OFFICIAL s-1 JSomo People PAPER. Take your Babies to Buy advertising space because rates arc low generally the circulation is a sitlit lower. Circulation determines Vie value of adrertisiiuj; there is no other xtamlitrd. The Gazette is willing to abide by it. THURSDAY . Ci 0 IS THEIR DAY TUB PnOTimRAPllES. Out : picture Free of Charge, w ork FM-Cuui and at Livintj Kates. 7K TENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1892. NO. 4(J0. SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. ALVAH W. PA.TTKK30N Bus. Manager. OT1B PATTERSON Editor' Al $3.00 per year, $1.50 for six months, $1.0(1 fur tliree moiium; in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on 'Jj"' Application. The -EASLE," of Long Creak, Grant County, Oregon, Is published by the same conl pauy every Friday mornintr. Subscription price, f.'per year. For advertising rutes, address ORI1T Xj- PATTEESON, Editor and Manager, I,ong Creek, Oregon, or "Uiuette," Hepplier, Oregon. TH1B PAPF.U iB kept on hie at E. C. Pake's A Advertising Agency, IU and t5 Merchants Exchangs, Ban FraueiBco. California, where con tracts for advertising can be made for it. I7 C. PF.NTLAND, SF.CHETAHY OF THE 'v. Oregon Press Association,'.! ABh Street, between First and Second, Portland, Oregon, is our only agent located in that place. Advertis ers Hhould consult him for rates and space in the Gazette. THE GAZETTE'S AG'SNTS. Wagner B. A. ITunRakor Arlington','.'.".'.'. Henry Heppner Long Creek he Eagle Bob Shaw Caiim's Prairie,' 0nir Io V,i;il Matteson Allen Mel-err n Nyi. or '' - Wright llardman, Or ...J.A- ,W?"''iry Hamilton, Grant Co., Or Mottle A. Kudio lon0 T. J. Carl Prairie City Or., B. R. Mt; U aley Canyon City, Or., J'- ',"r,r'h Pilot Hock P.Mtelton Uiiyville, Or., "ow John Hay, Or., K. I. McCallum Athena, Or ,,!,t!,1'IK,t,m Pendleton, Or., Win. G. MeCroskey Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Or Postmaster Shelby, or Miss Stella Hott Fox, Grant Co., Or - Allen Eight Mile, Or Mrs. Andrew Ashbaugh Upper Rhea Creek B. F. Hevland Douglas, Or White Lone Rock, Or K,-M;,J"h"""" Gooseberry W. I '. hnyder Condon, Oregon Herbert Hulstead Lexington W. B. McAlistor AN AOBNT WANTED IN EVKHY ruEClNCT. Union Pacific Railway-Local card. No, 10, mixed leaves Heppner 8:20 a. m. ' lu, " ar. at Arlington 1K0 a.m. ' , " leaves " S.H p. m. ' 11, " ar. at Heppner HX) p. m. daily except Sunday. East bound, main line ar. at Arlington 8:50 p. m. West " ' " leaves '' 4:20 P. Night trains are running on same time as before. CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Stage leaves for Monument daily, except Sunday, at 6 :30 A. M. Arrives daily, except Monday, at 6:00 p.-M. - Direct connection oan be made at Monument with the Long Creek stage. Daily stage between Long Creek and Canyon City, conneoting at the latter place with the stage for Burns and Sil vies valley. OEE90IT OPPIOIiJjS. (iovornnr B. Pennoyer. Hbo oTstota W. MoHride. Treasurer Phil Metechan. HnXi'-'"-' iei',U-HMcf',r"y- Judge Seventh District W. L. Bradshaw District Attorney w- u- WllBOn MOBKOW COUNTY. JointSenator Henry Blackmail. Representative Vh THmv i'...,,,tv lnd.o Julius Keithly. - Cler1k'M'V'",Kta: J.W.Morrow. " Sheriff.'.'."-.'.'...-.. ... Noble. " Treasurer VjMouJe- ABseaBor --,- oue"- " Hnrvevor I"a "rown. - sShTXsup't:... W L. Baling. Coroner James Daug-hertj. HEPPNER TOWN OFFI0EB8. .,, T. J. Matlock ('ounciirae'u '.''''.0. E. Farnsworth, M Taohtenthai, Otis Patterson, 8. P. Garngues, Thos. Slorgan and Frank Gilliam. Recorder...:. A. A. Boberto. Tramirer h.h- SloOUm &T'.'.V... .... J- W- Itaemus. SECEET SOCIETIES. Doric Lodge No. 20 K. of P. meets ev ery Tuesday evening at 7.80 o'clock in tlieir Castle Hall, National Hank build ing. Sojourning brothers cordially in--l?..A ... utfon.t F.MtT. Vokuz. C. 0. 'TO. Adbbky. K. of It. & 8. tf KAWLINS POST, NO. 81. G. A. B. Meets at Lexington. Or., the last Saturday of each month. All veterans are invited to join. O.C.Boon, Geo. W.Smith. Adjutant, tf Commander. PROFESSIOlTAi. A A. ROBERTS, Real Estate, InBur- ance and Collections. Office in Counoil Chambers, Heppner, Or. swtf. 1. N. BROWN, Attorney at Law. JAS. D. HAMILTON. Brown & Hamilton, Practice in all courts of the Btate. Insurance, real estate, colleotijn and loan aiienta. Prompt attention given to all business entrust, ed to them. Ornoc Main Stbeet, Heppneb, Obkoon. First National Bank OF HEPPNER, C. A. RHEA. FKANK KELLOGG, President. Vice-President. George W. Conser, Cashier. C. I. Levis, Ass't Cashier. Transacts a General Banking Business EXCHANGE On all parts of the world ; Bought and Sold, Collections made at all points on Rea sonable Terms. Surplus and Undivided profits, 123,527.10 Frank H. Snow, Commissioner TJ. S. Circuit Court at Leiington, Or., is authorized to receive fees for publication of final proofs. 414-tf. VALUABLE PRESENT. A Year's Subscription to a Pop ular Agricultural Paper GIVEN PREE TO OUR READERS By a special arrangement with the publishers we are prepared to furnish FREE to each of our readers a year's subscription to the popular monthly agricultural journal, the American Fahmer, published at Springfield and Cleveland, Ohio. This offer is made to nny of our sub scribers who will pay up all arrearages on subscription and one year in advance, and to any new subscribera who will pay one year in advance. The American Farmer enjoys a large national circula tion, and ranks among the leading agricultural papers. By this arrange ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re oeive the American Farmer for one year, It will be to your advantage to oail promptly. Snmple oopies can be seen at our office. From Torminal or Interior Points the lie RA.I LEOAD1 Is the line to take )Ai'nTfi 1? umwim It is the Dining Car Route. It rnne Through VeHtibulud Truiim every duy in the year to St. Paul and Chicago (No Change of Cars) Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed, 1'ULLMAN DRAWING ROOM SLEEPERS Of Latest Equipment TouristSleepingCars ltefit that ciin be constructed and in which nc cimimodiil ions Hro both free and fnrnished for hohlure of first or second-class tickets, and Elegant Day Coachs. A Continuous Line connecting with all Lines, affording Direct and Uninter rupted "Service. Pullman Sleeper Reservations can be Secured, in advance through any agent of the road, TimOT7GlT TICKETS To and from all points in Amorica, Ena-land and Europa can be purchased at any Ticket orKco of this Company. Full information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General PaRsenger Agent. No. 121 First St., Cor. Washington, tf. PORTLAND OREGON rrii i' i i 1 1 1 1 i tlOTIoinRY.0 jasemsfiwairA oni'mil. iRRAMIJFAfKNT WITH" T FT V. 1) publishers, we are able to obtain a number of th" above book, and nroposo to furnibh a copy to eacn 01 our suuBcnuerB. Thu dictionary iB a necessity in every home school and business house. It rills a vacancy drcd other volumes of the choicest books could supply. Young and old, educated and ignorant, rich and poor, should have it within reach, and a a huvi. nuked if this is really the Oria imil Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, we are able to state we nave learueu uireci noiii uitj UliUllBliein 111c iiu v, " " J " complete on which about forty of the best yearn of the author s life were so well employed in Writing. L ij:JliUViiin viiii ..i...imj about VW.UM) wonls, indudtiifs the correct spell I11K derivation and dellnition of same, and Is the reKular Btandard sie, containing about :KXl,000 scimre inches of printed surface, and is bound iu cloth half morocco and sheet). Until turther notice we will turnish this valuable Dict;onary rirst I o any new suDscriDer. Second To any renewal subscriber. Third To any subscriber now in arrears who pays up and one year in advance, at the following prices, viz: Full Cloth bound, gilt side and back stamps, marbled edges. $i-oo. Half Mo'occo, bound, gilt side and back stamps, marbled edges, $1.50. Full Sheep bound, leather label, marbled edges, $2.00 Fifty cents added in all cases for express age to Heppner. f-&ki the publishers limit the time and number of books they will furnish at the low priceB, we advise all who desire to avail them selves of this great opportunity to attend to it at once. FETO TIE AFFLICTED. All who are suffering from the effects of Youthful Errors, Loss of Manhood, Failing Powers, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis and the many troubles which are the effects of these terrible A'.anr.lar will roPAiVfV FltKH OF CttAHQfi. full directions how to treat and cure themselves at home oy writing 10 tu Calipohsia Medical and Surgical In- fikmabt, Ur: Market street, 01 Francisoo, California. 4G5-ly. That Your Hair may retain its youthful color, fullness, and beauty, dress it daily - with Ayer's Hair Vigor It cleanses the scalp, cures humors, and stimulates a new growth of hair. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass. Weat. itm i 19 Fail From some long-standing ailment, or feel that your constitution (nervous system) in failing, or that some affliction has taken, or is tnkitiR, permanent hold of you, which yon have been, and are still, unable to throw off or control, whether in the first or lust stnye remember that Dr. Gregg's ELECTRIC BELTS And Appliances. aud system of home treatment will cure you. No medical or other mode of electric treatment can at all compare with them. Thonmunls of women who sutler for years with complaints peculiar to aex, have been completely and per inanently restored to health. No fewer men have also been cured. Electric treatment for diseases suggested, pro perly applied, is perfect and has im KJil substi tute. The Gri'Kf; Eleetrie Belt and Appliances are the only ones in existence that supply a perfect mode of application. The (ireK Electric, Foot Warmer, price $1.00, keeps the feet warm and dry and is the only genuine Electric, Insole. People who have paid their money and been cured can tell you what has been done for them in a way that will convince you. Complete cat alogue of testimonials, prices, etc., tie. Circular free. BIG INDUCEMENTS TO GOOD AGENTS, Address THE GREGG ELECTRIC CURE CO. 501 Inter Ocean Building, Chicago, 111. Real Merit JPillsP NO!! If you take pills it la because you have never tried thu s. B. Heaflacne & Liver Cure It works so nicely, cleansing the Liver and Kidneys; acts as a mild physic without chusIiir pain or BicknesN, and does not Btop you from eating and working. To try it is to become a friend to it. For sale by Slocum-JohnBton Drug Co., Heppner t-ViiwV HEALTH RESTORER. sns USEIT! IT 18 THE IPEAIj MEDICINE. It rouses the Liver and Kidneys aad Stomach, Cures Headache, Dyspepsia, creates an Appe tite, Purifies the Impure Biood, and Mak-en The Weak Strong. ETPFUNDF R'SlfSl ll!Uilll:l;)jfflfTTT1 Used everywherei 91 abottletsixfor$5. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. The success of this Great CouRh Cure Is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can successfully stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous ex pense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United Iltatcs and Canada. If you have a Cou?h, Bore Throat, or Bron chitis, use it, for It will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or WhoopingCough, use It promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Aslt your Dmgnist for BHILOH'8 CURE, Price 10 cts. , 50 cts. and Jl .00. If your Lungs aresoreor Back lame, use Bhiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cts. For sale by all Drug gists and Dealers. IVfitl PI IVl'd A COMI'I.KTK ASSORT LLUitb l)L.1.1i0. ment at the Gazette office MISS-OUTS ggg on. y elite i t In.,.!--. ",J -tnin iam-H,all wiiuiiri-. rfi ,!, work, wviv''t, nri'l ciiimut il': tftct.-d byo tBi(i.-r3. Ciiili'Iint i. l , .tm-.pooili.' '-e llh ifum' inviu t;d. '-Mi.-OuUt ' tu rret. Pair UirU. Lyft, Ivory tee cut i pair, loiulct, blg-h or low, II A. Ordinary work, to pa., t(rie, 1-i or 9 IS Inch, pair, II ; ivorr. Finest niurk. ,1 eartli,, tl 2T.a !. &i w '-at. Hits, live guaraaUKd. KL! into, Bof K, ib!ec la. 0 r 10 SCANDINAVIAN NEWS. The criminal court of Copenhagen has sentenced Mr. Peterson, editor of the Workman, a socialistic paper, to one year in the bouse of correction. Several arti cles of an inlliiroutory charaoter, which were published in the Workman, caused the verdict. Several lieutenants in the Danish navy intend to participate in the Nnnsen North Pole expedition, which will start from Norway January 1, 1893, if it will be de oided to muke the journey through the Bebring sen, but a oouple of mouths Inter if the way Is to be taken north of Nor way. , The agitntion in the Swedish Ricksdag for a new cousoript law enforcing ninety days' yearly military praotice iu barracks, etc., has fallen through the lower house. During the debate, Mr. Bezell, a member for the provinoe of Halland, opined that should the bill pass the 6equel would likely be, that the entire troop of oon script soldiers would depart for America, leaving only the commanding officers be hind a double calamity indeed. "A Doll's House," Ibsen's famous dra ma, was reoently performed at the Khe dive's theatre in Cairo, the part of "Nora" being played by Miss .Ta.iet Acburch, the lady who first produced 'he play iu Lon don, and who was now on her return voyage from Austria to the English me tropolis, where she has already resumed her role. The papers of Cairo highly praise the performance, which made a great impression on the audienoe. In the mineral mining districts of Nor berg in Sweden, where a large strike has recently taken plaoe, the young lads of 15 and 16, forming the roligioua prepara tory class for the sacramental rite of con firmation, admitting them as members of the established Lutheran church, have seemingly caught the socialistic ideas of their seniors. At one of their class meet ings, instead of listening to the spiritual exhortation of their pastor, the Rev. D. Erhmdson, they read aloud an article printed in the Social Democrat about the reverend doctor himsell and when he re quested one of the boyb to leave tbey all rose and left, staying away for an hour, during which they to the work ingmen's ball and held a meeting. They passed the resolution tl at unless the rec tor would grant then a vacation they would all strike for good, and none of them return to his religious class. As Pleasant to Take as Any Other Tea. . .APortlndO.. AociMt 12. , Having a severe backache last winter, I was induoed to try the Oregon Kidney Tea. I found it very beneficial in its results. It is not more unpleasant to take than other tea. I would recom mend it to those afflicted as I whs. John P. Fakmeb. THE WOOL MARKET, What Mr. E. V. Judd, of II. C. Judil Root, Thinks of Future PrleeH for Territory Wouls-Otuer Wool News. Mr. E. Y. Judd, of the firm of H. O. Judd & Boot, Hnrtford, Conn., is with us again, looking after the large and exten sive interests of bis firm in this locality. The firm is undoubtedly one of the larg est, oldest and strongest commission bouses in the East and, we are satisfied, stand foremost in amount of wool han dled in this seotion. Mr. Judd has just arrived from San Francisco, whore they have a brunch house, and expects to re main in this section for several weeks. Though rather enrly, he says, to pre dict the ruling valuations for Eastern Oregon wools, still from every indica tion, both abroad and from the eastern seaboard, one is safe in saying that the price of our loDg stapled and fine worst ed wools, such as one finds largely in this market, has reached the lowest notch. Not that we should look for any great or rapid advance in prices, but that any ohange must surely be for the better and that we shall see, duiing the next sixty days, a gradual hardening of prices. Australian wools, at the recent sales, fully reoovered from the deoline of the previous oue, whioh should cause activ ity among Oregon wools aud tend to bring them more than ever into favor the coming season. The market thus far at San Fruucisoo has been largely on a sampling order, buyers wishing to have forward as soon as possible, representative lots that they could place before their trade, line scoured Oregon wool is quoted there at 50o, f. o. b., beiDg about five (5) cents lower than the price of a year ago. This would mean from two to three cents on the grease pound below the price quoted last year. Though possibly showing a shade greater decline than the Eastern market, still two cents off from the high est point reached last season, would be f fair baBis of calculation, judging from sales made reoently in Hartford. Of course one must take into oonsider ation that everything points toward a lighter shrinkage of wool this year, whinh nhould in a measure offset the de oline in price. Hhould look for a Bteady trade all the season, with increased de mand as the season advances. A First-Cafe Kemfily. Cove, Union Co., Or., Deo. 20, The Kidney Tea bus given good satis faction. We think it a first class kidney remedy. Ukkh & Haydkn, General Dealers. Clinton Bo) nobis and Tom Little, of Walla Walla, arrived this morning with fonr horses that will likely participate iu the 'coming raoes. Heppner will un doubtedly have a big race meeting this spring. ALLIANCE COLUMN Submitted by a subscriber. A vote oast for principle is never thrown away. The people's party is not for this cam paign alone. It is now only beginning its work. "Monopoly has the republican party in one pooket and the democratic party in the other pocket." Rev. T. Dewitt Talmage. The working class of people have at last awakened to a realization of the faot that if they hope to ever settle the labor problem they must begin to act at once. Old-party leaders will soou find that the people have begun to use their heads as well as their hands, and that demo cratic and republican sermons are no longer swallowed without salt. Several of the demooratic congress men have, since the vote on the silver bill, openly deolared their intention to support the people's party ; whereat the democratic leaders gnash their teeth and crack the party whip. Iioscoe Conklin, the stalwart of the stalwart republican senators, in debate in the United States senate, said : "There has been no progressive act of legisla tion in the interests of the common peo ple in a score of years." Grand Army men, please take notice that Gen. James B. Weaver, the able ad vocate of the people's party principles, introduced and labored earnestly for the bill to pay the soldiers the difference be tween the depreciated currency in whioh they were paid and gold. T. V. Powderly says: "Those who be lieve that the government should own and operate the railroads and telegraphs should net run the risk of being side tracked by switching to one side or the other, but should keep right iu the mid dle of the road." The people have been goaded past en- duranoe by the unjust acts of the old party leaders and they no longer fear to spoak and act for themselves. They know who is responsible for their pres ent oondilion and now rise in their strength for a reform in the system that is oppressing them. Money hoars the same relation to the people of a nation that the blood bears to the human system. Contract the cur rency and the business of the nation suf fers, the effeot being more apparent up on the poorer olasses. There is not suf ficient circulating medium in the United States, and one of the demands of the people's party is that it be increased. Through the republican and demooiat- io machines the plutooruts rule the Unit ed States with a merciless band and the people oan see no hope to obtain justice aud freedom under either of the old par ty banners. Is it strange that thinking men renounoe such party fealty and en ter upon a oampaign to right the wrongs that have been bo unsoruoulously thrust upon them? In Texas the people's party movement amounts to almost a landslide, and the Fort Worth Gazette, a democratic organ, says: The people's party movement is push ed with an energy and njstem hitherto unknown in pernios. It is Bheer mad ness to ignore this menace, or to treat it as another greenhaok craze, to vauixh as rapidly as it dime. It is a movement with large energies to pusn it, una with undisclosed resources to back it. It is using with no little effect the treacher ous oourse of congress upon the finan cial issue and the seeming indorsement by the legislature of Mr. Mills' views on the subject. Leading Southern senators, inoluding Mr. Lake, have openly ex pressed the opinion that the democratic party is likely to lose electoral votes in the South because of the fate of the lilaud bill. It is juFtt us well to face the danger in Texas and to prepare to avert it. The members of the alliance aud the people's party stand upon a platform that uppeals to the common sense of ev. ery voter. In all probability the battle will be a long and bitter one, for the plutooruts and leaders of the old parties will not give up their control without a struggle, But right rind justice will prevail. We have not acted without counting the cost. It is better to make an effort now for ourfelves than to culm ly await serfdom, which will surely be our fate if we do not avert it. We are fighting for every blessing that freedom gives and against the ourse that slavery entails. We do not seek the rich man's gold. We do not want something for nothing. We want simple justioe. We ohject to being "legally" robbed. We stand out for olear-out principles thai are just and honorable, and for reforms that are essentiul to the well being ol the whole people. IONE ITEMS. Mrs. W. A. Allyn, of lone, starts Tuesday morniLg for Portland to visit her daughter, Mrs. E. B. Davis. On her way back will stop at Hood Biver a few days to vifiit her son, W. If. Allyn, and fnniilv. aud her son, H. H. also. Her daughter, Nettie, will go with her. Mrs, Al yn will also be accompanied oy mihs Franois Rose ou her way to South Bend She has been visiting her Grandpa Allyn and other relatives on Willow creek, for a few weeks, and it is supposed she leaves a broken-hearted young man lo wander alone on those bunohgruss hills, EIGHT MILE NEWS. Since our first visit to this (tbe best part of Morrow county) some three months ago, thousands of acres of new land have been broken. The present indications point to the fact that the coming harvest will be the largest and most profitable in the history of the country. This means something. It rneans there will be thousands of tons of bright gruin to be marketed this year and double that quantity next year. This farming distriot needs some more efficient means of transportation and if Heppner merchants would hold the val uable trade in sight, she must take active measures to secure better roads or a railroad. Yes, that is strung talk, but inside of two years a railway will oonnect this great farming belt with the Colum bia. It must oome and the careful business man oannot stop the mighty ourrent but he may in some measure direct its course. It oosts today over tweuty-five oents per bushel to ship wheat to Portland; full one third of average market prioe. The distance is not much over two hun dred miles. Is this a fair division of the profits of lubor? Is there any justioe in oalling men "oalamity howlers" that are opposed to such oonditions? lias a man any right to "kick" on railway tariffs when the freight on a two-horse wagon is only a few dollars more than the prioe of n wagon at the factory? Who Bays this ain't so? Milhurn, South Bend, Bacine and Mishawaka farm wagons are listed nt the factory at from f.i7 to $53 and if any of you can buy an ordinary farm wagon for less than from $95 to 8110, please tell where in Morrow Co. the man keeps the si ore. Farmers are accused of being dissatis fied and of oomplaiuing without cause. Examiue these conditions. The next man who represents Eastern Oregon in congress will do well to look after the interests of the oommon people. These people want an open river or lower freight rutes aud they will have it. Ia there anything more plain than the evidence of "jobbery" on the Columbia river at the Cascades where for thirteen years tbe government has been working (?) to give tbe people an opu riyer? The "linger prints" aro visible ot the same agency that pays annually to the Canadian Pacific railway company a subsidy of nine hundred thousand dol lars to let the freight business of the Pacifio Northwest alone. Who indirect ly pays this enormous sum? The work ing people. Every man, woman and child, every agenoy public or private, every news paper iu the laud should be arrayed against this outrage. Every publio man should pledge himself to faithful work for reform in this direction and if ho neglects his duty, on his return he should be tarred and feathered. Never was there more interest man ifested in a political contest and never was anticipating the result such an enigma. Men, women ana children all know something of the great issue now pending. Even tbe people turn religious meetings into political controversies, us was the case Bt Eight Mile Center today. Beal estate is changing hands Borne and people are beginning to realize that this is a "sure enough" farming country. Some improvemeuts are being made on the puhho highways which are sadly in need of repair. About one thousand dollars have been .ponded on the Butter Milk canyon road and it will take at least five linn dred more to place it in fair ooudifion. Active preparations are being made by A. II. Hooker and family to move to the coast in a few weeks. Mr. Hooker is well suited with this as a farming coun try and feels confident that no better oan be found, but physicians have recom mended a change of climate (or his wife. Mr. H. oume litsre a few years ago with little or no moans. Settling in this new country, ho has supported a large family and laid by a competence for coining years. "Pap" Hooker, as he is familiarly called, never was a glowing success as a financier, still be lias a fair share of this world's goods, anil a list of friends whoso name is legion. Large-hearted, good, kind, charitable, jolly, old "Pap" Hooker, ever ready to serve his country or its people. His departure will be mourned and the best w ishes of the entire oommunity will follow him through all time, aud when the hour comes that he must lay aside sword aud shield, if each one whom he hus befriended, will place a flower on his grave he will sloep 'neuth & wilderness of roses. Ed Hooker snys "the present outlook for a crop surpasses anything ever seen in this country. For a wonder stubble land is too wet to plow nicely." Farthor down the road two good Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ABSOLUTELY PURE neighbors get to be bad neighbors about a oo w. Peace has been restored through the intervention of friends. It is well. Wright Saling, Bud Ingraham and E. B. Stanton have changed the complexion of the earth in their neighborhood by plowing several hundred acres of sod. Chas. A. Repass has the finest farm on Hale Bidge and the only feature about his surroundings thatoould be improved upon, would necessitate his resiguing his offioe in the Bachelors' olub. The sohool at Hale Bidge is under the care of Miss Anna Clark, of Lone Bock. Miss Clark is deservedly enjoying the reputation of a first-class teaoher some thing seldom acoorded unless doubly earned. It is expected that Miss Clark will teaoh a class in music, n branch in which she is proficient. The Sunday sohool at H le Bidge is in a prosperous condition. Andrew Ham will soon resume school duties at the Center, which have been olosed for two weeks on account of diph theria, Ed Kood says "love blinds." Herman Meissner Bays "cayenne pepper blinds." 0. A. Repass says "alopathio doses of either oue are pietty effeative." What oan he know about either one? Ask something easier. Albert Lovgreen says "cayenne pepper would not help his oouiplexiou one bit, but that he might he persuaded to try the other remedy." Jim Iuskeep will make on exoolleut judge whether eleoted or not. You niBy wonder at my preseuoe in this looality when I should be ranking rails near Parker's mill. Word oame that a new politioal party was being organized that would sweep everything before it. Imagine our chagrin Bfter so much waste of energy to find nothing in it. The wise ones shake their heads and prediot that snouer or later the bidden truth will come to light. For the pres ent we cun only watch and pray. Eiuht Mile, May 15. T. K. B. Electric Hitters. This remedy is becoming well known and so popular us to need no Bpo oial mention. All who have used elec tric hitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all thut ia olaiiued. iilectno bitters will ouie all diseases ot the liver aud kidneys, will removo pim pimples, boils, salt rheum and other af fections caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from tbe system and pre vent as well as onre all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation and indigestion try Eleotric Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money re funded. Price (5(1 oeuts aud $1 per bot tle at Slooum-Johnston Drug Co.'s. L'l'PEIt IIIIEA t'KEKK. John Copple hns been very sick. We are having lots of rain at present. Jess Kirk was iu our neighborhood lust week. Sam Croeson made a trip to Black this week. Grant Copplo is going to herd sheep tor Wm. Penlaud. B. F. Ilevlaud made a business trip to Heppner this week. Miss Cora Hevlund was visiting rela tives on Six Dollar last Monday aud Tuesday. B. F. Hevlund and Fred Thonins made a trip to the forks of the creek last Satur day. They report tlio roads about im passable. Panoake. Hiieklcn'H Arnica Halve. The best Balve in tbo world for cuts, bruises, sores, uloers salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, aud all skiu eruptions, nnd posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It id guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or mouey refunded. Prion 25 cents per box. For sale by Slooum-.lohnston Drug Co. A Singular ('use. Bill Dampuinn, a miner at Soda creek, near Boise City, Idaho, Iiuh for some time been missing a great deal of rich amalgam from his sluice boxes. He kept watch several nights and noticed a small calf come about the same time every night and drink from the sluice box. On the night of tlio 15th iust., he fired at the calf. With a human cry the calf staggered upon its hind legs and fell to tbe ground. Buuuing up to tbo sup posed animal Mmpmun discovered he bud shot and killed a young man who hail been around the camp for some time. Later investigations showed thut instead ot a mule, the supposed boy was a girl about eighteen years old. She wns found to be encieute, which proved thut some mun knew her sex and the theory is that he planned tbe robbery which niUHt have netted him thousands of dollars. Clark E. Hunt, of Fos-il, was dragged to death by a horse Monday of last week. B&king Powder