Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 13, 1892, Image 3

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icslrlug tile insertion of iiiluy ads
ur cliiiiiKuuf name, must net their copy In
not later limn Monday evening for Tuesday's
eilitiun, or Thursday evening fnr Fridays edi
. The Bum of five cents per lino will lie
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news) and
notieesof special meetings for whatever purpose
Notices of church and society and allother
entertainmenbl from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of live
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and madeknown
upon application.
Give your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Here and There.
T. W. Ayers, Jr., for drngs. G8 sw
Gazette onThoruton's oouuters. Prioe
5 cents. t.
Geo. T Davia, the wool buyer, came
in lust night.
Mrs. J. D. Ball returned from the East
last Saturday.
J. Roberta is back again buying wool
in this vioinity.
T. J. Carle and Ernest Iieitman were
with us Wednesday.
Bob Gathereood and Jas. Wallace are
over from Long Creek.
Daily stage both ways between Monu
ment and Long Creek. tf.
Ford, the painter, still "in it." For
any kind of work see him. 81-tf.
"Grandma" Hayes is over at Lone
Rook visiting ber relatives.
Mrs. J. J. Huberts is prepared to do
all kinds of plaiu sewing. 65-tf
When in Arlington, stop at the Ben
nett house, near the depot. 01-tf
Arthur, the baby Bon of Mr. and Mrs.
Frauk McFarland, is seriously ill.
Miss Franoteco, of The Dalles, is vis
iting ber sister, Mrs. H. C. French.
Wall paper, notions, patent medicines,
drugs, chemicals, etc., go to Ayers. Cssw
The Sunshine Circle will give a lawn
party at the residence of W. A. Kirk, this
When has Heppner passed the day
without a shower? It has been a long
time, sure.
W. G. Sweetser says the weather is
too cold for vegetables but that wheat is
doing well.
Oonduotor French and C, S. Van Duyn
have recently purchased their wives ele
gant pianos.
MrB. Judy Mitouell is spending a few
days with W. G. Boyer and family up on
Hiuton eieek.
Nate McBee reports about one per
cent, of Morrow's sheep seabby. Pretty
good showing.
The foundation of H. Heppner's new
building is oompleted, and the building
proper is under way.
Pap Simons & Son still shoe horses
and do general blacksmithing at the old
stand Matlock coruer. 55.
"The Parlor," W. F. Ruark, prop., in
the City hotel, west side of Main streot.
Neatest place in Heppner. sw
Uncle Lishe Sperry was with us Wed
nesday, and attended the meeting of the
Heppner Park Association!
Mrs. W. A. Johnston and little son
were present at the Columbian celebra
tion at Astoria last Tuesday.
Grant Johnson, representing the wool
firm of S. Koshland & Co., of 'Frisco, ar
rived Tuesday to buy in this market.
Mrs. Anna Allen, of Montana, sister-in-law
of Mr. and Mrs. Sweetser, is vis
iting them at their Black Horse home.
Frank Gilliam is suffering from a
sprained ankle. Frank has a new Bafety
bicycle, tha reader can imagine the rest.
Ernest Cupper has jnat been willed, by
some English relative 50l). Twenty
five hundred dollars is not bad at any
A. J. Brown, who has been rustling
for Nels Jones, was in this week, and re
ports the orop of lambs about up to the
Hiyu , ketohum whiskers. Hatt &
Mathews, at the oity barber shopthe
place to get a first-elasB sbave, hair-out
or shampoo. ir.
B. M. Dougherty and Dan Hirl, of But
ter creek, dropped in on us yesterday.
Range and crops are in elegant oondition
over there, tbey say.
Married At Lexington last Sunday,
Mr. Otto Summers and Miss Lula Sper
ry, Justioe Gibson officiating. Our best
wishes are with them.
The Bucbler beer, 5 cents per glass, at
the Columbia Beer Hall, Osmers &
Hughes, props., next door to M. Lioh-
tenthal & Co. s shoe store. sw tr
Clerk Morrow did a slashing business
in squirrel scalps last Saturday, buying
2.7(H) at cents apiece. Hardly a day
passes that he does not buy at least 500
Rev. Motor, presiding elder of the M. ti.
conference, will conduot the quarterly
meeting to be held here Saturday evening
and Sunday. Everybody ooruially in
Newer and neater quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room,
Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see
his old friends there. Baths in connec
Prof. T. C. Aubrey, republican candi
date for clerk, has closed his sobool in
consequence of scarlet fever prevailing
in the district, in tne meantime x. u.
is looking after the voters.
Mayor T. J. Matlock brought down
Alta and her oolt yesterday. The young
ster is thin in flesh but promises well.
He will ship them to Portland today
where the mare will be bred.
Dr. Grant, the originator of the 0. W.
B. medicines, is a thorough physioian
and well-known to many in Heppner,
.When you want patent medicines don't
overlook Dr. Grant's remedies.
Isa Brown, the republican oandidate
for surveyor, was in town Wednesday,
and was well groomed for the canvass.
You might ask him for a recipe for mak
ing bread, in return for a vote.
Dr. W. Tackman, the dentist, will be
found at Dr. B. F. Vaughan's offioe, Lee
zer building. Does all the latest orown
and bridge work, alluminum plates, etc.
Don't miss the opportunity. 487-tf
W. P. Dutton has been placed under
$250 bonds to appear at the next term of
court under the charge of moving scab
by sheep. Sheepmen should always inter
View Undo Nat MoBee before taking any
Dr. Grant's Cloalo, the great dyspepsia
oonqnerer, will positively oure dyspepsia
and all its kindred ailments. Every bot
tle sold under a positive guarantee to
effect a oure or money refunded. See ad.
in this issue. tf.
Our friend. .Tohnnv Friend, we mean,
was duly serenaded in the old-fashioned
style, out at Tom Knea s Saturday mglic.
Though two hoars effort was put forth,
John did not appear and the serenaders
save it np as a bad job. Mr. Friend has
.tllmH t irlilm rhr l.'i. wife will
Jons Day Sii'Tixas. Dr. J. H. Fell
writes from John nv Hint
j and the baby orop is being harvested.
me yen or tne buoy is heard in the
Isnd also a few alliance vninnn. Hon
W. K. Ellis sooltHt hum no Hm ava nf
May 7th, a good crowd being in attend
ance. THE rEOI,I.K,S PAttTV SpHAifrvn Hire
S. E. V. Emery, the author of the "Seven
Great Financial ConsnirnniMs." ami nn
pie's party speaker, was greeted at Hepp
ner Tuesday night bv a lurue audience.
Mrs. Emery is an attractive speaker,
whioh anyone will have to acknowledge.
She was followed by L. W. Lewis, the
people's party candidate for representa
tive. Annual Meeting At the annual mppt-
ing of the Heppner Park Association
Wednesday afternoon, a maioritv of all
stook was represented. The new officers
elected are: Directors, D. A. MoAtee,
E. G. Sperry, J. N. Brown, T. W. Ayers,
Jr. and Otis Patterson. These selected D.
A. MoAtee, president ; E. G. Sperry, vice
president and Otis Patterson seoretary.
It was ordered by the board that all
stock shouldbe paid up in full to meet
pressing aemanas.
Notice From Rawlins Post. Rawlins
Post, G. A. R., No. 31, department of Or
egon, Lexington, desireB all members of
the post to be present at t heir regular
meeting, Saturday, May 28, '92. This
post will also hold memorial and decora
tion Beivioes on May 30, 1892. This pa
per is requesetd to say that all secret so
cieties of Heppner, Bchool ohildren, com
rades, and everyone in faot, are requested
on that day. All patriotic people should
avail themselves of the invitation.
A Good Watkb System. The naintinff
on the waterworks tower is about com
pleted and the tower presents a very hue
appearance from any part of the city.
Hillsboro was very fortunate in getting
an enterprising company to take hold of
tne water aud light uusiness. We have
not only the best lighted city on the
ooast for the money invested, but we
have the best system of waterworks, and
no better water can be found on this side
of the Rocky range. Hillsboro Dem.
Stockholder, Look Heke, The
Heppner Park Association owes consid
erable for its laud and improvements.
and all stook must be paid in full, by
cbbIi or note, within thirty days from
date. Although last vear was its first
raoing season, the assooiatian proved
more than selt-eustaining. It will
eventually give good returns on the in
vestment, besides the indirect benefits.
Now, stockholders, take a liberal view
of this matter and pay up your stock.
(By order of the directors. Otis Patter
son, Secretary and Treasurer.)
People's I ahty Picnic. The uionio at
Lexington Wednesday was attended by
a yast concourse of people from nearly
every seotion of the oounty. The speak
ers of the day inoluded Mrs. S. E. V.
Emery, and others, candidates and ad
mirers of the people's party platform.
The basket dinner was an all important
feature of the occasion, and was liberally
patronized. The editor of this paper had
hoped to be present, having been kindly
invited to attend and feast on the mental
as well as physical nourishment, but
was unable to accopt owing to press of
home duties.
Every Day and Sunday Too E. D
Palmer of Lexington, is the possessor of
some fine hens, but be has a Plymouth
Rock, with a slight sprinkle of Black
Spanish blood, which beats the natives.
Every day she lays an egg fully as large
as a goose egg. One specimen shown ye
Gazette oilice was eight inohes in circum
ference the long way, and six and one
half inches the other. It had two yolks
in it. This hen is a rustler and therefore
is highly prized by Mr. Palmer, beoause
she does twioe the business iu the same
length of time as an ordinary fowl.
Teachers' Examination. Our Mor
row oounty teachers are running the ex
amination gauntlet under the direction
of Supt. Saling, assisted by Prof. Chas.
Royse. A visit to the oourt house yes
terday found them busy, the following
being before the board: Misses Matilda
Voruz, Ada Jones, Anoie Miller, Stella
Webb, Jennie Kincaid, Etta Reed, Del
la Reed, Jesse Hocker, Minnie Price,
Edith Sapp, Maggie Rea, Mrs. Lillie
Cohn, Mrs. A. Swanson, Mrs. N. P. Don
egan, Messrs. Ray and H. L. McAlister,
J. W. Hilton, Andrew Ham, W. F. Gen
try, Andrew Swanson, A. W. Powell and
H. J. Huntington,
The Moreland crew Bheared out Andy
Tillard's bands the first of the week.
J. D. Brown, representing A. H. An
drews & Co., of Chicago, is in the oity.
Call on Lishe Sperry, down at the
Belvedere, when in town. Keeps on
hand a fine stock of liquors and cigars.
John Gentry thinks that Blaok Horse
was never in better condition tor a good
Ben Parker is over enjoying a little va
cation. Unole Ben is a little exoeutrio,
but when you kn iw him you'll like hiin.
Rest assured that there: are few truer
men. But they say he will have to ex
plain bis oonduot on his return home,
but this pnper don't understand it. Per
haps yon had better ask him.
Mr. F. Smith and wife, old acquaints
anoes of Judge Mallory and family, Ed.
Brundage and family and also nearly all
of the New YorkerB of this immediate vi
oinity, are in from Greenwood, New York,
on a visit. Mr. Smith is well posted on
the topics of the day, and ye editor had
quite a visit with him.
The World Enriched.
The facilities of the present day for the
production of evervthing that will con
duce to the material welfare and com
fort of mankind are almost unlimited,
and when Svrup of I'lgs was hrst pro
duced the w'orld was enriched with the
only perfect laxative known, as it is the
only remedy which is truly pleasing and
refreshing to the taste and prompt and
effectual to cleanse the system gently in
the spring time or, in faot, at any time
and the better u is Known me more pop
ular it beoomes.
For Sale.
The hotel heretofore known as the
Mountain House, one block from First
National bank in Heppner, Or. Con
tains parlor, dining room, baggage room,
kitchen and 15 bed rooms; all rooms
furnished. For further particulars in
quire of 63-tf T. W. Atbhs.
For Sale. A threshing outfit, Buffalo
Pitts separator, power, derrick, ropes,
pulleys, etc. Win sen reasonaoie, Ap
ply to S. White. Douglas, Or. 86-89.
adwtTonal. locals.
Ruhl, the baker. Buy your bread and
cakes and save money. Try it. a.
See J. W. Cowins for Rock Springs
ai T cove orders at Gazette ollioe. b
Minor Bros, are now selling hour at;
bed rock prioes. For cash only. 8ee:
DfiW &d I
A fine lot of imported Shot Guns at
Thompson & Co's at bargain prices, no ,
jobbers profits. . . 8
M. Lichtenthal & Co. have jnst re-1
ceived a fine lot of ladies' kid, button j
and tie shoes. At bottom prices. a
H. Blackman & Co. have an exolusive j
Merchandise store. Stookmen
nnnnnfc no
better than patronize n
! Blackman A Co., of Heppuer a 1 loneer
From Lexington to Gooseberry is not
a long drive, still if you take our course
it will use up the greater part of a dav.
Some time in the round of coming
years when electricity is understood, peo
ple will breakfast in New York, lunch at
Denver and dine in Portland the same
day. People will theu wonder how we
poor, plodding creatures with our turtle
pace, ever reuched any desired point or
There are several routes from Lexing
ton to Gooseberry. You can go by the
way of Social ridge and oross Rhea
oreek near Liberty. You oau go. by way
of lone and have Tom Carle direot you,
but rest assured if you follow his direc
tions you will surely be lost. You can
go by way of Heppner and lunch at the
Palace hotel, where you oau meet Ihe
"elect" from all parts of the world; there
you can meet "fakes" of all kinds; there
you can see the politician, the profession
al (?) man, the ex-sohool muster, the ex
married man, the detective aud the josh
er. Each in his turo finds it neoessary
to giye you "a few pointers" which he
offers gratis, yes ? He even sunplements
his contribution with the remarkable
statement that he "is entirely disinter
ested." Strange declaration! Purely
superfluous, too, for in ten years of le
gitimate business this worthy individual
never directly contributes one oent to
our business. You will hear more "kick"
from "disinterested" parties than from
those who are trying to do legitimate
business and are willing others should.
If you stop to talk with all of these
"dead-heads" you will be late for the
meeting at Liberty, May 7th, where a
large concourse of people listened to a
thorough disoussion of the political is
sues by Mrs. S. E. V. Emery, of Lansing,
Mich., Messrs. Lewis, Hud ley and Sine,
looal lights. These meetings are being
largely attended, a deep intesest is be
ing taken and in a few weeks more the
alliance will have an opportunity to
show its strength. At Gooseberry, Sun
day, May 8th, another large meeting was
held. The school house wus full and
there was a bid made for standing room
iu the yard. Mrs. S. E. V. Emery deliv
ered an address on the finanoial condi
tion and its tendenoy. The leoture was
listened to throughout with marked at
tention, vividly portraying all points to
the eminent satisfaction of all present.
Her remarks were so strong that
"Those who came to scoff, remained to pray."
Mrs. Emery was followed by Messrs.
Lewis, Hadley and Davis, who spoke at
some length and o I eared up many paints
in the minds of the audienoe. The
meeting was favored with somo exoeilent
music by the Gooseberry Glee Club, un
der the efficient management of Prof. A.
Charleston. Altogether it was the larg
est and most enthusiastic meeting ever
held ia Gooseberry.
Outside of the dizzy whirl of politics,
Gooseberry looks bright and green "too
green to burn." The crops were never
more promising and the farmers never
in better spirits. The coming crop
which is assured daily by the brighten
ing showers, will crown this land with
glory, and every prophesy of the past
will be fulfilled.
Gooseberry wants a minister, but for
heaven's sake don't send him by mail,
for the mail is the same old slow poke
and he would never get here that way.
Why not have direct, prompt mail ser
vice? Why not have better roads? Why
not have better and larger school rooms?
v by not have a railroad from the Co
lumbia river to Gooseberry? T. K. R.
GooBcbcrry, May 8, '92.
satisfactory settlement.
To whom it may concern :
This is to certify that, after having onr
loss of school house oarefully figured by
competent mechanics, we made satisfac
tory settlement with the State Insurance
Company, of Salem, Oregon, on April 11,
1892, and within three days thereafter
received cheok for $3,400, full amount of
loss sustained by recent fire, whioh de
stroyed said house. W. R. Ellis,
Tom Morgan,
Otis Patterson,
Board of Directors of School District No.
1, Morrow County, Oregou.
Heppner, Or., April 14, 1892. 82-98
Bring Them Back. "Pap" Simons
has loaned out a brace aud bit, a two
iuob augfer, a baud-saw aud other tools.
If the parties are through with them,
they will kindly return aud oblige. 80tf
THOSK who are interested in the Eight Mile
country and Morrow county to know that
we have a few extra copies left, which can
be (secured either at Geo. Thornton's news stand
or at the Gazette olllce. 68-sw.
UMETo" the Palace Hotel bar for Champagne
Cocktails. Champagne on tap. (ilt-BW
A Bl(i lot of Gooseberry numbers of the GtT
f zette that ought to be sentaway. Call in,
invest and help your country.
-pO KNOW that L, D. Boyed is Heppner's
leadingcontractor aud builder. Estimates
given on all kinds of work. Otlice at resi
dence, Heppner, Or, 71 -sw.
A Wagon maker, one the best locations in
Morrow county. Must have a little capital.
Call on or write Gazette oilice for particulars, sw
ARNKHS-SHOi', stock and fixtures. Good
business; established in the midst of a
good farming and stock-raising country.
Also for sale a good house and two lots with or
without the business property. For further in
formation address Gazette, Heppner, Or. 4b;J tf.
Pulaoe hotel, a first class boatelry, ex
cellent entertainment aud living rates.
SHOULD know that the Furniture has arrived,
been sold aud more put in its place at way
down bargains.
Call -for prices at Heppner Furniture Co.'b
Place, Main street, opposite P. 0. Thompson Co's.
Recently the following Notice appeared In the
aan trancihco unrumcf..
" Jud(?e S had been nick only about two
weeks and it was not until the last three or
four days that the maladv took a serious turn.
At the beginning of his illness he suffered from
diabetes and stomach disorder. Later the
kidneys refused to perform their functions and
he passed quietly away. Thus ended the life
of one of the most prominent men in Cali
fornia " Like thousands of others his un
timely death was the result of neglecting early
symptoms of kidney disease.
ir you
are troubled with diabetes, (travel, or ny de
rangement of the kidneys or urinary organs.
liim't delay proper treatment until you are
forced to give up your daily duties ; don't
waste your money on worthless liniments
nd worse plasters, but strike at the seat of
the disease at once by using the greatest of all
known remedies, the celebrated Oregon Kid
ney Tern It has saved the lives of thousands.
Wnv should it not cure you ? Try it. I-urely
vegetable and pleasant to take. 11-00 a pack
agi. 6 for S OO.
District and County
For Supreme Judge,
For Attorney-General,
For Member of Congress (Second District),
For Circuit Judge (Seventh District),
For Prosecuting Attorney (Seventh District),
For Member State Board of Equalization (Sev
enth District),
For Representative,
For County Judge,
For County Clerk,
For County Sheriff,
N. R. M'VEY.
For County Treasurer,
For County Assessor,
For County Burveyor,
For County School Superintendent,
For Countv Commissioner (Full Term),
For County Commissioner (Short Term),
For County Coroner,
For Justice of the Peace, Heppner, Mount Ver
non and Gentry l'recincts,
For Constable, Heppner, Mount Vernon and
Gentry Precincts,
H. Blackman & Co.,
General Merchandise!
WE AKE STILL SELLING OUT our stock of Gener
al merchandise, but to make it more complete, we have
purchased a stock consisting of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Furn
ishing Apparel, Etc.,
That will be sold at greatly reduced prices for cash only. Call
and investigate and we will bo pleased to wait on you. No
trouble to show goods.
Pioneer BficR Siore - plain ilratUBUr.
Wili positively cure Dyspepsia and all its kindred ailments.
Every bottlo Bold on a Poiitive Guarantee to eitect a
cure or money refunded. Retail price, 1 1.00.
Db. Grant's Kidnry and Liveii Cukk. For
the cure of Uright's Disease, Diabetes, Bilious
ness, Hick-Headache, ami all Kidney troubles.
DETAIL $1.00.
Dr. Grant'b Hvrup of Wild Grape Root.
The great blood purifier and system tonic.
Purely vegetable, and is the productof Oregon
Soil. Retail price, l.oo.
The Great Female Remedy !
For tiie euro of disciiBes mid oomplnlntB peculiar to feumlcs. Re
tail price, onedollttr.
Prepared By The O. W. R. Manf. Co.,
315 Front Street, Portland, Orogon.
For Sale by all Druggists. 474-lyr-f.
Collin & McFarland can give you bargains in
anything. Say, a car load of Oliver Chilled
Mows, consisting of Gangs, Hulkey and Walking
Plows, to arrive soon. But don't forget that
we can supply you with anything you want,
iu Dry Uoods, Groceries, Hardware and Tin
ware, at wholesale and retail.
In the National liable Building,
Change of
whioh we propose to conduct in
on hands at all times the choicest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
"Xiao Season
State, District and County
For Supreme Judge,
For Attorney-General,
For, Member of Congress (Second District),
For Circuit Judge (Seventh District),
For Prosecuting Attorney (Seventh District),
For Member State Board of Equalization, (Sev
enth District),
For Representative,
For County Judge,
For County Clerk,
For County Sheriff,
For County Treasurer,
For County Assessor,
For County Surveyor, '
For County School Superintendent,
For County Commissioner (Long Term),
For County Commissioner (Short Terra),
For County Coroner,
For Justice of the Peace, Heppner, Mount Ver
non and Gentry Precincts,
For Constable, Heppner, Mount Vernon and
Gentry Precincts,
Dr. Grant's Wonder Oil. The great rheu
matic cure. Itetail price, Me.
Dr. Grant's Cholera and Diarrhoea Cure.
Retail price, fiUc
Dr. Grant's Maoio Iain Cure. The great
household remedy ; an internal and external
remedy. Retail price, lift ets.
the moat satisfactory manner. Will keep
For Fruit has Arrived and we
are in the business to supply you
Is about ripe. We will let you
know about that in the near future.
W. L. Matlock & Co.
A Conglomeration
and a ...
Concatenation of Events
Has induced us
to put in the Largest Stock of the
Ever Placed before
Update this Foriuitious Goisalion
And you will be the blessed possessor
of some Real Bargains.
Also constantly on hand a full stock of Dry
Goods, Clothing, Groceries and Provisions,
Guns, Pistols, Ammunition and everything else
pertaining to a well selected stock in a General
Merchandise Store.
3. S&TIX !,
Baker':: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Madk on Shout Notice
Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00.
0. E. FAENSWOKTir, Pres. E. Q. Sl'ERKV, Vice Pres. J!. K. UIMIOP, Tremurcr,
T. E. FELL, Secretary and Manager.
CAPITAL STOCK, $100,000.00. PAID UP, $25,000.00.
Incorporated 1888.
U him and Fcrwariing W
Operating Warehouses at Heppner, lone and Dmtylas, on ihe
ueppner isranch
O. K. FarnsworRli, J. A. Thnmpsun, I). A. Ilerren, !'. C, Thompson,
Nelson Joiu'H Kdwiinl Dny, Win, IViiliuid, NtUlnmUtl v,h
K1. R. HiHlmp, Therm i h). Full, W. E. Kllintt, John h Avith
VA. H. Cox, S. A. Wook'iy, N. A. Kelly, Jiuihh .Ioiich,
J. E. Frkk, (). T. DoukIhh, K. G. Hperry, Aiikom Wright, A. li. (.'haPnmn.
IT IH the purpOHo of the stocklnilderH of thin company to conduct Its luminous tu it in tin nor
iniltinilly ndviintiitfi-ous to nil wool itnd Kitiiil prodiircrR of llii Heetlnn, uiut to iiiiiliitnin Mm
favorable home, umrket which It Iihh cKtiililiNhcd. During the eoinliitf wool hciihoii we m die it,
the huNiiicHH of all wool growers ami request them to oeud their ullp to thu "Wool Growon'
living enlarged the Heppner Warehouse, and roofed till jiltitforins, we hnvn doiihletho
storage capacity of any other warehouse iu Eastern Oregon, well lighted for the display of wool
"The Wool Growers' Warehouse."
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
A. W. PATTERSON, AGENT o ti u0t in io wnt
The Clydesdale Stallion
Tt cl I t"ltiO" Young Tin" Gamant in a Pnrk Dnpploil liny, with
white in fuoe; both Mod feet white; woittlit about
2,(XK). WriH nired by 1'W Not (21(10) O. H. U. of Greal Uritniu; Hum, Null(10W(i,
by old Lord Uuddou (3072) O. H. ii. of Grnnt Uritiiiti.
t ir W :
HcHBon, $10. Will iiinnre the nmro with foal and if not with foal ttim season,
will bread tlm nennon of 18!)!) free ot charge. In the mean time if I should nell my
stallion and the mnre bo nut with foal, 1 will refund the 810. Those breeding oau
have service of stallion till October 1, '!)2 by corainif to my reniduuc.e. Will wait,
till Oct. 1, "J2 for the money if ciiHtomnrs so desire.
First prize ,.it the World's Exposition.
First in Material and Workmanship.
First in the estimation of all practical farmers.
mowers, rakf:s, reapers and
Never prjualled tor Durability, Kxtaution anl Light now) of Draft comltmcd.
tf. Cumin Muiu uud Willow SticuU, Uoiipuet Or.
of Ideas
The Public Gaze
and at Popular Prices.
Land I Trust Company
of the U, r. K. H.
op Ga
Will Brand the Hpatton at the KullnwiiiK I'ltwes:
On Monday and Tuesdays!, Morrow Sta
ble, Heppner; Wednesdays and Thurs
days, Tom Harnett's Stalde, Lexington;
balanee of time, at my ranch, 5 1-2 miles
southeast of Heppner.
join him shortly, J Briok.