Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 10, 1892, Image 1

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Take your Babies to . .
THE pnOTOURAPIIKR. One picture Free of Charge.
All work Firit-Clast and at Living Rate).
NO. 487.
Smith & Williamson's
MAY STREET STORE for some New Furni
ture. I saw their ad. in the Gazette, where
they said "Big assortment and low prices" or
suthin' likeit. Ole hoss, don't you move till 1
git back with them fine fixins' for Sailie. How
whoa, I tell ye!
Tuesdays and Fridays
At $3.00 per year, $1.50 for six months, $1.00
lor three mourns; in advance.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
The " of Long Creek, Grant
County, Oregon, in published by the same com
pany every Friday morning. Subscription
price, I'Jperyear. Forartvcrttingrates,address
OTailT Xi. Editor and
Manager, Long Creek, Oregon,, or "tjazette,"
Heppner, Oregon.
THIB PAPER is kept on Ale at E. C. Dake's
Advertising Agency, B4 and 85 Merchants
Exohangs, Ban FranciBco, California, where con
tracts for advertising can be made for it.
J. Oregon Press Association, 2(i Ash Street,
between First and Second, Portland, Oregon, is
our only agent located in that place. Advertis
ers should consult him for rates and space in
the Gazette.
Wagner B. A. Hnnsaker
Arlington Henry Heppner
Long Creek ln?.'5,ttgle
Echo Bob Shaw
Camas Prairie ; ;0,ai,arDi Va!'4
Matteson, Au.e,,1.51;Ee,rL,!
Nye, Or.,. H.C. Wright
Hardman, Or J-,A- .W?,0l(i'7
Hamilton, Orant Co., Or ...Mattle A. Kmllo
one T- J. Cttrl
Prairie City,' Or R. R McHaley
Canyon City, Or .8. L. Parrish
Pilot Rock 1 Skelton
Dayville, Or i;'i-Y, b,',",w
John Day, Or., F. I. McCallum
Athena, Or , John Ellington
i.iiatan nr Wm. 0. McCroskcy
Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Or.,. . .... Postmaster
Uhelby, Or MiBS Stella Hett
rox, urani (jo., ur ...-
Eight Mile, Or., Mrs. Andrew Ashbaugh
Upper Khea Creek B. F. Hevlaud
Douglas, Or v;;'B,' MU
LoneKock.Or R M. Johnson
Gooseberry :wv1ib,"i'deJT
Condon, Oregon Herbert Halstead
Lexington.. W- B. MoAlister
Union Pacific Railway-Local card.
Ho, 10, mixed leaves Heppner 8:20 a. m.
" 10, 14 ar. at Arlington 11-50 a.m.
' 9, " leaves " 9:47 P- m.
" 0, " ar. at Heppner 7 AX) p. m. daily
xcept Sunday.
Kast bound, main line ar. at Arlington B:Wi p. m.
West " " " leaves l: P-
Night trains are running on same time as before.
Stage leaves for Monument daily,
. .. . , .tA.on i u
Arrives daily,- except Monday, at
0:UOP. m. -Direot
connection oan be made at
Tn,anf n,tH flia T.nncr flrefik stnffC.
juuuuwou, ...... ' " " ,
Daily stage between Long Creek and
Canyon City, connecting at the latter
place with tne stage ior rmrns uuu on
Ties valley.
S. Pennoyer.
Treasurer Phil Metwhan.
BupHnTtruchon . . . . . B. McElroy.
Judge Seventh Distriot W. L. Bradshaw
Distriot Attorney . H. Wilson
JointSenator ".Thm'
Jadge....'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'....".. ..Julius Keithly,
iimmlssionerfl . .
j. A. Thompson,
H. M. Vaughn.
" Clerk
" Sheriff
" Treasurer
" Assessor
... J. W. Morrow.
Geo. Noble.
..J.W. Matloolc.
.... J. J. McGee.
C. B. Crane.
.W. Li. Dating.
' Ceroner James Daugherty.
Mayor T. J. Matlock
..?.; .-J O. E. Farnsworth, M
T.:.i..nti,i. rin Patterson. S. P. Garrigues,
HZaerla""in Fnmk "A. A. Boberts.
Tur.V:.V.V.V.V.V::.V.... ..ESlocom
Marshal w.naamus.
uona uoage o. au l 1 . .
ery Tuesday eveuins " ?"C.,T
their Castle Hall, National Bank build
ing. Sojourning DrouitM-B uuriinM.
ij tiwu bmuu. . .. .
' T C. ACBBltt. .. of It. 4 B.
a. A. R.
Meets at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of
each month. All veterans are Invited to join.
r n nn Gao. W. SMITH.
Adjutant, tf Commander.
A A. BOBERTS, Beal Estate, Iosur-
ance and Collections. Offioe in
Council Chambers, Heppner, Or. swtf
President. Cashier.
Made on Favorable Terms.
rn A7rn axle
its warlolualHi are unsurpassed, actually
autlastins; two boxes of any other brand. KM
fiscua by bst. r-ET THE E lC
tbiiunt reller ana is sn in-
tlllbleCnrer Pile.
mail. Samplei fee. Ar
inni, HI inrn A mVPTPTF ASSORT-
LtllAL DLAit merit at the Gazette office
A Year's Subscription to a Pop
ular Agricultural Paper
By a special arrangement with the
publishers we are prepared to furnish
FREE to each of our readers a year's
ubscription to the popular monthly
agrioultural journal, the American
Farmer, published at Springfield and
Cleveland, Ohio.
This offer is made to any of our sub
scribers who will pay up all arrearages
on subscription and one year in advanoe,
and to any new subscribers who will pay
one year in advance. The American
Farmer enjoys a large national circula
tion, and ranks among the leading
agricultural papers. By this arrange
ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re
oeive the American Farmer for one
year, It will be to your advantage to
oall promptly. Sample copies
seen at our office.
can be
From Terminal or Interior Points the
Is the line to take
It is the Dinin a Car Route. It rnns Through
Yestibuled Trains every day in the year to
St. Paul and Chicago
(No Change of Cars)
Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed,
Of Latest Equipment
TtAflt f lint ran ho nnnRtrtlfltiMl RTld in which aO-
coin modntione are both free and furnwhed for
holders of hrst or Bocond-olBSB tiokete, una
Elegant Day Coachs.
A Continuous Line connecting with all
Lines, affording Direct and Uninter.
rupted Service.
Pullman Sleeper Reservations can be
i j it..i.
secured m uauunue inruttyii,
any agent of tlie road.
Tn,n from Alt nnlniA In America. Eneinnd
and Kurope can be purchased at any Ticket office
or. this company.
Full information concerning .rates, time
of trains, routes and other details
furnished on application to any
agent, or
Assistant Oeneral Passenger Agent.
ATn. 12t First St.. Cor. Washinoton,
The OrljeiraaX
Wsten Unabridged
X publishers, we are able to obtain a number
nf tbr- above book,
and propose to furnish
nnnv tn prpH of onr Bubscrfbers.
school and business house. It rills a vacancy,
ttn fnrninhpfi knowledge which no one hun
dred other volumes of the choicest books could
supply. Yountrand old. educated and ignorant.
riCll ana pour, Biwum imvc it nuinn icm.il, ii
rafnp tn ita cniitpiils everv dav in the vear.
As mtrnft have aHked if this is really the Oriir-
inal Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, we are
able to state we have learned direct from the
publishers the fact, that this is the very work
complete on which about forty of the best years
nt tuo mithor'a life were so well employed in
writing. It contains the entire vocabulary of
about luft.ooo words, including the correct spell
ing, derivation and definition of same, and is
the regular standard size, containing about
;joo,f)00 square inches of printed surface, and is
DOUnU in ClOWi nan uiuiwuu ttuu ducwu,
Until further notice we wilt furnish this
valuable Dicionary
FirstTo any new suoscriDer.
Second To any renewal subscriber,
Third To any subscriber now in arrears
who pays up and one year in advance, at
the followine: prices, viz:
Pull Cloth bound, gilt side and back
stamps, marbled edges, Si-oo.
Halt Mo'occo, Douna, gut side and pack
stamps, marbled edges, $1.50
Full Sheep bound, leather label, marbled
eaVes. $2.00
Fifty cents added in all cases tor express
age to Heppner.
f-As the publishers limit the time and
number 01 dookh iney win lurumu ai me iuw
nrWfl we advise all who desire to avail them
selves of this great opportunity to attend to it
at once.
All who are suffering from the effects
of Yonthfnl Errors, Loss of Manhood
Failing Powers, Gonorrhoea, Gleet,
Strioture.Syphilis and the many troubles
which are the effects of these terrible
disorders will receive, Free of Chaiiqb,
.; riirertians how to treat and cure
themselves at home by writing to the
Calikibiiia Medical and huboical in
ftrmabt. 1029'4 Market Street, San
Where Pacific
-ts. Vx'1
Francisoo, California. 465-Iy.
No return since 1882.
The fol efcrated French Gure,
Is Sold oh a
to ouro any
form of nervous
disease, or any
disorder of the
BEFORE generative or- AFTER
fans ol either sex whether arising from the
uctasive use of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opiwm,
or through youthful indiscretion, over indulg
ence, &c, such as Loss of Brain Power, Wakeful
ness, Bearing down Fains in the Back, Seminal
Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn
al Emission! , Leucorrhoea, Dixsiuess, Weak Mem.
ry, Loss of Power and Impotency, which If ne
glected often lead to premature old age and insan
ity. Price 91.00 a box, 6 boxes for 16.00 Sent by
mall on receipt of price.
A WRITTEN GUARANTEE forevery ?5.00
order, to refund the money If a Permanent
care is not effected. Thousands of testimonials
from old and young, of both sexes, permanently
nured by Aphroditini. Circular free. Address
Sold iu Heppner by Slocum-Johnston Drug;Co.
Bknton, Laf. Co., W1b., Dee., 88.
Rev. J. 0. Bergen vouches for the following:
Jamea Rooney, who was Buffering from St. Vitus'
bailee in its worst form for about ll4 yuars, wna
treated by several physicians without effect;
two bottles of Pastor Kueing's Hervo Tonio
cured him.
VThe True Wittiest anLChronlcle, Montreal,
Can., published Out. 24, 'm: Wo Hre la receipt
of a letter from oneuf our well-known citlztmt),
Mr. E. Boisvert, who writes that upon recom
mendation of the most Itev. M. MarchanU, of
Druniuiomlville, he was induced to use for that
moMtilrunUfiil of all nervous oisonae, l-lld, a
few bottles of Paator Komng'B Nerve Tonic: rnd
Is chid to nay Unit Hfter having putlert'd ior..
eight yours is now entirely cured, and heartily
rocominennt an Buimrwa 01 uurvuua tu
U try this remedy.
A Valuable Bootr on Nervoun
DiBeaHenaeutfreoto any addrcsb.
ana poor pauniiw can hiho ouwiu
this medicine freo of chargo.
This rem 0 dy baa been prrtRred by the Revor
Bnd Pastor Koenig, of For r aTne, ind., sine 1KJ6,
and la now prepared leader bis direction by the
KOENIG MED. CO., Chicago, III.
Sold by Druggists at 91 per Bottle. 6 for
5. Larjce8ize.l.75 6 Bottles for H9.
Sold In Portland. Orenon, by Snell,
HeitehuA Woodard.
0. A. KHEA.
George W. Conser, Cashier.
C. I. Levis, Ass't Cashier.
Transaots a General Bunking Business
On all part of the world
Bought and Sold,
Collections made at all points on Rea
sonable Terms.
Surplus and Undivided profits, $23,527.10
have re-opened this well-known house to the
puduc. ana boiicii a snare 01 tne pairoiutue.
Per day 1100
Board per week f00
Willi room uuu
My table is always supplied with the best the
market ull'ords.
67-tf--w l'rops.
To keep your Sheep healthy, and Insure a good
cap, use
A Sure Cure at Moderate Cout.
Mixes with either COLD or WARM WATER.
Is Non-Poisonous, Improves the
and does Not stain it.
Wool. Commission Mkrchantr,
Fifth and Townsend 8ts Kan Francisco
Gknebal Aoknts.
For sale by Slooum-Johnston Dnif; Co
At Abrahameick's. In addition to his
tailoring business, he has added a 6ne
line of underwear of all kinds, negligee
shirts, hosiery, etc. Also bas on band
some elegant patterns for salts. A.
Abrabamsick, May street, Heppner, Or.
I suffered severely with face neu
ralgia, but in IS minutes after appli
cation of St. Jacobs Oil was asleep ;
have not been troubled with it since.
F. B. ADAMS, Perry, Mo.
Submitted by a subscriber.
It would be tonohiug if it were not
amusing to note the anxiety of the old
party bosses. "You ain't going back on
the old party, are you?" Is it going
baok on them to refuse further allegi
anoe to the parties that long ago went
baok on us? No. By disoontiuuinf? to
vote with the partita Ibat would soon
legislate us out of what little they have
left us, we have merely stopped going
back on ourselves.
The people are no longer to be fooled
by the smooth talk and false promises of
the old politioiaDB. The worn oat cry of
"Stick to the grand old republican" or
"grand old democratic" rPry kas lost its
foroe. The people have long etuok to
the old parties through tbiok and turn,
but they have found thai promises are
thick while performances are thin. They
have found that the old parties are
getting worse and worse, and are run
only for pelf and preferment, without re
gard to the rights of the great mass of
citizens who form the rank and file. So
they have formed a party of the people
and for the people.
No one doubts that the farmers' alliance is a
grand organization. It was born to do good
and to make smoother the rugged pathway oi
those who till the soil. It was ushered into ex
istence not as a political organization, nor as an
Institution whose purpose was to elevate to
power or political preferment any of the disaf
fected strikers or soreheads of either of the old
parties, but as a labor organizatton whose Bole
object was the protection and advancement of
the agriculturalists of the United StateB. It is
an outgrowth of the old patrons of huBbandry,
has absorbed other grange societies, and its
membership now numbers probably not less
than 3,000,000 in the United States. East Ore
gouian. '
Tbank yon, brother. Bo far so good.
Bat why spoil it by saying in the same
paragraph that the people's party is led
by old-parly soreheads who are trying to
pull the ulliauoe into their ranks; that
the leaders of the people's party "are
laboring for their own personal aggran
disement, have no love for the farmers,
and it is right that the allianoe should
refuse to lend tbem encouragement, f"
Fiel Fiel Suob an ingenious twisting
of things was not expected from the
usually oandid E. O. That the . 0., of
all others, should resort to suob tricks is
but another evidence of the strength of
the people's party and of the poverty of
argument agaiust it. And it is amusing
the dear farmers of the alliance refuse
to join the nicked people's party I Oh,
E. O.I E. O.l But perhaps the E. O. is
innooent in the matter. Perhaps it
really doesn't know that the allianoe wbb
the germ of the people's party ; that the
alliance is now the core, the heart, of the
people's party. The allianoe is the reg-
ular standing army ; the people's party
includes this and the immense volunteer
foroes attracted by the justness of its
oause and despairing of securing the
rights of the people at the bands of the
old parties. It the E. 0. man will extend
his reading beyond the old-party papers,
be will find ample confirmation of this
assertion, and be will also find that able
writers, deep thinkers and honest men,
who never sought offioe in the old par
ties and are not seeking it m tne new,
are the advisors of the people's party, in
stead of its being led by disappointed
plaoe-bunters. It is easier and less pain
ful to believe that tke E. O. is itself de
ceived, than that it is deliberately adopt
ing disingenuous methods.
Urino Like Brick Dmt-O. K. x. Gave Almost
InFtant lie lie r.
Portland, Or., July 29.
My kidneys were in a very bad condi
tion. The urine was like bnok dust, ana
I suffered a great deal with my baok.
All remedies were unavailing until I
whioh gave me almost immediate relief.
Pierce County Bonds.
From the TocoroaNewfl.
A visiting tlnanoior from New York
City says that the finanoierB of that oity
have adopted tbe form of the Fierce
county bonds as the proper form to be
used for all counties in the state of Wash
ington and that hereafter bonds must be
made in that form to insure sale in the
New York market.
Mra. 8. E. V. Emery, author of "The
Seven Financial (Jooipiraoies, a well
informed lady and an able speaker, will
address tbe people of Morrow county, on
thM tinlitical iitsues of the day, on tbe
dates following: At Liberty school
house, Saturday May 7tb; Gooseberry,
Sunday, May 8th; Hardman, Monday,
May 9th; Heppner, Tuesday, May 10th;
Lexington, Wednesday May Htn, Men
miino will convene at 2 p. m, exoept
Hpr.nrmr. which will be at 7 p. m. All are
cordially invited to attend especially
members of the old parties. H2-H1.
The meetiue at Lexington has been
merged into a picnic, to be held in the
grove bard by, and all householders are
requested to Drmg wen uneu unae.
nine Mountain Division, No , to be Instituted
In the Near Future Communications
Intending Members, Take Notice.
For the benefit of intending members
of Blue Mountain Division, soon to be in
stituted at Heppner, w publish herewith
correspondence that the members may be
prepared at the call of the officers of the
division, to be present at the institution.
It is not the desire of the knightly broth
ers to give undue publicity of the order,
but merely to inform all those who de
sire to become members, what is expect
ed of them and when the institution of
the division will likely ooonr.
Sir Knight Captain Otis Patterson, re
ceived the following from headquarters
Indianapolis, Ind. April 26th, 1892,
Knightly Sir and Brother:--The application
for a Division of the Uniform Kank K. of P, to be
Located at Heppner, State of Oregon, was duly
received at these Headquarters. The applica
tion has been approved by the Supreme Chan
cellor, and Capt. E. E. Sharon, of Pendleton,
State of Oregon, has been commissioned to insti
tute the said Division.
You will correspond with said instituting offi
cer as to date on which the Division will be
ready, and arrange with him fully all the de-
tailB. It will be your duty to pay the necessary
traveling expenses of the instituting officer.
Supplies will be sent to the instituting officer.
Warrant fee (thirty dollars) received and for
warded to the Supreme Keeper of Records and
Seal. The Division will be numbered on re
ceipt of the report of the instituting officer.
You will notify each of the applicants to be
present at the appointed time, and the necessity
of procuring the prescribed uniform for the
Kank before the meeting. I would also suggest
that you call a meeting previous to that time and
select officers, or at least your Treasurer, that he
may be prepared to furniBh his bond before the
officers are installed. You will bear In mind
also, that this Rank 1b dependent upon the Or
der of Knights of Pythias for membership, and
good standing therein must be established by
"Official Receipt" from the Lodge of which
he is a member, before a brother can be admit
ted. The instituting officer will call for such
evidence while in discharge of his duties, and
it should be promptly furnished him, and all
due obedience rendered to his orders.
Fraternally yours,
James R. Caknakan,
Hajor-Qeneral Uniform Rank.
By Friday's mail the following letter
was received from Sir Knight Capt. E.
E. Sharon, of Umatilla Division :
Pkndlbton, Oregon, May 6th, 1892.
Otis Patterson, Esq., Heppner, Or.
Knightly Sir and Brother: I have the ooin-
mission and all necessary supplies to institute
your Division of the U. R. as Boon as your uni
forms are received. Do you know whether the
uniforms have been shipped from Columbus,
Ohio, yet?
If the uniforms reach you before May 14th
please wire me and have everything arranged to
institute on Saturday night the 14th. Would
prefer the Pith if possible for you to get ready,.
otherwise I shall have to wait until I return
from the I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge, which will be
either the 21st or 23d.
Kindly let me know the situation of allalra ao
I may know how to flguro.
Have all your members armed with an official
receipt for dues and remember that you must
have 27 men present in full uniform when we
meet. Yours in F. C. & B.
E. E. Sharon,
Capt. Umatilla Div. No. 9.
Tbe following is the answer:
Hepi'Ner, Or., May 7, '92.
E. E. Sharon, Pendleton, Or.,
Knightly Sir and Brother: Yours of the Cth
inst. at hand. I will say in ans wer that wo have
not been informed of the completion of our uni
forms, therefore would infer that they have not
been shipped. Should we receive them between
now and the 10th inst., will wire you. But
should they eome later, It would give the mem
bers little time to prepare for the institution of
Blue Mountain Division. I beg to remain,
Yours in F. C. & B.,
Otih pattkrhon,
Sir Kt. Capt. Blue Mountain Div.
The members should at onoe provide
themselves with the oilioinl receipt, and
also deposit with the air Knigbt Treas
urer, W. L. Baling, 83 as instituting fee.
They will also bear in mind that the first
payment on uniforms became due May
1st 92.
The Norwegian Storthing has unani
mously resolved to take up a state loan
of 20,000,000 crowns.
Tbe Christiana Evening 1 st has re
ceived information that Kaiser WilliBm
will arrive July 9 at Bode, aboard the
Hobenzollern. From there he goes to
Skaaro, where he intends to board a
whaler and participate in the oatcbingof
Two steamers, intended for the trans
port service of submarine mines, have
been executed for the Russian navy by
the Motala Shipbuilding Company, this
establishment, however, became bank
rupt before the boats were oompleted,
and tbe oontraotors were thus liable to a
heavy fine by their Russian customers.
Tbe oompany, however, candidly inform
ed the Russian government of their bank
rupt oondition pleading for a remission
of tbe fine and an additional payment of
108,000 crowns bnyond the stipulated
sum. Tbe two boats proved of such su
perior workmanship that the Czar grace
fully accorded the unprecedented request.
One of the greatest triumphs ever
soored by a singer at Stockholm since tbe
days of Christine Nilsson was recently
done by a young American lady. The
Roval Court theatre wbb crowded. The
newspapers, however, had without any
recommendations whatever simply an
nounced that ao American lady would
appear as "Violetta." Nothing eitraor.
dinary was expected, and tne audienoe
SDpeared quite apatbetio. Iieaides Sig
rid Arnoldson's impersonation was still
in fresh aDd delectable memory. The
audienoe felt most unsympathetic But
the curtain rises! She enters. What a
dazzling appearanoel Snob eyes, such
demeanor! It is tbe simple and natural
American manner united with the round-
ed plastique of tbe Italian and the grace
fulness of the Freuoh. Glorious tones
vibrate through the auditorium, whic h
not only enthrall their listeners but ver
ily eleotrify and ravish them, evoking a
yearning response in every human heart
Madam Beatrioe Vehon was born in Chi-
oago of French parents. Her voioe at
tracted when a ohild considerable notioe.
After having oonsulted musical connois
seurs ber parents resolved that she should
devote herself to her artistio calling.
She reoeived a particularly oareful music
al training, and after necessary prelim
inary studies she was sent to Paris, that
she from the most able teachers of that
oosmopohtan and artistio metropolis
would receive, so to say, ber artistio bap
tism. She has as yet not appeared pub
licly in tbe United States, but will be
sure not to forget her native oity on its
day of glory next year.
Portland, Or., Jan. 12.
Having a severe backaohe last summer
used oue oan whioh effeoted a radical
oure. I would recommend it to all who
are afllioted, as an unfailing remedy.
It is not my desire to oast any sort of
refieotion on the oandidaoy or good stand-
ing of tbe alliance candidate for county
superintendent, as everyone knows that
she is not only an estimable young lady,
but a thorough, progressive teacher, and
should the constitution of the state per
mit, make a splendid superintendent.
Under the head of "qualifications of
county offioers," artiole 5, seotion 8, con
stitution of Oregon, I find tbe following
No person shall be elected or appointed to a
county office, who Bhall not be an doctor of the
county : and all county, township, precinct and
city officers shall keep their respective offices at
such places therein, and perform such duties as
may be prescribed by law.
Of course, all that refers to tbe matter
under consideration is that tbe person
shall bo an eleotor; in other words a
voter. A lady oannot vote at a general
eleotion in this state and therefore is not
eligible to bold office, which tbe oourts
will hold until tbe constitution is
Ed. Gazette: Showers are plentiful
these davs, and those who believe their
prayer for rain has been answered are
now busy petitioning for a warm dry
spell. I .
Saturday s crowd was not quite so
large as usual. Many of tbe people
were away attending the public meeting
at Liberty, at whioh time and place Mrs.
S. E. V. Emery addressed the audience
on "Tbe Seven Financial Conspiracies."
Ample preparations are being made
for tba allianoe picnio and publio speak
ing at this place, Wed., May 11.
People when they aot in unison oan
almost remove mountains and a "little
Hill" that now presents itself as a for
midable barrier will be readily and
easily leveled to a proper plane. When
a man will stoop to the petty meanness
of refusing the use of a grove for picnic
purposes its high time to draw the line.
The act is not in aooord with the views
and feelings of the rightful owner, and
that be may not suffer injustice at the
hands of a wronged people, this publicity
is given.
Here may be a good plaoe to state that
the editor of the Gazette is in no way
responsible for the opiuions of a corres
pondent, and while we are not eager for
a "set-to," any one who belieyeB he bas
suffered injustice from our pen, is cor
dially invited to defend himself.
It seems like rank nonsense to acouse
a local correspondent of having an
opinion, or of having much of anything
The "smoke 'em out" prooesa has
actuated some indisoreet talk about a
"guu play."
There is one thing mightier than the
gun that is the "son of a gun" whose
practice and careful observation enables
him to "ring the bell" every now and
If some of these lords of creation who
assume that this world was made for
them, and them alono, would "keep in
the middle of the road," there would be
no occasion for this oomment, and with
the firm assurancs that "no bluff goes,"
tbe subjeot will be dismissed. It would
take many pages to give tbe opioions of
tbe various local oelebrities.
John McMillan does not talk politics
much. Thos. and Andrew Keaney are
interested in fine horses more than any
thing else. Cbas. Hodson drove a Que
team yesterday, Harry Parsons believes
in alliance principles and bas the neces
sary courage to abide by bis convictions,
J. F, Willis is pretty regular and will
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
mm m mw
shake bands with you after election as
he does before it.
Will Blair attends to business in a
masterly way. Does it argue anything ?
Tom Barnett is making a host of
friends and thinks bis chances for the
sheriffalty of Morrow county are "away
up in G." Tom says he wanted to be
distriot attorney but the "gang" was
against that.
W . B. MoAlister says local candidates
have exhausted his stock of peanuts in
ginning up" the voters.
B. F. Gibson says some of them will
get there by a "olose shave."
David Porter says "the rabbits are
devouring his lettuce." He wants to
know if there is a remedy, Yes there is
an infallable remedy. Devour the rab
bits or lettuoe, or both. Ed.
We find that Clerk Morrow and Sheriff
Noble have a whole lot of friends down
here, and those who will vote for them,
too. All, however, have their admirers.
Tom Boothby is "red headed" because
he did not get the nomination for repre
sentative on the fourth party tioket.
Doc Palmer was disappointed in not
securing the office of coroner. Doc says
he has no reason to oomplain of bis
patronage, but the country is so extreme
ly healthy that he is hardly ever oalled in
to Bay what will cure, and be would at
least like to show what will kill.
Why don't some would-be representa
tive accept the ohaUenge of L. W. Lewis
for a joint discussion of the politionl
issues of the day ?- It ii likely they will.
Mrs. Barnett, who bas been quite ill
for some days, is somewhat better.
With the farther assurance that these
letters are not from a "bidden band,"
this epistle closes, T. K. K.
Lexington, May 8, '92.
HON. F. A. MOOltE.
Conclusive Answer to the Charges Reflecting
Upon His Integrity.
From the Orcgonian.
Portland, Or. Moy 5 To the Editor.
Our attention has been called to certain
articles published in several of the news
papers of the state, reflecting on the
character and integrity of Hon. F. A.
Moore, present republionn candidate for
supreme judge of tbe atate.
Having been attorneys in the oase men
tioned in the articles above oited, and
being entirely familiar with the facts of
tbe case, we deem it simple justioe to
say that the decisions of the courts thor
oughly vindicate Judge Moore, and that,
in our judgment, there is nothing in the
whole transaction whioh Teflects in any
degree on the integrity of Judge Moore,
either us a mun or as an attorney.
The whole question of Judge Moore's
good fuith was fully investigated and
tried, and tbe plaintiffs failed to estab
lish, by one partiolo of evidenoe, any
charge that they had made agaiust him.
Very respectfully,
Killin, Starr & Thomas.
Ed. Gazette: In your issue of Friday
I took pleasure in resigning the nomina
tion for oounty superintendent of schools
in favor of Miss Voruz.of Heppner, Far
be it from my purpose to appear of a
"oDangeful spirit," but from present ad
vices it would appear that the party in
question is partial to Portland people.
All we bachelor's want is a square deal,
and we'll have that or I'll run myself, by
cracky ! If there is any deputy needed
Morrow Co. can furnish him, for we have
a fine job lot of bacbelois here. With
profound respect
I am yours sincerely,
Patrick Quaid.
Hi'jtnkh, May 9, 1892.
Mr. Andrew Hum is visiting with Mr.
0. A. Repass.
Miss Nerva Kelley bas been sick with
a sore throat, but is bettor.
Mr. A. H. Hooker and family are vis
iting with their son, H. E. Hooker, pre
vious to their departure for Southern Or
egon. Herman Meisner has quit herding for
the present and is visiting in the Kight
Mile country. We hope that be will not
marry while he is down there.
E. Vanscort has sold his ranch to Mr.
Andrew Anderson, from Tacouia, for
8525 00. We are sorry to hear of Mr.
Vansoort's departure, but hope he will
do well in the valley.
We are Borry to learn that Mr. Ed.
Rood has charges against him at the
Bachelors' Club.for going to see the sohool
ma'am on Hale Ridge. Rut we sincere
ly hope that he will prove his innocence
when tbe trial comes oir.
A. Touaii.
Halk Riiue, May 6.
Eph. Eskelnon and Willie Hunt were
oalleri at the Gazette office Saturday
last. Bunohgrass is "in the swim" again
this year, the boys inform us.