k ; to ob i 0 SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE NOTICE TO ADVEHTIHKKS. rpIIOSE (lfsirliiR tho insertion of display nils., X or chaiiKe nf Mime, niustKet their copy in not later than Motniiiy evening for Tuesday's edition, or Thursday evening for FridtiyB etli- tioil. TlIK 1'ATTKKHON l'UBI.IHHINU Co. limnfall fur Match and A prll, '!0, 'HI, 'Da. March. April. Total. 2.75 0.;l'J ;.H 2.M 0.41 2.17 MM 2.82 4.70 A. Smith, Observer. IBM.. lS'Jl. . 1KU. . Here and There. T. W. Ayers, Jr., for drags. 68 bw Gazette onThoruton's oouuters. Frioe 5 oeuts. tf. J. Roberts is baok again buying wool in this vicinity. F. M. Courter dropped in from Eight utile oaiuruay. Geo. Conner is the proud possessor of a brand new cart. R 8. Maxwell, of Gooseberry, was in the oity yesterday. Postmaster White, of Douglas, was in town Wednesday. Daily stage both ways between Monu ment and Long Creek. tf. When in Arlington, atop at the Ben nett bouse, near the depot. ul-tf Mrs. J. J. Roberts is prepared to do all kinda of plain sewing. 65-tf Ford, the painter, Btill "in it." For any kind of work see him. 81-tf. John Rasmus has again resumed his duties as marshal of Heppner. John Carmiohael and family wore vis itors to Heppner Wednesday. llev. J. T. Qnlloway and Bon were in town the latter part of last week. Victor Staadeoker, of Portland, was in Heppner Tuesday and Wednesday. Hon. W. R. Ellis left yesterday morn ing for Grant and Harvey counties. J. L. Beymer, of the Eight Mile sec tion, says his wheat ia looking flue. Mrs. Ella French is improving ropidly at the Good Samaritan at Portland. A farmers' alliance organization will be perfected at Douglaa next Saturday. When yon buy blanks, buy good ones. Call for tbe Heppner Gazette catalogue. Mrs. Andrew Cook has been on the sick list for some weeks, but is now bet ter. This office is thankful to Mrs. John Brown for a "mess" of early spring rad ishes. E. 0.: Hugh Fields, the extensive sheep-grewer of Morrow county, is in tbe city. Peter Brenner, a solid man of Eight Mile, dropped in yesterday to see the Ui.at.tte. Clear warm weather of the post few days ia causing grass and grain to shoot up rapidly. A "rag bee" was an interesting feature for the ladies yesterday, being at Mrs. J. F. Corliss'. Commissioners J. M. Baker and Alex Thompson were in attendance on oounty court this week. J. S. Boothby and D. Doutman, of Lexington, were pleasant callers at our oflioe yesterday. Strayed A monkey wrench, branded A. M. Gunn. Bring it back, you dis honest obaracter. tf 0. Buhl has added a stock of oysters, canned and fresh fruits, all kinds of nuts, cigars, tobaccos, etc 69 sw J. A. Bardell came up on Wednesday to take charge of his work on Henry Heppuer's new building. Pap Simons & Son still shoe horses and do general blucksmithiug at the old stand Matlook oorner. 55. "The Parlor," W. F. Ruark, prop., in the City hotel, west side of Main street. Neatest plaoe in Heppner. hw Minor Bros, have a show window of sportsmen's goods wbioh is seldom equaled in point of arrangement. J. R. Grover bus two outfits for the de livery of goods and freight, Heppner ex press Nos. 13 and 15. See ad. Mrs. Emma Ingram, of Portland, an old acquaintance of Mrs. Margaret Yon Cndow and family, is visiting them. Call on Lishe Sperry, down at the Belvedere, when in town. Keeps on hand a line stock of liquors and cigars. 61-tf Messrs, Cbas. Wyland and Bob Fuller went out to anule for trout Wednesday, but caught little more than "iiisberman's luck. The direotors of the Heppner school have decided to furnish the pupils of the sohool with good, pure spring water hereafter. Johnson and Charlton, both having a handle spelled C-h-a-r-l-e-y, are carpen tering for L. D. Boyed on the Heppner building. In exoavating on the site of the new BOhool house, bedrock was struok very near the surface, and blasting had to be resorted to. Hiya ketchum whiskers. Hatt & Mathews, at the oity barber shop the plaoe to get a first-class sbaye, hair-out or shampoo. tf We want Bome wood on subscription. Borne of our subscribers are badly in ar rears, and can, perhaps, bring in some wood in lieu of oasb. Col. E. W. EnoB, of the Portland Dis patch, and Hon. Wm. Hughes, of Hepp ner, returned from a trip to the Fossil oountry last Tuesday. The Buchler beer, 5 oents per glass, at the Columbia Beer Hall, Osmers & Hughes, props., next door to M. Lich tenthal & Co.'s shoe store. sw tf Rev. 0. B. Wbitmore, grand offioial in structor of the A. O. U. W., will deliver a public address Saturday evening, at tbe M. JS. Uburon or this place. All are cor dially invited. Born In this oitv. on Thursday. May 6th, te the wife of Vawter Crawford, the Gazette's foreman, a girl. Weight 10 pounds. Vawter is striking only the high places now. Heman Caldwell, candidate for as sessor on tbe people's party ticket, wae in Wednesday. He reports the grain not looking well with him, owing to much oool weather. Commissioner Baker says that tbe rainy weather seemed to rather encour age the ravages of the wire worm, though it will probably not do any seri ous damage, he thinks. Mr. Lew Atherton and wife are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Crawford. Mra. Atherton is a sister of Mr. Crawford. k Lateb. Mr. and Mra. Atherton left for ""Waiteburg this morning. The Walt Richardson orew of "roach era." ever one a 100-striker. are at work on James Jones' banda at A. A. Wren's place. Mr. Wren compliments tbem as being a fine crowd of boys. W. J. Cantwell, one of onr progressive young men who has been attending Port land Business College, has returned to pend the summer at home. However, he will return this fall and complete the oourse. J. W. Keeney is over from Long creek to meet his daughter, Mrs. Casey, who ia expected in from North Yakima. Mr. Keeney say a that be and brothers will have Pin Ear and other fast horses here during the races this month. COUNTY COUKT. Affidavits of 8. G. Miller and two nfli era, coyote scalps, accepted and issue of scrip oonnrnied. Aliidavits of Frank Evans and 23 nth era, squirrel sculps, acoepted aud issue or scrip coutirmed . Also Stanford How- en and b otbers acoepted aud issue of sorip oonnrmeil. AIho that of A. . Walton berger and 46 others. novnr.o scalps, aooepted and issue of scrip con- nrineu. Miscellaneous bills allowed: Nate McBee, $100; W. L. Saliug, 8141. Bills allowed in connection Maroh term of court: J. B. Natter, $6.20; Jas. Jones, 88.20; Tom Howard, $10.20; N. L. Shaw, 811.40; O. R. Day, $11; Jas. A. Pearson, $13.80; Henry Soberzingor, $8 20 ; Wes. Mnrlatt, $8.20; W. H. Rush, $10.20; John Byland, $11.60; T. H. Bis bee, $8.20: Sol. Mavfielii. 811: Frank Troutman, $13.20; A. T. King, $14.20; Chas. Johnson, $8.20; Hi Taah. $14; Frank lioberts, $8,20; Geo. Bauernfiend, 816; Sterling Keithly, 410.20; J. D. Am brose, $12.50; Arthur Duly, $12.40; J. O. Maggs, $10.40; D. C. Ely, $15.80; Geo. Sperry, $12.40; W. R. Hansell, 814; John Hayes, $6.20; Ben Parker, $10.60; T. L. Dorman, 89.60; G. C. Caviness, $9.60; August Charlston, $7; J. J. Adkins, $5;20; W. E. Elliott, $4; J. W. Redford, $6 60; Geo. Sperry, $4.40; G. W. Rea, $2.20; D. VV. Lipscomb, $2.20; Frank Mills, $2.20; Wes. Marlatt, $0.20; John King, $5.60; Thos. Barnett, $3.80; James Penlond, $6.20; John A. Adams, $14; W. R. Casey, $6; Thos. Niohols, $4.40; Frank Deos, $12 60; Roland Foster, $12; Jas. H. Royse, $2; D. A. Herren, $3.80; Abe Luelling, $4.60; E. Hendrix, $2; Jas. Uoyse, $6; John Howell, 86.80; Charles Furlong, $7; Geo. Bleakman, Jr., $8; Ed. Matlook, $2.20; Leslie Matlock, 82.20; Thos. ;Vanoleave, 811: B. J. Watkins, $17.10; Annie Gilliam, $6; Wm. Gilliam, $6; H. K. Hickman, $2; Wm. Hendrix, $9.50; W. H. Royse. 82.20; Hank Cramer, $8; Joe Banister, $8.80; Frank Cramer, $8; J. S. Hoskins, $10.40; Joe Woolery, 1 87:30; Walt Bennett, 89; Abe Luelling,' $9; Jas. Hams, $6; Ernest Cupper, $2 20, Kufus Niohols, $4 40. Costs inquest and other incidental ex penses, Abe Greenwood, allowed. Building of bridge at Lexington award ed to Davis & Co., for 8416. Costs state vs. Thos. Thatcher, allowed. Also costs state vs. Clume, allowed. Also in oase state vs. Chas. Mitcbell. J. W. Morrow allowed $48.54, oirouit court fees. In case of state vs. John Baohus, cost bill allowed. Also in case state vs. Cbet Sargent. Tbe petition of M. B. Galloway for Black Horse road. No. 112, accepted : S. N. Morgan, A. H. Stamp and W.C. Lacy, viewers ; Isa Brown, surveyor. Hoad application No. 107, oontinued for term. Bills allowed: J. W. Matlock, $83.33; Julius Keithly, $133.33; Geo. Noble, $655.32. BillB of jurors, March term, allowed : M. A. Kelly, $11.20; D. A. Hamilton, $5; Joe Luckmon, $4.60; D. W. Hornor, $4.20; O. T. Douglas, $6. Cost bill, state vs. Bobert Beach, al lowed. Boad petition of M. A. Olden et al., No. Ill, aooepted and James Nunamaker, John Williams and David Baker ap pointed viewers; Isa Brown, surveyor. Boad petition, O. S. Hodsdon et al., application No. 109, accepted and Chas. Benefiel, Ike Howard and Carl Crow ap pointed viewers; Isa Brown, surveyor. Road petition of S. White et al., ap plication No. 110, accepted and Paul Troedson, O. T. Douglas and B. H. Win ters appointed viewers; Isa Brown, sur veyor. Road application No. 108, continued for term. Road No. 106 ordered opened. Bills paid in connection, W. T. MoNabb, $2 50; M. R. Morgan, $2 50; H.D.Whitman, $2.70. Road No. 103 ordered opened. View ers paid $2 eaob. VOTIKQ PLACES CHANGED. The voting place of Heppner preoinct is ohanged from the recorder's office to the court house, tbe former being too small. Tbe school house having burned in Mt. Vernon precinot, the voting place ia changed to tbe engine bouse. Cost bill, state vs. John Cureton, al lowed $10.30. Allowed salaries: John A. Thompson, $8.20, J. M. Baker, $12; J. W. Morrow, clerk's fees. $168. OTHER ALLOWANCES. Tboae bills not allowed by law do not appear in this issue, but will be pub lished in Tuesday's issue. R A. M. The Royol Arch Masons of Heppner and vicinity are requested to meet at the hall of Heppner lodge No. 69, A. F & A. M.f tomorrow at 3 o'clock, p. m., at wuicn time tne organization ot the lodge of Royal Arch Masons will be perfected. All R. A. M. should be pres ent. Home Roaoheks. The Richardson orew of shearers are still knocking away on James Jones' band between showers. This orew is composed of the followibg: Walt Riohardson, Harry Sweeney, Johnny Auwater, John Hickey, J. Riser, Ben Mathews, Cbas. Shannon and Billy Crank. A Wedding. In our last issue we for got to say, by our notes getting misplaoed, that one of our Heppner girls, Miss Eva Howerton, was captured at the hymenial altar by Mr. Wm. Seldon, of Ilwaco, last Sunday, The ceremony occurred st the residence of Hon. J. B. Sperry, A. A. Roberts performing tbe same in his usual pleasant manner. Miss Eva is well liked here, and all her friends wish ber a hap py married life. Hurrah for Ellis! In a letter to the editor of this paper, Prof. J. H. Stan lev, of Washington oounty, has this to sav of Hon. W. R. Ellis: "I say, 'Hurrah tor Ellis !' He will be eleuted by a runs. inc maiontv. In congresa he will belp to ateer the old ship of atote clear of temrjestuous waters. While visiting con gress last winter I did not see a better Wmkins man than Ellis, and then be ia in touch with the common people. For honest busineas principlea he will stand n congress without a peer, in tne mat ter of ability, he will De tar arjove me averoge. Again Honored Prof. J. E. Stanley, who was some years ogn the eifioient principal of the Heppner schools, as well an for two terms the county superintend ent cf Morrow county, but the last year at the bead of the Hillsboro schools, has been placed in nomination for county superintendent of Washington oounty, by the republicans. Prof. Stanley is an ed noator of high standing and should he be elected, which will no doubt be tbe re sult, Washington county's educational maitAra will have never bad a more en thusisstio or competent superintendent. Domestic Jars. Last Tuesday a little difficulty between the families of our es-fellow-townsmen. Charley Sar gent and Jas. Depuy, culminated in the arrest ol (jnesier nargeui. yicur '" sized lad, son ot air. oargeni, ouargeu with assault and battery. After quite trial before a jury composed of Jeff. Jones, Chas. Jones. Newt. Whetstone, H. P. Garrignes, J. W. Coffey and W. P. Scrivner, Justice Res presiding, he was acquitted. Tbe Gazette ia sorry indeed that anything should have arisen between the two families to have disturbed their friendly relations. Hev. Chas. Kirk is over from Baker City. Eggs wanted at P. C. Thompsou Com pany's. 85 6 Chas. Royse is back from Gilliam county. Ed. Holloway was in town this morn ing on busiuess. Born-To the wife of Wm. Hughes, on Friday, tho 6th inst, a boy. Henry l'adberg and Nels Magnusen are iu from Lexington today. Born To the wife of W. M. Pierce, of Democrat Gulch, April 25th, a girl. Wall paper, notions, patent medicines, drugs, ohemichls, etc., go to Ayers. 68sw A. 8. Haines, the Eight Mile postmas ter, thinks oropa are uverage in his sec tion. Geo. Utt aud Reub Sperry were up from, respectively, Jordan Fork and lone today. E. P. Sine, Geo. Sperry and Otto Sum mers were up from Lexington this morning. Fait & Wineberger's Celebrnted Pre served Strawberries at P. C. Thompson Company's. 85-80 J. B. Carmichael and wife, ot Lexing ton, were visitors at the Gazette office Wednesday. Capt. Geo. W. Bell hos ohanged his dates and will not appear at Heppner till the 23d inst. Broiled mackerel in 2-pound tins at P. C. Thompson Company's. Something fine. Try it. Abo salt mackerel in kits. 85-86 W. B. Blanton, accompanied by bis wife, were guests of the Palace Tuesday. Mr. Blanton ia the ohief dispatcher of the U. P.'s Pacific division. From appearances there will be con siderable building in Ueppuer this Bum merr Had it water and lights, it would make a still better showing. J. A. Woolery and brother were up from lone Tuesday, J. A. receiving some instruction in the mysteries of Pythian ism on that oocasion. He ia a good rider. Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see his old friends there. Kutlis in connec tion. Further exoavatious are being made on Main street, near the Gazette office, tbe dirt being -used to oomplete the street grading between May and Willow streets, on Main. Dr. Grant's Syruo of Wild Grape is made from the Oregon wild grape root, now conoeded by eminent physicians to be the most powerful alternative known. See ad. in this issue. tf Eagle: The city restaurant again had a narrow escape from fire. A wooden spittoon oaught on fire Saturday night, and was just discovered in time to save the building, or iu other words, the town. Rev, J. M. Shulse, of Kansas, has ta ken charge of the M. E. oburoh of this plaoe for the coming year. Servioee will be held next Sunday morning aud evening, Rev. Shulee presiding. Any patron of the Gazette who finds himself in arrears with the Gazette about $10 worth onn pay it off with a load of bay. Tbe Gazette has some horses that are getting tlun on "post hay and "wind" onts. S. G. Miller, Spenoer and E. M. Akers, of Gooseberry, called Tuesday while in town. They informed ye editor that the fall sown grain on sod is not looking very good, though they thiuk that a lit tle warm weather will bring it out. LONE ROCK NEWb. Some of our farmers have not been able to sow their grain yet. A few hours of bright sunshine reaobed our locality tod ay for the first time in several weeks. Lambing season is about over and the average per cent of lambs raised is about 95 iu this vicinity. Business is lively in our burg, and the future looks like the shadow of prosper ity to our country. Sheep shearing is near at band and some of our tommybawkers are now scraping the rust oil' their old shears. Politics is gingling around here, and everybody is going their full length for Ellis for oongtess, regardless of political views. Mr. Silas Wright made his appear ance on our streets Tuesday, tbe first fur a long time. We also noticed several Haystackers about here tbe past week, among others Messrs. Breeding and Rube Murdock, who only show themselves over here about twioe in a dog's age. We jogged over to Rock creek tbe other day, and on Hearing the orossing one would have thought it oontaiued a young volcano, but oloser observations proved that the hre and smoke was pro duced by tbe energetic orew of road workers in bweet milk canyon. The road work is progressing as well as could be expected, considering so muoh bad weather. Married At Heppner, April 29. Mr. R. H. Robinson to Miss Anna Bennett and Mr. Irvm Bennett to Miss Millie Neel, all of Lone Rook. It seems to puzzle many of our people to know how 'kids," who were unable to procure a marriage lioense iu their own oounty on acoount of not being of lawful age, could go over to Morrow oounty and there get lioense and marry, but of course they took different witnesses be fore eaob oounty clerk. Last Friday Miss Frazier was thrown from her horse and seriously injured and is still suffering much pain from a deep cut on ber head. J. M. R. Lone Rock, May 3, '92. Artists' Matbbials. For all kinds of artists' materials, eta., go to Hinitb & Williamson, May street. The only full line iu town. 47Gtf Fob Salk. A threahinir outfit, Buffalo Pitts separator, power, derrick, ropes, pulleys, etc. Will sell reasonable. Ap ply to S. White. Douglas, Or. BMNa Them Back. "Pap" Himons bas loaned ont a brace and bit, a two inch auger, a band-saw and other tools. If the parties are through with them, they will kindly return aud oblige. HOtf Ricentl) the following hotlct appeared In tAf eon rrancieco nivmniv. " T,iW R had been nick only about two weeks, and it was not until the last three or four days that tne maiany iook a iwnuua mru. At the beginning; of his illness he suffered from diabetes and stomach disorder. Later the kidneys refused to perform their functions and he passed quietly away. Thus ended the life of one of the most prominent men in Cali fornia " Like inousanus Ol oiner. inn uu timely death was the result of neglecting early symptoms of kidney disease. IF- YOU are troubled with diabetes, gravel, or any de rangement of the kidnevs or urinary organs, ion't delay proper treatment until you are forced to give up your daily duties ; don't waste your money on worthless liniments and wofse plasters, but strike at the seat of the disease at once by using the greatest of all . t, li-hTatwlOreifon Kid- mown ,tV,. - ;tk..UnH. ney Tea. u n vtva .; . Whv should it not cure you irv iv. rumj Ttgctable and pleasant to ttfc J"-- REPUBLICAN s District and County TICKET, For Supreme Judge, F. A. MOORE. For Attorney-General, LIONEL R. WEBSTER. For Member of Congress (Second DiBtrict), W. It. ELLIS. For Circuit Judgo (Seventh District), GEORGE WATKINS. For Prosecuting Attorney (Seventh District), W. H. WILSON. For Member State Board of Equalization (Sev enth District), JOHN L. Ll'CKEY. For Representative, J. N. BROWN. For County Judge, ANDREW ROOD. For County Clerk, T. C. AUBREY. For County Sheriff, N. R. M'VEY. For County Treasurer, W. J. LEEZER. For County Assessor, WALLACE W. SMEAD. For County Surveyor, ISA BROWN. For County School Superintendent, W. L. BALING. For Countv Commissioner (Full Term), D. N. HARDMAN. For County Commissioner (Short Term), JOHN HANDY. For County Coroner, T. W. AYERS, JR. PRECINCT TICKET. For JuBtlce of the Peace, Heppner, Mount Ver non ana Gentry rrecincts, F. J. HALLOCK. For Constable, Heppner, Mount Vernon and ueniry rrecineuj, HARRY PHILLIPS. H.BIackman&Co., -DEADEK8 IN General Merchandise! WE ARE STILL SELLING OUT our stook of Gener al merchandise, but to make it more complete, we have purchased a stock consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Furn ishing Apparel, Etc., That will be sold at greatly reduced prices for cash only. Call and investigate and we will be pleased to wait on you. No trouble to show goods. Pioneer Brick Siore. - plain SW, low. O WONDERFUL REMEDES 33 1-. &H-A.3rT'S OIjOAIjO. 3- THE GREAT DYSPEPSIA CONQUEROR. Will positively cure Dyspepsia and all its kindred aiftnenti. Every bottle sold on a Punitive Guarantee to elloet a cure or money refunded. Retail price, 11.01). Dr. Grant's Kidney and Liver Cure. For the cure of Bright'B Disease, Diabetes, Bilious ness, Kick-Headache, and all Kidney troubles KET.IL PEICE, $1.00. Dr. Grant's Byrup op Wild Grape Root. The great blood purifier and system tonic. Purely vegetable, and ia the productof Oregon Boll. Retail price, 1.0U. DR. GRANTS NATIVE DISCOVERY. The Great Female Remedy ! For the cure of dlteases and complaint, peculiar to feinalea. Ke tail price, one dollar. SOLI) TJrJDKB k POSITIVE GUAHANTKK. Prepared By The O. W. R. Manf. Co., 815 Front Street, rortlnnrt, Oregon, For Sale by all Druggists. T 1HE PLACK TO COFFIN & Collin & McFarland can give you bargains in anything. Say, a car load of Oliver Chilled Plows, consisting of Gangs, Sulkey and Walking Plows, to arrive booh. But don't forget that we can supply you with anything you want, In Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and Tin ware, at wholesale and retail. COFFIN & McFARLAND, In the National Bank Building, HEPP1TEH, OEE301T. JHE QJTY HOTEL, W. J. XBBSelSI, 1TOI). rnHIS HOSTELRY has been Bbfittbd and Rkfuhihhko throughout, and now ia one of tbe most inviting places in with him, feeling that be is able to entertain you in the beet of style. r First Class House. IMxo Season DEMOCRATIC State, District and County TICKET. For 8upreme Judge, ALFRED S. BENNETT. For Attorney-General, GEORGE E. CHAMBERLAIN. For Momber of Congress (Second.DIstrict), JAMES H. SLATER. For Circuit Judge (Seventh District), W. L. BRADS HAW. For Prosecuting Attorney (Seventh District), J. F. MOORE. For Member State Board of Equalization, (Sev enth District), WILLIAM HUGHES. For Representative, J. C. THOMPSON. For County Judge, JULIUS KEITHLY. For County Clerk, J. W. MORROW. For County Sheriff, GEORGE NOBLE. For County Treasurer, J. W. MATLOCK. For County Assessor, R. L. SHAW. For County Surveyor, D. W. JENKINS. For County School Superintendent, R. W. TURNER. For County Commissioner (Long Term), J. M. BAKER. For County Commissioner (Short Term), ALLEN EVANS. For County Coroner, T. W. AYERS, SR. PRECINCT TICKET. For Justice of the Peace, Heppner, Mount Ver non and Gentry Precincts, W. A. KIKK. For Constable, Heppner. Mount Vomon and Gentry Precincts, J. J. ROBERTS. Dr. Grant's Wonder Oil. Tho great rheu matic cure. Retail price, 50c. Dr. Grant's Cholera and Diarrhoea Cure. Retail price, due. Dr. Grant's Magic Pain Curb. The great household remedy; an internal and external remedy. Retail price, 25 cts. 474-lijr-f. J r BUY IS AT McFARLAND'S I Heppner. Mr. Ijeezer invites you to stop Reasonable Rates, For Fruit has Arrived and we are in the business to supply you. Is about ripe. We will let you know about that in tho near luture, W. L. Matlock & Co. A Conglomeration of Ideas and a Concatenation of Events Has induced us to put in the Largest nn t n Ever Placed before I Appreciate this Fortuities Hatien And you will be the blessed possessor of some Real Bargains. Also constantly on Goods, Clothing, Groceries and Provisions, Guns, Pistols, Ammunition and everything else pertaining to a well selected stock in a General Merchandise Store. MINOR HEPPNER, Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAT STREET, HEPPNER, OR. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND Made on Suoat Notics Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. O. E. FAKNSWORTir, Prei. E. O. SPERRY, Vice Pre). E. R. BISHOP, Treasurer. T. E. FELL, Secretary and Manager. Tie Morrow County Land & Trust Company CAPITAL STOCK, $100,000.00. PAID UP, $25,000.00. Incorporated 1888. General Coin and tab kits. DEALERS IN GRAIN, LUMBER, WOOD. Operating Warehouses at Heppner, lone and Douglas, on the Heppner Branch of the U. P. B. if. STOOKIIOIjDBnB J. A. Thompson, 1. A. Herren, Kclwiird 1MV, Win. Pculand, Thuron E. Full, W. K. KUIott, J. A. Woolery. N. A. Kelly. O. E. Fumsworsh, Nelson Jones Kd. K. Bishop, Kd. 8. Cox, J. K. Friek, O. T, Douglas, K. G. IT 18 the purposo of the stockholders of this company to conduct Its business In n manner mutually advantageous to all wool and grain producers of this section, tiud to maintain tho favorable home market which it has established. During tlie comiuir wool season wemillcit the busiuess of all wool growers aud request nanMiuiinu. storage capacity ol any other warehouse iu Kits The Wool Growers' Warehouse. The Lancashire Insurance Co. W. PATTERSON, AGENT OnoottheUo.tlnthe Worl.1 JLHU IUUBUUIU OlUlllUIl I rattTrQi YonNa Top Gallant is a Dark Dappled Hay, with zh 51 " f white in face; both bind feet white; weifrlit about 2,000. Wbb sired by Fear Not (2100)0. by old Lord Haddon (3572) O. 8. 1), of 'TIS RMS I Season, 810, Will insure the mare with foal and if not with foal this season, will bread the season of W.!3 free of charge. In the mean tune if I should sell my stallion and the mare be not with foal, I will refund the 810. Those breeding an have service of stallion till October 1, "J2 by coming to my residence. Will wait till Oct. 1, 2 for the money if onHtomers I). B. 479-9L First prize at the World's Exposition. First in Material and Workmanship. First in the estimation of all practical farmers. WALTER A. WOODS MOWERS, RAKES, REAPERS AND SELF-BINDERS. Never equalled for Durability, Exeoution anil Lightness of Draft combined. P. C. THOMPSON COMPANY, AGISTS. tf. Coruor Mam aud Willow Streota, Ueppuer Oi Stock of the Annnnm GLOVE til 1 FITTING The Public Gaze hand a full stock of Dry BROS., OREGON. PARTY CAKES and at Popular Pricks. T. C. Thompson, Nathaniel VVelib, John L. Ayers, JiuiicH Jones, A. B. Clml'man. Sperry, Anson Wright, them to send their ulip to the "Wool Growers' ter u Oregon, well lighted for the display of wool 1 0 miiT Will Htand the Heaxon at the FollowinK l'larea: On Mondays and Tuesdays, Morrow Sia lic, Heppner; Wednesdays and Thurs days, Tom Barnetl's Stable, Lexington; balance of time at my ranch, 5 1-2 miles southeast of Heppner. 8. B. of Great Britain; Dam, Nell (10HO), Great Britain. so desire. STALTEll, HEPPNER, OREGON. r.