OFFICIAL si- PAT Kit :Take your Babies to . . THURSDAY . C&..G K TIIEIIl . . 'Mi THE PHOTXiR'A' 1hipietifi frre tij Cluix&c, ( mff First-danH au't it Living Half 8- .... SS IIEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1892. NO. 489. TENTH YEAR WHOA JANUARY 1 'TILL I DROP IXTO . . Smith & Williamson's MAY STREET STORE for some New Furni ture. 1 saw their ad. in the Gazette, where they said "Big assortment and tow prices" or suthin' tike it. Ole hnss, don't you move ti l I git back with them fine fixing' for Sallie. Now whoa, I tell ye! ) ' wi ) SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATCERSON PUBLISHING COMPAM ALVAH W. PATTERSON Bus. Manager. OTIS PATTERSON ., Editor' At $3.00 per year, $1.50 for six months, for three mouuia; in advance. $1.00 Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. The XI -A-O-XjE, " of Long Creek, Grant County, Oregon, is published by the same com pany every Friday morning. Subscription price, $'iner year. For advertising rates, address OEIIW Ij. rATTEESOlT, Editor and Manager, Long Creek, Oregon, or "Gazette," Heppner, Oregon. THI8 PAPER is kept on tile at E. C. Daka's Advertising Agenoy, M and f5 Merchants Eiohangs, Ban Francisco, California, where con tract for advertising can be made for it. 171 C. PENTLAND, SECRETARY OF THE It, Oregon Press Association, 2i Ash Street, between First and Second, Portland, Oregon, is onr only agent located in that place. Advertis ers should consult him for rates and space in the Gazette. THE GAZETTE'S AQliNTS. Wagner B. A. Hunsaker Arlington, Henry Heppner Long Creek The Eagle Kcbo Bob Shaw Cainas Prairie, Oscar lie Vaul Matteson, A11.fv"Ilif,G-r11l Nye, Or., H. C Wright Hardman, Or., i;i.-A- Hamilton, Grant Co., Or . . .Mattie A. ltudio lone T. J. Carl Prairie Citv, Or R. K. McHaley Canyon City, Or J;- H1'l"in Pilot Kock, U. P. bkelton Dayville, Or., -J.B. Snow John Day, Or.,. F. I. McCallum Athena, Or .John Ellington Pendleton, Or., Will. G. McCroBkey Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Or Postmaster Shelby, Or., Miss Stella Hett Fox, Grant Co., Or v""! Eight Mile, Or Mrs. Andrew Ashbaugh Upper Khea Creek B. F. Hevland Douglas, Or ,v;;B,' Nhite i u,i,.k nr R. M. JohnBon Gooseberry . W. P. Snyder Condon, Oregon H",btrt ,!,tt.1?) Lexhint on. W. B. McAlister AN AUKNT WANTED IN EVERY FllKCINCT. Union Pacific Railway-Local card. No, 10, mixed leaves Heppner 8:20 a. m, " io, " ar. at Arlington 11-50 a.m. " D, " leaves " 8:47 p. m, y, " ar. at Heppner 7.-00 p. m except Sunday. daily East bound, main line ar. at Arlington 8:50 p. m. West " " " leaves :W P. m. Night trains are running on aaine time as before. CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Stage leaves for Monument daily, except Sunday, at 6 .30 a. m. Arriroa ,inilv. exceDt Monday, at Direct connection oan be made at Monument with the Long Creek stage, rtniu aiana hor.ropAn Lone- Creek and Canyon City, connecting at the latter place with tlie stage lor uurns auu ou- vieB valley. OrPICIALS. Governor a-rPSuhi' Bee. of State Kh?n Treasurer "'.E.B. MoElroy. Supt. Instruction Judge Hevonth District, District Attorney . W. L. Bradshaw W. H. Wilson MORROW COUNTY. Joint Senator "rThomSn Representative ,h.TT. , u.' t lonnty Judge - "," ' ' Commissioners J. A. IhompBon, . , ' .T. W. Morrow. .. Sheriff '.'.V.'. o. Noble. Surveyor W School Hup't W.L. Sal u g. Coroner..... James Daugherty, HEPPNER TOWN OFFICERS, .,, T.J.Matlock Sumen"::;;;":;: e. Ijiohtenthal, Otis raiicrnou. Thos. Morgan and Frank Gilliam. Recorder. '.'.'.!.K. G- Slocum m.iT.T ' J. W. Rasmus. SECBBI SOCIETIES. n : rtn. hi... wi TC. of P. meet ev ery Taosday evening . at 7.30 o'clock in their i;aeue nail, mlioim ins. Sojourning brothers cordially in vited to attend. , Emil VoBUZ, C. L. C. Aubbkv. K. of a. 4 8. KAWLIN8 POST, NO. 81. O. A. R. MeeU at Lexington. Or., the last Saturday of each month. All veterans are lnvitea to juiu, C. C. Boon, Adjutant, tf Oko. W. Smith. Commander. PEOPESSIOITAI.. A A. BOBERTS, Real Estate, iBsur Collections. Office in Counoil Chambers, Heppner, Or. swtf. First National OF HEPPNER,- Bank C. A. RHEA. President. FBANK KELLOGG, Vice-President. George W. Conser, Cashier. C. I. Lewis, Ass't Cashier. Transacts a General Banking Business EXCHANGE On all parts of tha world Boug; ht and bold, Collections made at all points on Rea sonable Terms. Surplus and Undivided profits, $23,527.10 Frank H. Snow, Commissioner U. S. Circuit Court at Lexington, Or., is authorized to reoeive fees for publication final nrnrtfll. tit-ii FRAZER AXLE GREASE BEST IS THE WOBtD, Itwrui qualities ir onluryaMed, actus"' for flALE BT DEALERS GENERALLY. JyT A Year's Subscription to a Pop ular Agricultural Paper GIVEN FREE TO OUR READERS By a special arrangement with the publishers we are prepared to furnish FREE to each of our readers a year's subscription to the popular monthly agricultural journal, the Amebican Fabmer, published at Springfield and Cleveland, Ohio. This offer is made to any of our sub scribers who will pay np all arrearages on subscription and one year in advance, and to any new subscribers who will pay one year in advance. The American Farmer enjoys a large national circula tion, and rants among the leading agricultural papers. By this arrange ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re oeive the American Farmer for one year, It will be to your advantage to oail promptly, Sample oopies can be seen at our office. From Terminal or Interior Points the . Northern Pacific RAILBOAD! Is the line to take TO. Tt. is thfl DininfirCar Route. It runs Through Vesti buled TraiuB every duy in the year to St. Paul and Chicago (No Change of Cars) Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed, PULLMAN DRAWING ROOM SLEEPERS Of Latest Equipment TouristSleepingCars nnDt tmf nun Vin onnntriintod and in which ac commodations are both free and furaieiied for holders of farat or Beconu-ciauB ucjebw, ana Elegant Day Coachs. A Continuous liine oonneotinft with all ' Lines, affording Direct anil Uninter rupted Service. Pullman Sleeper Reservations canbe Secured in advance through any agent of the road. THTiOUail- TICKETS To nrid from all points in America, EuKiHiid and Europ.1 can be purchased at any Ticket otrioe of this Company. Full information concerning .rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHAKLTON, Assistant Genera Passenger Agent. No. 121 First St., Cor. Washington, tf. PORTLAND OREGON The Original DIGTIOHHRY . Y HPKOIAL ARRANGEMENT WITH THE publisliers, we are auie to ooiHiii a nuniuci oo 108 :v of th- above boon, ana propose io luriusn conv to each of our subBcrluerH, The dictionary is a necessity in every home, school and business house. It tills a vacancy, -...I ftii-iiiulion If nowleilim which no one hull iir...i othi-r volumes of the choicest books could supply. Young allU Olil, euucaieu auu iKiioiaui, rich and poor, should have It within reach, and refer tO US COIIieillS eveiy uuy in ute y n. . As mmi hflve UHKea II mis is reany uic 1....1 WMtstpr'a thiatiridired Dictionary, we are able to state we have learned direct from the publishers the liict, luai mis is me very . Complete On WHICH UUOUi luny ,n wc i:o. , D ... .1,0 nnthnr'i 11, wore so wen eiiiiuoveu in writing. It contains the entire vocabulary of about 1110,0(10 words, includine the correct spell ing, derivation auu unmrnu.. ... . ., ,v,u r.i,lnr standard size. containillK about 300,600 square inches of printed surface, and is OOUnu 1U ClOUl uau uiuiww ."u duvw. Until further notice we will furnish this valuable Dict:onary First To any new subscriber. Second To any renewal subscriber. Third To any subscriber now in arrears who pays up and one year in advance, at the following prices, viz: Full Cloth bound, gilt side and back stamps, marbled edges, $i-oo. Half Mcocco, bound, gilt side and back stamps, marbled edges, $1.50. Full Sheep bound, leather label, marbled edges, $2.00 Fifty cents added in all cases for express age to Heppner. fmAn the publishers limit the time and nmiioer oi lawks they will furnish at the low ..Pioa we arlviite all who desire to avail them selves of this great opportunity to attend to it at once, FBEE TO THE AFFLICTED. All who are suffering from the effects of Youthfnl Errors, Loss of Manhood, Failing Powers, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Strioture, Syphilis and the many troubles which are the effects of these terrible disorders will receive, Free op Charge, full directions how to treat and cure themselves at home by writing to the California Medical and oubgioal in- VTllW 1RV. Market Street, San FrBncisco, California. 4f5-ly. Webster's Unabridged The Golcfcrated French Sure, "APHR0D1TINE" luS Is Sold ok a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to euro any form of uervoui disease, or auy disorder of the EUFORG generative or- AFTER (ant of either aex whether arisiug from the axceisive use of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opium, or through youthful Indiscretion, over indulg ence, Ac, such as Loss of Brafn Power, Wakeful ness, Bearing down Fains lu the Back, Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn al Kmission;, Leucorrhcea, Dizziness, Weak Mem. ory, Loss of Power and Impotency, which If ne glected often lead to prematureoldageand Insan ity. Price $1.00 a box, 6 boxes lor 5.00 Bent by mail on receipt of price. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE forevery $5.00 order, to refund the money If a Permanent care is not effected. Thousands of testimonial! from old and young, of both sexes, permanently iiuredbyAPHRODiTiNi. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. W1BT1BN BRANCH, BOX 27 PORTLAND, OR Sold in Heppner by Slocum-Johnston Drug Co IN ITS WORST FOUM. 1 Benton, Lap. Co., Wis.. Doe., 88, Rev. J. C. Beryen vouches for thu following: Jiimoa Koouey, who wua suiicriug from St. Vitus' Dance in its worL form for nuout l'i yoars, wna troutcd by eeveral )hyf k-iaus without effect; two bottlua of Pastor Koen g'a Norve Tonio cur.3d him. A JIONTRUAL LETTER. CTlte True Wltnest ami Chnmtcte, Montreal, Can., published Oct. 24, We lire in rucoipt of a letter from oueof our well-known citizens, Mr. E. Boisvert, who writo Hint upon l econi uiendatioQ of the most Kev. M. Mitrchnml, of Driumiimiilville, lie wus inuueed to we for that mosttlreuilful of nil nervous uieiiieH, Fl'1'8, a fov hotlles of Pastor Koeuig'B Nerve 1 onic; rnd is Klad to say Hint after having puffernd or blunt years is now entirely cured, ami henrtily recommends all sufferers of nervous (liacabes to try this reined. FREE A Valnahle RnoTt on Nervous DIseanesBuntfreeto uny address. ana poor patients can juho omnia tliis medicine tree of charge. Thin remedy has been prMad by the Rever-BndPaBtorKoeniR.ofFct1- ' tane,Ind., since 1876, and is now prepared jaant bis direction by the KOEN1C MED. CO., Chicago, 111. Sold by Druggists at SI per Bottle. 0 for B5. 6 Bottles for 9. Sold in Portlnnd, Oregon, by IS lie U, He it uliii A Wuoiini'il. TO WOOL OEOWEliS! I IT. YOU WANT To keep your Sheep healthy, and insure a good cup, una HAY WARD'S : SHEEP : DIPS. A Sure Cure at Moderate Cost. HAYWARD S PASTE DIP Mixes with either COLD or WARM WATER. HAYWARD S LIQUID DIP Is Non-Poisonous, Improves the Wool and does Not stain it. CHRISTY a& WIWK, Wool Commission Mbkchants, Filth and Townsend Sts., Ban Francisco General Agents. For sale by Slooum-Johnston Drug Co. 4:i-474. ALLIANCE COLUMN Submitted by a subscriber. The Portland Oregoman says the "nl lianoe oranks" and "free silver knaves' are all wrong, in fact criminal, in their demands regarding fiuanoial legislation; that there is plenty of money for those who are willing to work for it; in short, tbat laziness and improvidence prompt their "oalamity howling." How is that anyhow, farmers of Morrow county? Are you willing to work? Do you work? Is it the usual tiling to reoeive a fair price for your wheat, for which the consumer pays a high price? Who gets the differ ence? How is it with the 1500 women in Boston who are earning less than 25 oenta a day? How is it that the 150,000 women in New York City who are earn ing less than GO cents a duy? It is "ca lamity howling," isn't it, to try to better a financial system nnder which the aver age annual amount earned by working- men in our large Eastern cities is from 878 to $182, or $150 to $3 per wee with which to provide themselves aud their families with food, shelter and clothing? At the same time liookfeller has an income of $28 per minute; Jay Gould, $15 a minute; Wm. Waldorf As- tor, $20 a ninute. A financial sytitem is all right that helps those already rich to pile up more millions and prevents those that are poor from obtaining work to do or a reasonable remuneration for their work. Certainly. The system is all right, but the people are lazy and im provident! The demands of the people's party are eminently necessary. They are connti tutional and perfectly practical, arid enacted into laws will destroy the poier of money to oppress the common people Money is scaroe, and source money means bard times and idle people; but an abundant circulating medium means good times and employment for all at fair wages. The constitution of the United States delegates to oongress the exclusive pow er to ooin money and regulate the value thereof, and this right carries with it the moral and legal duty on the pnit of oon gress to issue sufficient money to do the business of the country upon a conserv ative cash basis. The old party leaders would cough down the money question, but it will not down. The people are now aware that there is not suffioient money in cir culation and that they are at the meroy of the money sharks. In a speech delivered in Bostou on the 19th of last month Senator Dolph, the mouthpieoe of the goldbnsra and bank ers, undertook to show how unwise a free coinage measure would be. The re port of his speech takes fonr columns and a half of nonpareil type and the main Btring to his harp was the badly fray ed one of intrinsic value; but the wily sen ator in his over-done efforts to deceive his hearers with sophistry and to bewil der them with a wilderness of words got himself mixed up and all unwittingly de molished his work with one breath by saying: "The silver coins in the coun tries of Europe having a gold and silver standard are maintained in dnmestio cir culation side by side with gold ooins of a greater intrinsio value, first and princi pally by the fact that they are a full le gal tender in the respective oountries is suing them, in payment of debts and ob ligations of all kinds." LONE KOCH'S SPRING OPENING. Ed. Eood, tha king of Eight Mile hachelors, smiled on the fair sex at this place last Sunday. It is a little previous, but we are going to oelebrate the 4th of July in ship shape at Lone Bock this year. John Madden has purohased several head of horses lately, the price paid be ing $100 for choice animals. Grandpa Brown is holding his own pretty well, and is able now and then to give us a few ideas on tariff reform. Miss Nettie Robinson is residing at Condon this summer with L. W. Dar ling, assisting tbat gentleman in his mer chandising business. Ed. Wineland and the firm of Miller & Hill are preparing to start their saw mills in a few days. A good demand for lumber is expected this year. W. C. Brown, the horseman, is gather ing in bis herd preparatory for breeding. Also William Hendrix and others. A larger per cent, of oolts tuis year than usual. Sheep shearing, lamb marking and wool hauling is now oocuiring the time of the average Lone Booker, ail of whioh is very disagreeable on nocount of ti.e never-ceasing rain-fall. The Methodist orgftiiZation of this plaoe are contemplating the ereotion of a church building. The enterprise has not grown suffioient yet to receive the cold water bath givetf to suob work. Who says Lone Book is not prosper ing? Witbin the last moutb our mer chants have received 10 four and six- horse loads of merchandise, seven of the same being for Copner & Halv orson. B. M. Johnson, our genial candidate for sheriff, is putting io his share of the time over the county oalling on bis con stituents Bnd others. May he be suc cessful, is the desire of his many friends hereabouts. The work on the Henpner-Lone Book road is progressing nicely in Buttermilk canyon, and all hands -are preparing to haul their wool via the same. This means many dollars added to the coffers of Heppner business men. Although the road is greatly improved, there should be a few dollars more raised to complete the work to the entire satisfac tion of the) traveling puoiio. wuai say the good people? Miss Nan. Clark, who attended nor mal at Monmouth this winter, is teach ing eobool on Eight Mile, in the Hooker neighborhood. Kkno. Lone Book, (Jr., May VI, VZ. EIGHT MILE NBWS BUDGET. Editor Gazette : Gardens and grain are looking eplcu did. Mr. Morgan, of your burg, visited this vioinity Saturday. There has been two days of sunshine this week which made the grain grow very rapidly. The alliance is making things pretty lively for the republicans and democrats in this vicinity. There are several people of this nflijh borbood who will take their cattle to the mountains to keep the coming summer. Our school, whioh has been most suc cessful, has a vacation of two weeks on account of that contagious disease dipu theria. Mr. Bruce Haines thinks of turning up in South Amerioa within four months, upon an aligator's baok. I wish hin good success with bis trip. Lame Lute, a fellow who came here last summer, has taken him op u ranoh over the other side of Rea creek, whioh he intends making his home. The large amount of sod whioh has been broken out this spring, from what farmers say will cause more rain and that we can rest assured of raising an abund ance of grain. Sunday-school at 10 a. m preaching at 11 a. m.. and at night. To-day all were successful meetings and largely attend ed. Rev. Motor will preaoh here on Tiles day and Wednesday, the 17th and 18th, at 11 and at nigni. The neonle assembled at the Liberty school house, the 7th at 2 p. m., for the purpose of hearing Mrs. n. ti. V. Ji-mory on the political issues of the day. The meeting was called to order and Mr. K H. HtBnton elected chairman of the meet ing. He introdnoed the lady to the audi ence which was tine, and was cheered with laughter and applause. It would take too much time and space to give the full details of her speech. Messrs. Lewis, Sine and Hadley also made excel lent speeches. It was a graud affair, and the bouse crowded to its utmost capaoity Jumuo. Eight Mile, Or., May 8, 1892. SCANDIDAVIAN NEWS. OCR COUNTRY. from the Swedish of J. L. Runehcrg, translated by A. J. Our native land, our fatherland, Sound loud, O, dearest word! Not tow'rs a height toward heaven's verse, Not sinks a vale, nor's wnsh'd a strand, More loved than this our father's earth, Our country in the north. Our land is poor, will thus remain To him that gold doth seek ; A Btranger proud us passes by, But this our laud, ne'er loved in vain, To us with downs and alps and rocks, A gold laud ever looks. We love our rivers' mighty roar, Tho joyfull leaping of our brooks, The moaning of our forest dark, Our starry night, our light, our Bhore; Yea, all what here, as sight or song, Once sttrr'd our heart or tonguo. Our fathers here their battles fought With thought, with sword, aud plow; Here, here, in bright as cloudy times, With lortnnes good or bad, methought, The heart of Finland's folk did beat; Here dwelt true Patience sweet. We counted, then, these battles fought; Our people fought so brave; When war did roar from vale to vale, And frost the pangs of hunger brought; Who measur'd all its oft spill'd blood, And all Its patience view'd? And here it was the blood did flow, Yes, here for ub it was; And here it was that joy it shared, And here the sigh it preBs'd also, The people that our burdens bore, Long ere our days yet were. 'Tis pleasant hero, 'tis well to live, All is us here beBtow'd ; How'er our dice yet may be cast, A land, tiaficrfa?id we have; And now, indeed, what is more wortli To prize and love on earth And here aud here is now this land, Our eye discerns it here; We can at will stretch forth our hand, And gladly point to sea and strand, Anil Baying: "Now, behold this land, It is our fatherland!" And if to dwell midst fame we're led, 'Mongst golden clouds in blue; And were our life a starry dance, Where sigh were not, nor tear were shed ; To this our land, tho' poor, yet free, Our longing still would be. - O, land of thousand lakes, thou land, Where Song and Trust have dwelt, Where life's vast sea us gave a shore; Our ancient land, our future land, Let not thy poverty dismay, Feel free, secure, and gay ! Thy blooming, yet in hud enclos'd, Shall from constraint grow free. Behold ! Out of our love shall rise Thy light, thy fame, thy Joy, all hoped ; And louder once shall sound the song, Our patriotic song. A "Young Men's Conservative 8or'ity" numbering 1,750 members, has been con stituted in Christiana with the avowed purpose of cautiously advancing the new ideas of the times. Festina Lente. Two thousand two hundred nnd twenty- two Swedish conscripts have sought re lease from their patriotic duties in order to emigrate to America, intending, no doubt, to turn their swords into ploughs. The present prime minister of Norway, Johannes Steen, made a sacred promise a little more than 30 years ago that he would work to oonvert Norway into a re public aud himself beoome her first pres ident. He seems pretty near the goal of his ambition. There has been a very severe winter on Iceland, with much snow and ice in the northern parts. Wild reindeers and snipes hnve in masses repaired to the habitations of man and been killed by the thousands. On the southern ooast the winter fisheries have been exceeding ly lucrative. From the Fairo islands great storms are reported.- The antiquated and unjust privilege of rich landowners of entailed estates of nominating the incumbents of the paro- ohial churches has just received a glar ing illustration in the upper house of the Swedish Riksdag. Count Roul Hamil tonhimself Biioh a just patronatus drew the attention of the chamber to the incongruity of him, being a professed Roman Cathoho, to nominate the rector of a protestant ohurch of the established Lutheran oreed of Sweden. However conscientious the nominator may be, still the inoongruity of the antiquated law Is flagrant, for often a free thinker is called upon to exercise the same irrational au thority conferred upon the titled land owners. We must compliment Couut Hamilton upon bia consoieutions and manly unselfish oouduot. Noblesse oblige. IONB ITFMS. The grain prospeot is better every day, and everyone is happy. Our merchant, J. A. Woolery, spent 'aBt week in Hardman, looking after bus iness interests there. We are not behind in the line of ad vance. Two wood-yards have been ad ded to make business lively. Sheep shearers are busy now. A band of over four thousand neatly sheared sheep passed through here Friday on their way to the mountains. The Heppner postmaster had better use a little more care in looking after the Douglns and lone mail, or some of the abused ones may make a little trouble for him. Mail to the two towns baa been missent four times in one month. Mr. Gibson, our blacksmith, is a wid ower no longer. His wife returned from a visit to Walla Wulla two weeks ago. Mr. Woolery has likewise been made happy. His wife returned from a visit to her parents in Monument a week ago. Her sister, Miss Violet, is quite ill with the rheumatism. Mr. Perkins an.l family moved into Mr. Rea's house a half mile below town last week. A. M. U. Tbeo. Cork, J( Allyn and James Saturday. sppb Legrnnd, Geo. Willis gaye na a call A RUSTIC CONVERT. Outing for May. "You kau't ketch nothln' with them thar things' With yarn fer bodies im' feathers fer wings. You must think trout is terrible fools Ter be ketched with sech outlandish tools. "An' look at that pole why, that won't do; A good big trout would bust it in two, An' never think nothln' of what he did, As quick as lightuin' away he slid. "Well, I'll be dum, you can shoot me dead Ef here ain't a windlass lillcd with thread, An' the littlest sort ov thread at that Why man, that wouldn't hold a gnat! "You'll find a good place over here, Under the rapidB deep and clear. You'd better take worms an' cr hickory pole, Or you won't ketch nothin' 'pon my soul!" Sixteen beauties, Bpeckled bright, The basket bore ere the fall of night; He couuted them o'er on the bank of fern, And all that he said was, "Wa'll-I'll be dlirn!' THE BACHELORS' CONVENTION. Contributed by N. J. Once more I will resume my pen, And with these old bachelors I will begin. There Is rat yuaid who 1b lame and lank, Aud the folks say that he'sacrank. My dear old"Honp" they have left you out, The reason why, 1 can't find out. Ah! dear old "Hepp," we love you dear, For you are our old pioneer. There is Joo Williams who once bo merry, His cheeks were red as a blooming cherry ; He is a man by nature mild, But then he has no wife or child. Then there is another they call Colorow, All he thinks of is a steer or cow; School taxeB he thinks aro unjust "ray it I will, because I must." There is Tom Ayers you have put in, Why, you rank him with theBC older men ; Youthful Tom, you must not worry About gelling married; don't bo lu a hurry. Ah! dear old batches, how sad your state; Alis, how I do mourn for your fate. Then we must learn not to despise, For they get foolish instead of wise. EIGHT MILE NEWS. We are having Bn alnindanoo of- rain. Vegetation is looking better for it. Miss May Ashhaugh has been visiting at her brother Fred's for tho past two weeks. Prof. Ham is giving good satisfaction in tho Eight Mile district school. He is as well pleased with the school as the soholurs are with him. School has been closed for almost two weeks on account of a diphtheria scare, but it did not amount to anything. School will open again next Monday. Miss Dell Fuqua spent last week at Mr. Andrew Ashbaugh's. Her visit was muoh enjoyed by the entire family. Miss Susie claimed her for her guest and the two young iBdies had a merry time Farmers have been enabled to break a larger lot of sod than they haye ever broken in one season in this part of Mor row county. It is nothing unusual to hear a man say "I have broken one hun dred acres this spring." Fine proBpeots for "garden suss." There is nothing to enoourage turmera to raise more than they waut for their own use, bb there isBuoh a poor market for them. There are hundreds of bush els of potatoes now in the oountry, and no sale for thom, Fine for the farmer to feed to stock . Carwlv will be iu demand now until af ter eleotion, say nothing nbout candi date cigars, for there are so many candi dates in the field. Farmers' wives will be pleased to know how handsome and intelligent these candidates think their ohildren are, and to aee thorn seated on the great gentleman's knee, playing with hiB watch, reoeiving a liberal amount of candy, the husband treated to a good ci gar, aud at the table to bear praises of her coffee, biscuits, butter and tea. She begins to think these fine gentlemen do have some reHpeot for the farmer, af ter all. These candidates no doubt pass by the homes of "mosBbacks," "Siluri ans," "seven-legged hynastivM," etc., as there would be no use to electioneer among that class; they are very Bet iu their ways, and cigars, prBiHing and pet mg the children and showing apprecia tion of the wives' cooking Would not muke any difference on thorn; they know who to vote for without being bought with "treats" and promises. Eight Mile, Or., May 12,'!l2. I. O. N. GOOSKIIKKIUKH. Rain nnd sunshine. Many of our best farmers nre about through summer-fallowing. Pete Brenner is back from the land of gum boots and umbrellas aud is now turning over the sod at the rate of 15 aores a day. Gooosoberry wants a railroad. Iu the meantime let us got a direot route from Heppner bo we oan got the Ouzotte be fore it's a week old. Give uh county roads and road supervisors. I do not think Rev. Howorton gave np preaohing salvation to the GooBoberry ites because they wore not seeking sul- Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Mm a "& rowaer ABSOLUTELY PURE vatiott, but think he heard of tha farm ers' alliance' as offering a cheaper and more direot route to parudise.- . The roads in the Eight Mile district i are in very bad sbape.r I understand there is no supervisor iu- that distriot, yet I suppose the county court gave thifi ... district a supervisor Bt their session, this week, but we do not know before some ,. time next week, when the Gazette comes riding slow but sure, in Wnnnamaker's oart. Some time ago we had several writers for the Gazette from this point, but now there Beems to be none left but ''Old Bachelor," aud long may he live. Keep it up, old boy, early and late the writ iug, I mean. With pleasure I read your newsy letters. You say in your last communication that our etock inspector had been in our neighborhood perform ing his duty. Now if you know some thing about this stock inspector's busi ness, I'd like to have you give us eonio information. 1. Is it his duty to in spect all stock, or only sheep? 2. Who pays his salary? 3. What are his fees, if any, for examining horses? And now, Mr. Editor, would you pleaoe answer a question? A man in this neighborhood was out rolling some land the other day, wheu his horses be oame unmanageable and broke away. They rolled hills, ouuyons and wire fences very lust, but soon the squeaking roller becamo uumnungeable and broke away from the horses. Now the rolling commenced. The roller rolled and roll ed straight dowu a branch of Eight Mile, heading for the Columbia, till it came to the mouth of the brnuoh, whero it fell orosewiiys in a big man's well. Everything goes oroaswaya here. ''My luck," said the big man, "surely there must be water iu that well, when it oould draw an old, dry roller six miles." But here is the question: To whom does the water, if found, belong; to the owner of the well, the owner of the roller or to the owuer of the land? Give it up. Eu. Tusk. Gooseberry, May 8, 92. A First-Class Remedy. Cove, Union Co., Or., Deo. 2G. The Kidney Tea Iuib given good satis faction. We think it a first class kidney remedy. Buns & Havden, General Dealera. THOhE STOCK. SCALES. Ed. Gazette; In answer to the scale blook, or the "mare's nest," as the Ga zette man calls it, now Mr . Good Editor, when you f nd all the facts in the case, you will see you are getting right in the tracks of your good neighbors. The caae is like this: Sometime ago my atten tion was called to the block spoken of. I went to look at it and thought, like a dozen others, that it would make a dif ference iu weighing heavy draughts. Before I made up my mind about it I asked Sam Kinsman to test the scales. He "flew oil the handle," and refused to do so unless I would bet him $5110 that they were not right, which I could not do, as it would have been too much like one of Sam's sure bets. Bo all I have to say t Mr. Kinsman, is to keep his scales lookiug right, and dou't let a car ( f stock weigh more in Troutdale, ufter being ou tho cars twenty-four bonis, than they do on hia scales in Ueppuer, nnd then he won't have so much trouble. And hereafter Mr. Editor, ask both Bides of a story before putting in any ''mare's nosts," or Hocusing any one of criminating others, without knowing it yourself. John D. Hi'liAY. Um'PNEit, Or., May l(i, '!2. LIST Ob' LETTKItB ADVKKTIHF.n AT HUlTNKIt POKTOKFICE May Hi, IKttt; HuskorWF Ailll'o Ed U Colikliu Frank Curry Mrs Aremlua Garety Jaiiiet Henry Miss Mary La Fortune Gilbert Mulh;itli MrsA Olden Mrs M A l'letiHC say "Advertised" when calling for these letters. A. Maixoiiv, 1'. M. As Pleasant to Take as Any Other Tea. Portland, Or., AugiiHt 12. Having a severe liaokache last winter, I was induced to try the Oregon Kidney Tea. I found it very beiicliciul in itH results. It is not more unpleasant to take than other tea. I would recom mend it to those alllictoil as I was. John P. Fahmeii. A big Eight Mile letter was crowded out of this issue bat will appear in our next, The Gazette is under many obligations to Mr. J. A. liiiiiloll, The Dallas con tractor of stone aud brick work, for u basket n( line lettuce, raised in his gar den at The Dalles. Hon. J. 0. Thomson, candidate for representative on tho democratic ticket, cume up Sunday, remaining over till this morning While in town this ollice was tho reoipiont of a call. Julius I'otts and a young follow whoso name our reporter did not learn, oume together Hiiuday night, tha stranger re ceiving quito a blow from some heavy missile, presumably a rock. Marshal Kiinmus was looking for Julius yester day, but was unable to find bim.