n. 5 RIIIOUSNESS, LIVER COMPLAINTS, SICK HEADACHE, COLDS, nMPLES, .11SKIX AFFECTIONS, and DISEASES AEISINQ from ' TfMBVROTEA UWYELLOW WRAPPERS vilh Facsimile Signature of EMIL FSESL. l REDINOTOrl St CO. AotKTS. 8N FRANCISCO, SOT.D BV AIL PBlIOWIrVTS AWI ROCF,nB. "QUEEN HAIRINE" to restore and promote the Hair has no equal. It is uponia'le (vaseline form). Kour applications will stop the bair falling and prevent dandrutr. It cures scalp diseahes. and ill lli,.. lu..i.nt nfnHlh f t,ai 11 nidi tinrivlil.allit I. ,.1.1 T.. 1.1 I i - I . - 1 . . wim p.jiMn.o.j " " y, 1 "TV jiuuiic j not, an inuicituon that the roots are dead. Nature did not provide thai we should wear a covering for the head. When the epidural i (skin) ia alive, ao are the roota, and "Queen Uairine" applied to the surface opensthe folliclM, and gives nourishment and vitality to tho roots. Ono bottle will convince the luoBt skeiiticai Of ill merits. Try it. Price, $1.00 per Itottle. t ' QUEEN ANTI-ODOR" (powdered form) applied to the parts allays exeMsive perspiration, and permanently cures ofTcnsi va feet, armpitn, etc A most daiipbtuJ and harmless remedy. Price &0c Our' ONDOLINE" (liquid, pure and harmless), when applied to the skin restores nod beau U fie the Complexion; reuoves and prevents Tan, bun burn, Freckles, Dimple and Blackheads. This re nowned preparation cannot be excelled. A single application has a marvelous effect, and each additional one improves the complexion. Try it; if not delighted with it, return the buttle, and we will refund your money. One ifotlle will restore tfaeeompiexioD. Price, $1.00 QukknTou.htC.: Your preparation formulas (after a careful aualsis), T am free to say, are harmless, and certainly eiTeeluaJif iwed according to directions. J. V. Hesse, M. P.. 484 Freeman Ave. Item it by 1'. O. Order, Registered Letter, or DraA to home otiice, and mention this paper. QUEEN TOILET CO. 174 RACE ST., CINCINNATI, O. (Local Agents Wanted.) .) Mtl.fc Kamplev ot oar Goods and How to be Beaatifal" Rent for two stamps. Hides, Pelts And Furs wanted. I will pay tho highest market prices for anything in this line, (iive mini call before uellinK elsewhere, as I know I can do better by you than any other linn in iieppner. W. W. SMEAD. Office at Sargent & DriBkell's Feed yard. Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, ato. For Information nrd freo nandbook write to MIJNN & CO., HuoAPWAY, NKW YoitK. Oldest bureau for RoourinK patents tn America. Kvery (latent taken out liy us is brouKht before Llie (lubltu by a notice given free of charge in the $ dcuttfic gwmcatt I,nrirost circulation of any nclflntlflft paper In tha world. Splendidly tlliintniteri. No intolliout man should bo without It. Weekly, S3. OO a year; ll.rrfJ six months. Address MIJNN & CO, ruiiLiSHEiia, 3;i Broadway, Now Vork. LUMBEll! WTK I1AVK FOR HALE AM. KINDS OF UN- t, droHsed Lumber, lGintleBof Hoppiier, ut wnut is Known us me SCOTT SAWMIIjIj. I'KK 1,(KK) l'KICT, KOIIGII, ' (J1.HAK, f 10 00 17 60 F DKUVKIIKD IN HKI'I'NKR, WILL ADD l pur 1,11(10 icut, iiuaitioiitii, L. HAMILTON, Prop. D. A, IlltllllMoil, JVlASra&irr i-o And all points In ('nlifornia, viu th Mt, Hhaata routu of tlio Southern Pacific Co. Tho Kroat liiuhwny through California to all liointM Kmt uti't South, (lraiul Hconic ltouto of (h l'uoific ('onut. Pullman llufTot HlonporH. Hocoml-clfiHH HhtciporB Attarhtul tooxpnwa tniinn, aflordiiiR fluporior DCi'omnuxiuMoiiH lor Hnmmo-oliom paHMOHKorH. For rides, tickotn, Mlneping our rusurvutions, ru) can upon or auoruHB K. KOICIII-KU, Mananor, K. P. HOG E KM, A Bet tieii. i, it r. Agt., t'ortlantl, Oregon. I Jin vp re opened this well-known hoiine to tli puhlie, and Kolleit a Hharu ol the nattouime. Per day HHl Hoard per week 6 IH) " " " with room fi in My table Ik always Hiippllud with the buHt the mitiueL aiKHtiN. MKH. BANKY Ji DAUC1ITKK. Iw-tf-H-W I'lopS. S. P. FLORENCE, STOCKRAISKR Hia'i'NUii, oniiuoN. rtilllo l)rnnrotlitiul onr nmrkcrf tissliown abovo. Ilnrt.tw 1' on hum slioultltir. Alt' nitlli' rHiirt in Morrow ami llnmlilla conn tius, (will pay tflll'.UHl for Iho arnwt anil uon viution of any person HUiilinu my miook. n '.tA.TA I M HIT 1 i llriil II 111 1 I'l I ' V I III I . I I 1 1 I I I I V I i UJl M V I V 1 UUlll ,1 111 ESTABLISHED IN 1877. WynmloHen, l'lymoutli ltortks, Ijiht liriuimliH, JiiiHO and Single Comb Urowu Li't;liorim, l'nrt ridge Cochins, Hiimlaim mid Sil ver Spantfli'd llniubuiifa. 1.000 Y 0 U H & FOWLS lvt'ndy for Delivery. BOOK YOUR ORDERS FOR CHOICE SELECTIONS. In Amerioa, and are tlin 1est (in thin foiiHt by a groat difference. I QDAHANTi K SATISFACTION TO EVEHY CDSTOMEll. Send tor Catalogue. Address J. M. OAH1USON, Box 55. com.3lHi. EoroBt Orove, Or Perliaps You Don't Know Us, BUT SURELY YOU KNOWOF OUR REMEDIES. Wo extend an invitation to nail and see free touts at our Clinic, "Arcade Chambers." Hours 1 to ;t p. m. Lady Attendants, We till mail orders same day received (securely sealed, postpaid). If nolo represented we will rcliind your money. QUEEN ANTI-HAIRiNE" removes Heard or flu perl him is una n"iu "jo -..;, Atn..niju Arum, vr moles ana liirt itniarks. Made into a paste, only a few minutes application is required. It 1h powerful, yet mild in its effect. It disHoleea and destroys tlie follicles of tho hair without the nightent pain, injury or discolora tion lotlinmntitdcllrfltnfikin Trv it f in, )'ri, m,a i On Sale OMAHA, Kansas City, St. Paul, Chicago. AND ALL POINTS EAST. NORTH P RQUTH. Leaves Ileppner, 8 a. m. Arrives (i:50 p. m. I'ulliiirin Bleepers, Colonist (-4 1 ee i Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. Steamers Portlnnd to San Francisco every four days. Tickets TO Europe For rates and Renernl Information call on Depot Ticket Agent, J. O. HA11T, Ht'iiimcr, Oregon. W. II. HUIil.UUM', Asst. Gonl. 1'nss. Agt. r,l Washington St., I'OKTI.ANI), OKKOOM. national Bant ot Hepier. WM. POLAND, KI). It BISHOP, Preslilent. Canhler. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD. HEITNEB. tf OREGON. SHILOHS CONSUMPTION CURE. The ftuecpHB of tliia Oront Coiiffh Cure Is without a iarallcl in the history of medicine. All druggist arc authorized to sell it on a pos itive Kiiariintoe, a test that no other cure can successfully stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous ex pense, aro placing a Sample Hottlo Free into every homo in the United States and Canada. If yon have a Coitfrh, Sore Throat, or Bron chitis, use it, for it will euro you. If your chihl has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, ami relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druist for SHtLOH'B CUKE, Price 10 ots. , .10 els. and $1.00. If your Lungs are son; or Hack lnine.uso Shiloh's Poroua Plaaicr. Price 2.1 eta, l'or sulo by all drug gists und Ucaiera. HSISS-OUTSSSAP HMMBH Httiika kIwmjm -111, MllJ lilv-u 1 lhl lllSUtf. IM0 iln lit Kiutn'M, all win it i nr. 1'crrci'b work, wiKit, und entuti't ho do hoi-ted tiy u tnltlorn. Coiillilt tilLd iH)rrwivnilt" rt Itti jfmiu tt InviU Fair HinU Kyo, tvt.ry (roo eul i pnir, tIM j lomlci, lilifh or low, tift. Ordinary work, to puna, ikino, 1 a ur V t In.-h, .ir, $ ; Ivory. II Ml. Fmost umrWcJ cniiinmi,V',$l,l tb a em k. iy ii!ip cut. IliKK, Vlao tfuaxaulwd. LX HHUH, B( i, ibkairo, ill. M t w KIM KS ilmi 1U) Nil! 1NJI Uh 0 th hllh or iiiIpiIi'ii' wilh Imiiiinta or nluuti. It hi ami luiroi"t the si'tivtal hi-nlth, rlrar thv iktii and Wnulllin th ivmnlrilxn. No wrinkle .it rtahbiuvM illi thl, trut liieut. Ktid.'nr.l by i)iyl.'iMiii wid IraiUtig- iH-btv Uli., PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL. tUrwIrw. n( with m lUrtlHR, tnrt'rtvntnc or bad fi'U. K.T (mrlH'uUrt uddrrt. villi 6 i-vuU In itnuit, ott. o. i. r. sroiR. u vicun tmeatei. oiicis. mm wire BEST FENCING STEEL ROPE SELVAGE WIRE OWLEDC.ED THE BEST for Lawns, Gardens, Farms, Ranches and Railroads IrailMJCN'S IHM'I.TKK HKTTINtl, KrwTMmtl No .nUk-mg-l No bHKKlTiLTl r:.lr Jtatvir Hvlvajr Xht MtMiiUu Won Wir Fu Ok, CfciMffelU. a.s.s. w"w"i --xr x: x: rs- TO GET EGGS IN WINTER. K:iy Method In INo Am:,:? Trench Piiiiltrni.!ii Try It. iL Voittelier, a Frcnuli poultry ex pert, in an article on means of hastening laying, recalls an old. simple und easy way, the eflicacy of which he claims is not questioned among French poultry mon, of making hens lay in tho winter. It is niniply giving the fowls grain that has been limod, tho saiuo as grain pre pared for sowing. Without allowing special fondness for such grain the fowls eat it perfectly. This diet, he af firms, is harmless, provided it is not continued too long. Wheat is generally used for that purpose. However, all grain, barley, oats nn;l corn can he treated in this way. For tho benefit of readers who may not he initiated in pro paring grain for sowing the modus op erandi is given: Tako a quart of unslaked limo and slake it in about ten or twelve quarts of warm water. Heap up the grain that is to be limed in a conical shape and pour on tbe center of it the whitewash, previ ously stirred and thoroughly mixed with a stick. Then tako a wooden shovel and stir the heap until all the grain has been soaked sufficiently. Before feeding let it bo spread out and. dried. This mode of preparation has the additional advan tage of freeing the grain from certain parasites or germs which might affect the health of the fowls. In cases where the birds die in largo numbers without apparent cause, M. Voittelier advises the trial of feeding them with limed grain. Llo says: "This may prove a pal liativo. At all events, we cannot recom mend it too highly for promoting lay ing." The Fanciers' Journal, commenting on the foregoing, says: "Tho abovo is easily tried and will cost only the labor of preparing tho grain and the very small amount of limo used. Our French poultrymen are entitled to considerable respect, as in France tho poultry busi ness is successful. Dr. Roth, in the journal quoted, makes it appear that the limo in oyster shells is assimilated by tho hen and influences the formation of tho shell. As to the cost, there is nothing cheaper than oyster shells. The use of quicklimo is seldom spoken of in this country, but in Franco it is used for the purpose of hastening laying." Fat Btock Trlze Animals. We copy from The Breeder's Gazette pictures of two of the fine beef animals that secured prizes at Chicago at the American Fat Stock show of 1891. The rBIZE nEREFOED BULLOCK. two illustrations show well the points ot comparison and contrast between two of the loading beef breeds of tho time. Tho first illustration shows the prize Hereford bullock, Hickory Nut, a mag- uificont specimen of tho beautiful white faces. Iu tho second picture is seen a famous prize Shorthorn fat bullock, the one bear ing tho curious name of Follow-That- PWZK BIIOUTnOltN BUI-LOOK. Struclc-Billy-Patterson. The Kentucky blue grass breeders stick to the Short horn, and the "Follow" ia ouo of tho results of thoir fidelity. Which of tho two breeds is really the host? "Yon pays your rnonoy and you takos your choice." Sunul and Robert Homier. Mr. Bonner was delighted with Sunol's conditiou when he saw her with the blankets off and had her walked up and down tho sanded floor of tho horse palaco. A Recorder reportor stood by his side and Mr. Bonner could not con ceal his admiration. "Sho is tho grandest horso I ever saw," ho said, "and 1 beliovo she will cut off Boveral seconds from her own record in the future if everything goes well with her." Sunol looked inquiringly at Mr. Bon nor as bespoke, as if wondering whether ho meant what he said, ami switched her beautiful tail and kicked up her heels as though sho were ready for the trial at any moment. Sho was carefully measured yesterday. Sho stands 10.3 hands high and is larger in every way than Maud S. Sho weighs 1,070 pounds, showing a gain of li!3 pounds in tho last year. When sho made her great record in October last she weighed 1,030 pounds. She is not pretty, for sho is built on tho kangaroo plan, her hind legs being vory long and her foro less comparatively Bhort. Marvin says that sho lias an enormous stride when going fast. She moves bo easily that no one without a watch can guess within tea or fifteen seconds of her speed. Sho is of a beautiful dark chestnut color with out a spot of white. Her propelling power is tremendous. Her fore legs are slender, but tho muscles in the hind loirs bulge ont enormously under tho shiniua coat. New York Recorder. So far as fleece and mutton aro con cerned tho sheen Industry is on a better An II 111 M&m rooting today in the United States than ; Blst tl10 many accidents to which it is ex it has over been before. This is because ' posod, such as noxious insects, fungi and farmers have been trying to improve i constitutional imperfections, as weak both tho breeds and methods of taklnsr ' straw, loose chaff and insufficient roots. euro of sheep. i Professor W. A. Henry, of the Wis- '' oonsin agricultural station, believes that i the roots of tho plant rape mav be made I a valuable food lor sheep in the north- I west and ho would like farmers to trv to raise it. Cattle are fond of rape also. Don't let the cattle pasture on your meadows iu winter. You will know why next summer when you harvest the hay crop. THE LARGEST CREAMERY. Seven Hundred Farmers Supply It with Cream Daily. Probably the largest creamery in the world is that at St. Albans, Vt. The building itself is three stories high, with r000 feet of floor room. In the cellar is the boiler, a forty horse power engine, ind the tanks for buttermilk. The first Boor is the factory proper, in which the cream is received and pumped up to the story above, where are ten tanks hold ing 600 gallons each, and where are also tho testing rooms, offices, etc. It is re turned again to tho first floor to be churned, worked and packed as butter into tubs. The third story is used as a storage room for tubs, salt and other equipments. All cream received is tested frequent ly enough to obtain a thorough knowl edge of the amount of butter fat in the average products of the farmer's dairy, and he is credited not only with so many pounds of cream, but also with its butter value. The average of butter fat is less than 4 per cent., but the extremes are 3.25 and 4.75. The milk is not brought to the creamery, but is received at forty-four stations located at various points within twenty-six miles of St. Albans, and there the cream is separated and shipped in special cars to the cream ery. About 700 farmers with 12,000 cows aro now supplying tho cream for the factory, and the average daily product is 10,000 pounds, but it is gaining patrons each month, and they hope to reach their full capacity of 20,000 pounds daily. They run ten churns, each of which will churn 500 pounds of butter at a time, and four butter workers, upon which eighty pounds can be worked and Baited in a very few minutes. It take3 a carload of salt every two months, and the busmesskeeps sixty hands employed, The proprietors claim that they have a demand for even more butter than they will bo able to make when running to the full capacity, and at prices which are very satisfactory, although they were organized less than a year ago, or in October, lbOO, and commenced busi ness in November. American Cultl vator. Dairying iu the United States. The men employed in the business number 750,000 and the horses are over 1,000,000. There are over 12,000,000 horses all told. The cows and horses annually con sume 80,000,000 tons of hay and nearly 90,000,000 bushels of cornmeal, about the same amount of oatmeal, 275,000,000 bushels of oats, 2,000,000 bushel of bran and 80,000,000 bushels of corn, to say nothing of the brewery grains, sprouts and other questionable feed of various kinds that are used to a great extent. It costs $450,000,000 to feed these cows and horses. The average price paid to the laborers necessary in the dairy business is probably twenty dollars a month, amounting to $180,000,000 a year. The average cow yields about 450 sal- Ions of milk a year, which gives a total product of 0,750,000,000 gallons. Twelve cents a gallon is a fair price to estimate the value of milk at, a total return to tbe dairy farmers of $810,000,000, if they sold all the milk as milk. But 50 per cent, of their milk is made into cheese and butter. It takes twenty-seven pounds or milk to make one pound of butter, and about ten pounds to make one pound of cheese. There is the same amount of albuminoids in 8J pounds of milk as there is in one pound of beef. A fat steer furnishes 50 per cent, of boneless beef, but it would require 24,000,000 steers weighing 1,500 pounds each, to produce the same amount of nutrition as the annual milk product does. Amer ican Analyst. Growth of the Creamery System. It is probable that fully one-half pound more butter is recovered from each hun dred pounds of milk under the creamery system than can be made by a private dairy as usually managed. Allowing that each cow produced 5,000 pounds of milk per year, which is about the aver age, there would be an increase of twenty-five pounds of butter for each cow per annum to the credit of the fac tory system. It is not difficult to be lieve that this increase is easily ab sorbed by the market because of the improved quality of the butter. 1' there is any drop in the price of butter it will not do to ascribe it to the cream ery system until wo have taken into ac count the enormous output of the but terine factories. A careful review of the subject will reveal these two interesting phasea, First, the market demands for the most part a high grade product, is willing to pay for it and can absorb an enormous quantity without materially affecting the prices. This enormous demand for good butter has been met by the cream ery in a very satisfactory way. In the second place, it is surprising to see tho prices stand as well as they do when such a large amount of imitation butter is brought on the market and placed be side tho product of private dairies and the enormous output of the creameries. In thus speaking of private dairies The Uazette does not have iu mind the scat tered few that turn out that exception ally fine product that goes direct to con sumers. These centers of choice produc tion aro legitimate and should be en couraged; they will probably never be supplanted. The average farm butter is the kind that suffers, and between the creameries on the one hand and butter ine on the other it is having a hard time of it. The groat lesson in all this is that the average consumer desires good butter and is willing to pay a fair price for it. With the belter average product comes a greater consumption, and consequent ly steadiness of fair prices. Breeder's Uazette. A Word About Wheat. Professor A. E. Blountsays: "The value of wheat to the farmer consists first in its productiveness; second, its power to re- The productiveness depends on good seed, tue fL'rtlllty and kind of sod, mode of cuitivaUou and tho amount of moisture Iwssai'y to its healthy growth. Many vanotlos are naturally more prolific than other9. ware hardy, and consequently niore valuable to the farmer so far as the yield is concerned; but for flour themost i Prolific are generally inferior, coarse and, ike noxious plants and poor animals, produce poor grain not suitable for the Hull." liui klcn M'iiIch Halve, The best salve in tbe world for cuts, bruises, sores, Ulcers salt rhenm, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skio eruptions, and posi tively oures piles, or do pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Prioe 25 cents per box. For sale by Sloouin-Johnston Drug Co. A Warning- Don't Use Big Words. In promulgating esoteric oogitatioDS or articulating superficial sentimentalities and philosophical or psychological ob servations, beware of platitudinous pon derosity. Let your statements possess a clarified conciseness, compacted compre hensibleuess, ooalescent consistency and a concentrated cogency, Eschew all conglomerations of flatulent garrulity, jejune babblement and asinine afl'eota tions. In trying to impress upon others the superiority of the Wisoonsin Central Lines, and why you and bo many others use this thoroughfare from St. f mil and Minneapolis and JJuluth and Ashland to Milwaukee, Chicago and points east and south, it is not necessary to use jaw breakers. Let your extemporaneous descantings and unpremeditated expa tiations have intelligibility and vera oi'oub vivacity, without rhodomontade or thrasonical bombast. Sedulously avoid all polysyllabio profundity, psittaceous vacuity, ventriloqual verbosity and vandiloquent vapidity, Bhun double en tendres, prurient jooosity and pestiferous profanity, obscurent or apparent In other words talk plainly, naturally, sen sibly and truthfully say the Wisoonsin Central Lines is the route, and that ends it. 465tf. Where? At Abmbfimsick's. Iu addition to his tailoring business, he hfiH added a fine line of underwear of all kinds, negligee shirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on hand some elegant patterns for suits. A. AbrahamBiok, May Btreet, Heppner, Or. TIMBER CULTURE NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Oflircat La Grande, Or., April 23, 1892. Notice Is heruhy given that John 11. KdwunlH, has tiled notice of intention to make final proof before the County Clerk of Morrow Co., Oregon, nt his office in Heppner, Or., on Tuesday, the 7th day of June, s'.r, on timber culture iuV plicution No. 2,M'.t, for lots 2, 3 anil 4 and SEW BW4 Sec No. .'JO, in Tp No. 1 8, li No. 27 E W M. He names us witnesses: C. C. Saling, W. ti. McCarty, H. W. Turner, 8. N. Morgan, nil of Heppner, Or. A. Clkavkk, Ito-yi Kegister. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION NKHSH1R OF PA HI NOTICE IS HEREBY GTVEV THAT WE, the undersigned, have this day dissolved partnership of our bunch grass fanning inter ests, and that Thomas l'armen, first named part ner, has purchased the interest of George l'ar nien, the second named partner, In the follow ing property, to-wit: Three geldings, 1 mare, 2 cows, 2 yearling calves, Ml head of hogs, 1 reaper, I harrow, 2 plows, 1 Kushiord wagon, 2 sets of harness, crop of 115 acres, and all tiie Im provements on the farm. All owing the above partners, either by note or account, will please settle same with Thomas I'anueu. All debts of above linn are also to be settled by Thomas l'ar men. THOMAS PAHMKN. GEORGE PARMKN, April 1, 1892. Signed. 478-485 NOTICE TIMBER CULTURE. U. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., Mar. 15, 1892. Complaint having been entered at this office by Geo. V. Bishop, Morrow Oouutv, Oregon, against R. H. Pluukett for failure "to comply with law as to Timber Culture Entry No. f'.!5, dated January 2(1, 192, upon the NE'- and. E NWJ4 Sec. 18, Tp. H B Range 2(1 E, in Morrow County, Oregon, willi a view to cancellation of said entry; contestant alleging that H. II. pluu kett did not cultivate or cause to be cultivated any of said tract Bince 1885. During the past five years no work has been done on said tract by the said R. H. Pluukett, or any one for him. The said parties arc hereby summoned to appear at this othee on the 18th day of June, 1892, ut 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, Is authorized to take testimony in this case, at his office iu Heppner, at IU a. in., June 11, 1SS12. John W. Lewis, 487-490. Kegister. NOTICE TIMBER CULTURE. Land Ollico at The Dalles, Or., March 28, 1892. Complaint having been entered at this oflice by Elbert D. .McMillan, of Lexington, Or., against James Keating for failure to comply with law as to Timber Culture Entry No. 921,' dated Ajiril 11, 1883, upon the Nii of Sec 19, Tp I S, R 2; E W M, in Morrow county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry; contestant alleging that Baid James Keating has failed to break or cause to he broken ten acres of said tract, or to plant or cause to be planted ten acres to timber trees, seeds or cuttings, in compliance with the timber culture law, and that said failure still exist, the said parties are herebv summoned to appear at thisollice on the 23d day of May, 1892, at 10 o'clock a. m., to re spond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. Frank H. Know, U. S. Commis sioner, is authorized tn take testimony in this ease at his oll'ieo in Lexington, Or., at 10 a. m., May Hi, 1S92. John W. Lewis, 478-488 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Oflice at The Dalles, Or., Aiiril 25, 1892. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County ificrK oi .sorrow county, ur., at neppner, kjv. on June 10, 1892, viz: FRANK MORELAND, D. 8. No. 0.818, for the YM JjWW and VU 8EU Sec 21, Tp4 S, R 25 E W M. He names the following witnesses tonrove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation oi, said land, viz: J. F. Royse, Hiram Tash, Henry Howell and Ai uiur ftievens, an oi iiuruman, ur. I8)-91 John W. Lewis, Kegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Olllceat La Grande, Or., April 23, 1892. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proot In support of Ihb claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow Couuty, Or., at Heppner, Or., on June 7, 1892, viz: J Mitt 1 It KUriiN AIM, Hd. No. 2,219. for the N 1 NWU and NU NE'-T Sec 32, Tp. 2 8, K 29 E W M. lie names the tullowimr witnesses to nrovo his continuous residence upon and cultivation of an hi laon, viz: A. J. Cook. Charles Mann. James Pearson and George Hayes, ail of Lena, Or. A. CI.KAVER, 485-91. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., April 4, 1S92. Notice is herebv iriven that the followintr- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make thud proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. R. Ellis, Commissioner II. 8. Circuit Court, at Heppner, Or., on May 14. 892, viz: Ml K Fiji N J. DEVIN, Hd. No. 6,331, for the E' 8Elj" Sec 32 and 8'.; 8V'i Sec 33, Tp I S, R 27 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon und cultivation of said land, viz: poster Adams. . L. Salliur. 8. N. Moruan. Milton Morgan, all of Heppner, Or. i' ranK fccnoueiu taKe nonce. 478-ns. A. Cleave r, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Apr. 21, 1S92. Notice Is hereby ntven that the followinu-nain- ed settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proot in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before the County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on June 4, lv.2, viz: JOHN S. HOSK1NS, Hd. No. 2P84, for the lot 1 undS NE and NEW 8KV. Sec. 3, Tp S S, R 25 E W M. He names the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said laud, viz: Kahler, D. N. Hardman, E. S. Cox and W. H. Roy, all of Hardmau, Oregon. John W. Lewis, 483-493 Register. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. "V"OTICE is hereby given that the yearly nicot ic ing of the stockholders of the Heppner Turk Association will be held at the oflice of the First National Hank, at 2 o'clock p. in., on Mav 10, i92. New otlicers will be elected on this oe" easion, and the general business of the company overhauled. Don't fortjt't the tkUe. Bv order of P. COHN, G. V. SWAOOART. Secretary. 84-tfsw President. TREASURER'S NOTIOfi. Notice is hereby given that all Morrow County warrsuts registered prior to the 1st day of Aug unt. isyi will be paid on presentation ut the ) i rea surer s oiuce. imeresi reae alter uie uat of this notice. J. W. Matuk k. Treus. Morrow Co., Or. Dated May 13th 1892. PUBLIC SALE -OF- Stock Horses ! The undersigned will sell at Pnblio Auction at IIEPPNER, OR., Friday, Hay Hi loo HEAD Of A merican Horses. IOO Stock TEEMS OF SALE: One year, with approved security ; in terest at 10 per oent per annum. Five per cent discount for cash. 7Stf. o. B. OOCIIK AN. STUCK BRANDS. While you keep your subscription paid up yen can keep your brand in free of charge. Allyn. T, J., lone. Or. Horses GO on left shoulder; cuttle Mima on left hip, under bit on right ear, and upper bit on tho left; range. Mor row county, Armstrong, J. 0., Alpine, Or. T with bar un der it on left tihoukier of horses; cuttle buujo on left flip. Allison, O. D., Eight Mile, Or. Cattle brand, O D on left hip and hornet same brand on right shoulder. Range, Eight Mile. AdkiiiH, T C, Dayville, Or- Stroight mark across the thigh and two crops und u slit in tho right our; ImrHCB, j, iipnido down on tho right shouldor. Range in Grant county and Hear valley, PO addrenH also at Hurduiuu. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, JA con nee ted on left flunk; cattlo, rhiiih on left hip. Avers, Johnny, Lena, Or. Horses branded triungieon left hip; cuttle name on right hip; also crop off ritrht ear and upper bit on huuio. Myth, Perry H., Heppner, ()r. Horses, liomun croNB on right shoulder. Range in Morrow county. Illeukmnn, Goo., Hnrdman, Or. Horses, a flag on left shoulder; cuttle- wune on right shoulder. Bunmstor,J. VV., Hardman, Or. ('attle brand ed H on left hip und thigh; split in each our. Hrenner, Peter, Oooneberry Oregon Horses branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on right side. Burke, M Ht C, Long Creek, Or On cuttle, MAY connected on loft hip, ci op oil' left oar, un der half crop off rigiit. Horses, sumo brnnd on letft shoulder. Range iu Grant und Morrow county. Howsmnn, A., Mount Vernon und Rums, Or. Cuttle, A ii on right hip, two crops in each our; same on horses, on right shoulder. Range in (J runt and Hurney counties. Brosmun, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 on right shoulder; cattle U on the left side. Left ear half orop and right oar upper slope. Hnrton, Win., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J lion right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in each oar. Brown. Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IR on the right stiile; cuttle sumeou right Up; range, Mor row county. Drown, J .r., Heppnor, Or. Horses and cuttle branded ti with ox-yoke above on loft slionlder, Hrown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horaea, circle C with dot in tor on left hip; cattle, same. Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W, bar over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left n,P- - Boyor, W. fi,, Heppnor, Or. Horses, box brand on right hip cuttle, same, with split in each ear. Horg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shoulder; caftlo. same on left hip. lirownloe, W. J., Fox.Or-Cattle, Jll connected on left side; crop on loft ear and two splits and iiuuue piece cut, oui on rigtit. eur; on Imrsos same oranu on me Jelt Uugh; Kungo iu Fox vulley, Ouin.E.. Cah'b.Ol-. Y TLnn hnraos nr W t U With quarter circlo over it, on left shoulder, and on left stifle on all colts under 5 yours; on left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All ntuKt) m unim county. Clark, Wm. H., Loim, Or. Horses WHO con. necteu, on left shoulder: cuttto Biune on right hip. Range Morrow and Umatilla counties, ('ato, ('has. R Viimon or Lena, Or. Horses n i, on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. iKuiKf muiTiiw aim (jiuauiiu counties. Cochran, ('has., lone. Or. lioisns. IIP con nected on left shoulder; cattle, C on both left nip aim suno. iiange in Morrow county. Cannon, T. Ii..Long Creek, Or. Ton cattle on right side, crop off right ear and elit in left ear. Our horses samo brand on left shoulder. Range iu vi itwii'uoumy. Cecil. Wm.. Douglas. Or.: hornpn .TO nn lfi Bhoulder; cuttle samoi on left hip, wuddles on eacn jaw ana two mis in tno rigtit eur. tjuri, i. n., dolin iJuy, Or. Don bo cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right oar, split in left ear. Range iu Grunt uuuiuy. uu snuep, inverted Aiwi spear point uu mummer, iar mancou owes, crop on left ear, DUucned miner hir, in rn it. Wntlmru nnu. in right and under half crop in loft eur. All runge t Crosby, A.A., Heppner, Or.-Cattle brandedl-L lorn 1j connected) on the right shoulder. Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, 90on riKhtshout dor; tattle, same on right hip: ear mark Buuare o" mil aim spin in rignt. Currin.R. YM Currinsville, Or. -Horses, 00 on left- stitlo. Cochran, J n Monnmout, Or Horses hrnnded TI & Aon left shoulder. Cattle, same on right hip, swallow fork in right ear and crop offi oft. Cox & English, Hardman, Or. Caitlo, C with u. in uBULtu , iioi suH, on jen nip. Cupper, H. A., Monument, Or. Horses H C on nit siiouiuer, cattle u u on left Hide, swal low fork on right eur. Cochran, R. E., Monument, Grant Co . Or. Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark under slope both oars and dewlap. Chapin, H.( Hardman, Or. Horses branded on right hip. ( 'utile brnuded tho same. Cross, a L, Duyvillo, Or Cuttle branded -f two cropB and a unlit in left our: on horses u reversed on left Btifle. Also have the following brands on cuttle: 72 on left hip, 7 on right hip, 7'i on loft shoulder, two parallel bars on loft snouiuer. Jiar marks, two crops. Doonan. Wm., Heppner, Or. HorseB branded uu wmi oar over them, on left shoulder; cat- ue same on ierr nip. Douglass, W. M Galloway, Or. Cattle, R V on right side, swuilow-fork in each ear; horses, It 1) on left hip. Douglas, O. T., Douglas, Or Horses Ti) on tho right stifle; cuttle same on riht bin. Duncan, W. P., John Day.Or. Quarter circle n on iium snouiuer, ootn on norses ana catue. Range Grant county. Driokeil, W. E., Hoprupr, Or. Horses branded K inside of O on left shoulder. Cattle same on left side of neck. Ely. J. B. & Sons. Domdas. Or. ITnrRnn hrnnH. ed ELY on left nhoulder, cattle same on loft tup. noir in riKin ear. Fisk, Ralph, Prairie City, Or Horses, R F on right shoulder; cattle, on right hip. Range in Urnnt count y. Fleek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7F connected on right shoulder; cattle, Banie on right hip. Ear mark, hole in right and crop ofl left. Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle. LF on right hip; horsos, F with bar under on right UUOtlllUT, Florence, 8. P. Heppner, Or. Horses, F on right shoulder; cattle, Eon right hip or thigh. Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. GAY. on loft shoulder. Goble, Frank, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7 F on loft stitie; cattle, same on rislit hip. Oilman French, Lund and Livestock Co., Fob sil, Or. Horses, anchor H on left shoulder; vent, same on left stifle. Cuttle, same on both hips; ear marks, crop off right ear andnndcrbit in lnft. Range in Gilliam, Grunt, Crook and Morrow counties. Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. Horses branded H, S. with a quarter einlo over it, on left stifle. Runge in Morrow and Umatillacoauties. Giliwuter, J . C, Prairie City, Or. On horses, OO on left shoulder und stifle; cattle, ou right side. Range iu Grant county. Hams. James. Hardman .Or. Hontpn fthnrlAri 2 on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Range in ano. aooui naitiuiaii. Hayes, Geo,, Lena. Or, Brand JH connected, wit ii cpuirter cnvi over it, on iett shoulder. Hiatt. A. B., Ridge, Or. Cattle, round-top A. with quarter circle under it on the right hip. Range in Morrow and Umatilla counties. Hinton A Jenks. Hamilton. Or Cattle, twn hnra on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left. Horses, j on rigtit tlngli. Kangem Grant couuty. Hutrhes. Samuel. Wairner. Or T Kl.nn ri.-ht shoulder on horses; on cuttle, on right hip ami on left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left. Kange in llaystaeK district, Mornjw county. Hall. Edwin. John Day.Or. Cattle K H ,m rtwht hip; horses same on right shoulder. Range in Grant county. Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses, shaded heart on the left shoulder. Range Morrow Co. Hunsaker. R A. Wairner. Or. Huron. U nn lft shoulder; cattle. 0 on left hip. Hardily, Albert, Nye. Orefton Horses, AH connected, on left shoulder; Cuttle on the left lap, crop ott lert ear. Humphreys, J M. Hardman, Or. Horses, H on left flank Hiatt, Wm. E., Ridge, Or. Horses branded bar cross ou left shoulder: cattle same on left hip. Hays, J. M., Heppner, Or. Horces, wineglass on left shoulder cattle, same on right hip. Ivy, Alfred, Long Creek, Or Cattle I D on right hip, crop ott left eur and bit in right, Hornee same brand on left shoulder. Range n Grunt county. Hunton, Luther. Eight Mile, Or. Honw H on the left shoulder and heart on the left stifle Cat tle tame on left hip. Kange in Morrow county. Jenkins, D. V.,Mt, ernon,or, J on norm-son left shoulder; on cattle. J on left hip and two I smooth crops on ootn ears, iiange in I as anu Kkitr vn.11.ns Jankin, 8. M., Hesirner, Or. Horses, horse shoe J on left Bhoulder. Cattle, the sum a. llange on Light Mile. J.Ji,nt. Mit, Uiiji, Or,-HrM, efrtl T nn left .tilipj euttje, same on risht hip, under half crnp in ritrht and sulit in left oar Kenny, Mike, HeppniT, Or.-Horeea branded ItOiK im left hip. cattlu eame and crop off left ear: nnili'r 1oh on the rij?ht Holler, Hictiard, Itlanton. Grant oi.nnty, Or. 11 ft in nqiiare cattlo on left kin; homes auine oni;' , ;1",,all'Br- KanKeVtefrTallev. Kirk. J. 1., Heppnor. Or.-Horee. 89 on left, shoulder; cattle, liUon left hip". fl,. 'J ..V1 Hjupner Or.-Horaee. 17 on either Hank: cattle 17 on right aide. Kumlwrland,W.Q., Mount Vernon, Or.-l h on cattle ou nKht and left aidea, awallow fork in It ft nT;,"',.0","; in !'K,,t Homes aame brand on left shoulder. Itange in Grant comity. Keoney Hi, Hemmer. Or.-Horses J L, and SnTl iif. i1? Btifle. Kange in Umatilla and lUorrow conntiM LetUt'V.M I1 Monnt.,on. all liuea extending oa t hodv of finrj -Atriangli'BJlwith bob ou loft slionlder, ou cattle diamond ou left shoulder, spin m r,Kht mm nuaer bit m lft Jar Uaune in Grant count, and to carte of John uZ Leahey, J W. Ileppner Or. Horace branded L, N on leit Bhoulder; cattle same on left hip; wat. tie over rutin eye throe slits in riKl,tear. Loflen, Stephen, Foi, Or.-H 1. on left hip on cuttle, crop and split on right ear. Horses same brund on left shoulder. Kange Grant county. B Liepallen John W , Wft,rt, Or.-Horses branded half-circle JL connected on left shoul der, t attle, same ou letthip. Kange, near Lex. inuton. Lord, George, Ileppner. Or.-Horses branded double 11 connect d .Sometimes called a swing H, on left shoulder. Maxwell, M.8., Gooseberry, Or.-Horees brand ed long Inik on left Bhoulder: cattle, same on lef . I Inn. tar murk, under bit in left ear. Minor, Oscar, Heppner, Or.-Cattle, M D on right hip; burse, ftlon lef t shoulder. Morgan, . N Ileppner, Or.-Horses, M) on lett shouldei cattle same on left hip. McCumber, Jas A, Echo, Or.-Horses. M with bar over on right shoulder. Alann. ti. a., Lena, Or. Horses old mares ZZ on right hip; young stock, small zz on left shoulder, Morgan, Thoe., Heppner, Or.-Horses, cirole 1 on loft shoulder and loft thigh; cattle, 'i on right thigh. Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or.-Horses, 77 on right hip; cattle. 77 ou right side. iMct'laron, 1). G., lirownsvillo, Or.-Horses. Figure Son each shoulder; cattlo. M2 on hio McKorii.W.J.. Mount Veriioti ilr-yinn ou right hip, orop iu right ear. half orop m left same brand ou horses on left hip. Kange in Qraut county. Mcuirty, David H., Kcho, Or. Horses branded DM COllllOCtod. on f. m ul...,,!.!.., ,,i uu nip and side. 11 cl,i rr, iiank, Fox Valley, Or.-Mule shoe with top-cork ou cattle on i-it, ,m.l ...,.UK :.. euoh ear; horses Hume brand on loft tiH Mcllaloy. u. V.. Hamilton, llr-(1 ll.,rana u with half cirole under on left shouldor;un Cuttle, four bars connected on top on tho right sido. liango in Grant ( 'iiinitv &oul.Andrew. Lone llock.Or.-Hornes A N con nected on lett Bhoulder; outtle same on both hips. Nowman, VV. li., Heppner, Or.-HorBos N with half circle over it ou loft shoulder. Nurdyke, li., Bilverton. Or.-Horsos, circle 7 on Left thigh; cuttle, same ou loft hip. Ohv or, Joseph, Canyon City, Or.-A 8 on cattle on Jot t hip; on horses, same ou left thigh. Iiange in Grant county. Ollor, Pony, Lexiugton, Or.-P O on loft shouwtot. Olp, Herman, Ptairie City, Or.-On cattle, O LI connected on loft hip; horses on left stiUe and wtmlu on nose, iiange in Grant oounty. Poawou, Ulavo, Eight Mile. Or.-Horses, quar tor circle shield on left shoulder and 24 on left hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped. 24 on left hip. ltange on Eight Mile. Parker 4 Gleason, llurdman.Or, Horses IP on left shoulder. I'iper, J. H Loxington. Or.-Horses, JE con nected onloft shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. unclor bit m each ear. Patberg, Henry Lexington, Or.-Horses brand ed with a liomun cross on left shoulder; cattle branded with Human cross, bar at bottom, on loft hip. Pattys, A. C lone, Or,; horses diamond P on -shoulder; cattle, J HJ connected, on the lolt hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in the right. Potter, Dan, Lexington Horses branded MP connected on loft shoulder; cattle same on right Puwoll, John'l'., IlnyviUo, Or Horsos, JP con nected on loft shoulder. .Cattle OK oouueoted on loll hip, two under half crops, ouo on each ear, wattle under throat. Kange iu Grant county. luckard, G. 1)., Canyon City, Or.-b1 1) on left ahuuliler, on homes only, lhuige Canyon oreok und Hoar valley, Grant oounty. Hood, Andrew, Hardman, Or.-Horses, square oris with quarter-circle over it on left stitie. Keimitfor, Chris, Heppner, Or.-Horsos, (J It on lett snouidor. Itice ban, Hardman, Or.; horses, throe panel worm fence on loft shoulder; cattle, DAN on right shuuldor. ltange near Hardman. l.odio, Win, Long Creek, Or.-Brands homes It on right shoulder. Kange, Grant and Morrow counties. lloye, Anron, Heppnor, Or Horses, plain V on left shuuldor; cattle, 6amo brund reversed on right hip and crop off right eur. liauge iu Mor row county, KuhIi lirus., Heppner, Or.-Horses branded X on the right shoulder; cuttle, IX on the left hip. crop olt loft ear and dowlup on neck. Unngo it Morrow and adjoining counties. llust, William, Pendleton, Or.-Horees K os left shoulder; cattle, K ou left hip, orop ofl right car, undorbit on loft oar. bfioep, 11 on weathers, round crop off righ ear. Kange Uma tilla and Morrow 0'iuuties. ltennny, Andrew, Lexington, Or. Horse, branded All ou right shoulder, veut quarto, circle over brand; cattle same on right hip. ltange Morrow county. Hojbo, Wm. H, Dairyville, Or-Hlt connected with quarter cirole over top on oattle on right hip and crop off right eur and split in left. Horses Bamo brand on left shoulder. Kange in Morrow Grant and Gilliam counties. Kilter, J F, Hitter, Or-Throe parallel bars with bar over on horses on loft hip; on cattlo, left side, two smooth crops, two Bniits in each ehl. llango in Middle Fork of John Duy Keotor, J. W Heppner, Or.-Horees. JO o left shoulder. Cattle, o on right hip. Siiicknall, J W., Gooseberry, Or.,-Horees branded 31 on loft shoulder; lango in Morrow couuty. Bpray, J. F Hoppner, Or.-Horses branded fcl connected ut right shoulder; oattle same on both hips. Sailing, C O Heppner, Oi Horses branded S A on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip Swaggurt, U. F Lexington, Or.-Horses 2 with diiBh under it on left stillo; cattle H with dash under it on right hip, crop off right ear and waddled on right hind leg. ltange in Morrow. Gilliauiand Umatilla counties. Swaggart, A. L., Ella. Or. Horses brande.- 2 on lett Bhoulder; cettle same on left hip. Cron on ear, wattle on left hind leg Straight W. K, Heppner, Or.-Horees shaded J S on left stitie; cattle J 8 on left hip. swallow fork in right ear, underbit in loft. Bhouffi"1' L' Alpiuo' r. Horse,, 8 8 on right hupp, Thos., Heppner, Or.-Horsos, B A P on left hip; cattle same on left hip. i Jl"!12?' Lon Crfek' Or Horses. 8 on lett Btillo and over 2 on left shoulder Winer, John Fox, Or.-N(.! connectod on horses on right hip; cattie, same on right hip, crop oil right ear and under bit in left ear. Range in Grant county. Smith Ilros.. .lobu Tlov n.TT v ii, le tBhunlder. " " Stephens, V. A., Hardman Or-; horses BSon right stilio; cattle horizontal L on the right side btovouson. Mrs A. .1.. b. i. ."i..r.. X, on right hip; Bwallow-fork in loft ear. owaggart. u. w., Heppner, Or.-Horses 44 on left shouldei ; cattle, 41 on left hip ' Stewart. Geo.. Hurdirmn n.u'.. on left shoulder. ' " Stone. Ira. lli-'klefjin. Wn.t, tt- i on left Bhoulder. " J" Smith. E. E. Lone Itonlr. fir TTnNnB l j.i f 'Bi "" n left shouldor; cattle sue on left Bide, ltange, Gilliam countv. Knerrv. h.. !.. HMiiUr ii- r-...i- n rt left hip. crop off riifht. and nmlii- i.V...r dewlap; horses W V on left shoulder. ' i .V10?1"8,","' J-A., Heppnor, Or.-Horses, 8 on left shoulder; cattle. 2 ou left shoulder. linnets, h. T.. Inllr-H.,. i shuuldor. "u ,"" lurnor K. W.. Hnnnnor fir - Small capital T leu. : shoulder homes; oattle same on left hip i Bnlit in hotn ,ir. Wit Thornton. II. 1Y1.. l.tna n.u.. , j.j. HT connected on left stifle; sheep same brand. Viinderpoul, H. T., Lena, Ori-Hurses HV oon. nected ou right shouider;cattle, same on right Wilson, John Q Salem or Heppner, Or. Horsos brands! .Iu on Mia lot. ak..i.i.. ' " Morrow county. "UB Warren, W B. Caleb, Or-Tattle, W with quarter circle over it, ou left side, split iu right ear. Homes same brand on left ahnnl.lor liD,,,.in Graut county. i ;.'!",,' L, Dajrville, Or Heart on horses on left Stillo: on Cat! e V nn ft bI.Io n.l 1 u:- . ,.- u.md nuu miuer oil, in left ear. Kange m Orliut county. W right. Silas A. Hoonner. Or C.ftla K,n,l, 8 W on the right hip. square orop otf right ear and split in left, Wallace, Francis, Mount Vernon.Or Square on cattle on the left hip, upper slope in the left ear and under slope iu right ear. Same brand on horses ou right shoulder. Kauge in Harney and Graut countv. Webster, J. I Heppner. Or.-Horses branded with bar over J on right shoulder; cattle same ou right hip, crop off left ear and split iu each. Kange, Morrow couuty. Wade, Henry, Heppner. Or.-Horees branded ace of spades on left Bhoulder and left hip Cattle branded same on left side and left hip Wells, A. 8., Heppner, Or. Horses, 0 ou left shoulder: catt!e same. W ol linger, John, John Day City, Or On horses three parallel bare on left shoulder; 7 on sheep bit in both earn. Kange in Grant and Malhuer counties. Wyland, J H, Hardman, Or. Circle C on left thigh. Woodward. John. Heppner, Or Horses, CP connectod on left shoulder. Watkins, Lishe, Heppner, Or. Horses branded UK connected on left stitie, Wallace. Charles, Portland, Or. Cattle, W on nght thigh, hole in left ear; horses, W on right slioultter, sum. same on left shoulder. Whiltier Bros., Drowsy, Harney euunty, Or. -Hur-ee branded w B. connected on left shoulder Williams, Vasco, Hamilton, Or, Qaarter cir cle over thrett Kan. (n luff hin K. .... i I r : . . uuu" wi.Mti aua hors. Kange Grant oounty. W illiams, J O. Long Cr eek. Or Honww n. ter circle over three bars on left hip; cattle same B"1 " r. . r. .wuiwa in unuu oonnty. Wren. A. A.. Henoner. Or. Hnrso mnTiin. a a on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hiD. Young, J. S., Oooseberry.Or.-Horeee branded T onthe right shoulder. w