyer will short ly visit Virgiuia, takiog with them some of Oregon's best horses. Mr. Jones has just recently returned from a trip back there, doing quite well with his stock. While there he visited Hillsville, Wytu ville and other plaoea in that section. KOSLYN RKNKF1T MATT KHS. Tlie Ii'iir.ci' Sapper a Financial Success The. Arlington-Lexington Fund. The Roslyn benefit Biipper, given at the opera house Wednesday night, was liberally patronized, and when expenses arc paid, will uet over $70 which will be forwarded by Mayor Matloek to the proper authorities at Roslyn. The news papers donated their advertising space, tickets, dodgors, etc., and then paid for their suppers like other people. Hud all done as well there would have been no expenses, to speak of, aud our town would have made a better showing. Conductor H. C. French collected on the train, at Arlington, Lexington and other points between, $31.00, which was turned over to Heppner's committee, but the donors shall have due credit for the same. We publish the list herewith with amounts given. We shall call it for convenience' sake and in honor of the gentleman who circulated the peti tion, CONDUCTOR FRENCH'S LIST. F. n. Arrington. ? .SO .rxi ..VI V. Fowler ? Jay P. Lucas H. J. Carlyle Judue Wiitkins... W. K. Bennett.... J. W. Liindy Ii. K. Sells J. S. Koljinson II. M. Klmw F. Silver R !..runn A. v . .Moore S. J. LaKnmee (. 11. VVhitiuore ... Two ptiHf coders Jonas Liverlnore. . . rhilt Ilepjuier (Ulan. Mcl'iirljind. . . S. U. Hnwsou K. J. Tenant S. Collins W. O. YMgla Dal Heed A. Ii, Yanglm F. S. Kaston O. S. Kbi L. O. UalHtou J. A. Thomas OloiB. Alexander. . . J. ('. Kweet C. E. Franks (ieo. II. Thompson. J,. C. Kd wards Wemier AlSnow K. (!. Holla J. H. Kalinan Collin t McFarland J. It. Wood J. 11. Timnis lr. Geisendorfer. . . K. D. Eld 1.IKI .SO 1.00 .so .so .so so I :. E. Kid SO i E. Htevens SO : Daniel O'Cnnell.. ("id c. W. Shnrte U. A. Shnrte A. C llawson.. . Itoss lleardsley... O. T. Doiifjias II. J. Huntington. L. W. Lewis...... J. A. Woolery. E. S. Cox K. C. Wills T. J. Carlo W. A. Learh Thos. Burnett.... .so Lee l adherfr ,V) 0. v Lieualleu. . ,S0 ; .00 i Total ..M.oo NOTES. Au unfortunate inoident occurred at the opera house on the evening of the supper. Some of our young people had the understanding that after supper was cleared away and the tdder people had gone, they should be allowed to trip the light fantastic. . However, the churoh people strenuously objected, while the worldly people insisted that they should be allowed thnt privilege. One extreme brought about another, and some hard words passed back and forth. It was finally settled by the young people with drawing. One or two persons withdrew their ooutiibutions from the fund, which was increased to the amount of $7 by others, the whole being sent direct to Roslyn. This notion was brought about by the difficulty at the opera house. It is to be regretted mnoh that, under the ciroumstances, our people meeting together for a charitable purpose, that "middle grounds" could not he reached in euch a difference as existed Wednes day night. The sextette band charged 86 for fur nishing mnsio and then donated the pro ceeds towards augmenting the fuud. It Should be in Every House. J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharpsburg, Pa., save he will not be without Dr. King's new discovery for consumption, cougha and colds, that it cured hia wife who w aa threatened with pneumonia af ter an attack of la grippe, when various other remedies and several pnysicians had done her no good. Robert Barber, of Cookaport, Pa., claima Dr. King's new discovery has done him more good than anything he ever need for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Tiy it. Free trial bot tles at Slocum-Johnston Drug Co.'s store. Large bottles. 50o. and $1. Portland Preserving Co's. sweet pick les at J. (John's. 90-tf Johnny Hager is convalescing from a slight illness. Mrs. J. E. Simons has returned from a very pleasant visit with relative) below. Grandma Gray iB visiting her ohildren, Mrs. Geo. Noble and Geo. Gray, of Hepp ner. Capt. Bell, the bell-wether of demo cratic oratory in the Northwest, will be on hands next Monday evening. Hard water soap; especially adapted to the Alkaline water of this oonntry. Try it. For sale by P. O. Thompson Com pany. UO-1 Hardman waB enlivened by a case in justice oourt last Monday, hut our re porter was unable to get at the faota in the case. If yon want good gloves, get the Ray mond & Squires gloves. Every pair war ranted. For sale by P. V. Thompson Campany. 90-1 AmosB Younger, of California, brother of Mrs. Judy Mitchell, is visiting her and numerous other relatives in the neighborhood. Salem Statesman: Rev. H. F. Dennis will on June 1st begin aprotraoted meet ing at Peedee, and endeavor to save the souls of the erring. Largest stock of pooket knives id Eastern Oregon at P. C. Thompson Company's. Over 150 patterns to seleot from at bargain prices. 90-1 Miss Stella Webb, one of Morrow ooun ty's progressive teachers, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Webb, made the Gazette office a pleasant call Wednes day. Coffin & McFarland have just reoeived a car load of Mitchell Wagons, Hacks, etc., and also have a large supply or farming implements of all kinds. See their new ad. Hon. Win. Hughes got in from Long Creek Sunday, and reports the roads bb bad very bad. Outgoing teams with freight for John Day will not reach their destination for some days yet. Marion Webb is down at tho Good Samaritan hospital, Portland, reoeiving medical treatment. He is troubled with hip disease, though had considered it rheumatism all the time, and had been doctoring for that complaint. Geo. Thornton having made the neces sary proficiency in the art of surgery, is entitled to the handle of "Doc" Char ley Jnes is a good student and will soon graduate with honors. The most skepti cal can be convinced. Call at office in Palace hotel. Grant County News: Saturday evening Hon. W. E. Ellis, republican nominee for congress, delivered a speech at John Dav on political issues. Preceding the oration the Canyon City brass band, as sisted bv Messrs. Timms and Cattanaoh of John Day, discoursed several patriotic national airs in front of the hall. Mr. Ellis' talk was quite interesting. E. L. Payne, the veteran stane driver, and one of the most gentlemanly, big hearted men that you will chance to meet in many a day one that the young er npnide like to address by the title of 'Uncle," will leave this week to take a position on the Ellensburgh-Rock Island Btage line, the latter place being at a otenmboat landing on the Columbia. Mr. Payne will handle the reins over Bix horses up there. Parent and Hinom, Take Notice Minors on the streets after 9 p. m., will be ran in and fined. Take notice and save unnecessary trouble aud ex pense. J- W. Kajmus, itf-tfsw. Marshal. Memniual Skp.vices. The Rev. Fer guson will deliver a memorial sermon at Lexington at 11 o'clock Sunday morning, the 20th inst. It will certainly prove quite interesting, and no one should miss it if possible to he present. Rack Houses In.- W. G. Allen, of Monument, arrived yesterday with three race horses, Cie.ur d' Alone, three years old, One Eyed Riley, five years old and Brady, four years old, all of which are stabled at the track. Others are looked for soon, and the meetiug promises to be a big success. Visiting Morkow County. Judge Watkins, of The Dalles, who is the re publioau nominee for the judgeship of this district, arrived Wednesday eve, and will remain a few days. Our readers will, perhaps, remember that he preced ed Mr. J. H. Bird in the judicial capacity, and therefore haa had considerable ex perience, giving excellent satisfaction. Tuikd to Blow up the Bank. Sotie pnrtiea at Pendleton have been arrested for attempting to blow up the Pendleton Saving; bank. J. A. Fruzier, Wilfred Remington aud "Shorty" Howard have been arrested for the niTuir, the object of which is unknown, Unless for robbery. The sidewalk waa badly damaged by the explosion but the building was compara tively uninjured. Pin Eaii-Mattie Mullen Raok It is expeoted that the Pin Ear-Mattie Mul len raoe will be run about July 4th. Mr. Alexander, the owner of Mattie Mullen, is at present io Willamette valley, where he went Borne time ago after hia family, and after their return to Grant conntyi definite arrangements for the race will be made. Both of these horses are swift animals and the raoe will bo witnessed by Bporting men from every locality of Eastern Oregon. Eagle. Likes Our Sheep. Mr. F. M. Smith, acoompauied by Judge Mallory, went out last Friday to see the boys Bhear at the I'enland ranch. Mr. Smith was sur prised to see the number of good sheep in this country. He is in the business in "York State," iu a small way of coime, but knows what it takes to oonatitnte good wool and fine sheep. He thinks that Eastern Oregon, aud especially Morrow county, has a wonderful future before it just the place for a young man. Will Accept. At the last meeting of Doric Lodge, too. 20, K. of P., Tuesday evening, it was decided to aooept the in vitation of Rawlins Post, G. A. R., of Lexington, to be present on Decoration Day, provided twenty-five members will go. If the uniforms of the Uniform rank arrive in time, and that body is in stituted the rank will attend in a body. Otherwise the subordinate lodge will turn out in the regalia or uniform of the knight rank. A committee was appoint ed to secure the names of members who will attend. Every brother should, if possible, arrange to go. Since it is now a well-established fact that catarrh is a blood disease, medical men are quite generally prescribing Ayer's Sarsaparilla for that most loath some complaint, and the result, in nearly every instance, proves the wisdom of their advice. Biiinq Them Baok. -"Pap" Simons has loaned out a brace aud bit, a two inch auger, a hand-s aw and other tools. If the parties are through with them, they will kindly return aud oblige. 80tf J. S. Ray wns arrested for being drunk Tuesday last and fined the regulation. The old gentleman iB perfectly harmless while intoxicated, but hardly gets through a spree without a black eye. Well, Sarah, what have you been do ing to make you look so young? Oh, nothing much, only been using Hall'B Hair Rt newer to restore the color of my hair. BTOLKN. From my ranch near Ella, known as the Petre ranch, a number of Bheep pelts, branded Ai; also one buck pelt branded X. Will give $50 reward for the arrest and oouviction of the party or parties. Also the same amount for the arrest and cooviotion of parties breaking into my house. Allen Evans, 89-90 Alpine, Or. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLNERB. A T A SPECIAL MEETING of tho directors of JY the Heppner Park AHHoclation. lucsnay, Mnv 17. IK')1!, a M ner cent. aHseHHinent on the Htock wan levied, which, when paid, will entitle the stocUludilera to oertitteateK of Btock. This amount can he paid at any time, but iB due and collectable alter June 17, 18U2. OTIB PATTEltlON, A. D. Mc.ATEE, Secretary. OO-D-sw. President THE PUBLIC SHni'U) knnw that tho Furniture has arrived, Im'imi sold utnl more put in itf place at way- down ijariouuB. Call for prieeB at Heppner Furniture Co.'e Plat e, Main street, oppomte 1. C. Thompson Co's. Rtcently the folloivlni Notice appeared In ttf ean rramimv . T,i s had been sick only about two ii wan not until the last three or four day that m&J At the hemnmng ui nij ; - -v- diahetes and stomach disorder. I-ater the kidneyH refused to perform their runctionsand Si ias'sed quietly away. Thua ended the hfe of one of the most prominent men in Cali fornia" I-Uce mouaanui, 01 w.c. - timely death was the result of neglecting early aymptoma of kidney disease. . IF" YOU are troubled with dialieten, ((ravel, or any de rangement o! tne Kiuneys o" u.i..o. , . . don't delay proper treatment untif you are forced to Kive lip your daily duties ; dWI forced to jive j nJMeM liniment Tnd wofse plaster,, but Mrike at the Jeat c thedisease at once by usin the Kreateat of all knownTemediea. the celebrated Orejron Kid Known leu, a.j ,h. i weR of thousands. WhV.hould it not cure you? Try it. Purely Sable and ptcaaaut to lake, fl.00 a pack- axe. 6 for yuxi. REPUBLICAN State, District and County TICKBT, For Supreme Judge, F. A. MOOKE. For Attorney-General, LIONEL R. WEBSTER. For Member of Congress (Second District), W. K. ELLIS. F'or Circuit Judire (Seventh District), (iEOUUE WATKINS. For Prosecuting Attorney (Seventh District), V. H. WII.SON. For Member State Board of Equalization (Sev enth District), JOHN L. LIT KEY. For Representative, J. N. BROWN. For County Judire, ANDREW HOOD. For County Clerk, T. C. AUBREY. For County Sheriff, N. R. M'VEY. For County Treasurer, W, J. I.EEZEH. For County Assessor, WALLACE W. 8MEAD. For County Surveyor, ISA BROWN. For County School Superintendent, W. L. BALING. For Conutv Commissioner (Full Term), D. N. HAKD.MAN. For County Commissioner (Short Term), JOHN HANDY. For County Coroner, T. W. AVERS, JR. PRECINCT TICKET. For Justice of the Peace, Heppner, Mount Ver non and Gentry Precincts, F. J. HALLOCK. For Constable, Heppner, Mount Vernon and Gentry Precincts, HARRY PHILLIPS. H.Blackman&Co., DEADERS IN General Merchandise ! WE AEE STILL SELLING OUT our stock of Gener al merchandise, but to make it more complete, we have purchased a stock consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Furn ishing Apparel, Etc., That will be sold at greatly reduced prices for cash only. Call and investigate and we will be pleased to wait on you. No trouble to show goods. Pioneei Brick Siore - plain street, QUR ONDERFUL REMEDIES! Dr. aRANT'S OliOALO. .3- TUE GREAT DYSPEPSIA CONQUEROR. -E Will positively cure Dyspepsia and all its kindred ailments. Every bottle sold on a Punitive tluarantee to elleet a cure or money refunded. Ketuii price, ll.uu. Dr. Grant's Kidnky and I.iver cuk. For the cure of Hriuht's Disease, Diabetes, unions ness, Kiek-Headuehe, aud all Kidney troubles BTAIL PEIOE, $1.00. Dr. Grant's nyitup op Wild (Shape Root. The great blood purifier and system tonic. i ineiy veKeuioie, anu is tue jiiouiuh.i iivswu Soil. Retail price.tl.UO. DR. GRANTS NATIVE DISCOVERY: The Great Female Remedy ! For the cure of diseases and oomplaints peculiar to leiuales. Re tail price, one dollar. SOI.I) UNDKR A POSITIVE G11AI1ANTKK. Prepared By The O. W. R. Manf. Co., 315 Front Street, Portland, Oroson. For Sale by all Druggists. 47l-lyr-f. Coffin & -DEALERS IN- General MerUie Stockmens' and A Car Load of Mitchell Wagons and Hacks just received. Call on diem and inspect the same before purchasing elsewhere. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, Change of WE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE which we propose to conduct in on hands ut all times the choiceHt Meats, Sausage", Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. SPIA.W 85-tt. lAXxo Season For Fruit has Arrived and we are in the business to supply you Cream Is about ripe. We will let you know about that in the near future. W. L. Matlock & Co. DEMOCRATIC State, District aud County TICKET. For Supreme Judge, ALFRED S. BENNETT. For Attorney-General, GEORGE E. CHAMBERLAIN. For Member of Congress (Second District), JAMES II. SLATER. For Circuit Judue (Seventh District), W. L. BliADSHAW. For Prosecuting Attorney (Seventh District), J. F. MOORE. F'or Member State Board of Equalization, (Sev- DiMtricn. WILLIAM HUGHES. For Representative, J. C. THOMPSON. For County Judge, JULIUS KEITHLY. For County Clerk, J. W. MORROW. F'or County Sheriff, GEORGE NOBLE. For County Treasurer, J. W. MATLOCK. For County Assessor, R. L. SHAW. F'or County Surveyor, D. W. JENKINS. For County School Supcrintendeut, R. W. TURNER. For County Commissioner (Long Term), J. M. BAKER. For County Commissioner (Short Term), ALLEN EVANS. For County Coroner, T. W. AYERS, SR. PRECINCT TICKET. For Justice of the Peace, Heppner, Mount Ver non and Gentry Precincts, W. A. KIRK. For Constable, Heppner. Mount Vernon nnd Gentry Precincts, J. J. ROBERTS. Db. Grant's Wonder On.. The great rheu matic cure. Retail price, 50c. Dr. Grant's Cholera and Diarrhoea Cure. Retail price, rue. Dh. Grant's Macho I'ain Cuius. Tho great household remedy; an internal and external remedy. Retail price, afield. McFarland I Faming Implomenis Farmers' Supplies IIEPPNEIl, OREGON. Ownership OF TUE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, the most sutiufactory innnuer. Will keep & McOVIlTY, Proorietors. A Conglomeration of Ideas and a Concatenation of Events Has induced us to put in the Largest Stock of the Ever Placed before Appreciate this Foriuiiious Combinatisn And you will be the blessed possessor of some Real Bargains. Also constantly on hand a full stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries and Provisions, Guns, Pistols, Ammunition and everything else pertaining to a well selected stock in a General Merchandise Store. MINOR HEPPNER, Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Madk on Shout Notice and at Popui.au Prices. Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. O. K. FARKNWVRTir, Pm. E. Q. Sl'ERRY, Vice Pm. E. K. HIS1WP, Trrmmrr. T. E. FELL, Secretary and Manager. ' The Morrow County Land it Trust Company CAPITAL STOCK, $100,000.00. PAID UP, $25,000.00. Incorporated 1S8S. kd Urn ar.d Forwarding Agents. DEALERS IN GRAIN, LUMRER, WOOD. Operating Warehouses at Heppner, lone and Douglas, on the Heppner Branch of the XI, P. H. R. )9TOOIXZOIjI3I3I1.S s (). K. FarnswniH NIhom Joiu-8 Ki. K. HInIio)), Kil. H. :x, J. JS. Fri.:k, lt J. A. TlmiupNon, Kilwtinl Diiv, Tliurmi K. hull, J. A. Woolery, O. T. DohkUih, E. G, IT IS Muuiui-ioHe of the stoekhnMerH of tliiH e.omptuiy to conrltict J(n hiini hckk in a milliner mutually (HiviuitHgfKUH to all wool ami grain produce, of thin miction, ant) to maintain tho favorable lioum mai kot which it hm entallinhcil. During the coming wool hchnoii wti Hollt-it the buniiicHH of all wool growc.ru and ruqtioBt tliuni to Bend their ulip to the "Wool tiro worn' Wan-hoiim)." Having enlarged the Heppner Witrehoiifle, and roofed all platforms, xvo have double tho Htorage capacity of any other warctioiiHe in Kautern Oregon, wdf lighted for the display of wool "The Wool Growers' Warehouse." The Lancashire Insurance Co. OK .MA.VCII UH T1CH, ICVCi IVIV J A. W. PATfEHSON, AGKNT (mo)ltrieHostlntheV..rl.l The Clydesdale Stallion ! wl Srt'2 Yutino Toi- Gallant ih a Dark Dupplwl liny, witli -V"M "-..-'-' white iu fiice; both hind feet white; weiyht nlxmt 2,000. Wns Hired by Kenr Not (2100JO. 8. IS. of Greiit Britain; Own, Nell (KiHti, by old Lord Huddou (M572) 0. 8. It. of Great Britain. T J 1 I s HoiiHnn, 810. Will insure the mare with foal und if not with foul thin season, will bread the neanou of lH'.H free of eharie. Iu the mean time if 1 should mtll my etullion and the mare be not with foal, I will refund the 810. TIiohh breeding uan have Herviie of el ul I ion till Uetober 1, ".12 by coraini; to my reuiduuee. Will wait till Uet. 1, "Si for the money if ciiHtomera 479-91. First prize at the World s Exposition. First in Material and Workmanship. First in the estimation of all practical farmers. WALTER A. WOODS MOWFRS, RAKKS, RFAPFRS AND SFLF-PINDFRS. Never (quailed for Durability, Execution anil LiKhtuoaa ot Draft Couiliined. P.C.TJIOMPSON COMPANY, AGENTS. tf. Comer Mniii and Willow Shunts, llopiiuor Or, SET The Public Gaze BHOS., OREGON. Kporry, It. A. Herrcii, Wm, 1'nnlnml, W. K. Klliott, N. A. KvMy, Aiikoii Wright, 1'. ('. TlioiiNon, NiiUnitiit'l VVclih, John L. Ayt'i'H, J am i'N Joiii'K, A. H. ditil'llltlll. b 101IIKF 01) W III! Will Htnnd tho Spiihoii at tho FollowiitK IMhcph: On Mondays and Tuesdays, Morrow Sltt lih, Ilrppwr; We.dwstlays and Thurs days, Tom Harnett's Stable, Lexiittlon; balance of lime ai my ranch, 5 1-2 m iles soullieasl of Heppner. go deal re. I). IS. STALTEU, IIEPPNEIl, OltEGON. Li II